



I am cheerful, friendly, attitudinal modest, cautious, strong sense of responsibility, their attention to detail, tolerant attitude towards others, and people can do empathy, good communication, can better grasp the handling of nurse-patient relationship. Adaptability, studious, practical work hard, the courage to meet the challenge.

Skilled master of the clinical skills related operations such as venipuncture, ventilator and ECG monitor use, on internal and external, women, children, and other departments of common diseases and frequently-occurring disease have a certain ability to care

To be skilled in the operation of the basic operations, such as intravenous fluids, oxygen, catheterization, enema, gastrointestinal decompression. Master cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid technology, will use micro pumps, ECG monitoring and other advanced medical equipment operation. According to the changes in vital signs to take appropriate measures, and master the skills of communication with patients.


I have good political and ideological qualities, be helpful, respect for the young, care for the collective, take the collective interest as the most important thing, have strong ability to work, lively personality, cheerful, honest and reliable, passionate in work, strong sense of responsibility Contact with the actual, skilled in a variety of clinical skills operation; to their own independent duty, the completion of the medical file writing. Health care and harmonious relations, cooperation, and “as the patient as their loved ones” for the purpose, good at communicating with patients, patient enthusiasm, patience, with the basic quality of clinical nurses, competent clinical medical care. I urge your organization to give me a performance opportunity, I will do my best to work, step by step, for your organization to develop their own strength, and serve the people wholeheartedly.


1 资料与方法


本科有护士14名。本科毕业2名, 大专10名, 中专2名;主管护师2名, 护师4名, 护士6名, 助理护士2名;年龄18~44 (23±1.28) 岁, 其中8名护士参与倒晚夜班。



1.2.2设计护士自我评价评分表, 1个月为1张表格。内容包括日期、劳动纪律、服务态度、重点交班内容、评分及签名、质控组反馈;各班护士在下班前对本班工作质量进行评价打分, 护士长或质控组成员针对督查中发现的问题及时反馈记录在表格上并进行打分, 月底综合评分与劳务津贴挂钩。


采用回顾性对比方法。将本科2007年1月~12月 (护士实施自我评价后) 与2006年1月~12月 (护士实施自我评价前) 护理质量情况、病人满意度、护士满意度、医生满意度进行统计分析与比较。


计量资料用均数±标准差表示 (x±s) , 均数间比较用t检验;计数资料用百分率表示, 率的差异用卡方检验, p<0.05为差异有统计学意义。



实施前进行护理质控检查496次, 发现护理缺陷27次, 缺陷率为5.44%;实施后进行护理质控检查532次, 发现护理缺陷15次, 缺陷率为2.82%;2组间缺陷率有显著性差异 (χ2=22.63, p<0.001) ;实施后护理质量月评分为 (96.51±2.49) 分, 明显高于实施前 (88.89±7.87) 分 (t=21.22, p<0.001) 。

2.2实施前后满意度调查情况比较 (见表1)

例 (%)


3.1规范了护士行为, 提高了护士的自律性和工作积极性

临床由于诸多因素, 护理人员流动频繁。近年来, 护理队伍突出表现为年龄小、护龄低、经验少等特点, 而她们又是临床工作各项具体操作的实施者[3]。为了规范各项工作, 科室制定了护理人员行为规范、各班工作职责、各项操作流程及各种应急预案流程, 使护士工作有章可循。同时由于采取护士自我评价评分和科内质控检查相结合, 相互之间的督查使得各级护理人员注重每一项操作质量, 各项工作逐渐规范化, 有效地提高了护士的自律性和工作积极性。

3.2促进了护理质量的持续改进, 减少了护理缺陷的发生

通过护士每天回顾性的自我检查及护士长和质控组成员检查, 及时发现护理过程中存在的问题, 以及遗漏的工作和忽略的护理细节, 将问题及时反馈到本人, 共同商讨解决问题的方法, 并在今后的工作中及时加以改进, 使护士形成了勤于思考、认真做事的工作习惯, 护士之间形成了一种相互检查、相互提醒、善于发现问题的工作作风, 从而有效地减少了护理缺陷, 促进了护理质量的提高。

3.3提高了工作满意度, 营造了良好的团队氛围

护士自我评价对护士职业的发展起到了积极的促进作用, 使她们在工作中更加积极主动[1]。再加上与科内评价相结合, 在护理质量管理与控制方面体现了公平、公正、公开的原则, 提高了绩效评价结果以及评先、评优、晋升、外出学习的公平性, 使护理人员很直观地感觉到认真作好本职工作所产生的成就感。同时出色的工作、优质的服务既让病人更加满意, 又得到医生和护士同仁的肯定和好评, 使护士增强了职业认同感。因而病人满意度、医生满意度、护士满意度均得到提高。

护理质量是指护理工作为病人提供护理技术和护理服务的效果和程度, 是在护理过程中的客观表现[4]。如何保证、评价和监督护理质量一直以来都是护理管理者研究的课题。而护理质量管理是一个动态优化的过程[5]。通过以上临床实践, 笔者认为采用护士自我评价和科室护理质控相结合的质量管理模式, 有利于提高护士质量控制管理水平和促进护理质量的提高。该质控管理模式已在本院推广和不断完善。


[1]李继平.护理管理学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社, 2007:93.

[2]戴艳萍.OEC管理模式在整体护理中的应用[J].中国医院管理, 2002, 22 (5) :31.

[3]舒军萍, 库洪安, 李巧梅, 等.护理质量考评表在护士长管理中的作用[J].护理管理杂志, 2005, 5 (6) :57.

[4]成翼娟.整体护理实践[M].北京:人民卫生出版社, 2002:205.


In the high school stage of the learning process, I can seriously take every course, carefully preview, active review. Encountered problems, ask the students, to the teacher advice. I will continue to improve the learning method, adjust the learning plan, reasonable time. I regard learning as acquiring knowledge, enriching my own pleasure, and being interested in it.

I have a correct outlook on life and values. Good communication with the students, with them to establish a good relationship, make the greatest efforts to help others. In life, I can respect teachers, honor their parents. I am able to actively participate in school and social organizations, useful activities to enrich their own after-school life. I like sports, and actively participate in them, in the movement to experience happiness, harvest health.




