



The year of implementing the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, advancing with the times, emancipating the mind and forging ahead with innovation is also a year in which my thinking, work and study have made great progress. Encouraged by the spirit of the sixteen words, I made every effort to make new progress in our work.

First, adhere to the “Three Represents” as the guide to action, political and ideological breakthroughs

Actively participate in various forms of political theory education, good at practice and summary. During the period from May to July, he was responsible for the ideological and political propaganda work, participating in the implementation and summary of various stages of activities, regardless of ideological or political theory level have rapid progress; later, in the study and implementation of the “three ”The important thought of a new upsurge in the event, to seriously study and understand, and then innovation achievements, writing summary in the“ ____ group newsletter ”issue 39; actively participate in the fair and decent as the main content of the“ tree group cadres Image ”to focus on learning and education activities, the completion of the various stages of the summary and rectification, political quality can be improved; also in October this year, joined the party activists to join the party before the theory of training, and achieved excellent results, and the end of this year was developed into a party member .

Second, in the District, the district government under the correct leadership, the work to create a new situation

In charge of the work of the characteristics, I reasonable time, resolutely obey the leadership arrangements, and actively play their own initiative, diligent thinking, and strive to have new ideas, a breakthrough in their own work are responsible for the outstanding performance. The party school in charge of the work more complicated, with only one person in the case, I can stand alone, so that the beginning of a plan, year-end summary, strongly run all kinds of training courses. A total of 21 training courses were held in the year, 2 research articles were completed and 1 workshop was held.

Among them, the research article “On the comprehension of building a well-off society in an all-round way, the main points and ideas - And actively participate in the construction of distance education network site in the city, build three sites in the city, carry out and organize the activities of viewing 6 times, the number of thousands of people watching.

Seriously responsible for the maintenance and playback of the site, failing to calmly, to effectively solve the problem, but also carry forward the spirit of mutual assistance and cooperation, many times by telephone or door for the brothers and sisters to solve practical problems, and the city group assigned to the city site maintenance technician. In charge of the party organization construction work, can quickly familiar with the operation of the statistical database within the party and management, in a short period of time to master a certain knowledge of party building, dynamic and continuous statistical work, understand the grassroots situation, grasp the work Of the scale and intensity, high efficiency, high standards to complete the work.

In the file management work, orderly arrangement of files in an orderly manner, the establishment of a directory for easy access, and scattered files for registration and timely archiving to prevent the loss of the file, the file is well distributed, anytime, anywhere can quickly find File, but also ready to use the database software to improve file management, simplifying the work process, this work is planning in progress.


3 years working experience in the it industry, be familiar with the motherboard of the production process, the structure and function, form and bom in engineering and other engineering documents produced has a comprehensive and detailed understanding, familiar with different kinds of chipset and function of each component of a motherboard, familiar with all kinds of test software, have strong ability of analysis and tracking bug, at the same time, the CPU, the BIOS, memory, graphics CARDS, network CARDS, storage, etc all have a more profound understanding.

Character lively and easy, practical work seriously, honest and trustworthy, have strong ability of self-study and innovation, has the good language expression ability and strong team work spirit. In addition to have good writing ability, has repeatedly published articles and many times to participate in the composition competition and won the prize.



每一节课都要有明确的教学目标, 包括知识内容、思想内容及其他非智力因素等。教师在本课教学中是否设定了合适的目标, 教学目标是否具体体现在符合学生原有的认知结构, 符合校情、班情, 在备课时是否充分考虑每一个学生的认知水平和原有的认知结构;教学过程中是否努力实现教学目标, 目标的设立是否把学生放在首位, 是否体现班级与班级之间的差距, 学生与学生之间的差距, 努力消除“吃不饱”和“吃不了”的现象, 达到“人人学习有用的数学”的数学课程目标, 师生是否体验到达到目标的喜悦。课程的目标不仅教师要清楚, 学生也应该清楚, 这便于教师和学生共同努力, 实现目标。


很多数学教育工作者都有这样的困惑:我们在前一天讲解的公式、定理、法则, 学生在课堂上好像掌握得都很好, 基本上所有的学生都能灵活地应用, 而到了第二天只有几个“好”学生会应用, 其余学生已经忘得一干二净了。按教学论的道理来说, 原因是这样的:学生掌握的知识越多, 他获取新的知识就越容易。但在实践中正好相反:学生每过一年, 他的数学学习就变得更为艰难。这到底是什么原因呢?

学生是活生生的、有思想、有灵魂的人, 而不是装知识的容器。许多数学教师指导学生学习时, 总是试图把知识像从一个容器装入另一个容器那样教给学生, 要求学生把知识保存在记忆里, 一旦教师提出要求, 就能把它们“倒出来”, 老师给学生布置的唯一任务是:识记、保持、再现。在实践中我们发现, 越是朝着这个方向努力, 就越容易偏离教学目标。我认为这是我们的数学课堂教学出了问题, 知识脱离了学生的精神生活, 脱离了他的生活实际, 掌握知识成了学生毫无乐趣可言的事, 变成了为知识而学知识。

在数学课上, 教师应根据具体的知识, 创设贴近学生实际生活的探索情境。教师不仅仅要把思维的结果告诉学生, 更重要的是要让学生能参与教师思维和老师共同完成探索的过程。课堂不是对学生进行训练的场所, 而是教师引导学生发展的场所, 也就是说学习不应该是被动地接受知识, 而应该是在教师的引导下自己发展的过程。师生共同探讨勾股定理的由来、共同发现相似形的性质、共同寻找黄金分割在实际生活中的应用、用形象的教具演示立体几何的性质……让学生充分体验到数学就在我们身边、数学竟是如此有趣, 师生共同体验探索的乐趣。有时你也会惊喜地发现, 学生的“点子”比你还要多。

只有学生积极参与教学, 他们的动手能力、情感、智力才能得到发展。如果只把学生看做是被动接受知识的工具, 即使他们掌握的知识能达到教学的要求, 他们思维的灵活性也会降低, 对事物的热情、兴趣也会渐渐淡化。不仅课堂气氛沉闷, 更严重的是学生的身心受到摧残, 学生的探索精神在不经意间被扼杀, 我认为这是很多学生对“创新题”无从下手的重要原因之一。

一堂好的数学课必然是学生积极参与的课, 课堂气氛应该是活跃的, 学生的身心应该是完全放松的。这样的氛围不仅有利于课堂教学, 而且有利于学生的身心健康。只有学生积极地参与课堂教学, 对公式、定理、法则的掌握才会更牢固。学生喜爱上了数学, 还会觉得数学学习困难吗?

提倡学生的积极参与, 是防止教师“一言堂”式的满堂灌, 提倡学生的积极参与, 同时也要防止“放羊式”的图热闹, 即既要积极创设生活情境, 又要突出其中的数学本质。


随着我国改革开放的进一步深入, 西方的一些教育教学理念纷至沓来, 一些教育工作者为了追求与“国际接轨”, 动辄拿国外的教育理论充门面, 而丢弃了我国优秀教育的传统———“双基”教学。

中国教育的传统———掌握双基、记忆公式、快速运算, 在现代人看来似乎都是“落后、保守”的, 没有人再去强调, 取而代之的是铺天盖地的“自主探究学习”。岂不知, 我们丢掉的正在被许多教育先进的国家拾起。正如张奠宙教授所说:“打好双基”和“自主探究学习”好比是“主食”与“副食”的关系, 两者本来相辅相成, 现在提倡“自主探究学习”无非是主张“多吃菜”, 这很好。但是, 不能走极端, 指责吃米饭就是落后。

很多数学教师埋怨数学考试的容量太大, 学生的作答时间不够用, 可是有几位数学教师愿意在45分钟的课堂上拿出20分钟, 乃至更多的时间让学生把一道题目计算完成呢?基本知识的掌握, 基本技能的运用, 这只能靠老师在课堂上慢慢培养, 没有捷径可走。

所以, 一堂好的数学课要关注双基的定位是否准确, 双基的落实是否到位, 双基的目标是否达到。


或许近年来“优质课”、“示范课”、“观摩课”表演作秀的成分太多, 我常常想:难道集全教研组教师之集体智慧, 花一、两百个小时精心准备, 试讲多次后修改所呈现的课就是好课?

一位教育专家曾说:“有待完善的课才是真实的课。”新课程使课堂教学越来越处在一种变化、动态的状态中, 需要教师根据课堂教学即时生成的资源及产生的一系列非预期变化, 调整后续教学设计, 形成新的教学进程, 以便更好地达到教学目标, 促进学生的身心发展。

一堂好课可能是混乱的, 因为学生的活跃和“不守规矩”, 因为课堂的真实。正是因为这种“混乱”, 显示了课堂的生命力与感染力。












责任编辑 姜楚华
















我为什么会说是空话、客套话呢。因为“每个人都可以写这样的话”,于是就成了空话套话。检查“自我评价”的第三个标准是: 不是每个人都可以用这些话评价自己。






Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly my name is wujunjie,I am 24 years old,born in zhejiang province,I was graduated from Wuhan University of Technology Huaxia College,my major is Mechanic Engineering.but Four years in college I mainly concentrate on the fanatical pursuit of sales and learning of English.in my college,i really understand what i like to do ,what i am suitable to do. During college, I was a monitor, Excellent Cadre of Students Union, smoothly passed cet4 and cet6, get a bachelor degree in Wuhan University of Technology. I also did a lot of sales, learned a lot of things you can not learn from books. I am very interested in this position for the buyer, although I lack of experience, but I believe that interest is the best teacher, I will put all my passion to work and improve myself constantly. I have good communication skills、English skills, and hard-working attitude ,i am confident that I can do the job First One: Work experience “I’m a recent grad and I haven’t started working yet.” Second One: What’s your greatest weakness? I focus on efficiency, sometimes impatient Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job? I have good communication skills、English skills, and hard-working attitude ,i am confident that I can do the job Fourth One: What kind of salary did you have in mind? A persons reward should be proportional to his contribution Fifth One:Why I prefer you not a person with work experience? As a newcomer, i have more passion and vigor,i can adapt to corporate culture and philosophy faster. Sixth One:what did you learn in college? How to manage, how to communicate, how to solve the problem, how to cooperate.


2、outgoing, passionate, and actively participate in school activitiesduring the study;

3、good organization and coordination ability, sense of responsibility,team spirit strong, take part in more practice of team management;

4、hard-working, freshman year, every day over the dance training, but alsoresponsible to complete mission Party branch secretary position complicatedwork;

5、figure is dignified and generous, elegant, in the China Life InsuranceCompany when etiquette is from;



一堂课要上得好, 达到预期的效果, 必须制定适合的教学目标。而教学目标的确立既要考虑课程目标的要求, 又要从学生的实际出发, 更要实现三维目标 (知识、能力、情感态度价值观) 的和谐统一。只重视知识传授而忽略能力提升的课堂是低层次的课堂, 既重视知识又重视能力提升的课堂是中层次的课堂, 只有实现三维目标和谐统一的课堂才算得上高层次的课堂, 才能算是真正意义上达标的课堂。比如, 我在教授高二《生物植物对水分的吸收和利用》一节时, 就制定了以下教学目标, 具体见表格。


新课程的理念认为, 教学过程中, 教师是主导, 学生是主体。一堂课, 如果没有作为学习主体的学生的积极主动参与, 只有教师在讲台上唱“独角戏”, 即使教师唱得再好, 也算不上一堂好的、精彩的、成功的课。那么, 如何发挥学生的主体作用, 使学生积极主动地参与到教学过程中来呢?我是这样做的。

1.激趣。发挥学生的主动性, 必须激发学生兴趣。学生有了兴趣, 自然就会积极地参与到课堂教学中来。比如, 在教授高二《生物植物对水分的吸收和利用》一节时, 我让学生在课前搜集一些我国和世界有关水危机的事例或数据, 引导学生关注水资源危机这个世纪性的课题, 并让学生思考如何解决这个问题。发挥学生的主动性, 让学生带着问题自己动手去搜集资料, 学生表现得很积极。这样在本节课的学习结束后, 学生就会对为什么要保护植被、大力开展植树造林有较深的体会, 从而达成我们教学的最高目标, 即树立节水意识, 并能运用所学知识解决现实生活中的重大问题。

2.质疑。在授课之前, 我都要求学生进行预习, 由课代表将预习提纲提供给大家, 然后大家根据这个提纲对将要学习的内容进行自主学习。在这个过程中, 找出那些比较简单的问题, 自己解决掉;找出一些相对难一些的问题, 合作解决掉;仍有一些问题或是在提纲外自己发现了一些新的问题, 经过自己思考和学生合作仍无法解决掉的, 反馈给教师。教师在授课时不是全面开花, 而是重点突出, 有的放矢, 针对那些大家都已经解决的问题一带而过, 而对于那些大家解决不了的, 学生提出的有价值的问题则要费些工夫。在这个学习过程中, 需要学生大胆质疑, 提出有见地的、有价值的问题供大家思考、探究、解决。对能这样做的学生, 我都大加赞赏和表扬。而对于不能提出自己的问题的学生, 我喜欢用激将法, 让他们学会大胆质疑。

曾经有过一次, 在我教学的两个平行班里, 学生通过预习, 提出了很多的有价值的问题, 而另一个班则恰恰相反, 通过预习则没有发现有什么值得解决的问题。在课上, 我采取了不同的教法。对于提出问题的班级, 我引导大家积极探究并解决问题;对于没有问题的班级, 我则告诉学生, 既然大家提不出什么问题, 证明这节课也就没有什么好讲的了。学生一听, 都很着急, 为自己没能按照教师的要求好好预习、大胆质疑后悔, 都希望教师能够给一次改过的机会。在学生的期待中, 我把其他班级提出的问题呈现给大家, 结果大家一看, 就知道差距了。在以后的教学中, 这个班的情况发生了很大的改观, 在每次的预习中, 很多学生都能积极主动地探究, 提出很多问题, 学习的效果也大不一样了。

3.实验。生物课离不开实验。我在实验课上也总是鼓励学生大胆地提出自己的实验设计, 并与教科书上的实验进行比较, 思考教科书的实验好在什么地方?自己设计的实验好在什么地方?自己设计的实验还有哪些需要改进的地方呢?通过一次次的尝试, 不断改进自己的设计, 每个学生都十分珍惜自己动手操作的机会, 通过实验检验过的知识自然记得牢, 并提升了自己的实验能力。


I am serious and responsible, proactive, able to endure hard work, better to complete their tasks and work in the work process to learn more knowledge and accumulated more valuable experience, communication skills with the guests of the letter Has been greatly improved.

I have a high sense of responsibility, good at communicating with others, have a strong organizational coordination, environmental stress, a good and stable psychological quality. I firmly believe that as long as there is self-confidence, perseverance, give full play to their talents and learning ability, will be able to constantly improve themselves and create value for the company.


1, political theory of learning is not enough. Seeking truth from facts, I still love to learn, but in recent years, their learning is not as hard as before.There is a tendency of pragmatism, one is not enough hard work. Always feel that they accept the fast, use the time to learn at any time, keep up.Second, in-depth thinking is not enough. Their usual learning, is a shallow understanding of the level, memory, no serious thought, not from a deeper level to understand and grasp, and to guide the actual work. Third, the theory is not enough to guide practice. Usually after learning, not good at using the theoretical point of view and methods to guide the work to promote.

2, the concept of serving the people not deep understanding, not through.Do their own work, do good things for the masses, do practical things, correctly handle the various interests of the concept is to achieve the purpose of the most basic form. In general, there is a gap in the consciousness of action. Sometimes feel in the actual work, in specific action is difficult to accurately grasp, not completely do a good job and work closely with the practice.

3, the way of thinking is not enough science. First, understanding the problem is biased. The study of the political situation is less sensitive is not strong, always feel to understand the overall situation, to grasp the dynamics of the outside world, the development of principles and policies is a superior thing, leadership, he is the executor, as long as the superior spirit of the implementation of the letter Implementation on the line, the lack of awareness of the overall situation and the sense of urgency. This idea is wrong, one-sided, that their immaturity.

So in the future work, study, life process I have to make up for deficiencies now, improve self: First, we must further strengthen the political business learning, improve their own quality. Adhere to the theory with practice, seek truth from facts, emancipate the mind. Strengthen their ideological transformation, advance with the times, blaze new trails, and strengthen the concept of serving the people, so that his words and deeds are reflected in the image of urban management and law enforcement officers.


In this short time, as a practice director and music teacher, not only accumulated the initial class management and music teaching experience, but also a profound understanding of the strong class cohesion and quality education in the specific implementation process of the difficulty.

Education is everywhere, in the podium to be a teacher, set an example; in the podium to pay attention to maintaining a good image of teachers. I insist on early reading, evening classes to work ten minutes in advance to reach the class, the desk chair to gracefully placed, so that students can get into the classroom to sit a good chair and let the whole class to maintain good discipline. In teaching and daily management of strict demands on themselves, but also requires students to learn rigorous scholarship and life, the real performance of the duties of an internship teacher.
