




看图说话是最常用的手段之一, 可以围绕当天的教学目标, 开展实践活动, 适时活跃课堂气氛。图片可以采用杂志上的, 也可以用电脑制作, 可以是卡通动漫的, 也可以是自然景观等等。例如在第六模块Unit 4 “Welcome to the unit”中, 讨论一系列关于自然或人为灾难的图片, 要把国际援助介绍出来, 引出所学课文“The UN—bringing everyone closer together”。

学生们一个接一个地拿着自己准备的图片讲述着:海啸、泥石流、地震……他们积极思维, 主动参与课堂学习, 教学效果要比教师直接讲解课文好得多。


每个模块新单元的词汇总能带给学生新颖的感觉。从中挑选一些单词, 给予学生一定的时间或者是先布置, 隔一天再汇报, 让学生有充分的时间发挥自己的想象, 将这些词连接成段, 可以是讲述一种社会现象、串联一个绕口令或发表自己的看法, 内容形式多样化。这旨在发挥学生的创造性, 并且可以及时有效地巩固所学词汇。由于是自己想象的, 记忆效果一定好。教师从旁指导, 学生在不知不觉中掌握词汇的应用, 效果很好。


所谓围绕模块内容自主发挥, 是指让学生自主从所学课文中选出一些关键词或短语写在黑板上, 在这些词的帮助下, 完成对课文的概括或者自主性的发挥, 表达一定的观点看法。

4.Daily report 话题演讲

课前Daily report活动操作规范包括:分组进行, 将班级分成6-8组, 然后推举出发言人;演讲内容必须控制在三到五分钟以内;必须事先整理好演讲内容, 并送交老师面批指点, 内容可以是生活中遇到的事情, 也可以是身边的人物;上台作报告, 把重要词汇或生词写在黑板上, 可以带讲稿, 但不能读稿;报告结束后, 要结合自己报告的内容提出难易适中的问题, 以检查同学对报告的接受度。


经过几年探索, Report活动取得了非常好的效果, 经过调查, 大多数学生认为Report活动不但有趣味性, 而且他们在活动中很有收获。具体表现在以下几个方面。


课前Report, 可以把学生的兴趣和注意力全部集中到教学过程中来, 使学生主动参与到课堂教学中, 活跃课堂气氛。


Report活动开始实施时, 很多学生害羞甚至害怕, 主要是对自己缺乏自信心。第一次上台, 面红耳赤, 低着头, 胆怯地说着, 即使内容很丰富, 依旧让人提不起兴趣。但是经过一次又一次的训练, 大部分学生发现自己刚开始的胆怯已经消除, 现在可以非常自信地站在讲台上, 清晰自如地演讲。


课前准备阶段也是一个自我学习、自我成长的过程。为了准备好自己的报告, 很多学生相互合作, 在网上、图书馆查找资料。而为了完善自己的成果, 学生之间也相互竞争, 有时教师也会给予评价。



组织开展Report活动, 指导教师要制定明确的计划, 必须是可操作的, 并在实际操作中, 给予学生具体的帮助和指导。要避免活动的随意性、盲目性、杂乱性和单调性, 甚至与课堂内容完全脱节, 使人觉得这是为了活动而活动, 没有实质意义。因此, 我认为, 该活动绝不能放任自流, 而应在教师的统筹下, 将活动与教学内容有机结合。


在活动进行中, 教师必须从学生的认知结构、能力水平和认知规律出发, 循序渐进, 合理安排, 要用发展的眼光全面看学生, 同时兼顾差异, 要强调长效性。学习初期, 可以鼓励学生自告奋勇地以参与为主, 在这些学生的带动下, 逐渐会有更多的学生加入。即使有一些学生水平较低, 我们也要给予肯定。


呼啸山庄英文report 篇2

As far as I am concerned,during Catherine’s lifetime,Heathcliff was adopted by Earnshaw’s,but his son Hendry insulted and maltread Heathcliff in every possible way after Mr Earnshaw’s death.It is Heathcliff’s low status and the ambiguity of class belongings made him suffer discrimination and injustice in the Wuthering Heights.Compared with Hendry,his sister Catherine’s exist made Catherine feel the love that he never had before.They all had the same yearing for freedom.And they were connected on the uninhabited instinct.Their soul was permeated and blended and they were just like an isolated soulmate.It’s Catherine who made Heathcliff find the hope of life.However,while Heathcliff heard the news that Catherine was going to marry Eadgr,he can’t accept it and left Wuthering Heights.At that time,Heathcliff’s hope was shattered because of Catherine’s betray.Five years later,as soon as Heathcliff went back to Wuthering Heights,Catherine had moved to thrushcross,grange and lived together with Edagr.Heathcliff loved Catherine so intensely that he disgusted everything around him and began to take vengeance on Hendry and Eadgar.However, wandering between the lover and husband,Catherine was tortured and weakned and finally died after giving birth to a baby girl.Catherine’s death made Heathliff more and more crazy and acclerate the vegeance on everything around him,for which he thought it’s their fault to make he lost Catherine forever.In a word,Catherine provided Heathliff love and regret whatever before her death of after death.The intense love for Catherine deeply rooted in Heathliff’s heart so that he can’t help torturing Hendry more,possessing himself of the Wuthering Height.















信息系统的管理开发中,报表的动态生成是个棘手的问题,目前基于不同需求的报表应用层出不穷[1,2,3,4,5]。装备维修保障能力对于部队的建设发展具有重要意义,尤其是在科学技术飞速发展的今天,提高维修保障能力对于应对日益严峻的新军事变革更具深远意义。针对实施维修保障能力的任务繁重、工作量大的特点,论文结合装备维修信息管理对报表设计的需求,该文阐述了Grid++Report报表开发工具的特点,最后基于C/S结构,采用C#编程语言[6]和SQL Server 2008数据库管理系统[7],实现了维修考核系统的报表设计及开发。

1 Grid++Report报表开发工具


1.1 核心组件



1.2 报表模板与报表事件



1.3 报表数据的逻辑模型


2 Grid++Report报表制作的基本流程







3 在考核信息管理系统中的应用

基于维修保障能力考核系统的报表需求,采用C/S结构,服务器采用SQL Server 2008数据库管理系统,客户端采用C#语言实现。系统中主要实现了用户基本情况表、装备维修保障考核试卷以及个人考核成绩单明细表等报表功能。下面结合Grid++Report开发工具的特点,做简单介绍。

3.1 用户基本情况





3.2 装备维修保障考核试卷


var PageNo=Report.SystemVarValue(3);





3.3 个人考核成绩单明细



4 结束语


摘要:信息管理系统的开发中,报表的动态生成是个棘手问题。该文阐述了运用C#编程技术,后台数据由SQL Server 2008统一管理,选用Grid++Report报表工具,实现了快速开发客户端报表的功能。











“The sunlight is very good, and the wind is very big.”

Do you find the difference between them?Obviously, the difference just is the choice of the conjunction.“But”is usually used to express turning.“And” shows a relationship of juxtaposition.In our life, most of time we prefer “but”.For example, “The girl looks beautiful, but a little fat.”






Support and ensure the exercise of state power by the people through people’s congresses. Deputy liaison offices should be established in people’s congresses to improve the mechanism for deputies to maintain contact with the people. The organizational system for organs of state power should be improved. The members of the standing committees and special committees should be younger and their expertise should be widened. The proportion of the full-time members of these committees should be raised. Deputies to people’s congresses and members of these committees should enhance their capability to perform their duties pursuant to law.

Improve the system of socialist consultative democracy. Extensive consultations should be carried out on major issues relating to economic and social development as well as specific problems involving the people’s immediate interests through organs of state power, committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), political parties, social organizations and other channels. These should be used to solicit a wide range of opinions, pool the wisdom of the people, increase consensus, and build up synergy. We should take the CPPCC as a major channel for conducting consultative democracy. We should strengthen political consultation with the democratic parties. We should conduct intensive consultations with representatives from all sectors of society, and with relevant government authorities on the handling of proposals. We should actively carry out democratic consultation at the community level.


Improve community-level democracy. We should improve the mechanism for communitylevel self-governance under the leadership of community-level Party organizations to make it full of vitality. Improve the democratic management system in enterprises and public institutions with workers and employees’ congress as its basic form, and protect workers’ and employees’ democratic rights to participate in management and supervision. Community-level organizations should also get involved to integrate government administration and community-level democracy.

Promote law-based governance of the country in an all-around way. We must make sure that all are equal before the law and that laws are observed and strictly enforced and lawbreakers are prosecuted. We must ensure that judicial and procuratorial bodies independently and impartially exercise their respective posers pursuant to law. The Party must act within the scope prescribed by the Constitution and laws. No organization or individual has the privilege of overstepping the Constitution and laws, and no one in a position of power is allowed in any way to take one’s own words as the law, place one’s own authority above the law or abuse the law.

Administrative reform

Deepen reform of the administrative system. We should deepen the reform of the system concerning matters subject to government examination and approval, continue to streamline administration and delegate more power to lower levels. We should steadily advance the reform to combine government departments and improve division of functions among them. We should strictly control the size of government bodies, cut the number of their leading officials, and reduce their administrative costs.

Establish a sound mechanism for conducting checks and supervision over the exercise of power. We should make sure that decision-making, executive and supervision branches check each other and function in concert and that government bodies exercise their powers in accordance with statutory mandate and procedures. We should make the exercise of power more open and standardized, and increase transparency of Party, government and judicial operations. We should improve the systems of inquiry, accountability, economic responsibility auditing, resignation and dismissal. We should tighten intra-Party, democratic and legal supervision as well as supervision through public opinion to ensure that the people oversee the exercise of power and that power is exercised in a transparent manner.

Scientific Development

The Scientific Outlook on Development is the latest achievement in developing the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the CPC and a powerful theoretical weapon for guiding the Party and the country. Together with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development is the theoretical guidance the Party must adhere to for a long time ahead.

The whole Party must more purposefully take “putting the people first” as the core requirement, more resolutely pursue a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development and more persistently take the holistic approach as the fundamental way of thoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development.

Freeing up the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping up with the times and being realistic and pragmatic—these are the salient features of the Scientific Outlook on Development. There is no end to practice, to seeking truth, or to making theoretical innovations.

Growth Model

Carry out strategic adjustment of the economic structure. We should firmly maintain the strategic focus of boosting domestic demand; speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for increasing consumer demand; unleash the potential of individual consumption; increase investment at a proper pace; and expand the domestic market. We should focus on developing the real economy as a firm foundation. We should promote the sound growth of strategic emerging industries and the advanced manufacturing industry; speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries; and develop and expand the service sector, with emphasis on modern service industries. We should support development of small and micro businesses, especially small and micro science and technology companies. We should accelerate reform of the household registration system; conduct registration of rural migrant workers as permanent urban residents in an orderly way; and endeavor to ensure that all permanent urban residents have access to basic urban public services.

Rural development

Integrate urban and rural development. Resolving issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers is the number one priority in the Party’s work. We should increase policy support to boost agriculture, benefit farmers and increase rural prosperity, and encourage the rural population to participate in modernization on an equal footing and share in its fruits.

We should speed up the development of modern agriculture, raise the overall production capacity of agriculture, and ensure food security and effective supply of major agricultural products in China. We should fully improve rural working and living conditions. We should ensure sustained and rapid growth of rural income. We should reform the land expropriating system and increase the share of gain in land value to farmers. We should ensure equal exchange of factors of production between urban and rural areas and balanced allocation of public resources between them.

Further promote China’s open economy. In response to new developments in economic globalization, we must implement a more proactive opening up strategy and improve the open economy so that it promotes mutual benefit and is diversified, balanced, secure and efficient. We should make innovations in the mode of opening up. We should continue to attach equal importance to export and import. We should make full use of our overall advantageous position in utilizing foreign capital and make better use of such investment. Chinese companies should expand their overseas presence at a faster pace. We should become better able to defuse international economic risks.

Theme of the Congress

The underlying theme of the congress is to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; follow the guidelines of the Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development; free up the mind; implement the policy of reform and opening up; pool our strength; overcome all difficulties; firmly march on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and strive to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.

Achievements and Problems

During the past five years, the economy has developed steadily and rapidly. Major progress has been registered in reform and opening up. Living standards have been significantly improved. New strides have been made in developing democracy and the legal system. Development of the cultural sector has reached a new level. Fresh progress has been made in social development. A new stage has been reached in efforts to strengthen national defense and the armed forces. Work related to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan affairs has been further strengthened. New progress has been made in China’s diplomacy.

But the development gap between urban and rural areas is still large, and so are income disparities. Some community-level Party organizations are weak and lax. Some sectors are prone to corruption and other misconduct, and the fight against corruption remains a serious challenge for us.

Foreign Policy

The world today is undergoing profound and complex changes, but peace and development remain the underlying trends of our times. The global trends toward multi-polarity and economic globalization are deepening. Cultural diversity is increasing and an information society is fast emerging. New breakthroughs are in the making in the science and technology revolution. Global cooperation is expanding at multiple levels and on all fronts. Emerging market economies and developing countries are gaining in overall strength, tipping the balance of international forces in favor of the maintenance of world peace. All this has created more favorable conditions for ensuring general stability in the international environment. On the other hand, the world is still far from being peaceful.

China will unwaveringly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace. We are firm in our resolve to uphold China’s sovereignty, security and development interests and will never yield to any outside pressure. We will decide our position and policy on an issue on its own merits and work to uphold fairness and justice. China is committed to the peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues, opposes the wanton use of force or threat to use it, opposes any foreign attempt to subvert the legitimate government of any country, and opposes terrorism in all its manifestations. China opposes hegemonism and power politics in all their forms and will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. China will bear in mind both the interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of the people of all countries, get more actively involved in international affairs, play its due role as a responsible major country, and work jointly with other countries to meet global challenges.

Win-win strategy

China will unwaveringly follow a win-win strategy of opening up and promote robust, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy through increased cooperation. We are committed to narrowing the North-South gap and supporting other developing countries in enhancing their capacities for self-development. China will strengthen coordination with other major economies on macroeconomic policy and resolve economic and trade frictions with other countries through consultation. China upholds the principle of balancing rights with obligations. We will take an active part in global economic governance; promote and facilitate free trade and investment; and oppose protectionism in all its forms.

China is committed to growing friendship and cooperation in all fields with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will improve and grow our relations with developed countries by expanding areas of cooperation and properly addressing differences with them; and we will strive to establish a new type of relations of long-term stability and sound growth with other major countries. We will continue to promote friendship and partnership with our neighbors, consolidate friendly relations and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them, and ensure that China’s development will bring more benefits to our neighbors. We will increase unity and cooperation with other developing countries, work with them to uphold their legitimate rights and interests and support efforts to increase their representation and voice in international affairs. China will remain a reliable friend and sincere partner of other developing countries. We will actively participate in multinational affairs and work to make the international order and system more just and equitable.

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Since their return to the motherland, Hong Kong and Macao have embarked on a broad road along which they and the mainland draw on each other’s strengths and pursue common development, and the success of the “one country, two systems” principle has won global recognition.

We are convinced that our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao not only have the wisdom, ability and resourcefulness to successfully govern and develop the two regions; they can certainly also play an active role in national affairs and share with other people of all ethnic groups in China the dignity and glory of being Chinese.

Peaceful reunification is in the best interests of the Chinese nation, including our compatriots in Taiwan. To achieve peaceful reunification, we must, above everything else, ensure peaceful growth of relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. We must adhere to the principle of “peaceful reunification and one country, two systems.” We must continue to adhere to the oneChina principle. The two sides of the Taiwan Straits should uphold the common stand of opposing Taiwan independence and of following the 1992 Consensus. On this basis, both sides should expand common ground and set aside differences. We are ready to conduct exchanges, dialogue and cooperation with any political party in Taiwan as long as it does not seek Taiwan independence and recognizes the one-China principle.

We hope that the two sides will jointly explore cross-Straits political relations and make reasonable arrangements for them under the special condition that the country is yet to be reunified. We hope the two sides will discuss the establishment of a cross-Straits confidence-building mechanism for military security to maintain stability in their relations and reach a peace agreement through consultation so as to open a new horizon in advancing the peaceful growth of these relations.

We resolutely oppose any separatist attempt for Taiwan independence. The Chinese people will never allow anyone or any force to separate Taiwan from the motherland by any means. Any separatist attempt for Taiwan independence, which undermines the common interests of the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, is doomed to fail.

People’s Well-being

Work hard to implement education to the satisfaction of the people. We should provide education for all students, and cultivate creativity in them. We should vigorously promote fairness in education, with a focus on rural, remote, poor and ethnic minority areas. We should support special education, increase subsidies to students from poor families, and ensure that children of rural migrant workers in cities have equal access to education. We should encourage and guide non-governmental entities to run educational programs.

Create more jobs. We must implement the principle of promoting self-reliant, market-regulated and government-backed employment and entrepreneurship, as well as the strategy of giving top priority to employment and a proactive employment policy. We should strengthen supervision of labor protection and labor dispute mediation and arbitration, and build harmonious relationship between employers and employees.

Make every effort to increase individual income. We must deepen reform of the income distribution system, and increase individual income in step with economic development and work remuneration in step with improvement in labor productivity, and we should raise the share of individual income in the distribution of national income and increase the share of work remuneration in primary distribution. We should increase proprietary individual income through multiple channels.

Promote the social security system in urban and rural areas. We should reform and improve the social insurance system for enterprises as well as government bodies and public institutions, integrate the basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance systems for non- working urban residents and the rural population, and establish mechanisms for setting standards on social security benefits and for regular adjustment.

Improve people’s health. We should put disease prevention first, make rural areas the focus of our work, support both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, establish a sound mechanism for basic medical and health care and strengthen such endeavors at the community level. We should give high priority to carrying out overall reform in medical insurance, medical treatment, public health, drug supply, and the mechanism of monitoring and supervision.

Social management

Strengthen and innovate social management. We should improve the way in which the government provides public services; strengthen the system of social management and services at the community level; and ensure that urban and rural communities provide better services. We should improve and make innovations in the management relating to and services for the migrant population. We should establish a sound mechanism for assessing potential risks that major policy decisions may pose to social stability. We should improve the public safety system and the workplace safety environment in enterprises to curb serious accidents. We should improve the multi-dimensional system for crime prevention and control, and strengthen the infrastructure of judicial bodies. We should improve the national security strategy and its work mechanism, and keep high vigilance against and resolutely forestall separatist activities and activities of infiltration and subversion carried out by hostile forces, so as to ensure national security.

A Moderately Prosperous Society

The economy should maintain sustained and sound development. Major progress should be made in changing the growth model. On the basis of making China’s development much more balanced, coordinated and sustainable, we should double its 2010 GDP and per-capita income for both urban and rural residents by 2020.

People’s democracy should be expanded. The institutions of democracy should be improved and its forms enriched. The rule of law should be fully implemented as a basic strategy, a law-based government should be basically in function, judicial credibility should be steadily enhanced, and human rights should be fully respected and protected.

The country’s cultural soft power should be improved significantly. Core socialist values should take root among the people. The cultural sector should become a pillar of the economy. We will lay a more solid foundation for developing a strong socialist culture in China.

Living standards should be fully raised. Equal access to basic public services should be generally achieved. The educational level of the entire population should be significantly raised and training of innovative professionals markedly improved. There should be more employment opportunities. Income gaps should be narrowed. Social security should cover all the people. Major progress should be made in building a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society.

Party Building

First, be firm in our ideal and conviction and remain true to the faith of Communists.

Second, put people first, exercise governance for the people and always maintain close ties with them.

Third, vigorously promote intra-Party democracy and enhance the Party’s creative vitality.

Fourth, deepen reform of the system for the management of officials and personnel and build a contingent of competent officials for governance.

Fifth, adhere to the principle of the Party exercising leadership over personnel management and attract outstanding individuals from all over for the cause of the Party and the country.

Sixth, promote community-level Party building in an innovative way and consolidate the organizational foundation for the exercise of governance by the Party.

Seventh, unwaveringly combat corruption. We should improve the system of combating corruption through both punishment and prevention, and conduct thorough investigations into major corruption cases. All those who violate Party discipline and state laws, whoever they are and whatever power or official positions they have, must be brought to justice without mercy.

Socialist Market Economy

Taking economic development as the central task is vital to national renewal, and development still holds the key to addressing all the problems we have in China. In response to changes in both domestic and international economic developments, we should speed up the creation of a new growth model and ensure that development is based on improved quality.

Deepen economic structural reform across the board. We should follow more closely the rules of the market and better play the role of the government. We should unwaveringly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy; allow public ownership to take diverse forms; invest more state capital in major industries and key fields that comprise the lifeline of the economy and are vital to national security. We must unwaveringly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector, and ensure that economic entities under all forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production in accordance with the law, compete on a level playing field and are protected by the law.

Implement the strategy of innovation-driven development. Scientific and technological innovation provides strategic support for raising the productive forces and boosting overall national strength, and we must give it top priority in overall national development. We should deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology, speed up the development of the national innovation system and establish a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leading role, the market points the way and enterprises, universities and research institutes work together.

Ecological Issues

Improve development of China’s geographical space. Guided by the principle of maintaining balance between population, resources and the environment and promoting economic, social and ecological benefits, we should keep the pace of development under control and regulate its space composition. We should leave more space for nature to achieve self-renewal. We should keep more farmland for farmers, and leave to our future generations a beautiful homeland with green fields, clean water and a blue sky. We should enhance our capacity for exploiting marine resources, resolutely safeguard China’s maritime rights and interests, and build China into a maritime power.

Promote resources conservation. We should drastically reduce energy, water and land consumption per unit of GDP, and use such resources in a better and more efficient way. We should support the development of energy-efficient and low-carbon industries, new energy sources and renewable energy sources. We should better protect water sources and impose a cap on total water consumption. We should strictly control land use. We should strengthen the exploration, protection and proper exploitation of mineral resources. We should develop a circular economy.

Intensify protection of the ecosystem and the environment. We should launch major projects to restore the ecosystem, increase our capacity for producing ecological products, and take integrated steps to control desertification, stony deserts and soil erosion.

Enhance system-building to promote ecological progress. Resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits should be covered by the system of standards for evaluating economic and social development, and related goals, evaluation methods and reward and punishment mechanisms should be adopted in keeping with the need of promoting ecological progress.

Military Modernization

We must, following the three-step development strategy for modernizing national defense and the armed forces, intensify efforts to accomplish the dual historic tasks of military mechanization and full IT application, striving to basically complete military mechanization and make major progress in full military IT application by 2020.

We should attach great importance to maritime, space and cyber security. We should conduct active planning for the use of military forces in peacetime, expand and intensify military preparedness, and enhance the capability to accomplish a wide range of military tasks, the most important of which is to win the local war in an information age.

We should unswervingly pursue full IT application as the goal in achieving military modernization and step up this effort.

China pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. Our endeavors to strengthen national defense aim to safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and ensure its peaceful development. China’s armed forces have always been a staunch force upholding world peace and will continue to increase cooperation and mutual trust with the armed forces of other countries, participate in regional and international security affairs, and thus play an active role in international political and security fields.

Cultural Development

Strengthen core socialist values. We should work hard to equip the whole Party with the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and educate the people in these theories. We should carry out extensive education about our ideals and convictions. We should intensify education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism, and enrich people’s cultural life and enhance their moral strength. We should promote prosperity, democracy, civility and harmony; uphold freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law; and advocate patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendship, so as to cultivate core socialist values.

Improve civic morality. We should press ahead with the program for improving civic morality, exalt the true, the good, and the beautiful and reject the false, the evil and the ugly. We should encourage people to willingly meet their statutory duties and obligations to society and family. We should create a social atmosphere in which work is honored and creation is lauded, and cultivate social trends of recognizing honor and disgrace, practicing integrity, encouraging dedication, and promoting harmony.

Enrich people’s intellectual and cultural lives. We should set up more free public cultural service facilities. We should promote outstanding traditional Chinese culture. We should extend and standardize the use of the standard Chinese language. We should promote the development and flourishing of culture of ethnic minorities. We should launch reading programs for the general public. We should improve the contents of online services and advocate healthy themes on the Internet. We should foster respect for science and make the whole nation better educated in science. We should carry out fitness activities across the country and fully promote both recreational and competitive sports.


