




Look 的常用短语: look up „ in查找 look back to/ upon回顾 look upon„as把„ 看作 look forward to期待

look through浏览;看穿

take on a new look呈现新面貌

Concentrate 的常用短语: concentrate on 专心„

concentrate one’s mind on 专心于„

类似的短语: fix one’s mind upon focus on put one’s heart into focus one’s mind on

Surprise常用短语: in surprise惊讶地

to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是 be surprise at/to do/that

常见表“喜欢”的短语和单词: like care for be keen on be fond of take delight in…


have much trouble / no trouble(in)doing 在„有/没有困难 take great trouble to do不辞辛劳做某事 put sb to the trouble of doing …为难某人做某事 make trouble捣乱

be in(great)trouble惹麻烦;处在困境中 help sb.out of trouble帮某人摆脱困境


come to an end„„结束 put an end to 结束„„ in the end终于;最后

end up(by)doing„以„„结束 make both ends meet收支相抵

表示“导致”、“由„引起”的短语: 1.导致 result in lead to

2.由„„引起 be caused by result from grow out of lie in

表“全力以赴”的短语: do / try one’s best spare no efforts to do take great pains to do go all out to do do what somebody can(do)to do do all somebody can(do)to do


far from(being)离„„要求相差很远 far from +(a place)距离某地很远 far away遥远

so far 到目前为止;那么远

as far as sb.knows/sees据某人所知 by far(最高级前,比较级后)起强调作用

Distance常用短语: in the distance在远处 from/ at a distance从远处 keep sb.at a distance


used to do过去曾经、常做 be used to doing „习惯于„„ be used to do被用来做„„ make good/ full use of充分利用„„ come into use开始使用„„

it is no use doing „干„„没有用


be made up of =consist of 由„„组成 make up for弥补

be made from/ of由„„造成 make up编造;组成;化妆 be made into制成„„ make fun of取笑;嘲弄 make a living 谋生




look 的常用短语:

look up … in查找

look sb.up and down 上下打量 look back to/ upon回顾

look upon…as把… 看作 look forward to期待

look through浏览;看穿 take a new look呈现新面貌 fear的常用短语:

in fear害怕地

(be)in fear of 害怕

for fear of/ that担心;生怕concentrate 的常用短语:

concentrate on 专心…

concentrate one’s mind on 专心于… 类似的短语:

fix one’s mind upon

focus on

put one’s heart into focus one’s mind on surprise常用短语:

in surprise惊讶地

to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是 be surprise at/to do/that对某事感到惊讶 表示“穿衣”的动作或状态的词和短语 1.表示动作的有:

pull on

put on


dress sb 2.表示状态的有:


be in

be dressed in

have … on 常见表“喜欢”的短语和单词


care for

be keen on

be fond of

take delight in…


have much trouble / no trouble(in)doing 在…有/没有困难 take great trouble to do不辞辛劳做某事

put sb to the trouble of doing …为难某人做某事 make trouble捣乱

be in(great)trouble 惹麻烦;处在困境中 help sb.out of trouble帮某人摆脱困境 end的常用短语:

come to an end……结束

put an end to 结束…… on end竖起, 连续

in the end终于;最后

end up(by)doing…以……结束

make both ends meet收支相抵 表示“导致”、“由…引起”的短语: 1.导致

cause sth.(to do)

result in

lead to 2.由……引起

be caused by

result from

grow out of

lie in

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do / try one’s best

spare no efforts to do take great pains to do

go all out to do

do what somebody can(do)to do

do all somebody can(do)to do direction常用短语:

in(the)direction of….朝……方向

under the direction of...在……的指导下 follow the directions照说明去做 far常用短语:

far from(being)离……要求相差很远

far from +(a place)距离某地很远 far away遥远

so far 到目前为止;那么远

as far as sb.knows/sees据某人所知

by far(最高级前,比较级后)起强调作用


in the distance在远处

from/ at a distance从远处 keep sb.at a distance 于某人保持一定距离

It is no distance at all.不远 use常用短语:

used to do过去曾经、常做

be used to doing …习惯于……

be used to do被用来做……

make good/ full use of充分利用…… come into use开始使用……

it is no use doing …干……没有用 “出了什么事”的几种不同表达

What’s wrong with….?

What’s the matter with…? What’s the trouble with…?

What happened(to sb.)? “众所周知”常用表达法:

It is known to all that…主语从句,that不能省 As is known to all,定语从句,置于句首 We all know(that)后接宾语从句

Everyone knows(that)后接宾语从句 , which is known to all.非限定从句,置于句末 表“同意某人意见”的常用短语:

agree with sb./what sb.said

agree to sth.approve(of)sth.in favour of sth.be agreeable to sth.be for sth.“不同意” disagree with sb./ what sb.said

object to sth.disapprove(of)sth.be against sth.sign的常用短语:

sign one’s name签名

sign to sb(not)to do sth.示意某人(不)做某事 signs of ………的迹象

would rather 与 prefer 的区别 1.宁愿做……而不做……

would rather do A than do B

prefer A to B prefer to do A rather than do B 2.would rather 主语 + 过去式,表示“宁愿”

eg.I would rather you came tomorrow than today.should prefer sb.to do sth./ should prefer 主语 + 过去式,表示“比较喜欢……”

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eg.I should prefer you not to go there alone.OR: I should prefer that you did not go there alone.trap常用短语

be caught in a trap落入圈套

be led into a trap中圈套 set a trap to do sth.设圈套……

be trapped in sth.被…..所围困 grow常用短语

in the grow of在….成长中

grow up长大;成长 grow rich on*…..变富

grow into长成…… grow out of由…..引起/滋生出 make常用短语

be made up of =consist of 由……组成 make up for弥补

be made from/ of由……造成make up编造;组成;化妆 be made into制成……

make fun of取笑;嘲弄 make a living 谋生

supply, provide, offer 的区别: 1.表示“向某人提供某物”

supply / provide sb.with sth.supply / provide sth.for sb.supply sth.to sb.offer sb.sth.2.表示“主动提出做某事” offer to do sth.3.表示“倘使”、“假如”

provided / providing that= on condition that=only if 4.表示“满足需要”supply / meet a need.supply的常用短语

in short supply 缺乏,不足

medical/military supply医疗/军用品 supplies of…许多 lack的常用短语

be lacking in sth.在……不足

make up for the lack of 弥补……的不足 for/by/from/through lack of…由于…不足,缺乏

have no lack of不缺 damage的常用短语

do damage/harm to 对……有害 cause damage to 对……造成损害 ask for damage要求赔偿 die of 与die from 的区别

die of 表示“死于……病”或冻死、气死,或死于过度悲伤。die of cancer/grief/hunger/anger/cold die from表示死于外伤、事故、劳累过度。如: die from polluted air/overwork/sword thrust die常用短语

die for one’s country为国捐躯

die down熄灭、平息 die off绝种、枯死

die away消逝、静下来 die a heroic death英勇牺牲 threaten常用短语

threaten sb.with sth.用……威胁某人

threaten to do…威胁做……

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under the threat of…在……的威胁下 speed常用短语

speed up加速

at the speed of…以…..的速度 with great speed迅速 aim常用短语

take aim at瞄准

reach an aim达到目的 aim at瞄准、针对

permit与allow 的区别


permit/allow doing sth.permit/allow sb.to do sth.permit /allow of sth

一般在独立主格结构中表示“时间、条件等许可”,多用permit Time/Weather permitting, I’ll drop in on her.allow 还可以表示“承认”、“考虑到”。例如: 1.We allow him to be wronged.2.will take an hour to go there, allowing for traffic delays.means常用短语

by means of通过….., ……

by this means/ in this way用这种方法 by no means/in no case决不

by all means用一切办法 keep常用短语

keep up with紧跟…..keep sb.doing sth.让某人一直做 keep sb.from doing sth.阻止…..做……

keep off the grass勿踏草地 keep to the point紧扣主题

keep in touch with与……保持联系 mark常用短语

make one’s mark成功、出名 be marked with标明

gain/get full marks for ……得满分 seat常用短语

take one’s seat坐下

have a seat请坐 see/find sb.seated看见/发现某人坐在….be seated就座, 坐着 seat oneself in/at/on使自己坐在…… 部分 动词+ to + doing 的用法

look forward to

get down to

object to

devote… to…pay attention to

prefer…to… give常用短语

give up放弃

give in让步屈服

give off 散发出

give away赠送、泄漏

give rise to 引起……

give out 疲劳、用完、散发出 fit常用短语

be fit for适合 keep fit/keep healthy保持健康 be fit to do 适合于…..fit in with适应…… a nice fit合身的衣服

…fit sb.某人穿…..合身 reach 常用短语

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reach an agreement达成协议

reach for…伸手去拿/够……

within / out of reach够得到/够不着

reach sb’s understanding 使某人明白 feed常用短语

feed sth.to sb/feed sb.on sth.用……喂养……

be fed up of…/ be tired of…/ be bored with… 对……感到厌倦 feed on以……为食 mercy常用短语

without mercy残忍地

have mercy on /upon 对……表示怜悯 at the mercy of任凭摆布

beg for mercy 乞求饶恕 exist常用短语

exist in/lie in/consist in存在于……

in existence 现存的 come into existence/ come into being 形成 opinion常用短语

in one’s opinion =in the opinion of sb.在某人看来 have a high/ low opinion of 对……评价高/低 give one’s opinion on 对……谈自己的看法 persuade常用短语

persuade sb.to do = persuade sb.into doing 说服某人做某事 try to persuade sb.to do 试图说服某人做某事 persuade sb.to sth.说服某人同意某事 engage 常用短语

be engaged to sb.与某人订婚

be engaged in sth.= be engaged doing sth.忙于……, 从事某事 wide 与broad 的区别

它们均可以表“宽”和“广阔的” a river 50 feet wide/ broad 指身体部位“宽肩、宽背”一般用broad, 表示 “睁大眼睛、张大嘴巴”一般用wide。broad shoulders/ back with wide eyes

open one’s mouth wide

wide 还可以作副词,表示“完全、大大地” be wide awake be wide open sure常用短语

be sure of/about 对……由把握

be sure to do sth.肯定会…… make sure + that-clause 务必……,一定要……make sure of… 弄清楚…… experience 常用短语

have experience in… 在……有经验

be experienced in… 在……有经验 pain 常用短语

take great pains to do 努力做某事

spare no pains to do 全力以赴做某事stick 常用短语

stick to sth.坚持……

stick …on… 粘贴…… be stuck in … 陷进……

stick no bills 请勿张贴

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spare 常用短语

spare money/time for 省出钱…,腾出时间

in one’s spare time 在某人业余时间 spare no efforts to do 不遗余力去做

don’t spare the opinions 不要保留意见 put down的不同含义

put down(one’s knife and fork)放下……

pit down the rebellion 镇压 put down what sb.says 记下,写下 take up 的不同含义

take up a hobby 培养……

take up football 开始……

take up the work 继续……

take up…time/space 消耗,占据…… take up a post 就职

take up a song/ cry 跟着一起…… habit 常用短语

form/get the habit of养成……习惯

be in/have the habit of 有…….习惯 get into the habit of 沾染了……恶习


(一) 动词+副词


get up(起床);break out(爆发);come up(出现,发生);come out(出版,发行,显露);carry out(实施);carry away(带走);hand down(传递);give up(放弃);look out(当心);look up(查阅);make up(构成);pick up(捡起;)run out(用完);take off(起飞); turn up(出现,到场);set up(创建);wash up(洗刷);look around(环视)。


(1) 动副结构的短语经常考查的是宾语的位置。

当用作及物动词的动副结构的短语动词接宾语时,作宾语的如果是名词,既可以放在副词后面,也可以放在动词和副词中间;如果是一个代词,只能置于中间。 

例1 If you come across a new word during your reading, youd better not ____ in the dictionary at once. Guess its meaning according to the context.

A. look up itB. refer to it

C. look it upD. refer it to

分析 查阅(look up)的对象是 “生词(new word)”, 上文已经出现,为了避免重复,可以使用代词it指代。由于look up是一个动副结构的短语,所以把代词it 放在中间。即:look it up。refer to的意思是“参照,参考”。在本句中其宾语应该是“词典”,即“refer to the dictionary ”。答案为C。

(2) 相当于不及物动词的动副短语不用被动。


例2 After I drove to the station, the gasoline in my car ____.

A. was run outB. was run across

C. ran outD. ran across

分析 run out意思是“(某物)用完了”,是不及物短语动词,不能使用被动形式。所以“我汽车汽油用完了”应该为“the gasoline in my car ran out”,相当于“the gasoline in my car was run out of”。run across意思是“偶然碰见”,在此不符合题意。答案为C。

(二) 动词+介词


come across(碰见);call on(拜见);call at(参观);insist on(坚持); listen to(听……); look at(朝……看);laugh at(嘲笑);depend on(依赖);deal with(处理);do with(处理);fight for(为……而战);refer to(参照);send for(派人去请);try on(试穿)。


(1) 考查同一个动词加不同介词的对比区别。

例3 To my great delight, my wife has ____ getting up at 6 and going jogging.

A. taken inB. taken on

C. taken toD. taken from

分析 本题是关于take构成的短语动词辨析:take in“收留;理解;包括;欺骗”;take on“开始雇用,呈现”; take to“喜欢;沉溺于;开始从事”,和take up的意思接近;take from“选自于”。本句的意思是“令我很高兴的是妻子开始喜欢六点起来慢跑了”。答案为C。

(2) 考查不同动词加上同一介词的短语动词的辨析。

例4 Although his mother is out of work, she makes money by selling handsewn shoes to ____ a better life.

A. push forB. apply for

C. contribute forD. head for

分析 本题的四个选项是不同动词加上for构成的短语动词。其区别为:push for(努力争取);apply for(申请);C 项改为contribute to(促进)也可以;head for(前往某地;面临)。本句的意思是“尽管他的母亲失业了,她通过卖手工缝制的鞋子赚钱争取更好的生活”。答案为A。

(三) 动词+名词


make sense(有意义);take pains(不辞辛劳);take photos(拍照); make a noise(吵闹);make an apology(道歉)。



例5 The children ____ turns to sing and dance on the stage to celebrate the New Year.

A. tookB. made

C. broughtD. got

分析 四个选项中动词(take/make/bring/get)都是搭配功能很强的动词。只有动词take和横线后面的名词turns 构成动宾关系,意思是“轮流”。答案为A。

(四) 动词+副词+介词


come up with(提出);get down to(开始,着手);look forward to(期待);look down upon(看不起);look up to(仰视);make up for(弥补);put up with(忍受);run out of(用完)。



例6 When we finished our project, they hadnt got down ____ their plan.

A. to designB. to designing

C. on designingD. from designing

分析 本题要表达的意思是 “当我们完成我们方案的时候,他们还没有着手设计计划”。短语动词get down to(开始,着手)中的to是介词,其后的动词应该使用ing形式。答案为B。

(五) 动词+名词+介词


have an effect on(对……有作用);pay attention to(注意);develop an interest in(培养兴趣);make good/full use of(充分利用);take care of(照看);take charge of(掌管);have difficulty in(有困难)。



例7 They will never imagine what difficulty I had ____ hospital in the dark.

A. walkedB. walk

C. to walkD. walking

分析 如果不从整个句子结构入手,同学们极容易受过去完成时(had done)或者 have to do 结构的影响而选择A 或者C,这也是命题人经常设置的陷阱。本句所要传达的意思是“他们永远想像不出我在黑暗中走到医院有多大困难”。“有困难做某事”的短语动词是have difficulty (in) doing sth.。只不过在本句中受what引导的感叹句的影响,把作动词have宾语的名词difficulty提前了,从而出现了“had walking”这样貌似荒唐的结构。答案为D。

除了上述五种常见短语动词外,还有其他类型。如:“动词+形容词”(come true/come alive/set free)。我们在平时的学习中需要不断积累各种类型的短语动词,并摸索每种类型的考查思路,达到识记短语和掌握考点并重。

巩 固 训 练

1. Mike, these bowls and plates are too dirty. Could you please help me ____.

A. wash up them

B. wash them up

C. wash down them

D. wash them down

2. It is said that an earthquake ____ in the neighborhood last week.

A. was broken in

B. broke into

C. was broken out

D. broke out

3. Before the final examination most students stayed up late. No wonder some of them ____.

A. broke off

B. broke out

C. broke away

D. broke down

4.An increasing number of women have ____ yoga so as to keep slim nowadays.

A. built up

B. taken up

C. made up

D. put up

5. The opportunity he had looked forward ____ at last when he was named headmaster.

A. cameB. to coming

C. to cameD. to come

6. As Senior 2 students, to make rapid progress, we need pay special attention to ____ ways of improving efficiency of study.

A. looking upB. looking at

C. looking into

D. looking after

7. As a student, your time should be made full use of ____ attentively.

A. studyingB. being studied

C. to studyD. study

8. Although my suggestion is not perfect, it will ____ difference if you take it. 

A. haveB. make

C. takeC. bring


1. B 本题既考查了wash up和wash down的区别,同时考查了动副结构短语的一个用法特征:作宾语的代词置于动词和副词中间。wash up“洗餐具(碗碟)”;wash down“用大量水冲洗(大的物体)”。 

2. D 句义:据说上周附近地区发生了地震。break out表示突发事件的发生,不用被动语态。break in表示“打断”,break into表示“闯入”。

3. D 句义:在期末考试前大部分学生熬夜很晚,难怪有些同学身体垮了。break down 在本句中意思是“(身体)出毛病”。

4. B 本题考查的是不同动词和同一副词构成的短语辨析。题干的意思是“如今越来越多的女士开始学起瑜伽功来保持苗条身材”。take up“开始,从事(工作),产生兴趣”。

5. C 本题实际上考查了“动词+副词+介词to”短语的用法。容易受短语look forward to doing 的影响而误选to coming。犯这样错误的原因是没有从整体去理解句子。本句的意思是“当他被任命为校长时,他盼望的机会终于到了”。因此had looked forward to 的逻辑宾语是the opportunity,came是本句的谓语。

6. B 注意几个和look相关的类似短语的区别:look up表示“在词典、书刊、资料等媒体中查阅”,在此和语境不符; look at除了表示“朝……看”,还有“研究、思考”的意思; look into表示“调查(问题、罪行等)”; look after是“照料、照顾”的意思。本句表达的意思是“作为高二学生,要取得快速进步,需要特别注意研究提高学习效率的方法”。

7. C 本题考查了短语“动词+名词+介词”的变形。容易误选A。本题考查make full use of time to do sth. (充分利用时间来做某事)的结构变形:time be made full use of to do sth., 后面的不定式作为目的状语。



break down出毛病,拆开 break off暂停,中断break out爆发2.call

call up打电话call out大喊,高叫go up(价格)上涨,建造起来keep from克制,阻止 go against违反go away离开

keep away from避开,不接近,keep on继续,坚持下来

go by时间过去keep down使。。处于低水平go down降低,(日、月)西沉


go on(with)继续进行knock at/on敲

go out外出,熄灭knock into撞到某人身上3.come

come down下跌,落,降,传下来come in进来come out出版,结果是 come on来临/ 快点come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来come up发芽,走近come back回来come from来自,源自 4.cut

cut down砍倒,削减cut up连根拔除,切碎 5.die

die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)

die from死于(外界原因)die out绝种 6.fall

fall behind落后fall down掉下,跌倒fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。掉下fall out与。。争吵 7.go

go along沿着。。走 go through通过,经受

go over复习,检查go off发出响声

8.get get down下来,记下,使沮丧get on进展,进步,穿上,上车get off脱下,下车

get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over克服,从疾病中恢复get along with进展,相处

get up起床get into(trouble)陷入困境中get back取回,收回get out 出去 get to 到达。。9.give

give away赠送,泄露,出卖give out发出,疲劳,分发,give in(to sb.)屈服 give up放弃,让(座位)10.hand

hand in交上,提交 hand out分发11.hold

hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿

hold on别挂电话,等,坚持12.keepkeep up with跟上

keep out不使。。进入14.look

look up查找,向上看

look through翻阅,浏览look after/ at / for照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心look about / around/round四下查看

look forward to盼望15.make

make up编造,打扮,组成make into / of / from制成16.passpass by经过pass down(on)…to传给17.pay

pay back还钱,报复pay for付钱,因…得到报应18.pick

pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出19.put

put up张贴,举起,put out伸出,扑灭put off推迟put into放进,翻译

put away放好,存钱put down记下,平息

put on穿戴,上映,put aside放到一边

put back放回 21.run

run after追逐,追捕run away逃跑

run off跑掉,迅速离开run out of用完 22.set

set up建立set off 激起,引起23.take

take after 与…相像 take off脱掉,起飞take away拿走

take up从事,占用(时间空间)take down记录,取下take back收回

take pride in以… ……为自豪,take the place of 代替 24.think

think of想起,考虑,对…看法think out(自然)想出办法think up想出(设计出、发明、编造)think about考虑think over仔细考虑25.turn

turn off / on打开turn to翻到,转向,求助

turn down调低,拒绝turn back返回,转回去

turn round转过身来turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大26.care

care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意care for 关心,关怀,照顾 27.clean

clean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐

clean out 清除;把…打扫干净 28.learn

learn about 获悉,得知,认识到 learn from从/向。。学习29.fight

fight for..争取获得…

fight against 争取克服、战胜… fight with…与。。搏斗/战斗 30.dream

dream of梦想,想橡 dream about 梦到。。

31.work work for 为。工作

work out 产生结果;发展;成功 32.argue

argue with …与。。争论 argue about..争论。。33.complain

complain to 向。抱怨 complain about抱怨。。34.hear

hear of 听说,得知

hear about听到。。的事,听到。的话 hear from接到。。的信

35.talktalk about 讨论。。

talk with/to..和。。讨论 36.livelive in 住在。。live on 以。。为主食 37.stand

stand out 突显,引人注目 stand up 起立,站起来

38.其它常用词组 wake up 醒,唤醒,弄醒 stay up 不睡觉;熬夜 depend on依靠;取决于 worry about为。。担忧 laugh at嘲笑。。begin with以。。开始 mix up混合、搀和 major in 主修 grow up成长

open up 打开,张开;开发 end up到达或来到某处;达到某状态 throw away 丢弃。。ask for要求。。wait for等待。。agree with同意。。


1.break down破坏,出毛病,拆开break off暂停,中断break in破门而入,打断 break in

破门而入,突然…起来 break out爆发break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯break through 出现,突破 break up打碎,拆散,分裂、分解

2.call at a place(车船等)停靠;到某地拜访。call away 叫走,叫开…;转移(注意力等)。call back唤回;回电话;call for需要,要求 call for sth(sb)喊着叫某人来,喊着叫人取来某物 call in 叫进,请进;找来,请来;来访;收回 call off取消;叫走,转移开 call(up)on sb 拜访或看望某人 call sb sth 为某人叫某物 call(up)on sb to do sth叫(请)某人做某事call up给…打电话;想起,回忆起;召集,应召入伍call out大喊,高叫;叫出去

3.come down下跌,落,降,传下来come in进来come out出版,结果是 come on

来临/ 快点come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来come up发芽,走近come back回来come from来自,源自

4.cut down砍倒,削减cut up连根拔除,切碎

5.die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(外界原因)die out绝种

6.fall behind落后fall down掉下,跌倒fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。掉下fall out与。。争吵

7.go along沿着。。走 go through通过,经受go over复习,检查go up(价格)上涨,建造起来 go against违反go away离开 go by时间过去go down降低,(日、月)西沉 go on(with)继续进行go out外出,熄灭go off发出响声

8.get down下来,记下,使沮丧get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车 get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over克服,从疾病中恢复get along with进展,相处 get up起床get into(trouble)陷入困境中get back取回,收回get out 出去 get to 到达。。

9.give away赠送,泄露,出卖give out发出,疲劳,分发 give in(to sb.)屈服 give up放弃,让(座位)

10.hand in交上,提交 hand out分发

11.hold hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿hold on别挂电话,等,坚持

12.keep up with跟上 keep out 不使。。进入keep from克制,阻止 keep away from避开,不接近,keep on继续,坚持下来 keep down 使。。处于低水平

13.knock at/on敲 knock into撞到某人身上

14.look up查找,向上看look through翻阅,浏览look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心look about / around/round四下 look forward to盼望

15.make up编造,打扮,组成make into / of / from 制成16.pass by经过pass down(on)…to传给

17.payback还钱,报复pay for付钱,因…得到报应

18.pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出

19.put up张贴,举起,put out伸出,扑灭put off推迟put into放进,翻译 put away放好,存钱 put down记下,平息 put on穿戴,上映,put aside放到一边put back放回

21.run after追逐,追捕run away逃跑run off跑掉,迅速离开run out of用完

22.set up建立set off 激起,引起

23.take after 与…相像 take off脱掉,起飞 take away拿走 take up从事,占用(时间空间)take down记录,取下 take back收回 take pride in以… ……为自豪,take the place of 代替

24.think of想起,考虑,对…看法think out(自然)想出办法think up想出(设计出、发明、编造)think about考虑think over仔细考虑

25.turn off / on打开 turn to翻到,转向,求助 turn down调低,拒绝turn back返回,转回去 turn round转过身来turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大

26.care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意 care for 关心,关怀,照顾

27.clean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐 clean out 清除;把…打扫干净

28.learn about 获悉,得知,认识到 learn from从/向。。学习

29.fight for..争取获得… fight against 争取克服、战胜… fight with…与。。搏斗/战斗

30.dream of梦想,想橡 dream about 梦到。。

31.work for 为。工作 work out 产生结果;发展;成功

32.argue with …与。。争论 argue about..争论。。

33.complain to 向。抱怨 complain about抱怨。。

34.hear of 听说,得知 hear about听到。。的事,听到。的话 hear from接到。。的信

35.talk about 讨论。。talk with/to..和。。讨论

36.live in 住在。。live on 以。。为主食

37.stand out 突显,引人注目 stand up 起立,站起来

