



新标准英语三年级起点第二册《module 2》教学反思


如fat tall thin big small short等,因此,在学习时,让学生听音猜动物,然后描述这些动物的.特征,学习这些新单词。在学习的过程中,学生既听到了动物的声音,也看到了动物的形状,直观形象地理解了单词。并通过大量的游戏,巩固了所学知识,同时,也提高了学生学习的积极性,在学习这些形容词时,我用自己的肢体语言,形象地展示了这些形容词所表示的意义,并让他们成对的出现。如big ―――small这样,增强了学生的记忆能力。从而有效的学习了本课。


课文中的"this “和”that“,学生对于他们的意思已经模糊了。而在教的时候没能很好的复习这两个。



新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 1 Alphabet Unit 1 it’s the ABC Song Teaching aims and demands (1) The alphabet Learn to sing the ABC Song. What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC Song. (2) To foster students’ consciousness of good co-operation Teaching key points and difficult points (1) Sing the ABC Song (2) What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC Song. Teaching methods (1) Total Physical Response (2) Games Teaching aids: cards audiotape wall map Teaching procedures Step 1: Warm up Free talk with the students about their holiday. Step2: Leading Have the students sing one or two songs they’ve learned before .Then ask”What’s your favourite song/” Explain the meaning and pronunciation of the word favourite Step3 Presentation (1) Put the wall map on the blackboard .Have the students observe the letters .Compare the difference between the big letters and the small letters .Play the tape several times, the students listen, point and sing. (2) Show a set of cards about letters. Help the students read them. Play attention to correct the students’ pronunciation. (3) Finish SB Unit 1 Activity 3 .The students sing and point the relevant pictures. Step 4 practice (1) Play the game Count with the letters, Show the letters with gesture and Hold up the cards of the letters. (2) Do AB Unit 1 exercise 1 Step5: Homework Sing the ABC Song to your family.   新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 1 Alphabet Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. Teaching aims and demands (1) MyHisHer favourite toy is a car. (2) Vocabulary: toy car ship doll computer game Teaching Functions: Talk about your favourite objects. Key points: My favourite toy is… Difficult point: HisHerfavourite… Teaching methods: Task-based; Games Teaching procedures: Step 1: warm up Sing the ABC Song and A Rainbow Step2: Leading Have the students draw a picture of the rainbow. Then ask: What’s your favourite colour? Step 3: New Concepts (1) Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favourite colour is … write it on the blackboard. Have the students introduce their favourite colour by using this structure. Choose three or four students , point to them, say: HisHer favourite colour is… (2) Play the tape, the students listen and circle the new words, guess the meaning of them. (3) Explain toy, computer game, car, ship, and doll by drawing simple figures on the blackboard. (4) Play the tape again. The students listen and repeat. (5) Have the students introduce the contents of the text by using the structure  This is…HisHer favourite toy is… Step 4: Practice (1) Have the students make a survey in groups. Each one would finish the form by asking and answering what’s your favourite…   names hings car doll ship Computer game kite bear Xiao wei                                                         Play the game what’s missing? Do the AB Unit 2 exercise 1 and 2 Step 5: Chant Play the tape. Help the students with the chant. Step 6: Homework Ask your family or friends’ favourite toy and colour.     新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 they’re monkey Teaching aims and demands: 1. Describe animals. 2. What’s this? It’s….   What’re they? They’re…. Teaching key points and difficult points: What’s this? It’s …. What’re they? They’re…. Teaching methods: 1. Total Physical Response. 2. Play games to go over animals. Teaching aids: TV, Tape-recorder, pictures  Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sings a English song “the ABC song” 2. Let’s watch TV about animals 3. Revision (复习): Play a game “Point to animals” Teacher do action and let students guess animals Step 2 Presentation 1. 创设情景,呈现任务。 创设“世界动物园需要招聘英语小导游”的情景Presentation,提出一定的任务及要求。 2. 观看动画,整体感知。 3. 教师展示声音及画面,让学生做听音猜动物的游戏,检查学生的自学情况。纠正个别单词错误发音,示范单词、句型的用法。 4. 小组协作,并创编表演对话。让学生自己去探索、去发现描述动物特征的基本规律。 5. Let students listen to the tape follow the tape 6. let students act the text Step 3 Homework: 1. Draw a picture about zoo. 2. Make a dialogue in the zoo.     新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 2 Zoo Unit 2 that monkey is fat. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: tree tall short thin 2. Sentences: This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 3. Grammar: describe animals Teaching procedures: cards, pictures, projection, Tape-recorder Teaching procedures:  A .song: The ABC song  B .Free talk: What’s your favorite color /animal/toy/food?  C New concepts: Step 1 warm-up: 1. Greet. 2. Do it. Review the commands from Module 2 unit 1 (1) Look at the picture: What are they? (2) Listen to the tape guess what the animal it is. 3. Play a game. Sad face or happy face. Step 2 learn a text 1. Take out two apples one is big the other is small say this is big and that is small. 2. Take out a picture of tree tell them how to read “tree” and say “look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short” Take out another picture of monkey tell them how to read “thin” and say “this monkey is fat. That monkey is thin.” 3. Let students act animals let students guess what animals it is. 4. let students listen to the tape follow the tape and then make groups read the chant 5. let students listen to the tape follow the tape to learn the song and then let student make voice let student sing a song. Step 3 homework 1. Recites the text. 2. Sing English song     新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 3 Playground Unit 1 I like football.   Teaching content: Module 3 Playground   Unit 1 I like football. Teaching objectives: 1. Word and phrases: football, basketball table tennis, morning exercises 2. Sentences: I like … I don’t like … Teaching properties: Tape-recorder, objects Teaching procedures: A.  Song: Old MacDonald has a zoo. B. Free talk: 描述一下你家里的宠物或你画的小动物 C.  New concepts: 一. 老师对同学们说今年9月县里要举办九运会,学校为了响应九运会的号召,准备在学校举办体育课外小组,今天派我来调查一下你们都想参加什么项目,并统计一下人数.那么让我们来看看都有什么项目吧.  老师出示足球,问What’s this ?引导同学们说football,找会的同学当小老师,教其他同学说此单词.然后老师将单词写在黑板上,让同学们一起书写,用同样的方法教basketball ,morning exercises, table tennis 游戏:老师说出任意三个单词,同学们找出老师没读的那个,也可以同桌的`同学玩此游戏. 二. 老师再拿起足球,边玩边高兴的说I like football.然后将足球扔给接受较快的同学,让他模仿说此句型,再由他扔给其他任何一个同学,以此类推来操练此句型.老师将句型写在黑板上并画上笑脸. 老师再在黑板上写上I don’t like …的句型.并画上哭脸,然后拿篮球说 I don’t like basketball .以同样的传球游戏操练此句型. 三.老师让同学们听录音,听听Panpan的喜好变化,听听他最终喜欢什么体育项目,并引导同学们发现Panpan 是一个有困难就退缩的人,鼓励同学们要不怕困难,做事要坚持到底 。   再让同学们听音模仿跟读课文,并练习表演课文。 四.现在我们已经学完了四个体育项目,那么你们帮我来完成学校安排给我的任务吧。安排四个组长拿好他们各自的球,分别到各组调查同学们喜欢的项目,如果该同学喜欢就说 I like …  并站到该组长的后面,如果不喜欢就说I don’t like…并等待下一位组长的到来,最后统计一下人数。 Homework: 1. 表演课文 2. 按照单词表拼读新单词   Module 3 Unit 1 football. I like  basketball I don’t like table tennis morning exercises.  Design:         新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 3 Playground  Unit 2   I don’t like riding bikes Teaching content: Module3 Playground Unit2 I don’t like riding bikes. Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: swimming, skipping, riding bikes 2.Sentences: I like… I don’t like … Teaching properties: Tape-




2.过程与方法:诱导学生质疑解难, 运用思维推理的方法找到认知的路径。

3.情感与策略:培养和发展学生对英语知识渴求的心理欲望, 鼓励学生自行探索、归纳总结并得出正确的结论, 保持最佳的学习状态。

[教学重点]理解课文并能用所学的重点句型进行有效的语言实践, 学会本课字母和单词的读写。

[教学难点]一般现在时中主语是单数第三人称, 谓语动词的词形变化及其应用。

[教学策略]运用观察——质疑——探究——归纳——应用的方法, 达到本课的教学目的;用实物、多媒体等教学手段, 达到知识呈现、扩展和应用的生动性和有效性。

Teaching Process:

Step 1.Arouse and Recall

T: (After a short greetings) Well, let’s sing a song, We Like School. (The words with vivid pictures on the screen.Ss sing, watch and follow with actions.)

T:We all like school, but at the weekend…

S1:we don’t go to school.

T:What do you do then?

S2-5: (Answer it one by one) I sleep in the morning.I go swimming in the afternoon.I watch TV in the evening.I play basketball.I do homework.

[看屏幕唱歌曲, 把学生的情绪带进了英语学习氛围中, 轻松愉快地聚焦重难点知识。教师的提问, 唤起了学生对已有知识和经历的回忆, 一个接一个地踊跃回答问题, 教师由此初步掌握了学生对学过知识的理解应用情况。]

Step 2.Trace and Survey

T:Now let’s see, “What does Lingling do at the weekend?”

(After listening, Ss are asked to go over the content again.They come up with some questions like the meanings of the new words, the grammar points…)

T:Ok, look at the Course Schedule here.Today is Tuesday.We have (Ss say together with T) Maths English, Science and Music in the morning.We have Chinese and PE in the afternoon.Tomorrow is Wednseday.There are Chinese, Art, Maths and Science.Then we have no class. (T writes the new words on Bb.Ss read and spell them.As for the grammar points, T asks the class to have a discussion in groups.Ss voice their opinions, saying Lingling is only one person.)

T:Yes, you are right!But‘I’is only one person, too.

S1:Third-person? (In Chinese)

T:Yes.How about“they”?

S2:Plural? (In Chinese)

T:That’s it!

S3:In Module 4, “Does Daming like bananas?”

S4:Yes, he does.

S5:Tom likes milk. (Ss think it’s the same here)

S6:But plays, sleeps, watches, does, goes… (Ss mean to show the different suffixes.T explains it and show them some examples.)

T:Please work in a group of 6.Ask and answer each other questions like“What does Lili do at the weekend?” (Ss do so for a few minutes)

[诱导学生质疑, 把整个教学内容用多媒体呈现给学生, 由学生自行领悟、理解问难。对学生提出的词汇问题, 教师用课表引导学生明确语义;而语法问题, 教师则让学生小组共同研究, 找出规律。]

Step 3.Search and Create

(On the big screen are some famous people and their weekend’s activities with some missing information)

T:Listen and fill in the blanks, here, here… (Ss listen while filling)

VIP’s Weekend Activities

A.Yao MingB.Guo Jingjing C.Tian Liang

D.Zhou JielunE.Li NingF.Sun Nan

G.Han HongH.Wang FeiI.Li Yong

J.Liu DehuaK.Zhao WeiL.Xiao Shenyan

M.Song ZuyingN.Bi Fujian

T: (Showing the best work on the overhead projector) Let’s check. (Asking Ss to say one by one) Now circle your favorite stars and talk about them focusing on their weekend’s activities only!

[通过选择填表格, 使学生集中注意力听、思考。这些名人大部分是学生熟悉和感兴趣的。这样的模拟练习逼真, 有利于学生思维的调动。即使填错了, 在后续的练习中, 也不会影响到学生语言的正确表达。]

Step 4.Watch and Write

T:Speak out the letters, Aa…

Ss:Aa…Kk… (T shows how to read and write and spell the letters, the words:LlMmNn lion monkey noodles.Ss copy.)

T:We make up a chant together.L is for lion…

T&Ss:L is for lion, M is for monkey, N is for noodles.

T:Where is l?S1:The noodles have it.

T:Where is m?S2:The monkey has it.

T:Where is n?S3:The lion has it.

(Then T shows them pictures with letters and words.Ss read and spell.)

[字母和书写教学是本学期的教学重点。因此, 教师的启蒙很重要。学生不但要会仿写, 而且还要把握好笔顺、间隔、大小写和艺术性等。最后, 教师同学生一起编创歌谣, 达到强化字母和单词的音、义、形的目的。]

Step 5.Achieve and Assign

T:Look at the screen.Let’s have a match between two.Who does it better and faster?

Lingling-1- (likes, like) PE.At the weekend she-2- (have, has) no Music, Art or-3- (pe, PE) .She-4- (sleeps, sleeping) in the morning, plays basketball in the-5- (afternoon, moon) , -6- (go, goes) swimming-7- (on, in) theevening.In the night she-8- (watches, match) TV at home.She-9- (have, has) a good-10- (weekend, weekday) .

T:Stop here.Let’s see, who wins?Faster, hands up!Better, hands up! (T gives a big smile and some comments)

T:Homework for today:

1.Write and keep in mind the 3 letters and the3 words.

2.Read the text freely.

3.Do a project, talking with other people about their weekend’s activities:What does he/she do at the weekend?

[教师设计了双人对决赛, 振奋学生学习情绪。教师根据学生的练习情况, 初步掌握学生的学习效果。学生边听边选, 质量和速度并行, 进一步强化了本课的重点内容。课后学习任务的布置, 机械练习和项目实践相结合, 实现用语言交际的学习策略。]

[扼要评述]本课是以周末活动为主要话题, 展开学习任务, 并含有一般现在时单数第三人称的应用。针对大多数学生的表达“障碍”和认知“惘点”, 教师调动集体的力量, 通过查找、问难、讨论、迁移、推理等方式, 完成学习任务。

教师没有把知识平铺直叙地强加给学生, 而是让学生从理智的观察、发现、比较中得到。课堂上, 学生在教师的引导下, 进行了自学求索、团队解疑、交流展示、思辨巩固、实际应用等尝试。教师让学生自己出发, 自主完成整个学习过程。

为了进一步深化本课重点知识的学习和巩固, 教师设计了名人度周末的听力填空练习, 把学生的学习兴奋点又提高了一步, 增加了学生练习的情趣。写字母、记单词比较单调, 教师引领学生编创简单上口的歌谣, 动静结合, 学生很容易学会。

主题概括和归纳总结过程, 教师处理得也很有特色。用填词的方式, 让学生唱着说出来, 不仅达到了教学目标, 还使课堂首尾呼应, 学生印象深刻。课后作业设计, 也给学生很大的拓展空间, 不但全面, 而且质量兼顾。写会读熟, 学生可以根据自己的实际情况来做。采访的人数、对象也由学生自行确定, 不受时间和条件的限制, 有利不同层次学生完成作业。




4.小组协作,并创编表演对话。让学生自己去探索、去发现描述动物特征的基本规律。新课#标第#一网 step 3 2.make a dialogue in the zoo.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 2 zoo unit 2 that monkey is fat.that tree is short.this monkey is thin.that monkey is fat.1.greet.step 2 learn a text 2.sing english song

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 3 playground unit 1 i like football.unit 1 i like football.b.free talk: 描述一下你家里的宠物或你画的小动物

一.老师对同学们说今年9月县里要举办九运会,学校为了响应九运会的号召,准备在学校举办体育课外小组,今天派我来调查一下你们都想参加什么项目,并统计一下人数.那么让我们来看看都有什么项目吧.游戏:老师说出任意三个单词,同学们找出老师没读的那个,也可以同桌的同学玩此游戏.二.老师再拿起足球,边玩边高兴的说i like football.然后将足球扔给接受较快的同学,让他模仿说此句型,再由他扔给其他任何一个同学,以此类推来操练此句型.老师将句型写在黑板上并画上笑脸.三.老师让同学们听录音,听听panpan的喜好变化,听听他最终喜欢什么体育项目,并引导同学们发现panpan 是一个有困难就退缩的人,鼓励同学们要不怕困难,做事要坚持到底。


四.现在我们已经学完了四个体育项目,那么你们帮我来完成学校安排给我的任务吧。安排四个组长拿好他们各自的球,分别到各组调查同学们喜欢的项目,如果该同学喜欢就说 i like „ 并站到该组长的后面,如果不喜欢就说i don’t like„并等待下一位组长的到来,最后统计一下人数。design:

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 3 playground unit 2 i don’t like riding bikes b.free talk:谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的体育项目


用同样的方法教授skipping , riding bikes.然后玩听指令做动作的游戏来练习单词。二.放录音,让同学们边听边模仿跟读,然后同桌的同学练习编小对话,并到前面表演。三.完成书中的活动3和活动5 五.完成书中活动6,书写dd ee ff 三个字母,dog ,elephant, football三个单词,并让同学们扩展单词,看谁扩展的多。2完成调查表,下节课汇报调查结果。3 口拼新单词。design:

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 4 food unit1 do you like meat? unit1 do you like meat? no, i don’t.b.free talk: 汇报上节课的调查结果,并谈论一下你喜欢和不喜欢的事物 二.老师说今天ms smart 一家也有一顿丰盛的晚餐,我们一起来看看吧。放第一遍录音,请同学们听听,他们家都做了哪些饭菜。

放第二遍录音,请同学们打开书,听听sam amy lingling tom 都分别喜欢什么食物,谁喜欢的和你一样,并简单强调一下说别人喜欢什么东西的时候要用likes。再放一遍录音,同学们跟读模仿,仔细听第一幅图,并操练一下pass me the„, please.here you are.的句型。再熟读课文。2 口拼新单词。design

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 4 food unit 2 does daming like bananas? unit 2 does daming like bananas? yes, he does.no, he doesn’t.b.free talk: 小组表演课文

2当有同学说到i like apples.的时候,老师就可以指着该同学问其他同学,does she/he like apples?引导同学们用 yes , she/he does.来回答。并将句型写在黑板上。同桌练习此对话,可以用学过的单词替换。3用同样的方法教授orange, pear, banana,和句型does she/he like „? no, she/he doesn’t.4 听录音,判断对错。老师可以将有关课文的几个问题写在小黑板上,让同学们不看书,尽量回答问题。放第二遍录音时,同学跟读模仿。然后熟读课文。5完成活动3和活动5 7学习字母gg hh ii 和单词girl, hat, in 并做扩词练习。1拼读新单词


新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 5 time 1.greetings: t: hello, boys and girls.ss: hello, miss yang.ss: today is „„.t: are you happy? five, six, seven, eight.nine, ten, nine, ten.learn english again and again.3.singing: “good morning sam?’’ ss: 8: 10 ss: i get up at „„.i get up at „„ i go home at„..5.text 1)listen and look.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案

module 5 time 2.enable the ss to say “has breakfast” “has dinner”.1.greetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.ss: good morning, miss yang.ss it’s „day.ss: i am on duty today.(某个ss)breakfast, breakfast, i have breakfast.ss: ok.起床,回家,去睡觉,看电视,吃午饭。我七点种起床。2.我12点吃午饭。

t: ok, i’ll tell you.it’s half past seven.在几点半时用half for example: 8:30 half past eight.2)2:30 ss: i have dinner at„ i have dinner at „ i have breakfast at„ 4.listen and say: 6.text 1)listen and look 3)read the text.1.translate: 1)我在六点半吃晚饭。

2)i have breakfast at half past seven.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案

ss: ok.ss: today is „„

hello, meg, hello, ted.3.singing “head, shoulders, knees and toes.t: oh, you are great.today let us learn 1.t: do you like playing football? ss: yes, i do.ss: i play basketball.t: you are great.t: do you like maths? ss: yes, i do./(no, i don’t.)ss: i sleep too.i„„„..i have „„ and „„ 5.text 1)listen and look.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案

ss: i’m fine, thank you.and you? ss: not bad.ss: ok.ss: i „„„in the morning.ss: i have „„ and „„

2.explain does 是do 的单数形式用于第三人称后面。for example: he, she, it „„

he does „„/she does„../it does„„.she sleeps.4.text 1)listen and look.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 7 festivals 教学目的要求:

1、语法:一般现在时中不规则动词第三人称单数,第一人称复数的应用。重点、难点、关键: 新课标#第一网


3、培养学生口语表达,表达节日问候及描述过节时的风俗习惯。教具准备:图片,录音机 教学流程:

1、greetings(5)i have maths and english.一、listen and point 2.play the tape.二、listen and say

三、look and say 1.listen and repeat step4: the end 1.let’s sing a song 新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 7 festivals a)listen and point 2.play the tape and let the student listen.b)point and say 1.listen and say, then sing.step4: the end 2.play a game 板书设计: 新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 unit 1 it’s hot in summer.教学目的要求: 1.语法:一般现在时中第一人称复数的应用 3.培养学生用英语表达四季及四季的气候特征.教学重点,难点: 1.词汇教学(重点)2.语法教学(难点)教具准备:图片,录音机#新课#标第#一## 教学流程: unit1 it’s hot in summer 1.greetings 4.t: summer.ss: number1.一、listen and point 3.play the tape.二、listen and say 2.play the tape.1.have the students read the example dialogue.2.play a game step 4 the end 1.let’s sing a song 板书设计: unit 1 it’s hot in summer.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 unit 2 it’s hot and sunny today.1.greetings

一、listen and point 3.get the students to dose their books, play the tape.二、point and say s2: it’s spring.1.have the students read the example dialogue.1.listen and say, then sing step 4 the end 板书设计: unit 2 it’s hot and sunny today.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 model 9 possessions i’ve got a book.it’s about animals.yes, i have./no, i haven’t.3.grammar: using the first and third person singular and third person plural of regular and irregular verbs in the simple present tense.2)free talk: step3.games: 开火车。通过开火车的形式练习句型“ i’ve got a book.have you got a book?”比比看哪组传得又快又准,获胜者加分。1)听录音跟读课文,然后背诵课文。

2)与同伴一起练习“i’ve got a„” “have you got a „ ?”句型。designs: module 9 possessions group: 1 2 3 4 +1 +1 新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 model 9 possessions amy has got a bike.3.grammar : talking about possessions and transport.<2> free talk: talking about possessions.they may about yourself.your friends father mother and so on.step 3.game designs bike amy bue sam

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 module 10 position unit 1 it’s on your desk.on box under bedroom it’s in /on / under your desk 3.grammar talking about positions.“it’s a / an„”




(1)学生能听,说,认读生词:peach、pear、watermelon、orange.(2)学生能听懂并会说: Hmm …… It tastes good.2、技能目标


(2)能在合适的场合运用句子:Hmm ……It tastes good.(3)能运用句型 I like peaches.表达自己喜爱吃的水果。





让学生掌握四个有关水果的单词:peach pear watermelon orange.三、教学难点

句子Hmm……It tastes good.的理解,It tastes的连读,以及 tastes 的发音。


Step1.Warm up1、Greeting2、Sing “One two three four five”(播放空中课堂,学生跟唱。)


T:What colour is it?

Ss: It’s red/yellow/black/green/orange/pink.等。学生答对后,教师用不同的语言给予表扬。


1、课前的师生对话,既复习了前面所学的内容,又有利于学生的口语锻炼,因此,每堂课前的greeting 是必不可少的。


3、本节课要用有关颜色的词,课前进行复习,有利于后面学生活动部分的完成。Step2.Presentation1、presentation of the new words

(1)T:Do you like fruit?(水果)。Ss: Yes.T:水果中含有我们人体所需要的多种元素和纤维,希望同学们经常吃些水果。好,今天我们就学习Unit4 Do you like pears?(同时板书课题。)

T: Now, Look at the screen and listen carefully.看看我们今天要学习多少种水果。(教师播放空中课堂,学生先认真观看。)



(2)T:How many fruits? Ss: Four.T:哪些水果呢?Now, Let’s look and listen again.(播放空中课堂)请同学们跟Lisa 老师学读第一个生词:peach。学生读完后,教师在四线格中板书生词。(学生在读的过程中,教师要求学生认真观察Lisa 老师的口型,注意单词的发音。)

教师出示peach图片问:What’s this? Ss: peach.教师再指名读。教师再拿出peach单词卡和图片让学生反复认读。并用不同的语言和肢体语言鼓励学生。

T:除了peach外,还有什么?Now, Let’s look at the screen again.(播放空中课堂)同法教学生词pear watermelon orange。







T:What’s this ? Ss: It’s a peach.T:Yes.It’s a peach.Peach peach ,I like peaches.(教师同时做喜欢吃的表情和动作)学生跟读并模仿教师的表情和动作。学生读完后,教师将图片贴在黑板上peach的后面。同法教读词和句子:Pear pear, I like pears.Watermelom watermelon,I like watermelons.Orange orange, I like oranges.并将图片贴在相应的单词后。教师再分别出示四种水果图片,引导学生念儿歌:Peach peach ,I like peaches.Pear pear,I like pears.Watermelom watermelon,I like watermelons.Orange orange, I like oranges.设计思路:

学生认读单词后,及时出示事物,让无形的语言与具体的事物相 联系,学生更容易理解。在这里设计一个chant,学生读起来朗朗上口,既容易记住单词,又让单词在句子中呈现。体现出词不离句,句不离景。

(5)T:水果不仅有营养,而且味道不错,我们再来看大屏幕,看看两位老师吃水果时是怎样说的。播放空中课堂,教学句子:Hmm……It tastes good.(让学生反复体会发音难点)

教师拿出一个水果,边做吃的动作边说:Hmm……It tastes good.然后示意一 名学生拿起一种水果边做吃的动作边说:Hmm……It tastes good.再让全班学生边做吃的动作边说:Hmm……It tastes good.师生反复操练。










T:水果既有营养又好吃,Do you like them.Ss: Yes.T:好,下面听老师的指令,画水果。

a: Draw a peach, Colour it pink and green.b: Draw a pear, Colour it yellow and green.c: Draw a watermelon, Colour it green and black.d: Draw an orange, Colour it orange.教师将画得好的画展示给全班学生看,并对画的好的学生进行表扬。



Step4 Warp up



Ss: peach pear watermelon orange

T:Yes.水果好吃吗? Ss: Yes.T:那么,你吃水果时会怎么说呢?

Ss: Hmm……It tastes good.Step5 Home work.T:同学们,我们今天学了peach pear watermelon orange这四种水果的名称,请大家回家用英语告诉你们的爸爸,妈妈好吗?同时用英语告诉你们的爸爸,妈妈,你喜欢吃哪一种水果。你们平时要吃这些水果时,开口用英语说,会吗?


Unit4 Do you like pears? peach(图片)pear(图片)













四、教学任务: 1.培养学生良好的学习习惯;2.激发培养学生学习的热情,对英语学科的喜爱;3.引发学生用所学知识进行交际的意识和勇气;4.继续培养学习兴趣,提高他们听和说的能力。





a.学习并熟练运用目标语句“ThisThat…is tallshortlong…”

b.能准确认读及运用单词long, short, tall, giraffe, elephant snake


能听懂、朗读主要句型“ThisThat…is tallshortlong…”, 并围绕其描述动物或物品的特征。


创设学习情境, 激发学生学习的热情和兴趣, 提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。同时, 教育学生要爱护小动物, 保护大自然。


根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度, 结合本课的教学目标与学习目标, 确定本节课的重点能听懂会说重点句型“ThisThat…is tallshortlong…”。




本节课的授课对象为一年级学生。他们想象力丰富, 喜欢幻想, 对事物充满好奇, 乐于参加表演, 喜欢做游戏, 急于得到别人特别是老师的肯定。所以在本节课教学中, 因为有了第五模块形容词及复数表达法学习的基础, 学生对动物的单词并不陌生, 学生的语言已有一定的积累, 本课主要是对形容词的理解与运用。首先培养学生的学习兴趣, 使学生掌握一定的语言知识。其次, 培养学生利用所学的语言知识解决实际问题、进行交际的能力。最后, 培养学生的合作、互助意识, 以发展学生的思维, 培养学生创新意识。


CAI课件、单词卡片、实物、图片、听力练习 (表格)


Ⅰ.Warming up (热身启动)

Say a chant with actions.

Father pig is fat.

Mother pig is thin.

Look at six baby pigs:2 are black, 4 are pink, 5 are little, and 1 is big.

Ⅱ.Presentation and leading (任务呈现与课文导入)

1.Free talk.

T shows some toys and lead the students to say the sentences with the words (little, big, fat, thin)

2.T:Can you use“fat, thin, little, big”to describe the animals?

Ss:That dog is little.

That panda is big.

That pig is fat.

That monkey is thin.

At the same time, teacher gives the little rewards (little giraffes, snakes, elephants) to the students who said quickly.


T:Look, where can you see the monkeys?On the farm or at the zoo? (show the pictures of“farm”and“zoo”)

Ss:At the zoo.

(read this new word in pairs or in lines) T:Good.Do you like the zoo?


T:I like zoo, too.What animals can you see at the zoo?

Ss:elephant, giraffe, lion, snake, hippo, monkey panda…

T:Look, so many tickets of Dalian Forest Zoo.Do you want to get it?


T:今天我们就和Amy、玲玲一起去动物园看看, 学习描述小动物的特点并赢得门票。

4.Title:Today we are going to learn Module 6 Unit 1.T:Let’s go to the zoo.

Ss:Yes.Let’s go to the zoo.

Ⅲ.New Teaching (课文学习)

1.Listen and find what animals do they see.T:What animals do they see?





(1) T shows the slides and say:“Is it a snakegiraffeelephantlion?”

(2) T say the words, Ss do the actions about the animals.

(这些小动物有什么特点, 你能用动作表演出来吗?)

(3) T writes the number, T says the words, Ss say the numbers.

(4) T says the numbers, Ss say the words.

(5) (认读) T show the cards of the words, Ss say the words in pairslineslittle teacherin groups together…

2.Listen again.

T:Let’s listen again.And tell me what do they say?


(1) Ss:That snake is long.That snake is short.The elephants are big.The giraffes are tall.

T:Show the pictures and the words of longshorttallshort.And at the same time, stick them on the blackboard.

(2) T:That snake is long. (手势) That snake is short. (手势)

T say the words, then let Ss to do the actions.

T do the actions, Ss say the words.

(3) T:Show me your ruler.Look, this ruler is long.What about yours?

S1:This ruler is short.

S2:This ruler is long, too.

T:Can you talk about your ruler with your partner?Ss talk with partners.

(4) T:What do the giraffes look like?S1:The giraffes are tall.

T show the word“tall”and teach the sentence“The giraffes are tall.”

T:What about Amy?What does Amy say?

Ss:I am short.

T:What’s the meaning“short”?


T:Now, I want to compare with you.Look, I am tall What about you?

S3:I am short.

S4:I am short.

T:I’ll choose a child to the front.Xxx, come here To compare with me, which word do you choose?

S5choose the word“tall”or“short”and say“I am tall/short.”

T:Now compare with your partner.

3.Listen and read the dialogue.

Ⅳ.Practising and Production (练习与任务完成)

1.Do the exercises on AB——Listen and tick.

2.Game.Quickly Answer——Tick or cross.

T show the pictures on Computer with sentences, le students to watch the pictures and read the sentences then use their fingers to judge“Yes or No”.

eg.—That snake is long.Ss:No.


(1) T show some animals and ask“Can you talk abou my animals?”

S1:This bear is tall.

S2:That bear is fat.

(T use the tickets to encourage Ss)

(2) T:Look, a mini zoo.Can you talk about the animals at this zoo?Have a try.

S1:This snake is long.

S2 (补充) :This snake is thin.

S3 (补充) :This snake is green.

Ⅴ.Summary and Homework (总结与布置作业)


Today we’ve learnt the words of“long, short, tall, giraffe, elephant, snake”and the sentences of“ThisThat is tallshortlong…”to describe things.




