



n practice work, serious and responsible, practical work hard, you do not understand the place to ask humbly to the competent colleagues, good at thinking, take notes, review notes daily, weekly writing experience, adhere to the recording bit of work, lessons learned. The acquired knowledge to concrete work, quality and quantity to complete the task, attentive patience intention is a qualified financial staff that have the quality, I will always insist, although usually perhaps careless, but the work up, facing the data can not be the slightest sloppy, did not urgent, the Chinese Tai Chi Tao financial officers who can be the ultimate reflection. Mutual help in the group, with good teamwork and communication capacity to assist, and competent colleagues along well.



I have received formal professional education, with good professional skills and cultural awareness, honest, sincere, high degree of integrity; doing things positive, decisive, strong psychological quality, there is a strong entrepreneurial spirit and high sense of responsibility.

Proactive at work, down to earth, strong hands, can efficiently complete the work; the courage to play to their talents, with a strong organization, coordination, communication and teamwork.

Through more than a year in thinking Octopus Group (international education and training institutions) is responsible for market development and so on, the ability to sell individual ability has been greatly improved; sweet voice; good at writing at the University of the school site had published works, hobby wide, hobbies to sing, communication, writing, calligraphy, love sports, to dance, to play like feathers, table tennis, basketball!



终身学习主张学习者不仅要学习已有的文化, 而且要培养个人对环境变化的主动适应性、独立性。终身学习的过程实际上是促进教育社会化和学习社会化的过程。终身学习注重人们个性的发展, 注重个性发展的全面性、统一性、连续性。通过把教育和人们的整个生活紧密地相结合, 使每个人在任何情况下都可以自由采用适合本人的自我学习、自我训练和自我培养的手段, 进而使每个人将各自的教育变义务为责任。终身学习强调教育是一个过程, 着眼于它的全过程的多个方面的表现, 对于整个过程中的不同阶段、不同结果应有不同评判标准, 也即强调评价标准的多元性, 使人们各展所长、各得其所。终身学习消除了一次教育带给人们的失败的苦恼, 失败和成功只是暂时的, 每个人都有足够的机会发展自我、完善自我, 真正实现全面发展的宗旨。


我们一直强调, 教师自我反思的过程也就是教师自我评价的过程。教师只有经过不断自我诊断评价, 了解自己的优势和不足, 才能有意识地寻找学习机会, 才可能成为一个“自我引导学习者”。教师正是在自我反思、自我评价过程中实现自我专业发展的, 教师的自我反思能力使教师的终身学习成为可能, 并为进行教师终身学习提供保证。

设定目标:在教学过程中, 你遇到了什么问题?你所做的事情的目的是什么?它反映出什么信仰或价值观?



收集信息:在行动过程中, 通过有意识地观察自己的感受、态度及技能以及局外人 (如批判性朋友) 的观察, 得到了大量有关教学情况的信息。

自我反思及评价:分析、解释行动过程中收集到的信息, 结合设定的目标与制订的计划, 对自己的教学进行自我评价。行动是否解决了出现的问题?是否改进了学生的学习?作为教师本人是否得到了发展?

反思性教学是一个复杂的过程, 它要求有目的地制定计划, 落实行动, 定期地和长期地实施自我评价、同事评价和外部评价。在反思性教学的各个环节中, 自我反思和评价是极其重要的部分。为了尽量避免教师自我评价时的过度随意性, 就有必要制定出评价指标或标准, 以便于教师在自我评价时作参照。或者列出一张清单, 写明要从哪些方面进行自我评价, 然后以清单上的内容为依据对自己的教学作出评价。

修订目标:原来制订的目标还有意义吗?需要作出修订和改变吗?这又返回到反馈螺旋的第一步, 以此类推, 在一次又一次的修订目标的过程中, 教师就已经在不断地向前发展了。


反思性教学就是对教学技术和策略的反思吗?如果把反思性教学仅仅局限在技术维度, 从来没有对指导自己工作的目标和价值、对教学的背景提出过怀疑, 或者从未检验过自己的教学假设, 那么这也不是真正意义上的反思。反思性教学中的自我评价内容不仅仅包括认识自己的教学知识、教学技能、教学风格, 还包括认识自己教学过程中隐含的教学假设。那些潜在的假设赋予了我们行动的意义, 确定了我们思考和行动的框架。检验自己的教学假设, 反思自己的行为、思想、信念和价值观, 是教师自我评价的一个重要方面。反思过程的核心是试图从多种视角来看待问题, 而反思型教师所追寻的是探索被常识掩盖下的对于实践经历的真正理解。

在教学过程中, 我们把假设分为三种类型:模式假设 (paradigmaticassumption) 、规范假设 (prescriptive assumption) 和因果假设 (causalassumption) 。

模式假设是我们建构世界的基本公理, 是我们对于世界所划分的基本类型的假设。它是三种假设中最难发现的, 我们可能没有认识到自己把它们作为假设。即使有人向我们指出这一点, 我们也坚持认为, 这些假设就是现实世界的客观的、合理性的翻版, 就是我们认为正确的事实。作为一个教师, 我们可能有如下一些假设:成人是自我引导的学习者, 学生都是热爱学习的等。如果人们按照某种模式假设去教学却遇到很大阻力, 同时表现出大量相反的证据, 经历证明这种假设是不正确的, 这时才有可能对模式假设进行批判审查, 并去改变它。当这些假设受到挑战并被改变以后, 对我们的生活造成的后果将是令人激动的。

规范假设是指在特定的形式下我们认为应该发生的事情的假设。当我们审查教师应该如何做、良好的教育过程是怎样的、教师和学生应该相互负有什么责任等问题时, 规范假设就会出现。这些假设根植于模式假设, 而且是模式假设的扩展。


当反思具有以下两个不同的目的时就会成为批判性反思:第一是试图了解教学中的权力如何能够加强, 塑造和扭曲教育过程和教育交往;第二是对教学中的假设和实践提出质疑, 它们看起来让我们的教学变得更容易, 但实际上却与我们的长远利益背道而驰。我们在自我评价过程中, 要以一个批判的姿态去探索, 需要我们对自己熟悉的领域具有怀疑态度, “质疑那些影响我们生活和实践”的历史、社会、经济、政治以及文化现实, 要揭示“专业的常规”, “由于其确定性, 这些常规很少 (如果有的话) 被挑战或意识到”。这些“专业的常规”也就是我们潜在的一些假设。

假设是我们所持有的对于世界和自己的处境自以为正确的观念, 这些观念的正确性对于处于其中的我们来说显然是不言自明的。因而我们会本能地反对寻找这些假设, 我们害怕自己可能发现的结果———试想, 有谁愿意去澄清和质疑自己长期以来赖以生存的假设, 去揭示这些假设原来是毫无道理的信仰?常常因为害怕系统揭示假设的后果, 我们故意不去揭示这些假设———没有人愿意去揭示他们曾经赖以生存了大半生的观点, 并最终证明这些观点是无效的。我们的教学行动可能根植于一股脑儿全盘接受的, 并未经过批判和检验的假设之上, 而这些假设是扭曲的或压制性的, 认识到这一点有时很让人感到丧气, 并且总是挫伤人的情绪。但我们要进行反思性教学, 要进行自我评价, 检验教学过程中隐含的教学假设就是非常重要而且必要的。

摘要:教师的自我评价对提高教师素质, 提高教育质量有重要作用, 是实施教师终身学习、促进教师专业发展的根本措施之一。教师进行反思的过程就是自我评价的过程, 同时, 自我评价时应检验教学过程中隐含的教学假设, 要勇于质疑“专业的常规”, 使教师在反思过程中专业技能得到不断的发展。



[1]穆耕森.反思性教学的实践与思考[J].基础教育参考, 2007.











1.审计目标的不同,导致出具审计意见的标准不同。国际审计准则ISA 200第2条规定,财务报表审计的目标是审计人员对财务报表是否在所有重大方面按适用的财务报告框架编制发表意见;美国审计准则公告“独立审计人员的职责和职能”第1段明确规定:财务报表审计的一般目标是财务报表在所有重大方面是否按照公认会计原则公允反映了公司财务状况、经营成果和现金流量。这可以看出,财务报表审计目标在于对财务信息是否存在重大错报发表审计意见。同时,ISA 700“整套一般目的财务报表的独立审计人员报告”第6条强调,审计意见用词必须包含“给出真实公允印象”或“公允反映”。所以,财务报表审计意见的发表,主要是对“公允性”进行评价,审计的标准的重点放在“重大错报”上。然而,内部控制审计的审计目标有所不同。PCAOB在AS5第3段规定,财务报告内部控制审计的目标是对公司财务报告内部控制的有效性发表意见。由此可见,财务报告内部控制审计的目标是“有效性”。PCAOB在AS5第3段同时进行了说明,如果存在重大漏洞,公司财务报告内部控制是无效的。因此,注册会计师必须计划并执行审计,以取得在管理层评估日被审计单位内部控制是否存在重大缺陷的证据。由此可见,判断财务报告内部控制是否有效的重要依据是“重大缺陷”。正是由于财务报表审计目标体现为“公允性”,而内部控制审计目标体现为“有效性”,所以导致审计的标准从关注“重大错报”到“重大缺陷”。财务报表审计意见的出具依据公允性,对财务信息的重大错报进行程度分类,从而出具相应的审计意见。而内部控制审计通过对有效性的判断发现内部控制的缺陷程度,从而反映内部控制的运行状况。所以导致其审计意见的内涵有较大差别。值的注意的是,当审计师认为内部控制有效时,财务报表审计中也要对内部控制有效性进行评价,从而开展风险评估程序。这种对内部控制有效性的评价,与内部控制审计的内容有所重叠,但是财务报表审计并不对内部控制进行评价。这也说明,二者虽然存在在审计目标以及标准中存在差异,但是在具体审计过程中,也会有一定的交叉,不能把两者明确的分开。






I am able to deal with the whole accounting work independently. I have 3 years experience in foreign investment, English reconciliation and English accounting treatment. I am well aware of the logical thinking ability of the US accounting system and Chinese accounting standards. , Sensitive to the data cheerful, team-work ability, good communication skills.


Strong dedication and curiosity, is my belief in survival and weapons.University not only let me know how to learn, but also let me learn how to life, this is my greatest achievement. There is no innovation without long-term survival, a bold attempt is my style. I am in school, thinking positive progress, the concept of innovation, simple life, learning hard, not only actively to move closer to the party, but also won several scholarships.

Has a solid professional knowledge, from the junior year I began to prepare for the CPA review and examination, which further deepened my understanding of professional knowledge and grasp. As a graduate, there will be a lack of work experience, so during the study I have been using a variety of opportunities in the accounting profession internship and part-time. I also found that the actual work is far more complicated than the book knowledge, but I have a strong sense of responsibility, adaptability and learning ability, and more diligent, so in the internship can be successful completion of the work, the experience gained from Let me benefit greatly, please rest assured your company, school and internships, part-time work experience so that I will be able to do the job.


Time, the blink of an eye three years of work and life will soon be over, work since the unit leaders carefully nurtured and taught through their own continuous efforts, whether it is ideology, learning or work, have made considerable development And the great harvest!

Strong sense of responsibility, strong ability of adaptability, attentive attitude, with more than * years of financial management experience and * years of accounting firm management experience, good coordination and communication skills, good at communication, with a certain leadership Ability, in character, honesty and trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, humility, optimism; in business, with overall business processing and good professional judgment ability, good at financial analysis, proficient in financial tax system, can complete the financial work independently. Familiar with the use of national tax, land tax, finance, banking, industry and commerce, statistical statements and anti - counterfeit tax control software, skilled use of computers to solve financial problems.


These three years are an important stage in my life. It is an important stage for us to learn our professional knowledge and improve our ability to serve the future development. From the moment I stepped into the university, I firmly established the belief that my life would be pure and loyal, and that I would not do anything that would be detrimental to uselessness. The degree of his profession, the personal knowledge and knowledge of all personal matters and the housework in the course of his or her service, shall be kept secret by faithfulness in assisting the doctor and attentively giving attention to the happiness of the caregiver. This is the great pioneer of the nursing profession Nightingale for all nurses by the oath, and I would like to use a lifetime to comply with the oath.

In these three years, I always remind myself that the nursing profession is not as long as there is a desire to serve patients, skilled operation of the technology is sufficient. I improve their professional quality, but also strive to improve their ideological and moral qualities, so that their moral, intellectual, physical aspects of all-round development to meet the requirements of the 21st century, the development of professionals.

Germany, that is, ideological and moral. Over the past few years, I have systematically studied Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory in a systematic way. We have used our advanced theories to arm our minds and keep pace with the times. I love the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the four basic principles, and establish a collectivism as the core values of life.During school to participate seriously in the school organization of the political activities, in the ideological and operational efforts consistent with the Party Central Committee.

Wisdom, that is, nursing professional knowledge. I love my profession and put a lot of enthusiasm and energy into it. Three years, I systematically comprehensive study of the nursing professional theoretical knowledge, really know the rich content of nursing professional. Ranging from intensive medical care to highly demanding surgical care with a strong emphasis on aseptic techniques. I understand the nursing knowledge to truly grasp and be able to apply their knowledge, really have to pay a lot of effort. Teachers teach us: a book of nursing textbooks, are pioneers of the nursing profession with their own experience and even the lessons of blood, bit by bit to accumulate. We should not only inherit, but also in their own work, be carried forward. So that nursing technology into a glow-like art of human treasures.

Body, both physical and psychological aspects. As a caregiver, must have a good physical fitness and tenacity of the will. University, I have been actively participating in schools, colleges and classes of the sports activities, adhere to exercise, to have a healthy body to lay a good foundation. In the psychological aspect, I exercise my strong will quality, shape healthy personality, to overcome the learning and practice of psychological barriers, fear of hardship, in order to better adapt to future work requirements.

Can be said that three years of college life, shaping a healthy, confident I am. But at the same time I also realize that the rapid social change, the demand for talent is also increasing. Society is constantly changing, development, use the development perspective to see the problem, there are many shortcomings and deficiencies, to adapt to social development, we must constantly improve their understanding of ideas, improve themselves, correct shortcomings, to do an outstanding white angel .


I have a great ability to learn and willing to learn, innovation, constantly striving for excellence; as a participant, I have an honest character, full of team spirit; As a leader, I have a brisk and resolute style, good communication and interpersonal skills. Computer highly relevant expertise and logistics management system training, work experience in companies and universities. Serious and responsible work, proactive, optimistic personality attached.


Familiar with the industry management system and work processes, has a wealth of construction experience, the budget control, equipment procurement, equipment calibration, and so have a wealth of experience and willing to share their experience to other employees. Have strong interpersonal skills, able to independently analyze and solve problems. Hard work, love and dedication, perseverance and perseverance. Success depends on the attitude of a person, I believe I can.

I have many years of real estate experience, is responsible for real estate market research, market consulting and product positioning and other aspects of the preparatory work, so for the domestic real estate market has a strong insight into the ability of the project pre-positioning has a unique insight; Honest and trustworthy, good at communicating with people, have a strong comprehensive ability, with a comprehensive consideration of the quality of the problem and good professional judgment.

I graduated from building structure construction. In the construction real estate industry has accumulated a wealth of real estate development and pre-project management experience, to master the residential, public construction project development, management processes, grasp the details of control in place, to predict in advance, and a strong problem-solving skills . Lively and cheerful, broad interest, adaptable, studious, serious and responsible, hard-working, to meet new challenges.


In the past six months, thanks to the support of the company and the project department, in the pipe network project department as a technician, construction, the project department of many colleagues of concern and help, whether technical or quality control and management, On the great progress, of course, the results represent the past, in the future work I will redouble our efforts to strive to do better.

In the project, the technical content is higher, which requires as a technical staff to work can not be overstaffed, good people, to be practical, rigorous attitude towards work, do not understand things to be good at learning, have to understand things to better, because Technology continues to progress in the update, only through continuous learning, supplemented by refinement and pragmatic.

All the construction, technology and quality control work throughout, in the accumulation of work experience, and gradually develop their own predictability, in order to play a leading technology style, the construction profession is different from the work of different types of work, In other industries, it needs to keep on-site inspection, supervision, at any time to identify problems, solve the problem, and these work are in the field more harsh environment, which requires me to continue to cultivate hard-working spirit.

I am not afraid of hard work tired, put down the attitude of management lofty, from the engineering work constantly enrich their ability to learn, so that their on-site comprehensive processing capacity to get exercise and improve as a member of the company, have the opportunity to be able to Such conditions and study and exercise, I feel very proud of this environment and external conditions gave me a self-confidence and glory, but more of my future work of the spur, it requires me to work at the moment To the image of the enterprise to restrain myself, all my words and deeds to meet the standards of super-level enterprises, and gradually develop their own personal qualities and self-cultivation in order to be worthy of the trust and leadership training.

I work through the past six months to find work deficiencies in order to work in the future to be overcome, but also more reading, and carefully study the good normative procedures and the relevant documents, master the professional knowledge and improve their ability to work and strengthenWork sense of responsibility, in a timely manner to do the work of the individual.

In short, in the future work and study, I will continue to sum up and reflect, continue to spur their own and enrich the energy, and strive to improve their quality and operational level, to adapt to the times and enterprise development, and common progress and common growth. I work in accordance with the leadership to determine the ideas to smile service responsibility to customer satisfaction for the purpose, based on their own, love and respect their jobs, do a solid job of grass-roots business.

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★ 餐饮员工自我评价怎么写

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When I grew up on the dream of nurses in XXX School of nursing college graduate, graduated a few years, how many years now, I most often good to what what college what.

My specific performance: what, what had participated in the game, too. What ranking Awards (these best with your program, said some related)

I hope you will be able to help and supervision, well I will do, to help colleagues. I hope to help in the work, I deeply feel with leaders, colleagues work together to benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration. Grandparents taught I work hard, responsible, kind-hearted, honest; Renmin University of China trained me to seek truth from facts, pioneering and enterprising style.


I always to improve their overall quality as the goal, to self-all-round development as the direction of efforts to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. I have always been on the ideological consciousness of their own high demands, can use the scientific concept of development to understand the world know society, can consciously aware of their social responsibility, personal life ideals and development goals, with a relatively mature Understanding and positioning.

In life, I am cordial and cordial, and the relationship between students harmonious. Looking back over three years, I was very happy to have helped them when I was in trouble, and I would always be grateful to the brothers and sisters for helping me when I was in trouble.

In the professional courses of learning, I greatly improve the self-learning ability. According to the requirements of the professional direction, I have targeted self-study the relevant courses, mastered a lot of knowledge, professional courses for the study to lay a solid foundation; In addition, I also covered part of other courses, broaden their horizons, the application of professional background As well as the structure of the entire subject has a macroscopic understanding.
