




物流中级英语(共145个) 基本概念术语 1. 物品 article 2. 物流 logistics

3. 物流活动 logistics activity 4. 物流作业 logistics operation 5. 物流模数 logistics modulus 6. 物流技术 logistics technology 7. 物流成本 logistics cost

8. 物流管理 logistics management 9. 物流中心 logistics center 10. 物流网络 logistics network 11. 物流信息 logistics information 12. 物流企业 logistics enterprise 13. 物流单证 logistics documents 14. 物流联盟 logistics alliance

15. 供应物流 supply logistics 16. 生产物流 production logistics 17. 销售物流 distribution logistics 18. 回收物流 returned logistics 19. 废弃物物流 waste material logistics 20. 绿色物流 environmental logistics 21. 企业物流 internal logistics 22. 社会物流 external logistics 23. 军事物流 military logistics 24. 国际物流 international logistics 25. 第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL) 26. 定制物流 customized logistics 27. 虚拟物流 virtual logistics 28. 增值物流服务 value-added logistics service 29. 供应链 supply chain 30. 条码 bar code 31. 电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 32. 有形消耗 tangible loss 33. 无形消耗 intangible loss 奖罚

物流作业术语 1. 运输 transportation 2. 联合运输 combined transport 3. 直达运输 through transport 4. 中转运输 transfer transport 5. 甩挂运输 drop and pull transport 6. 集装运输 containerized transport 7. 集装箱运输 container transport 8. 门到门 door-to-door 9. 整箱货 full container load (FCL) 10. 拼箱货 less than container load (LCL 11. 储存 storing 12. 保管 storage 13. 物品储存 article reserves 14. 库存 inventory 15. 经常库存 cycle stock 16. 安全库存 safety stick 17. 库存周期 inventory cycle time 18. 前置期(或提前期)

lead time 19. 订货处理周期 order cycle time 20. 货垛 goods stack 21. 堆码 stacking 22. 搬运 handing/carrying 23. 装卸 loading and unloading 24. 单元装卸 unit loading and unloading 25. 包装 package/packaging 26. 销售包装 sales package 27. 定牌包装 packing of nominated brand 28. 中性包装 neutral packing

29. 运输包装 transport package 30. 托盘包装 palletizing 31. 集装化 containerization 32. 散装化 containerization 33. 直接换装 cross docking 34. 配送 distribution 35. 共同配送 joint distribution 36. 配送中心 distribution center

37. 分拣 sorting 38. 拣选 order picking 39. 集货 goods collection 40. 组配 assembly 41. 流通加工 distribution processing 42. 冷链 cold chain 43. 检验 inspection 奖罚

物流技术装备及设施术语 1. 仓库 warehouse 2. 库房 storehouse 3. 自动化仓库 automatic warehouse 4. 4立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse 5. 虚拟仓库 virtual warehouse 6. 保税仓库 boned warehouse 7. 出口监管仓库 export supervised warehouse 8. 海关监管货物 cargo under customer’s supervision 9. 冷藏区 chill space 10. 冷冻区 freeze space 11. 控湿储存区 humidity controlled space 12. 温度可控区 temperature controlled space 13. 收货区 receiving space

14. 发货区 shipping space 15. 料棚 goods shed 16. 货场 goods yard 17. 货架 goods shelf 18. 托盘 pallet 19. 叉车 fork lift truck 20. 输送机 conveyor

21. 自动导引车 automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22. 箱式车 box car 23. 集装箱 container 24. 换算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25. 特种货物集装箱 specific cargo container 26. 全集装箱船 full container ship 27. 铁路集装箱场 railway container yard 28. 公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot 29. 集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS) 30. 集装箱码头 container terminal

31. 国际铁路联运 international through railway transport 32. 国际多式联运 international multimodal transport 33. 大陆桥运输 land bridge transport 34. 班轮运输 liner transport 35. 租船运输 shipping by chartering 36. 船务代理 shipping agency 37. 国际货运代理 international freight forwarding agent 38. 理货 tally 39. 国际货物运输保险 international transportation cargo insurance

40. 报关 customs declaration 41. 报关行 customs broker 42. 进出口商品检验 commodity inspection 奖罚 物流管理术语 1. 物流战略 logistics strategy

2. 物流战略管理 logistics strategy management 3. 仓库管理 warehouse management 4. 仓库布局 warehouse layout 5. 库存控制 inventory control 6. 经济订货批量 economic order quantity (EOQ) 7. 定量订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FQS) 8. 定期订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FIS) 9. ABC分类管理 ABC classification 10. 电子订货系统 Electronic order system (EOS) 11. 准时制 just in time (JIT) 12. 准时制物流 just-in-time logistics 13. 零库存技术 zero-inventory logistics 14. 物流成本管理 logistics cost control 15. 物料需要计划 material requirements planning (MRP) 16. 制造资源计划 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17. 配送需要计划 distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18. 配送资源计划 distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19. 物流资源计划 logistics resource planning (LRP) 20. 企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP) 21. 供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM) 22. 快速反映 Quick response (QR) 23. 有效客户反映 efficient customer response(ECR) 24. 连续库存补充计划 continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25. 计算机付诸订货系统 computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26. 供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory (VMI) 27. 业务外包 outsourcing


International logistics or related knowledge国际物流方面的相关知识

Part1: International logistics component


International logistics mainly include delivery, domestic transportation, customs declaration, international exporter of customs declaration, transportation, importers delivery.


Part2:International logistics features:


1. Logistics channel length, logistics alleviate much.

2. Logistics environment of complexity.

3. The international logistics standardization request is higher.

4. International logistics of risk.

5. A variety of modes of transportation international logistics.






Part3: International logistics sort:


1. According to the commodity among countries can be divided into the flow of classification, imported logistics and export logistics.

2. According to the commodity flow tariffs area can be divided into different classification, between logistics and different national economic area between logistics.

3. According to different characteristics of the multinational transport, goods can be divided into international arms logistics, international commodity logistics, international mail logistics, international donors logistics etc.




Part4: International logistics and international trade relations:国际物流和国际贸易之间的关系:

1 international trade is the emergence and development of international logistics the basis and conditions

2. The efficient operation of international logistics international trade development necessary conditions.



Part5: International trade on the international logistics demands new:


1. Quality requirements.

2. Efficiency requirements.

3. Safety requirements.4. Economic requirements.






商品检验: Commodity inspection of the seller delivers the goods is to identify the quality and quantity, to determine the delivery of the goods, the quantity and quality of the contract stipulations packaging are consistent.


Part7:Commodity inspection of time and location:


1. In the exporter inspection.

2. In importing countries inspection.3. In exporter inspection, importing countries





Part8:Verification institutions:


1. The official organization.

2. Nongovernmental organizations.

3. Factories and enterprises, established in the lab and goods inspection unit.






国际物流专业英语 词汇必备学习

编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及 seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。



(一) 篇首:

封面(Title) 序言(Preface) 谢词(Acknowledge) 提要(Summary) 目录(Tables and Appendixes)

(二) 本文:


主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释 (Footnotes)


参考书目(References or Bibliography) 附录资料(Appendix)。






通常在确定题目之後就开始找资料从事研究,建议在找资料之前最好去问教授有哪些参考资料来源可供参考引用。构思为确定写作大纲或 Proposal 的先前步骤, 大纲是论文、报告的骨干, Proposal 是研究的架构、流程及范围的说明书。如何构思大纲或Proposal为论文、报告写作前的必要准备工作。好的论文或研究报告,要基于在完整、详实的资料上,而参考资料除了和教授商借之外,最主要的来源就是图书馆了,一般参考资料来源可分成教科书或手册、政府机构的报告、科技或商业方面的杂志,及会议性质的资料。此外现代的电脑资料库也可帮助收集资料,在国外可利用学校的电脑连线资料库寻找自己需要的资料。当一切准备就绪,即可开始着手写报告,一般报告还分大报告如期末、专题等报告,及小报告如 Seminar 式的报告。


(一)TITLE PAGES :包含主题名称、作者、日期

(二)Summary: 即主要的结论


(四)Technical Sections:是论文的主体,为最重要的部份应再细分为 几个片断。


(六)Appendixes:复杂公式的导引及叁考资料和电脑程式的报表可附加在 此项

美式报告的撰写通常要打字,两行式,行间若有未拼完的字要以音节来连接。写报告通常需要用到电脑,如有计算数字统计图表的需求,也常会用到程式软体如PASCAL、LOTUS,统计分析软体如SAS,也是不可或缺的,电脑绘图在今日已成为工商界及学术界的重要工具,文书处理更是最基本的要求,因此Word for Window、Powerpoint、Excel便成了颇受欢迎的工具。此外在英文语法、文法上的润饰与修改,如能请老美帮忙会比较好。


电子数据交换的英文缩写为 EDI; 条形码的英文为 Bar Code; 第三方物流的英文缩写是 TPL Autodiscrimination中文意思为 自动辨别 Automated Warehouse 中文意思是 自动化仓库 自动识别的英文是 Automatic Identification Average Inventory 中文意思 平均存货 Bar Code Reader 中文意思为 条形码阅读器 Zero inventory 中文意思为 零库存 ISO的全称为 国际标准华组织 On-hand inventory 中文意思为 现货 JITC 中文意思为 准时供(送)货系统 B/L中文意思是 提单

Turnover Ratio of inventory 中文意思为 存货周转率

条形码系统包括 Bar Code、Bar Code Label、Bar Code Reader 仓库系统的设施包括Warehouse、Forks 、Goods Shelf 海运集装箱物流系统由 Container、Ship、Port 、Yard 运输工具为Air Cargo Carrier、Shipping Lines 、Motor Carrier Carrier 中文意思是 运送人 、承运人


Terminal 在港口物流中的含义是港口

T Terminal 在电子商务中是终端机口

T Cargo意为物运输

F 大量货物运输是Bulk carrier

T 企业经营进出口均要付 Duty

F 在仓库中的货物称为 Invention

F Quality Control 意思是品质管制

T 零售商店常常经客人Discount,以便助销。

T Shipper和Carrier 是同一个货运的参与方。

T Logistics的中文既是物流,又是后勤。



Electronic Data Interchange Means 的意思是 电子数据交换系统

Bar Code ,Bar Code Label and Bar Code Reader Compose A 条形码识别与阅读System; 销售住处系统的英文是Point Of Sales TEU指 20英尺集箱

Zero Inventory 意思是 零库存 Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Is 物料需求计划 Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is 客户关系管理 Joint Distribution 是 共同配送

ISO 的全称为

International Standard Organization Letter of Credit 是 信用证 Documents 在同际物流中指 单证 Fixed cost 在会计中指 固定成本 FEU is Forty-foot Equivalent Unit Freight Tariff 中文为 货物运价表 Core Business is 核心业务


Global Positioning System can be used in Truck、Container、Train Pachaging can be classified into Industry And Commercial Electronic commerce is mainly used in B2B

B2C There are two nets one is Internet for Public use another is intranet for Inner use Logistics is mainly composed by Transportation Package Storing distribution


CIF is the price referring to the cost ,insurance and freight of the goods (T) The main types of the containers are 10 and 20 inches (F) Distributors are the same king of business in sales and logistics(T) E-selling is the sells through Internet (T) Environmental logistics is different from the Green logistics (F) MTO(multi-model transport Operator is carrier (T) Pallet Trucks are used to move in or out the goods from warehouse(T) Supply chain management is the same as logistics (F) Logistics is not dependent on the geographical features(F) Two cities are very important to the logistics shanghai and Shenzhen in China I should say.(T)



1fabric 、2positioning3bath towel4hanger5fabric run6discount7run off stitch 、8

up side down9retailer、10 audit report11 classification12 cutting piece13 additional13 broken yarn14template15 clean finish

(1) approval sample

(2) armhole

(3) pilling

(4) bartack

(5) metal-ware

(6) bottom

(7) bottoms

(8) dyeing

(9) bust

(10) CB length

(11) care label

(12) collar


(13) hipping sample

(14) inlay

(15) fly

(16) front pocket

(17) hangtag

(18) hip pocket

(19) lining

(20) jetted pkt.(21) facing

(22) client

(23) out-seam

(24) plastic bag

(25) pattern



收件人:David Brown

收件人地址:Bandy Fashion Inc. 120 Bukit Timah Street, Singapore


寄信人:跟单员(Merchandiser)王华, ABC Company

事件:我们收到David Brown发出的200打全棉裤子,经过检测后发现,其中6打裤子存在品质差问题,其中5打裤子存在面料瑕疵问题。我们期待你们的答复。

Bandy Fashion Inc.

120 Bukit Timah Street


Dear Mr. David Brown,

We received 200 dozens of 100% cotton pants you sent us, but regret finding on examination that 6 dozens of them were poor quality and 5 dozens of them were being fabric defects.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely,ABC CompanyWang Hua


1. waistband

2. change pocket

3. front curve pocket

4. fly

5. crotch

6. side seam

7. bottom

8. leather label

9. back/hip pocket

10. seat seam

11、in seam







