







1)1~12是独立的单词 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 2)13~19是在基数词后加-teen 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 注意:13和15的拼写发生变化,18应省去原来的字母t,应熟记 3)20~90的整位数是在基数词后加-ty 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 注意:20,30,40,50,80的拼写发生变化

4)21~29由”十位数20+个位数1~9”构成,中间加连字符 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 其他”几十几”的数词依此类推.31 thirty-one 42 forty-two 53 fifty-three 64 sixty-four 75 seventy-five 86 eighty-six 97 ninety-seven 99 ninety-nine 5)百位数由1~9加hundred构成

one/a hundred 200 two hundred 500 five hundred 900 nine hundred 百位数含十位数和个位数时,百位数和十位数之间常用and连接;百位数加个位数时,也可用and连接,但在美式英语中,这个and往往省略.158 a/one hundred(and)fifty-eight 599 five hundred(and)ninety-nine 605 six hundred(and)five 808 eight hundred(and)eight 6)千位数由1~9加thousand构成

1,000 a/one thousand 2,000 two thousand 5,000 five thousand 9,000 nine thousand 千位数带百、十、个位数时,由千位数直接加百、十、个位数构成.a只能用在整个词组之首.one比a 正式,因而在正式文体中应该用one.另外,千位数中如果百位数和十位数均为零,可用and与个位数连接,但在美式英语中,and往往省去.1,005 one/a thousand(and)five 3,008 three thousand(and)eight 4,836 four thousand eight hundred(and)thirty-six 6,927 six thousand nine hundred(and)twenty-seven 7)万位数的构成

英语中的”万”要用”数词+thousand“表示.10,000 ten thousand 20,000 twenty thousand 50,000 fifty thousand 60,856 sixty thousand eight hundred(and)fifty-six 89,733 eighty-nine thousand seven hundred(and)thirty-three “10万~99万”的表示法

100,000 a/one hundred thousand 200,000 two hundred thousand 335,452 three hundred(and)thirty-five thousand four hundred(and)fifty-two 650,700 six hundred(and)fifty thousand seven hundred 998,616 nine hundred(and)ninety-eight thousand six hundred(and)sixteen 8)”百万”的表示法

“百万”以million为单位.1,000,000 a/one million 2,000,000 two million 3,600,000 three million six hundred thousand 8,964,688 eight million nine hundred(and)sixty-four thousand six hundred(and)eighty-eight 9)”千万”的表示法 10,000,000 ten million 20,000,000 twenty million 96,000,000 ninety-six million 10)”亿”的表示法

100,000,000 a/one hundred million 600,000,000 six hundred million 11)”十亿”的表示法

1,000,000,000(10亿)a/one billion a/one thousand million 2,000,000,000(20亿)two billion two thousand million 1000以上的基数词,从后向前数,每三位数加一个逗号,作为一个单位,第一个逗号前的数为thousand(千),第二个逗号前的数为million(百万).8,869 eight thousand eight hundred(and)sixty-nine 40,664,820 forty million six hundred(and)sixty-four thousand eight hundred(and)twenty 2.基数词的用法 1)作主语 2)作表语 3)作宾语 4)作定语 5)作同位语

hundred,thousand,million在读数时不可加s.4,685 four thousands,six hundreds and eighty-five(误)four thousand,six hundred and eighty-five(正)hundred,thousand,million修饰名词,表示具体数目时,不可加s.这所学校有600名学生.There are six hundreds students in the school.(误)There are six hundred students in the school.(正)hundreds of(几百),thousands of(几千),millions of(几百万)等表示泛指,数量不定,要加s,用复数形式.He spent hundreds of dollars on books.他买书花了数百美元.Thousands of people attended the meeting.数千人参加了会议.Millions of workers lost their jobs.数百万工人失业.The birds came by hundreds.鸟儿成百地出现.The novel sold by the millions.这部小说销售以百万计.表示整十的基数词可用复数形式,表示人的岁数或年代.The man is in his thirties.那人有三十多岁.She died in her nineties.她是九十多岁去世的.He went abroad in the eighties.他八十年代出国去了.in one’s teens(正)十几岁 in one’s tens(误)年份用基数词表示,通常以”百”为单位来读.1956 读作nineteen(hundred and)fifty-six(hundred and通常要省去)1999 读作nineteen(hundred and)ninety-nine 但2000年,2001年,2002年等要用thousand.2000 读作two thousand 2001 读作two thousand and one 2008 读作two thousand and eight 2020 读作two thousand and twenty 三.序数词

1.序数词的构成 1)第一至第三


序数词第四至第十九都是在基数词后加-th构成,发[θ]音.但第八、第九和第十二的拼写有变化,应特别注意.第四fourth 第五fifth 第六sixth 第七seventh 第八eighth 第九ninth 第十tenth 第十一eleventh 第十二twelfth 第十三thirteenth 第十四fourteenth 第十五fifteenth 第十六sixteenth 第十七seventeenth 第十八eighteenth 第十九nineteenth 3)第二十至第九十

从第二十到第九十表示整十的序数词,是把相应的基数词尾的y改为i,再加-eth.第二十twentieth 第三十thirtieth 第四十fortieth 第五十fiftieth 第六十sixtieth 第七十seventieth 第八十eightieth 第九十ninetieth 4)非整十的多位数

非整十的多位数,把个位数变为序数词即可,十位数不变.第二十一twenty-first(21st)第三十二thirty-second(32nd)第四十三forty-third(43rd)第五十四fifty-fourth(54th)第六十五sixty-fifth(65th)第七十六seventy-sixth(76th)第八十七eighty-seventh(87th)第九十八ninety-eighth(98th)第九十九ninety-ninth(99th)第一百零一(one)hundred and first(101st)第二百八十八two hundred(and)eighty-eighth(288th)第九百七十三nine hundred(and)seventy-third(973rd)第一千零一(one)thouand and first(1,001st)序数词的缩写式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母组成.5)hundred等的序数词

hundred,thousand和million的序数词分别为hundredth,thousandth,millionth.第一百(one)hundredth(不可用a)第八百eight hundredth 第一千(one)thousandth 第一万ten thousandth 第十万(one)hundred thousandth 第一百万(one)millionth 2.序数词的用法 1)作主语 2)作宾语 3)作表语 4)作定语 5)作同位语 6)作状语

序数词前常要加定冠词.He will be the first to speak.他将第一个发言.The ninth boy is from England.第九个男孩来自英国.序数词前用了物主代词或名词所有格,则不用定冠词.She is his second wife.她是他的第二个妻子.It is Lily’s third dictionary.这是莉莉的第三本词典.表示比赛或考试的名次时,定冠词常省略.Tom was(the)first in the match.汤姆在比赛中获得第一名.用作副词时,不加定冠词.I first met him in Shanghai.我第一次见到他是在上海.序数词前有时可用不定冠词,表示”又一,再一”,指在原有基础上的增加,相当于another.I’ll read the book a second time.我将把这本书再读一遍.(已读过一遍)He saw a third monkey.他又看见了第三只猴子.(已看见两只)3.数词的各种表达法

1)章节、页数、课次、行次、第几中学、第几车间等编号常用”名词+基数词”表示,也可用”the+序数词+名词”表示.第一章:Chapter One或the first chapter 第二节: Section Two或the second section 第五课: Lesson Five或the fifth lesson 第23页:page 23或the twenty-third page 第8行: line eight 或the eighth line 第三中学:No.3 Middle School 或the Third Middle School 第二机械车间: No.2 Machine Shop或the Second Machine Shop 第一次世界大战: World WarⅠ或the First World War 较大的数字,要用”名词+基数词”表示.第608页: page six o eigth(o读作[əu])第839页:page eight three nine或page eight hundred(and)thirty-nine 第2645页:page two six four five或page twenty-six forty-five 2)房间、门牌等的表示法

房间、门牌、电话号码、信箱号码、邮政编码等,用”名词+基数词”表示.第236房间:Room(No.)236(读作room(number)two three six)中山东路66号:(No.)66 East Zhongshan Road 电话号码:025-84318988 Telephone number 025-84318988(读作 o two five eight four three one eight nine eight eigth(或double eight))(在o,two,five之后要稍加停顿)326信箱:P.O.Box 326 邮政编码:230094 Postcode 230094(读作:postcode two three o o nine four)33路公共汽车: Bus(No.)33或The No.33 Bus 309班机:Flight Number 309 507航班:Flight Number 507 3)世纪、年代表示法

年代为四位数时,各分成二位来读.20世纪:the 20th century 21世纪:the 21st century 在50年代:in the fifties(数词用复数)在90年代:in the nineties(数词用复数)1990年:nineteen ninety 1998年:nineteen ninety-eight 注意下面年代的读法: 2000年:(the year)two thousand 2001年:two thousand(and)one 2008年:two thousand(and)eight 2025年:two thousand(and)twenty-five twenty twenty-five 2050年:two thousand(and)fifty twenty fifty 4)日期表示法

日期通常用序数词来读.5月1日:1(st)May(英式)(读作the first of May)May 1(st)(美式)(读作May(the)first/May one)10月5日: 5(th)October(英式)(读作the fifth of October)October 5(th)(美式)(读作October(the)fifth/October five)2008年6月28日: 28(th)June,2008(英式)June 28(th),2008(美式)5)公元表示法

“公元”用AD或A.D.表示;”公元前:用BC或B.C.表示.公元6世纪:in the sixth century AD 公元55年:in 55 AD in(the year)AD 55 公元前500年:in(the year)500 BC 6)钟点表示法

钟点时刻通常用基数词表示.表示整点可加o’clock,口语中常省去.It’s ten o’clock.现在10点钟.He got up at six(o’clock).他6点钟起的床.表示”几点几分”,在30分钟之内,包括30分钟,用past,结构为:分钟数+ past/after +小时.9:10 ten past nine 或nine ten 10:15(a)quarter past ten或ten fifteen 11:30 half past eleven 或eleven thirty 5:25 twenty-five past five或five twenty-five 表示”几点几分”,分钟数超过了30分钟,结构为:到下一钟点所差分钟数+ to/of(美)+下一小时数.7:40 twenty to eight 或seven forty 9:45(a)quarter to ten或nine forty-five 用a.m.表示”上午”,用p.m.表示”下午”.另外,o’clock不能与a.m.或p.m.连用.四.分数词


分数词由基数词和序数词构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词.分子大于1时,分母序数词须用复数形式.1/2: a/one half 1/3: a/one third 1/5: a/one fifth 1/4:a/one fourth或a/one quarter 2/3: two thirds 3/4: three fourths或three quarters 5/8: five eighths 7/10: seven tenths 1 1/2: one and a half 2 3/4:two and three fourths 分母和分子之间可用连字符,也可不用.2.分数词的用法


加、减、乘、除算式的表示法.2+6=8 Two and six are eight.Two plus six is eight.8+3= ? How much is eight plus three? 10-8=2 Eight from ten leaves two.Ten minus eight is two.4×3=12 Four times three is twelve.16/4=4 Sixteen divided by four is four.Sixteen divided by four makes four.六.数词的其他用法 1.half的用法

1)half作形容词意为”一半”,修饰单数可数名词时,有两种结构: 结构: half a/an +单数名词 a half +单数名词

半天half a day 半月half a month a half day a half month 半小时half an hour 半英里half a mile a half hour a half mile 2)half作名词,常用于half of„结构,of常可省去,但half of后为人称代词时,of不可省

一半的工作: half(of)the work 一半的时间: half(of)the time 一半的书: half(of)the books 一半的房子: half(of)the houses 我们中的一半: half of us 他们中的一半: half of them 3)”一个半”的表示法如下

一个半苹果a/one apple and a half one and a half apples 一个半小时a/one hour and a half one and a half hours 2.小数表示法

小数用基数词表示,小数点是point,读作[pכint],”零”是zero,读作[ziərəu].0.3 zero point three 0.65 zero point six five 15.96 fifteen point nine six 95.38 ninety-five point three eight 3.百分数表示法

百分数用基数词表示,在数字后加percent.5% five percent 30% thirty percent 84% eight-four percent 99% ninety-nine percent 100% one hundred percent 250% two hundred and fifty percent 4.倍数表示法

1)”增加一倍”用double The price of steel has doubled over the past ten years.钢的价格在过去的十年里增加了一倍.2)”比„„大长„„(n-1)倍”用:倍数+形容词/副词比较级 + than +被比部分 That house is three times bigger than this one.那所房子比这所房子大两倍.The output of cars is four times greater than that of last year.汽车的产量比去年增加了三倍.3)”是„„的几倍”用:倍数 + as + 形容词 + as +被比部分

This factory is four times as big as that one.这个工厂是那个工厂的四倍大.She has three times as many books as I have.她的书是我的三倍之多.5.年龄表示法 1)一般说法 她13岁.She is thirteen years old.She is thirteen.She is aged thirteen.She is thirteen years of age.2)in one’s +整十的基数词复数

“in one’s +整十的基数词复数形式”表示”„„多岁了”.Her father is in his thirties.她爸爸三十多岁了.The old woman is in her nineties.这位老奶奶已经九十多岁了.3)at the age of at the age of„表示”在„„年龄”,常作状语.He went to school at the age of six.他6岁上学.At the age of nineteen,she joined the Party.她19岁入的党.6.约数表示法

约数表示”多于,大约,左右,以上,不足”等意义,常用表示法如下: 多于→over,more than 少于→less than 大约→about,around 将近→almost,nearly 左右→or so 或„„以上→or more

或„„以下→or less 在„„以下→under

The street is over 2,000 metres long.这条大街有2000多米长.He finished his homework in less than an hour.他不到一小时就做完了作业.There are about 500 books on the bookshelves.书架上大约有500本书.Almost/Nearly one hundred people swam across the river.将近有100人游过了那条河.The hall can hold 1,000 people or more.这个大厅能容纳1000多人.These toys are for children under five.这些玩具是给5岁以下儿童玩的.It will take them four of five days to walk out of the forest.他们要花四五天时间才能走出森林.The city has changed a lot in the past ten years or so.在过去十年左右的时间里,这座城市发生了很大变化.































1. 倍数用在形容词原级比较的第一个as前面。

例:I have three times as many as you.我有你三倍多。

2. 倍数用在表示度量的名词前。

例:The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球是月球的49倍。

3. 倍数放在形容词或副词比较级前或“by+倍数”放在比较级后。

例:The room is twice bigger than that one.这间房比那间大两倍。

The production of products has been increased by many times this year.


4. 表示倍数也可用again, double等词。

例:He has many again as I am.他的比我多一倍。

The output of the cars is double what it was five years ago.



1. 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母用复数。

例:one-third 1/3.three and sevenths 3/7.

2. 分子与分母之间加in,分子在前,分母在后,分子、分母都用基数词。

例:one in eight.1/8 four in five.4/5

3. 分子与分母之间加out of,分子在前,分母在后,分子、分母都用基数词。

例:one out of ten 1/10.five out of six 5/6.



例:seven point two five 7.25.zero point three 0.3.

two o three point o nine 203.09.



例:Its total output value increased by 11.5 percent over theprevious year.与去年相比,总产值上涨了11.5%。


1. 用about, nearly, some, around等表示“大约”。

例:about 70 pounds.约有70磅重。nearly 100 people.近100人。

some 50 years ago大约50年前。around 10 times约有10次。

2. 用more than, over等来表示多于某个数目。

例:This room can hold more than (=over) 500 people.


over 70 years 70多岁了。

3. 用less than表示“小于”。

例:Three are less than thirty balls in the basket.篮子里不到30个球。

4. 用or so表示“左右”。

例:In the past ten years or so, they have changed a lot.


5. 用to, from…to表示介于两数词之间。

例:I will be back in two to three weeks.我两到三周就回来。

Write from 100 to 120 words daily.每天写100到120个单词。


1. 直接表达:先小时再分钟。

例:four o’clock (4:00) .4点。two ten (02:10) .凌晨2点10分。

2. 间接表达:

分钟+介词to/tast+小时。半小时用hal表示;一刻钟用a quarter表示;半小时或半小时以内由介词past构成短语;半小时以上用介词to构成短语。

例:half past six (6:30) 6点30分;

a quarter past seven (7:15) 7点15分;

ten past eleven (11:10) 11点10分;

five to five (4:55) 4点55分。


1. 基数词和序数词可以表示事物的编号。着重编号,用“名词+基数词”;着重顺序,用“序数词+名词”。

例:Lesson Two=the second lesson第二课

Page Ten=the tenth page第十页

2. 国王等的头衔通常用罗马数字表示。


3. 电话号码。

例:Tel.No.856-7856或Telephone number 856-7856.

读作:telephone number eight five six seven eight five six.

4. 其他号码。

例:Room 201 201房间读作:room two zero one.

Bus (No.) 208 208路车读作:bus number two zero eight.


1. 年份:在写法上与汉语一致,在读时,通常把年份分两部分,从左向右,两位数为一个单位。

例:1840 1840年读作:eighteen forty.

2008 2008年读作:two thousand and eight.

345BC公元前345年读作:three hundred and forty-five BC.

2. 日期。

例:July 26 (th) 7月26日;May 1 (st) 5月1日。

3. 年月日。


1. first water 极端

He is a fool of the first water. 他真是个大傻瓜。

2. two of the trade 同行,两个竞争者

Two of a trade never agree. 同行是冤家。

3. on second thought 再三考虑

On second thought, I really dont need to buy a new car. 考虑再三,我真的不需要买一辆新车。

4. second to none 首屈一指

His grade in English is second to none in the class. 他的英语成绩在班上是数一数二的。

5. on all fours 匍匐,爬着

The baby goes on all fours. 那个婴儿在地上爬。

6. a fifth wheel 多余的人,不受欢迎的人

I dont have a role in the office any more—I feel like a fifth wheel.


7. take the fifty 拒绝回答

I asked him a question, but he took the fifth. 我问他一个问题,但是他却拒绝回答。

8. five and ten 便宜的

The meat is five and ten recently. 近来肉比较便宜。

9. in two twos 立刻,一转眼

My new car was lost in two twos. 我新买的汽车一转眼就丢了。

10. knock... for six完全打碎

He knocked the glass for six. 他把玻璃杯打碎了。

11. at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟的,混乱的

It is at sixes and sevens everywhere. 到处都是乱七八糟的。

12. in the seventh heaven 非常高兴的

The children were in their seventh heaven. 孩子们感到幸福极了。

13. to the nines 完美地

Mary is often dressed to the nines. 玛丽打扮得漂亮极了。

14. ten to one 十有八九,十比一

Ten to one it will rain today. 今天十有八九要下雨。

15. the eleventh hour 危急时刻,最后关头

He is in the eleventh hour. 他正处在危险时刻。

16. twenty-twenty 视力正常的

My sister is near-sighted while I am twenty-twenty. 我姐姐近视眼,而我视力却是正常的。

17. like forty (美国口语)猛烈地,非常厉害地

The river goes like forty. 这条河水流湍急。

18. forty winks 白天打盹

He took forty winks. 他喜欢白天小睡。

19. forty to the dozen (俚语)急忙地,滔滔不绝地

He talked forty to the dozen at the meeting. 他在会上滔滔不绝地讲话。

20. a fifty-fifty chance (美国口语)百分之五十的机会,一半的可能性

This is a fifty-fifty chance. 这是个成败各半的机会。

21. like sixty (口语)很有力地,飞快地,猛烈地

The train is running like sixty. 火车飞快地开过来。

22. seventy times seven 许许多多,很大的数目

The old man is very rich, and his money is seventy times seven. 那个老人很富有,有很多钱。

23. a cool hundred (口语)巨款

He has a cool hundred. 他拥有巨款。

24. look like a million dollars (口语)春风满面,非常漂亮

You look like a million dollars. 你看起来真美。

25. a/ one... in a million 千里挑一的,最好的



Unit6 数 词




①对于一些小序号可有序数词也可用基数词表达,形式分别为:the + 序数词 + 名词;名词 + 基数词。如:第一次世界大战可以表示为the First World War或World War One。

②对于一些大序号我们通常只用一种表达法,即名词 + 数词。如:501号房间表示为Room 501, 538路公共汽车表示为Bus 538。

③可用a / the + number + 基数词 + 名词。如:a No.5 bus一辆五路公共汽车,the No.8 bus那辆8路公共汽车。



(1)倍数用在as + 形容词 / 副词(原级)+ as结构之前。如: They have three times as many cows as we do.(2)倍数放在形容词或副词的比较级之前或by + 倍数用在比较级之后。如: This rope is four times longer than that one.They produced more products in 2001 than those in 2000 by twice.(3)倍数用在表示度量名词前,其基本结构为:倍数 + the + size / length / weight … + of + 表示比较对象的名词,也可用于倍数 + what引导的从句中。如:

This room is three times the size of that one.The college is twice what it was 5 years age.You can’t imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times their weight.3、大约数的表示方法



The little boy buys dozens of pencils every term.Thousands of people died in the earthquake.Every year tens of thousands of people go to work in Guangdong Province.(2)用、less than、under、below、almost、nearly、up to 等来表示小于或接近某数目。如:

He is good at English, so he can finish the paper in less than two hours.*1*


(3)用more than、over、above、beyond、or more等来表示超过或多于某个数目。如: Peking University has a history of more than 100 years.(4)用or、or so、about、around、some、more or less等表示在某一数目左右。如: About 50 people were present at that time.(5)用to、from … to…、between … and表示介于两数词。如: His salary rises from 20 dollars a week to 35 dollars a week.(6)注意事项:dozen、score、hundred、thousand、million作数词表示确切数量时,不用复数。如:three score, five dozen, seven million等。



(2)分子与分母之间加in, 分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词。如:one in ten 十分之一,five in eight八分之五。

(3)分子与分母之间加out of , 分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词。如:one out of ten十分之一,five out of eight八分之五。

5、百分数的表示法(1)表示百分数直接将数词放在单词percent前面即可,如:twenty percent百分之二十。(2)分数和百分数后面不能直接接名词或代词,而用以下形式:分数/百分数 +of + 冠词 / 限定词 + 名词 / 代词,其谓语动词与of后的名词在人称和数上保持一致,如:

Two-thirds of the money was spent on food.About seventy percent of the earth surface is covered by water.6、小数的表示法

小数的表示法,小数点前的总值发同其他数词一样,小数点用point,小数点后面的数读成个位数,如:9.65表示为nine point six five。218.39表示为two hundred and eighteen point three nine。



1.____________ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.(2001年上海春季高考卷)A.Several million

B.Many millions C.Several millions

D.Many million 解析:答案为A。本题考查的是million表示确切数量的用法。million前需用数表确切数量,而不用many这类词,但可说many millions of(上百万的),故本题中用Several million。

2.The number of people invited __________ fifty, but a number of them __________ absent for different reasons.(NMET 96)A.were;was



D.were;were 解析:答案为C。本题考查的是the number of + 名词与a number of + 名词作主语时



谓语的单复数问题。the number of是“„„的数目”,作主语时谓语动词用单数,而a number of 后接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式,故此题最佳选项为C。

3.Shortly after the accident, two ___________ police were sent to the sport to keep order.(NMET 92)A.dozens of



D.dozen of




表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下: A.从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. B.从 11——19 eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen.

这里除 eleven,twelve,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。C.从 21——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one

seventy-six D.百位数


a hundred and one

320 three hundred and twenty

648 six hundred and forty-eight E.千位数以上

2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight F.hundreds of 数百

thousands of


比如 There are hundreds of people in the hall.大厅里有数以百计的人。G.表示人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式表示。He became a professor in his thirties. 他三十多岁时成为了教授。序数词的构成及其说明


six→sixth seven→seventhten→tenth four→fourth








hundred→hundredth第一百 thousand→thousandth第一千



序数词前面要加定冠词the。例如the first time



5:00 读作 five o`clock 或 five 2.表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时

five past seven 七点过五分

half past six 六点半 a quarter past eight 八点过一刻 3.表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时

ten to eight 差十分八点(七点五十分)

a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(十一点四十五分)

twenty to six 差二十分六点(五点四十分)在日常生活中,常用下列简单方法表示时间。以小时、分种为单位分别读出数字。

6:31 读作 six thirty-one

14:03 读作 fourteen o three

23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five 注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这样就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。年代用定冠词及基数词表示的世纪加十位整数的复数形式构成

in the 1930`s(in the thirties of the twentieth century或 in the nineteen thirties)在二十世纪三十年代 in the 1860`s(in the sixties of the 19th century或 in the eighteen sixties)
