Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思


Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思(精选6篇)

篇1:Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思

Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思 Teaching aims:(1)Knowledge aims: Let the students master the new words and patterns “faster than”、“shorter than”、“Let’s go„by„”.(2)Ability aims: Foster the students’ abilities of listening, speaking and singing.(3)Emotion aims:

① Be confident during studying English.② Learn to cooperate with others and communicate with their partners.③ The students will like to have this lesson.They will get fun from it.2 Teaching materials:(1)Important teaching points: airplane, train, fast, faster, slow, slower(2)Difficult points: …faster than… …slower than… Let’s go… by…

(3)Teaching aids: cards, tape, PowerPoint, a picture 3 Activity conception: TPR, group-works Teaching Process: Step1.Class Opening and Warm-up 1.Greeting

2.TPR: Sing a Song: The wheels on the bus go around and around.(设计意图:利用全身反应法,唱唱做做,提高学生学习兴趣,营造欢快的课堂气氛,并且为新授的交通工具做好铺垫。)1.Duty-report:

S1: Do you like Beijing? S2: Yes, I do.Beijing is the capital city of China.S1: Do you know something about Beijing? S2: Yes, I know Tian’an men Square, the Palace Museum.And I like to go shopping in XiDan.S1: Good!Do you want to go to Beijing? S2: Yes.I love to.(设计意图:根据事先布置的有关背景的Duty-report, 既复习了北京的名胜名景,又提高了英语口语表达能力,并且为本课埋下伏笔。)Step 2: Presentation I.Bus, plane or train? 1.Leading: T: Do you want to go to Beijing? S: Yes, I do!T: How can you go to Beijing? S: I can go to Beijing by bike, by car, by truck , by bus… T: Yes!Good work!(竖大拇指)And what else? You can say it in Chinese!S: 火车、飞机!

T:OK!Now we’ll study how to say them in English.(设计意图:既复习了学过的各种交通工具,又调动了学习新交通工具“train, plane”的兴趣。)(1)Using PowerPoint to teach‘plane, train’.(利用课件,即提高兴趣,又直观易懂。)(2)Drill.① Read the words on the word-cards as fart as they can.(看谁读得又对又快,调动积极性与竞争意识。)② Competition: Put the picture of transportation on the blackboard.Divide the class into Boys Group and Girls Group.Every time each group asks one member to come to the front to play‘Point’, as fast as they can.(设计意图:通过比赛,极大地调动了学生的积极性,加深了对单词的记忆。)II.Teach‘fast, slow’, ‘faster, slower’.1.TPR: Demonstrate“fast” and “ slow” by walking fast and slowly.TPR: T:Fast.(语速快,步伐快,课件出示单词)



S: Slow.(边做动作边读单词)2.Using PowerPoint to demonstrate “ faster than ” and “ slower than”.T: What’s this?(课件展示一架飞机)S: It’s an airplane.T: What’s this?(课件展示一列火车)S: It’s a train.T: Is a train faster than an airplane?(运用表情动作表达自己的意思,根据以前学过的older等形容词比较级,学生很容易理解。)S:No.A train is slower than an airplane.T: Is an airplane faster than a train.S: Yes.T: Yes.An airplane is… S: …faster than a train.T: Very good!3.Consolidation: Show the two different transportations that are different colours.Lead the students to try to say:

This is an airplane.It is blue and white.That is a green train.An airplane is faster than a train.I will go on a trip by plane„(设计意图:每次通过两种交通工具的对比,既复习了颜色、各种交通工具,又加深了对本科单词的记忆,锻炼了灵活运用语言的能力。)Step2:Let’s go by train.1.Tape.T: Notional Day is coming.Do you want to go to Beijing? S:Yes.T: How can you go to Beijing? Do you know how Li Ming goes to Beijing? OK, now we’ll listen to the tape.(让学生带着任务听录音,边思考边听,效果更佳。)1.Ask and answer.How will Li Ming go to Beijing? Why? 1.Game: 击鼓传花。Talk about Beijing and how will they go to Beijing, why?(设计意图:通过此游戏,极大地吸引了同学们的注意力,他们必须结合以前学过的知识迅速的组织语言,既紧张又有趣。)Step 3: Let’s sing a song.(1)

Ask the students read and do the actions after the teacher.(2)

TPR: Sing and do with the PowerPoint.(用全身反应法学习歌曲,再一次把本课推向高潮。)(3)

Group-work: Boys Group sings the words of Li Ming.Girls Group sings the words of Li Ming’s Mother.(分角色唱歌,更能提高他们的学习兴趣。)Step4: Homework: Ask the students to sing the song to their parents and talk about what they have learned today with them.课后反思:冀教版这套新教材给我们带来了新思想,也给我们带来了新要求。为了充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体作用,我认为教学首先应面向全体学生,注重素质教育;其次是应采用以学生为中心的教学思路,要设计以学生为中心的教学活动,但同时也应尊重个体差异;再次是要充分利用多媒体课件、图片、实物模型等,为学生创设听说英语的环境,运用灵活多样的教法,丰富课堂教学,活跃课堂气氛;第四点就是在课堂上尽量创设生活化的语言环境,提供生活化的语言材料,让学生感到他们学的就是生活中的点点滴滴,随处可见,再引导他们学以致用,这样他们才会觉得学得有意义,而有意义的东西学生学起来就容易,感兴趣,也能开发学生的多元智能、培养学生的综合素质。

篇2:Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思

《Our school》Lesson2教案设计与反思

《Our school》Lesson2教案设计与反思 一、教学目标与要求 1.能听懂、会说:“This is the teacher`s office. That is my classroom.”并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2.能跟唱歌曲“Our school”。 3.了解英美国家关于楼层的不同表达方式。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.本课时教学重点:让学生熟练掌握“This …M That is …”的用法。 2.本课时教学难点:this和that的发音以及在楼层表达中序数词frist,second的用法是教学中的难点。教师要通过情景让学生理解和掌握。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备该课时CAI 2.教师准备该课时相关单词卡以及图片 四、教学设计 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)师生互相问候。 (2)教师慢慢出示canteen 等词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词,注意指导“this”中“th”的发音。 2.预习(Preview) 教师播放本单元歌曲“Our school”,先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。 2. 呈现新课(Presentation) Let’s talk 教师首先和学生进行自由交谈,主题是DO you like our school ?( 你喜欢我们的学校吗?)鼓励学生用简单的句子作出回答(你们可以用1~2个英文单词来描述一下),即使只能说只语片言,教师也要给予表扬。顺着这一话题,教师说:Yes , ourschool is really very nice .Today the friend from America are coming to see our school. Chen Jie is showing our school .Let’s watch .有此导入新课。 (1)看与听 学生看Let’s talk部分的课件,教师提问题:How many places does Chenjie talk about? 引导学生边看边回答问题,问题可以在复习三年级所学的句子:How many…?中渗透。 (2)引导学生读Let’s talk部分单词`短语和句子,再进行模仿或跟读练习。在练习的过程中,将各个难点击破。first和second的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:T:What’s in the first/second picture? Ss: It’s a library/ ateacher’s office. 也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:T: The first card,playground; the second card, … 然后引导学生仔细观察课件图片,正确理解和运用短语on thefirst floor 和on the second floor. (3)再次让学生跟读对话,教师注意提醒学生this和that中“th”的发音要咬舌头,让学生比一比看谁读的最好最像。 (4)分组、分角色朗读及表演。教师给学生分组让学生自由朗读、表演,教师巡视指导。先让一些学习程度较好的学生进行示范性表演,以降低完全由学生自己表演的难度。然后请学生小组练习和表演。 3.趣味操练(Practice) (1)教师让学生进行抢答游戏:教师先出示课件图片,问学生:“What’s this ?/What’s that?”,引导学生用:“This is…/That is…”回答。 (2)教师还可以引导学生进行猜图游戏:一学生手举起其中一张图片背对其他学生面向黑板站立,另一学生依照图的提示做出动作,其余的`学生猜测图上表示的是学校的什么地方,用句型“Thatis the …”作答。 4.扩展性活动(Add-activities) (1)听Let’s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。 (2)分小组进行P5的对话练习。 (3)给爸爸妈妈介绍自己的学校(用This is …与That is …来介绍你的学校)。 板书设计: Unit 1 Our school playground  teacher’s office  library  garden  canteen first、second This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom. 教学反思 在我主讲的三年级英语《OUR SCHOOL》一课的第二课时中,旧知识导入、新句型练习和巩固等环节的教学层层深入,大部分学生掌握了该功能句,师生共同营造了活泼、愉快的课堂气氛。小结如下: 一、旧知识直观导入激发兴趣,新知识学习自然轻松。 在利用照片和单词卡复习了本单元单词后,我利用投影出示本课时的实录会话。让学生身临其境的感受会话内容,同时向学生提问适当提高了难度,当学生看到本课会话实录后,会很自然地了解用句型“Thisis…”和“That is…”来介绍学校,学生学习的兴趣一下被调动起来。 二、歌曲、实录等多种形式的新句型教学取得了较好的学习效果。 轻松导入新句型后,我利用投影会话、学生学具进行了大量的句型练习。学生由最初的只会单词不会句子,逐渐过渡到能读句子能对话,指名问、全体问让学生进一步掌握了新句型。再这一过程中,我用中文提问学生此句型的意思,虽然违背了英语课堂尽量用英语组织教学的原则,但是此方法却符合我校学生的实际,学生知道了中文意思,对句型的学习、运用还是有益处的。轻松的歌曲以及实物照片的引入、与学生进行问答,学生的学习情绪再次被调动起来,不仅巩固了旧单词和导入新句型新句型,而且活跃了课堂气氛。 三、课堂环节的临场处理有误,今后应提高教学能力。 由于太紧张的原因,在课堂上讲课环节上有个地方颠倒,以至于在后面的教学中没有衔接的那么自然,我将会在今后的教学中逐渐成熟。  











篇4:Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思





(1) 词汇:bank, hotel, put, money, sleep, during, vacation, doctor, clerk, near, drive, busy, store.

(2) 短语及句型:only child, high school, a lot, live with, drive to, be busy doing something, there be.

(3) 语法:名词所有格及人称代词的主格和宾格。















STEP 1. 情景导入

T:Yesterday was my mother’s birthday. All the people of my family got together to have dinner. Look! This is a photo of my family, can you find out where I am?

S: The teacher sits behind the old man.

T: Now, can you guess who the other people are?

S: I can. The oldest man must be your grandpa and the oldest woman is your grandma. Beside your grandparents are your parents. The younger boy is your brother. Am I right?

T: You are right. How clever you are!


STEP 2. 复习

T: Look at this photo. How many people are there in my family?

S: There are six people in your family.

T: What does my mother do? Can you guess?

S1:Maybe she is a doctor.

S2: Maybe she is a worker.

Practice the two sentences in pairs.

1. How many people are there in your family?

There are …

2. What does your father do?

He is a (an)…


Give the students some common jobs:

Teacher, Businessman, Nurse, Office worker, Builder, Factory worker, Salesman, Business Owner, Accountant, Shopkeeper, Farmer, Manager,Engineer, Doctor, Cook, Dentist.

STEP3. 词汇

Explain the new words and then ask them to fill the blanks on page 42.


STEP4. 阅读

1. T:You have known my family. Do you know Susan and Li Jun’s family? Let’s look at them together. Listen to the tape, and then answer the question:

What does Susan’s sister do?


2. T:Read after the tape sentence by sentence, and then read the text all by yourselves. After reading the text, please do Exercise A on page 43. I believe you can do it.


3. Read the text again and then fill the family tree.

1) Li Jun’s Family Tree

Grandfather + Grandmother =Father.

Father + Mother = Li Jun.

Father is a teacher and mother is a doctor.

Li Jun is a student.

2) Susan’s Family Tree

Father works in a hotel and mother works in a bank. Susan’s brother works at a store and her sister studies in a high school. There are five people in Susan’s family.

T: I know you have mastered the text. Let’s have a check. Turn to page 43. Do Part B. You may do it according to the text. You can also do it according to the family tree on the blackboard. I think the information on the blackboard is better. Try to do it.


4. 词组处理

T: I think this text is easy to understand. Let’s go into the text to learn the new phrases. Please find out the phrases which are important.

(Give the students a few minutes to find the phrases.) Give them examples.

1) only child

2) come together to school

3) live with

4) drive … to…

5) be busy doing something

Let the students make some sentences by themselves. If they can’t make their own sentences, the teacher may give them the Chinese. It can lead them to understand the phrases.


STEP5. 复述课文

T:We have known the information about Susan and Li Jun’s family. The main idea is on the blackboard. Can you recite the text using the family tree? (Give them two minutes to prepare.)


STEP6. 写作练习

T: This text is about Susan and Li Jun’ s family. Can you write a composition about your family? You may imitate the type of the text.


STEP7. 家庭作业

1. Write something about your family.

2. Recite the text.




3.本课是初中《英语》一年级上册的课文,在这个时期有的学生刚刚接触到英语,单词量还很小,有很多单词都表达不出来,所以让学生用英语简单介绍自己的家庭成员时,他们不会说实际情况,站起来都说跟课文几乎相同的语句,这样严重束缚了学生的思维,影响了他们对英语学习的兴趣及自信心,此课的设计就失去意义了。所以在让学生介绍自己家庭成员之前先把一些关于家庭成员的单词(sister, brother, grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin…)和有关工作的单词(worker, farmer, teacher, engineer, doctor…)教给学生,效果更好,可以让学生有参照地说出自己的话,培养他们的自信心,扩大学生的单词量。但这一步会占用一些时间,由于课堂时间有限,所以这一步老师要根据学生的实际情况自行安排。



篇5:Lesson 21


ⅠTeaching Materials

Words: badly

Grammar: The difference between the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense.

The difference between “have been to” and “have gone to”

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Conclude the use of the present perfect tense.

2. Make clear the difference between “have been to” and “have gone to”

3. Read the whole lesson fluently and try to understand it.

ⅢTeaching Points

1. The main points---(1)&(2) in the teaching objectives

2. The difficult points: the use of badly

ⅣTeaching Procedure

1. Organization of the class

In this lesson, we are going to conclude the use of the present perfect tense.

2. Revision

Go over the structure and concept of the tense.

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 21

What is the difference of the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense? Let’s go on to learn Lesson 21.

B. Part 1

Listen to the tape and answer the following questions

What has happened?

When did it happen?

Is anyone hurt?

Read and conclude the difference between the two tenses.

C. Wb. Ex. 1

D. Part 2

Here we’ve got some questions. They all use the present perfect tense. But their questions are not in right order. I’d like you to match them and tell me what it wants us to know in Part 2.

E. Part 3

In Part 3, what does it want us to know? Listen and answer the following questions:

Where are Bruce and Sue?

Why have they gone there?

When will they come back?

Read and learn

Conclude the difference between “have been to” and “have gone to”

Read and act.

F. Wb. Ex. 2&3

G. Conclusion

*The present perfect tense

*The difference between “have been to” and “have gone to”

4. Homework

A. Go over the whole lesson

篇6:Lesson 21 How Can We Go to Beijing教学设计与反思

发表评论于-2-16 11:58:00

