



NO.23 So need your help, I’m so very nervous.What can I do? Meditate? Thank you.exercise? Now? You mean dance? Ok.tell a joke.You tell a joke.What else? Any suggestions? Hug someone!Good idea.At least 12 hug, right? Yeah.anything else? Deep breath!ok,good.so it’s ok to be nervous? Thank you.feel better already.So this is for me the last class at Harvard.Who else is the same boat? 我需要你们的帮助,我十分紧张,我该怎么办,冥想?谢谢。锻炼?现在?你是说跳舞么,讲个笑话?你们给我讲把。还有别的建议没?拥抱?好主意,至少要十二个拥抱对吧?还有什么?深呼吸?很好。紧张也没关系?谢谢。我已经感觉好很多了,这是我在哈佛的最后一节课了,还有谁也是一样?

Wow your last class.what I’d like to do today is summarize what we’ve gone through some of the journey as much as possible, and what I’d like to share that the responsibility of summarizing to share it with you.So I’d like to start with you thinking and reflecting about the course.In the other words, we are going to run the class today, like a small intimacy section.And afterwards I’ll go through what I think of some of the highlights main points from the semester.So I want to start with a time-in, an opportunity for you to reflect and specifically I would like you to reflect on the following things and write them down.So go over your notes or go over your mental notes.And write down at least two things that were particularly meaningful or interesting for you from this semester whether it’s something that you heard in lecture something you discussed in section and somehow was connected to your experience here.Anything or at least two things those were personally meaningful and interesting to you.This is the firs thing, the second thing that I’d like you to write down and you may have done it before and may have written before.At least two commitments that you are making, two behavioral changes or attitudinal changes, two commitments that you are taking upon yourself.Now that the semester is almost over.So again, two meaningful or interesting ideas at least and at least two commitments whether it’s in the form of rituals, attitudinal change or behavioral change.So take a few minutes to do that in a time-in.Know what I’d like you to do and this is completely voluntary of course is share some of the things that you’ve learned at least one thing that you learned that was personally meaningful or interesting to you from this semester.and if you feel comfortable the one of the two commitments or both two commitments that you’ve taken upon yourselves with the person next to you or with two people next to you.So just take 5 minutes to share with one another one interesting or meaningful thing and one commitment or two.我今天想做的是尽可能的总结一下我们一路来所得的收获,我想和你们分享这个总结的责任,你们也要一起分享,所以我想从你们思考和回忆课程内容开始。换言之,我们今天这节课就像个亲密的互动环节,之后我会讲一遍我认为的这学期的一些重点知识,我想先从你们开始,给你们机会回顾一下,我尤其希望你们能够回顾以下主题并把它们写下来,翻阅一下你们的笔记、搜索一下脑海,写下至少两件你觉得这学期最有意义或你觉得最有趣的东西。不管是课上听到的内容、小组讨论的话题,你阅读时读到的东西,课后你和朋友讨论过的和这门课有所联系的问题,什么都可以,至少两样对你来说最有意义的或是最有趣的东西。我想让你们写下的第二个内容是你们可能以前试过、可能以前写过,至少两样你所决心做的转变、;两种行为转变或态度转变,两样你要付诸实施的改变。既然学期都快结束了。再说一遍,至少两样有意义或者有趣的事情以及至少两个转变。不管是建立例行公事、态度转变或行为转变,花一点时间把他们写下来。

O.k.hope you continue the rest of your day for the rest of your life sharing what you’ve learned what you are learning how are you growing.now what I would like to do is hear some of you just talk about you know one thing perhaps you found interesting or meaningful that could be directly from the class or something tangential but what was meaningful or interesting for you this semester.and we have some microphones spread around the room.so if anyone would like to be the first one, to volunteer.remember courage is not about not having fear ,it’s about having fear and going ahead anyway.If courage was about not having fear, I would not be teaching this class.好吧。我希望你们在今天或人生中余下的时间还能继续分享学过的知识和正在学的知识,你如何成长。我现在想做的是听听你们讲讲一样你认为它有趣或有意义的事,可以是课堂内容也可以来自其他涉猎但却是这学期对你来说有趣或有意义的东西,我们把话筒在整个教室传递,有没有人愿意做第一个自愿讲讲的。还记的吗,勇气并不是没有畏惧而是有了畏惧还坚持向前,如果勇气是没有畏惧,我就不会来教这门课了。

“I think for me what the most important thing was the idea of self-concordant goal not being frivolous or selfish but actually being some one should actively pursue and can help the person around you more than by pursuing that what you are told to pursue”


Greer’s essentially dissolving this divide between self and the other.and remember the dalai lama how surprised he was when he came to the west and heard our world for compassion means essentially compassion toward others whereas sway in Tibetan means compassion towards others and compassion toward oneself.they go hand in hand;they are interwined.so identifying our self-concordant goals is very much about helping ourselves and ultimately making the world a better place ,wonderful.“很好,消除自我和他人之间的分歧,还记得吗?**喇嘛,当他到了西方国家后有很多惊讶,他听说我们的同情这个词指的是对他人的同情而藏语中的sawai既指对他人的同情也包括对自我的同情,它们是彼此交融的,所以要找到自我和谐的目标,很大程度就是要帮助自我并最终使世界变得更美好,非常好,谢谢你。”

“I found Roger Bannister story really meaningful to me especially because I know nothing is impossible even there are scientists telling you things are impossible, you can still achieve them”

“我觉得Roger Banister对我来说很有意义,尤其因为我现在明白了一切皆有可能,即使科学家说有些事是不可能的,你也还是可以做到。”

Right, you know so often people tell us that it’s impossible, you can’t do it.And we have that voice at the back of our mind, those limiting beliefs, whether it’s limiting beliefs about how we can feel: and what we can achieve.And what roger banister’s story dose what it helps us do is chip away some of these limitations and understand of our potential.“对,人们经常会跟你说这个是不可能的,你做不到,我们的脑海中总是回响着这样的声音,这些狭隘的想法,既包括对我们的感觉,也包括我们所能做的事,而Roger Bannister的故事能帮我们打破一些这样的束缚,挖掘自身的潜能。谢谢你。”

“The day when you told the story about your grandmother and how she was able to still see so much beauty in the world after everything she has been through was very, very moving for me.And that was a very unique experience to be so emotionally moved in this academic setting.So that was really powerful.And that really made me reevaluate the way I look at my life and the way that I appreciate the things that I have”


“I really like the idea that we can get over bad things a lot quicker than we would anticipate.I just think that you know so often”we cheat ourselves of so much success, so much potential, and pleasure.But I think, you know just the idea of going forward and that we will ultimately get over it if it doesn’t work out.That’s the most important.” 我很喜欢那个“我们忘记坏事情比我们想象的快得多”的观点,我经常思考这一点,我们总是骗自己说有多成功,多么有潜能,多么快乐,但我想朝着目标向前冲就算没能达到也会最终释怀的想法是非常重要的。“

Right, yes, you know just like when we achieve something good we go back to base level and feel like as we did before also when we fail.And it’s a real liberating feeling to know that we will recover.“没错,我们有所成就时能回复平和,感觉就像从前一样,而当我们失败时,要知道我们是能重新振作的,是会很快恢复的,是很能让人解脱的,谢谢。”

“For me, it was important to realize balance between the rat racer and the hedonist finding the balance between short term benefit and long term benefit”


Right.So much of our lives is about “either or”.Either I’m a successful rat racer or I’m a hedonist who has given up essentially on success.Whereas what we can very often do is reconcile the two.You know, eat the cake and leave it whole so it seems.Future benefit and present benefit in one.“人生经常会遇到非此则彼的情况”要么我是个成功的竞争主义者,要么就是放弃成功的享乐主义者,而我们其实通常能将两者融合,就像咬一口蛋糕还保持其基本完整,长期益处和短期益处的结合,谢谢。” “To seek to be known and not validated and the way you taught the class opening up, let’s say each individual failure you had in your life, I found my own failures they are different but they are the same, I feel less lonely”


Thank you, you know when I shared at I think the very first class here was what Carl Rogers said which is what is most personal is most general, because deep down humanity, is humanity, is humanity.And when we live in the world with the desire to be known, expressing ourselves that’s I think when we can reach out most to others whether it’s in a romantic relationship whether it’s in friendship whether it’s in a classroom, thank you.“谢谢,你知道吗,我在第一节课就讲过的Carl Rogers说过‘最个人的也是最大众的’因为从本质来说,这些都是人性,当我们活在这世上,有被了解的欲望,表达自我,这是我们最能和他人触碰的时候,不管是爱情、友情或是同学之间,谢谢。”

“One thing I would take away from this class is conscious about being grateful because sometimes I feel that you take for granted the people you love the most”


To be grateful, there are so many treasures of happiness of well being all around us and within us.And the challenge is just to open our eyes to appreciate them.“感恩,我们的周围和内心都有那么多快乐和幸福,最重要的是我们睁开我们的双眼去感受它们”。

“What was really amazing to me was how open others not in the class such as family and other friends not in the class to also take on this change in their life.They didn’t see it as cookie self-help thing but really as.Oh yeah maybe I should take note of all the things I’m grateful for in my life and other exercises”


This is paying it forward, sometimes we are so afraid to talk about things that matter to us and when we do and when we are genuine, when we express ourselves, this things are contagious.And then they pay it forward.“对,这就是传递,有时我们很害怕说出自己看重的东西,而当我们说出它时,当我们是真实的、当我们是真挚的、当我们表达自我时,这些东西是会被传染的,我们会将其传递出去,它们再继续不断传递” “Before taking this class I blame my mood and my happiness a lot on those going around me like my circumstances.So taking this class really helps me aware the circumstances really don’t control your happiness level that I have more than an active role like how I feel”


Right, remember one of the things we talked about is that at least I don’t think that things necessarily happen for the best.You know there are some times where there are bad circumstances poor circumstances hard circumstances, the challenge through is how can we make the best of that which have happened.And we do have much more control over it than we think.“是的,还记得我们讲过,至少我不认为什么事都能一帆风顺,有时我们会遇到坏情况、糟糕的情况、艰难的情况,最大的挑战其实是我们如何能更好的利用发生的一切,我们确实比自己想象的更有力量来掌控。”

“The class allowed me so many times during almost every day to understand something is part of me being human as part my permission to be human rather than conceive it as my feelings or something that I wasn’t doing well enough”


So the permission you know I have repeated it for so many times and I’ll continue to repeat it until use every minute that I have to do it because it’s really on so many levels the foundation of well being.Unfortunately too much in our culture today what is going on what I call the great deception? Where we think well everyone is doing great except for me.So I’m going to pretend I’m doing great too.And then we become part of that great deception reinforcing it.The permission to be human.“允许为人,我反复多次提到它,并将继续提到,即使到了生命的最后几分钟也会继续,因为从很多方面来说它确实是幸福的基础,不幸的是我们如今的文化过于强调我所说的‘巨大骗局’,我们认为每个人都很棒,就我不行,所以我要假装我也很棒,然后我们就成了巨大骗局的一部分,一定要反复强调‘允许为人’。”

“The whole piece about perfectionism, I have never seen myself as a perfectionist and I just think it’s just kind of self denial.So through the exercises in the course as well as you know in the book different readings that we’ve done have really allowed me to explore that, and accept that and make proactive changes in my life to grow away from that” “关于完美主义的那些内容,我从没觉得自己是个完美主义者,我觉得那是种自我否定,通过课堂上的练习以及课本的内容、我们做的各种阅读真的使我去探索去接受它,并主动地做出改变来远离它。”

Great.You know perfectionism is again another thing that so many people hide because perfectionist almost by definition doesn’t want to show the weakness.And as I mentioned in the class unpertionism for me has been the most important in terms of my progression toward becoming happier.Accepting failure as an inevitable accepting that life is not a straight line but rather a spiral with ups and downs along with the general trajectory as improvement, growth and permission.“很好,完美主义同样是人们经常隐藏的,因为完美主义者从定义上说就是不愿意显露出弱点,而正如我在课上所说的我认为不完美主义是在向着幸福前进道路上最重要的一点,接受不可避免的失败,接受人生不会是一条直线,而是有起伏的螺旋,但主轴仍然在,也就是进步、成长和允许为人。” “So for me that one of the things that really resonated was the idea of reframing the question.At the beginning of the term you spoke about the fact there was the 21 to ratio of negative to positive research.And as someone who will be going into research in neurobiology.It was really interesting just reframing of a world view just start thinking of, well perhaps starting looking at what is working in terms of research.And, so I will take that with me into my academics”


The importance of questions, questions create our reality.Remember the question of the children on the bus which most people completely missed;remember years and years of research that was done in the inner cities with at risk population where they missed the answer to how can we improve their lives.They missed it because they did not also ask the positive question.And it applies into every area of our lives as I’ll talk about soon “问题的重要性,问题能创造我们的现实。还记得公交车上的孩子们的问题吗。很多人都忽视了,年复一年我们在城市中对高危人群进行研究,却总是找不到改善他们生活的方法,因为他们没有问出积极的问题,我很快会讲,这也适用于我们生活的各个方面。”

“Before I always procrastinate, that is my big problem for my academic.Now I improved a lot.So thank you very much”


Procrastination, you know 70 percent of students in universities complain about procrastination.It’s a huge issue.And one of the ways to overcome it, the best way to overcome it is to just do it.Just start remembers the five-minute take-off.That’s so important.Thank you.“拖延症,70%的大学生抱怨说有拖延症,这是个大问题,客服它的最好方式就是去做。还记得五分钟休息吗,那非常重要。谢谢。” “I was just really impressed with the reading that we read by Gilbert that was talking about how the good luck in your life and the wonderful circumstances you find yourself in are really your own making.And by changing your outlook and your patterns you can really make a difference in your happiness day to day”.“我对我们阅读Gibert的作品印象非常深刻,讲的是关于生活中的好运以及你觉得自己置身的美好状态,其实都是你自己创造的,通过改变你的外表和衣着,你可以每日逐渐改变自己的幸福感。”

Yeah, you know so many people live lives and think only I didn’t meet that person, if only this hasn’t happen to me.I would have been happy.And understanding that so much of it is determined by our perception is very empowering.“很多人或者会想‘要是我没遇到这个人就好了,要试着在事情没发生在我身上,我就会很幸福的。’要明白这其中很大一部分都是由我们的理解决定的很重要的。”

“What has been most meaningful for me has been in fact that this class exists and there are so many people interested in happiness cause you know the culture here at Harvard we don’t always get the chance to really think about it.And as you said, you know it’s you are just reminding us what we already know but it’s also letting us know that we are not crazy for knowing it”


Yahweh is not.We are not alone.And we need that reminder and other people need that reminder.By reminding other people we also reminder ourselves.Thank you.“是的,我们并不孤单,我们需要有人提醒,其他人也需要通过提醒其他人我们也提醒了自己,谢谢。”

“For me it’s the concept of integrity because I think we are all honest people but it’s the little things at times each day when we compromise our beliefs or act in a way that doesn’t align with how we think we should and that really takes toll on you esteem.So the idea of being constantly aware of and maintaining our integrity I think really stands to help us feel better about ourselves”


Because you know when we tell the truth, we are communicating a certain message to ourselves, when we express ourselves we are communicating a certain message to ourselves.And the message is my words count;I count.When we express we are good enough don’t need to put on a façade or impresse,then the message the self perception theory actually enhances how we feel about ourselves not to mention that it helps interpersonal communication.And the world would be a better place if more and more people acted with integrity.And again, self and others divide dissolves.“当我们说真话时,其实正给自己传递某种信息。当我们表达自我时,我们在给自己传递某种信息,这个信息就是我的话有分量,我有分量,当我们表达“我很棒”无需过分想给他人留下印象,而这个信息这个自我知觉理论能提升我们的对自身的看法,更不用说对人际关系的提升了,也能使世界变得更美好。如果越来越多人能够正直,那么同样自我和他人之间的分歧就会消除。”

“one of the phrases that you shared with us in your lectures that really impacted me and I’ve actually embraced it as a kind of personal mantra is learn to fail or fail to learn, there’s no other way.And I kind of realized throughout the course, this class what a perfectionist I have been and how much time throughout my life my earliest memories have stuck really torturing myself, the anxiety and fear of making a mistake and to reframe that and really look at those inevitable moments where I messed up as you know fuel for moving forward, as opportunities has been wildly liberating.So thank you for that ”


The notion of learn to fail and fail to learn as you know is my personal mantra as well.It’s very liberating within the context of relationship within the context of our academic performance within the context of an organization on every level.And it’s important to understand that there is no other way to learn whether it’s to draw a circle or to walk.It’s just part of life.And if we accept it, we are much happier for it.Thank you.“学会失败,从失败中学习的概念其实也是我个人的座右铭,它能让人解脱在人际关系中、在学业成绩中、在一个组织的各个层面中,重要的是要知道没有其他更好的学习方法,不管是画圈圈或是学走路,这只是人生的一部分,我们就能更快乐,谢谢。”

“What’s really been meaningful to me in deciding what concentration to pursue is the idea of happiness is ultimate currency and trying to kind of eliminate outside influences and really think about what is meaningful to me and what will make me happy in what I study.So thank you” “对我来说特别有意义的就是真正要专心追求的东西,快乐是最终目的,要试图消除外界的影响,认真思考在我所学的东西中什么能让我快乐”

The ultimate currency you know many people say about Americans that one of the reasons why the level of depression are on the rise, one of reason why there are so many unhappy people is because Americans have too high expectations.And that’s not right.I disagree with it;and the research disagrees with it.It’s not about having high versus low expectations;it’s about having right versus wrong expectations.And it applies to, to many areas but one of the things to understand is that where do we look to again gratification from our life.Is it from, again getting the next accolade, the next promotion or the people tell us how wonderful our concentration is? Or is it from doing what we want to do, in other words, being determined by the ultimate currency and understanding that happiness is the ultimate currency? Thank you.“最终目的,和很多人说美国人之所以抑郁水平不断攀升,之所以有那么多不快乐的人,其中一个原因就是美国人有过高的期望,这是错的,我不同意,研究也不能证明这一点。这不是过高期望或是低期望的问题而是正确或错误期望的问题,这适用于很多领域,但我们要明白的一点是我们在人生中何处获得满足,是来自下一句的赞美、下一次升职、或是人们说我们又多棒吗,还是来自我们想做的事。换言之,我们最终的目的所决定的事,而最终的目的就是快乐,谢谢。”

“I feel that all this semester and all this year in fact I have been trying to, I have been either going to class or running to lab or just finding some way to fill up every hour of my day.And it seems like I’m constantly running from one place to another and it seems all my life I have been just essentially trying to fill up every hour of my day.And I think what’s really important and what I really got from this is what you said about doing less is more.And that’s something I’m definitely going to take like keep in mind the next three years when I’m here”


Yeah, less is more.Quantity affects quality.And we so often wonder you know “how can I am unhappy?” I have so many things in my life that are wonderful and amazing.And that could be part of the problem.Because more is not always better.Not easy to simplify that’s so very important.“对,做得少其实是更多,数量会影响质量,我们经常好奇‘我为什么不快乐,我人生中有这么多美好的东西’这可能就是问题的一部分,因为更多不一定意味着更好。把事情简化很难,这是很重要的。”

“The concept of simplicity on the other side of complexity is so awful for me, because you know when you grow up in life you add all these variables and it becomes more and more complicated.And as a is certain about not being able to simplify.But when you say at the top of the complexity is when you realize the beauty, realizing that the simplify comes after complexity not before complexity.And the knowledge of complexity that’s an amazing concept”


So Oliver Wendell Holmes talks about the simplicity on the other side of complexity.And that applies whether it’s to ideas and again this class most of it is very simple.And there were no very complicated concept here.But many of them are the simplicity on the other side of complexity.Same on the individual level.Very often we go through hardships and our life is so difficult.We go through a crisis, through a crucible.And what we need to do is to understand when we are going through that complexity and hardship and the crucible and the difficulties is that there is simplicity on the other side.Very often all we need to do is hanging on.Just wait a little bit longer.There will be more clarity more growth more development more joy at the end of it.“Oliver Wendell Holmes 讲到了复杂性另一面的简单性这适用于,不管是这门课的大部分内容都是很简单的,没有特别复杂的概念,但他们很多都是复杂性另一面的简单,对个人来说也是一样。我们经常会遇到困难,生活很艰难。我们会经历危机,残酷的考验。我们要做的就是当我们经历了这些复杂艰难严峻的考验和坎坷起伏后另一面就是简单。通常我们要做到的往往就是坚持。再等一会儿,就会更清楚明了,更能成长,更能进步,最终更快乐。”

“On your passing on the mice I was like ‘oh my god, I don’t really have anything to say, there are so many people, I will never do that’.And you said courage is not about fearless but about having fear and doing it anyway.So I just threw my pack over the wall.I was like ‘give me those mice!I’m going to do it!’ And it’s in my hand and I’m speaking.So thank you for that”


That’s what it is about.It’s about behavioral change.Not in theory.Good “这就是行为转变而不是理论,很好。”

“You’ve spoken in the past few lectures about in an anonymous world and about how we would live if our action is anonymous.And I think that knowing what we want and actually pursuing what we want is or be really challenging even frightening.It’s just seems like you really know what you want and pursued and pursue what you want.And I think that is something to be really proud of.And you definitely seem to practice what you preach and teach.And I have enormous amount of respect foe you because of that”


“There are many things but one thing I’m really learned from this class is it is important to focus on what we really like to do.You said many times in the class teaching is your calling.And I can see how much you enjoy teaching.And it was really inspiring to me.So I think I will remember that and I will keep looking for my calling and what I really like to do.Thank you”

“你讲过很多东西,但有一样我确实学到的就是专注于我们真正想做的事情,你在课堂上说过很多次教书就是你的使命,我能看出来你有多热爱教学,这让我很有感触,我会记住这一点并不断寻找我的使命,我真正想做的到底是什么,谢谢” Let’s take someone with the microphone.And we’ll give it to you.Anyone has microphone? “找到拿着话筒的人,把话筒给你,有人有话筒么”

“I used to be the kind of person who like run away from my problems and I used to try to ignore them until they went away.And I don’t do that anymore because I know that if I’m unhappy the only person who can do something about it is me.And I need to make a change.And this class has given me all sorts of tools to do that.So thank you”


“I just wanted to thank you for the idea of the power of commitment because it helps me get my job.You know and something that I want to do which is journalism versus something that I wasn’t excited about doing which is likes PR.So I wanted to thank you for that because you know I decided to jump into it and throw my pack over the wall.And that’s why I got it.So thank you”


You know.Hi Newman fellows.“事实上,粉丝们好”

“I remember that you talked about when you stretch a muscle, its get stronger and brought up the idea of stretch zone.And I didn’t realize how much stronger I would become when I stretch myself and do things that weren’t in things in me stretch zone and my panic zone.I just thank you, because I think this class has really been the road map a lot of us have needed to change and becomes happier.Thank you”


“Good afternoon everyone.I’d like to say you are great.Yeah.And also I’m a proud educator in the Milwaukee public school system.Are there any educators in the room? And what you speak of as Albert bandore and the theory of self efficacy is so very important.And anyone who is interested in youth empowerment or education is very important.No.1 to have high expectations for our children especially children of color ,cause as an educator I see what bandore talks about what deck talks about this diminished sense of reality for these kids that produces whole other world for them.So you know I just want to really focus and kind of stress that.And thank you for sharing that.That’s important to have expectations for children and for yourself of course ”

“各位下午好,我首先想说你太棒了,我是Milwaukee 公立学校体系的一名老师,在座有将来想要当老师的么?你之前讲过的Albert Bandera 和自我效能理论是非常重要的,任何对帮助青年成长或教育有兴趣的人对孩子们有高期望是非常重要的,尤其是有色人种的孩子。作为教育工作者,我明白Bandera 和deck想表达的意思,对这些孩子来说弱化了的现实,为他们创建一个完全不同的世界。我想强调并着重突出这一点,很感谢你讲了这个,对孩子们有高期望是很重要的,当然对自己也是很重要的。”

Right.Beliefs in self-fulfilling prophecies so often create the world our world and the world of those around us based on our beliefs.Let’s take a couple of more.And I will do my quick summary.“没错,自我实现预言经常改变世界,我们的以及我们周围的世界基于我们的信仰。我们再听几位,然后我再快速总结一下”

“I know this has been mentioned a couple times already but it’s so easy to blame others for our unhappiness or others’ actions or even our own actions for our unhappiness.But you’ve talked so many times about what’s going on in our own subconscious and how what subconscious may be doing is might actually preventing our unhappiness or preventing our happiness rather.And it just brought me back to marvel Collins and how if a student did something wrong, she made them go through the alphabet and say these are all good things about me.And it’s really been enlightening to try to think about how I’m thinking what I am not doing to others or what others are doing to me but what am I thinking that’s preventing me from being a happier person”

“我知道这已经被提到好几次了,但真的很容易将我们的不快乐归咎与其他人,其他人的行为甚至是我们自己的行为。但你说过很多次我们潜意识中发生的事以及潜意识的影响可能才是使得我们不快乐。这让我回想起marvel Collins,如果学生做错了什么事情,她回让她的学生们看一遍字母表说这些都是我好的方面。我们真的应该尝试去想,我想的是什么,对他们不做什么或他人对我做什么,但是要思考是什么阻止我变成一个更幸福的人”

That’s wonderful.Thank you.Let’s take two more.So up there.“很好谢谢。再听两位同学”

“I guess two things that really stuck with me from the class is the little clip you showed of the baby learning to walk.And just like what you conveyed the idea like this baby has no reason to like have a sense of why he’s falling down and it should be anything that he should be ashamed of.And that was just like a very effective way to kind of convey like we always saying kind of learn to fail and fail to learn.That’s really stuck with me.And also your own willingness to describe your own kind of rises and falls as you went through your studies of psychology and your experiences at Cambridge and’ Harvard and just you willingness to be very open about it.It’s kind of empowerment like ,for me is I’m about graduate and I go forward kind of maybe don’t know what exactly you want to do and you consider different options and obviously that fear of failures especially when you come from a place like Harvard is maybe especially xx.You just are willing to share these experiences and empowering.I feel as I kind of question the choices I am going to make.So I really appreciate that”


“Everyday is a beautiful day.And to be grateful for that somehow makes it easier to go out and try to do things that maybe even we didn’t like.And common sense is not that common.And these are all a lot of things that I’ve learned I already knew.But now I learned it at Harvard” “每一天都是美好的对此感恩能让我们在做自己不喜欢的事情时能更轻松以及常识其实并不那么人尽皆知。这些都是,学的很多东西都是我已经知道的,但我现在是在哈佛学到的”

Let’ take one more.让我们再听一个

“So I’m senior and I’m leaving.So this is my last lecture class at Harvard.So I apologize if this message seems a little more geared towards the undergrads in the class.One of the things that I’m very impressed with is a large lecture class that is so far reaching as far as the number of people who want to take it and the diversity of students in the class.But I guess this experience that I like to share is that I came into this class admittedly because I value honesty I will say I took it because I thought it would be a nice complement to an otherwise a difficult senior spring.And I thought, well it’ll be nice class to have.And my sophomore year I had gone through kind of self discovery.Post depression that made me kind of value things in a different way.So I’ve been using these lessons that I learned sophomore year.And I thought well maybe this class will just be redundant.Turns out I went through other really difficult times during my senior spring.And sorry.I guess what I’d like to relate to especially the undergrads here is that very important if you are a freshmen if you are a sophomore.It’s not even too late as juniors.It’s very important to prioritize what’s really important to you at this school.And let me tell you it’s not the paper, it’s not the problem set.It’s not getting a full 8 hours sleep when your friends need your attention for an hour because the people here matter the most.And you will miss them.If you don’t spend time with them now you won’t have time to spend with them later on.So it’s very important prioritize what’s meaningful for you and what you really want to do at school because before you know it will be over.So thank you for helping me remember that and making it meaningful semester”


Thank you.Let me summarize.All of the things that you already mentioned before these are not necessarily the most important.These are the ones that for me without looking back on my notes came up.First, the questions that you ask will very often determine the quest that you take.If we only asked the negative questions such as ‘why do so many of these individuals fail’.Then we won’t see the potential for greatness that exists in each individual if we only ask ‘how can my relationship be improved?’ And we will not see all the wonders and the treasures and the miracle that exist in the person best to us.We also need to ask the positive question, what is good about my relationship? What is great about my partner? What is wonderful about me? What is meaningful to me? What I am good at? Questions start a quest.And the kind of the quest they start depends on the quality of the question that we ask.The four minute mile beliefs create reality.Not only beliefs, but to be a great extent how we perceive reality is what actually comes true.Marvel Collins believed in her students and’ miracles happen.Those unreachable ones become extraordinary because of beliefs.“谢谢,谢谢你们,现在我来总结一下。你们刚刚讲到的这些所有东西,这些不一定是最重要的。这些东西我无需翻阅笔记就能想到。首先,你所问的问题经常会决定你所做的探索。如果我们只问消极的问题,比如为什么这么多人失败,我们就无法看到潜在在每个人心中的伟大,如果我们只问我的人际关系该怎么改善,我们就无法看见身边的人所拥有的宝贵财富和奇迹。我们同样要问积极的问题,我的人际关系中又什么好的方面,我的同伴有哪些优点,我自己有哪些优点,什么对我最有意义,什么能使我愉快,我擅长什么,问题会带来探索,探索的内容取决于我们所问的问题。我们常说信念创造现实,不仅是信念,更宽泛的说,我们如何理解现实才是最后所得的结果。Marvel Collins 相信她的学生,然后奇迹发生了,那些朽木难雕的学生因为信念而成就卓越。

Remember john Carlton’s study once again about business school graduates.Two things distinguish the extraordinary from the rest.One was that they always asking question always wanting to learn more having that humbleness that’s so important for growth and well being and self esteem.And second, they believe in themselves.They have confidence.They had the self efficacy to succeed and to thrive.How do we improve the belief? By putting ourselves on the line, by coping, by taking risks by showing ourselves that we can do it through visualization.There are no short cuts to success.Learn to fail or fail to learn.It’s no coincident that the most successful extraordinary people in history were also the ones who failed the most.Whether it was in sports, bade Ruth, who stuck out more than any other players of his time but also hit the most home runs.Whether it was Michael Jordan who described his failures time and time again whether it’s taking the game winning short where he didn’t make it or practicing over and over again.It’s no coincident that Thomas Edison the person who had more patents than any other scientist in history is also the scientist who had failed the most times.还记得john carton 关于商学院学生的研究么,将卓越和平庸分开的有两样东西,一个是他总在问问题,总想学习到更多,心怀谦逊,对成长,幸福和自尊尤为重要,其次他们相信自我,他们有自信,他们有自我效能通往成功和进步。我们如何提升信念?通过拉伸自我去尝试,挑战自我,通过具象化使我们明白自己可以做到。成功没有捷径,学会失败,从失败中学习。历史上很多成功的杰出人士,同样也是那些失败最惨重的人,这并非巧合。无论在体育界babe Ruth比同时代任何球员三振出局次数都多,但也是打出过最多的全垒打,还有Michael Jordan一次次的表现出失败,赛点时最后一个绝杀没有投进或不断重复的机械训练。Thomas Edison比任何科学家获得专利都多的人同样也是失败过最多的人,这也并非巧合。

Remember dean Simonton’ work on scientists as well as the artists.The most successful ones were also the ones who failed the most.There is no other way to learn.Moreover if we accept this, if we accept this growth mindset as opposed to fixed mindset that carols deck talks about it.Not only we will be, improved more, we will also be happier, because then not every experience is a threat to our ego, to our self, to our self esteem.If we accept the failure is inevitable whether in a relationship there are disappointments and arguments or individual life or on a national level.No perfect country, no perfect person, no perfect organization.And if we understand that life is about this as opposed about this, we’ll be so much happier, so much calmer and paradoxically so much successful.The permission to be human, there are two kinds of people who don’t experience painful emotions.Who are they again? The psychopath and dead people.I’m so glad none of you are psychopath and that you are all alive.It makes the class so much better, so much safer.还记得dean Simonton 对科学家和艺术家的研究么,最成功的往往是失败的最多的。没有别的方法可以学习,如果我们接受这一点,如果我们接受这种成长的心态而不是carol deck所说的固定心态,我们不仅会更有进步,也会更加幸福快乐,因为这样就不会每次经历都是对自我自尊的一种威胁,如果我们接受失败是不可避免的,不管是在人际关系中存在失望和争吵还是在个人生活中或从国家来说,没有完美的国家,没有完美的人。没有完美的组织,如果我们明白生命是个上升的螺旋而非一条直线,我们会幸福得很多,冷静得多并且也更加成功。允许为人,世界上有两种人不会经历感情创伤,哪两种人,精神病患者和死人,我很高兴你们都不是精神病患者也都还活着,这让这门课好上很多,安全很多。

You are not going to come out of this class experience a constant high.No one can experience a constant high.You are going to continue to have those ups and downs.The only difference I hope that you will experience now is that when you experience a painful emotion you will look at it and sailor I’m human.It hurts.I wish it weren’t that way, but I accept it just like you accept the law of gravity, because the law of gravity is as much part of physical nature as painful emotion is a part of human nature.Permission to be human.We talked about many interventions that work in this class.Most interventions don’t work as we’ve seen whether it’s with the Somerville study or others.Journaling works.When we write, when we open up, whether it’s writing or sharing with a person we care about.And it can be a therapist;it can be our best friend, our partner.When we share, when we open up, we are able to make a sense, creat a sense of coherence in the words of Antonovsky about the experience of our lives and enjoy higher levels of happiness.It works.There are so many treasures of happiness all around us and within us.And the question is do we notice them? Or do we take them for granted.你不可能学完这门课后就能一直保持人生平顺,没人能一直保持人生平顺,你还会经历坎坷起伏,我希望你们唯一能感受到的区别就是当经历感情创伤的时候,你会看着它说,我只是普通人,我很难过,真希望事情不是这样的,但我接受它就像接受重力定律一样,因为重力定律是一种物质本质就像感情创伤是一种人性本质,允许为人,在课堂上我们讲了很多种干预,大多数干预并不起作用,正如Somerville的研究和其他研究显示的而日记可以。在写东西时,我们在打开内心,不管是写还是和我们关心的人倾述可以是心理咨询师,可以是好朋友,爱人,当我们分享,开放内心时,我们就能建立一种感觉,用antonovsky的话来说就是关联性的感觉来看待我们生命中的经历得到更高层次的快乐,这是有用的,我们周围和内心有那么多快乐而问题在于我们注意到它们了嘛,还是把它们想成了理所当然。

Remember the word, appreciate.It has two meanings.One is to say thank you for something which is a nice thing to do again, sister called the gratitude is the highest of virtues.It’s nice thing to be grateful.The second meaning is Noels important.Appreciate means to grow.And when we appreciate the good in our lives, when we appreciate the good in our relationship, when we appreciate our partner, our friends, our classmates, when we appreciate our country, the good grows.Unfortunately the opposite is also the case.When we don’t appreciate, the good depreciate.There is no perfect relationship, no perfect person, and no perfect country.The important thing through is to focus on what is working.Appreciate it so that it appreciates.So many people wonder why they are not happy even though they have all the things that they want in their lives.Why? Because there can be too much of a good thing.Remember my favorite piece of music? 回忆一下appreciate这个词有两种意思,一种是表示感谢,这是很好的,人们常说感恩是最高尚的美德,感激是一件很好的事,第二种意思也同样重要,意思是增值,当我们感激生活中好的方面,感激人际关系中好的方面,感激我们的伴侣、同学、朋友,感激我们的国家,这些好处就会增值,不幸的是相反的事也会发生,但我们不予以感恩时,好的方面就会贬值,世上没有完美的人际关系,没有玩美的人,没有完美的国家,最重要的是要关注什么是有效的,感激它,它才能增值,很多人疑惑自己为什么总是不快乐,即使他们已经得到了想要的一切,为什么,因为好东西太多有时也不是好事,还记得玩么最喜欢的歌么

Whitney Houston and I will always love you, straight 10.Second favourite, Beethoven’s 9th, 9.5.Play together is noise.Not 19.5, not10, not5.Noise.There can be too much of a good thing.Easier said that done to simplify.But remember that a much better predictor of well being than material affluence is time affluence.Simplify.Assert yourself.Say no at times when it’s appropriate.Find out what you really, really want to do with your life and do it.The no.1 predictor of well being an intimate relationship that you cultivate and in the future matters more than anything else in the world.Yes, even more than a problem set, even more than an exam, even more than how widely successful we are and how admired we are.Yeah, that will lead to a spike in our well being very quickly will go back to base level just like the tenure professors went back to the base level.Just like the lottery winners.And the highly successful individuals who thought they had made it and went to base level and below because they didn’t know what would make them happier.Well this is what can one of the things can make us happier.And to cultivate relationship means to invest in them, to put time into them.To share, to open up.Just like we would invest if we find our ideal job, ideal workplace, we would start to invest then same with relationship.Remember movies end where love begins.It’s about cultivating the relationship after the screen comes down after the sunset that’s where the investment that’s where the return of investment comes.whiney Houston我将永远爱你,十分满分,第二首喜欢的贝多芬第九交响乐9.5分,在一起播放就是噪音,不是19.5,10分或5分,只是噪音,好东西太多也不是好事,要将一切简化说起来容易,做起来难,但记住玩么说过的比物质充裕更能带来幸福的是时间充裕,简化,果断坚决,在适当的时候学会说不,弄清楚你究竟,真正想做的东西,然后去做。最能预示幸福的是人际关系,你先找和未来经营的一段,亲密关系比世界任何事都重要,甚至比问问题更重要,比考试更重要,比我们有多成功,多被人敬仰更重要的多。对,成功会使我们的幸福感陡升而很快就降到基础水平,就像获得长期聘用的大学教授,就像彩票中了大奖的人,那些以为自己非常成功的人,很快又会回到基准水平甚至更低。因为他们不知道什么会让他们更快乐。这就是一种,其中一种让我们更快乐的方法,经营一段感情就意味着为之投入,向其中投入时间,彼此分享和交流,就像我们会投入,如果我们找到了理想的工作,我们会将自己投入其中,人际关系也是这样。电影总在结尾时爱情才开始。在大屏幕暗下来后继续经营感情,在日落之后,此时我们的投入才有了回报。

Our mind can only take us only so far.You know I know positive psychology pretty well;I apply everything that I talk about here.However, I really think that if I was not cognizant of the body mind connection and applying the body mind connection to my life.I would be far less happy than I am today.Why? Because I would be compromising on my base level god’s given, gene’s given level of well being.Because when we don’t exercise, it’s like taking a depressant.And we have to fight our nature.And it’s very hard to fight our nature.It’s very difficult to enhance our levels of well being as is to have also fight against nature is incredibly difficult.So remember the wonder drug.Exercise at least four times a week for 30 minutes.If you can ,if you are interested do some formal yoga or mindful meditation, sitting ,meditation.If not, at very least, breathe deeply a few times a day.Three deep breaths can make a big difference.Now is not a bad time to do it.Sleep when possible 8 hours or somewhere around 8 hours a night of sleep.And touch.Hug, embrace an underused sense is so important.Be known rather than be validated.And again all of us need to be validated.Its note about getting rid of our dependent self esteem but it is very much about first and foremost being known expressing rather than impressing.Life becomes so much lighter, so much easier, so much more exciting when we are expressing ourselves.Being known rather than being validated whether it’s with our romantic partner, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our class, the foundation of the growth of intimacy and passion in long term relationships.Easier said than done.It’s so important.Now I tried to have top10 but I couldn’t.I had to have one more, so you’ll have to excuse me.The last one and the one brings together all the others on so many levels are the one about change.思想带给我们的前进是有限的。我很了解积极心理学,我实践了我所有我教的知识,然而我真的觉得如果我不知道精神肉体的联系并将精神肉体联系应用于我们的生活,我一定没有今天这么快乐,为什么,因为我会屈服于上帝所决定的基准水平,基因决定的基准幸福水平。因为当我们不锻炼时,就像打了镇静剂,我们必须和本性抗争,和本性抗争是很难的,提升我们幸福水平是很难的,而同时要和本性抗争则是难以想象的困难。还记得灵药么,每周锻炼四次,每次半小时,如果你可以,如果你有兴趣,去做做瑜伽或冥想,打坐冥想,如果不行,那么至少每天深呼吸几次,三次深呼吸就有显著效果”,现在就可以试试。睡眠,可能的话八小时或者接近八小时,以及触摸。抱,拥抱,这个总被忽视的感官却非常重要。被了解而非被证明,我们所有人都需要被证明,并不是说要完全去除我们依赖别人的自尊,但更重要的是被了解,去表达而非给他人留下印象,人生会变得更轻松,更简单,更让人兴奋。如果我们能表达自我,被了解而非被证明,无论是和我们的伴侣,家人,朋友,同事,同学,这都是在长期人际关系中亲密和激情增加的基础。说起来容易做起来难,这非常重要,我想列出前十,但我做不到,有一个不得不提,所以你们要谅解。最后能将所有东西整合在一起的一点就是关于转变的内容。

Finally.You’ve been waiting the entire semester just for this well was worth the wait I hope.There’re two types.I mean there are many types but there’re two types of graduates from 1504 or any other class or workshop that is about attaining higher levels of happiness.One that at best enjoys a temperate high or a nice memory and goes back down to a base level.And the second that enjoys maybe the same temperate high which cannot last our entire lives but still enjoy continuous growth throughout their lives.And the difference, the primary difference is whether or not you introduce behavioral changes.Remember peter ducker what he said whenever people came to him for a weekend seminar intensive.He said on Monday, don’t call me to tell how wonderful it was, call me and tell me what you are doing differently.Because in his 65 years of experience working with the most successful the most inspiring the best and the brightest people in the world, what he’s found that this is what extinguishes real lasting change from a temperate high.Don’t tell me how wonderful it was.Tell me what you doing differently on Monday.Introduce behavioral changes now.This is the core of change.What you learned in the class hopefully is only the beginning.Because remember once again carton’s study.The people who succeed, the most who are the happiest, succeed the most in the ultimate currency in a long term ones who are lifelong learners always asking questions, always finding out more.But there are many people with good intentions, but good intentions are not enough.What we also need is the foundation, the empirical, rigorous scientific foundation of things that work.And when we know these things then we pay them forward then we share them.In psychology among other in humanities, what you got here at Harvard? What are you getting here at Harvard? Is that foundation that can make the world a better place? I don’t teach this class only because it is fun for me.It’ fun.Yes, it is pleasurable to me.I told you I can’t wait for Tuesdays and Thursdays to share what I care about the most with you.Yes it’s fun.But I don’t do it just because of that.I do it because I think the ideas of some of the greatest psychologists that I have quoted and cited and cited and discussed their ideas can change the world for the better.Mallow back in 1954 wrote: I am not only the disinterested and impersonal seeker for pure cold truth for its own sake.I am also very definitely interested and concerned with man’s fate with his ends and goals and with his future.I would like to help improve him and better his prospects.I hope to help teach him how to be brotherly,cooperative,peaceful,courageous and just, I think science is the best hope for achieving this and of all the sciences.I consider psychology most important to this end.Indeed, I sometimes think that the world will either be saved by psychologists in very broadest sense or else it will not be saved at all.In the broadest sense of psychologists.It doesn’t mean that you now have to go on and get a PHD in psychology or to concentrate in psychology.But it means to be constant cognizant to be self aware of what is going on in here the most wondrous and amazing entity in the universe, to understand what’s going on here and there, and here and how they connected and to share it by being practical idealists.And you can make a difference.Because the one has incredible power.Remember if you make three people smile, and they make three other people smile.After 20 interactions you’ll touch every single human being on the planet.Happiness is contagious.Let me show you one last video of how happiness and joy is contagious.终于讲到了,你们一整个学期就等着它了,希望不会辜负你们的期待。有两种,事实上有很多种类型,但有两种类型的学生上过这门课或其他关于更高层次的幸福的课。一种是会感觉很愉快或美好的回忆,然后回到基准水平。第二种同样感觉很愉快,虽然不可能持续整个人生,但仍然在未来持续增长,其区别最基本的区别就在于你是否发生了行为转变。还记得peter drucker说过每当人们去参加他的周末研讨班,他周一时都会说“别打电话告诉我说这课有多棒,告诉我你开始变得不一样了”在他和世界上最成功最出色最聪明的人一起合作的五六十年间,他发现这才是能让人一直保持愉悦和平和的原因,不要告诉我这课有多棒,告诉我你周一做了什么改变,从现在开始进行行为转变。这就是改变的核心。回忆下在Carlton的研究中成功的人最快乐的人就最成功地实现了终极目标。从长远来看,他一生都在学习,永远在问问题,永远探索有很多人都有很好的意图,但很好的意图还不够,我们需要的还有基础,实用的,严格的,科学的基础来起作用。当我们了解这些东西后再将它们传递出去和他人分享。在很多人文及社会的科学中包括心理学“你在哈佛收获了什么,得到了什么”就是这种基础来使世界变得更美好。我教这门课不仅因为觉得它有趣,它确实很有趣,我觉得很愉快,我说过我总是等不及到周二和周四来和你们分享我最关系的东西。但我教这门课不仅仅因为这个更因为我认为一些伟大心理学家的想法,我引用过也讨论过的他们的想法能使世界变得更好。1954年时mallow写道:我不仅是对纯粹的冷漠真理,公正客观的探索者,我也很有兴趣关注人类的命运其结局、目标以及未来,我想帮助人类进步,改善其前景,我希望教会他如何友爱他人、和平互助、勇敢坚毅、正直公平,我认为科学是达到这个目标最大的希望而在所有学科中我认为心理学是最有潜力的,事实上我有时觉得世界要么被广义的心理学家拯救要么就无法被拯救,广义的心理学家,这并不意味着你现在就应该去读个心理学的博士或潜心研究心理学而是要时刻意识到了解你大脑中发生的一切,这宇宙中最令人惊异的实体,了解它所发生的一切周围环境以及你的心,它们如何联系在一起的,并作为现实理想主义者来分享它,你们可以有影响,每个人都有不可思议的力量,还记得吗,如果你让三个人微笑,他们会让另外三个人微笑,如此20次以后,就能传到地球上每一个人,快乐会传染的,让我再展示最后一段关于幸福快乐如何传染的录像。

What kind of world that they will grow into depends on you.And it depends on whether or not you first and foremost take care of yourself.In the words of Gandhi, Be the change you want to see in the world.If you want a happier world, be that change.All the places you will go.I would like to remind you that every time you go to a place and very often you will fly to a place that every time you go.You will hear something that hopefully will trigger hopefully will remind you how important it is to take care of yourself, because to take care of others, you first and foremost need to take care of yourself.You know when you fly and the flight attendant says in case of any emergency and the oxygen mask comes down, first help yourself before you help others who need your help.Because that is the source the foundation of the golden rule.It is the foundation of a better world.The ultimate currency.So each time you go of those wonderful places exotic or otherwise, remember to simplify, remember to take care of yourself, remember to exercise, remember to assert yourself and say no when appropriate.Remember to cultivate your relationships.Remember what it is that is really important for you in your life.This experience thins semester for me has been extraordinary.And it was made extraordinary first by the amazing teaching staff that we have.Won’t you come up?


And finally I would like to thank you.Each and every one of you is an entire world, a world in the making of this world your world.our world a better place.So thank you.And take care.最后,我想感谢在座的各位,你们每一个人都是一整个世界。这世界正在使你我所处的这个世界变的愈发美好。谢谢。保重。


I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。

This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。

But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。

I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。

And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。

I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。I was doing well academically.I was doing well in athletics.I was playing squash at that time.I was doing well socially.我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。

Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy.And I didn’t understand why.一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。

It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。

And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。

With a single question: How can I become happier.目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier.研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。It continues to make me happier.而且这种快乐继续着。

And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.于是我决定将其与更多的人分享。

That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field.选择教授这门学科。

So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504.这就是积极心理学,1504号心理学课程。And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.我们将一起探索这一全新相对新兴令人倾倒的领域。

And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.希望同时还能探索我们自己。

When I first taught this class that was back in 2002.我第一次开设这门课程是在2002年。I taught it at a seminar and had eight students.Two dropped out that left me with six.The year after, the class became slightly larger.I had over three hundred students.是以讨论会的形式,只有8名学生。两名退出了只剩我和其他六个人。一年后学生稍微多了点。有300多人参加。

And then third year when I taught it which was the last time.到了第三年,也就是上一次开课。

I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard.有850名参加是当时哈佛大学人数最多的课程。

And that’s when the media became interested.Because they wanted to understand why.这引起了媒体的注意。因为他们想知道为什么。

They wanted to understand this phenomenon that here you have a class that’s larger than Introduction to Economics.How could that be?他们对这一奇特现象非常好奇竟然有比经济学导论更热门的课程。怎么可能呢?

So I was invited by the media for interviews whether it was newspapers, radio, television.于是我被请去参加各类媒体采访,报纸,广播,电视。

And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews.在这些采访中,我发现了一种有趣的模式。So I would walk into the interview.We would have the interview.我前去参加采访。进行采访。

And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out.And say something to the effects of well, thank you Tal for the interview.结束后,制片人或主持人会送我出来。说些诸如Tal多谢你抽空参加采访。

But you know I expected you to be different.不过你跟我想象的不太一样的话。And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course.我漫不经心的问。

I didn’t really care but had to ask anyway “How different”.我无所谓,不过总得回应“有何不同?”

And they would say: Well, you know, we expected you to be more outgoing”.他们会说“这个嘛,我们会以为你很外向”。

Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing: Thank you for doing the interview”.下一次采访结束时仍是如此“多谢接受采访”。

“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different”.不过Tal,你跟我想象得不太一样。And once again, nonchalant of course so how different.又一次,我漫不经心地问有何不同。

And she would say: “Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit”.“这个嘛,我们没想到你会这么内向”。

Next interview, same thing “How different?” 下一次采访,仍是如此“有何不同?”。“Well, you know, more extroverted, more outgoing.” “这个嘛,更开朗,更外向”。Next interview, “Well, you know, less shy”.下一次采访,“这个嘛,太害羞了”。Coz I get very nervous in interviews.因为采访中我容易紧张。l Interview after interview, literally dozens.差不多有几十个采访。

More outgoing, more cheerful, less introverted, more extroverted.And on and on.每次都是好交际,更开朗,不含蓄,更外向诸如此类。But here the best one.最绝的一次。

So this is one of the local channels here around Boston.I was going to the interview.是波士顿一家地方台。我去参加采访。We had a quite long interview which I thought was actually pretty good.And at the end of the interview.聊了很多,我觉得进行得很不错。采访结束。

The interviewer is a very jolly guy.He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder.主持人是个开朗热情的男生。他送我出门,拍着我的肩说。

And says, ”Thank you very much for doing the interview.” And then the usual comes.“多谢接受我们采访。” 然后又是那句。

“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different.” “不过Tal,你跟我想象不太一样”。And I said, ”How different”.Just so you understand by this time, my self-esteem is short.我问,“有何不同”你要知道那时候,我已经完全被打击了。

But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked “How different”.不过我还是漫不经心地问有何不同。

And he looks at me and says: ”Well I don’t know Tal, I expected you to be taller.”.Taller? What?他看着我说:“我也说不上,Tal,我以为你会更高些”。更高些?什么? Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness? 1米70……是1米69就不够格传授快乐吗?

And I thought about it, I thought about it a lot.The whole pattern from the beginning.我考虑了很久,仔细思量了。整件事从头到尾。

And I think I understand why they expected someone different.我似乎明白为什么他们期望不同了。

You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience.因为他们要说服自己说服观众。

How come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics? 这门课怎么会比经济学导论更热门?

And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extroverted and of course, tall.唯一的解释就是导师非常外向、充满领袖气质、乐观开朗,当然了,还很高。

Well, there is one L missing there, But…….Yeah, if only.可惜我的名字少了一个L,但是……。嗯……真可惜。

So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation.所以问题是他们找答案找错了地方。In other words, they were looking at the messenger, what they needed to look at was the message.Now how do I know that?也就是说,他们不该关注信息传达者而应该关注信息本身。我怎么知道的呢? You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses around the country and around the world.因为我参与过其他大学积极心理学课遍及全国乃至全球。

There are over 200 campuses here in United States that teach positive psychology.美国有超过200所大学开设了本课程。

And almost every campus where this class is taught it’s either one of the or the largest class.It’s about the message.而且几乎其中所有院校,这门课都是参与人数最多的或者最多的之一。信息是关键。I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their as consultant companies.越来越多的机构组织开设这门课,还有咨询公司。

Some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on.其中一些甚至是全球知名咨询公司。

More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class.……Elementary schools are introducing it.越来越多的中学开始引入积极心理学……。小学也是。

The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field.Why? Because it works, because it really works.各国政府都对这一新领域表现出兴趣。为什么?因为它有效,因为它真正有效。

You see this whole realm of life flourishing on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movements.殷盛人生,快乐,幸福感这一整个领域在此之前一直被心理自助运动统治。

What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting that are very accessible.心理自助运动带来了什么? 生动有趣通俗易懂的书。

We have speakers who are very outgoing very charismatic and tall attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures.But, there is a very big “but” here.热情外向的宣讲者颇具领袖气质且身材高大吸引大众参与他们的专题讨论讲座。但是,有一个大大的转折。

Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminars lack substance.Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.其中很多书籍讨论都缺少实质内容。通常都言过其实无法兑现。So there are five things you need to know to be happy.The three things to be the great leader.比如,快乐的五个关键。成功领袖的三个要素。

The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life.Overpromising, under-delivering.成功快乐完美爱情的唯一秘诀。夸大其词,效果甚微。On the other hand, we have academia.What do we have in the academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance.再来说说学术界。学术界给我们带来了什么? 大量精确的实质内容。

We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed.Things that actually work, good stuff.数据被一而再再而三得反复分析。行之有效的好方法。

But, there is also a very big but here.Very few people read refereed academic journals.但是又有一个大大的转折。很少有人会阅读专业学术期刊。

I mean think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology? 想想看,这间教室之外有多少人读过最近12期《个性与社会心理学》杂志?

Most people don’t even know what that means.大多数人甚至不知道那是什么东西。

The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people.我博士班的主任估算过学术期刊上的一篇论文平均只有7人阅读。

You know……And that includes the author’s mother.So you know I say half in jest but it’s actually really sad.这话……其中还包括作者的母亲。这话虽然是半开玩笑但其实很可悲。

Because… Certainly sad for me, as an academic.Because these things are good.因为……作为学者我觉得很可悲。因为这些论文都非常精彩。

They are important, these things make a difference, can even make more of a difference.But not accessible to most people.非常重要,能大有作为甚至不仅仅是作为。但是对大众来说晦涩难懂。

And this is where positive psychology comes in.And this is also where this class comes in.所以我们需要积极心理学。需要这门课程。

The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and Main Street.积极心理学及本课程的宗旨非常明确就是在象牙塔及大众间构建桥梁。In other words, it is to bring the rigor, the substance, the empirical foundation, the science from academia and merge it with accessibility of the self-help or New Age movement.In a way the best of both worlds.换句话说就是要把严谨、实质、经验基础学术科学与自助或者新纪元运动的通俗易懂相结合。充分发挥两者所长。

And this explains the popularity of the field of positive psychology: Science that works.这也是积极心理学大受欢迎的原因:有用的科学。

This class will be taught in two levels.The first level it will be taught as any other class in psychology or any of the classes you’ve taken here.本课程将分为两个部分。第一部分会和其他心理学或者其他任何课程一样。You’ll be introduced here to studies, to research, to rigorous academic work.You’ll be writing paper, academic paper.You’ll be taking exams just like every other class.我将向你们介绍相关知识,调查研究,严谨的学术作品。需要你们撰写报告,学术论文。跟其他课程一样参加考试。

But then it will also be taught at the second level which is for every paper that you’ll read every paper that you’ll write, you’ll always be thinking.而教学内容的另一部分,你们读每一篇论文,写每一篇论文时都需要思考。

OK, so how can I take these ideas and apply them to my life? How can I apply them to my relationship? How can I apply them to my community? Two levels: The academic, Applied如何把这些理念运用到生活中去?运用到恋爱中去?运用到社交圈里去?就是这两个部分:学术与应用。

I did not just introduce whether it’s in the readings or in the lectures ideas just because they are interesting for the sake of the idea.无聊是论文还是讲座我不会因为某个理论有趣而去介绍它。

It is always an idea that is both rigorous and can be applied.Just a few words about housekeeping.而是因为这个理论严谨且能被应用。再唠叨几句题外话。

Some of the questions that I have already received from you before the class started.有几个问题课前就有人问我了。

So this unfortunately is the last time that I am teaching positive psychology or any other class for that matter at Harvard.不幸的是这学期将是我最后一次在哈佛开设积极心理学或其他课程。

Hopefully within two years, probably not next year but within two years there will be positive psychology class offered but I certainly cannot guarantee it.About feedback and questions.但愿两年内,明年可能性不大,但是两年内学校会再次开设积极心理学课程,但我无法保证。关于反馈与提问。If you have any questions, anything that’s not clear, if you agree or disagree with something.Email me or Email your TF(Teaching Fellow at Harvard, just like TA at other schools.)and we’ll always respond.如果你有任何问题或者不明白的地方,如果你同意或者反对什么观点,请给我或助教写邮件,我们一定会回复的。

Sometimes if the question is asked by enough people, we’ll respond to it publicly, always anonymously unless you specified specifically that your name can be mentioned.如果某个问题问的人数较多,我们会公开回答,当然一定是匿名的除非你特别注明可以提及你的名字。

But sometimes you may be listening to a lecture and then half way through it there is an emergency, there is something that you really have to ask, something that cannot wait.有时候讲座过程中突然有紧急情况,有什么非问不可的问题,无法等待。

In that case, please just put your hand up because it’s just like when you have to go to the bathroom, just can’t stop, and can’t wait.And when you gotta go, you gotta go.如果那样的话,请直接举手,因为就跟你要去厕所一样,无法忍耐,无法等待,要去就去。So we’ll take a positive psychology break for that.And just stop me half way through and I’ll answer any question.我们会为此进行积极心理休息。所以大可以打断我,我会回答任何问题。

All the power points, as well as the videos of the classes will be online;will be available within couple of days.所有幻灯片以及课程视频都会放在网上,课后几天就能下载。

Well, the power points will be available before say for the lecture it will be before so that you can use them in class.幻灯片其实课前就能下载,这样你们上课时就能用到。

The videos, unfortunately, cannot be made available before, we tried, could not figure it out.So it will be available within a day or two after.And the reason why they are up there.可惜视频不能提前提供,我们试过了但效果不好。所以会在课后一两天内放到网上。这样做的原因。

First of all, I do prefer that you attend lecture, I do prefer that you are physically here.You get things in the energy of the room with so many students so you wouldn’t just get from your computer.首先,我当然更希望你们出席课程,能出现在课堂上。和大家一起,在课堂的气氛中学习而不仅仅是对着电脑。

The reason why I do put them up is so that you have the opportunity if you want to see it again or if you have to miss a class.That’s perfectly fine.我之所以把资料放在网上是为了让你们可以重温或者学习错过的课程,这很正常。

And also because and this is also the reason why the power points are always available, I want you to be engaged in the material.另一个原因之所以提前提供幻灯片是因为我希望你们能充分理解材料。I want you to be engaged in whatever it is that we are discussing in class, not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say on paper, remembering everything, memorizing everything.充分参与课堂讨论而不是忙于记录我说的每一个字,记住每一个词,背诵每一句话。

I want you to take rather than passive notes of writing down what’s on the power point or every word that I say, I’d like you to take active notes.And that means being engaged with the material.我不希望你们被动地记录幻灯片上的内容或者我说的话而是要主动记录。也就是要充分理解材料。

For example, if you heard something and idea and you say:”Oh, that’s interesting”.Star it, write it down.Or “OK, I think I’ll start applying this”.Write it down.Or I want to tell my mom about this later.Or I want to talk to my roommates or my team about this idea.Write it down.比如如果你们听到某个理论觉得“挺有趣的”,标上星号,写下来,或者觉得“也许我可以应用这点”,那就写下来。或者跟我妈妈讲讲。或者跟我室友队友讲讲。那就写下来。

l Active note taking is opposed to passive note taking for two reasons.主动笔记与被动笔记有两方面不同。

First of all, as I said, this class is a class about making a difference in people’ lives.首先,正如我刚才说的这门课是关于如何改变生活。I would not be teaching the class just for its academic beauty although there is a lot of academic beauty in this field.我不会仅为了学术之美而教授此课虽然这一领域的确有许多美术之美。

So write down if you have an idea that you think you can apply.所以发现可以实际运用的就写下来。The second reason why we should that is because you’ll remember more.Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged as opposed to just taking down passive notes.第二个原因是你会记住的更多。主动参与,集中注意,更好的理解材料而不是被动做笔记。Throughout the class starting next week we’ll take what I called “time-ins” as opposed to “time-outs”.It’s like a time-out在这整个课程中从下周开始我们将进行我所说的“练习时间”而不是“休息时间”。其实类似休息时间。

It’s the time where we stop the class and you look inward.这段时间我们会停止课程进行内省。And this is literally a time of silence in a class.I will stop for a minute or two.也就是在课堂上的安静片刻。我会停一两分钟。

And you will have a chance either to just stare at me or anyone else or think about what we’ve just discussed or have a guiding question that I will provide you that you’ll address during the class.你们可以盯着我或者周围人发呆或者思考一下之前讨论的内容或者解答我提出的提示问题。

The reason why I have time-ins, this is something that I am introducing this year for the first time;we didn’t have it last time.之所以进行练习时间,这是我今年新提出的,上学期没有。

It’s because over the last two years since I last taught it, I’ve done a lot work in the area of silence.因为上次课程结束后到现在的两年我做了大量关于安静的研究。

I’ve read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quiet times whether it’s in a class, in a lecture, whether it is at home, whether it is for a leader in the business, for relationship, for children starting from pre-schools.关于安静时刻的重要性,无论是课堂里,讲座里,还是家中,无论是公司领导,爱情关系甚至学龄前的儿童。

Now many of you, as you are going through these time-ins if you decide to take this class may think:”Well, is this what I’m paying 40000 dollars a year for?””To sit a class and be quiet?”.你们中很多人在经历练习时间时可能会疑惑:“我一年付四万美金就是为了这个?“”坐在教室里发呆?“。

First of all, it will only be a minute or two at a time maybe once or twice a lecture.But second, it is maybe the most important thing you’ll take from this class.The notion of embracing stillness.首先,每个人只有一两分钟,一堂课最多不超次两次。第二,这可能是你从本课程中学到的最重要的东西。即享受安静这一理念。

Let me read to you an excerpt from a study that was run by two MIT professors.我来读一段麻省理工两位教授的研究。You don’t need to remember or write down;this is just for your edification.So David Foster and Matthew Wilson, both of them from MIT.David Foster和Matthew Wilson不必背诵或记录,只是为了启发你们。教授都来自麻省理工大学。

Indeed the following study that I think confirms the importance of time-in, time to look inside.他们研究证实了练习时间的重要性,开始内省的时间。

What they did is they scanned the brains of rats while they were in a maze and after they went through the maze.And here’s what they found.他们在老鼠处在迷宫中及脱离迷宫后分别对它们进行了脑扫描。以下是他们的发现。

What the results suggest is that while there certainly is some record of your experience as it is occurring in other words when they doing the maze.实验结果表明,当某种经历正在进行时,即老鼠进行迷宫时。

The actual learning when you try to figure out:”what was important?”, ”what should I keep and throw away?”.That happens after the fact during periods of quiet wakeful introspection.真正的学习阶段是当你尝试分辨:“什么才是重要的?“,”什么舍弃什么保留。“。这些发生在经历之后进行安静的自省时。What they show was rats who went through the maze and went through the maze again and again learned far less than rats who took time aside chilled out a little bit after a maze had more margarita.他们的实验表明接连不断反复进入迷宫的老鼠比进行一次迷宫后稍事放松,来点小酒的老鼠学到的少得多。Experience, embrace stillness.This has implications and they showed implications to human beings as well.Not only those of the rat race, all human beings.经历,享受安静。这很能说明问题,对人类也一样。不仅仅是实验小白鼠,所有人类都是。

So what they say is that ”Replay might constitute a general mechanism of learning and memory”.Both learning, understanding as well as memory, retention.他们认为:“重现可能形成一种学习记忆机制“。包括学习,理解,记忆,保留。

When we reflect, when we replay the material, we are much more likely to retain, to remember what we have just been through.当我们思考时,我们重放素材时更容易保留,记住之前的经历。So the importance of time aside cannot be over-emphasized.所以休息时间的重要性不能被忽视。In his wonderful book of teaching, Parker Palmer—it’s called The Courage to Teach says the following.Parker Palmer在他的教学著作《教学的勇气》一书中提到了以下一段话。


Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard.安静让我们有机会反省我们所说所闻。In authentic education, silence is treated as a trustworthy matrix for the inner work students must do, a medium for learning of the deepest sort.Silence is something that is missing from our culture.在真正的教育中,安静为学生进行内省提供可靠环境,是一种最深层次的学习媒介。而安静恰恰是我们文化所缺失的。

I know that many of you have probably read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M Pirsig.He had a second book out, less well-known, called Lila(Lila: an Inquiry into Morals).很多人可能读过《万里任禅游》,作者Robert M Pirsig。还写过另一本书,没那么知名,叫《寻找莱拉》。And Lila is an anthropological study of Native Americans.这本书是对印第安人的人类学研究。What he does there is compare their culture to Americans’ from European ancestry.将他们的文化与美国传承的欧洲文化进行对比。

And one of the distinguishing characteristics between these two cultures is their approach were silence.What he found was when he went and sat around with Native Americans.They would sit around the fire and hang out for two three hours without saying a word.两种文化最突出的特点之一是印第安人崇尚安静。他发现与印第安人坐在一起。他们围坐在篝火边两三个小时一句话也没说。

ust sit around, look at another, smile, have a good time, introspect, just be there for hours.只是坐在那儿,互相看着,微笑,享受美好时光,内省,就这样几个小时。

While he points out that in our culture we feel very uncomfortable with the absence of words with the absence of sound or noise.他指出,在我们文化中沉默让人不适。

We have to fill up all the gaps.This is an important cultural difference.And we pay a price for this lack of stillness.我们试图打破沉默。这是一项重要的文化差异。我们为缺乏安静付出了代价。

A price that we’ll talk about a lot, when I talk about relationships, when I talk about virtue and morality, and when we talk about happiness and wellbeing in general.我们会重点讨论这一代价,涉及到恋爱,美德与道德以及快乐与幸福感。

Let me give a little bit background on positive psychology.下面介绍一下积极心理学的背景。How we came about and how this class came about.它是如何诞生的,这门课是如何诞生的。

In many ways, positive psychology is the brainchild, the product and the grandchild of humanistic psychology.从很多方面说,积极心理学是人本主义心理学的产物和衍生。

What we have in humanistic psychology is essentially a reaction to be existing psychology of the time.人本主义心理学本质上是对当时各种心理学派系的不同见解。

The founders, considered the founders of humanistic psychology in fact called it “the third force”.Why the third force?人本主义心理学的创始人称之为心理学上的“第三势力“。为什么是第三势力呢? Because the first force was behaviorism, the work of Skinner(B.F.Skinner), the work of Waston(John B.Waston), the work of Thorndik(Edward Thorndik).This was the first force.因为第一势力是行为主义,代表人物有斯金纳、华生、桑代克。这是第一势力。

he second force was psychoanalysis.The work of Frued(Sigmund Frued), Jung(Carl Jung), Adler(Alfred Adler)to some extent.This was the second force.第二势力是精神分析学。创建者包括弗洛伊德,荣格以及阿德勒。这是第二势力。

And the third force, humanistic psychology came as a reaction to it.First It is a reaction to behaviorism.第三势力人本主义心理学作为对其的异议出现。首先是对行为主义的异议。

Behaviorism looks at the human entity at the person as basically a collection of behaviors as a box, like a billiard ball knocked around by reinforcements, by punishment, by reward.行为主义认为人的主体性,认为人是一个行为集体就像一只被击打而四处滚动的台球,被增强,被惩罚驱动。

And what humanistic psychology said was that we are much more than a billiard ball being knocked around.但是人本主义心理学说我们不只是被击打的台球。

We have spirit, we have a soul, we have cognitions and thoughts that matter.我们有精神,有灵魂,我们有重要的认知与思想。

It’s not just behavior that is important for understanding as well as improving life.不能只靠行为观察,改善人生。

And then psychoanalysis, the second force.然后是第二势力精神分析学。

The psychoanalysis is about basically understanding mostly through the subconscious that’s how you understand it, that’s how you improve the quality of life.There are defense mechanisms.精神分析学主要通过潜意识分析,它决定你的理解,决定如何改善生活。还有防卫机制。

There are biological instincts, neurosis, and if you understand these very often dark forces, were better able to deal with life, understand as well as improve the quality of life.人类本能论,神经症,如果你理解这些黑暗势力就能更好地处理生活,了解并改善生活。

Humanistic psychology says human beings are much more than that.人本主义心理学认为人类不止如此。

Much more than biological instincts, much more than neurosis.不仅仅是生理本能,不仅是神经症。Much more than the person who exists in a Newtonian reality like a billiard ball.不仅仅是牛顿学说世界里的台球。

We need to value much more the human being.We need to give much more dignity and freedom to the person.There was a problem.我们要重视人的本质。给予更多的自尊和自由。但有一个问题。The problem was humanistic psychology is said lacked the rigorous methodology.人本主义心理学缺少严谨的方法论。

While it brought in many wonderful ideas, talked about the study of well-being, talked about the study of optimism, of kindness, of morality, of virtue, of love, of relationships, of peak experiences, of self-actualization, of empathy.但它引入了许多精彩的理念,对于幸福感的研究,乐观主义的研究,善良,道德,美德,爱,两性关系,巅峰体验,自我实现,移情。

All these wonderful concepts that we’ll talk about throughout the semester.这些精彩的概念都会在本学期讨论。

It wasn’t as rigorous about its epistemology, about how we form ideas and how we learn.它的认识论并不严谨,如何形成理念,如何学习。

And that’s why, in many ways, largely not completely but largely more of into the self-health movements.所以在很多方面,大部分成为了自助运动。

Interesting ideas, good ideas, important ideas, certainly good intentions.But to some extent without the academic rigor.有趣,有益,重要的理念,意图当然是好的。但就某种程度上缺乏学术严谨性。And that’s why it lacked the impact on academic.That’s why we don’t have partly any humanistic psychology classes offered in universities today.There are very few still around.所以它在学术上影响很小。所以很少有大学开设人本主义心理学。几乎没有。

And this is why also a lot of it became the New Age essentially.所以本质上成为了新纪元运动。But still, it’s humanistic psychology that has in many ways fathered and mothered as we’ll see positive psychology.但是我们很快就会了解到,人本主义心理学孕育了积极心理学。

So let’s meet the grandparents.People like Rollo May, People like Carl Rogers.我们先见见祖父祖母。比如Rollo May和Carl Rogers。

And more than anyone, Abraham Maslow, was the Americans Psychological Association President, was professor just down the road here at Brandeis(Brandeis University).还有最著名的Abraham Maslow,曾是美国心理学会主席,布兰迪斯大学教授。

And he introduced this humanistic psychology in 1954.他于1954年提出了人本主义心理学。He wrote a chapter, called Toward the Positive Psychology.他写了一章,《为了积极心理学》。1954, In it he said we need to also research kindness, goodness, and happiness and optimism.In many ways it was way ahead of his time.1954年,他在其中写到,我们需要研究善良,美德,快乐与乐观。可以说这是超前于他时代的。Then if Maslow is the grandfather, then Karen Horney is the grandmother.Initially a psychoanalyst, trained through the works of Frued.如果说Maslow是祖父,那Karen Horney就是祖母了。她最初是精神分析学者学习弗洛伊德的理论。

She realized the focuses had been too much on the negative, on neurosis, on psychosis and said we also not only but also have to focus on what is working on human organism.意识到其过于注重消极面,神经症,精神病,她认为还必须关注影响人类生命体的东西。

We have to work and look at the fine qualities and cultivate those.Because part of being human is being those things as well.我们需要研究培养那些好的品质。因为它们也是我们的一部分。In many ways, brought about the movement toward humanistic psychology and through that—positive psychology.反而向人本主义靠近了,并由此产生了积极心理学。

Aaron Antonovsky, the third person I would consider the grandfather, brought in the idea of focusing on health.还有Aaron Antonovsky,第三位祖父级人物提出了关注健康的理念。

He has a new concept.Or he introduced a new concept.I’ am still here, don’t worry.他提出了一个新概念。或者说他引进了一个新概念。我还在,别担心。

He introduced a new concept, which he called, his own neologism: salutogenesis.他引进了一个新概念,他称之为,他个人创造的新词:健康本源学。

Salutogenesis: salute which is health;genesis which is origin.健康本源学由两部分组成,saluto健康,genesis起源。

The origin of health, and this was an alternative model, to be conventional ways model of pathologies.健康的起源这是病理学常规模型的替代模型。

So instead of just studying pathologies whether it’s in physical health or psychological health, we should also study the origin of health.也就是说除了研究病理学无论是生理健康还是心理健康还需要研究健康的起源。

In many ways that is what prevented medicine is about.这也是预防医学所关注的。

So this was not a novel idea back in 1970s when he introduced it.这在1970年是一个全新的理念。And we will talk a lot about Aaron Antonovsy.我们会仔细讨论Aaron Antonovsy。Now the parents.现在转到父辈。

Martin Seligman considered the father of the positive psychology network of scholars, started the field in 1998.Martin Seligman被认为是积极心理学之父与一群相关学者于1998年确立了这一领域。Like Maslow, he too, was the President of American Psychological Association.和马斯洛一样也是美国心理协会会长。And as his mandate, during his presidency he has two aims.他任职期间的首要任务是实现两个目标。The first aim—to make academic psychology more accessible.第一,让学院式心理学变得通俗。In other words, bridge Ivory Tower and Main Street.也就是说连接象牙塔与普罗大众。This was the first aim of his presidency.这是他任职期间的第一目标。

The second aim was introduce a positive psychology.第二是引进一个积极的心理学。

A psychology that will look at also things that work that were not just study depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and neurosis.需要着眼于有用的东西,不仅仅是研究抑郁、焦虑、精神分裂和神经症。A psychology a network of scholars who will focus on love, relationships, self-esteem, motivation, resilience and well-being.还需要关注爱、两性关系、自尊、动机、恢复以及幸福感。

And he introduced these ideas, and it’s all been literally uphill from then.他提出了这些理念从那时蓬勃发展起来。

Before Martin Seligman, this all happened in 1998 and we’ll talk about it a little bit more next week.在Martin Seligman之前都发生在1998年,下次我们会详谈。This all happened in 1998.这都诞生于1998年。

Long before 1998, our very own professor Ellen Langer did research in all these areas, bringing the humanistic spirit and combining it with the academic scientific rigor.而早在1998年前 Ellen Langer教授就已经研究了这些领域,将人本主义精神与学术科学严谨性结合。

We’ll be talking probably more than any other scholar about her work in this class.我们对她的讨论会比其他人多。

And another person from Harvard, one of the parents of positive psychology was Philip Stone, who passed away two years ago, yesterday.还有一位哈佛的教授,积极心理学的另一位父辈Philip Stone,两年前的昨天去世了。

Both Langer and Stone were my physicist advisors, introduced me to the field of positive psychology into this research.两位都是我的物理学导师带我进入了积极心理学领域的研究。

In 1998 when I had the first positive psychology summit, Professor Stone took me along with him.1998年我第一次参加积极心理学峰会,Stone教授带我同去。I was a graduate student.我那时在攻读硕士学位。

In 1999 he taught the first positive psychology class at Harvard, one of the first in the world.1999年他首次在哈佛开设了积极心理学课程,在全球范围内也是首批。I was his teaching fellow.A couple of years later, he taught it again.l Again, I was his teaching fellow.我是他的教研员。两年以后,他又重新开设了课程。我仍旧担任教研员。

And then when I graduated, he suggested I take over his class, and here we are today.So this is 1504.后来我毕业了,他提议我接手他的课程直到今天。这就是1504号心理学课程。

Let me give you a sense of … in the next half an hour and so, a sense of what you expect in this class.我再来讲……接下来的半个小时我会向你们介绍下这门课的内容。

The first thing is this class is not just about information;it is also explicitly about transformation.What do I mean by that?首先,这门课不只是传授信息而且关于如何变形,显而易见。这是什么意思? You see most of education today is about information.l What is information? l So we have a container which is our mind.如今大多数教育都只是传达信息。什么是信息? 比如,我们有一个容器,也就是我们的思想。

And information is about taking data, taking science, taking information and putting it inside the form.信息就是接收数据,接收科学,接收信息储存到容器里。

This is information.Now, when this form is filled, that’s when we are educated.这就是信息。等容器填满了,我们就毕业了。

More information, more data, better.Not enough.信息数据越多越好。这还不够。

Because it’s not just information that determines our well-being, our success, our-esteem, our motivational lever, the relationship and the quality of our relationships.因为信息无法决定我们的幸福感、我们的成功、自尊和动机水平、两性关系及其质量。

It’s much more than information.Transformation is about taking this form and changing it.光有信息还不够。变形则是把容器的形状改变。

Trans change;form shape, change the form.Trans即改变,Form This is transformation.即形状,改变形状。这就是变形。

This is distinction that I learned first from at the school Professor Robert Kegan who taught about this.这是Robert Kegan教授教我的第一区别。

Information in and of itself is not enough.Think about this example.接收信息关注信息本身是不够的。听听这个例子。

You go for an athletic meet;your aim is to get into the top three, to be a medalist.You come in number eight.你去参加运动会,目标是进入前三获得奖牌。但是只获得第八名。

What’s the analysis? What’s the interpretation?—Terrible!I just failed.You feel deflated, enervated.你会如何分析?你会如何解读?太糟糕了,我彻底失败了。你灰心丧气,感到无力。On the other hand, the exact same event.You came eight when you expected to be top three.但从另一个角度看,同样的比赛。你期望获得前三,但只得到第八。

You can interpret is as OK, so what have I learned? I need to work even harder.你可以解读为,我学到了什么?我还需要更努力的训练。

You become more energized, you learned from the experience.你会更有动力,从经验中学习。In other words, the same objective information which is “I got eighth, I expected top three”.The same information, very different interpretation.也就是说,同样的客观信息“我是第八名,我目标前三”。同样的信息,截然不同的解读。

One is disaster;the other interpretation is an opportunity.一个认为是灾难,另一个则当成机遇。One leads to loss of energy, the other one to increasing energy.一个让人失去动力,另一个增加动力。Or think about another very common example.还有一个很普遍的例子。

We know of many people around the world who seemingly have everything, who are doing well, who have more than they need, and yet they are unhappy.世界各地很多人似乎拥有了一切,人生顺利,生活富庶但仍然不快乐。

And then there are people around the world who have very little, and yet they never cease, never stop to celebrate life.而另一些人拥有的不多但从未中断,从未停止过享受人生。

And we have another way around as well, people who have everything and appreciate it and enjoy life.还有相反的情况,拥有一切的人充满感恩,享受生活。

And people who have very little and who see themselves as victim.生活窘迫的人觉得自己是受害者。In other words, it’s not just the information that goes in;it’s also the shape, the interpretation, the perception, the focus.也就是说,重要的不仅仅是获得了什么信息,还是有何形状,如何解读,如何理解,关注的重点。

And that is determined by the shape of the form.这就是由容器的形状所决定的。This is what I realized when I was an undergrad here.这是我在本科生阶段所认识到的。Seemingly, looking in from the outside, I had everything.表面上看,我拥有了一切。

lDoing well in sports, academics and socially, and yet my perception, my focus, my interpretation of life—not that great.体育运动,学术和社交都很成功,但是我对生命的理解、关注和解读并不正面。I wasn’t unhappy.我不快乐。The interpretation matters very often a lot more as we’ll see than the information that goes in.我们后面会讲,通常解读比信息更重要。

One of the sentences that I’ll repeat throughout the class is that happiness is much more contingent on our state of mind than our status or the state of our bank account.有一句话我会在课程中经常引用:“快乐由我们的精神状态而定而不是社会地位或银行存款”。And that’s where transformation comes in.所以需要变形。

And that’s why it’s so important for well-being.这对建立幸福感来说很重要。

What that will look like in practice is that we’ll cover not so much information.所以在我们实际操作时不会传达过多信息方面的东西。

We’ll uncover much more and I don’t mean that in the Berkeley(George Berkeley)sense of the word, I mean that in the academic sense of the word.In other words.而是挖掘更多东西,不是联想意义上的而是学术意义上的。也就是说。

What we’ll do is uncover potential that we have inside that we have inside of us all along, maybe we just didn’t see, or maybe it’s obscured by something or another.我们要挖掘自身潜能,这种潜能一直存在只是我们没有发现或者被其他东西掩盖了。

l We’ll uncover it so that we can utilize it, so that we can focus on it, so that we can perceive it.我们要发现利用它,以便关注它,以便理解它。

Here is a story just to illustrate it.So this is Michelangelo.我来讲一个故事说明吧。如米开朗基罗。One day he was asked by a journalist of his time.曾经有一个记者问他。

How did you create this most amazing masterpiece, David? 您是如何创造出《大卫》这件巨作的? To which Michelangelo responded.米开朗基罗回答。

It was easy, I went to the quarry, I saw this huge piece of marble, and in it I was David.很简单,我去了一趟采石场,看见一块巨大的大理石,我在它身上看到了大卫。

All I need to do was to chip away the excess stone, to get rid of the marble that shouldn’t have been there.我只要凿去多余的石头,只留下有用的。

And when I got rid of this excess stone, there was David.凿去多余的石头之后,大卫就诞生了。Not obviously easier said than done.虽然说的比做的容易。

But this story captured the metaphor of what this class very much is about.但是这个故事捉住了这门课程精髓。It’s about chipping away the excess stone;it’s about getting rid of limitations, of barriers, whether it’s the fear of failure, something that we didn’t have as kids.即凿除多余石块,也就是摆脱限制,阻碍或者对失败的恐惧,这些东西并不是与生俱来的。

But today most people in our culture have it.但如今却出现在了大多数人身上。

It’s about chipping away perfectionism that is debilitating and often hurts us.要凿除削弱甚至伤害我们的完美主义。

It’s about chipping away our ability for success because maybe we are afraid of success.凿除成功的能力因为我们可能害怕成功。

Maybe we feel guilty about some of the things that we have in our life and that in turn limit us.可能我们对生命中一些东西感到内疚,这些都会反过来限制我们。

Maybe it’s about chipping away the limitations on our relationships in while we don’t thrive within them.也许甚至凿除两性关系中的限制,尤其是带来消极面的时候。This is what this class is mostly about.这些就是本课程的主要内容。

As Doro says:”Soul grows more by subtraction than by addition, by getting rid of these limitations, limitations that are preventing us from fulfilling our potential”.就像俗话说的那样:“做减法比做加法让灵魂成长得更快,减法包括除去那些阻碍我们发挥潜能的限制”。

Because our potential is in there in nature, we talk a lot about human nature.因为我们的潜能是天生的,我们关注人类本性。

It’s there whether it’s through God, whether it’s through evolution.是与生俱来的,无论是上帝赐予的,还是进化产生的。

We have a lot of potential that overtime with we fix stone of voices with being parts of our culture, that very often these limitations are put on top of us just like the excess stone.但是渐渐地受到外部文化压力,像多余石料一样,把我们禁锢起来了。

Lao Tzu, ”In pursuit of knowledge everyday something is acquired, in pursuit of wisdom, everyday something is dropped”.老子说过:“为学日益,为道日损”。

Knowledge is about information.Wisdom is about transformation.学即信息,道即变形。

I was recently interviewed for a newsletter on coaching before a large conference on the topic.And the interviewer asked me.我最近参加一次大型咨询业会议时接受了一家相关期刊的采访。采访者问我。So what tips, what tools can you give from positive psychology? 能给读者传授一些积极心理学建议吗? So I talked about some of the greatest hits, the importance of gratitude, the importance of physical exercise.于是我谈到了一些热门话题,感恩的重要性,体育锻炼的重要性。I talked about the importance of spending time on our relationships, about taking time aside and simplifying and so on and so on.我谈到了花时间经营爱情的重要性,谈到了休息,简化等等。

And I was going through my long list.She stopped me and she said.我正滔滔不绝时。她打断了我说。l You know, Tal, this is all good.The importance of stuff, I know.l But readers already know that.谢谢,Tal,这些都不错。那些事情的重要性,我知道。但这些我们的读者都已经知道了。

I am looking for the Wow factor.Come on, surprise me.我想要的是轰动的因素能让我意外的东西。What can you tell our readers? 能否告诉我们的读者?

And I thought about this question for a minute, and I realized that there is no Wow.And I told her that.我想了一会这个问题然后意识到根本没有什么惊奇可言。我跟她这么说了。

You know if there is a wow, the wow is that there is no wow.That’s it.所谓的轰动之处就是没有轰动之处。就是这样。

Because the over-not-transformation emperor, the emperor of quick fixes has no clothes.因为没有经过转变,快速见效的说法都是皇帝的新衣。

It doesn’t exist;it’s over-promising and under-delivering.是不存在的,是过高的承诺和过低的兑现。l A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again.生活,令人满意的生活,丰富的生活包括了起起落落,包括了痛苦和再次振作,包括失败和再次奋斗。

l It includes success and celebrating it, victories and losses, ups and downs as we will talk about next week.它包括了成功和庆祝成功,胜利与失败,起起和落落,我们下星期会讲到。

l It’s not about this one secret, one Wow to the good life.而不是关乎一个秘密,一个能让人过上幸福生活的令人惊奇的诀窍。

l And many of the things you will learn in the class, you’ve heard before.而你们将在本课程中学到的很多东西,都是你们之前听说过的。

l Probably nothing new to you.也许对你来说没有什么新鲜的内容。

l You already know it inside of you.在你内心深处你已经知道了。

l And you are going to say:”Well, it is common sense”.你会说“这是常识”。

l And yes, a lot of it is common sense.是的,很多都是常识。

l However, it is Voltaire once said:”Common sense is not that common”.但是伏尔泰曾经说过:“常识并非那么平常”。l And this especially applies to application.特别是应用于实际。

l So the aim of this class is to make common sense more common, especially in the real world application.所以本课程的目标是让常识更加平常,特别是应用到实际中。

l At the end of the class.在本课程结束时。

l Here’s what I am hoping for, at the end of the class, if you decide to take it at the end of the semester.我所希望的是,在本课程结束之时,如果你打算上这门课的话在本学期结束时。

l I don’t think—I am not expecting you to come and tell me.我不想,我不期待你跑过来告诉我。

l Wow, thank you for teaching me so many new things.谢谢你教给了这么多新东西。

l That’s what I am expecting.那不是我所期待的。

l I don’t think that is what will happen.我不认为那会发生。

l What I hope will happen is for you to come and say rather than “Thank you for teaching me” something you would say.我所希望发生的是你过来跟我说,不是说“谢谢你教了我”之类的话。

l “Thank you for reminding me of something that I’ve already known”.而是“谢谢提醒了我一些我熟知的事情”。

l And this is what this class is about.这就是本课程要做的。

l It’s constant reminder, twice a week.经常性的提醒,一周两次。

l Constant reminder of what you already know of what is inside you, the David that is inside you.经常提醒你们记起你们已知的东西,你们内心深处的东西,你们心中的大卫。

l And what this class will hopefully do is to help you chip away some of these limitations, whether it’s limitation, cognitive limitations that prevent you from seeing what already knew, emotional limitations that are preventing you from deriving the benefits of what you already know or behavioral limitations.本课程希望做到的是帮助你们凿掉一些束缚,不管是哪种束缚,是阻碍你认识已经熟知事物的认知束缚还是阻碍你从已经熟知事物中获取益处的情绪束缚抑或是行为束缚。

l The ABC affects behavior and cognition that we’ll talk about during the change week.基本要素是影响,行为和认知正是我们在改变周将要讨论。

l So I’m making common sense more common.我要让常识更平常。

l Information in and of itself is simply not enough.信息本身还不够。

l It’s not enough and what we need in addition to our information highway is a transformation highway.还不够,而我们除了信息高速公路外还需要转变高速公路。l Transformation highway or transformation back roads to come through the fast increasing pace because as we’ll talk about next time.转变高速公路还是转变乡村小道上来经历快速增长的步伐,因为我们就像下次课会说到的那样。

l Rates of depression are on the rise, rates of anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally.抑郁率呈上升趋势,焦虑率呈上升趋势,不只是在这个国家,是全球化的现象。

l It’s literally global epidemic.简直就是全球传染病。

l And to deal with it, more information will just not do, just not enough.而为了应对它,更多的信息也并不够。

l Here is Archibald MacLeish.下面是Archibald MacLeish的话。

l He was a poet, was a Harvard professor.他生前是一位诗人,是哈佛的教授。

l What is wrong is not the greatest discoveries of science—information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance.错的不是科学的重大发现,有信息永远比无知强,不管是什么样信息和什么样无知。

l What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world, it won’t.错在于信息背后的信念,认为信息会改变世界的信念,但它不会。

l Just adding it and filling up our containers with more and more stuff, more and more information, more and more data.往我们的容器里增加装上越来越多的东西,越来越多的信息,越来越多的数据。

l It’s just not enough, we need more than that.还是不够,我们需要更多。

l This class will take a humanistic approach.本课程将采用一种人性的方法。

l Let me read you a quick excerpt by Abraham Maslow who talks about this approach.我来给你们读一小段Abraham Maslow的话。

l If one took a course or picked up a book on the psychology of learning, most of it, in my opinion, would be beside the point—that is, beside the “humanistic” point.如果有人上了一门关于心理学学习的课大部分内容在我看来是与重点无关的,也就是与人性无关。

l Most of it would present learning as the acquisition of associations of skills and capacities that are external and not intrinsic to the human character, to the human personality, to the person himself.大部分内容把学习展现为获得联想技能和能力,这些对于人的性格,人的个性,人本身来说只是外在的而并非本质的。

l External refers to information.外在指信息。

l Internal refers to the transformation, the changing of the form.内在指转变,形态的转变。l And when we talk about transformation, actually mean it quite literally—change of the form, changing of the brain as we’ll talk about.当我们谈到转变时实际上是非常字面的说法,形态的改变,大脑的改变,我们一会就谈到。

l We’ll talk about meditation for instance.比如我们会谈到冥想。

l We know our brain today can actually change through MRI studies since 1998.1998年后通过核磁共振研究我们知道大脑而已被改变。

l A new concept came up which is Neurogenesis or Neuroplasticity, meaning our brain actually changes and transforms.一个新的概念叫做神经形成或者神经可塑性,是指我们的大脑实际上会改变和转变。

l It changes its form throughout our life.在我们的一生中其形态都在改变。

l So I don’t just mean it metaphorically, I also very often mean it literally.所以我不只是在打比方,我也经常指的是字面意思。

l Abraham Maslow continues.继续Abraham Maslow的话。

l Humanistic philosophy offers a new conception of learning, of teaching and of education.人性的哲学衍生出关于学习,教学和教育的新概念。

l Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of education, the goal of education, the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as human beings are concerned—is ultimately the “self-actualized” of a person, the becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to.简单地说,这一概念认为教育的功能,教育的目标,人的目标,人性的目标,只要人还是被关注的目标——从根本上是一个人的自我实现,完全成为一个人,达到人类或者特定的某个个人能达到的最高高度。

l In a less technical way.通俗点讲。

l It is helping the person to become the best that he is able to become.就是帮助一个人成为最好的自己。

l And this was before the Ad came up for the army that “Be all you can be”.这些是军队的广告“做最好的自己”。

l This is what the class is about.这就是本课程所要讲的。

l It’s the humanistic approach.这就是人性的方法。

l It’s about fulfilling our potential, chipping away those limitations.关于实现我们的潜能,凿掉那些束缚。l Now to many of you this may sound naïve, idealistic.现在对于你们许多人这种方式似乎很天真,很理想主义。

l Naïve it is not, Idealistic it is.并不天真,但理想主义。

l And we’ll talk about and discuss the importance of idealism and maintaining idealism.我们会谈到和讨论理想主义和保守理想主义的重要性。

l If we are to introduce personal change, inter-personal change or community or society change.如果我们要介绍个人的改变,个人之间的改变,或群体与社会的改变的话。

l This class is not about providing answers concerning the good life and happiness.本课程不是提供关于美好生活和幸福的答案的。

l It is about identifying the right questions.是关于辨识正确的问题。

l Ask and ye shall your receive, say the Scripture.问过之后便会有收获,圣经如是说。

l This class is what I think education is all about which is that the quest for information and transformation must begin with the question.本课程就是我认为的教育的宗旨也就是对信息和转变的探索必须由一个问题开始。

l Quest, question.探索,问题。

l There is no coincidence that there is an etymological link between the two.这两者在词源上有所关联并非巧合。

l In this class we’ll be asking, you’ll be asked many questions, questions that as you’ll see, create reality.在本课程中,我们会问,你们会被问许多问题,你们将会看到那些问题创作了现实。

l We’ll talk about it already next time.我们下次会讲到。

l The importance of the questions you ask of yourselves first and foremost of your partner, of your students, of your parents, of your employees in the future, teammates and so on.那些你首先向你自己,然后问你的搭档,学生,父母,未来的雇员和同事提出的问题的重要性。

l Questions make a difference.问题十分重要。

l Peter Drucker, ”The most common source of mistake in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather than the right question”.Peter Drucker说:“在管理决策最常见的错误来源是强调找到正确答案而非正确的问题”。

l Peter Drucker considered the most important management scholar of 20th century just recently passed away, saying the biggest mistake is not asking the right questions.Peter Drucker是20世纪最重要的管理学学者,最近刚刚去世,说最大的错误是没有问正确的问题。l As we’ll see next week, this is the biggest mistake in research potential;this is the biggest mistake in application.我们下次会看到,这也是在研究中潜在的最大的错误,这也是在应用中最大的错误。

l Not asking the right questions as well.没有问正确的问题。

l Whether it’s in managing organizations, whether it’s managing our lives.不论是在管理组织还是在管理我们的生活。

l Now, when I said that questions are important and answers matter less, I am not coming from a point of relativism.现在当我说问题重要而答案没那么重要时,我不是从相对论的观点来说的。

l I’m not a relativist, I think they are…….我不是相对论者,我认为他们……。

l To some questions definitive answers that are important to know.对于某些问题,知道决定性的答案很重要。

l However, what I’m saying is that it’s important, not less important to focus on questions when it comes to education.但是,我所说的是当提到教育时关注问题很重要,而不是较不重要。

l The educator, Neil Postman once said.教育家Neil Postman曾经说过。

l The kids enter schools as question marks and they leave as periods.孩子进校时像问号而毕业时像句号。

l My hope in this class is to bring up many more question marks than periods.我的希望是本课程培养的问号要比句号多。

l Once again, it’s about chipping away the excess stone because as kids.再一次,这是关于凿掉多余的石头。

l We are always asking questions, we are always curious.因为作为孩子,我们永远都在问问题,我们永远都很好奇。

l Let me show you a quick excerpt from a video of one of my favorite psychologists, actually the comedian Seinfeld.我来放一段我最喜爱的心理学家之一的录影,其次是喜剧演员宋飞。

l Here he is talking about…… 他要讲的是……

l We will watch a lot of excerpts throughout the semester.我们这个学期会看很多录影。

l Talking about what we were like as kids.如果像孩子一样我们会是怎样。

l So, the first couple of years I made my own costumes which of course sucked, the ghost, the hobo, then finally, the third year, begging the parents, I got the Superman Halloween costume, not surprisingly, Cardboard box, self-made top, mask included, remember the rubber band on the back of that mask? That was a quality item there, wasn’t it? 于是前两年,我自己做服装当然不怎么样,鬼啊,流浪汉啊,第三年终于求了爸妈,我得到了超人的万圣节服装,并不奇怪,纸盒箱,自己做的上衣,还有面具,还记得面具后面的橡皮筋吗?那可是个质量不错的玩意,不是吗。

l That was good for about 10 seconds before it snapped out of that cheap little staple they put it in there with.它可以坚持用10分钟之后就会从那个廉价订书钉里掉出来。

l You got to your first house, “Trick or…”, Snap!It broke, I don’t believe it.你去了第一个人家。“不给糖就……“啪嗒,橡皮筋断了,简直不敢相信。

l Wait up you guys.I gotta fix it!Hey, wait up!Wait up!你们等我一下,我能修好它,等我一下,等我一下。

l Kids don’t say “wait”.孩子们不说“等“。

l They say “wait up!Wait up!” 他们说等我一下,等我一下。

l Coz when you are little your life is up.因为当你还小的时候,你的生活都在上面。

l Your future is up, everything you want is up.你的未来在上面,你所要的一切都在上面。

l Wait up!Hold up!Shut up!等一下,举起来,闭嘴!

l Momma, clean up!Let me stay up!妈妈,打扫一下,让我晚点睡吧!

l Parents of course are just the opposite, everything is down.父母当然刚好相反,一切都在下面。

l Just calm down, slow down!冷静,慢一点!

l Come down here, sit down, put that down!给我冷静,坐下,把那个放下!

l So again this curiosity, this looking up.所以孩子们的这种好奇,这种寻找。

l This opening up is opposed to closing down that kids have.这种开放的心态是与封闭相反的。

l This notion, this is what I hope will happen in this class.我希望在本课程中会产生这种观念。

l The one real objective of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.教育的真正目的是让一个人可以连续发问。

l So here is a longitudinal study that was done by John Carter.所以下面讲讲John Carter所作的纵向研究。

l John Carter, professor of leadership management of the business school across the river, came to Harvard in 1972, joined the faculty and started to follow Harvard class, MBA class of 1973 and followed them through 20years.John Carter是河对面的商学院的领导管理学教授,1972年来到哈佛做了老师并开始关注哈佛的课程,从1973年起一直关注了20年MBA课程。

l And what he was interested in was to find all the information he could about this class.他想尽可能收集所有关于这门课的信息。

l What he found 20years later, early 90s when this study ended was these students were extremely successful or ex-students were extremely successful, students were extremely successful.20年后,90年代初当这个研究结束时,他发现这些学生都极其成功,以前的学生都极其成功,学生们都极其成功。

l Very wealthy, having a lot of impact whether it’s on the organizations, on the community.非常有钱,有很大的影响力,不论是在组织上还是社会上。

l They did extremely well.他们都做得极其好。

l But within the large group of highly successful Harvard MBAs.但是在这群极其成功的哈佛MBA里。

l He found a small group that was extraordinary successful, more successful than the rest of group whether in terms of income whether in terms of impact whether in terms of overall quality of life.他发现有一部分人是格外成功的,比其他人要更成功,无论是在收入上还是在影响力上抑或是在总体生活质量上。

l Extraordinary successful, what he wanted to identify was why—what distinguishes this small group from the rest of the pack, very successful, but not quite as successful as that small group.格外的成功,他想弄明白其中的原因——这一小部分人和其他人有何分别,其他人也非常成功,但没有那一小组人那么成功。

l And he found two things.他只找出了两件事。

l It was not their IQs that made no difference whatsoever to their long-term success.不是他们的智商,智商对他们长期成功的因素没有影响。

l It was not where they came from, pre-MBA, what they did had nothing to do with it.不是他们在读MBA之前的出身,他们做的事和这一点关系都没有。

l Two and two things along mattered in terms of determining who will be the extraordinarily successful and the rest.只有两件事会决定谁会成为格外成功的人和其余的人上有关系。

l The first thing was the extraordinarily successful groups really believe in themselves, they thought they could do well.第一是那部分人真的相信自己,他们认为自己能做好。

l They were driven, they were motivated.他们有目的,他们有动力。l And we’ll talk about it in future lecture as belief it self-fulfilling prophecies.我们会在下一次课程讲到自我实现的预言。

l They thought ”I’m going to make it, I’m going to succeed”.他们认为我会做到,我会成功。

l That’s the first thing, the sense of the confidence.这是第一件事,自信。

l The second thing that he found was this group they were always asking questions—always asking questions.他发现的第二件事是这部分人一直在问问题,一直在问问题。

l Initially of their boss, later of their employees, of their partner, children, parents, friends.最初是问他们的老板,后来是问他们的雇员,他们的搭档,孩子,父母,朋友。

l They were always asking questions.他们一直在问问题。

l They were always at the state of curiosity.他们一直处于好奇的状态。

l Always looking up, opening up, wanting to understand the world the more.一直在寻找,有开放的心态,想要更加了解世界。

l They didn’t say ”Now I have my MBA, that’s it, I know enough”.他们没有说“我现在有了MBA学位,就行了,我知道的够多了”。

l They were life-long learners.他们是终身学习者。

l They were always asking questions.他们一直在问问题。

l These two distinguishing characteristics account for the difference between the extraordinarily successful and those who were successful.这两个区别性的特质导致了格外成功和成功的人之间的差别。

l The question that has guided me whether it’s in writing the book, whether it’s in creating this class, whether it’s first and foremost my personal life is what I call “the question of the question” which is how can we help ourselves and others, individuals, communities and society become happier.那个指引了我的问题,不论是写书还是开设这门课,还是被我所称的“问题的问题”就是我们如何能帮助自己和他人,个人,群体和社会变得更幸福。

l Note that it is not about helping ourselves and others become happier, it is about become happier.注意这不是关于帮助我们自己和他人变得幸福,而是关于变得更幸福。

l Why? Because many people ask me.为什么?因为很多人问我。

l So Tal, are you happy? 那么Tal,你幸福吗? l And I can’t really answer that question;I don’t know what it means.我真的不能回答那个问题,我不知道那是什么意思。

l How do I determine whether or not I am happy? 我如何判断自己是否幸福?

l Is it compared to someone else? 是和别人比较?

l Is there a certain point beyond which I become happy? 是不是存在一个点,超过之后就变幸福了?

l Happiness is not a binary either or zero or one, either I’m happy or I’m unhappy.幸福不是二进制的非此即彼,0或1,要么幸福要么不幸福。

l Happiness resides on a continuum.幸福存在于一个连续统一体。

l So my answer to this question “am I happy?” 所以我对这个问题的回答——我幸福吗?

l Is today I’m happier than I was 15years ago when I started focusing on this pursuit.我今天是否比我15年前刚开始关注追求幸福时更幸福?

l 15years from now I certainly hope to be happier than I am today.15年后我当然希望自己能比今天幸福。

l Happiness is lifelong pursuit.幸福是终身的追求。

l Hopefully this class is part of that pursuit, but just part.希望本课程是这种追求的一部分,但只是一部分。

l You’ll not be happy at the end of class.你们不会在课程结束时幸福。

l Hopefully you’ll be happier.希望你们能比现在幸福。

l Cos many people sit here during the lectures on self-esteem, for example, or when we talk explicitly about happiness.因为很多人坐在这听有关自尊的讲座时,比如或者当我们明确地讨论幸福时。

l They say, ”Wait, do I have self-esteem?”.他们说,“等等,我的自尊心强吗?”。

l Thinking to themselves.他们自己想到。

l Do I have high self-esteem or low self-esteem? Irrelevant.我的自尊是较强的还是较弱的?

l Impossible to answer also.这也是没有意义,无法回答的。l The question is “how can I improve my self-esteem?, my healthy self-esteem, not narcissism of course”.问题是,我如何能提高我的自尊?我健康的自尊而当然不是自恋。

l How can I become happier? 我怎样才能变得幸福?

l That’s an important question.那是一个重要的问题。

l And this is the question of questions.这是问题的问题。

l This class is not a survey of positive psychology.本课程不是一个积极心理学的概论。

l If you want a survey on positive psychology.如果你想要关于积极心理学的概论。

l I can recommend some excellent textbooks.我可以推荐一些很不错的课本。

l Whether it’s by Lopez(Shane Lopez)or by Peterson(Chris Peterson).Lopez 或是Peterson的书。

l Great textbooks, There is also The Handbook of Positive Psychology which is a huge book with most what you want to know about this field.很不错的课本,还有一本积极心理学手册,一本很厚的书,里面有这个领域大多数你想知道的内容。

l You can also use it in self-defense, very useful in that respect.你也可以用它自卫,自卫非常管用。

l But a wonderful book, very well-written, very accessible in the spirit of positive psychology.但是很棒的书,写得非常好,让人很容易里面积极心理学。

l But this is not that, this is not the survey of positive psychology.但这里讲的不是那些,不是积极心理学概论。

l What it is is a selective exploration of the question of the questions.而是对问题中的问题的选择性探索。

l In that way, it is eclectic.从那个角度讲,它是折中的。

l My background is in psychology and philosophy.我的背景是心理学和哲学。

l I studied organizational behavior.我学了组织行为学。

l I worked as a consultant in business for a few years, still do some work there.我做过几年商业顾问,仍然还做一些这方面的工作。

l I worked in the field of education, doing a lot of work in field of education.我在教育领域工作过,在教育领域内做过很多工作。l And I take from all these areas.我从所有这些领域中吸取内容。

l I also draw on not just from positive psychology;I draw on clinical psychology in this class.我还不只是从积极心理学中吸取内容,我把临床心理学的内容融入这个课程中。

l I draw on cognitive psychology, social psychology and so on.我融入了认知心理学,社会心理学等等内容。

l It is eclectic class.这是一个折中的课程。

l Because my questions.因为我的问题。

l My guiding question was “what would contribute to happiness?”.我的引导性问题是什么会对幸福有贡献。

l And if something within psychopathology I thought could contribute to our wellbeing.如果我认为精神病理学的内容能对我们的幸福有贡献。

l I took that and used that.我会吸取并利用之。

l And if something from the field of consulting in organizational behavior could contribute that became part of the class as much as I could fit in of course in one semester.而如果一些有关组织行为学的咨询领域的东西有用的话,那也会成为本课程的一部分,只要能在一个学期内讲完。

l So the class is eclectic.所以本课程是折中的。

l The class is not cross-cultural.本课程不是跨文化交流。

l I will bring in ideas from eastern thought.我会引进一些东方思想的观点。

l I lived in Asia for a few years;I worked there, studied and continue to study the eastern philosophies and psychologies.我在亚洲住过几年,我在那工作,持续研究东方哲学和心理学。

l But my train primarily is in western psychology and the focus of the class will be that.但我的专业主要是在西方心理学上,而课程的重点将会是西方心理学。

l However that doesn’t mean that positive psychology doesn’t apply to people from different places in the world.但是那并不意味着积极心理学不适用于世界上其他地方的人。

l There was recently a meeting between senior scientists psychology from the west.最近有一场高资历科学家之间的会议,来自西方的心理学家。l People like Paul Ekman, Richard Davidson, some of the most important minds in the field of psychology, meeting with the DLLM and some of his monks.像Paul Ekman和Richard Davidson,这些在心理学领域内最重要的人物,和DLLM还有他的一些僧侣进行会谈。

l They were talking about the future of psychology, about the research, and how can you research meditation and so on.他们谈论了心理学的未来研究,还有如何进行冥想等等。

l And one of the things they were talking a lot about is the cultural difference.而他们谈论最多的话题之一就是文化差异。

l And when that came up, the DLLM suddenly seemed uneasy.当提到这个问题时,DLLM突然好像不舒服。

l And when Daniel Goleman who was writing about this whole event and it was hold in India asked him what’s wrong.当记录整个会议的Daniel Goleman,会议是在印度开的,问他怎么了。

l DLLM said that he was not comfortable with talking and emphasizing so much cultural difference.DLLM说他不是因为谈到并强调文化差异而不舒服。

l You can say many things about DLLM.对DLLM你可以有很多评价。

l One thing you cannon say about him is that he’s culturally insensitive.但你不能说他在文化方面不敏感。

l Arguably one of the most sensitive people alive.他可以说是还在世的最敏感的人之一。

l And yet he said we are focusing too much on cultural difference.然而他说,我们对文化差异的关注太多了。

l And he added not because there are no cultural differences.他补充道不是因为没有文化差异。

l Of course they are and they are important.当然有而且很重要。

l But there are many more similarities than differences.但文化共同性要比差异多。

l And we shouldn’t ignore those similarities.而我们不应该无视这些共同性。

l Daniel Goleman about the DLLM.Daniel Goleman如此评价DLLM。

l We were a little bit surprised by the DLLM’s seeming resistance to the notion of cultural differences.我们有点惊讶于DLLM这种表面上的对文化差异概念的抵触。l So I am willing to introduce these ideas but A because it is not my training and people who are focusing on cultural differences will do a much better job than I do.所以我想介绍这些观点,但是首先因为这不是我的专业,研究文化差异的人会比我做的更好。

l And second, because what I hope to look into is the universal, things are common across cultures.其次,因为我所希望研究的是普遍事物,不同文化中普遍的东西。

l So we’ll study research in this area but even more than that.所以我们会在这方面进行研究,但不只是这样。

l We’ll become even more particular than just talking about psychology in this part of the world.我们的讨论比这部分心理学更具体。

l We’ll study yourselves.我们将会研究你们自己。

l We are going to go that particular.我们会如此具体。

l Now why? When I put this class together, I didn’t think to myself.为什么?当我开这么课程时,我自己没有想过。

l OK, so what are the things that I need to introduce in order to please the participants in the class, the students? 好的,我需要介绍些什么东西以便能取悦课程的参与者,这些学生呢。

l That’ not what I thought.那不是我所想的。

l What I thought about was “what was the class that I would have wanted to take as an undergraduate here”? 我所想的是如果我是个本科生,会想上什么课?

l What would help me become happier if I were sitting there? 如果我坐在这,什么能让我更幸福?

l In other words, thinking from my perspective from very personal perspective.换言之,从我的观点,我非常个人的观点出发。

l In this class, I am going to encourage you.在我们的课上,我会鼓励你们。

l Of course you’ll look at research and read research about other people about large sample sizes.当然你们可以看和阅读关于别人的研究,有大量的样本。

l But I’m going to encourage you more than anything to look inside yourselves, to study yourselves.但最主要的,我会鼓励你们去看自己的内心,去研究自己。

l Whether it’s through response papers that will be due weekly starting in 2 weeks.无论是通过两周后开始的每周一次的课后论文。l Whether it’s in your final project that will be a presentation that you won’t have to give but you’ll have to write out.还是你们最后的演示作业,你们不用做演示但要写出来。

l A presentation about your favorite topic or the topic that matters most to you.关于你敢兴趣的话题或者对你来说最重要的话题。

l Whether it’s in sections that you’ll be talking about how I can apply these ideas to my life.还是关于如何能把这些观点应用于我的生活。

l The time-ins are about thinking about how can I take in the ideas and use them.联系时间时关于如何接受和利用一些观点。

l It’s about studying ourselves.是关于研究我们自己。

l Because as Carl Rogers says.因为正如Carl Rogers所说。

l What is most personal is most general.越是个人的东西越普遍。

l And as Maslow adds.正如Maslow所补充。

l We must remember that knowledge of one’s own deep nature is also simultaneously knowledge of human nature in general.我们必须记住对一个人深层本性的认识,同时也是对普遍人类本性的认识。

l When we understand ourselves better.当我们更了解自己时。

l When we identify ourselves.当我们认识到自己时。

l We are better able to identify with others.我们就更能认识他人。

l In fact, this is in many ways the source of empathy, of the healthy empathy.事实上,从许多方面说这是有益移情的来源。

l And there are some studies showing that people who know themselves, who study themselves, who are self-reflective display less egregious behavior, less immoral behavior toward others.有些研究表明了解自己的人、研究自己的人、反思自己的人对别人做出过分的事情、不道德的行为会相对较少。

l Behavior that would fall under say, racism.那种比如说种族歧视的行为。

l And it’s counter-intuitive to some extent.在一定程度上这是反直觉的。

l Wait, don’t you first need to study the other so that you can be more sensitive to others? 等等,你难道不要首先研究别人才能对别人更敏感吗?

l Yes, that too, but it’s not enough.是的,那也需要,不过还不够。l It’s important to also study ourselves.研究我们自己也很重要。

l Because when we see our deep nature.因为当我们看到自己的深层本性时。

l What we encounter there is actually part of the universal nature.我们看到的是部分普遍的本性。

l The similarities among us all, regardless of where we are from.我们所有人之间的共性,不管我们来自哪里。

l And this was what DLLM was talking about, not stop cross-culture, do it, important, but the same time, not ignore the self, not ignore the universal within each one of us.而这就是DLLM所说的,不是组织跨文化研究,去做吧,很重要,但同时,不要忽略自己,不要忽略我们每一个人身上的普遍性。

l C.S Lewis, “There is one thing and only one in the whole universe which we know about that we could learn from external observation, that one thing is ourselves”.C.S Lewis说,整个宇宙中有且只有一件我们知道我们可以从外部观察中学习到的事,那就是我们自己。

l We have, so to speak, inside information, we are in the know.我没有,可以说是,内在的信息,我们是知道的。

l Now there are of course biases when we study ourselves, which is why it’s not enough to just study the self.当我们研究自己时当然会有偏颇,这就是为什么只研究自己是不够的。

l It’s important to counter it, to add to it, academic work, studying others.要克服这个问题,把学术工作,研究他人融入进去很重要。

l That’s why we’ll do some research or study research as well as do some search, searching inside us.那就是为什么我们除了探究我们的内心外,也会做一些研究或者调查研究。

l Both are important.两者并重。

l We shouldn’t, just because there are biases and mistakes that potentially can be made.我们不应该只是因为会有潜在的偏颇和错误。

l It doesn’t mean we need to throw out the baby with the bath water and stop studying ourselves.这并不意味着我们要因噎废食,停止研究自己。

l So we’ll do that or rather you’ll do that probably more than any other class on campus.所以我们会,更准确地说是你们会这样做比学校里的其他课程做得更多。

l Finally this may be news to you.最后这个可能对你们来说有些新。

l But this is not English 10A or Math 55.但这不是10A号英语课和55号数学课。l Meaning you will not have to read as much as you will read for 10A or for a history class.就是说你不用像10A号课或者历史课那样做大量的阅读。

l And this class is not as difficult as Math 55 so you rest.也不像55号数学课一样难,所以你们可以轻松些。

l I’m sure there are some people here who took the class.我相信这有些人上过这门课。

l This class at the same time is about rigorous fun.本课程同时是一种严格的乐趣。

l Fun…Because it’s fun to study ourselves.乐趣……因为研究我们自己很有意思。

l Sometimes it hurts and sometimes we see that we may not like.有时会让我们受伤有时我们看到一些我们不愿意看到的东西。

l But overall it’s fun, it’s interesting.但总的来说还是有趣的,很有意思。

l And at the same time it’s rigorous, based on research.同时又是严格的,以研究为基础。

l Now many of the ideas that you’ll encounter in this class are very simple, very accessible, common sense.你们将在本课程中遇到的许多观点都很简单,很容易理解,常识。

l However they are simple, not simplistic.但它们是简单,不是过分简单化。

l And here is the difference.这两者是有区别的。

l Oliver Wendell Holmes, this court is attributed to him not 100% sure it’s this—said.Oliver Wendell Holmes,这个报告厅就是他捐建的,但不能完全确定是他所有的——说过。

l I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity.我不会认为与复杂性一致的简单性是微不足道的。

l But I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.但我会把我的一生用来研究与复杂性相对的简单性。

l What Holmes means here is that he doesn’t care about just simplicity, easy, off-the-cuff, whimsical ideas.Holmes这里的意思是他关心的不只是简单性、简单的、随意的、难以预料的想法。

l What he does care about through is the simplicity that comes after.而他所关心的是之后的简单性。

l We have chewed the idea after we have digested it, after we have thought about it.我们深思了这个观点在我们吸收了它之后,在我们考虑过它之后。

l Ideas that have been worked on.那些我们所研究的观点。l And if on the other side of complexity we can read simplicity and common sense, that’s great.而如果与复杂性相反,我们能看出简单性和常识,那就很好。

l That’s what he’s interested in.那是他所感兴趣的。

l That is also positive psychology researchers that we’ll discuss throughout the semester are interested in.那也是我们整个学期要讨论的积极心理学研究者所感兴趣的。

l The simplicity on the other side of complexity.与复杂性相对的简单性。

l And there is a very big difference between these two simplicities.这两种简单性之间有很大的区别。

l Even though on the face of it, they may at times look similar.尽管乍看起来,它们有时也许是相似的。

l What this class requires is a very different kind of effort.本课程需要的是一种非常不同的努力。

l A very different kind of effort to other class.与别的课程非常不同的努力。

l Again it doesn’t require the effort that you’ll need in 55 or in English 10A.又一次,它不需要你像55号课和10A号英语课那样的努力。

l The kind of effort that it does require is the effort of application, of applying into your life, of introducing behavioral actual change to your life.它所需要的努力是一种应用的努力,努力把它应用到你的生活里,努力把行为的实际改变带入你的生活。

l And before we go into some of the technicalities of the class such as syllabus.在我们开始讲本课程的一些细节比如教学大纲之前。

l I want to end with a story about Peter Drucker.我想先讲一个关于Peter Drucker的故事。

l Peter Drucker, who I quoted earlier, father of study of management in modern times.Peter Drucker,我之前引用过他的话,是现代管理学研究之父。

l Peter Drucker lived to the grand old age of 94, passed away just a couple of years ago.Peter Drucker享年94岁,是几年前过世的。

l Toward the end of his life while he was still 100% lucid.在他生命的最后,当他头脑还百分比清醒时。

l It was more difficult for him to be mobile and to go into organizations.活动和参加组织活动对他来说更加困难了。l So what he did was invite people who wanted consulting from him, wanted to learn from him to come to his home.于是他邀请想咨询他问题的人,想跟他学习的人来他家。

l And he had Presidents, Premier Ministers of countries.有国家总统,总理。

l He had CEOs of Fortune 500 companies coming spend the weekend with him.财富500强公司的CEO和他一起过周末。

l And on Friday, this was how we started with every session with every world leader.而在星期五,每一次聚会都是这样开始的,对每一个世界级领袖。

l Whether in business, whether in non-for-profit, whether in politics.无论是商界的,非盈利机构的,还是政界的。

l He would say to them the following.他都会对他们说如下的一番话。

l On Monday I don’t want you to call me up and then tell me how wonderful it was.星期一我不想听到你们说有多美好。

l Meaning how wonderful the weekend was.意思是这个周末有多好。

l On Monday I want you to call me up and tell me what you are doing differently.星期一我想听到你们跟我说,你们做了些什么改变。

l At the end of the semester or at the end of the lecture.在这个学期结束后或者在这个讲座结束之后。

l If you enjoyed it.如果你们喜欢它。

l By all means tell me that enjoyed it, that you had fun.务必告诉我你们喜欢,你们获得了乐趣。

l But more important, it is what you are doing differently.但更重要的是你们所做的改变是什么。

l How this has an impact on your life and that takes effort.这对你们的生活有怎样的影响而那需要我们的努力。

l We are going to spend a whole week talking just about change.我们将用一周的时间讲改变。

l Nothing directly related to positive psychology.和积极心理学一点直接的关系也没有。

l Just about change.只是讲改变。

l Because it is so difficult to change.因为改变是那么难。l Because we know most organizational change fails because we know more individual change fails.因为我们知道大多数组织上的改变都失败了,因为我们知道更多的个人改变失败了。

l Unless we introduce behavioral change along with our cognitive and emotional change.除非我们引入行为上的改变的同时引入认知上和情绪上的改变。

l Affect and cognitive is not enough, behavior has to be there as well.影响和认知还不够,还必须有行为。

l What you are doing differently.你所做的改变。

l To do things differently very often takes courage.经常用不同的方式做事需要勇气。

l Some of your response papers that you’ll hand in—None of them are graded, they are all just graded “passed/failed”.一些你们要交上来的课后论文,都不会被打分,都只会有“及格和不及格”。

l You’ll have to hand them in and then you’ll pass.你们必须交论文,然后你们就及格了。

l But some of them may be the most difficult papers that you’ve written here.但一些也许是你所写过的最困难的论文。

l For some they’ll be the easiest.有一些会是最简单的。

l And things will just flow out.很自然地就能写出来。

l That’s about introducing change.那就是关于引入改变。

l That’s about reflecting.那就是关于反思。

l That’s about taking time-in.那就是关于花时间接受。

l That’s about chipping away the excess stone.那就是关于凿掉多余的石头。

l And it can only be done through this kind of effort.而这只能通过这种努力而实现。

l So if you really want class to make a difference in your life, it’s up to you.所以如果你真的想通过这门课来改变生活,一切取决于你。

l I’m going to introduce to you the material.我将会给你们介绍材料。

l I’m going to introduce to you this wonderful new field of positive psychology.我将会给你们介绍这个积极心理学的精彩的新领域。

l What is up to you is to then take it and apply it.而取决于你们的就是接收并应用它。l I want to talk a little about the syllabus and the requirements.我想谈一下教学大纲及要求。

l And I’ll give you a little time for questions.我会给你们一点时间去问问题。

l But before I do that.但在这之前。

l I would also like to welcome.我也想对。

l I know that some of you are watching this from home to the extension school students.我知道你们中的有些人正在家里看这堂课,对进修学校的同学们表示欢迎。

l It’s wonderful to have you here.很高兴你们能听我的课。

l Do come and visit once a while.有空过来看看。

l And you’ll be working with obviously part of this class.而你们将显然参与到我们的课程中来。

l But also with Deb Levy who is the.但也可以找Deb Levy。

l They had teaching fellow for the extension school.他是进修学校的助教。

l They had teaching fellow for the FAS class is Sean Achor.Sean Achor是文理学院的助教。

l And I’d like just to invite him for just a few words.我想请他来说几句话。

l Just introduce himself to you.向你们做个自我介绍。

l And you’ll be introduced to other TFs we have.而你们会被介绍给我们的其他助教。

l We have an amazing team this year.我们今年有只很棒的团队。

l This is Sean.这就是Sean。

l Hey, good morning.大家早上好。

l Can you guys hear me? 能听到我吗?

l Can you hear me now? Great.现在能听到吗?很好。

l This is absolutely honored to be back teaching positive psychology again.能回来再次为积极心理学做助教非常荣幸。

l Tal is too humble.Tal 太谦虚了。l This is not only extraordinary that he is sharing his time with us.很荣幸他能给我们上课。

l But he’s actually moved here back.他还把家搬来了。

l Moved his family back from Israel for the entire semester.把家从以色列搬到这一整个学期。

l His wife and his two little children just so he can teach this class with us.包括他的妻子和他的两个孩子只是为了能和我们一起教这门课。

l And this is absolutely an extraordinary opportunity for us to share this moment with them.对我们来说能和他们一起共事是个极好的机会。

l And I’m really excited about it.我真的很激动。

l Last time we taught this class.上一次我们教这门课时。

l We did a survey to find out what types of people were sitting in this room.我们做了调查看看坐在这上课的都是什么类型的人。

l They are just like yourselves.他们就像你们一样。

l And find out why you’ll be taking this class.看看为什么你们会上这门课。

l Coz the comment that we get so often about this class is why would Harvard students possibly be unhappy? 因为我们得到的关于这门课的评价常常是为什么哈佛的学生会不幸福。

l What do they have to be unhappy about? 他们有什么可不快乐的?

l They thought everyone who’d be taking this class would be taking it because they are already really happy.他们认为每个上这门课的人会上这门课是因为他们已经很幸福了。

l And they want to study about how amazing they are.他们想研究自己到底有多棒。

l And they’d like to learn things that they can tell the roommates so clearly that laugh themselves.他们想学一些能明白告诉室友他们得意的东西。

l But it turns out actually over a third of people who took this class last year took the class because they felt depressed.但是结果是去年有超过三分之一的人选这门课是因为他们感觉抑郁。

l And they were trying to learn about the research about positive psychology.他们想学习积极心理学。l And another third because they wanted to learn more about optimism.还有三分之一是因为他们想学会乐观。

l Another third did it for completely different reasons.另外三分之一的原因则完全不同。

l I think, Additional third this year did it because Tal was on the Jon Stewart Daily Show.我想今年还有三分之一的人选这门课是因为Tal上了Jon Stewart的Daily Show。

l So I am absolutely thrilled about this class.我很喜欢这门课。

l They syllabus which Tal is about to tell you about is… Tal 要告诉你们的教学大纲是。

l Actually we learned a couple of other things about you guys.其实我们了解你们的一些其他事。

l Did you know that of people who take positive psychology 75% of you are officers of club? 你不知不知道选了积极心理学的人中有75%的人是俱乐部的干部。

l 35% of you are the highest ranking officers of club.35%是俱乐部的高层干部。

l Which means that you think there are about 2000 clubs at Harvard.这意味着你认为哈佛有大约2000个俱乐部。

l You are in club of three, and you happen to be the president.你在一个只有3个人的俱乐部里,又恰好是主席。

l We learned other reasons why you are not happy.我们了解到你们不快乐的其他原因。

l We learned that the average number of romantic relationships for people to take positive psychology in 4 years is between zero and one.我们了解到上积极心理学课的人在4年里恋爱次数的平均数在0和1之间。

l Zero and one.0和1之间。

l No, I don’t believe it, don’t leave.不!我不信,不要走。

l But that was before taking positive psychology class.—That was before taking the class.但那是在上积极心理学课之前——是在上课之前。

l We are going to test you afterwards.我们之后会调查一下你们。

l The average number of sexual partners is between zero and 0.5.性伴侣数目的平均数是在0到0.5之间。

l I have no idea what.5 sexual partners is.我实在不知道0.5个性伴侣是什么。l This class is going to be amazing.这门课程将会很棒。

l It was amazing in the past and Tal we actually have extraordinary teaching staff here with us.它过去就很棒,而且我们有一个很出色的教学团队。

l It’s a large teaching staff.很大的教学团队。

l And Tal has actually already given us home works.Tal 实际上已经给我们布置了作业。

l So the teachers are going to be learning not only the material you are doing and talk you about which the experts that.所以老师们不仅要学你们学的那些材料和你们讨论专业的内容。

l But learning how to be better teachers.还要学习如何成为更好的老师。

l He’s given us books to read.他给了我们要读的书。

l He’s actually given us assignment.他事实上给我们布置了任务。

l It’s a big extraordinary class in that sense.从那个意义上说这是个很特别的课程。

l In terms of the syllabus, it’s going to be online.至于教学大纲,网上会有。

l Tal just described now we’ve decided to go green.Tal说现在我们决定要环保。

l So no trees are in making of this class except the large auditorium made of wood.所以这门课程中不能使用树木制品,除了这个木制的大礼堂。

l Sections—we are going to try sections online next weekend.我们下周会在网上分组。

l So we are going to get the numbers on Wednesday.所以我们星期三会知道有多少分组。

l On following weekend we will be doing sectioning that gives you a very short of turnaround time.下个周末我们会做分组任务,给你们的周转时间就非常少了。

l But that way you can give me Monday to change your section if you need to which I hope you won’t.如果需要的话,你们可以在周一换组,虽然我不希望你们改。

l And sections will start the following week.分组会在下一个星期开始。

l Thank you very much, if you have any questions, sends me an email.非常感谢,如果还有什么问题,给我发邮件。

l OK, so… 好的,那么……

l I think I don’t need to explain to you.我想我不需要跟你们解释。l Why there is one lecture in the semester that I don’t teach and Sean will teach it.为什么这学期有一节课不是我教而是Sean教的。

l And that is the lecture on humor.而那节是讲幽默的。

l Figure out why yourselves.你们自己想想为什么。

l I do think you’ll have to walk and talk if you are teaching something.我确实认为如果你想教什么你就必须擅长。

l The syllabus.教学大纲。

l The class, is to introduce you to my thinking about the class is what I call it integrated class.本课程,是像你介绍我关于这门课程的想法的,是我所谓的整体的课程。

l What that means is that integrated vertically as well as horizontally.就是指纵向的整体和横向的整体。

l Vertically means that every class connected to the next class is connected to every class throughout the semester around a spiral.纵向意味着每一节课都和下一节课有关系,和整个学期内的每一节课都有关系,呈一个螺旋状。

l So what we’ll talk about next week.所以我们下周所讲的内容。

l We’ll revisit it again in lesson 7, lesson 17 and lesson 24.我们将在第7课,第17课和第24课里再回顾一遍。

l Everything is interconnected on the higher level on a spiral.所有内容在一个更高的水平上呈螺旋状互相联系。

l In other words will lead to deep understanding and hopefully assimilation of the material.换言之,会带来深刻的理解和我所希望的对材料的吸收。

l So it’s vertically interconnected.所以是纵向相互联系的。

l It’s also horizontally interconnected.同样也是横向相互联系的。

l That means every part of the class reinforces and influences the other part.就是说课程中的每一部分都强调并影响另一部分。

l The lectures, not enough, you’ll get a lot more in sections.上课还不够,你们在分组作业里面将收获更多。

l Sections are mandatory.分组作业是强制的。l You’ll do a lot of work in your sections very much related to your response papers.你们要在你们的分组里做大量和你课后论文相关的工作。

l That many students claim the most important part of the class.许多学生说这是本课程最重要的部分。

l Because that’s where you get the time-in.因为这样你们才有了练习时间。

l That’s when you really get to chip away.这个你们真正开始凿掉的时候。l Very much connected to the final project.和期末的大作业有很大的关系。

l The final project is a presentation that you’ll write out.期末作业是一个演示稿。

l You don’t actually give it but give it to a couple of friends just to get feedback.你们不用阵的做演示,但要向几个朋友演示以及获得反馈。

l Not graded on that part.那部分不计分。

l The final project is graded as a final paper but just what you hand in what you submit.期末作业是以期末论文计分的,但只是你们教上来的,你们提交的那份。

l And the reason why there is a final paper because the best way which is like a presentation.为什么写期末论文是因为像演示那样的最好的方式。

l Because the best way to learn is to teach.因为最好的学习方式是教。

l And you’ll be teaching these materials to other people—any material that you are interested in in your presentation.你们将把这些材料教给别人,任何在你的陈述中你所感兴趣的内容。

l So the readings very much connected and take you to the next level of understanding and assimilations.那么阅读非常有关系,会把你们带到理解和吸收的另一个水平的高度。

l So any questions before I finish up? Any questions from you? 在我讲完之前有问题吗?你们有什么要问的吗?

l Alright, so let me just say—one second finishing words.好了,那就让我说最后一秒钟结束语。

l I am very excited to be back here.对于能回到这里我感到非常激动。

l My families are very excited to be back here.我的家人对于回到这里也非常激动。




我院2010、2011级全日制高职涉外护理专业学生177名, 均为女生。在一至二年级分别实施人体形态、人体机能、护理技巧、CGFNS、医学英语词汇的双语教学, 由7名教师讲授, 其学历构成:硕士2名, 本科5名。


发放自行设计的调查表, 采用不记名、当场填写、当场收回方式。调查内容:对开展双语教学的认知, 实施双语教学的课程和课型, 双语教学教材形式, 双语教学形式, 双语教学方法, 学生对双语教学课件、作业和试题选择、双语教学学习效果。教材《人体形态》、《人体机能》、《护理技巧》用中文配英语课件, 《CGFNS》、《医学英语词汇》选用英语配中文注释。


2.1学生对双语教学的认知 (见表1)

2.2学生对双语教学课程和课型的选择 (见表2)

2.3双语教学教材形式 (见表3)

2.4双语教学形式 (见表4)

2.5学生对双语教学方法的选择 (见表5)

2.6学生对双语教学课件、作业和试题的选择 (见表6)

2.7双语教学学习效果 (见图1)


双语教学 (Bilingual Education) , 英国朗曼出版社出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》给出的定义是“The use of a second or foreign language in school for the teaching of content subject”, 即在学校使用第二语言或外语进行各门学科的教学。在加拿大, 双语教育始于20世纪60年代, 其双语教学是指用英语和法语两种语言进行教学;在美国, 双语教学多指用英语和西班牙语进行教学;在我国大陆, 双语一般指汉语和英语, 主要是指用英语进行除语言学科以外的其他学科的教学;在中国香港, 指“以英语为媒介的教育” (English-medium education) 。

目前提倡的“双语教学”是指非英语课程的教师用汉语和英语两种语言作为教学媒介语, 以英文原版教学内容为依据进行学科教育的教学活动。教育双方能在课堂上熟练运用汉、英两门语言进行学科的教与学, 熟练运用英语进行学科知识的讨论与交流, 无障碍地运用两种思维方式进行学科思考和研究, 用英文本色的思维方式调整、更新学科知识体系和结构, 并使英语水平在这种思维方式的调整和学科知识的获取中取得长足的进步。简单地说, 开展双语教学, 受教育者在以语言为载体获取学科知识的过程中, 能强化英语应用能力。

双语教学的实施有很多类型, 其中早期有3种模式: (1) 沉浸式 (I m m e r s io n B ilin g u a l E d u c a tio n) :即在学校使用一种与学生母语不同的语言进行教学。 (2) 保持式 (M a in te n a n c e B ilin g u a l E d u c a t i o n) :即学生进入学校时用母语教学, 然后逐渐使用第二种语言进行部分学科的教学, 而其他学科仍使用其母语教学。 (3) 过渡式 (T r a n s itio n a l B ilin g u a l E d u c a tio n) :即学生进入学校后部分或全部使用母语教学, 然后逐步转变为只使用第二语言进行教学。

对1 7 7名涉外护理专业学生实施双语教学后的调查结果分析如下。

由表1可知, 8 1.4%的学生认为高职院校适合实施双语教学, 说明学生对双语教学持肯定态度;且大多数学生认为对提高相关课程的学习兴趣和英语能力有一定帮助。说明通过双语教学不仅使学生了解到东西方护理理念的异同, 掌握了护理专业相关知识, 还营造了英语学习氛围, 延长了英语学习时间, 有利于学生英语级别考试和高级别医院的录用。

由表2可知, 4 4.1%的学生选择专业基础课作为双语教学课程, 选择专业课的3 3.9%, 选择文化课的占2 2.0%。说明医学基础课程本身知识内容较专业课简单, 容易理解, 便于双语教学, 且高职院校把专业课学习放在首要位置, 文化课其次。课型选择上差异不大, 认为理论课或实践课皆可进行双语教学, 只不过理论课侧重于英语读、写, 而实践课的重点是英语听、说。

由表3、表4可知, 使用英中结合的教学形式和教材得到了大多数学生的认可。

由表5可知, 60.5%的学生希望采用讲授法教学, 说明学生学习主动性不强。

由表6可知, 学生认为教学课件应以英语为主, 作业中英或英中皆可, 考试应以中文为主、英语为辅。说明学生既想很好地利用双语教学机会学习相关知识和提高专业英语水平, 又怕在测试过程中达不到学校要求, 也表明了学生更愿意在较宽松的环境下优先使用英语。

由图1可知, 从课前预习、课堂学习到课后复习, 学生对双语教学课程内容 (主要是英语部分) 的理解和掌握需要一个过程, 且呈逐步提高的态势, 收到了预期效果。

综上所述, 对我院护理专业学生可以选择部分课程开展双语教学, 但要不断提高教师的英语听、说水平和翻译能力;选用合适的双语教材;按照双语教学课程建设的不同阶段和层次, 实施多样化的授课方式[2,3];积极督促学生养成良好的学习习惯;采取具有灵活性和操作性的双语教学管理模式。

双语教学是一项系统工程, 涉及学生、教师、教学管理等诸多要素。总体上要以学生专业知识与英语能力的提高为教学目标, 只有协调好各要素之间的关系, 才能保证双语教学效果最优化的实现[4,5]。通过双语教学, 我们充分认识到要根据学校实际情况和护理专业要求, 学生的特点和知识能力, 教师英语综合能力和专业水平, 探索并制定适合自身的双语教学模式和方法, 以推进护理专业双语教学的开展。

摘要:目的 了解高职护理专业双语教学效果, 探讨双语教学的模式和方法。方法 对我院177名2010、2011级全日制涉外护理专业学生实施双语教学后进行问卷调查。结果 81.4%的学生认为高职生适合进行双语教学;大部分学生认为可在专业基础课实施双语教学, 并且认为双语教材, 教学形式、手段要以英语为主、中文为辅;学生学习效果较好, 呈逐渐提高态势。结论双语教学可在我院护理专业开展, 但要加强师资队伍建设, 明确双语教学在高职教育中的终极目标。



[1]李春卉, 李丽朝, 马春艳.护理专业双语教学面临的挑战与对策[J].护理学杂志, 2003, 18 (10) :789.

[2]吴平.五年来的双语教学研究综述[J].中国大学教育, 2007 (1) :37-45.

[3]周惠霞, 武春江.关于高校双语教学模式的思考[J].黑龙江教育, 2008 (1) :118-120.

[4]刘俊霞, 张文雪, 彭晶.关于深化高校双语教学改革的若干思考[J].高等理科教育, 2008 (3) :77-80.


[关键词] Chinglish中英双语标识错误

当英语老师们日复一日地站在讲台上语重心长地警示学生作文中的 “Chinglish”时,当人们在大街上、旅游景点除处、宾馆饭店里笑话 “Chinglish”时,当“Chinglish”(中式英语)在全球语言监听会公布的全球最流行的十大词汇中时排行第四时,当2008年奥运会一天天走近时,我们对中英双语标识中的错误现象越来越关注,对于错误的理解越来越深刻,对于错误的纠正也感觉越来越迫切。






在各大中小城市,只要我们有意留心,大大小小的、形形色色的英语标识错误就会不时映入眼帘。几年前,武汉洪山广场接待一批珍贵的客人,其中一位女士看到垃圾箱分成了可回收和不可回收,很高兴中国的环保意识已与国际接轨,可惜走上前仔细一看,“可回收的”是“recycled”,而“不可回收”的英文标识竟然是“not able recycled”。日前笔者到武汉东湖游玩,归来途中发现一处栏杆外的标识牌赫然是“Please Don’t Climbing the Handrails”。而见诸报端和网络的各类英语标识错误更是不胜列举,所引起的反响不仅来在民间,更来自各大企业,直至各级政府。







事实上,并非所有Chinglish都是错的,例如(意为“好久不见”)这个典型的从中文到英文一个字一个字对应着翻译过来的Chinglish的表达,就已经成为标准英文词组。类似的例子在华人融入英语国家的过程中产生出来的何止一个。“Chinglish”其实可以分成两种,一种是像“long time no see”那样产生于汉语思维又能在英语中充分达意的表述,依据Odlin(1989)在《语言迁移》(Language Transfer)中所定義阐述的,这可以看作是英语语言变迁的一种形式,是可以被接受的;而另一种则是不达意和错误的,会对英语学习者产生误导并导致偏差,它们应当被订正并加以规范。




某饭店的菜单封面上印了一个大大的“weicome”,字母错误;某娱乐休闲中心,硕大的招牌上印了一个不伦不类的“EnterTainment”,大小写错误;某公园栏杆上挂了一个大大的警示牌,上书“Please Don’t Climbing the Handrails”,动词形式错误;等等。



北京多处道路指示牌汉语同义,字母标注有时用英语,有时用拼音。如新东路译为“Xindong Road”,“road”为英文表“路”;而朝阳北路则译为“Chao Yang Bei Lu”,全部为汉语拼音。更有甚者,朝阳北路仅隔几百米的路段上先后出现“辅路”的两个不同指示牌:一为“fulu”,另一为“service road”。



某移动营业厅“业务受理台”被译为“Business Reception Desk”, 实际上译为“Business Reception”即可。某车站警务工作站的标牌写着“Police Affairs Station”, 辞不达意,恰当的表达应为“Police Station”,简洁明了。某商店营业时间“Opening hours”被硬译为“Business Time”,某机场取行李“Luggage Reclaim”也被死译为“Claim Luggage”。



有旅游景点“游客止步”译为“No Visitors”,太生硬,且不符合英语的表达习惯,常用表达为“Stuff Only”。有医院“无烟”标识译为“Smoking Is Not Allowed In This Hospital”,太严厉,且不符合标识简洁的特点特征,提示性的公示语为“Smoke Free”。中国吃饭的地方多,无论规模大小,档次高低,大多译为“Hotel”,在许多外国人看来,“Hotel”应该是上一定档次的,可以住宿、提供饮食的地方,而那些常见的普通餐馆应该叫做“Restaurant”。













【背景提示】本文作者是Steven Pifer,布鲁金斯学会(美国最有影响力的智库之一)负责武器控制和不扩散项目的高级主管。作者讨论了乌克兰最新的动荡局势,并针对乌克兰危机开出了自己的“药方”。




托福阅读英文:Ukraine’s political crisis has dragged on for nearly three months, but February 17 offered some slim grounds for optimism.Demonstrators vacated government buildings, and those protesters who had been arrested were amnestied.These actions improved the atmosphere for a possible political dialogue between President Yanukovych and the opposition to seek a peaceful settlement.中文对照:乌克兰的政治危机已经拖拖拉拉将近三个月,但是2月17号(发生的事情)还是提供了某种乐观的微弱基础。游行示威者搬出了政府大楼,之前遭逮捕的抗议者也被释放。所有这些动作改善了总统亚努科维奇和反对派展开一个可能的政治对话的气氛。


1,drag on 拖延

2,grounds n基础。非常不错的用法,写作文时可以借鉴 3,amnesty n.v.赦免,难度大一点的单词。

托福阅读英文:But everything came undone on February 18.A morning protest march to the Verkhovna Rada(Ukraine’s parliament)turned violent.While the government and opposition each blamed the other, one thing was absolutely clear: the Berkut riot police eagerly responded and escalated with disproportionate force, using stun grenades, rubber bullets and, it appears, real ammunition.They drove the demonstrators back and, in the evening, launched an assault on Maidan Nezalezhnosti(Independence Square)—which since November had been a tacitly recognized safe zone.中文对照:但是所有的一切在2月18号突然逆转。清晨的前往Verkhovna Rada(土耳其议会)的示威游行开始变得暴力化。虽然政府和反对派相互指责,但是有一点是极其清楚的:防暴警察迫不及待的回应(示威者)以及过度反应使局势升级——使用威慑弹,橡皮子弹——看上去像真正的武器。防暴警察击退了示威者,并且在晚上发起了对独立广场(从去年11月一直被默认为的安全保护区)的袭击。

语言点解析, 1,undo v解开;清除;逆转;毁坏;使不安。看上很简单的一个单词,但是意象很丰富 2,escalate v(尤其指不好的事情)升级,增强 3,launch an assault on 发起攻击。也可用作比喻义

4,tacit adj心照不宣的,默认的。一个高级词汇,值得收藏。

托福阅读英文:While one cannot condone violence by the protesters, Yanukovych and his government bear overwhelming responsibility.The authorities launched a major and bloody crackdown but could have behaved in a very different manner.Ukraine has seen massive demonstrations before, most notably during the Orange Revolution.No blood was shed then;under Yanukovych’s tenure, dozens now have died and hundreds have been injured.中文对照:虽然抗议者的暴力活动不可宽恕,但是亚努科维奇和他的政府也负有极大的责任。当局者实施了本来可以避免的血腥大镇压。乌克兰之前也曾经历过大规模的示威游行,尤其是在橙色革命时期,但是那时候并没有发生流血事件。而在亚努科维奇的任内,已有数十人死亡和数百人受伤。


1,condone v宽恕,饶恕。实际上,从词源上说和“Pandora潘多拉”有关系,有兴趣的可以深究。

2,shed blood/tears 流血/流泪。

托福阅读英文:The United States and European Union have tried to encourage a dialogue between the different sides.They should continue to do so.But they must back that effort by applying all of their limited leverage.中文对照:美国和欧盟一直在敦促相关各方展开对话,并且美国和欧盟应该这样做下去。但是也应该支持利用他们有限的影响力。

语言点解析, 1,back v支持。这个意思对很多中国学生是不太常见的。2,leverage n杠杆,影响力。经济学和政治学常用的一个单词。

托福阅读英文:Washington and Brussels should immediately announce targeted visa and financial sanctions against individual Ukrainians with two objectives.First, to make clear that those responsible for violence, particularly those in government, will be held accountable for their actions by being denied the ability to travel to the West or bank their money there.Second, to pressure those in the inner circle around Yanukovych in the hopes that they will push him to end the violence and seek a peaceful resolution of the crisis.The inner circle should understand that, if it is not part of the solution, it also will not be allowed to travel or bank in the West.中文对照:华盛顿和布鲁塞尔应该立即宣布针对某些乌克兰人的签证限制和经济制裁来达到两个目标。首先,清楚地表明一些人,尤其是一些乌克兰政府人员,将会被禁止去西方国家旅行或者开设账户从而为他们的行为负责。其次,向亚努科维奇的核心层成员施压,以期望他们促使亚努科维奇结束暴力行动进而寻求危机的和平解决方案。核心层成员也要明白,如果不参与到这个解决方案中,他们也将不得到西方旅行或开设账户。


1,sanction n批准;支持;制裁。“性格分裂”的一个单词,有感情色彩相反的意向2,hold accountable for(常用被动语态)为...负责。很不错的一个词组,He is mentally ill and thus cannot be held accountable for his actions.他有精神病, 因此不能对自己的行为负责.2,resolution n果断;解决;分辨率。“分辨率”这个意思还在托福听力中考过。

托福阅读英文:Western influence can only help resolve the crisis in Ukraine.Sanctions offer no magic bullet.The main responsibility for finding a solution rests with Ukrainians, first and foremost Yanukovych.But if the West does not put its leverage in play now, the situation may quickly deteriorate to the point where the West has no ability to affect the crisis.中文对照:西方的影响力只能帮助解决乌克兰的危机。制裁于事无补。找到危机解决方案主要的责任还是在于乌克兰人,最主要的还是亚努科维奇。但是如果西方现在不施加影响力,危机将很快恶化到西方无法收拾的地步。


1,rest with(责任)在于。It rests with the president to decide.这事要由总统来决定

2,deteriorate v恶化,加重。构词法高度冗余的一个单词,这么长一个单词,只有de-表示“变坏”起实际作用。


中英文双语对照托福阅读政治经济篇:达沃斯的秘密 双语托福阅读:号召网民紧盯奥巴马的言行 时事新闻双语托福阅读:昆明恐怖袭击活动


My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,各位上下议院的议员们:

I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr.Speaker.感谢议长、各位议员和主持人对我的溢美之词。

This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history.议会始终是国家的心脏,人民的命脉。

As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age.作为国会议员,你们与祖先们一道在自己的法则和决策中扮演着举足轻重的角色。Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.议会已成为我们宪法和生活中不可撼动的基石。

History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next.历史将君主和议会紧紧相连,一脉相传。

So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reassured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.所以,活在当下,单调的富足日子并不如非凡的新奇生活精彩,我很欣慰能成为第二个举办钻石庆典的君主。

As today, it was my privilege to address you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees.即使在今天,我仍深感荣幸曾在25周年和50周年庆典上为大家致辞。

Many of you were present ten years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977.你们中很多人要回顾到10年前,恐怕有些人还要回顾到1977年的场景。

Since my Accession, I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and, at the last count, have had the pleasurable duty of treating with twelve Prime Ministers.自继任以来,我就是威斯敏斯特宫的常客,细细数来,我曾在这儿先后与12位首相愉快共事。

Over such a period, one can observe that the experience of venerable old age can be a mighty guide but not a prerequisite for success in public office.那段时光足以证明:年长者丰富的阅历或许能为国事建言献策,但却非成功打理国事的先决条件。I am therefore very pleased to be addressing many younger Parliamentarians and also those bringing such a wide range of background and experience to your vital, national work.因此我非常乐意同许多年轻议员共同探讨,这也能为那些重要的、关乎国家的工作提供开阔的局势和多方的经验。

During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure.出任女王的岁月里,来自家人的支持,代代相传、源源不断。

Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind.But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.菲利普亲王,以拒绝所有褒扬之辞得名,但他一直不失为力量支柱和引航灯塔。

He and I are very proud and grateful that The Prince of Wales and other members of our family are travelling on my behalf in this Diamond Jubilee year to visit all the Commonwealth Realms and a number of other Commonwealth countries.他和我都非常感谢查尔斯王子和我们家族的其他皇室成员在60周年之际代我出访了所有的英联邦王国和许多英联邦国家。

These overseas tours are a reminder of our close affinity with the Commonwealth, encompassing about one-third of the world’s population.这些海外之行都彰显了我们与有着近1/3世界人口的英联邦之间密切的联系。

My own association with the Commonwealth has taught me that the most important contact between nations is usually contact between its peoples.我与英联邦之间的经历让我更加明白国家间的重要联系实则在于人民间的密切联系。

An organization dedicated to certain values, the Commonwealth has flourished and grown by successfully promoting and protecting that contact.作为不断实现自我价值的机构,英联邦的茁壮成长得益于鼓励和保护这种密切联系。

At home, Prince Philip and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land.在国内,我和菲利普将四处走访一些郡县。

It is my sincere hope that the Diamond Jubilee will be an opportunity for people to come together in a spirit of neighbourliness and celebration of their own communities.我真心希望以这次庆典为契机,大家齐聚一堂,作到天涯若比邻,同时也为自己的社区庆祝。

We also hope to celebrate the professional and voluntary service given by millions of people across the country who are working for the public good.我们也希望感谢那些专业和志愿服务,这是全国上下数百万心系社会的人所做的成就。

They are a source of vital support to the welfare and wellbeing of others, often unseen or overlooked.他们是人民福祉的中流砥柱,总是默默无闻的奉献。

And as we reflect upon public service, let us again be mindful of the remarkable sacrifice and courage of our Armed Forces.谈到为人民服务,让我们再次铭记军人们伟大的牺牲和无上的勇气。

Much may indeed have changed these past sixty years but the valour of those who risk their lives for the defense and freedom of us all remains undimmed.也许过去的60年确实发生了一些改变,但那些冒着生命危险为我们保一方平安和自由的人们仍旧熠熠生辉。

The happy relationship I have enjoyed with Parliament has extended well beyond the more than three and a half thousand Bills I have signed into law.我与议员之间的愉快合作关系走势良好,不仅局限于我亲自签署过的3500多份法案上。

I am therefore very touched by the magnificent gift before me, generously subscribed by many of you.所以我对眼前珍贵的礼物感动不已,这是你们当中许多人的一片赤诚。

Should this beautiful window cause just a little extra color to shine down upon this ancient place, I should gladly settle for that.华美的窗为这个古老的地方更添一抹明媚的阳光,令我倍感欣喜。

We are reminded here of our past, of the continuity of our national story and the virtues of resilience, ingenuity and tolerance which created it.我们在这回首过去,回顾国家不朽的传奇和创造传奇的种种坚忍、开拓及包容之心。
