


未来广播电视 篇1

The Future of Broadcast TV initiative (FOBTV) was formed in April 2012 by leading world TV organizations to attempt to bring about a unified next-generation broadcast television system.

The Technical Committee has initiated two working groups to progress the FOBTV objectives:“To produce common requirements for a new terrestrial broadcast standard, applicable to mobile devices and accommodating internet connectivity, Ultra HDTV and new coding schemes like HEVC”.Thus:

1) The Use Case Analysis Group (TC-UCAG) has collected use-cases from the FOBTV members, performed their analytical classification, and has started to identify relevant technologies and technology gaps,

2) The Global Model Editorial Group (TC-GMEG) has been assigned to provide an overview of an end-to-end delivery system allowing the implementation of all the collected use-cases.

The TC-GMEG has adopted for the purpose of this study, a“top-down”methodology and has performed modeling of the current platform, observations of the trends in all areas of the digital terrestrial television chain and finally has elaborated a Global Model for the Future of Broadcast TV.

This TC-GMEG report is accordingly organized into five sections:1) A Starting End-to-End Model for Reasoning;2) Trends in the Multi-Media Value Chain;3) Contours of a LOCAL End-to-End Model;4) Globalisation of the Local Model;5) Beyond the Global Model.


For the sake of argument, three areas of the Digital TV value chain have been arbitrarily defined (Production, Distribution and Consumption) and are presented in Fig.1.

For historical reasons, the overall broadcast infrastructure for the delivery of TV services has been organized to disseminate simultaneously as many real-time live-events as possible to a massive amount of users for immediate consumption.

2.1 TV Programmes&Services Production Area

Analogue TV content was limited to continuous processes for production, distribution&consumption of video and audio signals.These signals were then fully translated into the digital world as digitally compressed audio-visual streams supplying permanent&branded digital pipes.

However, the appearance of digital TVs and TV set top boxes“connected”to the Internet provided TV studios with the opportunity to extend their services in two directions:

1) To enhance the broadcast TV service with additional content delivered in real-time.

2) To make available TV programmes at any time after their prime broadcast delivery.

Accordingly, TV studios (or third-party organisations) are producing complementary streams sustaining live broadcast (enriched service) and/or are delivering“on-demand”already broadcast TV programmes (enriched offer) , in order to provide to the user a feeling of a“personalised TV service”.

As far as the production area is concerned, the hunt for an extended audience pushes its participants to diversify the means used to deliver TV services beyond the“island-based”implementation of a vertically integrated broadcast platform.

2.2 TV Programmes&Services Distribution

Analogue TV signals were provided in the vicinity of a TV transmission tower, to give a local TV service.In some countries, this was extended nation-wide by replicating local TV cells.

“Localism”has been one of the major attributes maintained by the TV broadcasters;and this has been fully translated to the digital world and digital broadcast infrastructures, which deliver locally either a unique TV service or a multiplex of TV services (mainly Europe) .The extension of the local area is performed by a multiplication of the transmitter sites, operating either on different frequencies (Multi-Frequency Network, MFN) or on a unique frequency (Single Frequency Network, SFN) .

In every case, the digital broadcast infrastructure delivers a basic linear TV service using a self-documented“digital pipe”and the receiving terminals need only to decode the Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) embedded in the broadcast pipe to access any multi-media content.

But in some countries, in order to provide enhanced&“personalised”TV services (i.e., Hbb TV in Europe, Hy-brid Cast in Japan) , broadcasters are using a broadband in-frastructure provided by third-party Internet Service Pro-viders.In these cases the Programme Guide (EPG) , carriedby the broadcast pipe, includes the required URL referenc-es needed to access the complementary multi-media con-tent, made available by the broadcaster, on a server con-nected to the Internet.

As far as distribution to the consumer is concerned, the existence of two infrastructures (broadcast&broadband) seems to support globalisation, as broadcasters aim at delivering a full range of TV programmes&services to a wide range of terminals, only some having access to both the broadcast (one-to-many) and a broadband (one-toone) delivery means.

2.3 TV Programmes&Services Consumption

Analogue TV programmes were usually consumed on a dedicated terminal:the TV set.This concept has also been fully translated to the digital world and digital decoder–which embeds a digital (signal) demodulator, a digital (source) decoder&the capacity to decode EPGs–appearing either outside (i.e.set top box) or inside (i.e.integrated“digital tuner”) the TV terminals.

In some countries, both traditional&enhanced TV services offerings have been extended to non-stationary TV receivers such as the TV sets installed in vehicles (thanks to the robust performance of digital transmission and to ad-hoc network planning) , and to Mobile handheld devices as witnessed by the One Seg&Not TV services deployed in Japan.But these new TV services, like Hbb TV in Europe and Hybrid Cast in Japan, are conceptually operating two adjacent screens supplied in parallel by two uncorrelated networks, and having only a weak cooperation at the application level.

Connected TVs with access to both broadcast&broadband networks has not only allowed some broadcasters to emphasise the personalisation behaviour of linearly programmed TV services but also allowed“Over-the-Top”providers to deliver a mimic of TV services to every terminal having broadband connection.

For Smart Terminals having access only to the broadband infrastructure, the TV programmes&services are provided as unicast streamed audio&video.As the storage capacity of the Smart Terminals is not exploited, only live consumption of TV services is performed and neither data push nor datacast delivery methods are used.

As far as the consumption area is concerned, the heterogeneous connectivity of the terminals increases the tendency to repeat TV services on both the broadcast&broadband platforms:repetitions are performed (during the night for instance) on the broadcast platform without knowledge of the consumers, and the unicast delivery of TV services over broadband network seems to constitute a serious contribution to the exponential growth of data traffic observed on the broadband infrastructures.


The use-cases studied have revealed the deep expectations occurring at both ends of the Multi-Media value chain:on the content providers’side, there is a desire to make Multi-Media content available on a multiplicity of platforms, and on the users’side there are expectations for an ubiquitous consumption of Multi-Media content regardless of the location, instant of time and screen type available.

These hopes have implications for all segments of the Multi-Media value chain and reveal major challenges for the infrastructures expecting to connect the studios (providers of content) to the users (consumers of content&services) .

3.1 Multi-Media Production

Nowadays, almost all TV content is produced digitally, but professional content providers tend to enlarge their deliveries in terms of format (i.e.higher video resolution, higher audio channel numbers, etc.) and variety (i.e.multiview angles, 3D complement, facilities for impaired people, emergency warnings, etc.) .

The historical concept of using a TV infrastructure to disseminate live-events for immediate consumption in real time has changed, and has evolved to the planning of Multi-Media content production for immediate or later release.

For linearly programmed television to remain centric in TV studios, there is both the need to improve the TV service offering in a way that remains inimitable by the Internet players, and the goal to increase the user’s freedom of choices in a mimic of an“internet TV”service.

If these trends drive Producers to use two delivery platforms in parallel, it also implies managing two costly workflows in studios.The Production area is accordingly studying the“Create Once, Publish Everywhere” (COPE) paradigm having the ambition to run a unique workflow to produce Multi-Media content suitable for a multiplicity of consumption screens supplied by a variety of delivery platforms.

An interesting consequence of the COPE paradigm is the underlying desire to operate a“Smart Delivery Platform”facilitating the Publish Everywhere concept, but also providing the insurance that Digital Rights will be securely managed end-to-end!

3.2 Multi-Media Distribution

Almost all TV distribution platforms have achieved their migration to digital, but they remain structured to deliver audio-visual content for immediate consumption:the Branded Digital Pipe supplied 24/7 remains a core feature for broadcast TV services.

The“branded digital pipe”inherited the behaviour of a“voice telecom circuit”from the ISO-MPEG System Layer1specification, which defined“Transport Stream”packets to carry digitally compressed audio-video on any distribution means having a constant delay and being packet loss&jitter free.The permanent circuit connection characteristic has been inherited from the historic features of the analogue platform delivering live television.

None of these circuit characteristics (i.e.permanent&constant) can be satisfied in an Internet Protocol (IP) context, and specific protocols (and consequent overhead) must be used to compensate for the deficiencies of the“best effort”behaviour of IP networks.

Accordingly, the current digital broadcast platform implementations appear to be too specialised to distribute Digital Multi-Media content, anywhere, at any time, to an evergrowing multiplicity of terminals-and this increases the requirement for a digital broadband platform operated in parallel to the broadcast one.

The challenge for a future harmonised Multi-Media distribution platform seems to rely on its capacity to make available a large variety of Multi-Media content (not just access to a branded&permanent digital pipe) , within an enlarged area (not only in the vicinity of the TV transmission towers) , at a time wished by the consumers (not uniquely at the time programmed by broadcasters) , on a personal nomadic terminal (not to a digital TV set“prisoner”of a mandatory wall outlet) .

3.3 Multi-Media Consumption

Users tend to consider smart terminals as a“oneshoe-fits-all”or“all-in-one”device and accordingly expect from them ubiquitous access to any Multi-Media service&content.

At home, when watching the family TV, individual“second screen”terminals are used to consume broadcasters’data (complementary to the broadcast programme) , to chat with the social network community (about current broadcast delivery) , and even to watch“individually”a broadcast TV programme other than the one delivered on the family screen.

On the move, users tend to recover their“TV watching experience”while commuting or traveling in foreign countries with the“one-does-it-all”personal terminal, which permanently accompanies them.

These new habits are emphasised by the Digital TV sets having connection to the Internet, via the proliferation of accessible broadband networks (either“operated” (3GPP) or“not operated” (IEEE) ) and by the“Over-TheTop”players providing a TV experience over the Internet.

The challenge for the future Multi-Media terminals seems then to be able to access a multiplicity of distribution platforms providing Multi-Media content&services.As none of the existing distribution platforms is able to provide a“universal”coverage, and because TV services of today cannot yet be ubiquitously distributed on every platform, it suggests that future Consumption terminals must be granted with a series of assets:e.g.a“Hybrid Access interface” (to surf on every platforms) ;some storage capacity (to disconnect the acquisition of Multi-Media contents from the user’s consumption) ;and a“Smart TV application” (to hide but also to perform all the technicalities required to locate, to access and to present the Multi-Media content) .

3.4 Multi-Media Value Chain Trends:First Outcomes

The observed trends highlight that the digitalisation of the broadcast TV platform, which translated the analogue value-chain (i.e.studio, infrastructure and terminals) in the digital era, has not sufficiently anticipated the evolutions of the terminals capabilities and the new usages they introduced from users.

Nevertheless, TV usage remains popular as witness the surveys revealing that the time spent watching professionally produced linearly programmed TV content tends to increase or at least to be stable.Thus it is more the delivery of TV services to nomadic terminals, which must be studied, rather than the TV services themselves.

Nomadic terminals have to be served wirelessly and up to now, only wireless broadband radio technologies are able to do so, resulting in a ever-growing pressure to increase the amount of spectrum devoted to Mobile Broadband services.

But, there is no evidence that mobile broadband infrastructures will be able to deliver live content on a larger scale to simultaneous users, nor to absorb the data tsunami resulting from the ever-growing consumption of streamed video delivered individually to smart mobile terminals.Even if Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) reduce the traffic in the core broadband network (by storing content as close as possible to users) , the last mile radio connection is expected to be seriously overloaded by video streams during the peak hours of broadband traffic.Consequently, the“one-to-many”delivery method (also known as broadcast or multicast) over the last mile radio seems to be a very sensible&sound solution to optimise the last mile delivery.

As TV services can benefit from an additional“oneto-one”broadband connection and as mobile broadband services benefit from using an additional“one-to-many”broadcast capacity, it seems the“hybrid radio”access or interface will constitute a very promising concept for both infrastructures.

Future global optimisation of the whole Multi-Media value chain drives us therefore to consider evolutions for each of its segments:

1) Production must be done using a unique workflow (i.e.COPE) and Services should be agnostic with regard to the Delivery platform.

2) Distribution must use optimally and indifferently broadcast&broadband means, thus allowing either linearly programmed or on-demand services, while optimally using the infrastructure resources.

3) Distribution to nomadic Mobile terminals must be done over a hybrid platform (i.e.Broad Cast+Broad Band) and must focus on Universal Coverage:accordingly, cooperation between hybrid platforms (i.e.Broad Cast=Satellite or Terrestrial and Broad Band=IEEE-Wi Fi or 3GPP-LTE) must be enabled.

4) Consumption must be achievable on all types of terminal running a“Smart TV Application”, providing that every terminal has a hybrid access interface.Also, if the storage capacity of the terminals is considered, the platform should manage the transfer of Multi-Media content at any time convenient to any of the players (i.e.Producers, Distributors, Consumers) .

In summary, to satisfy the trends in the Production and the Consumption areas, the technical platform must manage the distribution of the Multi-Media content within the infrastructure on a global scale, and take benefit from the cooperation between broadcast&broadband platform technologies to optimise their last mile delivery-possibly using the terminal storage capacity as the ultimate extension of the Content Delivery Network.


The review of the FOBTV use cases highlighted not only the evolution needs for the last mile of the delivery platform, but also revealed that an end-to-end system must be analyzed in terms of its capacity to connect every type of multimedia service with every type of“all-in-one”terminal, everywhere, at any time.

Offering a whole range of Multi-Media services implies operating a one-to-one connection with every terminal.However, to transfer Multi-Media content optimally to all terminals, implies using a one-to-many delivery method instead of a one-to-one“unicast”one, if at all possible.

The UHF band (300 MHz to 3 GHz) , which exhibits a range of wavelength sizes appropriate for antennas embedded in smart mobile terminals, is therefore very suitable for wireless delivery of Multi-Media content to these devices.But, the scarcity of this spectrum resource requires optimising the service delivery in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of use, especially if targeting global coverage.

Accordingly, a hybrid radio system appears to be the right solution to provide such multidimensional optimisation, and the updated end-to-end model proposed in Fig.2outlines the contours of such a“hybrid”platform.

This updated end-to-end model aims at changing the way that the two individual infrastructures operate in parallel (i.e.a one-to-many infrastructure performing linear distribution for immediate consumption, and a one-to-one infrastructure performing on demand distribution) to a combined infrastructure that manages the distribution of all Multi-Media content, either as a linear continuity or an on-demand serviceand takes advantage of both the one-tomany and the one-to-one connections that the users have established with the platform.

“Smart Broadcast”is the main ambition here:to respond to the current&future needs of the broadcasters wishing to deliver TV Programmes&Services;to respond to the end-users’demands for TV content professionally produced;and, more importantly, for every type of MultiMedia content“on-the-move”using“all-in-one”Smart terminals.

The“Smart Broadcast Infrastructure”aims at reducing the cost of the“last mile”delivery (i.e.the collective distribution to the home) as well as the amount of spectrum necessary to provide this delivery (i.e.using broadcast instead of unicast as the unique delivery method) , and also optimising globally the economic model while serving stationary&mobile terminals.

4.1 Introduction to the Local End-To-End Model

Nowadays, as different as they are around the globe, all broadcasters have a role concerning localism.In some countries such localism is restricted to a city, in others it means a state or a whole country–but still, broadcasting preserves local cultures, unites communities and helps to develop local economies.

Whilst they worked in the past with video and audio only, broadcasters are now developing Multi-Media programming;but their knowledge of“how to program for large audiences”remains based on their expertise in the local social context.

Even though the end-to-end model must be scalable in order to address the various topologies of terrestrial networks operated by broadcasters around the world, the basic configuration of the model must also cater for local broadcasting demands.Fig.3 shows the LOCAL configuration of the end-to-end model.

In this basic configuration, the Production area is represented by the broadcaster’s studio which delivers con-tent&services over a hybrid platform.The platform makes cooperative usage of a one-to-many“broadcast”and a one-to-one“broadband”component to supply the Consumption area, where two categories of terminals are served:the stationary ones (i.e.TV sets) and the mobile ones (i.e.smart mobiles) .

4.2 Behaviour of the Production Area

In the basic configuration, the storage capacity located in the studio is used by a (preferably unique) workflow that produces multi-media content as a collection of audio-visual sequences stored in a“play-out”server.These audio-visual sequences should include complementary information about the different format types and nature;the resulting MultiMedia packages constitute the items of a branded Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)

The EPG, which governs the continuity of the TV service programmed by the broadcaster, is delivered to both the“Linear TV”&“On-Demand TV”servers.The“Linear TV”server uses the EPG to stream the audio-visual part of the relevant Multi-Media package onto the one-tomany interface while the“One-demand TV”server manages to deliver the complementary part of the package through the one-to-one interface in response to user’s requests.

To support this Production area behaviour, some technologies are required.Among others:

1) ISO/MPEG is working on a Modern Media Transport (MMT) specification with the goal of providing“the transport of MPEG media in an interoperable fashion, especially given the recent increased demand of multi-media delivery in the heterogeneous network environment.”An MMT draft specification is expected in 2013, as a companion to the HEVC (H.265) video compression standard.

2) ISO/MPEG-DASH has demonstrated recently (cf.VRT during London Olympic Games) its ability to stream live TV programmes and to deliver TV services over a nonmanaged (nonoperated) Internet connection.

Interestingly, both technologies (i.e.MMT&DASH) include a transport layer and a presentation layer, highlighting the recognition of a“Multi-Media Package”as the managed quantum of Multi-Media content.

The Multi-Media package seems thus to be the unit which has to be distributed and then delivered to the users;and a common set of protocols must be used to enable the delivery of these quanta to be agnostic of the means (one-to-one or one-to-many) used to do so.

4.3 Behaviour of the Distribution Area

In the basic configuration, the Distribution area implements a hybrid infrastructure involving a one-to-many component (broadcast) and a one-to-one component (broadband) to bridge the Production&the Consumption areas.

The broadcast transmitter coverage determines the“local”area served.Within this local area, the infrastructure serves both stationary&mobile terminals, in both indoor&outdoor locations.

These requirements have implications on both the one-to-many&the one-to-one components of the infrastructure:

1) The one-to-many component suggests a requirement for the broadcast waveform to cope with both multipath propagation (i.e.frequency selectivity of the channel for stationary reception) and Doppler shifted echoes (i.e.frequency selectivity&time-variant channel for mobile reception) .

2) The payload distributed using these waveforms must be protected with at least two levels of robustness in order to cope with outdoor vs indoor reception situations (i.e.further carrier attenuation resulting from the outdoor to indoor penetration loss, proximity effects, etc.) and this payload must be tailored for different categories of screens.

3) The one-to-one component can use a wired Internet connection to reach stationary terminals, but to reach mobile terminals a wireless Internet connection is mandatory.Accordingly, the wireless one-to-one component could use either the services of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a Wi Fi infrastructure deployed in the“TV white space”.This last alternative offers the advantage that the Distribution infrastructure will be deployed in a“broadcast”sub-band (i.e.TV channel AND white space channels) that can be secured by the operator of the hybrid infrastructure especially in terms of radio interferences.

To support this behaviour in the Distribution area, some technological developments are required, including:

1) One-to-many broadcast systems operate close to the Shannon boundary, so increasing the system throughput requires increasing the RF bandwidth (e.g.using channel bonding for instance) , and/or using MIMO techniques2.Both techniques should be evaluated in the light of the throughput that will be required for future TV services delivered in 4K or 8K HDTV formats.

2) As areas covered by the one-to-many&the oneto-one components may not match exactly, only a subset of the services will be available when only one component is available.Since the EPG is broadcast with the MultiMedia packages, this self-documented delivery allows linear-TV services to be enjoyed over the whole local zone.The full range of TV services will be provided only in areas where the two components are available.

3) A“broadcast”transmission mode (in addition to the native“one-to-one broadband”one) will be needed to optimize the delivery of the whole range of TV services in areas where only the one-to-one component is available.The LTE-e MBMS3service mode constitutes an example of such an in-band broadcast mode over a broadband wireless connection.It could provide a“broadcast”mode to sustain the Broadcast/Multicast protocol on an“IEEE-Wi Fi operated in TV white space”context.

4) Even though the primary business case of the terrestrial broadcast platform is the Free-to-Air (FTA) one, technologies must be identified to allow various business models for the Distribution area in order to create a viable economic balance for the operator.Conditional Access System (i.e.CAS) technologies must be evaluated for this purpose.

A common set of protocols must be adopted to make the Service delivery agnostic to the number of components available to stationary&nomadic terminals.Similarly, in order to render a Universal service, the cooperation of several hybrid platforms (i.e.Broad Cast=Satellite or Terrestrial or Cable or IPTV;and Broad Band=IEEE-Wi Fi or3GPP-LTE or IPTV) , usingsuch common set of protocols, should be considered.

4.4 Behaviour of the Consumption Area

In the basic configuration, the Consumption area is modelled taking in account two categories of terminals:Stationary (with the possibility of wired connection to the Distribution infrastructure) and Mobile (having only wireless connections to the Distribution infrastructure) with the typical consumption usage being the“indoor”one.

Both stationary&mobile terminals are provided with hybrid platform access to the two components of the infrastructure.This is already the case for the so-called“Connected TV, ”but not for the traditional TV sets that have access only to a broadcast component, nor for the smart terminals that have only access to a broadband component.

Within every terminal, the consumption of TV and Multi-Media services is governed by a“Multi-Media application”having the capability to use the two components provided by the infrastructure.This Multi-Media application should not be confused with a cooperative presentation layer (i.e.juxtaposition of content governed by a broadcast centric application) nor with a cooperative network layer (i.e.juxtaposition of screens supplied by two uncorrelated networks) , but instead, as a Multi-Media Consumption Application that embraces all upper layers down to the network layer.

A“branded TV application”can be located by a search engine and delivered to the terminal from the“ondemand TV server”using a traditional Internet connection.Additionally, the“on-demand TV server”provides technical information related to the Distribution infrastructure in the local area and the Electronic Programme Guide, which lists the Multi-Media packages related to the past/present/future broadcast periods.As similar information is continuously delivered via the one-to-many component using a data carousel, the terminals with no Internet access can discover the infrastructure and update their information using a traditional frequency scanning method.

The“branded TV application”using the EPG information presents the collection of Multi-Media packages available on the platform, and responding to the user’s request manages the required terminal connections to deliver the Multi-Media content for immediate consumption.

In the basic implementation of the model, the storage capacity of the terminals has not been considered in the behaviour of the platform.Nevertheless, the“branded TV application”could benefit from such terminal storage capacity to implement“Personal Video Recorder” (PVR) services.In this case, the application must have the ability to run in the“background”and to access the infrastructure while the terminal is moving in the coverage area.

To support the desired behaviour in the Consumption area, some technology developments are required, including:

1) As far as terminals are concerned, the model implies the generalisation of a hybrid access, either wired or wireless, which involves a“Mo Dem/Demod”device implementing the lower-layers (up to the network layer) of respectively the one-to-one&one-to-many components.If the physical layers of the two access components are distinct by nature, a harmonisation of the data link&network layers of the existing one-to-one broadband system and the future one-to-many broadcast system must be implemented.

2) As far as consumption is concerned, the model implies a“branded TV application”able to run in the background, implementing the upper layers and interfacing with the devices that implement the lower-layers.Due to the variety of operating systems used in Smart Multi-Media terminals, a generic API must be defined in order to guarantee the versatility of the hybrid access amongst terminals.

3) As far as TV services are concerned, provisions must be made to allow the management of both Digital content Rights (DRM) and Conditional platform Access (CAS) .

A common set of protocols must be adopted to allow future Smart Terminals to access Multi-Media content through any hybrid platform.

4.5 Local End-To-End Model:Summary

The LOCAL implementation of the end-to-end model has highlighted requirements for evolutions in the three areas of the Multi-Media value chain, with three consequences:

1) A first consequence is that instead of implementing a permanent&branded digital pipe, the end-to-end Infrastructure must manage Multi-Media packages (i.e.live video-clips, already produced audio-visual files, etc.) made of Multi-Media components (i.e.audio, video, complementary data, etc.) , each retaining the brand name of its origin.In this context, the lower-layers of the protocol stack will not be considered as having a“constant end-to-end delay&errorless behaviour” (i.e.circuit behaviour implied by the ISO/MPEG system layer) and accordingly, the transport layer must incorporate provisions to guarantee a“broadcast”QualityofServiceevenoveran“open_but_best_effort”infrastructure (MMT and/or DASH technologies should tackle this constraint) .

2) A second consequence is that in order to facilitate competition, the end-to-end platform must embed provisions to guarantee both the Digital (Copy) Rights of the content owners (i.e.DRM) and the business model of the operators by the use of a Conditional Access System (CAS) suitable for any configuration of the platform (i.e.working when either single or dual components are available on the termination side of the platform) .

3) A third consequence is that the model fosters the generalisation of a“hybrid access”and of a generic“Multi-Media application”in the terminals.That implies a clear definition of the whole protocol stack and a universal interface (API) between hardware&software devices regardless of the operating system environment.

The described Local end-to-end model should be considered as an aggregation of technological bricks that are already in operation on Free-to-Air, IPTV and OTT platforms, but the ambition of the model is to harmonise the usage of these technologies in order to foster the universality of Smart terminals and open functional interfaces.


Even though the prime application of the end-to-end model is to provide“Smart LOCAL TV services”, the endto-end model must be scalable in order to address the various topologies of terrestrial networks operated by broadcasters around the world.

The expressed wishes to“Create Once and Publish Everywhere”and to“Consume Everywhere at Any Time”imply extending the platform beyond the primary LOCAL TV services area and for the sake of argument, Fig.4 is proposed to represent an up-scaled GLOBAL end-to-end model.

In the GLOBAL architecture, a Distribution infrastructure is established by the aggregation of the previously de-scribed local cells, which become its Delivery nodes.Each of the Delivery nodes is required to deliver multimedia services and takes benefit of a hybrid one-to-one&one-tomany means to serve terminals in a local area.

This global architecture aims to take into account the various topologies of broadcast networks operated worldwide nowadays.For instance:

1) A“global TV”operator supplies affiliated“local TV”operators with content having countrywide destination.The“local TV”operator broadcasts the“national”content but part of the time, produces and broadcasts its own“local”content.In this situation, the“Local TV”operator controls the content delivered over the“local area”while the“Global TV”operator acts as a content provider.

2) A“Broadcast Network”operator collects content from various sources and distributes them over a given territory.In each region, an aggregation of specific content is performed and addressed to a collection of local areas, which each delivers a“multiplex of TV services”.In this situation, the“Broadcast Network”operator centrally controls the content delivered over every passive“local area.”

Whatever the management of the end-to-end platform (i.e., distributed or centralised) , two stages of processing are performed:the Distribution of content within the infrastructure and the Delivery to the users through the means available to serve the“last mile.”

5.1 the Hybrid Distribution

In the global implementation of the end-to-end model, the“studio servers”are duplicated in a collection of“Delivery Nodes”interconnected by the Distribution infrastructure.

The Delivery node acting as a“Local Studio”stores Multi-Media packages coming from the Distribution infrastructure, but also generates“Local Content”delivered locally and distributed to the other nodes using the Distribu-tion infrastructure.

lates the“branded Multi-Media package”as aquantum of management, which open numerouspossibilities far beyond today’s manipulations of“branded Digital pipes” (i.e.commutation of brandedcircuits) :1Multi-Media content not related to live

) –events-can be distributed over the platform to bringthem as close as possible to the location where theywill be consumed, thus permitting their delivery tothe terminals at the most convenient time for the broadcaster, and/or the platform operator and/or the user.In that sense, the“Multi-Media Distribution”area looks like a broadcaster’s branded Content Delivery Network (CDN) having the particularity to use hybrid technologies, for instance a one-tomany satellite distribution to the local nodes and a one-tomany terrestrial distribution to the terminals.This would be more efficient (and potentially more secure) than the CDNs used by OTT providers,

2) Multi-Media content–not related to live eventsare stored in the Delivery node in advance until the instant when they should be delivered to the terminals (i.e.time dictated by the EPG time schedule) .But if the Delivery node is able to manage the population of terminals it serves, the storage capacities of the terminals can be dynamically managed in order to optimise the“cost”of delivery (i.e.delivery organized as a“push data to many”or Multicast service) .In that sense, the“Multi-Media Delivery”to terminals could be perceived by the user as a“broadcaster’s branded Cloud”.

The cooperation of one-to-many (i.e.satellite distribution for instance) and one-to-one (for the control&command of the distribution process) components within the Distribution infrastructure constitutes a major asset of this model.

The Distribution infrastructure could also offer mediation capacities with other platforms.Accordingly, its CDN (and possibly Cloud) behaviour could be used to extend the territory on which the branded TV services are natively offered:Multi-Media packages could be distributed, by contractual agreement, to foreign platforms which would serve“local terminals”abroad;foreign terminals could be hosted&served, providing contractual attachment/roaming rules, by a local Delivery infrastructure.

If this openness is strongly desired by the two ends of the end-to-end Multi-Media value chain (NB:Publish Everywhere&Consume Everywhere) , it provides an opportunity for the broadcasters to differentiate their platforms.The clever end-to-end management of the content’s Copy Rights as well as the clever management of the Access Rights to the Delivery platform make this a clear asset…But the underlying technologies for this scenario must be carefully selected especially if they impact on the compatibility of legacy versions of the nomadic devices.

5.2 Local Delivery in a Global Context

The GLOBAL end-to-end model aims at establishing a global platform performing the dissemination of Multi-Media content produced&delivered within the in frastructure by LOCAL delivery nodes.The duality of the Multi-Media Delivery nodes is tentatively pictured in Fig.5.

At the delivery node, every Multi-Media package either coming from the distribution platform or produced lo-cally is stored in the Multi-Media database, and thus becomes available for their delivery as soon as possible for immediate consumption, or for their delivery in advance of the time of their consumption, or for their subsequent delivery with regard to catch-up services.

The two servers, linear-TV&on-demand, cooperate in order to optimise the usage of the transmission resources available on the hybrid local delivery cell.As much as possible, the“one-to-many”delivery means is used to deliver Multi-Media packages to the population of served terminals:

1) For linear-TV services, the EPG drives the usage of the resource especially for live-events or for packages delivered for the first time (NB:night repetitions of content can be done without real-time broadcasting using management of the terminals storage capacity) .

2) For“predictive datacasting”services, the EPG permits anticipating the delivery of Multi-Media packages for storage in the terminals, but authorising consumption only at the time imposed by the EPG.

3) For catch-up TV services, the user demands should be employed to identify popular content and then to manage their“predictive”&simultaneous delivery to multiple terminals available in the local cell.

4) Etc.

The ambition of the managed delivery of Multi-Media packages is to counteract the inefficiency of a collective, but blind, delivery service without knowledge of the audience (i.e broadcast“default”) , and that of the multiple individual delivery of given content (i.e.broadband“default”) .In this way, the system provides to the broadcasters an ultimate optimisation in the usage of the scarce spectrum resource they operate.

The hybrid local delivery cell, as in the previouserage of the local cell for both the“one-to-many”&“one-to-one”com-ponents.If the“one-to-many”cover-age could be easily extended by theuse of additional SFN transmitters, theextension of the“one-to-one”spots–permitted by the availability of TVwhite space spectrum resources–may have (economic) limitations andmight require the cooperation of vari-ous broadband infrastructures.

Possibly, some areas covered by the one-to-one component will be outside the ones covered by the one-to-many component.Accordingly, the availability of a“broadcast”mode-e.g.LTE-e MBMS like-for the one-to-one component would permit the operation of the delivery node even if only a single component of the hybrid cell were available.

Incidentally, the availability of an in-band broadcast mode within a broadband wireless connection should constitute a promising characteristic to build up in-home extensions within the infrastructure (e.g.in-home Multi-Media LANs) .

The delivery of every kind of TV service (i.e.live, predictive, on-demand) will be possible when stationary terminals can receive hybrid coverage, while only a subset of TV services will be possible under partial coverage.The nomadicity of mobile terminals adds a constraint to the coverage:the presence of mobile terminals in the coverage area must be managed and the delivery of Multi-Media packages should be performed when favourable conditions occur, using the predictive datacasting capabilities of the platform.

The consumption node is intended to be universally implemented across every type of terminal, both stationary and mobile.The consumption node involves hybrid access to the hybrid infrastructure, a storage capacity managed by the infrastructure (i.e.by the delivery node) and a MultiMedia consumption application, which acts as a client of the delivery node servers.

The Multi-Media application plays a crucial role in the performance of the global end-to-end model.It guarantees the efficiency of the DRM&CAS management, which form the differentiation asset of the platform;it facilitates the optimum usage of the transmission resource by supporting the various methods of delivery (i.e.live, predictive, on-demand) .It contributes to the smart broadcast behaviour of the platform by permitting nomadic terminals to locate content, to access delivery nodes and to present content to users.

In summary, the proposed model aim at using cooperatively broadcast and broadband technologies to permit delivering traditional&extended TV services, while optimising the costs and the resources implied by the wireless delivery of contents to nomadic Multi-Media terminals.It aims accordingly not to rethink the Multi-Media services but to invent a new way to deliver them.


The global model for the Future of Broadcast TV studied in this document highlighted the benefits of a hybrid infrastructure combining one-to-many&one-to-one delivery platforms to manage the delivery of Multi-Media content at any-time, anywhere, to any consumer devices.

As far as stationary terminals are concerned, the model could be implemented through wired connections to any broadcast&broadband infrastructure, making it suitable for use with the existing satellite, cable or terrestrial platforms.

Regarding mobile terminals (by definition, not wired) , broadcast&broadband wireless platforms must be used and accordingly some spectrum resources must be allocated to them.

The UHF band (300 MHz-3 GHz) exhibits a range of wavelengths suitable for antennas embedded in smart mobile terminals, and it is particularly suitable as it allows both indoor&outdoor coverage of large areas with a relatively low density of transmission sites.

Terrestrial TV transmitter networks are generally planned to serve users’antennas located at 10 metres above the ground level.Network planning experiences have shown that it is necessary to increase the density of broadcast transmitters by a factor of three to four in order to serve“portable”indoor receivers not benefiting from the gain of an outdoor antenna.Also, experimentations using broadcast transmissions co-located with 3G basestations (i.e.30 W radiated at 30 m above ground level) have demonstrated that only onethird or one-fourth of the 3G base-stations have to be equipped with broadcast transmitters to replicate the 3G services coverage.

The implementation of“Mobile Broadband”systems in the“Broadcast TV”digital dividend spectrum has revealed the requirement for a frequency guard band between infrastructures involving high power/low density transmitters&low power/high density transmitters.This prevents mutual interference and guarantees the Quality of Service over the whole coverage area.

The implication of these elements to the implementation of the global model is that three different densities of transmission sites would be required to cohabit in the UHF band, without mutually interfering.It would thus be necessary to define three spectrum bands–one for each network topology-and two guard bands.Accordingly, in between the existing“Broadcast TV”&“Mobile Broadband”spectrum bands, the definition of a“Mobile Broadcast”band would permit the deployment of the global model.

If the Broadcast TV band continues to host the traditional TV services with their possible extension to 4K&8K UHD services (which will require large but stationary screens) , the Mobile Broadcast band enables the deployment of the denser terrestrial infrastructure required for the one-to-many“broadcast”component of the model.

As far as the one-to-one“broadband”component of the model is concerned, it could be based either on 3GPP-LTE or IEEE-Wi Fi technologies, which both benefit already from allocated spectrum.The generalisation of an inband MBMS mode within these systems should increase the range of the coverage areas;and moreover, the suitability of the operation of IEEE-Wi Fi within the TV white space could provide an additional (spectrum) degree of flexibility in the implementation of the global model.

In summary, the proposed global model aims at offering an efficient means to deliver every category of MultiMedia service-thus extending the range of TV services to Mobile terminals and also providing an efficient method to divert part of the traffic overloading broadband networks;traffic essentially related to Multi-Media content individually delivered over a unicast wireless link.

To reach the“Universal Coverage Grail”for every cat-egory of Multi-Media service, the cooperation of coverageis required and the Services must be formatted to be agnos-tic of the last mile (hybrid) infrastructure used to deliversuch services-anytime, anywhere, and on any devices.

From a terminal perspective, a global picture shouldbe represented as Fig.6.


The global model for the Future Of Broadcast TV studied in this document aims at proposing an overview of an end-toend architecture covering the current and future needs of the TV broadcasters.

The Smart Broadcast concept is intended to generalise the usage of hybrid platforms (i.e.in one-to-many and one-to-one modes) along the Multi-Media Value Chain.Broadcast&Broadband technologies are used to render a full range of TV services either to stationary TV sets or to mobile smart terminals, and to provide a user experience beyond the quality of service available on the Internet.

The Smart Broadcast proposal also moves from“blind”delivery to the“managed”delivery of Multi-Media content, sustained by a cooperative usage of the best wireless technologies available to reach nomadic terminals, and thus justifying the usage of the spectrum presently occupied by the broadcasters.

The model described in this study implies rethinkingthe methods used to render TV services (not the TV servic-es themselves) :the“branded Multi-Media package”mustreplace the“branded digital pipe”;the one-to-many deliv-ery method must be used as much as possible and evenbacked up by the one-to-one method;a hybrid radio ac-cess must be generalized in the terminals;and a“multi-media application”must replace the self-discovery ofbroadcast services.In summary, the global model proposed for the Future Of

Broadcast TV aims to reconcile the COPE4studios with theATAWAD5users.The model framework introduces some newcore concepts and is intended to provide a future-proof re-sponse to all the use cases identified by the FOBTV community.


11.ISO/IEC 13818“MPEG-2” (1995) defined a collection of“time-stamps” (i.e.Presentation, Decoding, Programme Clock Reference) accompanying the compressed audio&video streams within the TS packets.Accordingly, any means carrying transport stream packets shall be jitter free to maintain the coherency of these time-stamps.

22.By re-using the RF channel“several”times, MIMO coding techniques increase the capacity of the channel“several”times-extending the range of trade-off between bitrate&robustness.

33.eMBMS (Evolved Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service) implements two one-to-many delivery methods:“Broadcast”meaning delivery by the network without management of the terminals;“Multicast”meaning management of individual information to the terminals prior delivery, and the informed terminals having then to connect to the delivered stream.

44 .COPE:Create Once, Publish Everywhere

广播电视编辑现状及未来展望的论文 篇2




未来电视怎么“看” 篇3


































从FoBTV看未来广播电视的发展 篇4

FoBTV是全球未来广播电视研发组织, 它不是一个非常官方的政府机构, 而是一个非公司、非赢利的, 由全球广播电视公司、广播电视标准组织、研究机构、运营单位、制造企业共同建立的联合组织, 旨在创立一个全球的统一标准, 从而避免各地分据的不同标准带来的频谱资源浪费。

这次报告将围绕FoBTV组织, 来谈谈目前国际上广播电视行业的发展、目标、工作进展, 以及未来技术的一些展望, 目的是为FoBTV组织做一点宣传的同时, 让大家更加关注广播电视, 推动全球广播电视行业的发展。

1 关于FoBTV组织

2011年11月10日, 由上海数字电视国家工程研究中心牵头, 由美国ATSC、欧洲DVB、加拿大CRC中心、日本NHK、巴西TVGlobal等13家知名广播电视机构共同发起, 在上海国际会议中心举办了“FoBTV”高峰论坛, 形成了FoBTV的雏形。2012年4月17—19日, 在拉斯维加斯全美广播电视设备展期间, 实质启动了全球未来广播电视研发计划, 即FoB-TV Initiative。目前, FoBTV规模日益扩大, 参与的企业已达48家, 成员数量还在不断增长, 越来越多的知名机构、龙头企业, 如三星、LG等企业已经加入FoBTV, 据我所知, 华为也有可能会加入进来。

2 未来广播电视的发展

FoBTV的管理委员会组织了应用需求征集小组, 主要从用户、网络运营商、管理者3方面征集, 得到的应用需求将成为未来广播电视发展的重点。在征集的29个应用需求中, 有12个提到了广播和宽带业务的合作, 二者结合并共同为互联网服务已经成为一个必然的趋势;有2个提到了城乡二元结构问题, 在发展中国家, 城乡发展不平衡, 环境存在着差异, 有着不同的应用需求;有3个提到了多屏幕和多视角的应用, 在多屏幕之间进行同时切换, 标记内容, 同步和传递内容到其他设备。此外, 还有超高画质、3D音效、高清图像往便携或固定设备传输时, 需要更多的信道容量。其他一些建议包括有效利用广播网络的夜间传输、标准化应用分发程序框架以利用应用传输和执行和云传输等。

在技术方面, 高效视频编码技术还在不断发展, ITU-TISO/IEC视频编码联合合作团队正加紧为2013年的HEVC标准出台做准备, 计划该标准也能实现较AVC技术相同的节省量, 并且可实现3D视频编码;电视音频的编码技术也不容忽视, 其与媒体融合将带来巨大的影响, 如今德国弗劳恩霍夫协会在高级音频编码 (AAC) 之后又提出了新一代的高级音频编码, 利用“终极音响效果”来俘获观众;信道传输方面, 高性能的传输技术被不断引入, 如双极化MIMO技术、基于空频分组编码的高稳定性传输技术、超多层面的正交频分多路复用技术等, 一些高性能编解码技术也会引入。

FoBTV技术委员会副主席吴亦彦教授提出了一种可靠的云传输系统, 其用于地面广播或者点对点的多媒体服务, 通过牺牲有效码率并利用高强度编码的特点, 从空间、时间、频谱的角度有效地利用了资源。

针对中国国情, 上海交通大学张文军教授提出了面向中国广播市场的新一代地面数字电视演进系统Cruise计划, 该新系统具备“可管可控、关联内容、无处不在、浸润式体验、社交应用及智能终端”的技术特点, 这也是我们正在研发的项目。

很多德国、美国的专家提出了很多技术解决方案, FoBTV刚成立一个应用需求组, 进一步的业务模型、针对需求正在进行中。

未来电视作文 篇5



扬声器不但能在看电视或听音乐时发出声音,而且能与你辩论……可这都是基本的功能,扬声器还有个特殊的功能,那就是它能发射超声波!当你遇到坏人或 的要挟时,赶快按下按纽区里的“护身”键,扬声器就能发出超音波,准确无误地击中目标,准确率高达100%!耳机不但能听音乐,而且还可充当无线电对讲机使用。太阳能电池板就更绝了,它竟然能吸

未来电视,如何开“讲” 篇6


































































































克里斯安德森创立了种子基金会(The sapling



















































































































































值”希望构建一个说话交流的平台, “节目的标准












广播电视编辑的现状及未来展望分析 篇7



1 广播电视编辑职业的简单分析


2 广播电视编辑素养未来的提升方向


2.1 掌握专业规律


2.2 拓宽知识面


2.3 培养创新意识


3 结语





广播电视主持人未来发展的方向 篇8

以往广播电视没有对受众细分, 各个城市频率、频道在节目的设置上大同小异, 很少考虑不同受众的需要, 一位主持人担任很多主持工作。但随着广播电视受众的细分, 专业频率频道占据媒介主流地位。如吉林市本地电台有九套频率, 要求主持人向“专而精”转型。在广播电视受众日益分化的今天, 节目主持人必须找到适合自己的主攻专业方向, 并在这些领域中强化专长、收集信息、充实头脑, 不断地发掘潜力, 拓展自己的发展空间, 在更广阔的领域进行专业化的信息传播, 使自身具有更为长久和活跃的生命力, 以实现传播效果的不断优化, 进而实现主持人自身的发展。

(二) 个性化生存

对主持人而言, 个性包括节目宏观风格、形式、内容的个性和微观语言、体态、视角的个性。这是主持人的固有品质, 是内在修养的外在表征, 是思维与智慧的外化和延伸, 是思想的外在包装方式。个性化是主持人自身条件与栏目、个性与受众审美有机契合后的发挥, 所表现出的智慧性和独特思维依附于人格基础。

随着广播电视传媒业“窄播化”进程的加剧, 各个频率频道节目越来越专业化, 设置的各档节目都针对不同的受众群。主持人要树立受众喜闻乐见又属于自己个人的风格和气派, 要利用打上自己个性烙印的风格和气质吸引受众的目光和注意。要追求个性, 寻找与众不同, 不能背离一定的原则, 即主持人在节目中是代表媒体发表言论, 不能为追求个性而忘记媒体工作者这个身份。主持人在追求个性的过程当中, 还要学会动脑。勤于动脑, 从直观的形象中看到事物的本质, 找出深层次有价值的东西。

(三) 娱乐化气质

娱乐化气质, 要求主持人要以快乐为主题, 增加节目的互动性, 比较注重气氛, 讲究要调动听众的情绪, 让每个人投入到节目的氛围中去。娱乐化和讲求艺术精神及品位并不总是对立的, 在娱乐化中寓于艺术精神, 寻求娱乐化与艺术精神的统一, 这是主持人培养自己娱乐化气质的原则。

娱乐化是柄双刃剑, 定位找对了, 听众就喜欢, 定位不对路, 就会被人说成做作, 哗众取宠, 甚至恶俗, 但并不能就此否定主持人培养娱乐化气质的大方向。而且也说明大家的精神需求提高了, 更需要娱乐, 因此更加关注和挑剔。娱乐化代表变革的主流方向也是目前主持人发展的主流方向, 大道无痕, 大巧不工, 主持人艺术是大众的艺术, 那么可用八个字来代表即“大俗大雅, 大雅大俗”。

(四) 品牌化发展

品牌是一个经济学名词, 用到广播电视节目主持人身上有了特定的内涵和特征。随着媒体竞争的进一步加剧, 我国媒体已经由广告竞争、发行竞争、新闻竞争、人才竞争发展到了品牌竞争阶段, 具有品牌价值的优秀主持人是各个广播电视台内最鲜活、最具个性的品牌, 不但对观众具有广泛的号召力, 而且对观众的忠诚度具有重要的影响。努力提高主持人的品牌价值, 实际就是提高广播电视媒体本身的品牌价值。

“一个具有品牌价值的主持人往往是这个栏目这个频道乃至这个台的符号和标志。如孟非、汪涵, 他们主持的节目和栏目皆因风格各异而为不同的观众喜爱和认可, 他们主持节目的不同风格就是对频道和栏目极好的包装, 这就是品牌效应, 它可增强观众对频率频道的认识、关注及喜爱程度。”电台主持人应该走品牌建设的道路。在未来的广播电视媒体行业, 塑造节目主持人的品牌是一个系统化的、科学化的过程, 需要结合主持人的外形、学识、性格、经历等等, 形成与之相对等的、相协调的风格, 成就一名具有品牌号召力的主持人需要几年甚至十几年的时间。


随着广播电视的发展, 为节目主持人提供了更为广阔的发展空间, 也对主持人驾驭专业化的节目、管理者有效管理主持人队伍提出了更高的要求。作为频道和节目的品牌, 主持人对广播电视的发展进程起着重要的作用, 而要使主持人团队能有较强大的竞争力、创新力, 就需要广播电视的管理者建立一套完善的主持人发展激励体系, 及时看到各个主持人所处的需求阶段, 不断调整对主持人激励的方式方法, 这样必将会收到事半功倍的效果。而主持人正当的需求得到满足, 亦会使主持人更加努力工作, 创造出更多的成绩, 这对于管理者和被管理者来说, 是双赢的局面。主持人自身的发展, 需要的不只是管理者的激励, 更需要主持人认识到自身的不足, 并使自己具备出色的专业素质和传播技能, 树立个人及节目的品牌, 提升节目与所在媒介的影响力, 这不仅是时代对主持人的必然要求, 也是主持人实现自身可持续发展的关键, 同时也是广播电视管理者必须考虑的问题, 并需要广播电视的管理者为主持人的发展创造更多的条件。■



未来广播电视 篇9

1 地方广播电视的未来角色定位

1.1 坚守本土市场和品牌公信力


1.2 实现新型媒体的转型和探索


2 发展路径思考


2.1 充分发挥地方资源和自身优势


2.2 积极构建网络发展平台


2.3 加大节目创新力度


2.4 开创多元经营模式


3 结论





未来广播电视 篇10



随着科学技术的不断发展, 媒体技术日新月异, 各种新媒体如网络技术、数字技术等已经逐渐取代了诸如广播、电视这类的旧媒体技术。新媒体技术的崛起并开始为用户提供各种信息和娱乐服务, 这加剧了广播、电视这类传统媒体的衰落, 也将对传统媒体的生存与发展带来巨大的挑战。下文将对新媒体类型进行概述, 并深入探讨新媒体的产生对我国广播电视行业的影响, 广播电视未来的发展趋势以及促进未来广播电视发展的途径。


(一) 新媒体的定义

新媒体是一个与旧媒体相对应的概念, 是指在传统的广播、电视、报刊等媒体之后发展起来的一种新型的媒体形态, 新媒体主要包括数字电视、网络媒体以及手机媒体等。其实新媒体还是一个比较广泛的概念, 凡是利用网络技术、数字技术, 并通过互联网、无线通信网以及手机、电脑、数字电视等终端为客户提供各种娱乐和信息服务这样的媒体传播形态, 都能被称作新媒体。

(二) 新媒体的优势

相对旧媒体而言, 新媒体具有比较明显的优势。例如, 在相同成本下, 新媒体信息传播和更新的速度更快、新媒体包含有大量丰富的信息内容、信息传播范围也比较广、方便人们检索。这使得新媒体在现代传媒产业中占据十分重要的地位, 因此新媒体也被形象地称为“第五媒体”。

(三) 新媒体的分类

根据传输网络的不同, 可以将新媒体分为以下三类:第一类是宽带互联网类型, 这一类型主要是以视频分享网站为主。第二类是数字广播网类型, 主要是以数字广播为主。第三类是无线通信网类型, 主要是以手机传媒为主。上述的三类新媒体类型都能够使信息的传播方式更加细分化、个性化、普及化。


目前, 以手机和互联网媒体为主要形式的新媒体对以电视和广播为主的传统媒体的发展构成了威胁。在传媒行业的未来发展中, 如果不能处理好新旧媒体之间的关系, 任凭新媒体冲击旧媒体的发展, 这必将对传统媒体未来的发展造成沉重的打击。只有处理好二者之间的关系, 才能促进传媒行业今后的发展。

(一) 新媒体的产生加剧了媒体间的竞争

在这个信息化时代, 新媒体应运而生, 并以其独特的魅力和视角开拓着新的信息传播渠道, 这能使人们的信息需求不断得到满足, 新媒体也因此越来越吸引人们的眼球。随着新媒体竞争力的不断提高, 新媒体已经占据了原本属于传统媒体的市场经济份额, 这就更加剧了媒体间的竞争, 这些竞争不光来自经济领域, 还包括政治领域、文化领域等。由此可见, 传统媒体已经面临着强大的挑战对手, 这对中国电视行业未来的发展是极为不利的。

(二) 新媒体的兴起, 促进了电视媒体传播形式的多元化

在信息技术高速发展的今天, 我国电视节目的传播格局已经有单一的“录播”形式转变成“以直播为主, 辅之以录播”的新形式。这能够使信息的时效性和互动性增强, 让人们能够及时地收看到电视节目, 也能够快速直接地了解信息。在新媒体的影响下, 传统媒体已经逐渐地改变传播内容和传播形式, 为应对新媒体的冲击做了充足的准备。例如, 娱乐节目为广大人民群众参与娱乐活动提供了一个更为宽广的平台, 选秀节目为平凡的人民创造了实现梦想的机会, 此外, 电视媒体还开创了访谈类节目, 大型真人秀节目等多样的媒体内容传播形式。另一方面, 科学技术的不断发展、媒体人综合素质的不断提高也增强了民众对电视行业的信心。新媒体的兴起, 促进了电视媒体传播形式的多元化, 中国的电视行业将在新媒体的刺激下, 不断开辟新途径, 探索新方法, 中国的电视行业必将迎来新的春天。

(三) 在新媒体的影响下, 传统的电视媒体格局正发生着转变

传统的电视媒体主要是以向人们提供免费的电视节目为主, 但是在新媒体的影响下, 电视媒体逐渐推出了许多付费的节目, 多数用户都会因为受这些新颖的电视栏目的吸引, 而通过付费的形式抢先收看电视节目。正是因为有了新媒体的影响, 才促进我国传统的电视媒体格局的转变, 与此同时, 也引起了电视用户消费模式的变化。

(四) 新媒体促使观众的行为模式发生转变

传统的电视媒体为了应对新媒体的兴起所带来的挑战, 对传统电视做了很大的改进。例如, 传统的电视在打开之后, 屏幕上只会出现一个单一的画面, 用户只能通过遥控器才能进行前后翻页, 这样单一的形式为用户使用电视机带来了极大的不便。但是, 新媒体出现之后, 新媒体技术就被应用到传统媒体中, 在传统的电视界面上, 能够发现很多新媒体的影子, 将电脑的使用方式应用到传统的电视上, 使电视上开始出现收视指南、邮件、视频下载等菜单画面, 遥控器也具有了与电脑鼠标相似的功能, 通过遥控器从电视的初始面一页页地点进去, 就可以观看电视节目了。这种改变在一定程度上促使了观众的行为模式发生转变, 使观众可以随时随地观看电视。

四、新媒体时代下, 广播电视的发展趋势

在新媒体的影响下, 使得各种媒体之间相互融合, 这是媒体发展的必然趋势。所以, 广播电视也要抓住这一发展机遇, 力求在未来获得更大的发展空间。

(一) 将广播电视与网络相结合, 形成跨媒体的合作形式

在电视媒体的发展过程中, 必须遵循的重要规律就是“去其糟粕, 取其精华”。在新媒体时代, 传统的电视媒体就应该在保留传统内容的同时, 引进并吸收新媒体内容, 以此来为传统的媒体提供技术支持, 从而使电视的收视率得到提高。这就是由美国一所理工大学的浦尔教授提出的“媒介融合”技术。这一技术指的是在媒体传播过程中, 融合两种或两种以上的媒体技术, 以此来丰富节目的内容和形式。例如, 凤凰卫视有一档叫《网络天下》的节目就是在搜索全球各大网站和论坛信息的基础上, 通过制作动画的形式来将这些信息呈现给观众。此外, 这档节目还运用信息的筛选和主持人的现场主持这样简单的形式, 这就使节目所呈现的知识更能为观众所理解。除此之外, 电视节目中还运用到了网络和短信的互动, 让观众通过这样的方式来表达自己的见解。这样一种将传统内容与新媒体相结合的方式就是对新媒体时代广播电视发展趋势的最好诠释。

(二) 始终保持内容的主流性

在新媒体时代, 各种媒体技术不断取得发展, 观众不仅能通过电视来收看电视节目, 也可以通过互联网、手机等来观看电视节目。但是, 不管是使用哪一种渠道进行观看, 观众看中的依然是节目的内容。在新媒体的影响下, 使得信息的传播形式和内容都不断增加, 因此电视媒体必须依靠其在发展过程中所形成的强大资源和背景, 始终保持信息内容的主流性, 这与新媒体较自由和人文色彩浓重的内容相比, 还是具有比较明显的发展优势的。

(三) 致力于打造有竞争力的微电台以及音乐资讯类节目

从2010年起, 我国使用微博的人数就不断增加, 到2011年为止, 已经有3亿的网民在使用微博, 所以, 可以和微博进行合作来使广播的听众数量不断增加, 从听众感兴趣的话题入手, 以此来吸引微博听众对广播内容进行收听。例如, 可以打造有竞争力的音乐电台以及新闻资讯类节目, 通过这类节目, 观众不仅可以通过电台来听自己喜欢的歌曲, 也可以借此来了解民生动态以及交通状况, 这不但能够增加电台的收听率和知名度, 还方便了人们的生活, 使用户可以随时随地收听生活资讯。

五、如何采用新媒体技术, 促进未来广播电视的发展

为了适应新媒体时代的发展潮流, 使传统的广播电视在新媒体时代得到更好的发展, 可以从以三个方面来对广播电视进行技术改造。

(一) 加快建设广播电视的数字化播出的控制系统

采用新媒体技术, 加快建设广播电视的数字化播出的控制系统。做好控制系统的建设工作, 能够更好地保证广播电视节目在制作、播出以及监控过程的质量。此外, 这也是适应新媒体时代下对广播电视发展的需求的体现。

(二) 建设集生产、运营以及管理为一体的网络化平台

运用新媒体技术, 建设集生产、运营以及管理为一体的网络化平台, 这样一个包括计算机技术、网络技术、多媒体技术在内的平台, 更够帮助广播电视开展不同种类的业务工作, 从而促进未来广播电视的发展。

(三) 建设数字化的音频、视频卫星转播系统

建设数字化的音频、视频卫星转播系统, 可以有效地帮助广播电视开展多种形式的转播和直播工作。通过这种方式, 为观众呈现更为丰富多彩的电视节目, 只有这样, 才能使广播电视在新媒体时代下的未来竞争中占据一席之地。


在新媒体时代下, 为了能够更好地促进广播电视的发展, 需要在适应新媒体技术发展潮流的前提下, 把传统的广播电视技术与新媒体技术相融合。在此基础上, 还要从观众的实际出发, 结合自身的特点来研究观众的需求。只有这样, 在新媒体时代, 我国的广播电视才能获得更大的发展空间。


[1]戴世富.新媒体时代电视媒体的发展策略[J].新闻界, 2012 (04) .

[2]贾志梅.传统媒体在新媒体时代的发展与机遇[J].价值工程, 2012 (08) .
