






21—25 CBDDA 26—30 CBADB

31—35 ACAC A 36—40 DBADC




41. If 42.owns 43. a 44. what 45. easier

46. in 47. appealing 48. number 49. it 50.being cheated



1. specially- especially 2. which- whom 3. a- an 4. have- had或去掉hav e 5. with- without

6. hoped- hoping 7.去掉was 8. our- we 9. needn’t后加上have 10. laughters- laugher


Possible Version

I often imagine what university I will enter next year. To be honest, I do hope I can go to Beijing University to learn economics which I’ve dreamed of since I was a child.

As a matter of fact, I haven’t completely put into my heart into all subjects such as maths, physics. I often want to play games and don’t listen to my teachers carefully in class.

As a saying goes “No pains , no gains.” I do know if I really want to realize my dream to the university, I have to work hard at all subjects. From now on, I am determined to make full use of my time, attending my class attentively, reading wildly, completing all the homework and doing sports to keep healthy. I believe, only by working hard at all subjects can I make my dream come true.







5-7 ABD

5、A.细节理解题,根据每段末尾的营业时间对比Redtory, Guangzhou的营业时间Mon-Sun 10:30 am-9 pm(上午10:30-下午9点)符合题意。

6、B.细节理解题,根据This 12,000-square-meter art. center was established on the site of a used military tank warehouse. Tank loft, Chongqing选址在军用仓库,其余三家选址在废弃工厂。可得出答案选C。



8-11 BDAD

8、B.根据第一自然段中句子Her car, turned upside down, was spotted by a passerby可知是一个过路人发现了肇事车辆,因此选B。

9、D.细节理解题,根据第二自然段中距离计算(120feet加上200feet)可得出答案为D, 320 feet。


11、D.推理判断题,根据结尾句Family members also asked that the public respect their privacy.可推知车主家人希望别人尊重其隐私,不愿被打扰故选D。


12-15 CBAD

12、C.细节理解题,根据第一自然段第二句话The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet.可知buzzard(秃鹰)要借助一段距离的助跑,才能飞起,空间狭小,无法起飞,故得出答案C。


14、A.细节理解题,根据第三自然段第二句话It never sees the means of escape at the top,说明bumblebee(黄蜂)不知道从上方逃走,可得出答案A。


第二节七选五16~20 GEFAD

16.G根据小标题“Stop comparing yourself to others”,可知本段是让你不要与人相比。再根据其后的句子“We all have different gifts”“我们各人都有自己特有的天份”,说明自己是独一无二的。

17. E根据前面的句子“When someone loves you, does some kind deeds to you, or says kind words, accept it”,“当有人爱你,为你做一些好事或说些好话时,请接受”,可知下文是“让你感觉到爱已经离你不远了”。

18.F根据小标题“Practice receiving love”可知本段落的主旨是要你“学会接受爱”。又根据前面这个句子“You give yourself a chance to learn more about yourself that you are lovable”.“让你给自己一个了解自己有多讨人喜欢的机会”可知,“你应该给爱你的人以表达的机会和快乐”。F最符合语境。

19.A根据后面的两个句子“Write about your experiences, good and bad.When you write down good experiences, ”可知本段落都是与写有关的话题。A选项最符合做小标题。

20.D根据前面的句子“Stop blaming yourself for being less than perfect”“让你不要责怪自己不够完美”可知D最符合上下文语境,即告诉你不完美不是失败。




21. C考查名词。结合下文They found out that the new baby was going to be a girl,故选C项。

22. B考查动词。结合下文可知是prepare for“为…作准备”,故选B项。

23. D考查名词。结合上文a girl,故选D项。

24. D考查形容词的比较级。结合下文Be prepared for the worst,故选D项。

25. A考查形容词。little表“几乎没有”,故选A项。

26. C考查名词。结合上下文应该是提前准备了一个房间,故选C项。

27. B考查动词。结合上下文应该是:现在他们得准备葬礼了。故选B项。

28. A考查动词。结合上下文可知是“唱给她听”,故选A项。

29. D考查形容词。asleep睡着的;afraid害怕的.;awake醒着的;alive活着的


30. B考查动词。 promised允诺;recognized认出;treated对待;viewed看待。根据下文可知句意为:但是护士长认出了他是一个孩子。故选B项

31. A考查动词。allow同意,允许; ask要求; acquire获得; refuse拒绝。结合上下文可知句意为:重症护理室一般是不许小孩进去的,故选A项。

32. C考查副词。seldom很少地;rarely稀罕地;usually通常地;constantly不断地。根据句意:这位一向温文尔雅的女士狠狠地盯住护士长的脸。故选C项。

33. A考查连词。not……until直到……才。故选A项。

34. C考查动词。根据上文There is little hope,故选C项。

35. A考查介词。in在某个范围内; on在某个表面; at在一点; with用某种具体工具。结合下文可知句意为:在一个三岁孩子来自纯净心灵的歌声里,米歇尔唱到。选A项。

36. D考查动词。cried哭;laughed笑;answered回答;responded作出反应。结合下文可知句意为:马上这个小女孩有了反映,故选D项。

37. B考查名词。根据上文的歌词,应选B项sunshine.

38. A考查动词。根据上文as I lay sleeping,应选A项dreamed

39. D考查名词。根据下文,应选D项love.

40. C考查副词。simply简单地;strangely奇怪地;unbelievably难以置信地;easily容易地。根据句意:爱是如此难以相信的强大。故选C项





43.考查冠词。cheap way是可数名词单数,故用a。



46.考查词组搭配。play a role/roles in……,故填in。


48.考查修饰名词的可数和不可数的搭配。A large number of修饰可数名词复数,被修饰名词people为可数名词,故填number。

49.考查代词。代替前面的名词mobile phone,且同一指代,特指,故填it。

50.考查非谓语动词。介词后面应用动名词,此处表示“被欺骗的危险”,故用被动being cheated。



Double 11 or November 11, named Singles Day in China, has become a shopping festival for

shopping lovers, specially for women and students, most of which click the mouse mildly. I am a

① especially ②whom

crazy shopper, too.

November 12 was memorable for me for I had a unusual experience that day. I slept until it was


9:30 am because I have stayed up the night before. I got dressed hurriedly, grasped my schoolbag

④ had have

and left with having breakfast. I rode to school as fast as I could, hoped it would be soon to reach

⑤without ⑥hoping

the school. When I finally got to my school, I found that the door was locked. It was turned out that

our students were off that day. I needn’t ∧come to school. I couldn’t help bursting into laughters for my foolish

⑧we ⑨have ⑩laugher


What a ridiculous day ! This experience will be unforgettable in my mind.


① specially→especially。考查形容词和副词。specially表示“专门”,“特意”,强调目的性和专门性。especially表示“尤其”,“特别”,强调程度。

② which→whom。考查关系词的使用。前面先行词指人,且most of加宾格,故用whom。

③ a→an。考查冠词,修饰unusual,是元音音素。

④ have→had或去掉have。考查时态。从下文the night before,可以看出应用过去完成时或一般过去时。

⑤ with→without。考查介词及逻辑意义。上下看出应是“没有吃早点”。

⑥ hoped→hoping。考查非谓语。上文已经有谓语rode,这儿只能用非谓语,做伴随状语,表主动。

⑦去掉was。考查语态,turn out没有被动语态形式。

⑧ our→we。考查人称代词。We students的身份是学生,our students是身份是老师,从上文grasped the schoolbag看出作者是学生.

⑨在needn’t和come之间插入have。needn’t have done意为“本不必做某事(而实际上做了)”。

⑩ laughters→laughter。抽象名词laughter为不可数名词,且构成固定搭配burst into laughter。



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21~40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

My family fled from Cuba and settled in Miami, USA when I was only one year old. We lived together with other Cubans speaking Spanish.

I’d been looking forward to school. However, the first day was a complete 21 . I came home and told my mum I’d learned my first English word: 22 . It was the nickname a boy had given me. In every way possible, I was 23 from my classmates. I was the only student who couldn’t communicate in English.

24 , one person made that year bearable for me—my teacher, Mrs. Collins. She was a young African American. 25 _, she understood how I felt as the only nonwhite kid and helped me a lot.

Still, the teasing 26 . The boy who called me stupid always laughed at my accent. He was the proud 27 of our class’s reading award. It was a(n) 28 given to a student, based on excellence in schoolwork. I wanted that award.

As Mrs. Collins cheered me on, I gained 29 and language skills. By midyear, I was well 30 to speaking English fluently and had a good grasp on reading. 31 the approach of the award ceremony, I worked as hard as I could. The day 32 came, and I was so nervous.

When Mrs. Collins 33 me as the winner, it was my proudest moment. My winning caused a mini uproar(骚动). The mother of the boy who teased me 34 that the only non-native English speaker had taken the prize from her son. But in her 35 , gentle way, Mrs. Collins stood her ground. It was an excellent lesson in fairness and never 36 .

From then on, I worked even harder in school, earning “A”s. As I began enjoying 37 as a singer years later, I always 38 Mrs. Collins in interviews when asked about people who had 39 me. I can’t tell you how many times the spirit has guided me through 40 in my life.

21. A. shock B. puzzle C. mistake D. pleasure

22. A. slow B. weak C. honest D. stupid

23. A. set apart B. set off C. set down D. set about

24. A. Surprisingly B. Happily C. Fortunately D. Wonderfully

25. A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Anyhow

26. A. appeared B. continued C. increased D. started

27. A. holder B. follower C. supporter D. carrier

28. A. gift B. honor C. treasure D. responsibility

29. A. patience B. respect C. pride D. confidence

30. A. on my way B. in my way C. by my way D. to my way

31. A. For B. By C. With D. In

32. A. suddenly B. hurriedly C. certainly D. finally

33. A. permitted B. introduced C. announced D. admitted

34. A. explained B. realized C. complained D. told

35. A. weak B. light C. warm D. strong

36. A. cheering up B. giving up C. turning up D. holding up

37. A. courage B. independence C. success D. support

38. A. requested B. noticed C. reminded D. mentioned

39. A. confused B. impressed C. taught D. inspired

40. A. chances B. choices C. challenges D. competitions

第三部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)



One day, a young man was cleaning out his late grandfather’s belongings when he came across a bright red envelope. Written on the front were the words, “To my grandson.” Recognizing his grandfather’s handwriting, the young man opened the envelope. A letter inside read:

Dear Ronny,

Years ago you came to me for help. You said, “Grandpa, how is it that you’ve accomplished so much in your life? You’re still full of energy, and I’m already tired of struggling. How can I get that same enthusiasm that you’ve got?”

I didn’t know what to say to you then. But knowing my days are numbered, I figure that I owe you an answer. So here is what I believe.

I think a lot of it has to do with how a person looks at things. I call it “keeping your eyes wide open”.

When you meet up with challenges, welcome them. They’ll leave you wiser, stronger, and more capable than you were the day before. When you make a mistake, be grateful for the things it taught you. Resolve to use that lesson to help you reach your goals.

And always follow the rules, even the little ones. When you follow the rules, life works. If you think you ever really get by with breaking the rules, you’re only fooling yourself.

It’s also important to decide exactly what you want. Then keep your mind focused on it, and be prepared to receive it.

But be ready to end up in some new places, too. As you grow with the years, you’ll be given bigger shoes to fill. So be ready for endings as well as challenging beginnings.

Sometimes we have to be brave enough to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Life isn’t just reaching peaks. Part of it is moving from one peak to the next. If you rest too long in between, you might be tempted to quit. Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the view.

Remember that your choices will create your successes and your failures. So consider all the pathways ahead, and decide which ones to follow. Then believe in yourself, get up, and get going.

And be sure to take breaks once in a while. They’ll give you a renewed commitment to your dreams and a cheerful, healthy perception of the things that matter the most of you.

Most important of all, never give up on yourself. The person that ends up a winner is the one who resolves to win. Give life everything you’ve got, and life will give its best back to you.

Love always,


41. The young man’s grandpa wrote this letter to __________.

A. recall his whole life B. tell his grandson how great he was

C. explain how to keep passion D. show how to succeed

42. The underlined part “But knowing my days are numbered” implies that __________.

A. grandpa could count days B. grandpa’s each day was important

C. grandpa knew he was dying D. grandpa was eager to tell the young man

43. According to the passage, ____________.

A. learning to give up is very important B. we’d better stay in the familiar situation

C. obeying few rules doesn’t matter D. taking breaks once in a while is good to us

44. The young man’s grandpa may agree _____________.

A. how a person looks at things has nothing to do with one’s future

B. we should be thankful for what mistakes teach us

C. successful life is just reaching peaks

D. it’s not so important to decide exactly what you want


Top 8 food and beverage(饮品)companies in China

No 1 COFCO Group

COFCO Group is the largest company of various products and services in the agricultural products and food industry in China. It is devoted to providing healthy and nutritious food, as well as contributing to improvement of people’s living standards and social development.

No 2 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd is a dairy company. It is engaged in processing and producing milk products, including ice cream, milk powder, milk tea powder and fresh milk under “Yili”brand. It is headquartered(总部位于)in Hohhot. The company was an official sponsor of the Beijing Olympics.

No 3 Shuanghui Group

Shuanghui Group is a privately-owned meat processing company headquartered in Luohe, Henan, China. The company’s businesses include pig raising, consumer meat products, and so on. It is the largest meat producer in China. On May 29, , Shuanghui announced it would sell American pork producer Smithfield Foods Inc.

No 4 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd

China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd is a producing company of dairy products and ice cream in China. The company is based in Inner Mongolia and produces dairy products under the Mengniu brand.

No 5 Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd

Bright Food (Group) Co Ltd is a food and beverages company headquartered in Shanghai. Bright Food has four listed branches, Bright Dairy & Food Co Ltd, Shanghai First Provisions Store Co Ltd, Shanghai Maling Aquarius Co Ltd and Shanghai Haibo Co Ltd. The company got a 60 percent stake in the British breakfast cereals producer Weetabix Ltd in and agreed to acquire a 56 percent stake in the Israeli Dairy producer Tnuva in .

No 6 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd

Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd is a private company, and the largest non-alcoholic beverage producer in China. The company is headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.

No 7 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd

Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd is a Chinese alcoholic beverage company. It specializes in producing baijiu, and is best known for Wuliangye. Headquartered in Yibin, Sichuan Province, the company sells its products all over the market at home and abroad.Wuliangye reportedly ranks first in terms of market share compared with other baijiu brands.

No 8 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd

Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd is China’s largest company to produce beer. It was founded in 1903 by a German. The beer is produced in Qingdao in Shandong province and it gets its name from the city’s name. The beer’s present-day logo displays an image of Zhan Qiao, a famous pier on Qingdao’s southern shore.

45. Which company was set up by a foreigner?

A. Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd. B. Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd.

C.Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd. D. Shuanghui Group.

46. Which two companies produce the similar products?

A. Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd & Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd

B. Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd & COFCO Group

C. Shuanghui Group & Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd

D. Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd & China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd

47. What is the underlined word “pier” related to?

A. a person B. a place C. a beer D. a picture

48. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd got a 56 percent stake in the British breadfast cereals producer Weetabix Ltd in 2012.

B. Headquartered in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd was an official sponsor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

C. Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd is the largest state company producing non-alcoholic beverage.

D. Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd, headquartered in Yibin, Henan, sells its products all over the world.


Pupils remember more and behave better when 3D images are used in lessons, research suggests. They are quicker to learn and absorb new concepts, and display higher levels of concentration.

Professor Anne Bamford studied the effectiveness of 3D content in 15 schools across seven countries. In each school, one class studied science in 2D classes and another did the same lesson using 3D resources. Pupils in 3D classes could remember more than those in 2D classes after four weeks, improving test scores by an average of 17 percent compared with 8 percent for 2D lessons.

The researchers commented that the pupils in the 3D groups had deeper understanding, increased attention span, more motivation and higher engrossment in the lessons.

One teacher in the study said, “ In class with 3D you have the ‘wow’ effect. The pupils are too interested to be disruptive(制造混乱的). They get involved and forget to be naughty.” Another said, “The class certainly pay more attention to the learning in the 3D classes. They are more focused. That is important in this class --- eight out of the 26 pupils in this class have attention problems, so I am thrilled with the impact of 3D. They are really attentive.” The study also found that teachers could use the 3D animations without specific training. Schools would need 3D-enabled projectors(放映机), laptops with good graphic capabilities, 3D software and glasses for children to introduce animations into classrooms.

But Danny Nicholson, from the Association of Science Education, said the technology would be impractical to use in schools and could be too expensive. He said, “While I think the idea of 3D technology is very interesting --- and I’m speaking as a fan of interactive whiteboards and projectors as a technology in the classroom --- I worry that 3D is a bit of an expensive gimmick (小玩意儿). There are a few cases where a true 3D image might help, but a lot of the time, good 2D models that can be moved, would be just as effective.”

In Colorado, the US, one school district is already in the process of having 1,000 3D projectors installed in classrooms. And the University of California, which carries out scientific research into the Lake Tahoe Basin, has used 3D presentations with Grade Six pupils. Those who watched the 3D presentations were more engaged and reported a general increase in their interest in science compared with students who watched the 2D version.

49. What method did Professor Bamford use to prove the advantages of 3D lessons?

A. Argument. B. Description. C. Comparison. D. Narration.

50. What does the underlined word “engrossment” in the third paragraph probably mean?

A. Encouragement. B. Concentration. C. Contribution. D. Consequence.

51. Teachers think pupils in 3D classes ____________.

A. find it hard to concentrate on the lesson

B. are too naughty to get involved in 2D classes.

C. have less motivation and lower engagement in the lesson

D. have deeper understanding and increased attention span

52. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. 3D presentations have been used with Grade Six pupils throughout the US.

B. 3D technology would replace 2D models in the future.

C. Teachers would use the 3D technology by training.

D. Many pupils are now more interested in science than before.

53. What can we learn from Paragraph 5?

A. 2D will be replaced by 3D because it is neither interesting nor effective.

B. Danny Nicholson tends to think that 3D is only a bit of gimmick.

C. 3D would be impractical to use in schools because of finance problem.

D. Danny Nicholson doesn’t like to use whiteboards and projectors in the classroom.

54. What is the article mainly about?

A. How schools can make full use of 3D technology.

B. Pupils behave better when 3D images are used in classes.

C. 2D models are always more effective than 3D images.

D. The differences between 3D and 2D images.


Scrooge looked around him angrily. It was Christmas and his only friend Jacob Marley, had been dead for seven years. What was there for him to celebrate? He listened with growing anger to the people calling out greetings in the street and growled at his nephew Bob Cratchit, who was just ready to go home. “Merry Christmas, uncle,” called Bob as he hurried out of the door.

Scrooge sighed. He might just as well go to bed. Aware that he should not waste his candle, he quickly undressed and climbed into bed. But no sooner had he done so than the ghost of Marley, covered in chains, appeared. “What’s the matter, Jacob?” he asked. “There are the chains I made in my life,” answered the ghost. “I’m forced to wander around with no rest and no peace. I have come here to warn you that if you do not change, this too will be your fate. You will be visited by three spirits. Expect the first one tomorrow when the clock strikes one. Expect the second and the third on the following nights at the same hour.” With that Marley vanished. “Nonsense!” he said and going back to bed, fell fast asleep.

When Scrooge awoke it was dark. The clock struck one. At the sound, light flashed into the room and there stood a young boy. “Who are you?” asked Scrooge in an unsteady voice. “I’m the spirit of Christmas past,” replied the spirit. “Come with me.” “Do you remember this?” he asked. Scrooge did. He heard the happy cries of people, and looking around he found himself, as he used to be, sitting on a chair and reading. It was a Christmas. Suddenly Scrooge watched his younger self joined in a band, dancing and laughing. “Strange,” said the spirit, “that such little things should make people so happy.” The ghost let him go and Scrooge sank down into a deep sleep.

When he awoke again the second night, the clock sounded one again. Before he doubted the second spirit already turned up. The fat and jolly spirit was smiling,“I’m the spirit of Christmas present.”Again Scrooge grasped the spirit’s hand and was transported to a small house filled with a number of children and their mother. “Why, it’s my nephew Bob’s house,” cried Scrooge in astonishment. His surprise increased when the door opened and in came Bob carrying a small, sick boy, Tiny Tim. “Sit down,” cried Bob to his family. “Let’s have the best Christmas dinner!” They all began to eat eagerly. Scrooge watched at the happiness and contentment of his poor nephew’s family. “A Merry Christmas to us all!” cried Bob. “God bless us everyone!” added Tiny Tim, who sat very close to his father and Bob held his thin hand tightly. “No, not for the uncle, but for you and the children. Nobody knows better than you how mean that man is.” exclaimed Bob’s wife. “Spirit,” cried Scrooge. “Will Tiny Tim live?” “If the future remains the same,” said the spirit, “there will be an empty chair next year.” Again the spirit moved Scrooge away, and he fell asleep as he fell back into his bed.

The third night he woke and waited for the hour and the third spirit. This time the spirit didn’t come in a flash of light but arrived quietly wearing a black cloth that covered its face and form. “I’m the spirit of Christmas that is to come.” The spirit pointed and led him to a large stone. It was at the foot of a grave(坟墓) that was clearly neglected. Scrooge looked closer with trembling fingers and with horror read his own name on the stone. “Oh, spirit, no, no!” The spirit’s finger remained steady pointing at the grave. “I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year,” cried Scrooge in terror. He reached out to hold the spirit’s hand, but it slipped away. Scrooge looked around him. he saw he was in his own bed with his own thing around him.

“I have learned from the past, present and the future,” he rushed to the window and shouted to the boys below: “What day is it today?” “Why, it’s Christmas Day,” they replied in amazement. “Wonderful,” cried Scrooge. He rushed to his office to wait for Bob. When he entered, Scrooge pretended to look angry. “Do you know what day it is, my boy?” he asked Bob. “I’m not going to stand for this any longer,” he continued, “and so I’m going to raise your salary.” Bob looked amazed. “A Merry Christmas, Bob,” cried Scrooge slapping him on the back. “I want to help you and your family. Let’s talk about it this very afternoon.”

55. What do the underlined words “growled at” mean in the first paragraph?

A. said happily to B. said calmly to C. said slowly to D. said angrily to

56. From the second paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. Scrooge was even mean to himself

B. Scrooge believed what his friend told him

C. Marley lived with chains before his death

D. Marley came to say “Merry Christmas” to Scrooge

57. When did Scrooge meet three spirits?

A. At Christmas Eve. B. On the 3 different nights before Christmas.

C. On Christmas Day. D. On the 3 different days before Christmas

58. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Scrooge died the next year.

B. Bob’s son, Tiny Tim, died the next year.

C. There is more than one child in Bob’s family.

D. The third spirit showed Scrooge his well-cared-for grave.

59. What do you think Scrooge would be in the following years?

A. Kind and poor. B. Kind and generous.

C. Happy and mean. D. Miserable and mean.

60. Which of the following saying best describes the passage?

A. No pains, no gains. B. Actions speak louder than words.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. It will pay to be kind to others.


A. You can land a scholarship easily.

B. You will acquire a new way.

C. Your mind will be sharpened.

D. You may be promoted in your work.

E. You will have better travel experience.

F. Your first language will be improved.

Reasons for Learning a Foreign Language

In the United Stated, many high schools require at least two years of foreign language study for graduation. Actually, becoming fairly fluent in a foreign language provides many more benefits. As our world becomes increasingly international, the importance of learning a second (or third) language will only continue to grow.

61.________________________________ Learning a second language will have a powerful effect on your success in business. The ability to transform freely in multiple languages is so important, in fact, that many companies actually offer financial benefits to employees who can achieve fluency. If you are working with the general US population, you will probably see the greatest professional gain by learning Spanish, but almost every language is spoken somewhere in the melting pot. Whether you are a doctor learning to communicate directly with more of your patients or a customer service representative learning to solve more customers’ problems, expanding your language abilities will help your work greatly.

62._________________________________ Because learning a second language requires such a basic change in ideas, it will provide many intellectual(智力的) benefits as well. Much like studying a musical instrument, learning a foreign language will provide a mental challenge that will increase your intellectual strength in both school and business. This effect is so strong that researchers have found each year of language study results in measurable gains on both college and graduate school exams.

63. _________________________________ Because we are used to speaking, reading, and even thinking in our native language since birth, we can’t often pay attention to various grammatical errors. When you learn a second language, your study of the foreign language will force you to draw comparisons and reevaluate your understanding of English grammar. Not only will you learn a second language, but you will actually learn to communicate more clearly in your first language!

64. _________________________________ Traveling either on your own or in a study abroad program provides many opportunities to study a foreign culture and learn to think outside of your own culture’s assumptions. As an English speaker in a foreign country, however, your ability to actually experience the country’s real culture will be fairly limited. By learning a foreign language before traveling, however, you will actually be able to get past the tourist experience to see what the country is really like on the inside. As an added bonus(意外的好处),you can also perfect your language skills during your stays.

65. _________________________________ Not only will language learning benefit you in the long term, but it can also help you pay for college. Many scholarships are available for students who speak a certain language or understand a particular culture. Because these scholarships are offered to a limited group, you will actually have a much higher chance of winning these scholarships than you would in some of the more well-known programs.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)








Dear Abbly,

How are you? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you. I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty students take exams for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. Therefore, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year and they are afraid that I will feel lonely. They can’t imagine a girl so young living alone. They advise me to studying in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continue living with him. How can I persuade them to accept the fact what I have grown up?

Best wishes,






Dear Editor,

As the college entrance examination is drawing near, we senior three students are occupied with busy work.________________________________________________________________





Li Yue


完型 21-25 ADACB 26-30 BABDA 31-35CDCCD 36-40 BCDDC

阅读 41-44 DCDB 45-48 CDBB 49-54 CBDDCB 55-60 DABCBD 61-65 DCFEA


1.a去掉 2.加入been 3.take改为took 4.was改为were 5. Therefore改为However 6.strong改为strongly 7. too改为so 8.studying改为study 9.him改为them 10.what改为that


Dear Editor,

As the college entrance examination is drawing near, we senior three students are occupied with busy work. In a way, the P.E.class is the only chance to relax and enjoy ourselves at school. However, it is a pity that our present P.E.class is quite dull and sometimes even replaced by other subjects.

As is known to all, the P.E.class can not only build up our body but also shape our personality. It serves to develop our awareness of cooperation and spirit of competition. Therefore, it will be great loss to us students if it is replaced by other lessons. Meanwhile, I suggest the teachers should design and organize varieties of fun sports besides dull field and track practice or ball games, where everyone can be involved and have fun as well. After all, not everybody thinks running and ball games appealing.

I do hope the P.E.class can enrich our school life and enable everyone to find his or her own pleasure in it.



进入高三, 英语习题量日益加大, 教师与学生将大量的时间花费在讲评练习题与做练习题上。讲评课中, 有些教师逐题仔细地讲解, 采用“注入式”教学法, 实行“满堂灌”教学。有些教师认为, 讲评课没有上新课那么重要, 于是蜻蜓点水式地核对一下答案, 或将答案写在黑板上, 让学生自己核对。毋庸置疑, 这些讲评模式因严重阻碍学生思维的积极性而将被时代淘汰。那么, 怎样才能使讲评课收到良好的讲评效果呢?


评讲课的意义在于, 讲评课是以分析学生考试情况、纠正考试中存在的共性错误、弥补教学上的遗漏、帮助学生牢固掌握所学知识和提高能力的一种课型。讲评的目的绝不仅仅在于澄清某个问题的正误和对试题进行单纯的分析, 重要的是借助讲评使学生复习、巩固所学知识, 了解知识的内在联系, 提高综合运用知识的能力。讲评还能培养学生的思维能力, 使学生掌握分析问题和解决问题的方法 (张海光2007) 。也就是说, 成功的讲评课可以弥补学生平时学习中的知识欠缺, 激发学生的求知欲。


(一) 及时性原则

检测之后, 教师要及时讲评。因为讲评越及时, 学生记忆越清晰, 印象越深刻;反之, 拖得时间越长, 效果越差。

(二) 针对性原则

教师应主要针对普遍存在的问题进行讲解, 不必面面俱到, 要做到主次分明。

(三) 鼓励性原则

对于成绩一贯较好或有进步的学生, 要勉励他们精益求精;对于偶有失手或怯场的学生, 要给予他们自信和方法, 对于一直较差或退步的学生, 要帮助他们分析具体原因。

(四) 启发性原则

学生在答卷时出现的问题, 教师讲解时应以启发为主, 帮助学生找规律, 而不是简单地把答案告诉学生;同时, 切忌放任、拖拉、脱离实际或逐题过堂, 不分主次。


(一) 在讲评前应充分备课

讲评课与新授课、复习课不同, 它没有现成的教材依托, 全靠教师在课前调查分析的基础上进行加工、整理来确定讲评内容。讲评前, 教师要认真做好试卷分析, 做到一备内容, 二备方法, 为实现讲评的目的做好充分的准备。

在准备过程中教师要明确讲评目标, 精选讲评内容。因为教学目标是否明确、具体、科学, 将直接影响到讲评课的成效。所以, 教师要认真分析试卷中知识点的分布情况、试卷的难易度及所占分数比例, 认真统计和分析学生的答题情况。一方面, 教师要掌握学生在各考点的得分、失分情况以及典型错误, 将学生出现的问题归类、排序, 同时对出现问题较多的题目做到心中有数, 根据学生存在的问题确定矫正的途径与方式。另一方面, 教师通过分析试题的命题思路、考查角度和考查意图, 进一步思考如何指导学生理顺答题思路, 培养审题能力, 掌握和加强答题技巧。总之, 应紧紧围绕“矫正补偿”这一中心, 讲究针对性、实效性, 明确弥补哪些知识缺陷, 掌握哪些学习方法和应试技能, 具备怎样的知识迁移能力, 形成怎样的应试心理素质等。这样, 教师在教学方法上才能得到更好的提升。

(二) 在讲评时应注重分类指导, 多授予“捕鱼之道”

考试是检验教学效果、帮助学生发现问题的一种有效手段, 而评讲试卷则是帮助学生解决疑难、传授给学生解题方法和解题技巧的最好时机。教师应就高考英语标准化试题的各部分进行分项重点评讲:


2.完形填空重在指导学生在把握篇章整体意义的基础上选择答案, 同时找到每道题的答题依据。拿到完形填空试题后, 不要急于动手去做, 必须从语法、习惯用法、内容和常识等多方面综合考虑选项;既要理解文章材料所叙述的表层内容信息, 又要理解文章材料中的连贯意义、引申意义等深层意义。

3.阅读侧重分析各类文体的写作特点、答题方法以及各类题目的答题要领, 指导学生依据文章本身的事实、作者的思路和目的语国家文化背景答题, 不要受自身经历、体会的干扰, 同时根据不同文章的特点指导学生使用不同的阅读方法。

4.书面表达题要着重强调仔细审题、弄清大意, 编写提纲、拟出要点, 紧扣要点、扩写成文;然后, 用投影打出共性的典型错误, 让学生改错;接着, 引导学生讨论文章的交际目的, 可以适当发挥的地方, 以及各个要点的多种表达方式;时间允许的情况下, 可以让学生相互批改, 最后朗读范文或学生中的优秀作文并加以点评, 指出好在何处。

(三) 力求知识网络化和系统化

一套试题的涵盖面往往较大, 尤其是期末考试、模拟考试等, 但试题不可能对这些内容中的每一个知识点进行全面考察。这就要求教师在讲解重点、难点题目时, 不能只是就题论题, 而应该把这一题目所考查的知识网络化、系统化, 使学生能举一反三, 引申出其他类似的知识, 并引导学生归纳总结, 这样学生可以通过做一道题而得到与此题同类的或有关的较为系统的知识, 使其基础知识网络化, 利于记忆和掌握。

例:Is it in the factorywe worked together last year?

A.that B.which C.where D.in which

正确答案为A, 但许多学生把后面的句子当成定语从句, 选了C。针对以上错误, 教师可先改变句子结构, 把疑问句改成陈述句:It is in the factory we worked together last year.这一改, 学生就一目了然, 是一个强调句型, 应选A。在此基础上, 教师可接着问:去掉介词in, 情况怎样?此时正确答案为C和D。最后教师进一步提问:假如把原句中的介词in移到worked后面, 答案又是什么?显然正确答案是A、B, 这样讲评可使学生进一步巩固定语从句的知识网络。

(四) 要强化讲评后的知识巩固工作

讲评后教师要给学生留有一定的时间进行消化和巩固, 然后要求学生在讲评的基础上再认真阅读一遍, 清理自己的失分点, 要求每位学生建有“纠错本”, 每次考试后收录自己的错题, 组成错题集, 并且写明错误原因, 以便随时查阅反思, 避免再犯类似的错误 (吴春喜2005) 。同时, 教师也建立“错题档案”, 对于试卷中出错率较高的题目, 教师要针对该题所涉及的有关知识内容、技巧、技能、思想、方法, 多角度、全方位地精心编制一些补偿性练习或变式训练, 让学生练习, 使学生从不同角度加深对该问题的理解和掌握, 帮助学生加深认识和扩展知识, 以便及时巩固与提高。

(五) 优化讲评方法, 主导与主体相结合

教师讲评试卷时, 不能一讲到底, 越俎代庖, 包办一切。讲评课的形式可以是多样的, 可由教师讲, 也可由学生讲。教师要多一点“启发式”教育, 应体现“教师为主导, 学生为主体”的启发式原则 (黄绍福2009) 。最好是启发学生讲评, 可以让学生讲评某一题型, 也可采用同伴讲评的方法, 教师补充或帮助归纳、小结。这样就能把学生的积极性充分调动起来, 突出他们的主体地位;教师的身份不再是讲解者, 而是监督者、指导者和参与者。教师把“主动参与、乐于探究、交流与合作”引入讲评课, 让学生自己讲评, 让他们站在居高临下的角度以批评的眼光来审阅自己的作品, 使他们树立信心、拓展思维。英语讲评课应以学生为主体, 应将学生自行发现问题、自行讨论分析、自行纠错、自行归纳总结、自行解决问题这条主线贯穿讲评课的始终, 从试卷中捕捉每位学生的闪光点, 从而调动学生学习的兴趣、情感等积极因素。


总之, 试卷讲评课也是一门艺术, 需要许多艺术技巧, 教师必须充分发挥自己的才智, 从多方面、多角度备课。要想提高讲评课的质量, 教师必须把握三个特点:第一, 要讲考查知识点, 讲解题策略, 讲答题思路;第二, 要评试卷、评学生, 研究学生在练习中的出错原因, 以便对症下药;第三, 要评学生在知识运用上存在的“疑点、难点、误区”。教师把握好这三大特点, 增强讲评课的目的性, 就能使讲评课成为培养学生能力的综合训练过程。

摘要:有教学就离不开考试, 考试成绩能最直观地呈现学生近期的学习状况。教师要关注学生的试卷, 进行试卷分析与讲评。试卷评讲课是教学中的一种重要课型, 本文就试卷讲评课存在的问题作了深入分析, 并就如何有效开展高三英语试卷讲评课进行了一些教学环节和方法策略上的探索。



黄绍福.2009.新课程背景下教师评课的几点误区[J].中学外语教与学, (11) :2-618.

吴春喜.2005.考后100分——提高讲评课效率的一项有效策略[J].教学与管理, (16) :22-103.





























10、CBACC11-15 ABCBA16-20、AACBB









56-59 BDAC 50-63 CBAC 64-67 ADCB 68-71 ABCB72-75BDDA


76.for 77.crowded 78.top 79.attract 80.bargaining 81.which 82.selected 83.of

84.persuade 85.disappointed


One possible version


题号:01 “中国现代诗歌散文欣赏“模块(10分)




五月十九日大雨(明)刘基 风驱急雨洒高城,云压轻雷殷地声。雨过不知龙去处,一池草色万蛙鸣。



题号:02 “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)











传说北方有一首民歌 只有黄河的肺活量能歌唱 从青海到黄海 风 也听见 沙 也听见

如果黄河冻成了冰河 还有长江最最母性的鼻音 从高原到平原 鱼 也听见 龙 也听见


还有我,还有我的红海在呼啸 从早潮到晚潮 醒 也听见 梦 也听见

有一天我的血的也结冰 还有你的血他的血在合唱 从A型到0型 哭 也听见 笑 也听见













语 文

题号:01 “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)


题峡山寺 [唐] 李 翱







题号:02 中国现代诗歌散文欣赏(10分)



赵丽华 秘密是暗处的花朵

我说过∶没有秘密的事物是黯淡的 但并不是说我由此就会变得很亮 它开着,它开过


找到他,对不起宝贝,他缓缓地说: 太好了,原来这么好,都不象是真的!就枯萎了



题号:01 1.从文章的对峡山寺的美妙之处一笔带过,而侧着点出此处的缺点,并以其它景点的缺陷陪衬,意在强调这些美景是大家都不怀疑的,但是它们都有缺陷。这个意思实际可以看作是作者对人间求全责备之弊的物化反应。而作者的思考又不是一己之私的,他把看山的眼光与方法与交友择人与治国安邦联系起来,境界更高一层。可见,作者内心中时时想着国家,想为国出力,想使天下有才人都得到重用,都能有用武之地,也许他自己曾受到求全之害,也许他看出了现实中选人用人之弊,可见他是一个有责任心有报国志的人。(5分)


题号:02 1.它是处在暗处的,不会轻易被人知晓;它是美丽的,像花朵一样有自身的形象;它暗藏着事物的奥秘被人追索;它的生命因被解而纯洁;它永远以不同的形态存在于人类的认知世界中。(说出3点即可得5分)





有 若








题号:02 “中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块





这时的母野鸡却格外少见。老猎人说,母野鸡在产卵、在孵蛋。而这孵蛋,必须在秘 密状态下进行。因为公野鸡一旦发现母野鸡,就会驱赶母野鸡,并一一啄破被孵得温热的 蛋。



雉诱的来历颇复杂。先要找回当年的雉蛋,带回家让自家抱窝的母鸡孵化后,从中挑 出小母雉,经过一年的驯化后,那只最伶俐、和猎人最默契的小母雉便在来年谷雨前后被 老猎人带着‚出猎‛了。












题号:01 “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)




题号:02 “中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)

(1)(4分)①通过反复写‚雨后的山梁‛,渲染了感伤的氛围,烘托了雉诱悲剧的形象;② ‚感伤的脚印‛简练地塑造了母雉无奈、悲伤的形象;③母雉的‚一串感伤的脚印‛含蓄地表达了文章的主旨,引发读者对‚谁是母雉悲剧的制造者‛这一问题的深深的思考。(答出1点得2分,答出2点得满分。)(2)(6分)【示例1】雉诱的悲剧命运源于忘记了自己也是一只雉,它利用同类的情感出卖同类,将自己推向了孤独悲剧的境地。‚雉诱‛这一形象启示我们,做人要坚守道德原则,否则就会沦落到可悲的境地。


题号:01 科目:语文




唐 韩愈






题号:02 科目:语文


阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。(垂 钓


岁月滔滔地流去 积成烟波浩渺的湖 那湖中泛起波影 谁能一网收尽?

我坐在湖边垂钓 钓钩上挂着兴趣

让它到波光闪闪的湖中去吧 看看能不能钓起一串记忆?

突然钓起一节童年的笑声 笑声扬着荒唐的韵味 可怜那羞红的脸蛋 找不到胡须的遮蔽

愈来愈浓的兴趣 拖住了我的钓勾 我一古脑儿落入湖中 全身浸透了记忆

不甘心消逝,我 等着,等着机会 等着明天的我 又来湖边垂钓

到那个时候 我已化为记忆、我将沿着钓勾 再爬回岸上去


题号:01 科目:语文




题号:02 科目:语文


上一篇:试车管理制度下一篇:校园文化墙 经典小故事