



Today some person has to work away from his family, what is the advantages and disadvantages? Give your opinion and some explanations of your experience.


You and your family are living in a rented accommodation in an English-speaking country, You are not satisfied because there are something wrong with the furniture. So write a letter to the landlord and ask how to resole the problem.



科技实验, 既具科技的特点, 又具实验的特点。给学生展示实验过程, 为学生提供写作素材, 是写作科技实验类作文的前提。但这种实验过程, 不同于单纯的化学实验和物理实验, 而是熔科学性与趣味性于一炉的发现型实验。

例如, 利用热胀冷缩的原理, 教师展示“铁球穿环”实验, 前后以鲜明的对比, 给学生形成视觉上的差异, 进而产生探究的欲望。某生在《铁球穿环之迷》中写道:

实验开始了。只见老师轻轻地捡起铁球, 对准中间的圆环, 铁球痛痛快快地穿了过去。我想:铁球比圆环小, 穿过去不是轻而易举的吗?这时, 老师好像猜透了我们的心理, 于是他点燃酒精灯, 将小铁球放在火上加热, 又重复以上的动作。啊, 怪了!这铁球好像生气似的, 驻足于圆环上方, 再也不愿钻进去。铁环还是那个铁环, 铁球还是那个铁球, 同学们愣住了。随后, 老师像魔术师一样, 迅即将烧红的铁球放进一杯冷水中, 随着“哧——”的声音, 杯中扬起了清烟。老师不动声色地取出铁球, 同学们目不转睛地盼望奇迹的出现。啊, 铁球又乖乖地穿了过去。

这里, 既写出了铁球几次穿环的变化, 又写出了同学们的悬念迭起的心理, 将知识性与趣味性合二为一, 激起了学生猜想的欲望。因此, 实验过程的展示既要体现过程性, 又要体现对比性。从而, 让学生在具体的过程中有序观察, 在事物的对比中有效思考。


实验的目的在于启发学生在观察中思考, 在思考中发现。如, 苏教版六年级 (下册) 《夜晚的实验》, 意大利科学家斯帕拉捷观察蝙蝠何以在夜空中自由自在地飞行便是一例。斯帕拉捷通过实验, 排除了蝙蝠夜间飞行凭借眼睛、鼻子、耳朵的几种可能性, 发现蝙蝠在夜间飞行, 捕捉食物, 原来是靠听觉来辨别方向、确认目标的。这个实验很有启发性。以致后来人们终于弄清了其中的奥秘。文中写道:“原来, 蝙蝠靠喉咙发出人耳听不到的“超声波”, 这种声音沿着直线传播, 一碰到物体就像光照到镜子上那样反射回来。蝙蝠用耳朵接收到这种“超声波”, 就能迅速作出判断, 灵巧地自由飞翔, 捕捉食物。”

因此, 实验的启发性随着学生科学知识的积累会日臻完善。虽然我们并不要求学生像科普作家那样揭示科学实验的科学奥秘, 但是, 我们必须让学生形成探究的科学兴趣, 产生自身的内心感受。在进行科技实验类写作训练中, 将这种内在的感受流淌于字里行间。

如习作《蝙蝠的自我介绍》, 作者根据搜集到的有关信息以第一人称的写法, 推介了蝙蝠的特点。文中写道:

我还想悄悄告诉你一点秘密。我的视力很弱, 然而我的听觉极为敏锐。当我展翅高飞的时候, 喉内能发出一种超声波, 当这种特殊的声波遇到昆虫或其他障碍物时, 它就迅速返回, 我根据耳朵接收到的情报, 就能够准确无误地判断出昆虫的方位和距离。

这里, 小作者写得饶有兴味, 又不失其科学性。而这种科学性的启迪源自知识的拓展, 源自科学的探究, 源自生活的积累。


科技实验类作文的语言, 不同于成年人写实验报告, 不需要过严的限制语, 只需要用通俗的语言, 深入浅出地说明一种科学的道理, 从而体现语言表达的趣味性。如, 苏教版四年级 (上册) 中的《奇妙的国际互联网》就是寓深奥于浅显的范例。文中在介绍国际互联网时用想象与联想的方法, 以通俗的比方说明国际互联网的特点。“你可以想象一下, 假如有一只巨型的蜘蛛, 织成了一张团团包住整个地球的‘大网’, 那该是怎样的情景啊!国际互联网就像这张包住地球的‘大网’。不过, 这张‘网’是通过无数条‘线’把亿万台电脑连接起来的。”关于国际互联网的特点非一言所能蔽之。但是, 作者抓住了国际互联网的本质特点, 以联想来拓展学生的思维空间, 以打比方来调动学生的生活积累, 把深奥的科学术语化解得通俗易懂。这种趣味横生的语言有助于打开学生的思路, 激活思维的涟漪。因此, 在指导学生语言表达时, 要以范文引路, 深钻细研, 发挥学生的想象能力, 在类比联想中揭示科学的道理。





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Good habits result from resisting temptation.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

审题:本题中的名言出自美国著名钢琴家、幽默作家Victor Borge。这句名言本身不难理解,因为它说的是一个生活经验,意思是微笑能够拉近人与人之间的关系。





1. 列举事实


Deforestation is a good case in point. Trees give us the oxygen we breathe, the paper we use and the fruits we eat. But forests—the cradle of many civilizations—have been shrinking at an alarming rate. Man has been ruthlessly cutting down trees to meet his insatiable appetite for timber, firewood or farmland, contributing to the greenhouse effect which scientists believe could be disastrous for human beings if we do not stop this insanity.

2. 讲述故事


Take David Liu, 50, my immediate superior, who is now as fit as a fiddle. But who knows he used to be a sickly man, sometimes coughing so badly as to gasp for breath? It was all because of his heavy smoking. He decided to embrace a healthy lifestyle half a year ago. It was no easy job for him, but he overcame the temptation to smoke and has become alive and kicking.


Let me share a personal experience. One awful morning, everything went wrong: the alarm clock broke down; I got up late; I hurried to work, only to find the key left in my room after slamming the door shut. You can imagine my frustration. On my way to work, I tried smiling to cheer myself up. I forced a big smile on my face. It was a hard task for me at first as I was down. But it worked! Every person I smiled at smiled back. Some nodded, some flashed a grin, and some commented on the weather. By the time I got to the office, I was a happy man again.


Some people believe that “earlier is better”. On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good foundation for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge. On the other hand, it may also make it possible for parents to return to the workforce earlier and reduce childcare costs.

Other people, however, argue that there will be negative consequences if children are forced to receive formal instruction at too early an age. This argument calls for an extension of informal, play-based preschool for the start of formal schooling to be delayed until the age of six to seven. If children are brought into school very young and then they are asked to behave in ways they cannot, they may become problem children later. Abundant evidence has shown that many of improper behaviors stem from starting school too early. In the interests of children’s academic achievements and emotional well-being, these evidence should be taken seriously.

In conclusion, although some people think that children should start formal schooling at four to five, others believe that it should be delayed until six to seven. The decision depends on each country’s primary-school educational policy. In many parts of the world, this issue continues to be debatable about which policy is more likely to pay off.

(289 words)







1. For different purposes, the formal school starting age varies from country to country, ranging from four to seven.


2. On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good foundation for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge.





Task2: Creative artists should be given weth freedom to express their ideas(words,pictures,musics and films .however some people think govenment should take some restriction weth them.to what extent do you agree or disagree this opionion.give your reasons with own knowledge and give examples.

小作文是到1996澳大利亚国际学生的学习的情况(SUBJECT) 曲线图


一些家长认为Boy and girl study together好,others 认为不好,discusse and give your opinion!

Task1. You live in a rented apartment inside a building, You keep your bicycle on entrance hall of the building, and your neighbors complain it to the caretaker, now you write a letter to caretaker:

1. explain your situation

2. the reason you have to keep the bicycle

3. give your solution to this problem

Task2. The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home

agree or disagree

TASK 1:你有一个朋友要来和你一起度假,但不巧你不能等他。


TASK 2:许多国家都不再穿自己民族的传统服装。有人认为这将



GDP growth in 3 countries: united states, Japanese ,rest of Asia:

GDP:a mesurement to a wealth by a country


美国:95―99没大变化,基本稳定,但99到2001 从4%划落到1.7%

其余亚洲:95-97 约8%年增长,97-98 剧烈下跳,跌到-0.2%,99-是恢复期,2000时达6%,2001基本不变



现代经济依赖妇女出去工作,政府是否应该给他们提供免费的facilities and staff.

More and more women go out to work. It is responsibility of government to provide staff and facilities for children of working mother, free of charge. To what extent do you agree or disagree.





(1) 开头段直接提出自己的观点:体育比赛中,身体和态度都很重要。

(2) to achieve success 取得成功

(3) ultimately 最终地

(4) make a big (huge) difference 决定胜负;决定成败;制造一个巨大的差异

(5) invariably 总是

(6) interplay 相互作用


The fittest and strongest individuals and teams have the most competitive edge to win. Certainly, the physical factors are key to victory in any sport event. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph. The same is also true to team sports like football and basketball. The winning team is always made up of players who have better physical conditions. So improving physical strength is undoubtedly the first thing that individuals and teams must do if they want to succeed in sports.




(2)competitive edge 竞争优势

(3)triumph 获胜

(4)to be made up of 由......组成


That said, the other half of the success story in sports is closely associated with the right mental attitude. Most successful athletes feel that their greatest asset is their mental ability along with their physical ability, rather than their physical ability alone. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit. So If individuals and teams believe in the right mental attitude, then nothing can stop them from achieving the success.




(2)that said 话虽如此;尽管如此

(3)asset 财富

(4)alone 仅仅

(5)make a comeback 东山再起


To sum up, in individual or team competitions, the body achieves what the mind believes. The two things are not mutually exclusive as both are needed to make the greatest success happen.




(2)mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3)make...happen 使......发生;实现


1. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference.


2. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph.


3. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit.


4. Physical strength and mental attitude are not mutually exclusive as both are needed to make the greatest success happen.



2019年1月5日场的雅思写作考试已经结束,本期的雅思大作文话题是体育更需要体魄还是心理素质?原题是:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


There is a common belief that players who achieve a perfect physique level would have better performance in sports competition, while others believe that strong-minded perseverance is the determinate factor. In my opinion, though fitness level is important, the most essential element should be mental attitude.


Being physically strong is crucial for a sport player. Many studies have shown that having a perfect physique level means that one can exert better power of explosive strength and endurance, and these attributes are required by many sports activities such as basketball and rugby. In addition, showing a quicker judgement is another ability exerted by those players, and this means that they may come up with efficient strategies and are capable of finding holes in the opposing defense.


There is no denying a fact that being mentally strong is also important in competitions. The most inspiring fact about the Paralympics is to convey to people that those who are physically disabled can also achieve greater success with the help of specialized trainings. In addition, perseverance means that a player is willing to contribute and control their emotions regardless of the pressure imposed by their opponents. These abilities ensure that a player is clear-minded and can make the right judgement, while refrain from irrational behavior towards opponent and referee. Also, being a clear-minded player ensures the flow of cooperation in team work, to some extent reducing mental pressure of the teammates while providing better strategies.


In conclusion, a person with a superior fitness level may achieve a greater success in competitions, but one cannot make an achievement without the ability to endure mental stress and the willingness to make an effort in teams.


2019年1月5曰雅思A类大作文高分范文 心理因素和身体因素哪一个对于体育的成功更重要

2019年1月5日的雅思大作文话题有关社会文化,题目是心理因素和身体因素,哪一个对于体育的成功更重要?In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh its disadvantages?本期范文来自雅思哥。


The relative importance of physique level and mental status is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to determine the possibility of achieving success in sports. personally, I that believe both of these two factors are of great importance for any athletes.


Obviously, modern sports system is based on the foundation that all the participants should have basic capability, that people without related skills can never face the challenges. So from our own sports experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a good physical condition is necessary for succeeding in sports. After all, no one would expect an overweighed individual to win a Marathon, unless he or she is against his fallows.


However, to admit the importance of having a good body does not naturally mean a good mental status is not as important. Actually, we can see many not-so-successful athletes are with impeccable fitness and strength—it is the ability of communication, cooperation, and facing difficulties that separates those extraordinaries from the public. In other words, the greatest athletes are supported by the entire team, which never only comes from a perfect body.


I personally think that physical conditions do value considerably in pursuing success in the sport fields. Such factors can give people advantages in play: to run faster, to jump higher, sometimes even to go against physical laws. But, as many other things, physical conditions and mental status are not mutually exclusive. The value of the greatest athletes who can bring victory in critical situations shines when he or she is able to inspire, to stimulate, and to encourage the whole team, as history has shown repetitively.


In conclusion, I agree that good shape of body is the foundation of succeeding in sports, but to secure that victory, mental strength is required.


(1) argument ---- to what extent do you agree or disagree; do you agree or disagree

(2) discussion ---- discuss both these views and give your own opinion

(3) pros and cons ---- do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages; do you think the positive effects outweigh the negative effects

(4) development ---- do you think it is a positive or negative development

(5) report ---- causes, effects, solutions



本题属于科技类话题。该题也是科技类话题的经典例题之一,讨论科技与人们日常生活和工作的关系。考生在思考论点时可以围绕题目中给出的 “shop”, “work” 和“communication” 这几个层面入手;此外,论点偏向好处更好写一些。

paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述远程办公和交流的好处。(1.节约员工的时间;2.扩大朋友圈和缓解相思之苦)

paragraph 3: 论述网络购物的好处。(1. 快速便捷 2. 更多购物选择)

paragraph 4: 论述缺乏面对面接触的坏处。(1.缺乏现实交际技能)



There is no denying that more detailed and in-depth reports can be gained from newspapers because a rigorous censorship system is applied to ensure accuracy of the news. In addition, some readers, especially elderly citizens, may get accustomed to reading newspapers mainly because they are not familiar with the functions of electronic gadgets or mobile devices. However, this traditional mode is being challenged by the emergence of new media or might even lose its dominance.


On the other hand, more benefits can be brought by the prevalence of the Internet. Firstly, global recipients can immediately get informed of what is happening worldwide for the recognition that online news can be transmitted without geographical boundaries, so to this date, people are able to browse the international news with the greatest of ease. Moreover, compared with newspapers inundated with printed articles, sounds and videos online can better convey information and facilitate perception of audience. Furthermore, online reading is not only time-efficient but more environment-friendly, which saves the time of printing and distribution. By contrast, the newspaper industry, being complicated for news to be edited, published and issued, is also a heavy polluter and large consumer of wood resources.


In summary, although newspapers will continue to serve as an important means to provide information, with the universal access to the Internet, a rising number of people have been turning to reading on the web.



Task 1




The map below shows the Road System as it is now and proposed changes in future to reduce the number of accident. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.






You bought a TV a week ago but when you got home you discovered it did not work properly.You called customer service to report the problem but you have not yet received any help.• introduce yourself • explain the problem • and state what action you would like from the company 考生原文

My name is Wang Xin, I live in China and I am 40 years old.Yesterday, the manager of ‘Pen-pal Online’ gave me your address, he said that you are open-minded, easy-going and willing to help others, so I am writing this letter to you to acquire some advices.After finished a huge project, database management program exactly, I want to have a vacation this summer.Some friends told me that your country, England, is a good choice.There are many scenery spots and a great variety of historical sites, the costals built in the 11th century is my favour.Although I have enjoy them thousands time via the TV or the internet, I want to touch them myself this time, breathe the fresh air and visit Stonehenge.How amazing it is!I have booked the airline ticket from Beijing to London on July 15th.If it is more convenient to you, I think we can meet each other during my vacation.I will stay in London for 2 days, so if you have time, please contact me at July 16th or 17th.Maybe we can talk about Shakespeare and have a dinner together.I am very happy to make a new pen-pal from England and eager for your reply.Best regards, Wang Xin 批改 by Angela令狐


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