



































5、 数据描述


1、加强教学“六认真”, 面向全体学生。由于学生在知识、技能方面的发展和兴趣、特长等不尽相同,所以要因材施教。在组织教学时,应从大多数学生的实际出发,并兼顾学习有困难的和学有余力的学生。对学习有困难的学生,要特别予以关心,及时采取有效措施,激发他们学习数学的兴趣,指导他们改进学习方法。帮助他们解决学习中的困难,使他们经过努力,能够达到大纲中规定的基本要求,对学有余力的学生,要通过讲授选学内容和组织课外活动等多种形式,满足他们的学习愿望,发展他们的数学才能。

2、 重视改进教学方法,坚持启发式,反对注入式。教师在课前先布置学生预习,同时要指导学生预习,提出预习要求,并布置与课本内容相关、难度适中的尝试题材由学生课前完成,教学中教师应帮助学生梳理新课知识,指出重点和易错点,解答学生预习时遇到的问题,再设计提高题由学生进行尝试,使学生在学习中体会成功,调动学习积极性,同时也可激励学生自我编题。努力培养学生发现、得出、分析、解决问题的能力,包括将实际问题上升为数学模型的能力,注意激励学生的创新意识。

3、 改革作业结构减轻学生负担。将学生按学习能力分成几个层次,分别布置难、中、浅三个层次作业,使每类学生都能在原有基础上提高。



从上学期的期末考试来看,本班无论优秀率还是合格率都有不小的退步。优秀率仅仅只有 13%,而合格率也只达到 40%,两极分化的现象再一次增大,与我预期的目标有较大的差距。通过调阅学生的试卷,发现学生在知识运用上很不熟练,特别是对于解答综合性习题时欠缺灵活性。


坚持党的教育方针,结合《初中数学新课程标准》,根据学生实际情况,积极开展课堂教学改革,提高课堂教学效率,向 45 分钟要质量。一方面巩固学生的基础知识,另一方面提高学生运用知识的能力。特别是训练学生的探究思维能力,和发散式思维模式,提高学生知识运用的能力。并通过本学期的课堂教学,完成八年级下册的数学教学任务。


1、 二次根式的重点是二次根式的运算,难点是根式四则混算及实际应用。

2、勾股定理:会用勾股定理和逆定理解决实际问题。其性质解决一些实际问题。 3、一次函数的重点是掌握一次函数的概念、性质,理解变量与常量的辩证关系,进一步认识数形结合的思维方法,并利用

4、平行 四边形的重点是平行四边形的定义、性质和判定,难点是平行四边形与各种特殊平行四边形之间的联系和区别以及中心对称。




第十六章 二次根式:本章主要内容是二次根式的概念、性质、化简和有关的计算。本章重点是理解二次根式的性质,及二次根式的化简和计算。本章的难点是正确理解二次根式的性质和运算法则。

第十七章 勾股定理:本章主要探索直角三角形的三边关系,学习勾股定理及勾股定理的逆定理,学会利用三边关系判断一个三角形是否为直角三角形。教学重点:勾股定理及勾股定理的逆定理的理解与应用。教学难点:探索直角三角形三边关系时,理解勾股定理及勾股定理的逆定理。


第十九章 一次函数:本章主要学习一次函数及其三种表达方式,包括正比例函数、一次函数的概念、图象、性质和应用。学会用函数的观点认识一元一次方程、一元一次不等式及二元一次方程组。本章重点内容是正比例函数、一次函数的概念、图象和性质。教学难点是培养学生初步形成数形结合的思维模式。

第二十章 数据的分析:本章主要学平均数、中位数和众数,理解它们所反映出的数据的本质。教学重点:求平均数、中位数与方差;理解平均数、中位数和众数所表达的含义;区别算术平均数与加权平均数之间的联系和区别。教学难点:求加权平均数、中位数和方差;根据平均数、加权平均数、中位数、众数、极差和方差对数据作出比较准确的描述。






周次 具体计划

第1周 16.1 二次根式(2课时);16.2 二次根式的乘除(2课时)

第2周 16.3 二次根式的加减(3课时);数学活动(1课时)

第3周 第16章小结、检测(2课时);17.1 勾股定理(2课时)

第4周 17.1 勾股定理(2课时);17.2 勾股定理的逆定理(2课时)

第5周 17.2 勾股定理的逆定理(1课时);第17章小结、检测、月考(3课时)

第6周 18.1平行四边形(4课时)

第7周 18.1平行四边形(3课时);18.2 特殊的平行四边形(1课时)

第8周 18.2 特殊的平行四边形(4课时)

第9周 18.2 特殊的平行四边形(2课时); 第18章小结、检测(2课时)

第10周 期中复习、考试、评卷(4课时)

第11周 19.1 变量与函数(4课时);

第12周 19.1 变量与函数(2课时);19.2 一次函数(2课时)

第13周 19.2 一次函数(4课时)

第14周 19.2 一次函数(2课时);19.3 课题学习选择方案(2课时)

第15周 第19章小结、检测(2课时);月考(2课时)

第16周 20.1 数据的集中趋势(4课时)

第17周 20.1 数据的集中趋势(2课时);20.2 数据的波动程度(2课时)

第18周 20.3 课题学习(2课时);

第19周 期末复习、考试(4课时)



()1.No one can help you all the time.You should be______control of your life.

A.for B.at C.on D.in

()2.There was something wrong with his car and he repaired it______himself.

A.on B.to C.by D.with

()3.The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service______guests.

A.for B.from C.on D.with

()4.We lost the game______everyone played well.

A.when B.because C.until D.although

()5.The rain beat_______her face as she walked through the wind and rain.

A.at B.against C.in D.from

()6.He is creative.He’s going to turn his car_____a playroom for the children.

A.with B.into C.in D.from

()7.Mr.Green is a kind man.He always tries his best to help______weak.

A.a B.the C.an D.不填

()8.The apartment my parents live in is about 360 square feet_______size.

A.for B.on C.in D.at

()9.When I got to my apartment,I saw my son running_____me happily.

A.around B.with C.toward D.about

()10.Liu Jing’s mother is very kind and she often speaks_______a kind way.

A.for B.by C.in D.of

()11.We have shirts in different colors______40 yuan each.

A.of B.with C.for D.at

()12.We regard Amy______one of the most successful fi lm actresses.

A.to B.with C.as D.of

()13.______have you lived in the countryside?

—Since fi ve years ago.

A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How much

()14.______we grow up,our parents get older.

A.Unless B.Although C.As D.While

()15.Her own twelve pictures sold very well,______to friends and family.

A.usually B.Mostly C.Hardly D.recently

()16.She hasn’t_____decided if she will come or not.Let’s wait for her answer.

A.already B.yet C.ever D.never

()17.During his second day Edward looked_____more tired than on his fi rst day.

A.even B.quite C.only D.pretty

()18.We have different opinions______the matter.

A.about B.of C.in D.at

()19.Stop_______—you’re giving me a headache!

A.shouting B.shout C.to shout D.shouted

()20.It’s_______—I’m sure I locked the front door just now but now it’s open.

A.strange B.Useful C.Simple D.crazy



A:Hi,Ken.You don’t look very good.(21)______

B:I have a cold.

A:Why don’t you go home?

B:I can’t.(22)______But I don’t feel well.

A:Talk to Carol.She will understand.


A:Feel better soon!

(In Carol‘s offi ce)

B:Hi,Carol.Can I ask for leave(请假)?

C:What’s wrong,Ken?(24)______

B:No.But I have a sore throat.

C:(25)______You can go home.

B:Thanks,Carol.But I’m sorry I can’t fi nish the work today.

C:Don’t worry about your work.Go home and get better!

A.Do you have a sore throat?

B.I have too much work to do.

C.Should I take some medicine?

D.You probably have a cold.

E.What’s the matter with you?

F.I will go to her offi ce now.

G.Do you have a fever?


A:Mark,I plan to volunteer to work in the old people’s home.Are you interested in it?

A:This Saturday.The weather will be fi ne.

(In the old people’s home)

A:Oh,the house is in a mess(杂乱不堪)!


A:You should clean out these old boxes fi rst.

B:OK.This cleaning job is so easy.What’s Rob’s job?

A:He is cleaning the whole living room.The lights,the floor...everything!


A:Yes.I will help him.

(In the living room)

A:Rob,how is your cleaning going?

C:Not very well.I still have a lot to do.

A:I can help you.(29)_______________________?

C:You just need to clean the fl oor.

A:OK.I can fi nish that quickly.

C:And one more thing!


C:Can you play some music?We can listen to music while we clean.




Do you know who played the role of Superman in the fi lm Superman?He was Christopher Reeve,a(n)31,and he was famous for his performance in the movie.

Like Superman,Christopher Reeve was afraid of nothing.He was good at fl ying planes,riding horses and many other activities.But32changed(改变)in 1995.When riding a horse,he fell and33himself badly.The doctors thought it was34for him to live long.Reeve even thought of35his life to end everything.36,when he thought of his family,he knew he couldn’t.From then on,he began to37for his life.

At the end of 1995,he left hospital.Soon after that,he felt he was ready to face the world again.He wanted to tell people no matter38problems they had,they shouldn’t give up.He began to make speeches,and they helped lots of people39body problems.

He also went back to work and made his first film,In the Gloaming.Although he lost control of his body,he still had his40and his dream.He was,and would always be Superman!

()31.A.expert B.actor C.reporter D.visitor

()32.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

()33.A.hurt B.lost C.turned D.sent

()34.A.available B.serious C.diffi cult D.useful

()35.A.looking up B.coming up C.making up D.giving up

()36.A.However B.Certainly C.Hardly D.Again

()37.A.look B.fi ght C.serve D.wait

()38.A.when B.which C.that D.what

()39.A.in B.for C.with D.of

()40.A.reason B.culture C.trouble D.spirit


Dear Deborah,

Thanks to you,we are able to have a comfortable“home”for our children to live and learn in this year.Last Monday,Michael and his sister,Janet,celebrated Michael’s 9th birthday41cake and cards in the nice place.There was a look of joy on their lovely42.

Thank you for your kind gift of$1,000 to Children’s Residential Services of Greater Boston.For the homeless children like Michael and Janet in our center,your kindness makes a43to them.

With your help,we’ll buy new computers for our children in a day or two.The children can’t44to use the computers to do their homework and talk with their friends!

The computers are part of our Excellence in Service Campaign that will make our“home”even45for Michael,Janet and their new friends.

We would love you to visit our“home”,46you can meet our children.We love to show you around our“home”,and the children enjoy47visitors.One or two might even show you48they can do with their new computers.

Janet Teebs,our development director(负责人),is always49to set up a visit for you,or to answer any question you may have.Please50her at 520-446-0912,or e-mail her at janetteebs@CRS.com.

Again,thank you for all you did for our children.You are a part of their lives too.


Malcolm Wexter

Executive Director

()41.A.for B.on C.about D.with

()42.A.eyes B.faces C.hearts D.mouths

()43.A.decision B.message C.difference D.problem

()44.A.wait B.try C.remember D.choose

()45.A.dirtier B.Noisier C.nicer D.bigger

()46.A.so B.unless C.until D.or

()47.A.organizing B.training C.meeting D.controlling

()48.A.what B.when C.how D.why

()49.A.busy B.upset C.welcome D.available

()50.A.hear B.call C.watch D.write



One cold Sunday,Mariko and her dad were walking to the store.

“I’m tired of winter,”said Mariko.

Dad waved(挥手)at their neighbor.“I know Mr.Hill hopes spring will come too.”

Mr.Hill was sitting and enjoying the sun in his garden(花园).He waved,and Mariko waved back.

“Mr.Hill loves his garden,”said Mariko.Mr.Hill had the most beautiful spring fl ower garden.It was full of daffodils(黄水仙).

Dad said,“Yes,he does.And because he is old,it is hard for him to go outside in winter.”

At the store,Mariko helped Dad choose milk,bread and carrots.

“You may choose something for yourself,Mariko,”said Dad.

At first Mariko thought apples would taste good.But then something else caught her eye,“Oh,Dad,look,daffodils!”

“Is that something you want?”asked Dad.

“Yes!”Mariko said happily.

Mariko couldn’t stop looking at her daffodils all the way home.But when she got to Mr.Hill’s house,she stopped,“Maybe I could...”

“Wait here,Dad,please,”she said.“I’ll be right back.”

Mariko ran to Mr.Hill and gave him the daffodils.

“What a wonderful winter surprise!”said Mr.Hill.“You have brought me spring!”


()51.What did Mariko and her father do on Sunday?

A.They did some shopping.B.They worked in the garden.

C.They visited their neighbors.D.They helped Mr.Hill pick fl owers.

()52.What did Mariko and her father NOT bring home?

A.Apples.B.Carrots C.Milk D.Bread

()53.Mariko chose daffodils probably because______.

A.they were colorful B.her mother liked them

C.her garden needed new fl owers D.the fl owers made her think of spring

()54.From the story,we know that Mariko______.

A.disliked shopping B.liked daffodils best

C.was popular with her neighbors D.was kind and thought of others

()55.What is the best title of the story?

A.A shopping day B.A winter surprise

C.Beautiful fl owers D.Spring and winter


“Mom,you won’t believe what Anna’s grandfather bought her for her birthday!”shouted Michelle.

“What?”asked Mom.

“A horse,”said Michelle.“Can I have one for my birthday?”

“No,Honey!I’m sorry but we don’t have enough money,”said Mom.

Michelle walked to her room.The phone rang(响起铃声),and Michelle answered.

“Will you get one for your birthday?”asked Anna.“We can ride them together.”

“No,”said Michelle.“Mom said we don’t have enough money.”

“Oh.Er...I have to feed Sir Charles.See you tomorrow,”said Anna.

“Maybe I can help Anna feed Sir Charles,”thought Michelle.She picked up the phone,but her mom was on the phone.

“That would be wonderful.I think she’ll enjoy the riding lessons,”said Mom.

Michelle even didn’t hear her mom walk in the room.

“Honey,I want to talk to you,”said Mom.

Michelle put the phone down.“I didn’t mean toeavesdrop.I was going to call Anna,”said Michelle.

“So you heard about the riding lessons?”asked Mom.

“Yes,”said Michelle.

“I don’t have enough money to buy a horse,but I thought you’d like to learn to ride it.Mrs.Mayberry gives lessons every Saturday.She said you and Anna could be in the same class.I know it’s not the same as having your own horse,but...”said Mom.

“It’s better,”said Michelle.

“Why?”asked Mom.

“Anna has to feed Sir Charles every day.It takes lots of time,”said Michelle.

“So you’re satisfi ed?”asked Mom.

“Of course.It’s the best birthday gift ever,”said Michelle.


()56.Michelle’s mom didn’t agree to buy her a horse because______.

A.she didn’t like horses

B.a horse needed too much money

C.Michelle didn’t have time to care for a horse

D.it was dangerous for Michelle to ride a horse

()57.Sir Charles was______.

A.a horse B.a dog C.Anna’s grandfather D.Michelle’s grandfather

()58.The underlined word“eavesdrop”in the passage means“_____”in Chinese.


()59.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Michelle didn’t like feeding horses.

B.Anna wanted Michelle to help her feed her horse.

C.Anna’s father bought her a horse for her birthday.

D.Michelle would learn to ride a horse from Mrs.Mayberry.

()60.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.A telephone call

B.Anna and Michelle

C.How to ride a horse

D.The best birthday gift


Dear Tommy,

I’m in Paris now!Mom,Sally and I came here to visit my uncle.We are having a wonderful time.Dad didn’t come because his company(公司)sent him to work in Japan last month.He will have to stay there until November.

For Sally and me,it’s our first time to come to France.We are so excited!Last week Mom went to different shows alone.She used to study in Paris,so she knows the city well.Sally and I visited many interesting places with Aunt Susan.Although we can’t speak French,it’s OK.Aunt Susan and Uncle Tyler can speak both French and English.

Yesterday afternoon,Mom,Sally and Aunt Susan stayed home cooking dinner.Uncle Tyler took me fi shing.We drove for an hour and fi nally arrived at his favorite lake.First,we walked around the lake looking for a good place to fi sh.Uncle Tyler said we should fi sh from the top of a large rock.

I was so interested in catching a fi sh that when I threw my fi shing line and hook(鱼钩)out,the rod(鱼竿)went with them!Uncle Tyler got my rod out of the lake.Then he said that next time,I should wait until he put bait(鱼饵)on the hook.

We fi shed for two hours and my uncle caught four fi sh.He is a fantastic fi sherman.The only thing I caught was a cold.I can’t wait to go again soon,so I can become a great fi sherman like him.




()61.Frank’s father went to Japan to______.

A.work B.study C.take a holiday D.visit his brother

()62.Who CANNOT speak French?

A.Susan and Tommy B.Sally and Susan.

C.Frank and Tommy D.Sally and Frank.

()63.Which word best describes Frank when he was fi shing?


()64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter?

A.Frank will stay in Paris with his family until November.

B.Frank got sick after he fi shed in the lake with his uncle.

C.Sally used to study in Paris and she visited many places there.

D.Sally spent an hour cooking dinner with her mother and aunt.

()65.What will Frank probably do if Tyler asks him to go fi shing next time?

A.Go with him.

B.Send him a newrod.

C.Say no to him.

D.Prepare some bait himself.


Hi!I’m Lilly.My family and I live in a big house.I’m 11 and I have a younger brother,Tom.He is 8.

My mom is a nurse,and she works in a hospital.She works a lot,and usually at night.She doesn’t have enough time to do the housework,so my dad often helps her and he likes it.My dad works in a bank.He arrives home at about 4 p.m.,so he can do a lot of things at home.

Every evening Dad cooks dinner.My brother and I help him.After dinner Dad does the dishes and I help him dry them.Then we take a shower and Dad reads us short stories.

In the morning,Mom makes breakfast.Tom and I make our beds.Then Dad takes us to school by car.

On Saturday,we clean the house.I clean the furniture(家具)and Dad sweeps the floor.Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants.Dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing(熨).He never does it.My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our clothes.

On Sunday,we wash the car together and Dad often takes us to play in the park and eat in our favorite restaurant.


()66.Lilly is four years older than Tom.

()67.Lilly’s mom never works at night.

()68.Lilly and her brother go to school by car.

()69.Lilly’s brother is so little that he can’t do any housework.

()70.Lilly’s father doesn’t like ironing,but he likes cleaning the windows.


On Thursday a new boy came into the classroom.He didn’t have any uniform on.Just trousers,a jacket and a shirt.Tom could see that the boy wasn’t quite comfortable.He had a plastic(塑料的)bag with exercise books,pens,pencils,rulers and erasers in it.The boy stood at the blackboard.Miss Fair talked to the boy,and then she said,“Boys and girls,this is Peter Rivers.He is your new classmate.Peter is your age.I hope you’ll get on well with each other.Peter will spend a lot of time together with you,and outdoors too.”Miss Fair asked Peter to sit next to Tom at the desk near the window.

The students had math after that and Tom could see that Peter was not bad at it.He counted(数数)well.It was not diffi cult for him at all.Then Miss Fair said,“It is half past twelve.It’s time to have lunch.”Peter joined Tom and went to wash his hands.Then the boys sat down on the fl oor and started to open their lunch bags.Tom opened his bag and put his hand in it.He took out an old brown apple,some old cheese and some bits of fi sh from dinner.“Oh,no!”cried Tom.“This is rubbish.I have the wrong bag.I took the rubbish bag and left my lunch bag at home.I have only rubbish for lunch today.”The other children laughed and laughed.Then Peter said,“I have two eggs.Why don’t you have one?I don’t need two.And would you like some bread?”Tom smiled,“Thanks.Now I’ll always look in my lunch bag before I bring it to school.”


()71.How many kinds of things did Peter have in his plastic bag?

A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six

()72.Which of the following is TRUE about Peter?

A.He wore a coat and a shirt to school.

B.He had lunch in the school dining hall.

C.He was disabled and couldn’t play outdoors.

D.He had no trouble counting in the math class.

()73.How did Tom feel when he saw what was in his lunch bag?

A.Bored B.Afraid C.Excited D.Upset

()74.What would Tom probably have for lunch?

A.Bread and an apple B.Cheese and an apple

C.Bread and an egg D.Cheese and an egg

()75.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Tom’s favorite teacher B.Tom’s new classmate

C.Tom’s math class D.Tom’s lunch


When a person is hurt or suddenly(突然)becomes ill,people give him immediate(立即的)care.We call it fi rst aid.(76)______Immediate action is necessary when someone loses lots of blood or when breathing stopped for a short time.

Everyone should know something about how to care for a person with a sudden illness.Even a small injury(损伤)can be very dangerous.(77)______

When first aiders face a sudden situation,they must be able to keep calm(镇静的)and organize other people to help.He or she must know how to control blood and take care of injuries.(78)______

In our country,hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people don’t have first aid information.(79)______We may face a sudden situation anywhere.One day somebody from our family may get hurt or suddenly become ill.(80)______


A.If more people know about fi rst aid,more lives could be saved.

B.If we don’t want to be helpless in such a situation,we have to know fi rst aid.

C.When there is a sudden situation,time is very important,so fi rst aid plays a very important role.

D.Knowing how to move the injured without causing(引起)more injuries is also very important.

E.And it may result in death,so everyone should know something about fi rst aid.



81.Leo has a t___.I advised him to see a dentist.

82.The bus stopped to let the p___ off.

83.People in the western countries often eat with k___ and forks.

84.The bag of rice weighs about 50 k___.

85.His daughter is a n___.Her job is to look after the sick.


86.We have to make a________(decide)about where to go on vacation

87.His________(foot)are too big.We don’t have the right size of shoes for him.

88.Parents should tell children the________(important)of doing the housework.

89.Flora has a________(stomach),so she doesn’t want to eat anything.

90.All of us are surprised at the________(die)of the man because he is too young.

91.It was a good________(feel)to be arriving home again.

92.Who’s the________(own)of this house?

93.Careful!There’s_________(break)glass on the fl oor.

94.I wanted to thank them for all their________(kind).

95.She explained(解释)the whole idea again,but I still didn’t_____(understand).


96.There was a(n)______(通知)on the board saying the class had been cancelled(取消).

97.One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on_____(轮子).

98.We should care for the________(有残疾的)people.

99.Lisa met with many________(困难)when traveling.

100.I was tired so my friend________(扛)my heavy bag for me.


一、1---5DCADB 6---10 BBCCC

11---15 CCBCB 16---20 BAAAA

二、21---25 EBFGD

26.When should we do that

27.What should I do fi rst

28.Does he need any help

29.What do I need to do

30.What’s it

三、31---35 BCACD 36---40 ABDCD

41---45 DBCAC 46---50 ACADB

四、51---55 AADDB 56---60 BACDD 61---65 ADBBA



1. I hear she’ll be back ____ a week.

A. afterB. inC. fromD. at

2. ——____ do you go to see your grandparents?

——Once a month.

A. How longB. How often C. How soonD. How much

3. Don’t speak aloud. You ____ keep quiet in the reading-room.

A. couldB. mayC. would D. should

4. If you want to be thinner, you have to eat ____ food and do

____ exercise.

A. little; manyB. much; fewC. fewer; moreD. less; more

5. We all went swimming ____ Jim, because he had to look after his

younger sister.

A. exceptB. besidesC. andD. or

6. ——I’m not feeling well, maybe I have a cold. What should I do?


A. Maybe you should see a dentist

B. Maybe you should have a good sleep

C. Maybe you should see a doctor

D. Maybe you should drink some coffee

7. If it ____ tomorrow, I won’t visit the West Lake.

A. don’t rainB. will rainC. rainsD. rain

8. ——____ will they play?

——They will play football.

A. What subjectB. What sportC. What foodD. What language

9. It’s not right ____ you ____ others’ homework.

A. to; to copyB. for; copyC. to; copyD. for; to copy

10. ——Could you please tell me ____?

——Tomorrow, I think.

A. when will he comeB. when he will come

C. when would he comeD. when he would come

11. ——Will there be less pollution?

——____. There will be more pollution.

A. Yes, there willB. No, there isn’t

C. Yes, there isD. No, there won’t

12. Her mother told her ____ in bed.

A. not readB. not to readC. don’t readD. to not read

13. Work hard, and your dream will ____ one day.

A. come trueB. come onC. come overD. come up

14. The students were reading when the teacher ____ into the classroom.

A. was comingB. cameC. comesD. coming

15. ——Why don’t you go and play soccer?


A. Yes, I thinkB. Yes, I can play

C. That’s a good ideaD. It’s good game

Ⅱ.完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,总共10分)


For many young people, __1__ a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to __2__ a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world __3__ you. Many athletes give money to schools and __4__, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.

__5__, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will __6__ you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life __7__.

If you play sports __8__ a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. __9__, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were __10__ before they became rich and famous.

1. A. becomesB. becomeC. becomingD. to become

2. A. to makeB. makingC. makeD. made

3.A. will knowB. knowC. to knowD. knew

4.A. charityB. charitysC. charitiesD. charityes

5.A. ThoughB. BecauseC. HoweverD. Still

6.A. seeB. watchC. lookD. look at

7.A. difficultB. to difficultC. most difficultD. easy

8.A. asB. inC. withD. for

9. A. In factB. In a factC. On factD. At fact

10. A. happyingB. happyerC. happierD. more happy




1. Which is the cheapest(便宜的) of all? ____.

A. HatB. T-shirtC. PantsD. Socks

2. How much are two pants? ____.

A. $14B. $20C. $21D. $22

3. You can buy ____ in Mason’s Clothes Store.

A. black pantsB. a blue sweaterC. a green hatD. red socks

4. If you want to buy a T-shirt, which color isn’t afford(提供)?____.

A. redB. yellowC. greenD. black

5. You like red and you only have $6. You can buy ____.

A. a sweaterB. a hatC. a T-shirtD. nothing


There are 45 students in our class. I have made a survey, 36 students say they like to exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. But girls think basketball is difficult for them; they’d like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend, Tony, is good at running. He runs fastest(最快) in our class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and four times a week in summer. So he’s pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. They eat both meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. What’s worse (更糟糕的) is that she doesn’t like to exercise, so she is very fat. She always says “I’m going to lose weight tomorrow.”

6. How often do most boys play basketball? ____.

A. Every dayB. Twice a dayC. Twice a weekD. Twice a month

7. Why do the girls dislike to play basketball? ____.

A. Because they have no time

B. Because they think it’s not easy

C. Because they don’t like to play with the boys

D. Because they don’t like to exercise

8. Who runs the fastest in the writer’s class? ____.

A. GrayB. SallyC. TonyD. We don’t know

9. How often does Gray swim in summer? ____.

A. Three times a monthB. Four times a week

C. Hardly everD. Every afternoon

10. Why is Sally so fat? ____.

A. Because she doesn’t like to exercise

B. Because she likes to eat junk food very much

C. Because she likes sleeping very much

D. Because she likes to eat junk food and doesn’t like to exercise


Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least (至少) one in every room. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.

11. In the future there will be ____.

A. much more fruitB. more people

C. less vegetablesD. less people

12. Every family will have at least a ____ in the future.

A. robotB. cowC. TV setD. computer

13. In the future people don’t have to ____.

A. work long hoursB. work fast

C. walk on footD. eat meat

14. Which of the following is NOT right? ____.

A. There will be more people in the world and they can live longer

than now

B. There will be more room for sheep and cows

C. People will eat more fruit than meat they eat today

D. Robots will do dangerous and hard work for people in the future

15. One big problem in the future is that ____.

A. many people don’t have to work

B. many people will not be able to find work

C. people have to work fast

D. all the work will be done by robots



1. What ____(发生) to you last night?

2. One day people will ____(飞) to the moon for vacations.

3. Can you ____(带来) some music CDs to the party?

4. There are all kinds of ____(花) in the garden.

5. I will ____(发送) an E-mail to my best friend tomorrow.

6. The girl felt a little ____(紧张的) at the meeting.

7. You could give him a ____(票) to a ball game.

8. There are two____(百) workers in the factory.

9. My father doesn’t know how to ____(使用) the computer.

10. They finish the homework by ____(他们自己).



A. Dress-making

B. Beauty Sights in France

C. Starting Your Stamp Collection

D. Sports

E. An Instruction to History

1. Her mother is a teacher. She enjoys dress-making for her family.

2. Her father has been interested in history and he also likes


3. Jack, her elder brother, is studying languages at university and will

spend nine months in France next year.

4. Sarah, her sixteen-year-old sister, loves watching sport programs

on television.

5. Dan, her younger brother, is twelve. He loves pop music. He also

collects stamps and has a large collection.

1. Mother ____ 2. Father ____ 3. Jack ____

4. Sarah ____5. Dan ____






















































































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