Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案


Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案(共10篇)

篇1:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案





















whatwouldyouhavedoneifyouwereontheTitanicwhenitsank? whatshallwelearnfrommissEvans?

















篇2:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

Lesson 102 教学设计方案

Teaching objectives:

Grasp the story and new words and useful expressions.Language focus:

New words and expressions

set off(from...to), on the first trip, over, enjoy oneself, iceberg, here and there, on watch, look out, sink, there is a hole in....lifeboat, make room for, thankful, join

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Answer questions.1.Which subject do you like best? why?

2.Who is the most popular movie star at the moment?

3.What’s the most interesting story you know about?

Step 2 Leading-in

Show the students some facts about the Titanic.Say: Did you see that film? What do you think of the film?

Students talk about the film Titanic, and share information about the ship Titanic.Step 3 Reading

Play the video: Miss EVANS

Answer Who was Miss Evans?(She was a woman on the Titanic, who got out of a lifeboat to save a mother)

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Answer the questions.1.When was the ship’s first trip?

2.Where was it from? Where was it?

3.How many people were on the ship?

4.How was the trip at first?

5.What happened the second night of the trip?

6.What did people do to escape?

7.What was the problem when people were in the lifeboat?

8.What did Miss Evans do?

9.What happened to the ship at last?

10.How many did people lost their lives?

Teach the new words: Titanic, set, set off, pleasant, iceberg, here and there, on watch, hole, and so on.Explains some new words and useful phrases.sink=go down, pleasant=happy, look out=be careful, make room for=give one’s seat to, take one’s place=sit in one’s seat.Step 4 Discussion

Get the students to talk about:

What do you think of Miss Evans?

What would you have done if you were on the Titanic when it sank?

What shall we learn from Miss Evans?

Step 5 Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with the best answer.Mr.Swift was a sailor on a big ship.It went to China and Japan,___1__Swift was often on the ship for several months at a time.When he woke up in the morning and__2__out, he only saw the sea, or sometimes a port.When he was 23, Swift got___3___and bought a small house with a garden__4___his wife’s town.It was far away from the sea.Then he had to go back to his___5___, and he didn’t come home for two months.He went from the port to the__6__by bus, and was very happy to see his wife___7__.The next morning he___8__until nine o’clock.Then he woke up suddenly and looked out of the window.There were trees a few metres away.He was very__9__and jumped out of bed, shouting, We’ve___10__land.”





()2.A.started B.looked




B.worried C.married






()5.A.home B.ship



()6.A.station B.sea












B.frightened C.angry






Keys: 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D

Step 6 Homework

1.Write about the ship Titanic.2.Make sentences with following phrases.set off, enjoy oneself, here and there, make/have room for, be on watch

篇3:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

MG2×40/102-QWD型采煤机是我厂专为极薄煤层生产设计的无链机外载交流电牵引滚筒采煤机, 与同采高的同类产品相比, 是目前国内薄煤层多电机横向布置采煤机的最矮、最小机型。本采煤机电气控制部分结构上有别与传统机载电牵引采煤机, 最大的特点是变频器单独置于顺槽内, 通过牵引电缆实现工作面采煤机对顺槽内变频器的控制, 达到对牵引电机进行调速的目的。

2 结构特点

牵引工作系统由机身电气控制系统和机外变频调速系统两个部分组成, 均独立供电。机身控制系统包括信号输入装置端头站、可编程序控制器 (PLC) 、及相关的信号处理装置;机外控制系统包括交流变频调速装置及相关辅助器件。牵引部分电气系统的分布图如图1所示。该机组牵引动力系统由两台11k W、380V的牵引电机提供。磁力启动器1单独为采煤机供电, 磁力启动器2为独立的机外调速系统提供动力。

3 控制方式

3.1 牵电控制

指通过机身按钮输入牵电指令, 经过PLC程序算法处理输出继电器节点信号, 通过牵引电缆传至变频调速箱, 实现对变频器的送电、断电操作。

3.2 牵启控制

指通过机身按钮输入牵启指令, 经过PLC程序算法处理输出继电器节点信号, 通过牵引电缆传至变频调速箱, 实现下一步对变频器方向控制的准备, 即只有输入牵启指令后, 方向信号才能输入给变频器。

3.3 方向控制

指通过三种控制方式输入方向指令, 经过PLC程序算法处理输出继电器节点信号, 通过牵引电缆传至变频调速箱, 实现对变频器的方向控制。

3.4 速度控制

指通过三种控制方式输入速度指令, 经过PLC程序算法处理输出0~10V电压信号的速度指令, 再经过PA盒转换为4~20m A的电流信号, 通过牵引电缆传至变频调速度箱, 经过速度指令转换板A2换为0~10VDC电压信号, 送到变频器实现速度调节。

电气工作原理如图2所示, 控制过程如下, 端头操作站发出指令后动作的信号输入给PLC, PLC得到输入指令信号后进行程序算法运算, 输出相应的动作信号。经过PLC程序算法处理输出继电器节点信号, 通过牵引电缆传至变频调速箱, 实现对变频器的动作操作。

牵引控制信号包括牵电、牵启、方向和速度指令, 这些控制信号通过较长的牵引电缆控制芯线引入变频器。前三者为开关量信号, 长距离的传输对信号损失影响较小;而速度指令为模拟量信号, 如果采用0~10VDC的标准电压信号进行长距离传输, 一方面信号衰减较大, 另一方面抗干扰能力弱, 容易造成速度指令信号不准确。因此, 通过PA内部的电压电流转换电路, 将PLC输出的0~10VDC速度指令信号, 转换成4~20m A的标准电流信号进行传输。为了适应大倾角工作面, 满足四象限运行状态的工作要求, 避免采机下滑现象, 增设了报闸系统, 牵引控制信号增加了变频器运行准备、松闸指令、两种开关量信号。当变频器送电后, 变频器处于运行准备状态, 变频器运行时, 发出松闸指令, 经PA输出继电器接点信号, 控制制动电磁阀打开制动器, 并在一定时间内必须收到PA发出的松闸确认信号, 方可正常牵引。

4 结论

该机型的研发成功, 对我国薄煤层开采, 对煤炭资源的保护利用, 对延长矿井开采寿命都具有重要意义, 是我公司现有薄煤层采煤机升级换代的产品, 具有广阔的市场前景和经济效益。

摘要:目前电牵引采煤机的牵引控制多采用传统准机载方式, 因其机身内置关键性控制器件占用了大量空间, 无法压缩机身体积, 不能很好的解决薄煤层、大功率的工况条件, 针对这一市场需求, 以我公司生产的MG2×40/102-QWD型采煤机为例, 对变频器机外载控制方式进行可行性论证。

篇4:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案




Step 1 Leading-in

(学生活动)展示图片,让学生表达图片中的人正在干什么:What are they doing? 引入本课的学习。

Step 2 Ask and answer


Step 3 Read and act

(录像演示)播放Lesson 93对话的`情景演示,Answer What is Li Lei drawing?


Step 4 Presentation

图片展示,告诉学生Now it’s Wednesday. What did the students do on Monday?


A: What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in?

B: He was drawing an elephant.



Step 5 Practice


What was Han Mei drawing when the teacher came in?

What was she drawing on?


What was/were Lucy and Lily/the boy/… doing yesterday morning when it rained heavily?

Step 6 Presentation

通过展示Li Lei昨天某些时间段内进行的动作,教学过去进行时的用法。

A: What was Li Lei doing at half past nine yesterday morning?

B: He was reading.

让学生用其它的时间进行练习,并可用其他的人作替换练习,如:Han Mei

Step 7 Ask and answer

(学生活动)Get the students to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Step 8 Practice


The man was selling the fruit.

The boys were playing basketball.

Answer these questions:

1. What was the man in the building doing?

2. What were the man by the lake doing?

3. What was the man in the park doing?

4. What were the girls doing? What were the boys doing?

Step 9 Practice


Step 10 Exercise

Fill in the blanks with proper tenses:

1. While I_________(peel) potatoes, I_________(cut) my thumb.

2.We just________(go) out when some friends________(call) to see us.

3. When he was a child he_________(live) in the country.

4. While Judy and I ________ (wash) up, she ________ (ask) me to be quiet as our neighbors________(sleep).


Step 11 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Do exercises on page 117 in Lesson 95 WB.

3. Do exercises on page 115 in Lesson 93 WB.

篇5:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

Fill in the blanks with proper words.

Long ago, the first travellers went to Ireland from ________, and later from the south and west of _________. They found that much of the land was _________, but there was ________ grass for sheep and cows, _________ it rained a lot. The seas around Ireland were full of all sorts of __________. Many of the peasants were very poor and they lived mainly on _________. Around __________, potatoes __________ bad because of a terrible disease and many people died of ___________. Tens of thousands had to travel to other countries to look _________ a better life. Although many families became __________, people still kept in __________ with each other. Now life has improved for the population. Most Irish people go to __________ every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people s lives. The Irish are very fond of __________ and ____________. They often get together in the evening to ___________ and ___________ music.

Scotland fish for music

Europe potatoes separated poems

poor 1850 touch sing

enough went church play

篇6:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案





2.(导入)教师由介绍贝多芬有才华但贫穷导入part 1的教学,让学生先了解mr.more和mr.little的情况。

3.(录像演示)让学生带着下面的问题观看read and learn的情景演示,了解教材的大意。

does mr.more enjoy himself? why?

does mr.little enjoy himself? why?


w1.could mr.more buy himself lots of nice things?

w2.did he have many friend?

w3.did he enjoy himself?

w4.why didn’t he enjoy himself?

w5.could mr.little buy himself lots of nice things.w6.did he have many friends?

w7.did he enjoy himself?

w8.who was happier, mr.more or mr.little? why? 教学这部分内容的语言点:

(录像演示)复习并列句的运用。然后通过练习来巩固对并列句的运用。将下列句子用but 或and 连接.1.the boy is very clever.he didn’t work hard.2.mary is always kind to us.we all like her.3.my brother is very careless.he never forgets his homework.4.jane is a worker.he loves his work very much.(录像演示)先复习情态动词can的用法,本单元教学的是can的过去式could。

wa: can you swim now?

wb: yes.i can.wa: could you swim two years ago?

wb: no, i couldn’t.i learned it last year? 4.(学生活动)discussion

让学生讨论:if you have lots of money, what will you do?

1)who do you want to be, mr.more or mr.little?

2)can money bring us everything?

3)which do you prefer, money or friendship?

1)what are sarah’s friends going to do tomorrow?

2)can sarah go with them? why or why not?


(课件演示)反身代词的运用。7.exercises 用适当的反身代词填空。

1.he taught ________french.2.did ann and her friends enjoy _______at the party last night?

3.“who did you go there with?” “nobody.we went all by ______.”

4.could mr.more buy _______lots of nice things?

5.he said to _______, “i don’t know why!”

6.he said, “boys and girls, help _______.”

篇7:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案




录音机, 多媒体课件unit27 lesson106


T: 1)Whats the time? 2)Whats Jim doing? 3)Where is he going? 4)What day is it today? 5)Is Jim late or early? 6)What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays? 教师也可以问及有关本班学生活动情况时,一人回答之后,教师可问全班:T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?


。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper;usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to school/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印



教师可根据班级的具体教学情况, 给学生播放与本课文相关的英语歌谣。





录音机, 多媒体动画课件what time do you get up。


T: Now Look at the pictures of Lesson 109.1)Whats the time? 2)Whats Jim doing? 3)Where is he going? 4)What day is it today? 5)Is Jim late or early? 6)What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays?


T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?


,教师讲解、领读本课生词usually, right now, sometimes, take off, after school。教师指导学生学习课文第一部分中的句子:

T: Now, look at Picture 1.What can you see in the picture? How many people can you see/are there in the picture? Where are they? Whats the time? What are they doing? What do they do in the morning? 利用每一张画,使学生得到充分练习。教师放课文录音,学生跟读两遍。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper;usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now。

2.教师可以利用多媒体动画课件what time do you get up中read 让学生观看动画中的情景,跟读课文。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to shool/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印象。



Kate _______ supper at school.A.has not B.doesn’t has C.doesn’t have D.don’t has

It’s time ______ now.A.to get up B.for get up C.get up D.at get up

Your shoes are dirty.Please __________.A.take off them B.take them off C.put them on

—_______ do you leave home on weekdays?

—At about seven thirty.A.How B.What time C.What D.How much time


1.Now he’s having lunch.他现在正吃中饭。


Uncle John is having his breakfast.约翰叔叔在吃早餐。

We’re having our English class.我们在上英语课。

The students are having sports.学生们在进行体育活动。

2.He is taking off his clothes and going to bed.他正在脱衣服准备睡觉。take off是“脱下、摘下”的意思,后面常接表示衣物鞋帽的名词。其反义词是put on 例如:

篇8:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

Teaching Aims:

1. Help the Ss to remember what they have learned in this unit.

2. Finish the listening task.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Revision

1. Check their homework.(if possible, the teacher can show a passage written by one student on the blackboard and ask the others to correct it.)

2. Give a dictation in class.(if possible, after class the teacher can ask one student who often makes many mistakes in the dictation to check the others’ papers, it is good for him/her)

Step II Listening

1. Listen to the tape and answer one question.

What is the water used for ? (2 things)

Answers: (1).to make electricity

(2).to be sent to large cities in England

2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks in the ppt.

3. Listen to the tape again and do the exercise on Page 128.

Step III Test

P32. Part 2. Fill in the blanks.

Step IV Extra work

If possible , the teacher can read English newspapers and get some sentences which use the Past Perfect Tense. Give them to the students and help them to understand.

1.The passengers, who had organized their tour through six Chinese travel agencies from provinces such as Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and Shandong, were thrown from their seats.(这是一篇关于中国乘客在越南附近海域遇难的报道)(过去完成时)

2.The yacht had stopped completely. (过去完成时)

3.Li draws attention to the particularly high suicide rate of Chinese women, which is 25 percent higher than that of men.(定语从句)

4.The more easily they are satisfied with themselves and society, the less likely they are to attempt suicide.(句型:the+比较级…,the +比较级….)

5.Zhang says it is common for people to experience a sense of defeat.

(句型:It is adj for sb to do sth.)


6.Like many other US-based airlines, United had a prosperous 1990’s, in which its staff and their wages increased rapidly.(定语从句)

Step V Composition


假如你是李华,在一所中学读书,最近受到美国朋友先生的`来信. 他三年前参观过你校,听说现在变化很大,希望了解有关情况.参照下图,给他写一封回信,介绍你校的变化.

(1).教学楼 (2).操场 (3).教学楼 (4).操场


1. 回信须包括图画的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,是内容连贯;

2. 词数100左右.

July 9

Dear Mr Smith,

Best wishes,


Li Hua


July 9

Dear Mr Smith,

I was so pleased to hear from you and I am writing to tell you somtthing about my school. You are right. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building . On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building—our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school. We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I hope you come and see for yourself some day.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

Step VI Homework

1.Finish off the rest of the exercises in the workbook.

篇9:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

Properties:Computer, Projector, PPT document provided.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogue.

2. Learn the grammar: The Attributive Clause.

Language focus:steal - stole - stolen, shoot - shot - shot, hands up

Teaching Procedures:

I.Leading in

Say: We often can’t find our things when need them. When you have something lost, what you will speak?

•I can’t find it.

•I often lose pens.

•I don’t know if I put them here.

•Where is my book?

II. Presentation

Show the film of Lesson 65-1.asf. Then read the dialog on the

how the film Lesson 65-1.asf which is provided. Lead the students to read the dialog, and listen correct sounds sentence by sentence.

III. Explanation

1. Explain some language points: hear somebody do something.

For example:

1) I often hear him sing in the next room.

2) I saw him coming into the room.

2. The Attributive Clause (Select some parts of explanation below)

the handsome

the tall

the strong

the clever

the naughty




1. The boy is Tom. The boy has a round face.

The boy whois smiling is Tom.


2. The boy is in the lab. You want to talk to him.

The boy (whom)you want to talk to is in the lab.

The boy to whomyou want to talk is in the lab.

以上例句中的who 可以用that 来代替,在定语从句中that可以指人或物,代替who,whom,which;在从句中可以作主语、宾语,但不能放在介词后作介词宾语。如:

This is the photo that (which) I took in Beijing last year.

This is the man that/who lives next door.

Is this the professor that you talked about yesterday? (about不能放在that前面)

IV. Practise (Select some parts of exercises below) 定语从句练习

* Which boy do you like better?

Answers list:

The boy who has a big mouth / has not shoes / has long hairs / with laughing.

The boy who wears a green sweater / has a plane / was hurt in his leg/ has little hairs / has big eyes.

The boy who has a blue bag / has a hat / has green shoes.

The boy who has red button / has purple shoes / is wearing a suit.

The boy who wears blue coat / has a red bag / has black shoes.

The boy who is smiling / who is naughty / has brown shoes.

* 1. The house ( that ) we live in is very old.

2. This is the present (that) he gave me for my holiday.

3. Those are the shoes (that/ which) I lost last week.

4. The cars which are produced in Hubei sell very well.

* Show the film Lesson 65-1.asf which is provided. Then let the students make dialogues using the words in the box in Page 81. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

* Select two pictures about missing necklace, let the students retell the story with their own words.

V. Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with that, whichor who.

1. Do you know the man ________ came to see Xiao Yang this morning?

2. There are many plays _________ I’d like to see.

3. The people _________ you were talking to were Australians.

篇10:Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

belonged: If you own something, it belongs to you.

in the building: in the Capital Building

broke out : started

on the floors above: on the higher floors

escape: to get out of the building

fire escapes: special staircases for use in case of fire

close enough: close enough to rescuer the people

lost their lives: died

rescue: If a person is in danger, you rescue them by taking them to a safe place.
