









3、从听力材料中学习口语表达。教学时数:2课时 教学教具:录音机 教学步骤:











1.A 我要包;

2.C 题中关键问香水是谁的;

3.B 要新报,不要旧报,如果新报在手上就不会再强调要新报; 4.A B没有涉及问别人要什么药,而是提及自己想要别的药,C文中也没有问到,而材料中问有没有别的药,说明他拿到了中药,但是想要别的药,所以说答案是他不喜欢中药;

5.A 材料种说了“这把红伞”; 6.C 材料提及“也是”“学生”; 7.A 看照片时才会说XX的照片真漂亮;

8.A 因为很累,不骑车,所以今天坐车,B选项不常骑车没有提及,C选项问今天谁骑车,也没有在材料中体现;

9.C 只有大夫才会说“我的病人”; 10.C 在句中,老校长指的是以前的校长。




1.A 比大小。男的医院有医生和护士300多人,女的只有100多人。2.C 女说医生工资高,男说医生工作也很累。3.C 女询问男哪有卖汉意词典,说明她想买。4.B 李教授以前教我文学。

5.B 问地点,材料表明麦克在新留学生宿舍楼。

6.B 女说毛衣颜色太红,不合适,就表示她不想买红色的毛衣,男说我也不喜欢红的,就表示男也不想买红色的毛衣,故A不对,而句中只提及男对女说要换商店,并没有说换毛衣,所以正确答案是B。

7.C 细节题,材料中提及商店有酒、咖啡、照相机、磁带,但是没有日用品。

8.C 女的需要词典,最后强调要大的,故选择C。9.A 女的问“我的雨伞呢?”也就是在找雨伞。

10.C 男说“有那么多中国人骑自行车”则表示中国的自行车很多,女的说“不太贵”则表示自行车很便宜。


11.(1)C 女的因为妈妈身体不好而经常去看妈妈。

(2)A 最后一句,女的说:“不,她在家呢。” 12.(1)C 对话是关于两个医生说医院的事,故选C。

(2)B 女第一句话说“我们医院也很小”,故了解到,在小医院工作的是女。





A.正确 我弟弟是北京法律大学一年级的学生。B.错误 他喜欢法律也喜欢英语。

C.正确 他常常在宿舍里听英语磁带,即有英语磁带。D.错误 没有历史书。E.错误 是老师请弟弟吃饭。2.回答问题




A.错误 不累的时候也喝酒。

B.错误 那天是文中提的今天,爸爸并不累。C.错误 爸爸邀请他喝酒,所以不是只想一个人喝。












三、教唱歌《宁夏》 1.听歌填空。2.学唱歌。





教学重点:一听句子A判断听到的句子和看到的句子的意思一致 B根据听的内容选择正确答案 二听对话,掌握词汇并选词填空 三听短文 并完成练习



组织教学:发个每个学生四张卡片,分别写有 A/B/C/D。做选择题时,听后,所有学生都需举牌亮出自己所选的答案。具体讲练:(具体到每个小题,针对学生情况,可多放一遍或两遍录音。




1、请学生读第1 课第二部分和第三部分的词汇,纠正错误声调读音,个别读,然后齐读一遍。

2、请学生复述第5页的第 2 题;听写所填的词语: 想 以上 安排 房租

三、讲练新课(60分钟)(下面我们来学习第 2课。)1.生词(20分钟)


楼梯 左边 电梯 右边 钥匙 大厅 隔壁 西餐 中餐 开饭 敲 打搅 洗手间 洗衣房 托尼 真理子 商量 饭菜 历史系 年级 学院 研究所


第一部分 听句子 A判断是否与听到的句子意思相一致。B听后根据问题选择正确答案 方法过程:①连续放完 9 个小题的录音,让学生边听录音边确定答案→ ②个别学生读答案,不同意见的同学说自己的答案→③教师边说句子,边确认正 确答案。第二题、听后跟读。并指出错误或者失误发音

第二部分 听对话 A听第一遍,判断正误 B听第二遍,大声跟读句子C选词填空方法过程:①分别放完两段录音,让学生边听录音边确定答案→ ②个别学生读答案,不同意见的同学说自己的答案→③教师根据对话内容,边确认正确答案。第二题、听后跟读。并指出错误或者失误发音

第三部分 听短文 A听第一段短文,听后根据短文内容回答问题B第二遍听第一段短文,根据短文内容填空C第二段短文,听录音,听后根据短文内容回答问题D听第二遍,根据短文内容判断正误。方法过程:①分别放完两段录音,让学生边听录音边确定答案→ ②个别学生读答案,不同意见的同学说自己的答案→③教师根据对话内容,边确认正确答案。第二题、听后跟读。并指出错误或者失误发音

四、本课小结(5分钟)1.本课不仅仅局限于听,也让学生跟读、复述、默写,以听为主,听说读写相结合,全面提高学生的汉语能力。由于是小班教学,发给学生每人四个选项、个别题目采取举牌 亮答案的形式。2.小结本课重点词语、本课内容




1 听力练习在第二语言教学中的重要性




2 两套教材听力练习的对比分析


关于第二点认识:《新实用》听力练习的基本内容主要是语音识别练习(教材中也是以“语音练习”命名),无论是拼音、声调的组合(前6课)还是词语的熟读(后44课),都只是一个识别练习。除此之外,词语理解、语义理解等类似的听力练习在教材的课堂练习后中没有出现。相反,《新概念》的听力练习则是贯穿教材始末,对每一篇课文都进行听力目标的训练——课前都是以一个问题做引子,带着问题听课文录音。这一点在《新概念》教材使用说明上也是明确表示“通过给学生提个问题,让他们寻找答案的方式。…这就意味着学生会积极地而不是消极地去听课文录音”。例如:Listen to the tape thenanswer this question.Whose handbag is it?这样的听力练习通过听课文内容而熟悉课文,通过提出问题而熟悉了文中某个句型;不仅是语音辨别、语义辨析、词语理解乃至对课文的整体感知能力都进行了一定的操练。对于整篇课文的听力稍有困难的学习者还可以借助文中的插图来理解,教材前言中也介绍到“课文中的插图格外重要:在初级阶段,它们绝对不仅仅是其装饰作用”。


3 结束语






























此练习主要训练学生边听边记、联想猜测、记忆存储能力。填空的部分都是生词,包括时间、地点、主题、观点、人名、数字等。学生在听的过程中能填出空白内容,逐渐了养成记录重点、要点的习惯。也有学生未能听清语音材料,却能给出正确答案,其依据的是由前后的关系及整段语音的内容联想猜测而出,一定程度上也训练了学生的联想猜测能力。例如:现在教师的 很高, 也很稳定,挺适合女孩子的。
















Listen to This(Book 1)

教研室: 英语听力教研室



Preparatory Lesson One I Teaching Aims: To know something about numbers, days and addresses

To be familiar with the reading of numbers, days and addresses in English

To know about some simple day life dialogues in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson One

III Teaching Aids

Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: To let the students to write down phonetic alphabet and read them To let the students learn some new words and expression that will appear in the listening material Chemist: person who prepares medicines(from prescriptions)and sell medical goods, toilet articles, etc.n.药剂师; 药商(常兼营化妆品等)。Piccadilly:(英国伦敦)皮卡迪利大街(以其时髦的商店,俱乐部,旅馆和住宅著称)。

Sutton: 萨顿[英国英格兰东南部城市](在伦敦西南)。Bristol: 布里斯托尔[英国英格兰东南西南部港市](艾冯郡首府,临布里斯托尔海峡)。Saint Thomas: 圣托马斯(here name of a person)Bond: Here Bond Street Archer: Here Mrs.Archer Eton: Here Eton Avenue Eden: Here Eden Square Blake: Here Dr.Blake Oxford: Here Oxford Street Jones: Here Mrs.Jones

To let the students know about some simple skills of listening 2.Listening-centered Activities

To let the students listen to the tape of sections one by one in Preparatory Lesson One and fill in the blanks in the listening book.Section One

Numbers Days Addresses and some sentences

Section Two


Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time 3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers, days and addresses arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers, days and addresses.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Two I Teaching Aims: To know something about numbers, letters and times

To be familiar with the reading of numbers, letters and times in English To know about some simple day life dialogues in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Two

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Ask students how to read numbers and times in English? Let students say some nations they have learned in High School.2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Two Vocabulary explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One numbers, letters, times Section Two Dialogues Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time 3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers, letters and times arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers, letters and times.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Three I Teaching Aims: To know something about numbers and some tips in reading numbers

To be familiar with reading numbers II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Three

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Ask students how to read numbers and times in English? Give them some long numbers to read Long numbers are spoken as separate digits grouped rhythmically in twos or threes.Reading cardinal numbers, a comma is sometimes used instead of a space to separate the thousands in numbers greater than 999.How to read “ 0” in English? “Zero” is the most common US usage and the most technical or precise form.When reading a telephone or bank account number we say the letter “O”.Nought is commonly used when referring to the figure “ 0”as part of a number 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Three Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Numbers Section Two Dialogues Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Four I Teaching Aims: To know about numbers of mileage and population and how to read the numbers of mileage and population in English

To be familiar with the nations and its adjective in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Four

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Ask students how to read numbers of mileage and population in English? Give students some numbers to read

Know about coin in English 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Four Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Numbers of mileage and population Section Two Dialogues Section Three Dictation Word groups To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson Five I Teaching Aims: To know about money and how to read the numbers of money in English

To be familiar with the expression of money in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson Five

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let students know about money in English

A penny = 1 cent

A nickel = 5 cents

A dime = 10 cents

A quarter = 25 cents 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson Five Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Coins Section Two Dialogues To choose some students to give their answers after listening Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Group Activities Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to choose some commodities to ask the price arbitrarily, one student of the rest group to tell her or him in English.With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of money in English.4.Homework Let students do Section three as homework, write down the answers in their notebook and hand in.Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson One I Teaching Aims: To know about some day life dialogues in English

To learn how to fill in blanks in English listening

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson One

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let students prepare some mini-talk like day life dialogues in English Let several students to say their mini-talk in front of their classmates 2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson One


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Discussion and Interview Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

Let students know about punctuation mark in English in Section Three To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Two I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English

To learn how to fill in more blanks in English listening

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Two

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Two


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Conversation and Story Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Three I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English

To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To learn how to answer some questions in their own words after listening

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Three

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Three


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Conversation and Interview Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.Listen to a short song in English and write it down, also can have a volunteer to sing the song.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Four I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English

To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To learn how to answer some questions in their own words after listening to a long conversation II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Four

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Four


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Conversations Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to recite the simple conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their conversations in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Five I Teaching Aims: To know about more day life dialogues in English

To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To know about some kinds of question in English listening test

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson five

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Five


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Word Exercises, Discussion and Interview Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to retell the interviews we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about interviews in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some letters of a word and give some help or clue, the rest of the group to guess which word it is.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Let students do the game of guessing words after class.Lesson Six I Teaching Aims:

To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listening To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening

To know about telephone conversation in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Six

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Six


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Telephone Conversations Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to recite the telephone conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Seven I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening

To know about monologue and telephone conversation in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Seven

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Seven


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Problems, Monologue and Telephone Conversations Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let students to retell the monologue and recite the telephone conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions in a few words.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Eight I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to express their views about some topics in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Eight

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Eight


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues Section Two

Likes and Dislikes, Window-shopping and Discussion Section Three Dictation of short paragraphs

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time

3.Activities Let several students to say something about their likes and dislikes.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Nine I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to express their views about some topics in English

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Nine

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Nine


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One

Dialogues(1-15)Section Two

A.An Invitation to a Volleyball Match

B.Telephone Conversation C.Monologues(1-3)Section Three Dictation

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Ten I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Ten

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Ten


Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One


Hotel English Section Two


B.Forum Section Three Spot Dictations(1-2)

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Eleven I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Eleven

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Eleven Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One


Restaurant English Dialogues(1-3)Section Two

A.Telephone Conversation B.Discussion


D.Music or Money Section Three Dictations(1-2)

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Twelve I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Twelve

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Twelve Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One


Restaurant English Dialogues(1-3)Section Two



C.A Party Section Three Dictations(1-5)

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Thirteen I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurant

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Thirteen

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Thirteen Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One


Restaurant English Dialogues(1-3)Section Two

A.Discussing Past Events

B.Telephone Conversation

C.Conversation at Perfect Partners Ltd.Section Three Dictations A Letter

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Fourteen I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To be familiar with telephone conversation and conversation in a shop

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Fourteen

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Fourteen Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One


Section Two

A.Telephone Conversation(1-3)B.Shopping Section Three Dictation

To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers

Finally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.Activities Let students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue.Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic.With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.Homework Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson Fifteen I Teaching Aims: To answer the questions simply in their own words after listening To know about some conversations in a restaurant

II Teaching Material

Listen to This: 1 Lesson Fifteen

III Teaching Aids Language Lab

IV Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up: Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmates

Correct their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations

2.Listening-centered Activities Do the listening exercises one by one in Lesson Fifteen Vocabulary

Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One


Section Two

A.Quick Lunch

B.Dinner C.Interview D.Why Can’t I

Do What I Like? Section Three Dictation To choose some students to give their answers after each section Then correct the their answers














Xing1 qi1 yi1

xing1 qi1 er4

xing1 qi1 san1

xing1 qi1 si4

xing1 qi1 wu3 星

期 一

星 期 四

期 五 xing1 qi1 liu4

xing1 qi1 tian1/ ri4 星

期 六

期 天 / 日

Yi1 liang4 Che1

yi1 ben3 shu1 一

一 本

Yi1 zhang1 zhi3

Yi1 ba3 chi3 zi1

yi1 zhi1 bi3 一 把

尺 子

一 支 笔

Qian1 bi3

Yi1 zhang1 bao4 zhi3 一


1.咖啡 2.水 3.啤酒 4.牛奶 5.先生


nu3 shi4

女 士

Ke4 wen2 课文

Jin1 tian1 shi4

nian2 yue4 ri4/hao4, xing1 qi1 yi1.今

是2016年 3月 28日/号,星期一。

Zao3 shang4 wo3 ba1 dian3 qi3 chuan2, shua1 ya2, xi3 lian3, chi1 zao3 can1/fan4.早



牙,洗 脸,吃

餐/ 饭。Zao3 fan4 wo3 chi1 le1 mian4 bao1, ji1 dan4 he2 niu3 nai3.早


包,鸡 蛋


Ran2 hou4 wo3 qu4 xue2 xiao4 shang4 ke4.然



Shang4 wu3 wo3 you3 san1 jie2 ke4, shu4 xue2 ke4, ying1 yu3 ke4 he2 yin1 yue4 ke4.上

我 有

三 节



语 课

和 音

课。Wo3 zui4 xi3 huan1 yin1 yue4 ke4 我最 喜


Wo3 men de yin1 yue4 lao3 shi1 shi4 yi2 ge4 zhang3 de hen3 piao4 liang4 de nu3 lao3 shi1.我们 的 音

是 一 个

亮的 女


Zhong1 wu3 shi2 er4 dian3 wo3 chi1 le wu3 fan4,中

十 二

我吃 了 午

饭,tu3 dou4 ni2, ji1 rou4 he2 shui3 guo3 sha1 la1.土


肉 和


Xia4 wu3 wo3 you3 liang3 jie2 ke4, hua4 xue2 ke4 he2 ti3 yu4 ke4.下

午 我 有

节 课,化

课 和

体 育 课。

Ti3 yu4 ke4 wo3 men da3 lan2 qiu2.体 育 课

我们 打


Ti3 yu4 lao3 shi1 shi4 yi1 ge4 zhang3 de hen3 shuai4 de nan2 lao3 shi1, ta1 ren2 hen3 hao3.体

育 老

是 一 个


师,他 人

好。Wan3 shang4 wo3 mei2 you3 chi1 fan4,晚


饭,zuo4 wan2 zuo4 ye4 hou4, shi2 dian3 jiu4 xi3 zao3 shui4 jiao4 le1.做


就 洗
