



Answers to listening and speaking BookII Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1.398-4071 2.278-9536 3.1390-1910-466 4.415-566-1268 5.5-078-2489 6.6102-9517-2880 7.210-699-4982 8.6-592-7649 Exercises 2 Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home.Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 father&daughter 2.they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him 3.Riding a motorcycle 4.He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears a pony tail.5.she says he is old-fashioned.Exercise 2 1.in a restaurant/ Dining/ 2.on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle 3.in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friend Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1.who dialed the wrong number?(a)2.what is the most probable relationship between the man and the woman?(b)3.what is true about the woman?(a)Exercise 2 1.First State Bank 2.her leg 3.848-3952 4.Mrs Tailor/ his bank 5.having dialed the wrong number Part D 1.what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a)2.who made a mistake?(d)3.what cn you learn from the conversation?(c)Unit 2 Part A Exercise 1 1.Tom 2.she has dialed the wrong number 3.321-9645 4.Monica 5.Mrs Jones’ sister Exercise 2 1.message: 1.Nancy Davis 2.914-6520 3.Call Nancy back 2.message: 1.peter 2.614-5533 3.Meet Peter at 12 at the Foreign Language Bookstore Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.why is Pat calling Anna?(c)2.what is the reason why Jack does not accept Pat’s invitation to tea?(c)3.What bis true about Pat?(d)Exercise 2 1.be out 2.Jack/ Tom 3.leave Anna a message 4.164,Rose Avenue Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.c Exercise 2 1.advice 2.find Brown somewhere suitable to live/ an estate agent 3.meet and talk to each other at her office 4.ten-minute walk Part D 1.what’s the relationship between the two speak?(d)2.Why couldn’t Vicki see Randy last night?(c)3.Which of the following is true of Vicki?(d)Unit 3 part A Exercise 1 1.N 2 N 3.P 4.N 5.P 6.P 7 N 8 N Exercise 2 1.It might be a good idea to travel by air.2.Why don’t you go to professor Stone for advice? 3.You’d better take his advice and eat an apple a day.4.Have you thought about looking for a better job? 5.If I were you I’d go through the paper again.6.Shouldn’t you spend more time in listening and speaking? Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.a Exercise 2 1.Traveling a lot./ working very hard;unsafe nowadays;2.an interpreter/ able for her to use her language ability;traveling to international meetings/ 3.an international business person/ not mentioned/ having a lot to do with money, which she doesn’t like to think about.conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.she has been tired of doing the same old things day after day at home since she moved from Chicago.2.Back in Chicago she worked part time and went swimming every day but now she just cooks and cleans the house.3.Judy should go out of the house and find a job.Exercise 2 1.skating and running these days.2.sports/ popular 3.sporting goods store 4.make money 5.for herself.Part D Exercise 1.She can’t decide whether to go to unversity or get a job 2.To study economics at universiry.3.1)She thinks she will have no time for fun with too much reading and writing.2)She doesn’t like to ask her parents for pocket money at her age.Unit 4 Part A Exercise 1 1.Take some aspirin 2.Have his eyes tested 3.go to the health center and see a doctor 4.Economics 5.Just lie down for a while.Part B Conversation 1 Exercise1 1.What seems to be Peter’s trouble?(c)2.Why does Peter has little chance to talk to English people?(a)3.What can you lean from the conversation?(b)Exercise 2 1.go out more/ go to pubs/ take a class/ speak first 2.the weather/sports/ footbal,/swimming,/ tennis/ traveling and sightseeing Conversation 2 Exercise1 1.what does Simon’s mother think of his present job?(c)2.what is true about Simon?(d)3.what can you infer fron the conversation?(d)Exercise 2 1.Gardening 2.Good pay 3.plenty of fresh air 4.Not suitable for a university graduate 5.Boring 6.The idea 7.appeals to ne 8.a lot of study, and then woring all sorts of hours.Part D Exercise 1.Take a bus tour 2.Visit the science museum 3.Go to the zoo 4.Visit th national art gallary 5.Try some of the lacal restaurants.Unit 5 Part A Exercises 1 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c exercise 2 1.lovely 2.perfect 3.sunny 4.warm 5.clear 6.birds 7.music 8.we’re together 9.rain or shine 10.nothing wrong 11.we’re all feeling all right Part B passage exercise 1 1.what is the weatherman from Channel 62 doing?(b)2.what can you infer from the weathe report?(d)Exercise 2 1.strong winds 2.heavy snow 3.cold and dry, cloudy in the afternoon 4.clear/some rain 5.warm and sunny/ A 40% chance of rain/ Rain and thunderstorms in the evening 6.29/ 15-20/cloudy/ NE/5-10/cloudy/ Isolated thunderstorms/ near 30*/ around 20*/ chance of rain, 30% Conversation Exercise1 1.what seemed to be Mary’s problem?(c)2.What did John suggest that Mary do with her cell phone?(d)3.what can you infer from the conversation?(a)Exercise2 1.clear ,sunny and pleasant/ 80*/cloudy/ 5-10 2.Warm/humid/High of 85*, low near 70*/SSW building up to 20-25/ thunderstorms/ rain, 50% Part D Exercise 1.What did the two speakers plan to do?(c)2.what does the forecast mainlay tell us?(b)3.What can we learn from the conversation?(d)Unit 6 Part A Exercise 1 1.windy 2.warm 3.wet 4.68* 5.82* 6.scattered showers in the afternoon 7.12*C 8.snowy 9.freezing 10.15*F Exercises 2 1.pleasant/ clear/ sunny 2.cloudy/ going to snow/ sunny/ cold Part B Passage Exercise 1 1.What is the main idea of the passage/(a)2.what can you learn from the weather report?(d)3.what can you conclde from the weather report?(b)Exercise 2 Tommorrow morning 1.dry/ sunshine 2.fog/cloudy/light winds/ cooler 3.dull/ cloudy/ heavy showers/ 16* By the evening 1.rain 2.thunderstorms/ 26-27* 3.brighter/ fresher/ dry/windy/about 19* conversation Exercise 1 1.what is the man’s biggest worry?(b)2.what is the weather like when the man and the woman talking to one another?(a)3.what does the woman suggest that the man do?(d)4.what can you infer from the conversation?(c)Exercise 2 1.foggy/ clear and fine/ 12* 2.overcast/ slight chance of rain/ 6* Part D Exercise(Today:)sunny/ warmer/ clear/ 72*(Tomorrow:)warm and humid/ 86*(Wed:)cooler weather / around 80/ in the upper 60s(Friday:)71* Unit 7 Part A Exercises 1 1)Mar.31st 2)by plane 3)May 22nd 4)by train 5)last Friday 6)by ship 7)at the end of June 8)by plane 9)next weekend 10)by car Part B A conversation Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.b Exercise 2 1.√2.×3.×4.√5.√ A story Exercise 1 1.How did Mr and Mrs Williams spend their summer holidays in the past?(a)2.Which of the following can be inferred from the conversation?(c)3.what is true about hotel where Mr and Mrs Williams stayed in Rome?(b)Exercise 2 1 F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F Part D 1)Julia 2)Mark 3)32 4)Alderley 5)Vienna 6)14 Unit 8 Part A Exercise 1 1)It rained every day 2)fantastic 3)Tokyo 4)disappointing 5)It was very crowded 6)the beach 7)a lot of fun 8)He swam every day 9)awful 10)The snow was not thivk enought Exercise 2 1.He just stayed home and did gardening 2.in the country 3.she broke her leg 4.The shops were excellent and the people were great.5.he said he had a good time.Part B A conversation Exercise 1 1.d 2.a 3.b Exercise 2 1.√2.× 3.×4√.5.×6.√ A story Exercise 1 1.b 2.d.3.c Exercise 2 1.Swiss tourist 2.bottle/ remote beach/55 3.refugee 4.1942/sister 5.flee from the Nazis 6.1943 7.if the war was over 8.peace and friendship 9.home 10.seeing their families Part D 1.set 2.check 3.pack 4.journey 5.arrive 6.properly 7.lock 8.I manage to put these worries out of my mind 9.I began to worry about what would happen if the hotel in which we were staying caught fire 10.I impressed upon my wife the need to be prepared and the necessity of keeping a cool head.Unit 9 Part B Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d Exercise 2 Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.d Exercise 2 Part D 1.500 dollars 2.25 dollars 3.he pretended that it was his second visit to the doctor and pid 25 dollars 4.he looked at the businessman carefully, smiled and put the mney into the drawer of his desk 5.the docter said that there was no need to examine him again sk him to continue taking the medicine he prescribed for the businessman when he came to him last time.6.he was clever at dealing with dishonest people.Unit 10 Part A Exercise 1 1P 2D 3P 4 D 5P 6D 7D 8D 9P 10D Exercise 2 1, a terrible pain 2, stomache 3, a temperature 4, hot 5, a fever 6,an awful headache 7, my throat hurts 8, the flu 9, stay in bed for a couple of days 10, three times a day after meal Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.c Exercise 2 a.smoke any cigarettes/ dangerous to your health b.drink too much alcohol/ not good for your health c.fruit juice and water/ stress d.more fish and fresh vegetables/ red meat e.worry/ affect your health f.work too hard/ easy conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b Exercise 2 1.a.ill b.tired c.appetite d.get to sleep/ wake up early e.worried a lot 2.a.medicine/ advice b.work c.your work d.regular exercise e.easier job/ less money part D sleep/ 2 months/ had headaches/family/ getting along pretty well/10 to 11/ consider a job change/ it would be hard for him to find a new job at his age/ slow down/ he would kill himself.Unit 11 Part A Exercise 1 1)Wednesday 2)Jan.2nd 3)Nov.18th 4)2 p.m 5)Saturday 6)Aug.28th 7)11 a.m 8)Dec.5th 9)July 20th 10)4o’clock Exercise 2 Housewarming/ May 23rd/ 7 p.m/ No.30, 41st/ Linda, Laura, Sally and her brother Part B Exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.c Exercise 2 1.Kate/ flowers 2.Kate/ dinning room 3.help themselves/ vegetable salad, pptato chips, nuts 4.dancing 5.takes the guests’ coats/ greeting 6.Jack’s birthday party A story Exercise 1 1.c 2.a.3.d.4.d Exercise 2 1.big Christmas party 2.coming and going/ continued 3.led to the bar for a drink 4.the host or the hostess/ any of the guests 5.in front of their house 6.was waiting in their car part D 1.c 2.c.3.a Unit 12 Part A Exercise 1 1.a 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.b Exercise 2 1.What did Helen say about the pary?(it was a lot of fun)2.Why didn’t Helen see Bill at the Party?(because he wasn’t invited)Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.d 2.a 3.b Exercise 2 1.big enough but not too big;2.soft lighting 3.lots of drink 4.enough food/ with fingers 5.dance music/ too loud 6.right people/ right mix of men and women conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.b 3.c 4.d Exercise 2 1.1)grew up in Portland 2)art student 3)graduates 4)a couple of his paintings/ next week 5)his graduation exhibition 2.1)in Switzerland 2)grew up 3)art teacher at Grant High School 4)visit Tony’s graduation exhibition next Monday.Part D 1)celebrate 2)25th 3)clinic 4)late 5)devised 6)million 7)Joined 8)The guest of honor, thanked all those present 9)I don’t do many interviews these days.10)apart from special events like this party, my life is pretty normal.Unit 13 Part A Exercises 1 1)tonight 2)Friday night 3)A 4)Watch a basketball match 5)Tomorrow 6)A 7)Right now 8)D 9)Have some coffee together 10)After class 11)Go for a picnic 12)D 13)Go bowling 14)This weekend 15)A Exercise 2 1)a general expression for an appointment with somebody 2)when a man ask a giel out for a movie, a dinner, or a dance, 3)it is no longer unusual for a woman to ask a man out for a date 4)dates are easily made by phone calls 5)the language used is oftn casual and informal Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.boring, like a airhead/looked at him/said nothing 2.self-centered and aggressive/talked a lot about himself 3.cautious/ felt nervous 4.Both felt a bit nervous on their first date.Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.c conversation 2 Exercise1 1.About 14 or 15 2.pretty open 3.they go to the movies, go to the beach and hang around together 4.Either.The boy or the girl may pay.Exercise 2 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c Part D Exercise 1)Their wedding day 2)a 7-week competition 3)”Two strangers and a Wedding” 4)a 240year-old young man 5)single 6)offer themselves as his bride 7)only one direct contact 8)proposed over the phone 9)Lisa said “yes” 10)shocked 11)they were doing the right thing.Unit 14 Part A Exercise1 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.b Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.They planned to meet a year ago in Denver.2.No.She paid just half the cost,Tom paid the other half.3.She flew from Ireland to Denver/travelled by air.4.Tom looked exactly like his photograph.Exercise 2 1.d 2.c 3.c 4.d conversation2 Exercise 1 1.her term paper 2.a show at the Grand Theater 3.clean up the apartment 4.in her favorite restaurant 5.gathering at her apartment 6.her father out for dinner 7.a basketball championship at school 8.staying home 9.a concert Exercise 2 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a Part D Exercise 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b Unit 15 Part A 1.c 2.c Part B Passage 1 Exercise 1 1,3,5,7 Exercise 2 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c Passage 2 Exercise 1 1,3,4,6,8 Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c part D Exercise 1.a 2.d 3.a Unit 16 Part A Exercise 1 1.c 2.c Exercise 2 1)Westerners 2)Traditional 3)Fixes 4)Prepares 5)Decorate 6)Household 7)Share 8)Roles are more equal 9)Men spend less than one hour doing these jobs, Men also spend only about seven minutes a day taking care of kids 10)Maybe lifestyles are changing bur for many women the change is not fast enough.Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1)29 2)Receptionist in a lrge office 3)to Spain 4)to Italy 5)to have a fashion boutique of her own ten years from now.6)work hard, play hard.Exercise2 1.c 2.c 3.a Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1,2,4,6,7,8 Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.c Part D Exercise 1.a regular early morning exercise a small brakfast with someone who is also on a diet take your time,/ evening 2.high in caories tempted to overeat listen to the radio, watch TV/ read cooking programs Test 1 Part A 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.d Part B 1)a little lake in the mountains 2)beautiful and sunny at first but it began to rain later in the afternoon.3)Had a swim 4)Had a picnic 5)Lay in the sun Part C 1)It’s 7:30 now 2)The weatherman is giving the weather forecast for the weekend 3)The temperature is going to be in the lower thirties.4)Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny 5)They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.Part D 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.d Test2 Part A 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.a Part B Conversation 1 1.by plane 2.a leather wallet 3.a folding toothbrush onversation 2 1.Wednesday evening 2.See a new film at the Cith Theater.Part C 1)They come for a better jobs and better education 2)People enjoy living in a big city where life is convenient.3)above all, a good health care system 4)The biggest problem is the ever increasing population 5)Noise and pollution, mostly from factories and cars, are another two serious problems.Part D 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.d


Focus Listening and Speaking IV

(Third Edition)


第 四 册



2012年2月 Unit One Announcements

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Understanding Airport and Railway Station Announcements Making Announcements 1.Communicative Funtion: Making Announcements Drawing Audience’s Attention / Making an Announcement / Closing an Announcement 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Announcement 1(15 mins)Announcement 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: Flight Number: 191, 810, 153, 17, 74;Gate Number: 16, 2, 10, 8, 24)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: At 17:00, The one to Chicago, The 9:25 train to Oxford, Platform 3, At 10:30)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Announcement 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: a flight announcement: Before the plane takes off, an announcement is usually made about safety in flying, e.g.how to fasten the seat belt, what to do in case of an emergency.a direct flight: a flight from one city to another city directly or without any stop.a duty-free bar: a place on the plane where cigarettes and liquor can be bought with no payment of tax

(Answers: 1.c, a, c, d

2.Air China, New York, 13.5, 1:30 p.m.)2.Announcement 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: Big Apple: a nickname for the city of New York sand painting: a ceremonial art form of certain groups of American Indians who make paintings by sticking colored sand on a template.(Answers: 1.d, b, c, a

2.Two basketball, Skiing, the Big Apple Band, Mostly $10 tickets but a very few $5 seats still on sale, rock, mineral, early people, pottery, sand painting, Free)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Making Announcements / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.Unit Two Celebrities

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Important Details Interview with a Celebrity 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: 1954, Chinese Opera Research Institute, exciting, dangerous acts, 1978, comedy, dangerous stunts)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: public figures, chief, is admired for doing something, noble or brave, is admired for the accomplishment, enduring efforts, great courage, confidence in oneself, fills people’s minds with respect, entertainment or business circles, may sometimes inspire envy)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Conversation 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: Steven Hawking: One of the world’s leading theoretical physicists, known for his theory of exploding black holes which drew upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics.A Brief History of Time: Steven Hawking’s bestseller.The book addresses questions like “Was there a beginning of time? Will there be an end? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries?”

(Answers: 1.d, a, d, b

2.a professor, fighting motor neurone disease, he was about 20, A Brief History of Time, average person, bestseller, twice, three, grandchild, a computer, eating, speaking, writing)2.Conversation 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: the need to take a break so you can recharge your batteries: The urge to take some time off from what you are doing so as to regain your strength and energy, and to improve yourself.I feel a lot of personal responsibility because of how much I’ve been blessed: The superstar thinks he is really fortunate to be so successful and he feels he has the personal responsibility to do something for society in return.He would like to give back some of what he has received.(Answers: 1.c, c, d, d

2.normal life, happy, responsible people, personal responsibility, volunteer, fund-raising events, creating opportunities, outdoor, traveling, amazing places, reading, fast reader, learn, recharge his batteries)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.VI.Teaching Evaluation Unit Three Advertising

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Key Words The Pros and Cons of Advertising 1.Communicative Function: Talking about the Pros and Cons of Advertising 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening A Passage(15 mins)A Conversation(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: A95, simple, true color, terrific quality, beautiful pictures, more experienced users)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: Advertising is a way of informing people of something.This can range from telling them a product for sale, or a service, or urging them to do something, or even making someone’s name known to the public./ Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers to buy a certain product, but it does not force them to buy the product.Consumers still control the final buying decision.)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.A Passage Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: an intended audience targeted for their messages: The message in an advertisement are aimed at a particular group of people who are chosen because they may be potential buyers.take a certain action: begin to do something that the advertisement says you should do.(Answers: 1.c, b, d, d

2.men, women, children of specific ages, various ethnic groups, certain interests / what benefit customers will get, buying, doing, thinking / seriously, it is designed to appeal)2.Conversation 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: track and field: sports events played on a running track and sports field, such as running, high jumping, disc throwing.“You’re born to run.And we were born to HELP YOU DO IT BETTER”: An Adidas advertisement which means “You possess the fine qualities of a fast runner and Adidas shoes were invented to make you run even faster.”

(Answers: 1.b, a, d, c

2.sports shoes / in making sports shoes over fifty-five years ago / running shoes / football, soccer, basketball and tennis players / workmanship and quality / comfortable, expensive)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Talking about the Pros and Cons of Advertising / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.Unit Four Culture

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Specific Information What are good manners? 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: b, b, d)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: both hands, later in private / Open it right away / Refuse it)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: an oriental: A person from East and Southeast Asia.Asian is now preferred by some in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people.… he never lights his cigarette before getting the permission from people around them: It is polite for a person to be sure that people around him don’t mind if he smokes.(Answers: 1.b, d, a, d

2.laugh at people / animals, with kindness / push to the front, waiting for a bus / the old, disabled / they are “losing weight” / women, their age, weight / time, getting permission from people around / Please, Thank you / a lady or an older person, the other is seated)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: tea set: a set of cups and sauces of the same design mostly made of high quality china for drinking tea at a tea party or tea ceremony.at / in one go:(To drink the tea up)in a single gulp instead of sipping it bit by bit to appreciate its taste.(Answers: 1.b, c, b, d

2.(tick)1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 /(tick)1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.VI.Teaching Evaluation Unit Five Opinions

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Asking for and Giving Opinions 1.Communicative Function: Asking for and Giving Opinions Asking for Opinions / Giving Opinions / Expressing Agreement / Expressing Partial Agreement or Disagreement 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: She thought it was terrible./ He thought it was great./ He thinks it is superficial./ She thinks it is quite well-written.)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: violent / advertising / bad for children’s eyes / not creative)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: a law student: a student who is studying to be a lawyer.women’s liberation movement: The old-fashioned idea of a woman’s role was wife and mother.However, with the development of society, more and more women have other interests in addition to their home.They believe they should have the same chances for success as men.(Answers: 1.a, c, a, c, d

2.to study law / they’re too emotional / have a successful career and to be a good mother at the same time / men’s work, women’s work, stop interfering / housework is a woman’s job)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: Gun control in some Western countries: As gun crime increase, gun control has become a big issue in the Western world.However, the laws regarding gun control vary greatly from country to country.e.g.Japan and Britain have a tight control over gun possession;But gun control is a controversial issue in the United States.(Answers: 1.d, a, d 2.Guns should be outlawed immediately / be allowed to own guns to protect themselves and their families / be allowed to own guns / No one except the police should carry guns)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Asking for and Giving Opinions / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.Unit Six Money

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Summarizing Bank Services / What is money? 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: She thinks a lot of them are in financial difficulties./ She thinks the government should give them a monthly allowance./ He thinks it’s not a good idea because some of them would want to be students all their lives./ He thinks that the government can get those students an interest-free loan and let them pay back in ten years./ Yes.She also finds it a good idea.)2.Exercise 2 Listen to the sayings and repeat.B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: savings account: a type of bank account where you put money in regularly and which earns interest.checking account:(US)a type of bank account on which you can write checks and from which money can be drawn without previous notices.In Britain, it is called a current account.… write a check against the funds in their accounts …: write a check to withdraw money to pay a bill from the funds they have deposited in their accounts.(The preposition “against” is often used here.)… you are a good risk …: … you are very likely able to pay back the loan to the bank.The opposite is “You are a bad risk”.(Answers: 1.b, b, b, c, d

2.go to the bank and make an application / examines your application / gives you the money after making sure that you are a good risk / repay the bank the amount of the loans plus interest over a period of time)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: a barter economy: a kind of economy where trade is carried out by exchanging goods or services for other goods or services without using money.Barter trade was common in primitive societies.Its opposite is “a money economy”.(Answers: 1.a, b, c, b, d

2.medium of exchange, payment for goods and services, settlement of debts / standards of value, relative worth / the exchange of goods and services, the specialization of production / keystone of modern economic life)C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.VI.Teaching Evaluation Unit Seven Environment

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Tables Environment and Environmental Protection 1.Communicative Function: Talking about the environment and its protection Talking about environmental problems / Talking about environmental protection 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: the other side / penholder / storage of foods / cookies, candies or chocolates / fresh)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: noticeable / trip / results / typically / layers / excessive / effects / we should try to avoid excessive packaging wherever possible / to encourage consumer to bring their own bags and to choose products that involve less packaging / We should do away with the practice so as to conserve resources and protect our environment.)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: seriousness and consequences of pollution: Pollution refers to the contamination of Earth’s environment with materials that harm human health, the quality of life, or upset ecosystems.There are different kinds of pollution, air, water, noise and light pollution.These types of pollution are all very serious nowadays.(Answers: 1.d, c, c, d, b

2.Plastic bags, household waste, poisonous factory waste, etc./ They think the earth will forever take care of us no matter how we treat it in return./ The water, the food, the animals, and ourselves.)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: … no one will think twice to waste it: … no one will consider carefully the action of wasting paper before doing it.“Think twice” means to consider something carefully.scrap paper: loose sheets of paper, often already partly used, for writing note on(Answers: 1.d, d, a, a, d 2.Use scrap paper for notes / Reuse paper by making completely new paper from old paper/recycling old paper / Get rid of all our old useless books / Save space in our homes / Buy the books that we want at much lower prices / Raise money for charities)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Talking About the Environment and Its Protection / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.Unit Eight Story Time

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Making Conclusions An Embarrassing Experience / An Art Lesson 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)3.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)4.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: d, c)2.Exercise 2 Listen to the sayings and repeat.(Answers: c)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: shopping for the week: With the increasing use of refrigerators, people in many countries usually shop for groceries once a week.the store detective: Some supermarkets employ special detectives to watch out for shoplifters(people who take goods from a store without paying for them).But most such shops have installed closed circuit TV to prevent theft.(Answers: 1.c, d, b, a, d

2.Near the wine section / On the handle of the trolley / She wanted to open it but she couldn’t and she got bored playing with it / At the exit of the supermarket / Go and talk to the manager of the supermarket)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: Art should be individual.Art should represent the individual artist’s perspective, which is different from that of the other artists.Bring on the fruit!Show me the paintings!As the paintings are a still life of an orange and some grapes, Sheila jokingly used the term to refer to them.… put their impressions on canvas: … present what they perceive of the fruit in their paintings.(Answers: 1.d, b, c, a, b

2.orange, some grapes / the surface, orange, minute detail / shapeless, pleasing mass, perfect roundness, strange shapes, real / the fruit, different perspectives)

C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.VI.Teaching Evaluation Unit Nine Food and Drinks

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Major Points Talking about Food 1.Communicative Function: Talking about Food 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: There are lots of vegetables in Chinese food.And the speaker loves vegetables./ A full English breakfast./ Go to the pub with friends from work and have a few beers, then go to an Indian restaurant.)2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: Mr.Davis is a big cheese in his company so you should be very nice to him./ We stayed up very late last night chewing the fat about our sightseeing during the summer vacation./ Don’t cry over spilt milk.The past is past and you can’t do anything to change it./ Going to the galleries is my cup of tea.I can spend a whole day there, looking at the paintings./ Recently Tom has been working very hard trying to bring home the bacon.He has no time to do anything else.)B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: eaten raw: Western people like to have salads which are made of raw vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuces, and cucumbers seasoned with oil and vinegar.Uncooked vegetables are considered to be more nutritious than cooked ones.canned or frozen: Canned foods are foods preserved in an airtight sealed metal container.Frozen foods are foods stored at very low temperature.(Answers: 1.a, c, b, b

2.vegetables, a, d, f, g / Other vegetables, k, l m / Fruits, i, o, s / Meat, fish, eggs, b, c, e / Dairy, h, j, q, r / Bread, cereal, rice, n, p, t)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: Broiled chopped steak: steak that is grilled or barbecued and cut into cubes.making every substance count: making every ingredient important and significant even as food trends come and go: even though food fashions change constantly(Answers: 1.b, d, d, c, a 2.Some 38 billion / Great tasting, Basic, Can be adapted to suit various tastes / German immigrants / The 18th century / Refocusing efforts on the hamburger in its many varieties / Find a tatste that people will never get tired of)C.Assignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Talking About Food / Retelling / Discussion;2.Part D: Home Listening.Unit Ten Cities I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects;2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;3.Question and retell the listening materials.II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Key Words A City of Light 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discussion III.Time Allotment: One Period(40 mins)1.Part A Micro-listening(10 mins)2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1(15 mins)Conversation 2(15 mins)IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: wonderful, very traditional / young, friendly / small but pretty, lovely and warm-hearted, quiet but dull / noisy and crowded, hot and humid, very helpful)2.Exercise 2 Listen to the sayings and repeat.(Answers: an ancient city with many famous historical places to visit / one of the world’s largest cities with a population of over 11 million, a beautiful city with its magnificent monuments and traditional and colorful architecture / a charming, quiet city with modern buildings / capital and largest city, many churches and towers, major tourist attraction of the country / capital, leading universities, museums, theaters, performing arts centers)B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Passage 1 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: the London Eye: A huge observation wheel open to the public in 2000.It’s one of the new attractions in London.the Tate Modern: A world-famous gallery of international modern art at Bankside in the heart of London, which was opened to the public in May 2000.the Millenium Bridge: The first pedestrian river crossing over the Thames in central London for more than a century.Bankside: The new heart of London along the South Bank of the Thames.(Answers: 1.a, b, d, b 2.a huge observation wheel, opened to the public, January 2000 / experience the excitement of seeing London from a bird’s eye view / opened to public, May 2000 / the world’s largest modern art gallery / over River Thames, February 2002 / 330m steel bridge, the City of London, the Tate Modern Gallery)2.Passage 2 Explain the new words and expressions;Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;Explain some language and cultural points: Venus de Milo: a marble statue of the Greek goddess of love.The Arc de Triomphe: The arch of triumph, a famous arch in Paris, commissioned by Napoleon in 1806 as a homage to his Grand Army and completed in 1836.(Answers: 1.a, b, c, d









张维迎, 1959年生于陕西省吴堡县, 现任北京大学光华管理学院经济学教授, 北京大学市场网络经济研究中心主任, 中国企业家论坛首席经济学家。张维迎教授的企业理论及有关中国国有企业改革的研究成果在国内外学术界、中国政府有关部门和企业界有广泛影响, 被公认为中国经济学界企业理论的权威。主要著作有《企业的企业家——契约理论》《博弈论与信息经济学》《企业理论与中国企业改革》《产权、政府与信誉》《信息、信任与法律》。


阅读此书, 感觉耳目一新, 其既指出了我们目前大学内部和外部的问题, 又阐述了解决的建议, 而且, 由于整本书都是来自对作者讲座和访问的整理, 所以语言通俗、深入浅出, 没有晦涩的专业术语却概念清晰, 没有绕人的思辨却逻辑分明。但是, 作者的理论起点和最终落脚点的美国特色都非常明显, 任何不考虑中国文化基础的理论与实践都将难以落到实处, 最终走向折中。对于外来文化, 由抵制到批判, 由反感到学习, 再由吸收到折中, 这几乎已经成为中国文化数千年文明发展的规律, 也使得古老的东方文明既保留了自己独有的东方特色, 又不断得到发展和进步。




云厚度 vertical extent of a cloud 云底和云顶之间的垂直距离。

云高 cloud height 云底距地面的高度。

云状 cloud form 云的外形特征。包括云的尺度, 在空间的分布情况、形状、结构, 以及它的灰度和透光程度。

云分类 cloud classification


云族 cloud etage


低云 low cloud

云底距地面2 km以下的云层。

中云 middle cloud

云底距地面高度分别是2~4 km(极地),2~7 km(温带), 2~8 km(热带)的云。

高云 high cloud

云底距地面高度分别是3~8 km(极地),5~13 km(温带),6~18 km(热带)的云。

云底 cloud base 云的下边界。

云顶 cloud top 云的上边界。

云幂 cloud ceiling


云量 cloud amount 云遮蔽天穹的成数。

总云量 total cloud cover


云属 cloud genera


云种 cloud species

根据云的外形、尺度、内部结构和形成过程等特征,对云属进行的分类。分类如下:毛(fil)、钩(unc)、密(dens)、堡状(cast)、絮状(flo)、 成层状(stra)、薄幕[状](nebu)、荚状(lent)、碎[状](fra)、淡[状](hum)、中展(med)、浓(cong)、秃[状](calv)、鬃[状](cap)。

云类 cloud variety


卷云 cirrus, Ci


毛卷云 cirrus fibratus, Ci fil

白色明亮的云片, 带有卷曲或平直的丝缕结构。

密卷云 cirrus spissatus, Ci dens

较密实的卷云片, 有些部位略带灰色,丝缕状结构显得比较混乱。

伪卷云 cirrus nothus, Ci not


钩卷云 cirrus uncinus, Ci unc

丝缕状结构由云中倾斜下垂, 整个云体呈逗点形状。

卷层云 cirrostratus, Cs

白色透明的云幔, 有丝缕状结构或呈均匀薄幕状, 可以部分或全部遮蔽天穹, 常伴有晕。

毛卷层云 cirrostratus fibratus, Cs fil


薄幕卷层云 cirrostratus nebulosus, Cs nebu

分辨不出细微结构的均匀卷层云, 通常伴有晕的现象。

卷积云 cirrocumulus, Cc

由形似涟漪或豆粒的小云体组成的白色透明的云片、云条或云层, 云的单体视角宽度不超过1°的高云。

高积云 altocumulus, Ac

由众多白色或灰色带有阴影的云块组成的中云, 云块单体呈不同形状, 云块的视角宽度为1°~5°。

透光高积云 altocumulus translucidus, Ac tra

云层中大部分云体比较透明, 可分辨出日、月位置的高积云。

蔽光高积云 altocumulus opacus, Ac op


荚状高积云 altocumulus lenticularis, Ac lent


积云性高积云 altocumulus cumulogenitus, Ac cug


絮状高积云 altocumulus floccus, Ac flo

带有积状云外形的高积云云团, 云团下部比较破碎, 经常出现雪幡。

堡状高积云 altocumulus castellanus, Ac cast

顶部显示出积状云突起的高积云, 在水平云底上呈现如城墙的垛状。

高层云 altostratus, As


透光高层云 altostratus translucidus, As tra

云层大部分足够透明, 因而能显示出日、月位置的高层云。

蔽光高层云 altostratus opacus, As op

云层大部分不透明, 无法显示出日、月位置的高层云。

积云 cumulus, Cu

轮廓分明, 顶部凸起、云底平坦的直展云。

淡积云 cumulus humilis, Cu hum

处在发展初期, 垂直厚度仍小于水平尺度的积云。

中展积云 cumulus mediocris, Cu med


碎积云 cumulus fractus, fractocumulus,Fc

边缘破碎, 外形变化也较迅速的积云碎块。

浓积云 cumulus congestus, Cu cong

垂直发展厚度超过水平宽度, 顶部显示花椰菜形对流泡体的积云。

积雨云 cumulonimbus, Cb

浓厚庞大的云体, 垂直发展旺盛, 云顶随云的发展逐渐展平成砧状, 并出现丝缕状的结构的直展云。常伴有雷阵雨。

秃积雨云 cumulonimbus calvus, Cb calv

由浓积云继续发展到云顶接近对流层顶, 使云顶变平而边界模糊,形成白色丝缕般的冰晶结构。

鬃积雨云 cumulonimbus capillatus, Cb cap


层积云 stratocumulus, Sc


透光层积云 stratocumulus translucidus, Sc tra

云层中大部分云体比较透明的层积云, 可分辨出日、月位置。

蔽光层积云 stratocumulus opacus, Sc op


积云性层积云 stratocumulus cumulogenitus, Sc cug


堡状层积云 stratocumulus castellanus, Sc cast

形状与堡状高积云相似的层积云, 云体视角宽度大于5°。

荚状层积云 stratocumulus lenticularis, Sc lent

形状与荚状高积云相似的层积云, 云体视角宽度在5°~30°。

层云 stratus, St


碎层云 stratus fractus, Fs

由层云分裂或由雾抬升而成的不规则碎片, 形状多变,呈灰色或灰白色。

碎雨云 fracto瞡imbus, Fn

雨层云底部, 云体小而破碎的低云。

雨层云 nimbostratus, Ns

灰暗深厚的云层, 或多或少有降雨或降雪的低云。

层状云 stratiform cloud


弧状云 arc cloud

又称“弧状云线(arc cloud line)”。位于雷暴云系前沿,呈圆弧状分布,或与雷暴云系主体脱离呈圆弧状分布的积云线。

积状云 cumuliform cloud


山帽云 cap cloud


旗云 banner cloud


滚轴云 rotor clouds


驻云 standing cloud


锋下云 subfrontal cloud


上滑云 upglide cloud


波状云 wave cloud


直展云 cloud with vertical development

垂直发展旺盛的对流云体, 其云底处于低云高度, 而云顶则达到高云的高度。

附属云 accessory cloud


冷云 cold cloud


过冷云 supercooled cloud


湍流云 turbulence cloud


暖云 warm cloud


冰云 ice cloud


水云 water cloud


[冰]雹云 hail cloud


云带 cloud band


云堤 cloud bank


降水 precipitation


降水量 amount of precipitation

一定时段内液态或固态(经融化后)降水, 未经蒸发、渗透、流失而在水平面上累积的深度。以毫米为单位。

最大降水量 maximum precipitation


降水强度 precipitation intensity


阵性降水 showery precipitation

降水时间短促, 开始及终止都很突然, 且降水强度变化很大的降水。

对流性降水 convective precipitation


非对流性降水 non瞔onvective precipitation


雷雨云降水 thundery precipitation


地形降水 orographic precipitation


雨 rain 液态降水。

暖雨 warm rain 从温度高于0℃的暖云中降落的雨。

雨凇 glaze 过冷却雨滴碰到冰点附近的地面或地物上, 立即冻结而成的坚硬冰层。

雨量 rainfall [amount]


连续性降水 continuous precipitation


间歇性降水 intermittent precipitation


阵雨 showery rain


冻雨 freezing rain


晴空雨 serein


过冷却雨 supercooled rain


毛毛雨 drizzle

由直径小于0.5 mm的水滴组成的稠密、细小而十分均匀的液态降水。

小雨 light rain

1小时内雨量小于等于2.5 mm,或24小时内雨量小于10 mm的雨。

中雨 moderate rain

1小时内雨量为2.6~8.0 mm,或24小时内雨量为10.0~24.9 mm的雨。

大雨 heavy rain

1小时内雨量为8.1~15.9 mm,或24小时内雨量为25.0~49.9 mm的雨。

暴雨 torrential rain

1小时内雨量大于等于16 mm,或24小时内雨量大于等于50 mm的雨。

雷阵雨 thunder shower


季风雨 monsoon rain


地方性降水 local precipitation

在有限的地区内, 受该地区的地理位置、地形特点、地表状况影响而产生的带有地方性特征的降水。

地形雨 orographic rain


露 dew


冻露 white dew


霜 frost

夜间地面冷却到0℃以下时, 空气中的水汽凝华在地面或地物上的冰晶。

白霜 hoar frost


初霜 first frost


终霜 latest frost


辐射霜 radiation frost


雪 snow


雨夹雪 sleet


阵雪 showery snow


米雪 snow grains

由直径小于1 mm的白色不透明冰粒组成的固态降水。

湿雪 wet snow


干雪 dry snow


雪暴 snowstorm

伴有强降雪的风暴。在其过境时,有强吹雪,水平能见度小于1 km。

吹雪 driven snow


低吹雪 drifting snow


高吹雪 blowing snow


雪量 snowfall [amount]


雪水当量 water equivalent of snow


雪深 snow depth


积冰 icing


电线积冰 wire icing


[冰]雹 hail


冰丸 ice pellet


冰暴 ice storm


雹暴 hail storm


雾凇 rime


霰 graupel


雾 fog

近地面的空气层中悬浮着大量微小水滴(或冰晶),使水平能见度降到1 km以下的天气现象。

干雾 dry fog


雾堤 fog bank


冻雾 freezing fog


轻雾 mist

曾称霭。空气层中悬浮着微小水滴或吸湿性潮湿粒子, 使地面水平能见度在1~10 km之间的天气现象。

湿雾 wet fog

含有较大水滴, 能使暴露在其中的物体湿润并有液态水沉积的雾。

海雾 sea fog


冰雾 ice fog


锋面雾 frontal fog


浮尘 suspended dust



The novel is writed by the order of time.We can see the prelude,the process of unveiling the crime and the dirty deal. I think this novel can be devided into four parts.

Parts 1,from the chief house officer to “In what way conceivable way”.(1-9)Three main characters stepped into the stage and we can feel the tension of the atmosphere.Ogilvie acted in a vugal and uncouth way and showed contempt to the Duke and the Duchess. And the Duchess, although nervours,are still brash and thrusting.The part one provided characters and suspense for us.Why did Ogilvie act so rudely to the the Duke and the Duchess?

Part 2, from As if the question from to p96 The Duke licked his lips.(10-41)In this part, Ogilvie exposed the truth of car accident and the Duke admitted the crumbled was him .And the brash expression of Duke and the Duchess was faded away.They were feared and weak .Ogilvie became more proud and ruder.

Part 3,from You might have something there to I reckon that’s so.(42-81)In this part ,Ogilvie disclosed more hiden thing in the accident and revealed the evidence he knew and tried to confirm all the detailed. The Duchess tried to win back the upper hand.And then, The Croydons realized that they were convicted of the crime. The conviction was undeniable.


在一次晚宴的客人和主人都参与的广泛disscussio,还是一个争论的问题是否妇女作为自制为男性。他们认为,迹象出现了一位客人,是眼镜蛇在房间。而他的第一个冲动是跳回来,他知道这将是一个错误;所以他敦促其他晚餐用命令的口吻举行仍然没有告诉他们为什么。不久,该科巴出现在阳台上;与人跑到门砰的关上它。它很快就发现眼镜蛇爬在脚下的女主人,谁保持冷静,不发出一点声音。从而结束这一危机奠定了赤裸的妇女的事实,有很多人关注。Unit 3。

而等待进入大学的时候,他看到了一个教学工作的广告在当地报纸;和,虽然他认为他得到这份工作的可能性是微乎其微,他决定申请。当他到达学校面试了,他感觉在校长高人一等的态度和反对。面试包括一些有关的问题的年轻人的教育背景。然后他问他是否重视游戏作为一个孩子的教育。显然,他的回答是不完全令人满意的校长。尽管他和校长共同的一点的意见教育,年轻人被告知他将聘请。然而,月薪只有十二磅每星期的前景有工作在校长的妻子,教学岗位上已经很不可取。Unit 6。
