初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)(精选9篇)

篇1:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

Words: shark, alike, attack, Africa, watchtower, warn, appear

Phrases: on the earth, South Africa, be around, feed on

Sentences: It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Finish the exercises in this lesson

2. Read Part 3 and try to understand its meaning.

3. Master the following materials as 4 skills:

Words: shark, attack, Africa, watchtower, warn, appear

Phrases: on the earth, South Africa, be around, feed on

Sentences: It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark.

4. Master the following materials as 1 skill: Word: alike

Properties: Recorder.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Organization of the class

How to look for information in a library

Ⅱ. Revision

*as long as



*That’s a deal.

Ⅲ. Listen

Listen the tape for the students. Finish Exercise 1 individually. Then check the answers together.

Ⅳ. Presentation

Tell the students: Tom is interested in the sea, but he can’t find some information about different kinds of sharks. Now let’s help Tom find the information.

Have the students discuss, then say out their ways.

Ⅴ. Practice

Look and role-play. Then get the students to work in pairs.

Ⅵ. Reading

Listen to the tape and then try to find the answers to the following questions:

What is a Shark?

How many kinds of Sharks are there on earth?

What is said to be one of the most dangerous Sharks?

Discuss the question in Pairs and check the answers together.

Ⅶ. Workbook

Do Exercise 3 in class individually, check with the class.

Do Exercise 2 orally

Ⅷ. Homework

Go over the whole unit


篇2:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Language Focus:

Words: graduate

Phrases: turn down

Sentences: I hope to…

I plan to…

Grammar: The infinitives: (1)作宾语, (2)作宾语补足语, (3)作状语

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the use of the infinitives

2.Try to understand the whole passage and read it fluently.

3.Master the following materials

Word: graduate Phrase: turn down

Properties: Recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Organizing the class.

Today we’re going to learn a new lesson. We are going to learn the use of the infinitives.

Ⅱ. Revision

We know Edison was a great inventor. But he was in school for only three month. Why?

What did he do when he was 10121622?

Ⅲ. Discussion

Divide the class in to small groups. Let them discuss:

What do you want to do after you graduate from school?

Have some students talk about their ideas.

Ⅳ. Practice

Practice this drills in pairs:

A: What do you want to do after you graduate from school?

B: I want to… / I hope to… / I plan to…

Get some pairs to share their drills with the class.

Ⅴ. Read and say

Close books and listen to the tape. And repeat.

Get the students to guess the meaning of “noisy”.

Then ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs.

Point out the use of the Infinitive form as a way of asking someone to do something.

Ⅵ. Practice

Part 3. Go through the words and expressions in the boxes and make sure the students understand what the phrases mean.

Then let the students practice in pairs. Point out that in the patter: “let somebody so something, the infinitive” without to is used.

Ⅶ. Ask and answer

Part 4. Revise the story from lesson 26 by asking students questions about infinitive as the Adverbial: to keep him busy, to work as an inventor, to learn as much as he could.

Then have the students ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Ⅷ. Invent Something

Get the students into small groups of four.

Then have them brainstorm about something to invent.

Have them describe how it works and why it is necessary to have.

Ⅸ. Workbook

Exercises 2 and 3 should be done in pairs first.

Then ask several students to say their sentences.

Ⅹ. Home work

Finish off the exercises in the workbook


Lesson 27


1. 作宾语: I want to work and help my family

turn down

2. 作宾语补足语: Let’s ask him to turn it down.

turn it down

ask tell want like allow… sb. to do sth.

turn up

3. 作状语: He wants to do sth. to keep himself busy.

turn it up.

篇3:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Language Focus:

Words: kid, scuba, Internet, search, double, click, icon, type, press, enter, button

Phrases: scuba diving, on the Internet, at the top of, type in

Sentences: About where we are going for our holiday.


Properties: Recorder: Overhead Projector; Pictures; computer

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Showing aims

Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. Master some useful expressions.

2. Study the Object Clause.

3. Make similar dialogues.

4. Know something about Hainan and know how to search Internet.

Ⅱ. Revision

1. Check homework.

2. Revise the Object Clause. Play games, have the students work in pairs.

T: I often travel with my family.

S1: What does she say?

S2: She says she often travel with her family.

S3: What did she say?

S4: She said that she often traveled with her family.

Make sure the students can ask and answer correctly.

Ⅲ. Presentation

Tell the students that they’ll have a holiday. Get them to discuss how they will spend the holidays. Divide the class into small groups, then ask one student of each group to give their report.

Where would you like to go to?

Can you describe the place in English?

Ⅳ. Read and act

Part 1. Speech Cassette. Ask:

What are they going to talk about?

Where are they going for their holiday?

How long are they going to be there?

Do they know Hainan well?

How will they know it before they go to Hainan?

Have the students listen to the tape, try to find the answers to the questions. Check with the whole class. Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Give the students a few minutes to practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask one pair to act it out.

Ⅴ. Learn and speak

Have the students look at the computer, and ask: Could you tell me how to search the Internet? Find a student who can search the Internet, help him or her answer with: OK, let me tell you. Use the instructions to help. Ask the other students to answer and get them to play the computer. Make sure all of them can say and play.

Ⅵ. Homework

1. Learn to search the Internet. Write down the instructions.

2.Try to make up a dialogue after the model in the text.

篇4:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Language Focus:

Words: spirit, inventor, invention, pupil, build, print, track, frighten, frightened, safety, telegraph, lifetime

Phrases: try out, at the age of, rush out, New Jersey

Sentences: Thomas Edison thought that no matter how difficult something seemed, he could find the answer.

He said he thought more of a person who has one idea and makes it work than of a person who has a thousand ideas but doesn’t do anything about them.

Teaching Objectives: Master some useful expressions. Get the students to know about Edison. Master the Infinitive.

Properties: Recorder, pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Organizing the class

Ⅱ. Revision

1.Check the homework

2.Revise the useful expression

Ⅲ. Presentation

Tell the students to look at the picture.

And ask them: Do you know who this boy is?

Tell the students his full name: Thomas, Alva and Edison.

He is a great inventor.

Then say: Today we’re going to read a story about this great inventor.

Ⅳ. Reading Part 1 Edison was a great inventor. He never gave up.

*try out; try out a radio; try out a new idea

*was always trying out; here use the past indefinite tense to describe something usually happened in the past

Part 2 Talk about Edison’s childhood.

*have nothing to do with; have something to do with

*find sb. to do sth.

*build…for sb.

*at the age of 12=when he was 12

*on the railways tracks

*rush out

*carry him to safety; in safety

*so… that …;

He was so frightened that he couldn’t move=He was too frightened to move.

He was so tall that he could reach it.= He was tall enough to reach it.

*open up

*lifetime; in his lifetime

Part 3 Edison liked a person who can work out his ideas.

*think a lot of= think much of

think more of …than of…

Ⅴ. Practice

Have the students the text and make them understand the text (in group, in pairs).

Let the students make sentences with the useful expressions,

see if they use them freely.

Ⅵ. Discuss

Ask: What else do you know about Edison?

Have the students think over.

Then give out their answers.

Ⅶ. Workbook

Do Exercise 2 in class.

Then check with the whole class.

Ⅷ. Homework

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

篇5:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Language Focus:

Words: dinosaur, display, natural, guide, underground, fossil, desert, disappear, disappearance, discovery, feather

Phrases: on display, Gobi Desert, human being, dinosaurs discovered by you, feathered dinosaur

Sentences: So these eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs.

Teaching objectives:

Read the passage and try to understand its meaning.

Read it fluently and correctly.

Master the language materials

Properties: Tape recorder; picture

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Organizing


Ⅱ. Revision

1.Check the homework

2. Revise the useful expressions and some new words.

Ⅲ. Presentation

Take out a picture and ask the students:

What’s this animal called?

Ask some students to talk about the dinosaur.

Ⅳ. Pre-reading

Read over the questions with the students. Have the students guess the meaning of “on display” from the context. Then have the students discuss the questions in pairs.

Ⅴ. Listening

1. At first, ask students to read over the questions in the Exercise 1 in the workbook.

2. Then close books and listen to tape.

3. Play the tape again and answer the questions.

Ⅵ. Teaching Language Focus

*a visit to a place, be on a visit to a place

*guide; n. v. guide sb. to a place


*fossil, eg. He is an old fossil.

the fossil of…

*There must be…(表示猜测)

*be found in Gobi Desert

*be laid by…

*long before在…之前很久

*disappear, disappearance

He disappeared in the dark. I care a lot about his disappearance.

*discover; discover sthhow to do sth. that…

*feathered dinosaur

*dinosaurs discovered by you;

eg: books borrowed by you, things done by you(过去分词含有被动意思)

the children playing in the park(现在分词含有主动意思)

Reading Practice

Ⅶ. Teaching Grammar

Let the students find out these sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.

Have the students make sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.

Ⅷ. Workbook.

Do Exercise 2 , and write down the answers.

Ⅸ. Homework

Read the passage.

Finish off the workbook exercises.

篇6:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Language Focus:

Words: brush, bamboo, pan, jacket, metal, stamp, wool, wood, lock, store

Phrases: be made in, be made of, writing brush, be used for

Sentences: What’s it made of? It’s made of…

What’s it used for? It’s used for…

Grammar: Passive voice

Teaching Objectives:

1. Learn to talk about some products. Ask about its materials and use.

2. Try to understand the whole lesson and then read it fluently.

3. Master the Passive voice usage.

4. Master the new language materials

Properties: Recorder; Objects

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class.

Today, we are going to learn a new unit. We are going to talk about the passive voice usage.

II. Revision

Cheek homework

III. Presentation

1. S

A. Unit 9 What’s it made of?

Lesson 33

Well, we have another way to ask about it? What is it? Let’s go on to learn the new lesson.

B.Teach: What’s it called in English?

What’s it made of? Be made of 由…制作而成

It’s made of…

What’s it used for? Be used for 用于…(用途)

It’s used for…

Use some other things to ask and answer.

Teach: stamp, jacket, metal, wool, wood

C. Part 1

Listen to the tape and answer the following questions

What is it? What is it made of? What is it used for?

Then teach: writing brush; brush 刷子; 刷 a shoe brush; a tooth brush; brush shoes; brush teeth. Bamboo 竹子

Read and act it.

Then use the words in the box to make new dialogue

Teach: pan,store 存放 store books; store money

D.Part 2

Ask and answer in pairs

Then ask some to do it in class.

Teach: be made in 在(某地)制造

E.Workbook Ex. 1&2

F. Conclusion

What’s it made of? What’s it used for? Where is it made?

Passive voice ( be done) 被…

IV. Teaching grammar

At first, tell the students the grammar:

The Active and Passive Voice.

Then, give some examples, e. g.

1. Many people speak English.

English is spoken by many people.

2. Tom likes swimming.

Swimming is liked by Tom.

Tell the students the Passive Voice structure. And ask the students to make some sentences and change them into Passive Voice.

V. Practice

Practice the useful expressions: be made of and be used for in groups and in pairs.

VI. Workbook

Ask the students to open their books, look at Exercise 1 and ask them do it in pairs.

Exercise 2. Look at these pictures and use the sentences to made sentences.

VII. Homework.

1. Revise the new words and expressions.

2. Do Exercise 3 in Workbook.

篇7:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Teaching Materials

Functional and notional items

A. Learn to ask how long sb. has done sth.

B. Learn to talk about if someone has been to a place.

Language Materials

Words: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, Hawaii, beach, twice, Bondi, none, Newquay, water-ski, canoe

Phrases: have a try, since last Wednesday, learn sth. from sb. how to do it, several times

Sentences: What’s …like?

How long have you been in Sydney?

Have you ever been to …?

Grammar: the present perfect tense

Teaching Objectives

Learn to ask questions about something has done

Read the whole lesson fluently, and pronunciation and intonation should be right.

Master the following materials

(4 skills) Words: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, beach, twice, none

Phrases: have a try

Sentences: Have you been to…? Several times.

(3 skills) Words: water-ski, canoe

(1 skill) Words: Hawaii, Bondi, Newquay

Teaching Procedures:


1. Revise the names of the sports they have learnt: roller-skating, skating, jump, race, skiing.

2. Ask student answer the questions of Have you…

T: Have you finish you homework? /Have you got your notebooks?

S: Yes./ No.

T: What have you done for English study?

S: (They may have different answers.)

Leading in

And swimming is a kind of water sport because you have to swim in the water. Well, what other water sports do you know? Let’s go on to learn Unit 2 Water sports.


Write the sentences on the blackboard:

Have you ever been ______?

I have already been _______ several times. / I’ve never been there.

Explain the meaning of sentences and the word ever, already and never.

Use colour page1 to teach: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, water-skiing, canoe

Open the textbook and turn to page 6, lead the Ss to read the word Bondi Beach, Cape Town, Hawaii, Newquay, surfed, water-skied, canoed, dived in part 2.

Let Ss read part 2 dialogs in pairs.


Let them close the textbook. Show a topic to Ss: Ted and Bruce’s talk beside the beach. Say to Ss: “Please image that you are Ted and Bruce, you are talking about your trip and water sports, you’d better use Have you ever been …, surf, uncle. Five minutes later, go to the front to show your talk with your partner.”

Check their talks in pairs, encourage them to speak aloud and practise as the actor.


Play the tape of Part 1 for the students to listen three times. The first time, let one or two Ss speak the main sentences in the dialog and answer some questions. The second time, volunteers repeat what they hear. The third time, try to rewrite the whole sentences.

Ss open their textbooks, and check what is not remembered.

Ss could find any problem about this dialog, T give them the answer.

eg. have a try, I don’t know how to surf, Since last Wednesday, None of us has, etc.

Part 1

Listen and answer: Who can surf, Ted or Bruce?

How long has Bruce been in Sydney?

Why did he come to Sydney?

Who teach Bruce to surf?

Read and learn:

What’s …like? = How is …?

Since last Wednesday

Learn sth. from sb.

Have you ever been to …?

Have a try

How to do it

Read and act.

Part 2

Have you ever surfed?

Have you ever been to Hawaii?

Ask and answer in pairs

Learn: Bondi, Cape Town, Newquay, none

No one 人 单数 No one is here

none 人/物 单数/复数 None of them is here.

Wb. Ex3. 2 . 1 .


Surf, surfing, surfer, wave

He’s a surfer. Have a try

How long have you been in …?

Have you ever been to …?

Exercises in class

T read the questions below, and Ss give their answer, to improve and impress what have learned.

1. They are good ___________. Do you like __________? (surf) answer: surfers, surfing

2. We have been to Hawaii __________. (two) answer: twice

3. Mike hasn’t done his homework _____.

A. already B. just C. yet D. either answer: C

4. Ted has been a bus driver _____ five months ago.

A. for B. since C. from D. in answer: B

5. - _____ have you been to Cape Town?

- Since last Wednesday.

A. How often B. How many times

C. How long D. How soon answer: C

6. She is very busy. He hasn’t had a day _____ for three weeks.

A. busy B. free C. off D. on answer: C


Finish your dialog design after class, try to use what you have learn. Homework

wb. Ex 2


The writing on the blackboard

篇8:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


1. 进一步掌握现在完成时的运用。

2. 学习课文The lost Books.

3. 掌握重点短语和句型。

used to pay for come up with the borrowed book

Her hobby is to read.

教具 Recorder,Projector(Write out some irregular verb)。


Step 1 Revision / Who’s on duty?

1. Revise Have got …?

T: Have you got a pen?

S1: Yes. I have.

T: Can I borrow it.

S1: Certainly. Here you are.

T: Thanks.

S1: Have you got a pen?

S2: Yes. I have.

S1: Can I borrow it.

S2: Certainly. Here you are.

S1: Thanks.

S2: Have you got a pen?

S3: Yes. I have.

S2: Can I borrow it.

S3: Certainly. Here you are.

S2: Thanks.

2. Revise the Present Perfect Tense


T: We have seen the new film. S: It’s about a small white cat. It’s very interesting.

T: They have lost the dog. S: They have put the dog’s photo in the newspaper. They want to find it.

T: I have returned the book to the library. S: Now I can borrow a new one.

T: She has finished her homework. S: She can have a rest (go out and play).

T: He has bought a new car. S: He can drive a new car now.

让学生来总结出其构成:have /has + v. ed


Step 2 Presentation

1. 利用已学过的对话句型Have you got…引出有关借书的话题。

T: Have you got the Junior English book3?

S: Yes. I have.

T: Can I borrow it?

S: Certainly. Here you are.

然后教师问学生:Do you often borrow books? Where can we borrow books from? 引出Library话题。

2. Let the students talk about how he or she borrow a book, and how did he or she lose a book. If he or she lost a book, what will he or she do?

3. Read the text silently for 5munites.mark out the new words with a pencil. And encourage the students to judge the meaning of these phrases according to the context. Then answer these questions:

1. What did my grandma do when she was young?

2. What does she like?

3. Do you like reading? Do you often borrow books from the school library?

4. Did my grandma lose the library books last week? What book?

5. What idea did the library think of?

6. What other good idea do you have to get the lost books back?

Some new words and expressions:

1)used to



They used to come on foot,but they don’t do that again. They often come by bus. 他们过去经常步行来,现在不了。他们经常乘车来。

used to的疑问形式和否定形式可以用助词did或自身形成构成。美国人多用助动词 did;英国人多用used to本身。如:


注意区分be used to所表示的意思是“习惯于……”,后跟名词或动名词,used是一个形容词。例如:

I’m not used to smoking. 我不习惯吸烟。

She is used to running in the morning. She is a very fast runner.


2)Her hobby is to read. 她的业余爱好是读书。

to read 是一个动词不定式,在句中用作表语。如:

His wish is to be a football player. 他的愿望是成为一名足球运动员。.

3)pay for意为“给……报酬”,“付款”。常见句型有:(1) pay for+货物,(2) pay+名词/代词+for+物。例如:

I’ll pay you five yuan for it. 我将为此给你五元钱。

I’m afraid I can’t pay you anything for it. 我恐怕不能为此给你任何报酬。

How much did you pay for that book?20 yuan

4)come up with= find or produce (an answer)意为“提出,提供”,它是由动词和介词一起构成的短语动词。它的另一个意思是“赶上”。例如:

I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能提出个更好的计划。

5)the lost books。 lost=missing丢失的。英语中单个分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)也能作定语用,它们一般放在名词的前面。又如:a stolen car一辆失窃的汽车;a broken wind。一扇破的窗。

4. Play the tape,let Ss to listen, then follow to read.让学生先听,然后跟读。

5. After read the text familiarly, let them answer Ex 1.

Step 3 Practice

1. Do Workbook Lesson 2, Ex 1. in class.

2. Have a short play。Let Ss act out The Lost Book。

Step 4 Summary

1. 总结本课的重点短语的用法:used to put down pay for come up with think of

2. 简要叙述课文内容。

Step 5 Homework

1.Retell the story: the lost book.

2. Do Workbook Lesson 2, Ex 2、3

篇9:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 14(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

1. words

CD player several shelf already used to on knowledge yard schoolyard put (sth) down step librarian probably pay pay for sadly come up with mark bookmark think of encourage get…back pick up once abroad copy as

2. Useful expressions

I have got a book.

Excuse me. Have you got…?

Yes, I have . / Sorry . No , I haven’t.

You are welcome.

Have you ever done…? Yes , I have, once ./ No, never.

I’ve just done…

3. Grammar

The Present Perfect Tense (1) 现在完成时态(一)

现在完成时由“助动词have (has) +过去分词“构成。陈述句形式、疑问句形式和简略答语。动词的过去适和过去分词(规则形式和不规则形式)


Step 1 Revision

1、由于这是本单元的第一课,也是学生第一天来到学校,请对学生说“Welcome back”

2、复习过去时并让学生习惯地在活动中说英文,教师知道说:Tell your partner what you did this summer.

3、Revise “Do you have…?”通过向学生提问得出他们的答案如; ( pencil , pen, eraser, etc. ).并使用常用形式“Do you have any…?” 所以学生也会练习使用any 和some

Step 2 Presentation

告诉学生,我们将要学习一种新的表达Do you have…?的方式,让学生仔细听Have you got a pencil? Yes, I’ve got one. 解释说I’ve got =I have got 并解释one的意思在这里就是 a pencil。然后给学生句例子听对话。


Group A: Have you got a pencil ?


Group B: Yes, I’ve got one .

.Teacher: (举起一本书)

Group A:Have you got a book?

Teacher: (摇头)

Group B; Sorry , I haven’t got one.

向学生解释Haven’t=have not。让学生给出示例,说明 any/some 的用法。用同样的方法进行练习。

Step 3 Read and Act

学生书第一页第一部分,与全班学生一起练习对话,然后让他们两人一组练习。看看他们能否编写自己的对话进行表演。看学生能否猜出CD player 的意思。

Step 4 Exerceses

学生用书第一页第二部分,读一遍对话给学生听并让他们重复。看是否猜出生词several 和shelf的意思。然后让学生根据对话分角色表演,一个学生演图书管理员,另一个学生表演在找书。告诉学生除了方框里的替换词以外,他们还可以增加一些其他词。



把Have you got a book?这个句子写在黑板上。指出完成时态的组成形式(have+past participle)。向学生解释每一个动词都有一个过去分词形式。一般来说,动词的过去分词形式与过去式形式是一样的,但不都是一样,也有一些不规则形式。向学生解释,这个时态是用来表示过去或不久以前发生的动作,而产生的形态仍然存在。如:把你的笔掉在地上,教师说I have dropped my pen. You can see the pen on the door .打开门I have opened the door. Now the door is open , 等等。

用一本化学书或物理书,把它放在你的书桌上的英语书下面。接着你假装找这本书,说:Oh, where is my science book? I have lost my science. I can’t find it. Have you seen it, Wang Wei ?这个学生找到了这本书并把它递给了你。你可以说Thanks a lot. Now Wang Wei has found the book. I have got it back.

Step6 Read and act.


I have lost my science book.

Have you seen it?

He has found the book..

在lost、seen和found下面画线,看看学生能否猜出这些词来自哪些动词不定式。 让学生默读对话,试着找出现在完成时态的例句。让两个学生给全班表演第3部分里的第一个对话。

A:(四处查看教室)Hi, Bob! I can’t find my history book. Have you seen it anywhere?

B:Yes,…(指着书桌)Look at that book on the desk .

A:(拿起这本书)Oh, yes, it’s mine! Thanks a lot.












1 检查家庭作业。复习现在完成时态,方法是让学生两人一组活动,让他们用Have you got…即Have you got an eraser? Have you got any pens?等句型,要每个学生说出学习用具。

2 复习学生用书第1页第3部分里的对话。


学生用书第2页第1部分。让学生两人一组讨论这个问题。然后问 What kinds of books do you like to read?进行一次非正式调查,看看有多少学生喜欢读英语书和历史书。

Step3 Read

学生用书第2页第2部分,口语录音带第2课。把书合起来,让学生听故事大意(Grandma keeps losing library books)。把书打开,再放一遍录音,让学生边听边读。看看学生能否猜出一些生词的意思,让他们使用上下句子的信息来帮助他们。接着教学生仍然不理解的生词和短语:aleady , used to , hobby , knowledge, yard, put down, librarian, pay, sadly, come up with 和bookmark。

向学生解释,schoolyard 是校园里建筑物周围的一个区域,孩子们在这里可以玩耍。操场上可能有也可能没有草地。里面常常有树和树下可以坐的地方。

向学生解释 knowledge一词含有know在里边。这可以帮助学生理解这个词的意思。

告诉学生used to do something的意思是,过去经常发生的事情,但现在已经不存在了。

Step4 Exercise

教师说 Reading is one kind of hobby. What other kinds of things are hobbies?让学生自由讨论找到答案。让学生给出他们的答案,把答案写在黑板上。例如:hiking, biking, painting, travelling, collecting things, bird watching, 等等。让学生两人一组相互谈一谈他们的业余爱好。教师在教室内巡视并给他们必要的帮助。




在左边方框里的动词是规则动词,其余动词是不规则动词。然而你可以从这4个栏目里发现一些有趣现象。在第一个栏目里这些动词的过去式和过去分词的形式是不同的,例如 go-went-gone。在第2栏里,每一个动词的过去式和过去分词,其形式是一样的,如 bring-brought-brought。在第3栏里,所有的动词都不改变它们原来的形式,如put-put-put。在第4栏里,动词的过去分词和动词不定式的形式是一样的,如come-come-come。你可以简单的按照ABC/ABB/AAA/ABA的形式来描述这4类动词形式的变化。





Lesson 3

步骤1 复习

1 检查家庭作业。

2 让学生复述学生用书第2页上的故事。通过问一些指导性的问题来帮助学生复述课文,如问:Who is the story about?Why does she often go to the library?等等。

步骤2 读

学生用书的第3页第1部分。口语录音带第3课。谈一谈书上的插图:Who can you see?What’s happening?等。放录音让学生听并让他们跟着重复,注意他们的语调。解释单词和短语think of,encourage和pick up的意思。

步骤3 表演


步骤4 练习


步骤5 介绍新语言项目


A:Have you ever travelled to Hangzhou?

B:Yes,I have.I went there in 1999.

A:Have you ever travelled to Wuhan?

B:No,I haven’t.But I’d like to go someday.


让学生两人一组相互问一些一般性的问题,如:Have you ever seen elephants?Have you ever made jiaozi?等等。

步骤6 问,答


步骤7 练习

学生用书第3页第3部分。教学生词copy。与学生一起练习对话,练习Really?I did that hours ago.这个句子的语调,务必使学生在说really时用升调,学生在说单词hours时要重读以表示强调。然后让学生两人一组进行活动。

步骤8 练习册





Lesson 4

步骤1 复习

1 把书合起来。问一些练习第3课练习2里的问题。

2 复习句子结构Have you ever…及其意思。让一些学生在编一些问题。

步骤2 听



Last Sunday my cousin took me to the library at his college .It was a huge one with thousands of books .I didn’t know how to find a book ,so I went to the information desk.

LIBRARIAN:May I help you?

STUDENT:Yes ,please. I’ve never been here before, so I don’t know how to find a book .

LIBRARIAN:Ok. Look at the map. Here is the information desk where we are. To the left is the First Reading Room. You can find a lot of interesting books about animals there. Next to it is the Second Reading Room. It has storybooks of all kinds. If you are interested in science books, you can go to the Third Reading Room. It’s to the right of the information desk. And to the right of the restrooms is the Fourth Reading Room. You can read newspapers and magazines there.

STUDENT:Oh, there are so many books here. Can I use a computer to search for a book?

LIBRARIAN:Sure. We have a computer room near the stairway. And what’s more, there’s a copying room to the left of it. You can copy some pages you think useful.

STUDENT:Can I borrow books from here?

LIBRARIAN:The borrowing section is on the second floor. But you must have a library card to enter.

STUDENT:Oh well, I have to read on the first floor. Anyway, thank you.

LIBRARIAN:You’re welcome.


The rooms talked about are:The First,Second,Third and Four Reading Rooms,the Computer Room and the Copy Room.

1. First Reading Room.

2. Third Reading Room.

步骤3 写


步骤4 单词重音


步骤5 朗读,表演


步骤6 看,学



在西方国家的许多图书馆里,卡片对话已经不再使用了。几乎所有的“card dialogue”都录在电脑里。大多数图书馆也都有可以用来在互联网上查找信息的电脑。这是一种免费服务,任何人都可以自由查询。

步骤7 小诗


步骤8 复习要点1


步骤9 测试

动词形式测试。让学生画3个以Verb,Past Tense和Past Participle开头的栏目表。听写下列动词,让学生把这些动词写在第一个表里。他们必须填写另外两个表,例如,你说“ask”,学生写ask,asked,asked。

1 pay 2 travel 3 eat 4 lose 5 find

6 see 7 do 8 return 9 forget 10 come


步骤10 练习册

做练习册第4课练习3-7。两人一组做练习3。练习4应首先个别做,然后与全班一起核对答案。练习5 可以两人一组做。练习6可以4人小组的形式做。至于练习7,可以首先让学生读故事下边的几个问题,然后让他们快速度一遍找出答案。与全班一起核对答案。如果时间允许,让学生把它看作一个剧本来读这个故事。




