




n. 报告,成绩报告单,传闻,流言蜚语

vt.& vi. 报道,公布,宣告

vt. 告发,举报,使报到

变形:过去式: reported; 现在分词:reporting; 过去分词:reported;


Time flies.I have been here for more than four months.Those days must be the most precious time in my life.Although I did nothing remarkable, it was still an unusual experience and treasure to me.During the four moths, whether at work or in life, the kindness leaders and warmhearted colleagues gave me a great help.It is my honor to being in this harmonious atmosphere.I feel so happy.With the help of all the above persons and my own effort, I have made a certain amount of progress in all aspects.As following:

1.General information of the company that I have acquaintance I have got a detailed information of our company and the entire field through my accumulated experience of daily work and training.The aim of our company is to organize Chinese delegations abroad for training, visiting, cultural exchange and international experience communication.It becomes a professional institute with its own powerful strength and quality of service through the past years’ effort.It has successfully made a lot of international cooperative projects and built a good relationship with many foreign organizations.The status and business situation of our company make me full of hope for the development of both the company and myself in the future.2.Abide the rules and regulations to work hard and seriously to improve my quality and ability constantly.Experiencing more than four months training, and with my great love and fervor, I can say without modesty that I have been strictly abide every piece of rules and regulations to work diligently and to complete the task seriously.More than four months, I have been keeping on arriving 20-30 minutes ahead of the working time every day and never late.Sometimes, in order to finish the work, I arrived at the company 1 or 2 hours earlier than usual.I believe no pains, no gains.I will try my best all the time.3.The great effort to study making my ability improved.According the current divide of the job, as the reception and assistant of the operation department, my job is to charging for the reception work, assist with some daily administrative and operations of the operation department.My daily work mainly includes telephone picking up, various types of mail, fax receiving, courier of the reception, text-dealing, water ordering and so on.Thus, I have already acquired the knowledge of some operation work and my ability has improved a lot.Such as the make visa appointment, fill visa forms, write the invoices, select the international conferences in the English website, write the conference information and schedules etc.As a new person of this field, I have known a lot of things than before during these days, but I still need to keep on study every day and learn from every person of our company.4.Inadequate of myself and something need to improve




看图说话是最常用的手段之一, 可以围绕当天的教学目标, 开展实践活动, 适时活跃课堂气氛。图片可以采用杂志上的, 也可以用电脑制作, 可以是卡通动漫的, 也可以是自然景观等等。例如在第六模块Unit 4 “Welcome to the unit”中, 讨论一系列关于自然或人为灾难的图片, 要把国际援助介绍出来, 引出所学课文“The UN—bringing everyone closer together”。

学生们一个接一个地拿着自己准备的图片讲述着:海啸、泥石流、地震……他们积极思维, 主动参与课堂学习, 教学效果要比教师直接讲解课文好得多。


每个模块新单元的词汇总能带给学生新颖的感觉。从中挑选一些单词, 给予学生一定的时间或者是先布置, 隔一天再汇报, 让学生有充分的时间发挥自己的想象, 将这些词连接成段, 可以是讲述一种社会现象、串联一个绕口令或发表自己的看法, 内容形式多样化。这旨在发挥学生的创造性, 并且可以及时有效地巩固所学词汇。由于是自己想象的, 记忆效果一定好。教师从旁指导, 学生在不知不觉中掌握词汇的应用, 效果很好。


所谓围绕模块内容自主发挥, 是指让学生自主从所学课文中选出一些关键词或短语写在黑板上, 在这些词的帮助下, 完成对课文的概括或者自主性的发挥, 表达一定的观点看法。

4.Daily report 话题演讲

课前Daily report活动操作规范包括:分组进行, 将班级分成6-8组, 然后推举出发言人;演讲内容必须控制在三到五分钟以内;必须事先整理好演讲内容, 并送交老师面批指点, 内容可以是生活中遇到的事情, 也可以是身边的人物;上台作报告, 把重要词汇或生词写在黑板上, 可以带讲稿, 但不能读稿;报告结束后, 要结合自己报告的内容提出难易适中的问题, 以检查同学对报告的接受度。


经过几年探索, Report活动取得了非常好的效果, 经过调查, 大多数学生认为Report活动不但有趣味性, 而且他们在活动中很有收获。具体表现在以下几个方面。


课前Report, 可以把学生的兴趣和注意力全部集中到教学过程中来, 使学生主动参与到课堂教学中, 活跃课堂气氛。


Report活动开始实施时, 很多学生害羞甚至害怕, 主要是对自己缺乏自信心。第一次上台, 面红耳赤, 低着头, 胆怯地说着, 即使内容很丰富, 依旧让人提不起兴趣。但是经过一次又一次的训练, 大部分学生发现自己刚开始的胆怯已经消除, 现在可以非常自信地站在讲台上, 清晰自如地演讲。


课前准备阶段也是一个自我学习、自我成长的过程。为了准备好自己的报告, 很多学生相互合作, 在网上、图书馆查找资料。而为了完善自己的成果, 学生之间也相互竞争, 有时教师也会给予评价。



组织开展Report活动, 指导教师要制定明确的计划, 必须是可操作的, 并在实际操作中, 给予学生具体的帮助和指导。要避免活动的随意性、盲目性、杂乱性和单调性, 甚至与课堂内容完全脱节, 使人觉得这是为了活动而活动, 没有实质意义。因此, 我认为, 该活动绝不能放任自流, 而应在教师的统筹下, 将活动与教学内容有机结合。


在活动进行中, 教师必须从学生的认知结构、能力水平和认知规律出发, 循序渐进, 合理安排, 要用发展的眼光全面看学生, 同时兼顾差异, 要强调长效性。学习初期, 可以鼓励学生自告奋勇地以参与为主, 在这些学生的带动下, 逐渐会有更多的学生加入。即使有一些学生水平较低, 我们也要给予肯定。



As far as I am concerned,during Catherine’s lifetime,Heathcliff was adopted by Earnshaw’s,but his son Hendry insulted and maltread Heathcliff in every possible way after Mr Earnshaw’s death.It is Heathcliff’s low status and the ambiguity of class belongings made him suffer discrimination and injustice in the Wuthering Heights.Compared with Hendry,his sister Catherine’s exist made Catherine feel the love that he never had before.They all had the same yearing for freedom.And they were connected on the uninhabited instinct.Their soul was permeated and blended and they were just like an isolated soulmate.It’s Catherine who made Heathcliff find the hope of life.However,while Heathcliff heard the news that Catherine was going to marry Eadgr,he can’t accept it and left Wuthering Heights.At that time,Heathcliff’s hope was shattered because of Catherine’s betray.Five years later,as soon as Heathcliff went back to Wuthering Heights,Catherine had moved to thrushcross,grange and lived together with Edagr.Heathcliff loved Catherine so intensely that he disgusted everything around him and began to take vengeance on Hendry and Eadgar.However, wandering between the lover and husband,Catherine was tortured and weakned and finally died after giving birth to a baby girl.Catherine’s death made Heathliff more and more crazy and acclerate the vegeance on everything around him,for which he thought it’s their fault to make he lost Catherine forever.In a word,Catherine provided Heathliff love and regret whatever before her death of after death.The intense love for Catherine deeply rooted in Heathliff’s heart so that he can’t help torturing Hendry more,possessing himself of the Wuthering Height.













