英语口语考试 材料


英语口语考试 材料(精选6篇)

篇1:英语口语考试 材料

A:Many students are considering about what they should do after graduating from school.What do you think about it?

B: I would like to find a job to travel throughout the world to gain personal experience.A: I don’t think it is a good idea.B:why do you think so?You can not only expand my horizons but also earn a living.A:oh.Don’t you think it is dangerous?No friends, no family in a strange country.That must be a horrible life.B:Oh, that’s right.That means I have to deal with many problems on my own.So, what’s your idea?

A: I don’t have any idea yet.My parents want me to work for a few years before postgraduate study.But I want to go to further study right after graduating from college.B:You still have two years to think about it.Don’t you think go abroad is also a choice?You can develop yourself with the advancedteaching methods in those modern schools.A:yeah.Whatever.We must work hard now to achieve our goal.B: you are right.A:Many people are considering about what kind of people are beautiful.What do you think about it?

B: I think the thinner the better.A: Why do you think that?

B:Because the thin person give us a feeling of diligent and energetic。But on the contrary,the fat person give us the feeling of lazy and decadence.A:oh.I can’t agree with you at all.B:Are you serious? The thin person looks so beautiful.So Why do you think so?

A:In my opinion, the thin person seems easy to get sick,the most beautiful person must be healthy but not only thinner.B:Yeah,you are right.I should change the view to the real beauty.A: so just get more exercise to be healthy and you will be more handsome.Live to work or live to enjoy?you are required to present your opinion to your partner

Acan you tell me what’s the meaning of life

Byeah, I define my life is live to work.I am willing to devote all my time and efforts to work.Awhy do you think so?I think work is so boring.and we should live to enjoy

BLiving in a highly competitive society, we need torealize our life values by workingSo I want to say that I will choose live to work as I’m young.Abut I think work just play asmall part in my life.I will pay main attention to my family and life.BI admit family is important, so I would like to earn more and more money in order toafford my family.Ado you have enough time to enjoy your life, if you spent more time for job.Byes, I earn money by work and have fun from work.Aoh our attitudes of life are vary.butwhichever we choose, it’s fine try our best.Byeahyou are right

篇2:英语口语考试 材料

This document presents(介绍)a systematic approach for tendering and awarding of contracts(签订合同)for international construction projects.It is intended to assist the employer / engineer to receive sound competitive tenders(公开投标)in accordance with the tender(招标)documents so that they can be quickly and efficiently assessed.At the same time, an effort has been made to provide the opportunity and incentive(鼓励)to contractors to respond easily to invitations to tender for(投标)projects which they are qualified to implement.It is hoped that the adoption of this procedure will minimize tendering costs and ensure that all tenderers receive a fair and equal(公正与公平)opportunity to submit(提交)their offers(建议)on a reasonable and comparable(同等的)basis.确定采购方式与招标形式。在本文件的内容中,“项目”这个词包括从建设某一特定有形资产的初步构思,一直到雇主对竣工的工程最终验收这一过程中的全部阶段。


































Establishment of Procurement Method and Form of Tendering In the context(上下文)of this

document the word “project’ covers all the stages from the initial idea to construct a given physical asset(有形资产)to the final taking-over(接收)by the employer of the completed work.Projects may be organized and implemented in accordance with different strategies.Which strategy is best suited for the purpose depends on, for example, the nature and complexity of the project, the access to finance(融资渠道), life cycle(生命周期)costs of the projects, the technical and administrative capability of the employer and the general political and economic environment.The project strategy defines(规定)the way in which the project will be implemented, determines the role of each party involved and, where appropriate(适当处), specifies(指定)the way the project will operate.To a large degree contractual relationship(合同关系)between the parties and their individual rights, duties and risks are thereby also determined by the project strategy.At the implementation stage of a project, tendering serves as a method to ensure that the work is procured(获得)at competitive terms(条件).The choice of strategy is a major(较重要的)decision which has far-reaching consequences(深远意义).Once a strategy has been settled it is of great importance that it be followed(遵循)throughout the implementation of the project.Lack of(没有)strict adherence(遵守)to the strategy may lead to flaws in the procurement process(获取过程), resulting in claims(索赔), disputes(争端)and extra cost for all concerned.Any part of a project which can be covered by a separate contract may in principle(通常)be made subject to(根据)tendering.As soon as the project strategy has been decided, the employer, assisted by his engineer, should establish procurement methods and forms of tendering to be used in the project.The procurement methods and forms of tendering are established by determining:

(1)The parts of the project for which tenders are to

be sought(试图获得);

(2)The conditions of contract to be adopted;

(3)The award criteria;and

(4)The tendering procedure.Once these basic preconditions(前提)have been determined and agreed between the employer and his engineer, the planning of when and how the tendering can be carried out may commence.If, for unforeseen(无法预料的)reasons, changes in principle and form have to be made at

a later stage in the project the implications(含意)of such changes have to be considered and assessed carefully.Preparation of Programmes The tendering procedure, as described in this document, implies that certain activities have to be carried out in connection with(连同)each part of the project for which a separate tender is to be called(招标).It is important that these activities are carried out in a systematic and timely(适时的)manner.They should therefore be planned carefully and incorporated in(并入)the programme for the project.Normally, preliminary overall programme covering all major activities of the project is prepared in the initial stage of the project.As a minimum(作为最低要求), such programme should comprise the main phases of the project, that is:

Project definition

Tendering procedure




and should establish all milestones of significance in connection with(与..有关的)each phase.Calling tenders for a given part of the project should be carried out in compliance with(按照)the overall programme.In order to ensure this compliance(一致性), detailed programmes should be made for implementing the tendering procedure for each part of the project.As a minimum, these programmes should specify duration(持续时间)and deadlines(最终期限)for the following activities in connection with each potential contract.Preparation of tender documents

Preparation of prequalification(预审)document

Prequalification of tenderers

Obtaining tenders

Opening of tenders

Evaluation of tenders

Award of contract

Time should be allowed(留出)in each programme for the employer to make necessary decisions and give required approvals(批准).Further information about content and scope of each of these activities is given in the following section of this document.Prepration of Prequalification Documents General: Prequalification is recommended to ensure that tenders are sought only from contractors whom the employer / engineer has already established(确定)as having the requisite(必要的)resources and experience to perform the intended(预期)work satisfactorily.The aim of prequalification is to establish a list of capable(有可能的)firms whilst(同

篇3:英语口语考试 材料







1.浸软的菜豆种子 (大豆、蚕豆、花生等) 和玉米种子, 培养皿, 刀片, 解剖针, 放大镜, 滴管, 碘液。

2.检查实验用品是否完备, 举手向监考老师示意, 经老师同意后开始实验。



(1) 观察外部形态, 指出种皮和种脐;

(2) 剥去种皮, 用放大镜观察指出看到的结构。


(1) 观察外部形态, 指出果皮和种皮;

(2) 剖开玉米种子;

(3) 在种子的剖面滴一滴碘液, 用放大镜观察指出看到的结构。





这个实验, 要观察双子叶和单子叶两种植物种子的结构。单子叶植物已经规定用玉米种子, 没有选择性。而双子叶植物应选什么种子做实验材料?题目中提到三种浸软的菜豆种子:大豆、蚕豆、花生, 应该选哪一种呢?这要根据实验的目的和要求进行选择。

通过对种子结构的观察与分析可知, 选择个体大的蚕豆种子, 效果会更好。


要求:用凉开水将口漱净, 口内含一块消毒棉絮。约1分钟之后, 用干净的镊子取出棉絮, 将棉絮中的唾液挤压到小烧杯中。

这个实验成功的关键是取出唾液的量。考试中, 几分钟过去了, 有些学生取出的唾液很少。这样就浪费了实验的时间。怎样才能使学生在短时间内分泌出较多的唾液呢?实践证明, 在实验台上放置一草莓培养皿效果很好。学生看到酸甜的草莓, 就会发生条件反射, 唾液的分泌就会增多, 要求取2毫升, 有的学生可以流出20毫升唾液。



植物叶片的种类很多, 什么样的叶片既方便制作临时装片, 又便于放在低倍显微镜下观察呢?这就要选择较薄的叶片, 比如槐树叶片。经过实验, 发现选用洋槐树 (刺槐) 叶比笨槐树 (国槐) 叶要好。



在这个实验中, 很多学校选用韭菜叶片, 有的学生分辨不清上下表皮, 错取成上表皮。解决这个问题, 除了生活经验外, 还可以根据叶片的颜色来区分, 靠近上表皮的叶肉细胞因为叶绿体较多, 颜色深;靠近下表皮的叶肉细胞中叶绿体少, 颜色浅。将叶片从颜色深的面轻轻地向下对折, 从下表皮撕下一层透明的薄膜。

这个实验要看到清晰的保卫细胞和气孔, 成功的关键是选择哪种叶片。观察下表皮, 就要选择厚一些的叶片, 便于撕取下表皮。如下图, 海棠花叶片材料很适合, 既便于撕取, 气孔又特别明显, 学生制作装片和观察效果非常理想, 是非常好的实验材料。

篇4:英语口语考试 材料

【关键词】公共英语 口语 测试 方法



发音的正确清晰,是口语的第一关。如果语音不过关,开口讲话时底气不足,或难以听懂考官或对方的发音,听力受挫,交流就会变得更加困难。要突破语音关,首先要明白的单个音素发音方法,尤其是对英语中那些特殊的音素,一开始就要养成良好的发音习惯。如thanks 中th 的发音就是英语的一个特殊发音,这个音汉语中没有,许多人把它读作[s],这是不可取的。发这个音的要领是,舌尖应该轻触上齿下面的边缘,气流由舌齿间的窄缝泄出,摩擦成音。要过发音关,平时必须严格要求,一丝不苟地去练,进而还需要注意句子中出现的连读,失去爆破,重音和语调节奏等。如果有疑惑,要及时向老师请教纠正。



句型是在自己脑海中建立外语语境的重要一环。解决语音和词汇的同时,就是要积累大量的实用简洁的英语口语句型。掌握句型的要求是不但在大脑“贮存”足够的句型,而且要在使用时灵活“调取”。 PETS中每个级别的考试都包含有固定的话题与特定场景相应的特定句型。例如电话场景,商场场景,餐馆场景,机场场景和建议、请求、命令、安慰、指责、兴奋、愤怒等不同话题。因此,在平时的学习中要注意总结不同的场景中的各种表达方式,而且要做到口语流利,形成对特定场景做出快速的语言反应能力。掌握句型的方法首先是背诵和即席发言。熟能生巧,学习英语口语就需要不断重复,要利用每个机会来练习说。说得越多,重复越多,你就会越清楚地表达自己。研究表明,如果一个词语或句子被重复60遍,就成了母语。熟读是说的前提,只要读得通畅,才会说得流利。古话说,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,就是这个道理。熟练句型的第二个方法是即席讲话。讲话时不要拘泥于题目,如谈论家乡的话题,有的同学只说一句“…is my hometown”,下面就不知要谈些什么。实际上,可以扩展到许多话题。例如:家乡的气候、交通、街道、等方面,还可以将话题引入家乡的文化、名胜(或有趣的地方)、及家乡特产去谈论一番。即席讲话就是要求学生克服自卑与羞怯,Enjoy losing face,在轻松愉快的气氛中用英语进行交谈。




在历年的PETS口语考试中,我们也时有遇到过这样的情况,有些考生面对考试中考官问到某些信息知之甚少或一无所知,而格外紧张或尴尬。事实上,PETS中每个级别的口试,其核心都是互动技能与有效交流。互动技能是指口试主考官与考生之间、考生与考生之间交替进行产出与接受的轮回语言活动。通过双方合作性的交流,共同构建对话,并从中获取各自所需的信息,达到交流的目的。它的设计与评分标准,重点也是看考生的交际能力的强弱,辅以词汇量的大小、语法知识的掌握,以及语言传递的流畅程度。它的核心精神即利用语言这一交流工具进行有效交流,巧妙地回避矛盾、解决难题、达到目的。正因如此,口试教师对考生进行口试评分时,主要是考查考生的语言应用能力及语言的组织能力,而非考核考生在某个方面知识掌握程度的深浅或发表意见或观点本身的正确与错误。所以,考生大可不必为自己缺乏某种信息而紧张或尴尬。如确实无从回答,不妨试试这句话“I‘m afraid that this question is beyond me. Maybe you could offer me some information about this?”,或许它能帮你忙。


参考文献: 


[2]Think in American English ,王强,新东方英语,2003 年第1期. 

[3]全国英语等级口语教师培训指南,教育部考试中心,2003年3月 


China, India and Russia top the list of the world’s most polluted places, a study of global pollution yesterday found.


The three countries are each home to two of the world’s top 10 polluted sites, while the others are in Peru, Ukraine, Zambia and Azerbaijan.


Linfen and Tianjin are the worst polluted places in China because of poor air quality and the metal industry respectively. Sukinda and Vapi are the worst in India, the former because of mining and the latter from general industry. Norilsk, where metals are extracted, and Dzerzhinsk, home to weapons manufacture, are Russia’s most polluted locations.

铁匠研究所(Blacksmith Institute)发布了有关全球30个污染严重地区的报告。该组织表示,不太可能将十大污染地区进行排序,因为每个地区的污染形式不同,而且在其地理和人口方面也存在很大差别。

The Blacksmith Institute, which produced the report on the “dirty 30” most polluted places on the planet, said it was not possible to rank the top 10 in order because of the different forms of pollution in each place and because they differed widely in their geography and population.

铁匠研究所全球业务主管大卫?汉拉汉(David Hanrahan)表示:“这30个污染城市都对人类健康造成很大毒害。”

“All sites in the dirty 30 are very toxic and dangerous to human health,” said David Hanrahan, director of global operations at Blacksmith.

该研究所所长理查德?富勒(Richard Fuller)称:“事实上,这些污染地区的儿童正罹患疾病,(有些人)生命垂危,而目前还没有解决这些问题的先进科学。”

Richard Fuller, director of the institute, said: “The fact of the matter is that children are sick and dying in these polluted places and it’s not rocket science to fix them.”


Mining was found to be the most frequent cause of pollution in the dirty 30 but metals extraction, petrochemicals and other industries were also to blame.


The worst places for air pollution were Linfen, Lanzhou and Urumqi in China, Magnitogorsk in Russia and Mexico City.


The Dandora dump in Kenya made it on to the list for being the worst site polluted by urban waste.



Kashmira Gander

Eating mushrooms could lower a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer, scientists believe. However, experts have stressed no single food is known to lower a person’s risk of developing the disease by itself.

Researchers studied 36,499 men in Japan aged between 40 and 79 over a period of 13 years. The participants filled out questionnaires on their lifestyle habits, including their diets.

Those who ate mushrooms at least three times a week had a 17 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ate the vegetable once a week, according to the paper published in the journal International Journal of Cancer. This dropped to 8 percent in those who consumed the fungus twice a week.

The link was most obvious in men aged 50 or older. The association lingered no matter how many vegetables, fruits, meat or dairy products, the participants ate.

The researchers aren’t sure of the mechanism behind this link. They believe it could be due to some mushrooms, particularly shiitake, oyster, maitake and king oysters, contain antioxidants. Past studies also indicate the fungus has anti-cancer properties.

While there is no way to prevent prostate cancer, the authors wrote, past research has suggested eating a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits could cut the risk.

The authors also acknowledged their study was limited because the participants only reported how many mushrooms they ate at the start of the study, and this could have changed over time.

“This finding suggests that habitual mushroom intake might help to reduce prostate cancer risk. Further studies in other populations and settings are required to confirm this relationship,” they wrote.

Weilin Wu, a health information officer at Cancer Research U.K. who did not work on the study, told Newsweek: “Since not much is known about preventing prostate cancer, studies like this are intriguing. But we need a lot more research to back it up and explain any possible link before we can say that people should stock up on mushrooms to cut their prostate cancer risk.

“It’s unlikely that one single ‘miracle food’ will reduce the risk of cancer by itself,” he stressed. “And your overall diet is much more important than eating any one particular type of food. So instead of packing your shopping basket full of mushrooms, try thinking about having a range of vegetables, whole grains and fruits as part of a balanced diet and a way to help you keep a healthy weight.”

Ying Wang, a principal scientist in Epidemiology Research at the American Cancer Society who did not work on the study, told Newsweek food questionnaires are subject to error, and other unmeasured factors might explain the link.

“Readers should keep in mind that the evidence is still limited,” he said. “The finding in the Japanese population may not be expanded to other populations. Further studies are needed before providing dietary guidelines for prostate cancer prevention.”
