














1.A good/qualified teacher can impart or input/convey knowledge into your mind rather than cram it, which is the basic function of teachers.Teaching is the most direct and straightforward way to convey knowledge.2.An excellent/senior teacher can act as a bridge between students and their dilemmas/problems/ills/uncertainties/weaknesses.By referring to//consulting teachers or having face-to-face communication with teachers can you solve your problems more efficiently and effectively.You can even make friends with teachers, which can encourage your studying motivation and initiative, thus forming/cultivating/mastering a sensible learning habit and self-study method.(interaction)The ultimate goal of study is to learn how to study

3.A superlative/sophisticated teacher can be a facilitator or mentor who will enlighten/sparkle students//explore your potentials and provide guidance and orientation as a beacon/light house/torch/compass, paving the road/way for your development in the society.They are spiritual friends and soul mates.老师的作用:

The specific functions of teachers:

1)Teachers can be a supplementary instrument of parenthood.After all, young kids may stay longer with teachers than their parents in kindergartens or nurseries.Most children take teachers as their idols, even more superior to their parents.2)To be frank, teachers treat students more fairly than parents.They neglect the blood hood or family affection, which is conducive to the cultivation of students’ social responsibility or humanity.3)Teachers can be everywhere.We can learn from each of our peers, no matter how close or separate we are.Parents are unique, but teachers can be versatile.Advantages of knowledge:

1)You have to lay a solid foundation of knowledge//build up/enhance/consolidate the

cornerstone of knowledge to keep up with the Joneses/tide, without which you will be deprived of your core competence or specialties(cup of tea)//your core competence will be watered down/deteriorated and you will feel disadvantageous among your peers, thus eliminated by the society.It cannot be denied that accumulation of knowledge or qualifications, as prerequisites and necessities for survival in the competitive world, is conducive/beneficial/wholesome/crucial to your career development and path.Elites are the

framework of society.Knowledge entails innovation(updating and upgrading), lack of which your “cheese”(Current achievements)will be moved easily and for all.Once you are satisfied with your current situation or achievements, you, on the verge of collapse, are bound to lose enthusiasm/zeal/drive/motive for further development, thus encaged/imprisoned/bogged down in the pyramids of stagnancy//bury your head in the sand until the goldmine you are sitting on turns into an active volcano and bursts you up.经验的好处:

1)Experience is the mirror/criteria of checking the accuracy/validity/practicality/feasibility of knowledge

2)poses the counter-effect on knowledge.反作用:

1)clear purpose of learning Only after acquiring certain experience can you know clearly which aspect of knowledge you are in urgent need of.After all, people’s energy is limited.We cannot really wander in the world of knowledge without knowing where the entrance is.Thus, having a clear purpose of absorbing knowledge is like a GPS system, which can help you find a definite objective without much effort.2)more efficient way of absorbing knowledge with more cognition You can absorb knowledge more efficiently with some experience acquired.You can acquire something from different perspectives/angles MBA study Master of Business Administration Conclusion: Only after converted into experience can knowledge yield social value and utility.高频考题:

# 少小离家/出国留学/移民/远离父母/“吃苦”夏令营的好处:

1)hard capabilities:

Broaden/widen/enrich/nourish/nurture one’s perspective/scope/periscope/spectrum

benefits of knowledge

benefits of experience

2)soft capabilities:

@life independence=live by your own psychological independence=make your own decisions, not subject to exterior environment/stand on one’s own feet/self-reliance

@Intelligence Endurance=persistence Laboriousness Tactfulness Adaptability to fit in with the local community

3)Super capabilities:

@enlarge your personal network through socializing with your peers and build up alumni your image alumni

@ locate and orientate your character for career planning by SWOT analysis

When you come to a new and strange environment, you will be more exposed to your true self and more clear about your potentiality, discarding the hidden artificiality beneath the genuine one.Thus, the true image will be clearer for you to decide which path you will take, saving the unnecessary trouble to locate the personality and character in career development.少小离家/出国留学/移民/远离父母/“吃苦”夏令营的坏处:

1)lower your studying efficiency.Lacking in social experience to separate the sheep from the goats, the young adults may meet with malfeasance, thus suffering from the setbacks after entry

into the society.2)easily mentally distracted/absent-minded, because most young adults are in adolescence, overcurious about the outside world.Any fresh things may disturb them from routine study

3)What’s even worse, some of them may go astray to commit crimes, leading to the higher rate of juvenile delinquency.Flexibility reaches its peak when people just graduate from university and join in the workplace fresh and new.However, it deteriorates once you become accustomed to the work pattern and fit in the working environment.Thus, achievement of practice and expertise is, to some extent, at the cost of flexibility and ingenuity.When you are not a fish in the pool, you have become sort of sophisticated。


1)natural or social issues

2)social evils

整体写作思路 缺东西、缺东西、缺意识

1)政府(机构、国家)缺乏硬件设施 交通/通讯设施/自然资源 资金/投资 技术/科技 人才/专家/研究人员等





1)AUTHORITIES The underprivileged / underdeveloped/poverty-striken countries lack necessities and prerequisites for development such as convenient transportation and communication network, sophisticated technology, profuse/abundant investment and capital, and high-leveled talents and elites, which hampers them from rapid and sustainable development.2)INDIVIDUAL The underprivileged/developing countries lack awareness and consciousnessfor a sustainable and comprehensive development.Most developing countries progress and “prosper” at the cost of natural resources, ecological loss, even instability of financial maneuver, thus slowing the pace of development in the long run.3)Historical perspective: The happiness of the developed countries is based on the misery of developing countries.So they develop at different starting levels.Economic perspective: Since the essence of globalization is centralization, which means wealth is in the hands of a few groups/minorities, this shows that as long as globalization exists, it will widen the gap between the minorities and the mass.Political/military perspective: Superpower imposes hegemony/sanctions on the small and middle powers, curding// intervening their development with unfair treatment.4)lack material, skills, network, education


Should policemen carry the gun?

Should the capital punishment be adopted?

Should children be punished physically?

Should the pedestrians be fined?

赞成:1)a warning to//deter the possible criminals;a sense of relief to the citizens

2)protect the citizens concerned and the police staff to avoid more severe consequence raise their sense of social responsibility

反对3)The government should first improve the police staff’s proficiency in handling the on-the-spot crimes and emergencies by allocating more revenue to the social security agency, equipping them with more sophisticated weapons or communicational facilities and giving them a better training or moral education.Without preliminary consolidation of police’s abilities, policemen with gun would rather be a social threat to society.In USA, crimes conducted by police is an existing thorny problem.Prevention is better than cure.Gun is just the ultimate symbol of punishment.Polishing the legal mechanism is the key to guaranteeing the social security.Furthermore, more severe punishment such as lengthening sentences will be a warning to the frequent law-breakers.Raising the citizens’ A&C for supervising the social security altogether is a routine task for all levels of government.Only by collective and coordinative force can the crimes be utterly alleviated.科技类话题:


1)Labor-saving(money-saving)time-saving esp.for the dangerous/perilous/hazardous/accurate/precise and repetitive work, which is monotonous and tedious.Since, which can keep working or running for a consecutive long time, is emotionless and immune to tiredness, it will increase/enhance the efficiency and productivity of work.The time saved can be utilized for other purposes.Compared with their machine counterpart, people are liable to make mistakes, more vulnerable to stress and physical condition.2)can push back the frontier of science and technology(airline/aviation business)through innovation and ingenuity as an avant-garde.Each generation of product acts as the stereotype /milestone/by-product for their later innovations--descendents.坏处:

1)Relying on too heavily//Overdependence on will deteriorate the creativity, flexibility and self-motivation of humans, thus leading to the degradation of(human progress).S&T, as a mountain of cheese, can make people lost and lacking in motive for innovation.Knowledge

2)Since is devised or manipulated by human beings, once it malfunctions or breaks down, it will cause disastrous consequence or aftermath(economic loss, environmental pollution or life death).Sometimes is beyond man power, which will reach the opposite effect.高频考题:

Computer-based library:


1)inconvenient for computer-illiterates especially the aged

2)cyber security and piracy once attacked by hackers


convenient for the management of library labor-saving for the borrowers push back the frontier of library industry high-tech media(Multi-media)

versatile=wide range of resources and materials on the web, easily accessible with multiplied way of reading instant updating and upgrading Stimulate the appetite of readers for reading, thus

enhancing the utility of libraries


Cons: 1)less nutritious and tasty compared with natural food

2)low security food quality blended with chemicals(addictive)


Convenient(money-saving, labor saving, time-saving)for the consumers since we save the trouble of importing and transplanting the natural food from their places of origin.Local processing is also conducive to the locals through adapted taste or flavor.Eating some kinds of processed food with limited amount pushes back the frontier of innovative food research, since we may consume all natural food in one day due to environmental degradation and ecological deterioration.Raising people’s A&C for extinction of natural food through researching is really a must, which promotes the research of alternatives to natural food.应不应该用动物做实验?


1)Comparatively speaking, live animals are more easily available/accessible than human beings(their superlative counterpart).Though it is contrary to ethics, research with live animals helps promote S&T materially.2)After all, history proves many tremendous findings and scientific accomplishments are really the outcome of research using live animals, which pushes the back of the frontier of innovation in all fields of S&T, esp.in pharmaceuticals, biology, genetics and medical services.More and more people use the mobile phone or computer to communicate, and no longer write letters to each other.Some people think the skills of letter writing will soon disappear completely.Do you agree or disagree?

Importance of Letter-writing:

i.more emotional and personal way of communication with the receiver.ii.iii.avoid direct and instant response/feedback as a formal way such as declination of university application or business invitation letter.i.display and popularize the Chinese traditional culture through letter-writing.Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer.Do you agree or disagree?Pros of public museum

1)real beauty rather than artificial beauty—the value of arts and museum

2)place for preserving cultural relics and heritage

3)raise people’s A&C for art appreciation and historical experience replica meditation on With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them.What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How do old people be

encouraged to use this new technology?

1)convenient and labor-saving for them to communicate with their family, relatives and children

2)enrich their life esp.after-retirement

3)narrow the generation gap with young adults, thus the society

4)stimulate national GDP


Government allocate special fund for eliminating aged computer-illiterates Family

The aged raise their A&C for using modern technology






母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies.What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?






1)大学应当教授理论知识(theoretical knowledge)还是实践技能(practical skills)?

2)大学是应当把学生培养成合格的公民(a good social member)还是让他们自己得益(benefit as an individual)?




母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university,while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer.Discuss the two views and give your opinion.翻译:有人认为政府应该决定学生在大学应该学什么科目,但是另外有人认为学生应该被允许自己申请他们喜欢的科目。讨论双方并且给出自己的观点。












母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes(study material post,TV,Internet,etc.)to study at home,but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



远程教育好处:anybody,anywhere,any time;更少的学费;学习信息更新快。

远程教育缺点:缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction;缺乏教师的moral guidance;因为没有体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。








母题:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole.To what extent do you agree or disagree?







母题:Some school leavers travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university.What are the advantages and disadvantages?


提示:gap year好处就是各种能力的锻炼,例如增加实际操作经验、处理各种突发状况的能力;增长见闻。其缺点就是容易受到社会恶习的影响,误入歧途;尝到了不上学的甜头,不愿意或者是很难再重新适应学生环境。






母题:Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and teachers,while other people think children will not be well-prepared for their adult life if they are given too much control.Discuss both views and give your opinion.翻译:有人认为孩子应该遵守老师和家长制定的规矩,但是另外有人认为如果小孩从小被管得太多,长大之后会适应不了成年生活。讨论两方面并且给出自己的观点。





3)同龄人压力(peer pressure)的利弊?




“怎样写”涉及的问题很多, 无非就是交给学生一些写作知识, 训练学生写作基本功。通过运用一些应用性强的写作技巧来提高学生的写作水平, 从而达到获得高分这个最基本的目的。在雅思大作文的写作中我们会遇到三大类的作文题目:观点类、讨论类和问题类。如何完美地完成任何一类写作类型呢?需要从以下几个方面入手。

1.1 文章的选材与安排

文章确立了主题后, 通过日常的积累会在脑海中涌现出很多材料, 但是, 并不是每一个材料都在此文章是典型的内容并有很强的说服力, 这就需要考生对这些材料进行选择与安排, 这就等于给这些零散的材料一个完整而有生命的形式。虽然对材料的恰当的选择与合理的安排是最艰苦的工作, 但是, 正是有了这项艰苦的过程, 才使得文章的血肉即材料和骨骼即结构联结起来, 使文章成为一个紧密有机的整体。

1.2 文章的结构

在审题过后, 一旦确立了文章的中心论点, 接下来就需要对文章的结构进行确立, 结构是一篇好作文不变的中流砥柱, 合理而逻辑性强的结构有助于对论点的阐释和论证, 那么对雅思大作文的写作, 考生应该如何安排自己的文章结构呢?

在雅思考试中, 要求在有限的时间里完成250字的作文, 显然不是一件很容易的事, 这就需要考生有一套实战性很强的结构模式, 既有利于考生在有限的时间里完成写作任务, 又能够使考生简单而清晰地表达思想, 把要论述的内容讲清楚。在一些关于写作的参考书中, 四段式和五段式是最为常见的结构模式, 两者各有利弊, 通过在教学中对学生作文的批阅所反映出的问题, 我发现四段折衷式更适合学生在考场的发挥。原因很简单, 一般只有两种思路:一边倒的思想和采取折衷的态度。如果选用一边倒的写作思路的话, 在40分钟内写完至少250个词不是一件简单的事, 这是大多数从考场下来的考生共同的感觉。相反, 如果采取折衷的写法, 这就简单得多了, 我们都知道, 正反两方面的写作要比单方面的写作容易得多, 在有限的时间内凑足字数显然不是件难事, 所以选择折衷的思路是最佳的决定。那么是四段还是五段呢?如果采取的是五段式, 在考场情绪紧张的情况下, 把握不好会导致段与段之间关系混乱, 影响文章的连贯性和整体性。反之, 选择四段式就可以避免这个问题的出现, 这样写出的文章整体思路很清晰:第一段给出自己的观点, 第二段给出自己更倾向的那一方的观点并给出相应的论据, 第三段通过让步的手段, 提出自己不太倾向的观点并给出一定的论据, 第四段总结全文。通过这样的布局安排, 会给考官一个清晰的思路, 明确的思想。

1.3 文章采取多样性的句式

通过批阅学生的作文, 不难发现, 大多数学生存在这样的问题:大量使用简单句, 句型单调, 表达方式不够灵活, 这必然会影响考官的评分。写作中通过不同句型和句子结构的交叉使用, 能够增强句子层次感和节奏感, 使句子灵活、简洁、表意完整、丰富, 使文章更富光彩。经过在教学中总结经验和课下同学生进行交流相结合, 考生若想在考试中给考官一个好的印象而获得高分, 掌握三大句式是十分必要的。

1.3.1 强调句

在写文章时, 有时候需要突出或强调某个词、词组或句子, 这时就要用强调结构。强调句型有很多种, 掌握最基本的强调句对于每个考生来说是很容易的。

It is (was) …that和It is (was) …who这两种强调句式的意思为“正是…导致了…”。

例如:It is the traditions in Beijing that attract many foreign tourists.

It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person's personality and dictates how that personality develops. (这句是考官范文里面的句子)

1.3.2 虚拟语气

虚拟语气把动作当作一种只存在于讲话人想象中的“假设”或“推测”, 而不是当作客观现实中的真实事件。它表达的是怀疑、忧虑、推测、假设、想象或祝愿等。

例如:If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born. (这是考官范文中的句子)

If I were to do the work, I should do it in a different way.

1.3.3 定语从句

定语从句分为两种:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 (注意关系代词that是不可以用于非限制性定语从句的) 。

例如:He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday.

Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation.

1.4 连接词的准确使用

一篇文章的整体性和连贯性主要是通过连接词的使用来体现的, 所以, 正确地使用连接词可以有效地表达文章的思想。在一篇雅思议论文中, 对于考生来说, 掌握最常见的主句和从句的关系以及在每个关系中最基本的连接词是很有用的, 而且实战性也很强。例如, 因果关系, 对比关系, 让步关系, 举例关系等。

2 关于“写得怎么样”的问题

在这里“写得怎么样”主要是指评价一篇作文的写作水平。一篇文章即使有了充实的内容和精彩的词汇与句式, 但是, 如果文章中出现大量的语法错误, 仍然会影响考官对文章的评价, 所以对于一个刚完成的文章, 检查这一个环节是十分必要的。考生可以通过检查来修改文章中出现的错误或不足, 从而力争使文章达到最完美的境地。在检查的时候, 可以从两大方面着手。

2.1 从整体上看

文章是否有主题句, 主题句是一篇议论文的灵魂, 分论点是围绕主题句展开的, 不可偏离主题句, 与之无关的内容不应该在文章中出现。另外, 要注意各段之间的有机联系, 这一点尤其要在段首体现出来, 要注意各段的自然连接, 融会贯通。

2.2 从细节上看, 检查要细致

(1) 句子与句子之间, 段落与段落之间是否有恰当的连接词, 来保证思想能够连贯而流畅地表达。

(2) 单词的拼写。在作文中, 不可以写单词的缩写式, 另外, 文章当中的单词不可既有英式英语的拼写, 又有美式英语的拼写。正确的处理方法应是行文中统一地使用某一种, 而不是两者的混合。

(3) 语法是否正确, 包括名词的数、动词、时态、主谓一致以及介词的搭配等。

简言之, 写作是一个思维过程, 是一种言语交流, 是多种语言能力的综合反映, 它可以考察学生的组织能力、逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力, 同时, 也可以测量语言使用的准确性、流利性和合适性, 而这种能力不是靠一时之功而得的, 平时必须加强训练, 培养写作能力, 提高写作水平。


[1]文秋芳.英语学习策略论[M].上海:上海外语出版社, 1996.

[2]孙骊.英语写作[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997.

[3]吴建业.IELTS写作高分全攻略[M].北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司, 2004.

[4]新东方教育科技集团雅思研发团队.雅思写作胜经[M].北京:群言出版社, 2006.





再以老龄化话题为例。题目是“Should old men live with young people together, or should they live in the clubs for old men? Please discuss.”显而易见,该题目涉及的时代背景就是老龄化带来的社会问题。首段可由此切入主题,阐述我们正进入一个老龄化社会,这就无可避免地引出一个问题:老年人应与年轻人一起住,还是住养老院。


雅思大作文的话题都是实实在在的社会热点。因而,考生不仅要在备考写作方面下工夫,还要时刻关注社会热点,积累写作论据。在备考的过程中,考生还要注意积累各类话题的规范英文表达,例如cultural diversity (文化多样性)、juvenile delinquency (未成年犯罪)、urbanization (城市化)、aging society (老龄化社会)等。



我们不妨再以上文的题目“Should the elderly and young live together, or should the elderly live in the facilities especially for themselves? Please discuss.”为例。该话题涉及的相关利益方包括the elderly、young people、facilities以及隐含的government(一般来说,只要话题涉及社会管理,都隐含着政府立场)。如果考生支持“老人与年轻人住在一起”,便可以从上述四个立场选择几个立场找论据。

首先,从老年人(the elderly)的立场来看,考生可以为自己的观点寻找到以下论据:①老年人和年轻家人住在一起可以享受到家庭气氛;②老年人在家还能发挥余热,照料小孩和操持适当的家务,从而避免产生退休后的挫败感(frustration)等。

其次,从年轻人(young people)的立场来看,考生也可以为自己的观点找到论据,例如:①老年人在家可以帮助年轻人照料孩子和操持家务,减轻年轻人的负担;②年轻人缺乏社会经验,有问题可以及时与老年人讨论从而得到启发等等。





Although currently people are free to use tobacco, some people think it should be made illegal as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?




1. 要求禁烟方的立场:题目中要求禁烟的一方认为应该像禁毒一样禁烟。我们可以就这一立场,通过比较毒品和烟草的差异来驳斥其观点。例如:

Compared with other drugs, say, marijuana, opium and heroin, tobacco is less hazardous to individuals or the society as a whole. The majority of drugs jeopardize human health, as well as social stability, while smoking is usually the individual’s freedom, as long as it poses no threat to others’ health.


If the manufacture and sale of tobacco is prohibited, the smuggling of tobacco, undoubtedly, will be rampant. The failure of the United States Prohibition of Alcohol is a case in point. The authorities prohibited the selling of alcohol by legislation, but that only led to the worsening of alcohol smuggling in the 1920s.

2. 反对禁烟方的立场:题目中出现了烟民的立场,认为“吸烟是个人自由”。我们的论证可由此展开,指出吸烟是个人自由,能起到提神醒脑、释放精神压力的作用。例如:

Many people, especially males, take it for granted that there should be something, such as tobacco, alcohol or sports, to unleash their psychological stress.




Exam by Chance

A young student reported for a final examination that consisted of only true/false questions.

The student took a seat in the hall, stared at the test for five minutes, removed a coin from his pocket and started tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet. Heads meant true, tails (硬币背面) meant false. The young student finished the exam in 30 minutes, while the rest of the class was sweating it out (苦熬,坚持下去).

Suddenly, during the last few minutes, the young student began desperately throwing the coin and sweating profusely (大量地).

The moderator, alarmed, approached the student and asked what was going on.


1 学生变异行为或态度的原因和改善

2 家庭小孩的惩罚教育是否有效

3 学生压力是否很大

4 父母是否应该限制小孩看电视玩游戏,应该看书学习

5 儿童的性格来自先天还是后天培养

6 儿童要学会竞争还是合作


A 理论与实践

1 知识和经验的重要性

2 为什么要上大学

3 大学理论和实践课程的关系

4 成功人士所需素质是不是必须从大学或相似的科研学术机构中学习

5 高中毕业的学生是否应该在去大学前要工作或旅游一年

6 高中生评估和挑战老师,会不会没有尊重没有纪律性

B 男女生问题

7 大学专业招收的学生男女比例是否应该协调
