






1【2012全国卷II】That evening, ___ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.when

2【2012安徽】Aso parents should talk much to their children during that period.A.asB.itC.whichD.this

3【2012重庆】Sales director is a position ______communication ability is just as important as sales skills.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.where

4【2012北京】When deeply absorbed in work, ______ he often was,he would forget all about eating or


【2012福建】5The air quality in the city, _____ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.A.thatB.itC.asD.what

6【2012陕西】It is the third time that she has won the race, ____ has surprised us all.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.what

7【2012山东】Maria has written two novels, both of ___ have been made into television series.A.themB.thatC.whichD.what

8【2012湖南】Care of the soul is a gradual process ____ even the small details of life should be considered.A.whatB.in whatC.whichD.in which

9【2012天津】I wish to thank Professor Smith, without ____ help I would never have got this far.A.whoB.whoseC.whomD.which

10【2012江西】By 16:30, ____ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.A.whichB.whenC.whatD.that

11【2012四川】In our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses.A.in whomB.in themC.of whomD.of them

12【2012浙江】We live in an age ______ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.A.whyB.whenC.to whomD.on which

13【2012浙江】Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all

human society.A.whichB.whoC.whereD.whom

14【2012江苏】After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, ____ urgently needed clean water,medicine and shelter to survive.A.whichB.whoC.whereD.what

15【2013北京】Many countries are now setting up national parks ____ animals and plants can be protected.A.whenB.whichC.whoseD.where

16【2013福建】The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those _____ lives were affected.A.whoseB.thatC.whoD.which


17【2013湖南】Happiness and success often come to those ___ are good at recognizing their own


18【2013江苏】The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China ______ , he remembers

starting as early as his childhood.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.when

19【2013江西】 He wrote a letter ______ he explains what had happened in the accident.A.whatB.whichC.whereD.how

20【2013辽宁】He may win the competition, _____ he is likely to get into the national team.A.in which caseB.in that caseC.in what caseD.in whose case

21【2013山东】There is no simple answer, _____ is often the case in science.A.asB.thatC.whenD.where

22【2013山东】Finally he reached a lonely island _______ was completely cut off from the outside world.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.whom

23【2013陕西】______ is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.A.ItB.ThatC.WhatD.As

24【2013四川】Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment ______ they live.A.whatB.whichC.whenD.where

25【2013天津】We have launched another man-made satellite, _____is announced in today’s newspaper.A.thatB.whichC.whoD.what

26【2013新课标II卷】When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house _____ I would be staying.A.whatB.whenC.whereD.which

27【2013新课标I卷】”You can’t judge a book by its cover,”______.A.as the saying goes oldB.goes as the old saying

C.as the old saying goesD.goes as old the saying

28【2013浙江】The children, ______ had played the whole day long, were worn out.A.all of whatB.all of whichC.all of themD.all of whom

29【2013浙江】The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform ______

visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.A.whatB.whereC.whenD.why

30【2013重庆】John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of______ are family members.A themB.thatC.whichD.whom

31【2013安徽】Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012,______ made one of the

Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.A.itB.thatC.whatD.which



2.What if we meet a situation _________none of us are able to deal with?

A.whereB.in whichC.whatD.that

3.I work in a business almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.A.howB.whichC.whereD.that

4.The position many people want to apply is not easy to get.A.to whichB.for whichC.for thatD.with which

A.whereB.in whichC.whenD.that

6.His point no serious harm is done in such cases has led him to make the same mistake again and again.A.thatB.whereC.whenD.which

7.It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village ________ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.A.that,B.whereC.whenD.which

8.---Where did you meet your former girl friend?

---It was in the university _________ we studied ten years ago.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.what

9.Tom got the first place, __________ obviously made his parents very happy.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.where

10.It this dictionary ___________ you bought the day before yesterday?

A.thatB.whichC.whereD.the one

11.As a boy he was always making things, __________ most were about electricity.A.on whichB.for thatC.of whichD.from what

12.In the Olympics we Chinese team got 16 gold medals, 12 _____ were won by women.A.from whichB.of whichC.in whichD.of what

13.What do you think of the cloth _________ the evening dress is made?

A.for whomB.from whichC.in whatD.of which

14.It is the protection for the trees__________ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.A.whereB.thatD./D.which

15.I’m reading a new book these days, ___________ written in English.A.itB.thatD.oneD.which




知识目标:1.熟悉定语从句的概念、句法结构和作用, 以及先行词和关系代词的位置和作用。

2.掌握关系代词that, which, who, whose的基本用法。

能力目标: 能够在真实的交际环境中正确应用关系代词that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句。

德育目标:1.通过模仿、操练和观察, 学会演绎和归纳定语从句的基础知识。

2.通过游戏, 学会合作, 建立自信心和集体荣誉感, 以及综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。

情感目标:通过学习调动学习积极性, 使学生体会到英语的趣味和实用性。


1.了解定语从句的句法作用和结构, 特别是关系代词的正确使用;



语法向来是学生头痛的一项内容, 而定语从句在历来的高考试题中都有所体现, 因此, 掌握这一内容显得尤为重要。我所教的班级学生为普通生, 英语的基础较差, 传统的语法教学基本以呈现理论为主再辅以练习, 相对枯燥, 学生兴趣不够, 容易分散注意力, 所以应融入一些新的教学元素。 这个年龄段的学生争强好胜, 喜欢新事物, 于是我考虑借用大家感兴趣的话题激发学生热情, 增强学习效果。


运用数学中简单的集合概念帮助解决英语中的复杂语法。 以学生为主体, 尝试创新思维, 联系生活采用讨论、协作、探究的小组活动和语法规则自主归纳演绎的教学模式, 引导学生灵活运用所学语法知识。


利用多媒体计算机、 网络资源、 自制音像等创设教学情境、问题情境, 扩大教学容量, 增强教学的趣味性和时效性。



2. 学生课前预习定语从句的讲解和试做导学案上的习题。



一课时 (40分钟)


Step1.通过数学课中的交集概念导入本节课。 两个句子没有一点关系不可能结合在一起, 这与数学课程中的交集概念非常相似, 这样既能激发学生的兴趣, 又能使定语从句合并过程具体、直观。


1. 让学生观察例句:Mr.Smith is a teacher.He is very strict.同时提醒学生思考数学交集这个概念。 让学生回答观察的结果, 在学生回答出正确答案之后, 用红色粉笔画出两个句子的相同部分:Mr.Smith is a teacher.He is very strict.总结:先要找到两个句子连接的纽带、桥梁。 归纳为:找。

2.思考如何把这两个句子连接在一起, 引导学生思考, 提出问题:既然两个划线部分意思一样, 能不能替换? He在句子中承担什么成分? 用关系代词还是关系副词替换? 如果用关系代词替换它, 应该用哪一个关系代词? 替换之后, 句子就会变成:Mr.Smith is a teacher.Who is very strict.总结:要用关系词完全替换划线单词归纳为:替。

3.在前面两步的基础之上, 合并定语从句就水到渠成, 把替换的句子跟在另外一个划线单词后面, 这样定语从句“Mr.Smith is a teacher who is very strict.” 就做出来了。 这一步归纳为:跟。 最后提出问题:划线的a teacher在定语从句中把它称作什么? 定语从句的主句是哪一部分? 定语从句的从句是哪一部分? 先行词等于关系词吗? 总结:1.定语从句的四大要件:主句、从句、先行词、关系词。2.先行词等于关系词。3.以小组形式做练习巩固所学语法知识。


以往常常采取用“定义—讲解—释疑—练习”的方式教授定语从句, 很难提供利用所学的语法项目进行真实交际的机会。 我根据新课改的理念和多年的教学实践, 深入剖析学情和语言习得的规律, 大胆尝试语法教学的形式, 坚持做到以下四点:一是归纳法与演绎法相结合;二是将语法教学放在真实情境中进行;三是在坚持提高语言交际的流利性的同时, 注意提高语言的准确性, 鼓励学生张口说, 不怕犯错误;四是语法讲解简明扼要, 重点突出。

本课是学生进入高中第一次正式学习定语从句, 学生虽然在初中学习时偶尔接触到定语从句的句子, 有一定的语感;但是对于句法结构并不了解, 尤其是定语从句在高中英语学习阶段是难点和重点。 因此, 在本节课上帮助学生清晰地掌握定语从句的基本概念、结构, 以及了解和初步把握关系词的作用和选择尤为重要。 据此, 我将本课设计为四个环节 (分四个层次) :概念、结构、功能、操练。 每一环节都遵循“呈现—发现—归纳—实践—活用”的教学模式, 同时增强练习的趣味性和生活化, 有效激发了学生的学习兴趣和自主探究精神, 打开了通往定语从句的大门。 通过不同的形成性评价表明, 教学效果良好。 课堂教学的“留白”和“悬念”也很重要, 这节课中我有意地在例句中出现只用which和whom的情况, 没有刻意强调总结, 也特意留出that是否有特别用法的悬念, 留给学生去思考、去发现, 课堂教学虽结束, 但学生的思考才开始延伸。


A. two of whom sentB. two of them sent

C. two of whom are sentD. two of them sending

2. He reached London in 1996,____,some time later,he became a famous actor.

A. whereB. whenC. whichD. that

3. ——Is that the small town you often refer to?

——Right,just the one ____ you know I used to work for years.

A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what

4. Have you taken down everything ____ Mr. Smith has said?

A. whichB. whatC. whateverD. that

5. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ____ family was poor.

A. of whomB. whomC. of whoseD. whose

6. A football fan(球迷) is ____ has a strong interest in football.

A. a thing thatB. something thatC. a person whoD. what

7. The matter ____ you were arguing about last night has been settled.

A. thatB. whatC. whyD. for which

8. They talked for about an hour of things and persons ____ they remembered in the school.

A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom

9. He is the boy ____ you wanted to find.

A. thatB. whoC. whomD. /

10. They asked him to tell them everything ____ he saw at the front.

A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where

11. I’ll tell you ____ he told me last night.

A. all which B. all whatC. that allD. all

12. A child ____ parents are dead is called an orphan.

A. whoB. who’sC. whoseD. which

13. He has lost the key to the drawer ____ the papers are kept.

A. where B. on whichC. under whichD. which

14. He was born in the year ____ the Anti-Japanese War broke out.

A. whichB. whenC. on whichD. during which

15. They are talking about persons ____ they knew when they were young.

A. thatB. whichC. whoD. whom

16. This is the man ____ last night.

A. whom I saw himB. whom I saw

C. which I sawD. who I saw him

17. We travelled together as far as Chicago,____ we parted.

A. whenB. whichC. whyD. where

18. Which of the two cows ____ you keep produces more milk?

A. thatB. whichC. whomD. what

19. The last place ____ was the Science Museum.

A. we visitedB. where we visited

C. which we visitedD. we went

20. Peter lives in the room ____ window opens to the south.

A. whose B. thatC. whichD. /

21. Did she tell you anything ____ had happened to her?

A. it B. that C. whatD. which

22. This is the girl ____ I believe was the driver of the car.

A. whoB. whomC. in whomD. /

23. I’ve read all the books ____ were borrowed from the library.

A. theyB. whereC. / D. that

24. China is a country ____ has a long history.

A. itB. whichC. / D. where

25. Did you tell your mother all ____ you had seen on the way home?

A. whatB. whyC. thatD. which

26. It was Tom ____ cat died____ cried all day long.

A. his; hasB. whose; heC. that; who D. whose; that

27. This is just the place ____ I am longing to visit these years.

A. that B. where C. in which D. to where



1.I know the boy.The boy can speak English well.I know the boy _____ can speak English well.2.I have a friend.His father is a teacher.I have a friend _______ father is a teacher.3.I can’t find the house.My friend lives in it.I can’t find the house _______my friend lives in.OR: I can’t find the house _________________ my friend lives.I.定语从句的分类:

1.In their class there are fifteen students who can speak English well.2.In their class there are fifteen students, who can speak English well.3.She has two sons who are P.L.A.men.4.She has two sons, who are P.L.A.men.II.限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的区别:


2、限定性定语从句的关系代词做宾语时,有时可以省略,而非限定性定语从句的关系代词不可以省略。eg: This is the girl(whom)I met yesterday.She sang a song, which we liked very much.3、非限定性定语从句中的关系代词可以代表一个单词、词组或整个句子。My brother lives in Zhongshan, which is only two hours’ drive from here.The English party , which was held in our school, was good.He lost his bike, which made him unhappy.III.定语从句的基本结构:先行词+ 关系词 + 从句

关系代词有:who whom that whose which 关系副词有: when where why IV.修饰物体时关系代词that和 which的区分 只使用that的情况:

1、当先行词是nothing, something, anything, all, each, everything ,much, little, few, none,(the)one等不定代词时。

eg.Do you have anything that is important to tell me?

2、当先行词被all, any, some, no, not, every, each, much, little, few等修饰时。eg.I have some books that are very good.3、当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时。

eg.This is the first book that I bought myself.The biggest bird that I caught is this bird.4、当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only 等词修饰时。

eg.This is the very book that I lost yesterday.5、当先行词又有人又有物时。

eg.I won’t forget the things and the persons that I saw.6、先行词在从句中作表语时。Eg)Our school is not the one that it used to be.只能使用which的情况。

1、非限制性定语从句中。eg.Mary has a book, which is very precious.2、在介词之后。eg.This is a house in which lives an old man.3、当主句中的主语被that修饰时。eg.That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns(which / that).1.This is the only book ____ I got last year.2.Is this the book in ____ you are interested?

4.Rose still remembers the trees and teachers____ exist(存在)in the mother school.5.All the desks ____ are bought look really wonderful.6.Do you have any money ____is used to build the factory? 7.Tom has a toy, ____ was given by his father.8.This is the second watch ____ my father bought for me.V.修饰人时关系代词that 和who, whom的区分。

先行词是one, ones, anyone, those,people时,宜用who;? 在There be开头的句字中,宜用 who;

先行词指人,且关系代词前有介词时,只用whom;(She is the girl with whom I went there.)whose是代词的所有格,可指人也可指物。

I saw a woman whose hag was stolen.Please show me the book whose cover is red.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns(who / that).1.Look at that lady ______ name is Polly.A.who B.whose C.that 2.The girl ______ could sing well went to Europe.A.who B.whose C.whom 3.Tom is the first boy _____ left the room.A.who B.that C.which 4.Those ______ want to go to the Great Wall sign your name here.A.that B.whose C.who 5.There is an old man ______ wants to see you.A.who B.that C.whom VI.关系副词when, where, why 和介词+which之间的关系。关系副词when, where, why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。如:when=in/on/at…+which, where=in/on/at…+which, why=for +which介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。eg.1.I won’t forget the date when(on which)I was born.2.This is the room where(in which)I lived.= This is the room which I lived in.3.I don’t know the reason why(for which)he haven’t come today.4.Tom still remembers the days when(in which)they lived in Tianjin.Fill in blanks with why, where ,when.1.The reason ______ I’m calling you is to invite you to a party.2.This is the house _____ I worked two years ago.3.I’ll never forget the day _____ I joined the army.4.That was the year _______ I went to America.5.This is the reason ________ I come here.定语从句讲解 2 Fill in blanks: 1.He is the famous scientist ________ will give us a lecture next week.2.A good teacher is one _______ students not only respect but also love.3.Have you found the little boy _________ you have been looking for these days? 4.On my way home I met the girl about ________ you told me yesterday.5.At last the policeman found the man ________ wallet was stolen on the bus.6.The papers ______ they are searching for have been discovered here.7.New York is the first city to _______ she has ever been in her life.8.The house is not the one _________ it was when we lived in it.9.They finally arrived at an island ______ name was very strange to them.10.Is there anything interesting in this book _______ is worth reading? 11.The first runner ______ reached the finishing line was my classmate.12.The only thing ________ we can do for the man was to give him some money.14.Do you know the years _______ the great scientists was born and died? 15.I have never been to the village ________ my mother worked as a teacher.16.Can you take us to the square ________ the important meeting was being held? 17.I know the reason ________ the factory didn’t carry out the production plan.18.In the park she met an old friend, _______ invited her to his house for a visit.19.Our teacher, ______ wife fell ill yesterday, cannot come to work today.20.His medicine, _______ was kept in a broken bottle, was all spoiled(坏了).21.He died of hunger during the war, ______ we all suffered for lack of food.22.The new car, for______ I have paid several thousand pounds, isn’t run well.23.Last Monday I went to Beijing, _____ I attend an important meeting.24.My dog, _____ temper is very bad, often barks at my family.25.Jack drove too fast and, what’s more, very carelessly, ______ worried her very much.Exercise: 1.TOEFL is a test for students _____ native language is not English.A.whose B.that C.of whom D.for who 2.Much ____ I have read has been of little help to the problem.A.what B.that C.which D.as 3.I still remember the garden _____ my son could not tear himself away.(勉强使自己离开)A.which B.where C.to which D.from which 4.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____she could turn for help.(turn to sb.for help)A.to whom B.who C.from whom D.that

5.She heard a terrible notice, _____ brought her heart into his mouth.A.it B.which C.this D.that 6.I shall never forget those years _____ I lived in the country with the farmers, _____ has a great effect on my life.A.that;which B.when;which C.which;that D.when;who 7.Alice received an invitation from his boss, ____ came as a surprise.A.It B.that C.which D.he 8.Next week he will visit the airbase ____ he worked 25 years ago.A.when B.as C.where D.which 9.Mr.White took us to a small town, ____ he set up his first factory.A.where B.here C.which D.that 10.August 15,1999 is one of the greatest days in his life _____ he was accepted by a university.A.while B.that C.which D.when 11.I wonder if you know anybody ____ parents work at the airport.A.whose B.their C.his D.her 12.It was a cold winter night , and there wasn’t anyone ____ the boy could turn to for help.A.that B.which C.whom D.what 13.This is the only English-Chinese dictionary ____ could be found in the teacher’s reading-room.A.what B.it C.which D.that

14.She keeps her keys and money in the handbag ____she takes with her everywhere.A.which B.so C.therefore D.when 15.Our concert turned out to be a great success, ____ they had never expected.A.what B.that C.when D.which 16.The Yangtze is the longest river in China, ____ which several bridges have been built recently.A.onto B.through C.above D.over 17.I’d like to join the tennis club _____ which my friend belongs.A.to B.for C.with D.in 18.He arrived late, _______ was annoying.A.what B.that C.which D.who 19.The weather turned out to be very good, _____ was more than we could expect.A.what B.which C.that D.it

20.I have to book ahead(事先预定)for the concerts _______ are usually held in London.A.where B.what C.which D.they


---1who/that 2whose 3that/which;where/in which---1that 2which 3that 4that 5that 6that 7which 8(that)---1B 2A 3A/B 4C 5A---1why 2where 3when 4when 5why Fill in blanks 1who/that;2whom;3whom/that;4whom;5whose;6which/that;7which;








23where;24whose;25which Exercise: 1ABBAB 6BCCAD



A.why B.where C.which D.that

2. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers ______ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.

A.where B.when C.who D.which

3. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, ______ are beyond our control.

A.most of them B.most of which

C.most of what D.most of that

4. The man pulled out a gold watch, ______ were made of small diamonds.

A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of

C.which the hands of D.the hands of which

5. For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further, ____ NewYork is an example.

A.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which

6. They will fly to Washington, ______ they plan to stay for two or three days.

A.where B.there C.which D.when

7. Yesterday she sold her car, ______ she bought a month ago.

A. when B. where C. that D. which

8. Occasions are quite rare ________ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

A.who B.which C.why D.when

9. Whenever I met her, _________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.

A.who B. which C. when D. that

10. She brought with her three friends, none of ________I had ever met before.


1. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure.

A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day?

A. that B. where C. in which D. the one

3. Is this factory __________ some foreign friends visited last Friday? A. that B. where C. which D. the one

4. Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago?

A. that B. where C. which D. the one

5. The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found.

A. that B. where C. in which D. in that

6. The freezing point is the temperature __________ water changes into ice.

A. at which B. on that C. in which D. of what

7. This book will show you __________ can be used in other contexts..

A. how you have observed B. what you have observed

C. that you have observed D. how that you have observed

8. The reason is __________ he is unable to operate the machine.

A. because B. why C. that D. whether

9. I’ll tell you __________ he told me last week.

A. all which B. that C. all that D. which

10. That tree, __________ branches are almost bare, is very old.

A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which

11. I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing.

A. as B. that C. which D. what

12. He failed in the examination, __________ made his father very angry. A. which B. it C. that D. what

13. We’re talking about the piano and the pianist __________ were in the concert we attended last night.

A. which B. whom C. who D. that

14. The girl __________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister.

A. who is singing B. is singing C. sang D. was singing

15. Those __________ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.

A. learn B. who C. that learns D. who learn

16. Anyone __________ this opinion may speak out.

A. that againsts B. that against

C. who is against D. who are against

17. Didn’t you see the man __________?

A. I nodded just now B. whom I nodded just now

C. I nodded to him just now D. I nodded to just now

18. Can you lend me the novel __________ the other day?

A. that you talked B. you talked about it

C. which you talked with D. you talked about

19. Is there anything __________ to you?

A. that is belonged B. that belongs

C. that belong D. which belongs

20. ---- “How do you like the book?”

---- “It’s quite different from __________ I read last month.”

A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what

21. Mr. Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils except __________ who had already taken them.

A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others

22. The train __________ she was travelling was late.

A. which B. where C. on which D. in that

23. He has lost the key to the drawer __________ the papers are kept.

A. where B. in which C. under which D. which

24. Antarctic __________ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.

A. which B. where C. that D. about which

25. It’s the third time __________ late this month.

A. that you arrived B. when you arrived

C. that you’ve arrived D. when you’ve arrived

26. It was in 1969 __________ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon.

A. that B. which C. when D. in which

27. May the fourth is the day __________ we Chinese people will never forget.

A. which B. when C. on which D. about which

28. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, __________ live my grandparents and some relatives.

A. which B. that C. who D. where

29. The hotel __________ during our holidays stands by the seaside.

A. we stayed at B. where we stayed at

C. we stayed D. in that we stayed

30. Is it in that factory __________ “Red Flag” cars are produced?

A. in which B. where C. which D. that 31. It is the Suez Canal __________ separates Asia __________ Africa.

A. which, to B. where, from

C. that, from D. that, with

32. Under the bridge, however, almost directly below, __________ was a small canoe, with a boy in it.

A. there B. where C. it D. which

33. He is not __________ a fool __________.

A. such, as he is looked B. such, as he looks

C. as, as he is looked D. so, as he looks

34. Is that the reason __________ you are in favour of the proposal?

A. which B. what C. why D. for that

35. He must be from Africa, __________ can be seen from his skin.

A. that B. as C. who D. what

36. He has two sons, __________ work as chemists.

A. two of whom B. both of whom

C. both of which D. all of whom

37. I, __________ your good friend, will try my best to help you out.

A. who is B. who am C. that is D. what is

38. He is a man of great experience, __________ much can be learned.

A. who B. that C. from which D. from whom

39. ---- Do you know the town at all?

---- No, this is the first time I __________ here.

A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming

40. I don’t like __________ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that

C. the way which D. the way of which

41. The two things __________ they felt very proud are Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair.

A. about which B. of which C. in which D. for which

42. The dinner was the most expensive meal we __________.

A. would have B. have had

C. had never had D. had ever had

43. Do you know which hotel __________?

A. she is staying B. she is staying in

C. is she staying D. is she staying in

44. There is only one thing __________ I can do.

A. what B. that C. all D. which

45. Who can think of a situation __________ this idiom can be used?

A. which B. that C. where D. in that

46. I have many books, some of __________ are on chemistry.

A. them B. that C. which D. those

47. They were interested __________ you told them.

A. in which B. in that C. all that D. in everything

48. The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, __________ much help for knowing space.

A. which we think it is B. which we think are of

C. of which we think is D. I think which is of

49. The great day we looked forward to __________ at last.

A. come B. came C. coming D. comes

50. I like the second football match __________ was held last week.

A. which B. who C. that D. /


1—5 AADBA 6—10 ABCCA 11—15 AADAD

16—20 CDDBC 21—25 ACBDC 26—30 AADAD

31—35 CABCB 36—40 BBDBA 41—45 BDBBC
