



人教版新起点三年级英语下册测试卷Unit 6



一、Listen and number听录音,给下列图片排序。(1′×10=10′)




二、Listen and choose听录音,把句子补充完整。(1′×5=5′)()

1、Your living room is so.A、niceB、pretty C、big()

2、Where is your?

A、motherB、cousin C、brother()

3、They are in the.A、study B、libraryC、playground()

4、There is a.A、TVB、bathroomC、sofa()

5、It’s time to


三、Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(1′×5=5′)()

1、A、The living room is big and nice.B、The living room is small but nice.()

2、A、There is a study.B、There is a study,too.()

3、A、It’s time to stop.B、It’s time to sleep.()

4、A、He is in the bathroom.B、He is in the kitchen.()

5、A、Where is your aunt?

B、What is your aunt?

四、Listen and choose听录音,根据问句选答句。(2′×5=10′)()

1、A、In the kitchen.B、In the bedroom.()

2、A、She is in the living room.B、She is watching TV.()

3、A、Yes,she is.B、No,they aren’t.()

4、A、She is washing her hands.B、She is sleeping.()

5、A、In the sea.B、In the tree.五、Listen and draw√or×听录音,判断正√误×。(2′×5=10′)()

1、This is my home.()

2、She’s in the kitchen.()

3、My bedroom is so nice.()

4、He is reading in the study.()

5、There is a house for rent.六、Listen and number听录音,给下列句子排序。(2′×5=10′)()

1、He makes a mess.()

2、Trouble is in the dining room.()

3、Now you know why I call it“Trouble”.()

4、He is a happy cat.()

5、The juice is all on the floor.笔试部分

七、Read and choose图文配对(1′×5=5′)A、This is my home.B、I watch TV in the living room.C、The Teddy Bear is in the bedroom.D、In my study,there are many books.E、My mother is cooking in the kitchen.()()()()()

八、Read and choose英汉配对(1′×10=10′)A、卧室B、客厅C、书房D、厨房E、餐厅


J、浴室()living room()study()kitchen()bedroom()bathroom()home

()forest()sofa()for rent

()dining room

九、Read and choose读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词(1′×5=5′)()








十、Read and draw√or×根据生活常识判断正√误×(1′×5=5′)()

1、I eat dinner in the bathroom.()

2、A fish’s home is in the forest.()

3、My mother cooks breakfast in the kitchen.()

4、My grandfather watches TV in the living room.()

5、There are many books in the study.十一、Read and choose找出下列句子的答句(2′×5=10′)()1.Where is Lily?

A.It’s in a tree.()2.Is there a study in your home?

B.She’s washing her hands.()3.What is she doing?C.There is a tiger.()4.Where is the bird’s home?

D.No there isn’t.()5.What’s in the forest?E.She’s in her study.十二、Read and choose读一读,选一选。(2′×5=10′)

Van and Ted are twin brothers.They look the same.They are English.They are eleven.They are in No.15 Middle School.They are new students in Class One, Grade One.Van sits in Row One.Ted sits in Row Three.())1.Van and Ted are.A.twins brothers B.twin brother C.twin brothers()2.They are.A.English B.American C.Chinese()3.They are.A.ten B.eleven C.twelve()4.They are students.A.new B.old C.good()5.Ted sits Row Three.A.on B.in C.at

十二、Read and draw√or×阅读短文,判断正√误×(2′×5=10′)

Hello!Welcome to my home.I have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a study and a bathroom.In my bedroom, there is a small bed.In the living room, there is a chair, a desk and a TV.In the study, there are two shelves and a desk.I read books in the study.I like my room.()1.I have three bedrooms.()2.The TV is in the living room.()3.I have six rooms.()4.I have a big bed in my bedroom.()5.The computer is in the study.


Unit 10 My Classes

Lesson 59 教学内容: A Fun time B Think, tick or cross C Let’s sing 教学目的:


2.通过学习有趣的小故事,逐步培养学生阅读的习惯并逐渐掌握阅读技巧; 3.激发学生阅读的兴趣,让学生在故事中领悟到上课的重要。教学重点:

1.让学生通过仔细听录音,细心观看图画,善于动脑思考的学习过程训练学生的阅读理解能力; 2.学习有关课程和星期的歌曲,进一步帮助学生记忆单词。教学难点:


教学录音磁带,课文中七个场景的教学挂图,歌曲录音磁带 教学过程:



2.教师出示有关星期和课程的单词,请学生代表带领大家朗读单词,然后请全班同学一起拼读单词,帮助学生记忆单词; 3.教师提问让学生回答:

T: What day is today? S: It’s Monday.T: What lessons do you have today? S: We have Chinese, math, English and art.T: What lesson do you like? S: I like Chinese.It’s easy.二、读故事,学道理,复习巩固星期和课程的知识:


2.之后教师播放故事的录音磁带,让学生听录音学故事的对话和解说词,训练学生的观察能力和思考能力,让他们开动脑筋找出自己所会的词、句来进行表达,给学生提供开口说话的机会; 3.教师帮助学生理解故事中出现的生词:Tim is a naughty pig.一句中的naughty一词,可以让 1



5.请学生个人或小组逐图学习故事,朗读故事;小组组员合作完成故事的朗读或表演,每个组员选自己最拿手的一段,有困难的同学可以请其他同学来教,培养学生们的合作意识; 6.在熟读的基础上,请几名同学来分角色表演故事内容;教师与其他同学进行评价; 7.分小组讨论:我们该不该向小猪那样,遇到自己喜欢的课就上,遇到不喜欢的课就睡觉? 8.教师带领学生们读句子,弄懂句子和的意思,然后请学生先独立地用勾或叉完成表格,检测学生对故事的情节是否真正理解了;然后带领学生一起检查,同桌同学互相批改,用A,B,C,D四个等级来评价,全对或错一个为A,错两个为B,错三个为C。






Today we learned a story about pig Tim.We did the exercises in lesson fifty-nine.Then we learned a song about week and lesson.You did the good jobs.五、作业:


这是一节总复习课, 着重复习本册书的三个主要时态 (进行时、现在时和将来时) 、三种句式 (陈述句、特殊疑问句和一般疑问句) 。这一单元的知识点覆盖前六个模块, 语言情景生动, 四个部分的设计各有不同, 层次分明, 重点突出。


首先, 要合理安排复习内容, 把学过的语言置入新的环境中, 增加新鲜感, 采用不同的练习方式, 提高学生的学习兴趣。然后, 改变学生的物理环境, 使学生有新的学习搭档, 优势互补, 共同提高。最后, 引入竞争机制, 运用比赛、快速反应等方式, 提高学生的思维参与度。




Step 1.Aotonomous learning

1.Greetings (T&Ss greet each other friendly)

2. (Ss listen and speak for sometime)

T:Now talk about the pictures in other ways.Change the persons.You can say in the way you like. (Ss work together creatively)

T:Your attention, please.Now make a dialogue in the front.

S1:What are you doing?

S2:I’m talking to you.

S1:Look at the pictures.What is he doing?

S2:He is going up the hill.

【开课有益, 充分做到了尊重学生的主体地位, 强化学生自主学习。启智于思, 寓学于乐, 使学生在轻松的环境中学习、练习, 巩固了所学知识, 发挥了学生的主观能动性并创造性地学习。】

Step 2.Review and check

T:There is a game here.Now work in fours, ask and answer. (Ss practise speaking the numbers.One shows the fingers, the other three speak out accordingly.See, who is the fastest.)

T:Please look at the screen.Here are some pictures.Talk about them in pairs. (Ss make a dialogue with the sentence patterns:How many...?Twenty-one.)

T:Let’s do some pairwork.Who gets the most within 30 seconds?And speak out the numbers correctly.

(T asks four Ss to come to the front at a time.They try to take off the bananas with the numbers from the trees on Bb.T is the judger, other Ss watch and listen.T praises those who get more bananas.)

【数字复习对学生来说很容易, 学生口头表达比较流利。游戏环节的设计, 使学生在重述的时候感觉到愉悦。13、15、18、20的拼写与前12个数字虽然也有联系, 但不同点很明显。让学生观察、对比并记住这些单词的词形。这部分练习可以扩展到13-30、15-50、18-80等, 让学生对十位数有最初的印象, 达到预习百位数的目的。】

Step 3.Cooperative inquiry

T:First, talk to each other according to Activity 3.Then talk to yourself.For example, Can you run fast?If you can, your answer should be positive, otherwise, negetive.Interview other Ss with only one question, see how many students give the answer—“Yes”.Do a survey, guess the reason. (Ss can use the words:like, easy, tall, strong)

【单纯的语言练习与学生的实际生活结合起来, 会还是不会做什么并不重要, 关键是学生能借此话题进行语言交流。通过采访, 互相了解, 自如运用语言。最后一个环节设计有一定高度。分析能和不能的原因, 涉及自我评价和及他推测, 使语言练习有所扩展。】

Step 4.Carding analysis

T:Listen and match, then check together, write down the sentences. (Ss do Attentively as T says)

T:OK.Who can tell me?What is Sam going to do?

S1:He is going to play basketball.

T:Very good!This row, stand up, please.Ask and answer.

S2:What is Amy going to do?

S3:She is going to take pictures.

【听、连线之后, 以对话的形式进行交流练习, 使学生思维敏锐。视学生的认知水平, 教师适当的示范、启发和点拨, 引领学生的语言实践。这一环节, 学困生复述和交流有难度, 屏幕上出现原句, 让他们有所参照, 以便顺利开展学习活动。】

Step 5.Expand and transformation

T:This time, let’s change the persons. (Ss work in pairs.)

T:Who can tell me your new dialogue?

S1:What are we going to do?

S2:We are going to the park.

S3:What is Wang Hai going to do?

S4:He is going to row a boat…

T:The Ss on the left side, make sentences by using the present tense, the Ss on the right side make sentences by using the present continuous tense.Let’s see which part can finish it better and more quickly!

T:Now give your work sheet to your partner, check and correct.

T: (Go over some of the work sheets and point out some mistakes) Most of you can do a better job.

【利用这部分的基本内容进行转化和拓展练习, 增加真实性的语言实践练习, 变学生间的交流为真情实事, 活化语言实践练习的过程, 本册教学内容侧重三个时态, 在这一环节也得到了强化。】

Step 6.Strengthen and promotion

T: (Turn on the big screen.Some drills are on show.) Will you please read and write down these sentences?

T:Look here. (An activity sheet on the screen.) You should do these exercises.

I.Fill in the blanks.

1.He----going up the hill.She is going----the hill.

2.I----run fast, but she can’t run----.

3.He can play----flute, and I can play----.

4.Amy----going to ride a bike, and I----going to take pictures.

5.Sam is going to go----, but Tom is going to the----.

II.Make dialogues. (There are ten pictures.Ss can choose at least five of them.Ss can do it in a different way.) These are the examples:

1.A:What is she doing?B:She is walking home.

2.A:Where is the car going?B:It is going to the school.

3.A:How many lions?B:Twenty-one.

4.A:What can you do?B:I can make a cake.

5.A.Can you draw a dragon?B:No, I can’t.

T:Now you can change ideas about the pictures. (They talk about the pictures in pairs.T encourages them to say more and better.)

【强化重点句型和重点语法, 教师让学生写下来, 以巩固学生的原有认知。再对学生的掌握程度进行检测, 反馈学生的学习情况, 引导学生进入自由对话创编, 再度深化和拓展所学语言材料。最后, 教师给出问题, 学生自由回答。】

Step 7 Summary and reflection

T:You do very well today.I’m much appreciated. (Tthen asks some of the students to make a quick view of today’s learning contents, focusing on the difficult points.)

T:Homework for today.

1.Go over Tb p42&p43.

2.Do Exs on the AB.


【教师对学生学业进行鼓励性评价, 对重难点内容再度回馈。作业布置有层次和选择性, 让学生自主完成配套练习。】


这是一节总复习课, 侧重全册课程重点知识的巩固和延伸。巩固, 略有提高;拓展, 注意保底。教学设计跳出了原有的复习课教学模式, 不仅注重复习重点词语、句型和语法, 而且进行了真实化、情趣化的语言演练。

利用多媒体呈现语言情景, 提高练习的时效性, 丰富有趣。在广泛涉猎所学内容的同时, 集中复习重难点, 拓展加深知识面, 使尖子生有新的收益, 避免了耗时和乏味;使学困生有少而精的复习参照, 辅助他们完成学习任务。


Ⅱ. 小蝴蝶要去找小蜜蜂玩。它在路上遇到了哪些单词呢?写下来吧!(8分)

Ⅲ. 选词填空。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

1. It’s_________________bigger.

2. It’s big_________________strong.

3. Jim is older_________________Lucy.

4. It’s_________________long.

5. He will do_________________housework.

Ⅳ. 选择最佳答案。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

( )1. Ms Smart is a_________________teacher.

A. niceB. bit C. naughty

( )2. There_________________many boats on the river.

A. amB. is C. are

( )3. One day, robots will_________________everything.

A. makeB. do C. helps

( )4._________________you take your ball tomorrow?

A. CanB. Will C. Are

( )5. Mount Qomolangma is_________________than Mount Tai.

A. taller B. higherC. older

Ⅴ. 看图片,补全句子。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

1. He can____________________________________________________________________ .

2. They can____________________________________________________________________ .

3. She can____________________________________________________________________ .

4. She can____________________________________________________________________ .

5. She can____________________________________________________________________ .

Ⅵ. 选择合适的答语。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

( )1. Which one is higher?

( )2. Who’s taller than Honghong?

( )3. How old is your brother?

( )4. Is the blue book bigger than the green one?

( )5. Where’s Xiaogang?

Ⅶ. 看图,根据汉语提示,选择合适的句子。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

Ⅷ. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

Panda says to Rabbit, “I’m bigger than you.”

Rabbit says, “But I run faster than you.”

Tiger says to Rabbit, “I’m stronger than you.”

Elephant says to Tiger, “But I am stronger than you.”

Giraffe says, “Maybe you are stronger than us. But my neck is longer than all of yours.”

( )1. The panda is bigger than the rabbit.

( )2. The rabbit is stronger than the tiger.

( )3. The elephant is shorter than the giraffe.

( )4. The elephant is stronger than the tiger.


单词:vist 看望;访问

last 上一个的;刚过去的

stay 在某处呆着

row 划(船)


短语:do homework 做家庭作业

all day 一整天

on Friday night 在周五晚上

by bus 乘公交车

get up 起床

at 6:00 在六点

in the afternoon 在下午

in the evening 在晚上

in front of 在・・・・前面

stay at home 呆在家里

washed my clothes 洗我的`衣服

句型:what did you do last weekend


I did homework 我做了作业

I went to the park 我去了公园

I played ping-pong 我玩了乒乓

Did you stay at home yesterday ?

What did you do?

Unit 14 单词

See 看

feel 感觉

drink 喝

swim 游泳

play 玩

sleep 睡觉

短语:around the world 全世界

in the car 在车里

beside the river 在河边

take…..to ….把・・・带到・・・

because to 因此

a lot of 大量的

climb the mountain 爬山

the whole day 一整天

句型:Where did you go on your vacation?


How did you go there ?


Who went to …? Where did …go? How did he/she go there? What did he/she do there?

Uint15 单词:noisy 吵闹的

rhyme 押韵的诗

primary 最初的

become 成为

win 赢;获胜

prize 奖;奖励

compitition 竞赛;比赛

短语:nursery school 幼儿园

Primary school 小学

Yong pioneer 少先队员

Be good for…对・・・有好处

Want to be 想要

Be good at 擅长

after school 放学

look up 仰望

live in 居住

on the ground 在地面

one by one 一个接着一个

bigger and bigger 越来越大

句型:When were you born ? 你什么时候出生的

How are you different from two years ago?


Unit16 短语:last winter 上个冬天

Last weekend 上个周末

A long time 长时间

at first 在最初

want to 想・・・

in hight school 在高中

take off 截断

give up 放弃

get money 挣钱

句型:Where did you go? 你去过哪么?

When did you go there ?你什么时候去的? How did you go there ?你怎么去的 ?

What did you do there ? 你去哪干了些什么? Which country did you want to vist? 你想去哪个城市旅游?

What do you often do after school? 放学后,你通常做些什么?




1、三会:textbook storybook

2、二会:new here are


Hello!, I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!Can I see it?Sure!Here you are.(三)话题呈现:I have a new textbook

(四)任务设计:I have a new textbook

二、能力目标:让学生在真实的语言环境中,通过听、说、读、演,小组学习,合作学习等一系列方法,能够运用Look!, I have a new textbook.Can I see it?Sure!Here you are.句型行交际。


四、教学重点: 三会单词:textbook storybook 句型:Hello!, I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!Can I see it? Sure!Here you are.五、教学难点:句子:I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!





一、热身: 老师进了教室和学生用英语打招呼,学生和老师一起唱I have a nice dall 歌曲,使学生迅速进入到学习英语氛围中。

二、新单词 textbook storybook.1、导入:用旧句型带新单词:Let’ s play a game(让我们做一个游戏:猜袋中物)老师说;This is my bag.Guess,What’s in my bag?(猜一猜,我的书包里有什么)老师书包里提前放好book pen pencil pencil-box textbook storybook 等学习用品。


3、学生如果摸出textbook,老师说:I have a new textbook.4、老师引导学生描述:Wow!How nice!

5、板书新单词:用打好的四线格:textbook.6、朗读新单词:textbook.(老师领读textbook.,t-e-x-t-b-o-o-k , textbook(学生齐读——男女生对读——分行读——找学生读——自读三遍)




10、用同样的方法学习storybook.11、小组对说韵文游戏:让学生准备好自己的课本,以行为单位,第一行说:I have a textbook.第二行说:Me too.然后第二行说I have a textbook.,第三行说Me too,然后换单词再说I have a storybook,Me too,这样一直做到完。



学习新句型:I have a new ……我有一个新……

1、老师找一个学生做帮手,老师拿着自己的课本说:Hello ,I have a textbook.学生用学过的句型描述,并且学生说:Look!I have a new storybook.老师说:Oh,good!Can I see it? 学生说:Sure!Here you are.2板书新句型:Hello!, I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!Can I see it? Sure!Here you are.(提前打好一条线,写句子,单词用四线格,提前打好)



5、随意练习:老师随意拿起学生的课本,文具,老师说 I have a new……叫学生回答;Oh,good!Can I see it?老师说:Sure!Here you are.6、两个人一组,互相说说自己新学习用品。





3、小组汇报:Hello!,Yang Ming , I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!Can I see it? Sure!Here you are.(展示一组或者两组)







小组活动:两人一组,把自己文具学具给你的同学看,用句型Hello!, I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!Can I see it? Sure!Here you are.Thank you!You’re welcome.六、小结


2、然后老师用课件演示出今天学习的内容。学习了用英语句型Hello!, I have a new textbook.Look, I have a new storybook.Oh,good!Can I see it? Sure!Here you are.3、学会了两个新单词:textbook storybook
