






as表示“当……的时候”,往往和when/ while通用,但它着重强调主句与从句的动作或事情同时或几乎同时发生。

She came up as I was cooking.(同时)

The runners started as the gun went off.(几乎同时)

when:(at or during the time that )既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可表示在某一段时间内,主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生。

It was raining when we arrived.(指时间点)

When we were at school, we went to the library every day.(在一段时间内)

while意思是“当……的时候”或“在某一段时间里”。主句中的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生,从句中的动词一般要用延续性动词。在when表示a period of time时,两者可以互换。

Please don’t talk so loud while others are working.

He fell asleep while/when reading. Strike while the iron is hot.(用as或when不可,这里的while意思是“趁……”)


①till, not … until …, until, before, since

Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.

He waited for his father until(till)it was twelve o’clock.

It will be five years before he returns from England.

②hardly / scarcely … when, no sooner … than, as soon as once


As soon as I have finished it , I’ll give yu a call.

Once you show any fear, he will attack you.

We had hardly got / Hardly had we got into the country when it

began to rain.

No sooner had he arrived / He had no sooner arrived than she started complaining.

③directly, immediately, the moment, the minute that… 一……就

He made for the door directly he heard the knock.

④each time, every time, by the time

Each time he came to my city, he would call on me.




Although they are poor,(yet)they are warm-hearted.

(2)even if或even though引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”,“纵然”,用来使人注意下文所强调内容的性质。

I’ll get there even if(though)I have to sell my house to get enough money to go by air.

(3)no matter后接上who、what、where、how等疑问词,也可以在这类疑问词后面加上ever构成whoever、whatever、wherever、however等。

Don’t trust him, no matter what / whatever he says.

Whoever breaks the law will be published.

No matter how hard the work is, you’d better try to do it well.


Child as(though)he is, he knows a lot.

Much as I like it, I won’t buy.

Try as he would, he couldn’t lift the heavy box.

3、原因状语从句:because, for, as, since, now that


You want to know why I’m leaving? I’m leaving because I’m full.

for虽然表示不知道的原因,但其语气较because要弱得多,是可说可不说的话,它只能置于主句之后,这时,for是并列连词。如果不是因果关系,而是对前面主句的内容加以解释或推断时,只能用for。如:It’s morning now, for the birds are singing.(很显然,鸟叫不可能是“现在已是早上”的原因。)


Seeing all of the children already seated, he said,“Since everyone is here, let’s start.”





4、地点状语从句:where, wherever

Make a mark wherever you have any questions.

We will go where the Party directs us.

5、目的状语从句:that, so that, in order that


6、结果状语从句:that, so that, so … that, such … that …

注意:so 形容词/副词 that从句;such 名词 that从句。

7、方式状语从句:as, as if(though)

I’ll do as I am told to.

It looks as if it is going to rain.

8、比较状语从句:than, as

9、条件状语从句:if, unless, so (as) long as, in case, once, a far as, on condition that.

注意if与unless的区别:不能用and连接两个unless从句,即不能有… unless …,and unless … 。但if … not and if … not却不受此限。

You won’t lose your weight unless you eat less and unless you exercise more.(×)

但可以说 … unless you eat less and exercise more.


(1)连接词 过去分词

Don’t speak until spoken to.

Pressure can be incrased when needed.

Unless repaired, the washing machine is no use.

(2)连词 现在分词

Look out while crossing the street.

(3)连词 形容词/其他

常见的有it necessary、if possible、when necessary、if any等。


1.I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ____________.

A.as last B.in case C.once again D.in time

解析:答案为B。句意为“带些钱以防万一”,只能选择in case。引导的条件状语从句,后面省略了I should need it。

2.The WTO can’t live up to its name _________ it doesn’t include a country that is home to one fifth of man-kind.

A.as long as B.while C.if D.even though

解析:答案为C。本题考查状语从句的用法。句意为“假如世贸组织不包括占世界人口五分之一的中国的话,那它就名不副实”。as long as语气过于强烈,while和even though不符合句意。

3、Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up_________I could answer the phone.

A.as B.since C.before D.until














其实,让步状语从句叫这个名字,是和它的连词有关的。它的常用连词是though, 相信大部分同学都认识,可以将其翻译为“虽然,尽管,即使”这个概念。但它和让步之间什么关系呢?


我们都知道,主句应该是一个很干净的、完完整整的主谓宾结构,如果是一个让步状语从句的用法,那这个让步指的是为转折、让步。这个句子里面如果有but, however这样的转折词,那就不应该出现though这样的词;如果有让步状语从句连词,也不应该有however, 虽然中文里面会说到“虽然/尽管/即使...但是”,但对应的英文句子中应当只有一个“虽然”存在,或者只有一个“但是”存在,不能“虽然...但是”同时存在。

即,第一,通过让步状语从句的连词进行判断。Wh-连词,后面加了-ever之后,都可以表示“无论...”,no matter wh-也表示“无论...”。但是这两个词一样吗?乍看之下,whatever和no matter what都一样,都表示“无论......”。

但我们看这个词,however的含义是①作副词,表示转折“然而”;②作连词,表示“无论,多么”。但是no matter how是没有表示“然而”的意思,它最多只能表示一半的however. 即,“当however像no matter how一样,后面接形容词/副词/分词+主系结构,+主句”时,二者才是对等的。

总之,though, although, even if和even though都可以翻译成“尽管,虽然”;而且,wh- ever和no matter wh- 是不等的,因为however不等于no matter how.


1、While这个词可以作并列连词,用在”________, while ________”这个句型中,表示前后对比的特征





一、分割定语从句 (朗读并翻译下列句子, 认真查看定语


1.I was the only person in my off ice who was invited.

2.Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to see you ?

3.The day will surely come when everybody realizes the danger of pollution.

4.He arrived in Jinzhou in 1984, Where he became a manager some years later.

5.China has produced many great writers over the past ten years , among whom was Mo Yan.

要点归纳:分割定语从句, 先行词余定语从句被其他成分分割时, 首先要根据句子意义确定先行词和定语从句, 然后选择合适的关系词。


1. Ahead of me I saw a woman who I thought was my aunt.

2.I will hire the man who they say is a good English speaker.

3.The girl who you suppose is honest is her sister.

要点归纳:关系词后含有插入语you think /suppose /believe/imagine/say/guess等地定语从句中, 确定关系词在从句中的成分时, 要先去掉插入语, 然后再确定句子成分, 不要受插入语的影响。


1.MR Li has three daughters, none of whom is an engineer.

2.Mr Li has three daughters, but none of them is a dancer.

3.Mr Li has three daughters; none/they are doctors.

要点归纳:并列句用but , and, 或分号连接;定语句子用关系词来引导, 关系词具有两个作用, 一是放在先行词与定语从句之间起连接主语和从句的作用, 二时充当从句的一个成分。


1.He left the key where he had been an hour before . (状语从句)

2.He left the place where lived for many years. (定语从句)

3.Rice grows well where there is enough water. (状语从句)

4.I still remember the farm where/on which my parents worked the years ago. (定语从句)

要点归纳:where引导的定语从句用来修饰表示地点意义的名词或代词, 可以改成介词+which;where引导的地点状语从句用来修饰动词, 表示动作发生或存在的地点, 不可以改成介词+which;做题时, 先根据句意确定有无先行词。如有, 是定语从句, 无则是状语从句。


1.It is on the morning of May 1st that I met John at the airport. (强调句)

2.It is the factory where /in which John works. (定语从句)

3.It is in Qingdao you’re going to pay a visit to that this kind of washing machine is produced . (强调句)

4.It was in Beihai Park where they made a date for the first time that the old couple told us their love story. (强调句)

5.——Wasn’t it Doctor Wang who spoke to you just now?

——Yes, it was. (定语从句)

要点归纳:定语从句去掉it be …that句子不完整;强调句去掉it be …that句子完整。有时强调句还以省略形式出现例如2就是省略了强调句。


1.I have the same computer as you have. (定语从句)

2.She is such a kind girl that all of us like to make friends with her. (结果状语从句)

3.He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect. (定语从句)

4.He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him. (结果状语从句)

要点归纳:such/the same …as中, as是关系代词, 其后句子不完整。as在从句中充当成分 (主语, 宾语或表语) ;such…that结果状语从句中, 其后句子是完整的, that只起连接作用。


1.The text tells me a fact (that) I have already known. (定语从句)

2 . T h e t e x t t e l l s m e a f a c t t h a t s m o k i n g d o e s h a r m t o people’s health. (同位语从句)

3.The news that he told me yesterday made me surprised. (定语从句)

4.The news that he had passed the exam made me surprised. (同位语从句)

要点归纳: t h a t连接同位语从句常放在抽象名词 (news, fact, idea, suggestion , advice, hope) 等之后, 表明抽象名词具体内容, 中间加be可以理解。同位语从句本身句子完整, that无意义, 只起连接作用, 不在从句中作任何成分, 不能省略, 也不可用which代替;that引导定语从句, 定语从句句子不完整, that是关系代词, 它在从句中不但起连接作用, 同时在从句中做成分 (主语, 宾语或表语) , 做宾语时可以省略, 指物时还可以用which代替, 指人时常用who代替。

八、it, was与that三种句型的转换

1.What is well known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games were a great success.

2.It is well known to us all that the 2008 Olympic Games were a great success.

3.As is well known to us all, the 2008 Olympic Games were a great success.




中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2015)06-0046-03


一、 用一根线绳串起散碎的“铜钱”

“If you ask the average Englishman about his knowledge of grammar he will say he doesnt know any. What is meant by this, of course, is that he cannot tell you what the rules of grammar are, or rather, how English works grammatically.”这是美国语言学家Jeremy Harmer描述普通讲英语人士的语法概念,但对作为第二语言学习的学生来说并不如此简单。授课教师对此一清二楚:只有娴熟运用了语法,才能逐渐淡化语法,最后忘记语法。

授课开始,教师告诉学生讲课内容——这是一节英语语法复习课。开始提出问题“谁能够说出引导时间状语从句的关联词,能说多少说多少。” 同学们七嘴八舌地开始说出不少关联词,如since, when, while, once, as soon as, until, till, the moment.等。这些关联词确实是引导时间状语从句的,但有的同学却说出引导其它类状语从句的关联词如if, in case, as though等。这说明学生对状语从句的关联词分类不太清楚,容易在使用它们时张冠李戴,所以授课教师利用中文提示让同学们说出引导时间状语从句的关联词。然后问“谁能够把这些关联词在五分钟之后全部背出来?”同学们面面相觑,多数都在摇头。很显然,这么多的关联词即使在规定时间内背出来,但下节课再提问他们可能仍旧不会说全。这时老师说“既然大家看上去难以记住这些关联词,那咱们看一下,下面这些词是一般引导词:before, as long as; after, while, once, when, as, whenever; since, until, till; as soon as, now that,仔细观察这些词,然后用不超过二十个词在两到三分钟之内把它们全部串起来怎样?同桌及前后左右的同学可以相互商量总结。” 相互讨论后学生总结的可谓五花八门,最后在教师的指点下总结出十八个字词的中英文口诀把一般引导词串了起来:

一前一后四时候(before, after, while, when, as, whenever);

两个nce两il (since, once, until, till);

长久下去就now (as long as, as soon as, now that=since)。


授课教师完成了一般引导词后马上又问“在这些引导词中有特例的词是哪些?” 学生零零星星地说出了一两个。根据学生反应状态,教师马上呈现出五个英语例句,鼓励学生在语境中猜测关联词在句中的得体中文意思,仅以before为例:

1. Evening came before we realized it.

2. It will be some time before we know the full results.

3. Sometimes, it gets out before I can stop it.

4. Before the chairman starts attacking committee members he ought to remember his own mistakes.

在教师的引导下同学们集思广益总结了before的四个特例:没过多久就...;过多久才...;还没来得及...就...;趁...还没有时;while和when的四个特例:while放在句首时有虽然之意;趁着...的时候;然而;主句从句均可用进行时;when的搭配句型常为: be doing...when; be about to do...when; be on the point of doing ...when; had just done...when; when it comes to...; 本该...却,并辨析了这两个词的异同(while用于持续时间长的动作中;when既可以用在时间段也可用在时间点中,而while不能用于时间点)。对于特例我们的评课结论是:一个主线拴住了想逃逸的词,他们收获了一串重重的铜钱。


授课老师以点带面复习一般引导词和其中的三个特例词后问道“哪些词或句型在时间状语从句中有‘一....就...的意思?” 学生挖空心思说出了as soon as,这时老师说了这样一句话 “soon四刻on的尽;两ly倒装e、a、n”。然后让同学们猜都有哪些关联词,他们大多有些茫然,但其中也有同学说on doing; the moment在这句话中表示“一...就...”的意思。虽然教师的作用是导,但是在学生实在没办法的时候就要讲。授课教师对所教学生知识掌握程度心中有数,于是根据刚才说的那句话运用中文提示学生串出如下关联词和句型:as soon as; the moment, the instant, the minute, the second; on doing (doing是终止性动词); immediately, directly/instantly; Hardly/Scarcely...when..., No sooner...than...然后举例说明用法,学生一目了然。为了进一步巩固,教师用替换法让学生造句。我们的评课结论是:多种表达,殊途同归;一语双关(两ly关联两个倒装句)经纬分(when和than学生容易记混, 教师用拆解法帮助区分)。


完成第二步后,时间状语从句的复习也接近尾声。教师说“时间就是金钱,时间就是生命;时间奖勤罚懒,时间不容错过。那么我把最后一类引导词教给大家:天道酬勤时间紧,每次有序the费心。天道酬勤,大家都知道这个道理,我们高三生活的目标是考上理想大学,但没有勤奋二字,理想可能变成幻想,梦想变成泡影。我们关注后半句话,每次是each time; every time;有序是the first time; the next time; the last time注意the有时可省。”

Jeremy Harmer曾经说过 “Students can generally deal with a higher level of language in receptive skills than with productive skills.” 授课教师鉴于此,呈现给学生一篇短文,要求运用所学习的时间状语从句关联词填空。

Each/Every time I see my friend Tom, he always wears a smile. It will not be long before we meet again because he told me that he would come to China before I had any idea of it. While he cant speak Chinese well, he always tries it whenever/when he meets friendly-looking people. Now that he will be in China, I may as well make a plan to teach him some Chinese. The last time he was in China, he taught me some English idioms which I had never heard about. On meeting him, I will teach him the first sentence “long time no see, I really miss you” in Chinese. When it comes to other situations, I plan to introduce more for him to learn about Chinese culture. While we are young, we should learn as much as possible so that the next time we meet we can greet each other by using fluent Chinese.




引导时间状语从句的有:when, while, as, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as, no sooner…than…, hardly…when…等。

(1) When, while和 as

When既可引导一个持续动作,也可引导一个短暂动作,可用与主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。while引导的从句中谓语动词必须是能够延续的动词,强调主句和从句动作的同时发生,往往侧重动作的持续性和对比性。如:While I was sitting there, he told me an interesting story.as用于引导“在某行为的继续中发生某事”的“继续之行为”,所以多与过去进行时连用。并常用来表示两种发展变化中的情况。

When they came home, I was cooking dinner.

She watched TV while (she was) eating.

As I was walking down the street, an American asked me for directions to the nearest station.

As the day went on, the weather got worse.

(2) 时间状语从句还有几个特殊的引导词。

如:every time, each time, next time, the day, the year, the minute, the moment 和副词immediately, directly, instantly等.

a.Every time I saw him, I would like to listen to his songs.

b.I came to the house the moment he was about to leave.

c.I recognized her the minute I saw her.

d. He left Europe the year World War II broke out.

e. My sister came directly(=as soon as) she got my message.

f. The machine will start instantly you press the button.

(3) since 和 before 的用法异同。

It is/ has been + some time+ since+ sb did sth.

It was / is / will be + some time+ before sb did/ do sth

It is just a week since we arrived here.

It’s a long time since I met you last.

How long is it since you were in Ningbo ?

It was years before I came back from abroad. It will be five years before we meet again.

It wasn’t long before he came back..

since 其后的动词不同,起算的时间也不同.

since + 瞬间动词过去式 (从该动作发生时算起)

since + 持续性动词的过去式 ( 从该动作结束时算起)

He worked very hard since he entered the factory.

We haven’t seen each other since I worked in the factory.


She has never been to visit me since I was ill. (病愈以来)

(4)till& until意义相同,多数情况下可换用,但用以强调,句首多用until;在强调结构或与not连用时多用until。例如:Nothing can be done till/ until the boss returns.

I waited for him until he came back.

He didn’t go to bed until he had finished the work.

Until we know the facts, we can’t do anything about it.

(5) no sooner…than, hardly…when和scarcely… before相当于as soon as之意, 其引导的从句中谓语动词要用 had done。当 hardly, scarcely和 no sooner置于句首时,语气较强, 主句的谓语要部分倒装. 例如:

We had hardly begun when we were told to stop.

Hardly had we begun when we were told to stop.

The spy had no sooner returned home than he was told to go to another country.

No sooner had the spy returned home than he was told to go to another country.

2. 地点状语从句由where或 wherever引导,在主句前,后均可.

where 表特指,wherever表泛指

I found the books where I left them.

Make a mark where you have any questions.

Wherever he happens to be, John can make himself at home.

(1) 地点状语从句在句首时常兼有抽象条件意味。如:

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Wherever there’s plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green.

(2) where引导的状语从句和定语从句的区别。Where引导地点状语从句直接修饰动词,而在定语从句中 where作为关系副词要跟在表示地点的先行词后面。 如:

Go back where you came from

Go back to the village where you came from.

Bamboo grows best where it’s wet and rainy.

Bamboo grows best in places where it’s wet and rainy.

3. 原因状语从句because, since, as, for,


since “既然”:一般放在句首,表已知的原因,全句重在交代结果,语气比because弱.

as 放在句首或句末,说明因果关系,语气较弱,重点在主句,译作“由于”for表间接原因,用来补述内容.放在主句后.语气最弱.

Since (As) it was raining, you ‘d better take a taxi.

Because he is ill, he is absent today.

He must be ill, for he is absent today.

As he is from the south, he is unaccustomed to the dry weather in Beijing.

在强调句型中,引导从句只能用because, 不能用 since或as.

It was because he was ill that he didn’t go with us.

4. 条件状语从句

引导词: if, unless, so/ as long as用一般现在时表示一般将来时

In case anything important happens, please call me up.

I’ll lend it to you as long as you handle it with care.

if only(要是…就好了; 但愿) 常表示愿望或一未实现的条件,尤用于感叹句.

If only he arrives in time!

If only I had met him earlier!

If only it would stop raining!

on condition(that)=provided (that) =providing (that) ( 假若; 倘使)

supposing (that) =if

You can go swimming on condition that you don’t go too far from the river bank.

I’ll go providing my wages are paid.

Supposing it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?

*在条件状语从句中,如果条件状语从句的主语同主句主语一致或是无人称代词, 从句的谓语动词或助动词 be, 可将从句的主语和动词 be一起省略.

If (it is) necessary, I’ll go with him.

If (it is) important, I’ll write this article.


目的:so that… in order that… ( 情态动词)

结果: so that, so/ such… thatHe studied even harder so that he might catch up with the top students in a possible short period.

He studied even harder so that he caught up with the other students.

He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.There are so many people in the room that we could’t get in.


方式状语从句放在主句之后,用as, just as, as if, as though 等引导。


1) as 表行为方式

2) as if 引导的从句表示与事实相反或不可能实现时,从句用虚拟语气。


引导词: than, as… as,

the more… the more…He didn’t do as much as he had


Now we can produce much more

steel than Japan.

The higher you stand, The farther you will see.


The weather here is hotter than that( = the weather) in your hometown.The girls in your class are more active than those in our class.


(1) --- 基本概念、难点和易错点 状语从句的难点在于对较为复杂的连接词的理解。 1. 时间状语从句 时间状语从句的连接词较为复杂,尤其要注意某些关联词之间的区别。 连接词: when; whenever; as; while; until; once; as soon as; before; after; since; ever since; … 例句: * I’ll tell him when /as soon as /after he comes back. *Boards are laid down to protect the stones while the repair work is going on. (while此时强调在…期间。) *As he spoke two men came down the garden path. (As此时强调时间状语从句的动作与主句动作同时发生。) *He was about to leave when the telephone rang. (when此时强调时间的一点。) * Three months passed before I realized it. * It’ll be years before we can see each other again. (以上两句中的before基本含义是“在… 之前”,但在中文表达上却要有十分灵活的译法, 如第一句译为“不知不觉三个月过去了。第二句译为 “我们要过好多年才能再见。) * I have been writing a play ever since / since I came over. (ever since 是since 的强调形式,意为“自从… 起至今”,since/ever since 引导的从句动词用一般过去时,主句动词用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。) * Once you begin you couldn’t stop. (once 意为“一旦”,= from the moment that ) * Whenever he stayed home in the evening he went to bed early. (这里需注意whenever与 when的区别。whenever = any time when,指多次。when则指某一次如:When he stayed home last Sunday evening, he went to bed early.) * He didn’t leave until I came back ( not… until意为“直到……才”全句译为“他直到我回来才走。”上面的句子还可以用另种方式表达He stayed until I came back.可以看出didn’t leave = stayed, until是指主句的动作直延续until后的动作发生为止 练习(练习答案在本单元结束时给出。) 1. She comes to talk to me ___ she feels lonely 2. ____ you object to (反对)a man, everything he does is wrong。 3. We haven’t seen each other _____we saw last。 4. I never ______ yesterday spoke of it to anyone. 5. I will be kind to him _____ you are away. 6. I will tell him about it ___ he comes back. 7. It was a long time ___ I got to sleep again. 8. It won’t be long ___ you’ll have to recycle your rubbish. 2.地点状语从句 连接词 where, wherever 地点状语从句的连接词较为简单wherever = any where 练习: 1. Wuhan lies ___ the Changjiang and Han River meet. 2. ______ I live there are plenty of sheep. 3. _____ I am I will be thinking of you. 4. They went ______ they could find work. 3.原因状语从句 连接词 because; as; since; now that(既然); for 例句:

*He didn’t go to school because his mother was ill. (because从句表主句动作发生的直接原因,常常位于主句后.) *Since /Now that/ As you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else. (since, as, no that意为“既然”,它们表原因的口气较because弱,它们引导的从句常常位于主句之前。) * It must be 6 o’clock in the morning, for the birds are singing. (显然for引导的从句the birds are singing决不是It must be 6 o’clock的直接原因,而是表说话人在主句中表达的推测的根据. 练习: 1. _______ everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting。 2. I do it _____I like it. 3. He must have realized my surprise, ______ he smiled as he repaired my shoes. 4. He must have arrived in Shanghai, _____ he left two days ago. 4.条件状语从句 连接词: if; unless ; as (so) long as (只要);suppose ( 假设); on condition that (条件是); … 例句: * You’ll be late unless you hurry. * You’ll be late if you don’t hurry. (可以看出 unless = if … not ) * As (So) long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to solve the problem. ( as (so) long as 意为 “只要… 就…”) * Suppose we can’t get the necessary equipment, what shall we do? (suppose 意为 “万一” “假设”) * We’ll let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy. (on condition that在此句中可译为“如果”,但其实际含义为“以…为条件”。) 练习: 1. I am happy _______ you are happy. 2. _______ your father saw you what would he say? 3. He was allowed to go swimming _____ he kept near the other boys. 练习答案: 时间状语从句 1. whenever 2. Once 3. since / ever since 4. until 5. while 6. when / after/ as soon as 7. before 8. before 地点状语从句


--- 基本概念、难点和易错点

5. 目的状语从句


in order that; so that; that; in case (以免); for fear that (唯恐);…


*Let’s hurry so that / in order that / that we can catch the early bus.

(so that = in order that, that 是so that 的省略形式)

* We all seemed afraid to say what was in our minds, for fear that it might start trouble.

(显然, for fear that 与上句中的关联词含义正好相反,表达“担心”或“不愿发生”的结果。)

* Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.

(in case 意为 “以防万一”)


1. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some _____.

2. He is working hard ______ he should fall behind.

3. We sent the letter by air mail _______ it might reach them in good time.

6. 结果状语从句


so… that; such… that; so that; that; so;…


* We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.

* He was so excited that he could hardly go to sleep.

* He didn’t plan the time well, so that (so) he didn’t finish the work on time.

* What has happened that you all look so excited?

( so that 既可引导目的状语从句又可引导结果状语从句, 一般讲,表目的状语从句中有may, might, can, could 出现, 如: We sent the letter by air mail so that it might reach them in good time. 另外, 表结果时, 还可用 that或so, 它们相当于 so that.)


1. He got up late _____ he missed the early bus.

2. This is ______ a good film _____ everybody wants to see it.

7. 让步状语从句


though (although); 虽然

even if (even though); 即使;即便

no matter(who/ what/ where/ …); 无论谁 (什么, 哪 …)

( = whoever; whatever, wherever, …)


* Although/ though I tried several times, I failed in the end.

* Even if he comes here, he won’t help us.

* However much I tried, I failed to work it out.

* No matter where he goes, he is always ready to help others.


1. We’ll try to finish the work in time ____ we are short of manpower.

2. You mustn’t be conceited (骄傲)______ you’ve achieved great success.

3. Do what you think is right ______ difficulties you may have.



1. in case 2. for fear that 3. so that / that / in order that


1. so that / so / that 2. such … that


1. though; although / even if; even though

( though; although 表示我们缺人手; 虽然缺, 也要尽力完成工作. ; even if; even though 则表示我们不一定缺人手, 即便缺,也要…)

2. though; although / even if; even though (区别同上)

3. whatever / no matter what


--- 基本概念检测

I. 单项选择

1. _____ Mary is grown up, it doesn’t mean that she can do whatever she likes.

A. Because B. After C. Though D. Since

2. You had better go home and feed the cat ______ it decides to bite the furniture.

A. until B. before C. after D. when

3. Let’s begin our class ______ everybody is here.

A. although B. until C. even if D. now that

4. He was about to leave _______ I got there.

A. until B. when C. before D. as soon as

5. _____ days went on, the weather got worse.

A. With B. Since C. While D. As

6. I will start to work ______ I am given enough money.

A. unless B. though C. as long as D. even if

7. He never thought that his success came ______ he least wanted it.

A. while B. until C. since D. when

8. It will not be long _______ we meet again.

A. before B. soon C. since D. after

9. You are going to miss the bus ______ you hurry.

A. even B. if C. how D. unless

10. ______ reason, you should not have refused his invitation.

A. However B. What C. Whatever D. No matter

11. You may leave the classroom when you ____ writing.

A. will finish B. are finishing C. have finished D. had finished

12. ________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he B. However he is late

C. However is he late D. However late he is

13. She was ill, ______ she didn’t come to school this morning.

A. since B. because C. as D. for

14. Write clearly ______ your teacher can understand you correctly.

A. since B. for C. because D. so that

15. Why do you want a new job _______ you’ve got such a good one already?

A. that B. where C. which D. when

16. You should make it a rule to leave things ______ you can find them again.

A. when B. where C. then D. there

17. ________ he comes, we won’t be able to go.

A. Without B. Unless C. Except D. Even

18. --- What was the party like?

--- Wonderful. It was years _______ I had enjoyed myself so much.

A. after B. when C. before D. since

19. John plays football _____, if not better than, David.

A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as

20. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _____ Father was away in France.

A. as B. that C. during D. if

21. --- I’m going to the post office.

--- _______ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?

A. As B. While C. Because D. If

22. The WTO cannot live up to its name _______ it does not include a country that is

home to one fifth of mankind.

A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though

23. --- I got ________ I am by hard work.

--- No, you didn’t. You got ________ with your father’s money.

A. there; where B. where; there C. there; there D. where; where

24. ______ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as

25. I ________ to bed until father came back.

A. went B. hadn’t gone C. didn’t go D. would go

26. I don’t think she’ll be upset, but I’ll see her ________ she is.

A. unless B. in case C. if D. although

27. ________ I live, I will work for my country.

A. So far B. So long as C. If D. While

28. Most plants need sunlight just _______ they need water.

A. because B. when C. as D. for

29. ________ you are willing to bring your camera, we could still take some pictures.

A. Although B. Because C. No matter how D. Whether or not

30. _______ I tried, I couldn’t fill the pen with ink.

A. Whatever B. However C. When D. Whenever


1---5 CBDBD 6---10 CDADC 11---15 CDDDD

16---20 DBDBA 21---25 BCBAC 26---30 BBCDB


No. 5 : as 意为 “随着”

No. 7: when 指时间的 “一点”, 此句指 “他在最不抱希望的那一刻获得了成功.”

No. 11 : 状语从句中的动作如发生在将来,时态要用一般现在时, 如强调动作的

结果, 可用现在完成时。

No. 12: 注意,所有从句都要用陈述语序,另外,however 与late 不可分。

No. 13: She was ill, 实际是说话人的一种推测,即:She must have been ill.

No. 15:job 后非定语从句,故A和C都是错误的,全句意为“当(时间的一点)


No. 19:as well as 引导的是比较状语从句。全句意为“ John踢足球如果不比David


No. 21:对话第一句表明对话前者已决定去邮局,故D错;另外去邮局和帮买邮

票也不存在因果关系,故C错;while 此时强调“在… 期间”。

No.24: 全句意为“既然(now that)你能得到这样一个机会,你也完全可以充分利


No. 28: as 意为“正如”。

No. 29: we could still take some pictures 意为“我们仍旧可以照相”,由此判定从

句意为“无论你愿不愿意带相机”, 故D为正确选项。

