



In the 90s of last century, a new thing began to take on the stage of people’s life and now it has played an irreplaceable role in every field. It is the Internet. At the same time, we were born. It is generally thought that we are the generation growing up with the Internet, called the net generation.

Some people say that we are the generation who live a most superior life and lack setbacks during growth. It is true that we don’t face the problems and that kind of hardship like our fathers do, but I don’t think it means we are leading an easier life. Inevitably, we are labeled by the era. It seems that everything we do is magnified, displayed under the public concern and always causes fierce debate. Most of us are the only child of the family, which contributes to our addiction to the Internet .When we feel lonely in the real world, we may turn to the virtual world for comfort. However, from all the programs like supergirl to various figures that attract our attention in some abnormal way, what does the Internet bring to usWho are weThat made even us ourselves a little confused.

Well, who are we, the net generation

First I’d like to say, we are what we do and what we concern. Our generation is living in a world of information explosion and we are lucky enough to experience this shift. Thanks to the Internet, we can enjoy online education, all forms of entertainment and find almost everything you name it with ease. Though the Internet benefits a lot in terms of convenience , it also brings about many problems on screening so much information. Junk mails and advertisements are everywhere, sometimes containing eroticism and violence. Recently , there’s a tendency that we are paying more and more attention to things that challenge the convention of society, like people who make ridiculous remarks to hype themselves or boys dressing like girls and girls acting like boys. People, especially our generation , seem to be a little crazy about these stuff. One of the reasons lies in their rebellion out of a certain age. Some simply want to place themselves in the centre of public concern by doing controversial things. Maybe that’s why sometimes we are called “the beat generation”.

Well, is that as far as we can getI don’t think so. Maybe we are going through some growing pains, but that’s necessary to be mature physically and mentally. Only did we overcome those obstacles in the way can we really know who we are and who we will be. Nor is the Internet without its merits. We see a much bigger world via the Internet,

which helps to widen our horizon and broaden our mind. Many youngsters are inspired to start their own career online and now they are successful in every field. Sometimes rebellion is not a bad thing, it’s a symbol of independent mind. Post 90s are full of adventure and curiosity. They are willing to accept the new and think different. Thinking outside the box is one of our characteristics. In fact, our generation has already proved ourselves a lot, by showing our young faces on sports fields, bestsellers’ covers, and even politics stages. We are making differences to this society , you cannot fail to see our efforts.

After all, it is our generation that will take the responsibility to build the new world. Maybe we don’t need an exact definition of who we are, all we need to do is keep our dreams, never give up. There’s no limitation of youth. I believe we are young and energetic enough to make the best generation ever.


Well, our first destination is, surely, the landmark of beijing, the symbol of the 5000 years’civilization—the forbidden city—where the emperors and empresses of the ming and qing dynasties lived, and it’s really grand. it was renovated recently because of the coming olympics.

The second place we are going to is the great wall. this is the only building, i hear, that can been seen from the moon, and it represents the diligence and the wisdom of whole chinese nation.

Now, it’s time for lunch. we plan to have… what? you say ”beijing duck”? yeah, right you are! we’ll come back to the center of beijing, and we’ll have dinner at “quanjude” restaurant. you can enjoy the most delicious chinese food—beijing duck, and you must be very pleased to hear this! then I’ll show you around the summer palace. It’s the royal garden for the emperors and empresses of the qing dynasty to pass the hot summers.

After visiting those historical places, you’ll surely be impressed by the long-lasting history of our great country. at the same time, during the journey of moving from one place of interest to another, we won’t miss having a glance of beijing’s modern civilization. the skyscrapers, beautiful avenues and advanced facilities must also catch your eyes. and we’ll also have a chance to experience beijing’s fast development in person. we’ll do some shopping at the shopping center near the olympics village. you can buy everything there of course except guns and drugs which are seriously forbidden in china. to see is to believe. what you see and experience will be strong prove of your choice to beijing, china!

That’s all about my plan for the day. what do you think of it, my friends? today, I’m very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream for which we worked together for nine years or even more. as beijing becomes the host city of the 29th olympic games, every beijinger cares for the environment and good manners and behaviors much more than before. now beijing has already made herselves’ dream come true. so i must work harder to catch up with her steps. knowing the hardness of making a dream into reality, I need to do my best at every side of my work, so then I believe my little dream—to be an interpreter—will definitely be realized someday in the future!



英语的国际地位决定了英语演讲具有重要意义, 为了提高中国大学生的英语演讲水平, 从2002年开始, 中央电视台和外语教学与研究出版社每年联合举办一次“CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛, 外语教学与研究出版社还联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语专业指导分委员会主办每年一次的“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”, 这些展示中国大学生外语能力、沟通能力与思辨能力的全国性赛事, 促使“英语演讲”这门课程自2005年起从美国引入中国高校之后在中国高校受到广泛关注。开设英语演讲课最初是为了满足这些全国性英语演讲赛事的需求, 现在因其在当今全球化世界中的交流地位而成了“受欢迎的”课程。演讲学领域的国际专业学者Stephen Lucas认为英语演讲的培养不仅能够在口语交际方面, 而且能够在写作、听力、批判性思维、跨文化交际能力和整体英语水平等方面提高演讲人的“核心技能和能力 (core skill and competencies) ”。然而, 国内有关英语演讲的教材大部分取材于国外, 与西方早已存在了两千五百年历史的演讲教育传统相比, 我们既稚嫩又不接地气, 容易混淆英语演讲课与英语口语课之间的界限, 横亘在汉语与英语之间的语言和思维障碍使得大学生们的整体英语水平的“核心技能和能力”难以得到有效提高。从这些年来的英语演讲课程、培训、比赛情况看, 大学生作为个体在英语演讲中所面临的困境主要体现在以下几个方面:说服力弱、组织混乱、言之无物、语言错误、自信不够等, 尤其在即兴演讲的环节, 学生容易出现对英语演讲主题挖掘深度不够、在组织演讲材料时不能信手拈来、思辨能力弱等问题, 这些状况可以由以下多维的培养方法和激励措施进行改善。


自信对于成功的英语演讲有着很大的激励作用, 演讲是否成功, 很大程度上取决于演讲者的自我感觉和心理素质的高低。大学生对英语演讲的自信心不足体现在多方面, 如:在英语演讲课堂或其他教学活动中害怕引人注目, 不敢提问、不敢发言, 有时表现出较强的虚荣心, 对别人的评价很敏感, 回避和掩饰自己的不足等, 表现在演讲竞赛中是容易在竞争中退缩, 甚至有优势却不敢参与比赛。因此, 老师要帮助学生消除自信心不足的问题, 维护和培养学生的自信心。首先, 要让学生正视自信心不足的问题, 修正消极的自我评价。自信心不足的问题普遍存在于正常人中, 绝大多数人在公众演讲中都会有紧张、忧虑或害怕的体验, 自己不是少数缺乏自信心的人, 要坦然面对自己的不足, 化消极为积极。其次, 要学会自我接受, 改变对自己不合理的期望, 认识自己的价值, 看到自己的长处, 以自己的独特性为骄傲, 努力提高自己的英语水平, 为这份生命增添更多的精彩。还要学会运用幽默乐观的态度面对挫折, 减轻焦虑和紧张情绪, 维护个人自尊, 保持心理平衡, 把英语演讲中所受的挫折更多地归于客观因素, 而把英语演讲的进步和成功归于自己的努力。老师除了要及时恰当地给予赞扬之外, 还要多创造机会让同学们互相之间鼓励与肯定。通过这种方式, 学生会逐渐变得自信, 以往被看得困难重重的英语演讲也会慢慢演变为一个愉快的学习过程。


从对学生的问卷调查结果来看, 每个学生有自己喜欢的信息输入方式, 约31%的学生喜欢通过看视频, 10%通过看图片, 23%通过阅读, 18%通过讨论, 18%通过听讲座。要想调动学生的学习积极性, 就要在英语演讲教学中融入各种信息输入方式, 并且要针对每个学生问卷的反馈情况进行小组分类, 组成课后演讲学习小组, 发挥各自的认知优势, 弥补自己的不足。同时英语演讲如果只有一种教学方法, 就势必会让学生失去信心和兴趣, 特别是当课时有限的英语演讲课成为一门选修课, 而非只是针对英语专业的学生进行开设的时候。可以针对不同性格特点和英语水平的学生采取不同的教学措施, 如:比较内向不爱讲话的学生, 可以从有准备的背诵开始, 给予学生充分的时间进行写稿背诵, 背诵时间从1分钟慢慢过渡到4分钟, 其间每次背诵之后都有同学进行点评与建议, 教师要予以肯定和鼓励。对于性格外向敢于发言的学生, 除了要积极给他们创造演讲机会之外, 还要引导他们注意发言内容的逻辑性与合理性, 引导他们提高演讲的水平。对于英语基础好而又有着强烈的演讲欲望的学生, 则要进行高水平英语学习要求, 指导他们大量阅读各种英文书籍、文章, 写出高水平的演讲稿, 作较长的评论, 从而过渡到训练有素、逻辑严密的即兴演讲环节, 并且通过领头示范的作用使得他们的英语演讲水平得到提高。其目的是让所有英语水平有差异的学生都能在英语演讲的学习中既获得信心又获得乐趣, 关键是每个人都能在此过程中获得不同的进步。举行和参与英语演讲比赛更是一种促进英语教与学的手段, 对学生学习英语的动机有较大影响, 并能转变大部分学生的学习动机, 从而提高学生的学习成效。


做好英语演讲不是一件容易的事, 而即兴演讲的压力大于定题演讲, 尤其是“即兴演讲+现场提问”的方式, 这更是让学生感到最难、最大的挑战。有的学生不是因为自己的语音语调不好, 演讲姿态形象不好, 而是由于没有经过相关知识的积累和有效训练, 拿到演讲题目却感到无话可说。怎样才能改变学生的英语演讲失语症?没有现成的完整培训资料可利用, 尤其是缺乏即兴演讲培训的共享资源, 一切都要靠教师自己摸索。有条件的高校把训练个别学生英语演讲的工作交给高水平的外教来完成, 但这样英语演讲就变成了一个小众的受益行为, 偏离了高校英语教育的初衷。毋庸置疑, 要想做好英语演讲, 学生就要进行有一定深度和广度的阅读, 进行东西方文化知识储备, 提高跨文化交际能力。可以读经典英文小说, 每天上网浏览国外知名新闻媒体的网站, 在周总结的时候进行话题讨论。还可以引导学生阅读和背诵名篇, 只有把这些优美地道的名篇、名段牢记在心, 才能进行输出, 做到得心应手, 信手拈来。当然, 广泛的阅读要符合学生的英语水平和年龄特点, 有效的语言输入应该是学生能理解的、有意义、有趣的, 并且要有足够的量, 这样才能够为语言的输出创造条件。在阅读学习中更要注重“思辨”能力的培养, 强化批判性思维。“思辨”被认为是公民素质的重要内核, 也是现代教育最重要的培养目标之一。表达能力的训练、知识储备的扩充和理论指导下的实践是英语演讲所体现的提高学生思辨能力三方面的有效结合。田朝霞归纳了自2010年以来连续担任全国大学生英语演讲大赛总决赛的评委Peter Pober教授对于中国学生在演讲中所体现的问题为“思辨欠缺、知识缺乏、视野狭窄, 以及公众交流意识淡薄”, 其中“思辨欠缺”处于第一位, 这份欠缺说明了英语演讲“思辨”能力培养的重要性。


英语演讲学习过程中, 学生要想做好演讲, 就要先从练习写演讲稿开始, 做到有章法地进行演讲。学生可以先研读历年来的优秀演讲稿, 对演讲主题进行归类, 借鉴优秀大学生演讲的解题思路。例如:北京市大学生英语演讲比赛曾出过的题目有:“Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity” (2009) , “Beijing Students and Entrepreneurship in the Globalized Age” (2010) , “Nuclear Power:Blessing or Disaster to Humankind?” (2011) , “Cultural Diversity and Globalization” (2012) , “My Chinese Dream” (2013) 等, 涉及学生所能接触到的经济、社会、文化等常见话题, 而非冷僻的主题。通过分析借鉴, 学生既可以在短时期内对各种相关演讲主题有充分的心理准备, 又可以从不同的角度分析同一个主题内容, 开拓思路。这些演讲稿虽然经过指导教师的多次修改, 但主要还是学生自己的思路, 而非背诵老师的作品, 因此可以选择作为学生英语演讲的自学材料。在研究完别人的演讲稿之后, 学生要着手写自己的演讲稿, 经过与老师的探讨修改之后要脱稿背诵, 做到既流利通畅又背得自然, 老师要在学生背稿完成后进行提问训练, 让学生有一个从背诵到真实语境的过渡, 锻炼应变能力。背诵在英语语言习得过程中具有不可低估的地位, 是学习、积累语言的有效途径。反复经过几十次训练之后, 学生会发现自己写稿子的语篇组织能力越来越强, 这时候就可以逐渐开始训练学生的即兴演讲了。有了之前的英语知识输入和演讲稿书写的训练, 学生的即兴演讲就会形成基本的语篇结构感, 这时只需要大致列一个演讲提纲就可以开始进行即兴演讲。


学生的演讲学习过程艰辛而寂寞, 往往是在不为人知的情况下默默苦练的, 拖延或者不能按时完成自习内容的情况时有发生, 可以做一些改进, 如加入撰写心得体会和定时举办小组讨论反馈。学生读英文名著、听故事、看影片等, 在听、看的基础上, 进行思考和心得体会撰写, 进行每周一次的反馈与讨论, 在与同学讨论中和教师的指导下逐步形成深刻、独到的见解。这在其他英语课堂上也可以起到积极的作用, 如:在综合英语课堂教学中介入英语演讲, 同时进行简短的读书反馈与讨论, 既能克服传统教学侧重语言输入的弊端, 又能活跃课堂气氛, 提高学生的表达能力, 提高学生学习的主动性和积极性, 有效培养学生的英语语言综合应用能力。再如:这种反馈与讨论的英语演讲也可成为大学英语课堂教学的一个环节, 改变传统课堂以“教”为主的模式, 加强师生之间、学生之间在课堂上的互动, 激发学生的英语学习兴趣, 使其愿意积极参与课堂活动, 以更好地实现教学目标。此外, 还可以积极运用网络音视频及时反馈学生英语演讲时出现的问题, 比如:把学生在公众场合做的演讲录下来, 事后让他们在群里观看彼此的录像, 提出有效建议, 使学生形成自然得体的体态语。此外, 还可以通过听演讲录音改善自己的英语节奏感, 根据演讲的内容、表达感情和现场情绪的需要, 该快则快, 该慢则慢。


英语是用来进行交流的, 如果学生缺乏来自英美国家外教的交流与指点, 就势必会削弱演讲的自信心, 因此要给学生创造获得与外教交流指点的机会。中国教师可以与外籍教师进行穿插提问, 针对学生演讲的问题要态度亲切、清楚具体, 避免模棱两可、难度过大, 如果学生回答过于简短, 教师就应该鼓励其进行解释、扩展和说明, 教会学生回答问题要语言简洁、内容具体、有说服力和新颖, 可以适当地运用引语, 或是结合自身的经历展开回答, 还可以在需要的时候使用幽默, 反问等形式, 给人耳目一新的感觉。语言形式是交际手段, 交流信息和思想才是目的。值得注意的是, 在英语演讲比赛中, 文秋方观察到“外方评委通常以听懂意义为前提来判断选手的演讲能力”, 而“而中方评委时而将形式与意义分开, 对选手所犯的个别低级语法错误给以过多的关注, 有以点代面的倾向”。在授课过程中, 中国教师要回避过多地强调批评单词的正确发音、连读, 个别的语法错误等问题, 忽略了思想内容交流的重要性。要研究学生英语演讲稿的篇章结构特点, 有条件的学校可以邀请外教共同指导学生的演讲稿。王立非认为中国学生英语演讲语块典型错误包括母语迁移错误、习得错误、冗余错误、混用错误等, 因此英语演讲教学可围绕会话保持语块、会话目的语块、话题相关语块、话语设置语块和交际策略语块展开。观察到中国学生过多使用从句和情态动词, 而立场动词和介词短语to使用较少, 王立非建议在编撰演讲教材和演讲教学时, 应设法通过加强话语立场构块的练习, 发展口语的流利度和准确性。在演讲课中, 教师应着重讲解立场构块在表达观点和说服听众方面的作用, 提供丰富、多样、地道的话语立场词汇与句法构块输入, 通过大量模仿和接触, 提高学生的英语演讲能力。


当今互联网时代, 互联网的使用已经深入到人们社会生活的方方面面, 知识与学习已发生质的变化, “互联网+教育”对教育资源、教学模式和学习模式等带来了深刻影响, “互联网+”的新趋势可以与英语演讲学习有机融合, 使英语演讲教学走向学生的电脑终端或者智能手机, 有效融合成为课堂教学的极大有益补充。英语演讲教学成功最关键的因素还在于学生, 学生不但要有优秀的语言功底和思辨能力, 还要具有坚强的信念和能吃苦的精神, 大量阅读、写作、练习, 这样才能在老师的督促之下完成学习计划, 不断进取, 从而达到较高的整体英语水平。英语演讲的习得是艰辛的, 尤其对于为数不多的几个接受训练的竞赛选手而言, 很多时候需要自己孤军奋战, 有时候学习还会因止步不前而显得枯燥, 这就需要教师把英语演讲教学变为能贴近学生生活的活动, 从竞赛走向普及平台。例如:各校可以利用网络的力量, 结合本校大学生发布信息常用的渠道———微博、微信等, 建立英语演讲教与学的发布渠道。这些平台可以由以下板块构成:英语名人名言、英美文化、英语新闻、名家讲坛、英语演讲技巧、英语演讲稿范文、英语即兴演讲库、英语演讲网络比赛和与英美大学生的校际演讲交流等。发布英语演讲学习内容或者介绍英语演讲近况, 把英语演讲学习变成一个公开的舞台, 学生将获得更多的督促力和动力, 掌握娴熟的英语演讲技巧, 提高整体英语水平, 关注的学生也能从中受益, 对于参与的学生来说, 将通过演讲的尝试和成功获得今后求职、深造的自信心。


[1]田朝霞.大学生英语演讲能力培养中的问题与对策——从Peter Pober教授对全国英语演讲大赛选手的点评谈起[J].中国大学教学, 2015 (08) .

[2]Stephen E.LUCAS.英语演讲与中国大学生人才培养 (英文) [J].Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics.2013 (02) .

[3]王立非, 马会军.基于语料库的中国学生英语演讲话语立场构块研究[J].外语教学与研究, 2009 (05) .

[4]王立非, 钱娟.我国学生英语演讲中的语块特点:基于语料库的考察[J].外语学刊, 2009 (02) .






1.1 优秀团队的定义


1.2 加强高校英语电台学生工作团队建设的可能性




1.3 加强高校英语电台学生工作团队建设的必要性














i was sound asleep. my grandfather appeared in a dream. he asked why i had never visited him and grandma at the cemetery. he said that even my mom hadn’t visited since october 4 (grandma’s birthday). he told me that, when i was young, i had walked out into a pond and slipped under water. he had rescued me. he said grandma was supposed to be watching me, but that she had gotten sick all of a sudden and was throwing up. it was probably the fresh blackberries they had picked and eaten earlier. grandma had a bad stomach.

my parents were out on a boat in the pond. they did not know that grandpa had saved me until they got back to shore. i was in a towel and my clothes were drying on bushes. my brown and white buster brown shoes were also soaked. i was only three years old, grandpa said. my parents were angry at first, but when they saw that grandma was still feeling sick, they forgave her.

grandpa told me that we had a picnic after that. the four of us ate some chicken, potato salad, and homemade cookies. we drank lemonade. then grandpa took me for a walk in the woods (i sat on his shoulders). i saw some daisies, and we picked them. when we returned, i presented three daisies to mom and three to grandma, who was finally feeling better. grandpa said to bring some daisies to the gravesite. then i woke up.

the next day, i called my mom. “do you remember me walking into the pond and grandpa rescuing me?”

“my god! who told you about that?”

“you mean, it really happened?”

“yes, but your father and i never told you about it because grandma swore us to silence. even though it wasn’t her fault, she felt that she had failed in her responsibility, and never wanted you to know about it. my goodness, that was so long ago. who told you this?”

“mom, did i go for a walk with grandpa and return with daisies for you and grandma?”

“okay, i get it. you and your dad are playing some kind of prank. okay, it’s very funny. now, quit it.”

“this is no prank, mom. grandpa told me this in a dream last night.”

“it still sounds like a prank.”

“no, i’m serious. he told me that grandma had a reaction to blackberries. he said i was wearing brown and white buster brown shoes. he said i gave you and grandma daisies.”

“oh, my god. your father would never remember all this. it must be daddy! did he say anything about visiting his gravesite?”

“yes, that was his problem. he wanted me to visit them. he also said you had not visited since—”

“—since mom’s birthday six years ago?”

“well, not—”

“i’ve got to get over there right now!”

“wait for me! i’m coming with you, and i’ve got to bring those daisies. maybe we’d better start going every year, huh, mom?”


Good morning, ladies and gentleman,

Imagine a world when you wake up in a hot and stuffy weather, while the sky is no longer blue, the streets are crowded with annoying cars with the buzzing sound and the exhaust pipes blow out this horrible black smoke. What is your feeling about it?

In our current society, we can’t be more familiar with the phrase ----the low carbon economy. We all take it for granted due to the fact the concept of low carbon economy enjoys a higher and higher popularity in our daily life, especially after today’s speech contestJ .But how can we achieve the goal of low carbon economy?

While some hold the opinion that it is a matter of the government or it is the business of some big enterprises or companies, and it has nothing to do with us. However, to achieve the aim of low carbon economy, the efforts of governments or enterprises is far from enough. Low carbon economy can’t go further without low carbon life styles. They are going side by side with each other.

So what’s low carbon life style?

Let’s look back on our daily life. Every morning as soon as you open your eyes, are you used to turn on the lights immediately when the room is bright enough as long as you draw the window curtains apart? Is that your habit that when you are brushing your teeth you leave the water tap running on? Are you accustomed to setting the temperature of the air conditioner in your office below 26 degrees Celsius? In general, A low-carbon lifestyle covers many aspects of our modern life, such as cooking, transportation, home heating, and holiday travel, which can be conducted in a way that gives the maximum reduction of personal carbon emissions. It is a life with low energy, low consumption, low expenses.

Nowadays, in our country, a newly emerging generation----- “low carbon generation” in the metropolis has set a good example for us. Traditional clockwork alarm has regained their preference instead of electronic alarm clock; they make sure to turn off the electric equipments like computers or lights after use; they try their clothes under the sunshine while avoiding tumble dryers; what’s more, they jog in the park nearby to replace the 30-min exercise on the electric treadmill; Paper cups will no longer be held in our hands and so on. The “low carbon generation” are taking immediate actions in every details of their life to demonstrate that low carbon economy is not the responsibility of governments or companies, but our duty as individuals. So, not only does low carbon life style mean a style of life, it means an attitude towards life.

We should follow the footprint of the low carbon generation and take every step to create our low carbon footprint.

There is a saying,

Yesterday is a history,

Tomorrow is a mystery,

But today is gift, that’s why it is called the present.
