




Ⅰ. 单项选择。(20分)

( )1. Its not polite to speak in public.

A. loud B. loudly C. louder

( )2.Your bike is my sisters.

A. same as B. as the same C. the same as

( )3. Im in any book.

A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interested C. interests; interest

( )4. Our teachers always encourage us aloud in English class.

A. to read B. read C. reading

( )5. He asked his father .

A. where it happens B. what was happen C. how it happened

( )6. I dont know he will come tomorrow, he come, I will tell you.

A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if

( )7. —— will you stay in America?

—— About two months.

A. How many B. How often C. How long

( )8. He found very interesting to ride a horse on the farm.

A. this B. that C. it

( )9. His parents make her at night.

A. stay at home B. stags at home C. to stay at home

( )10. Which do you like A. good B. better C. well

( )11. The policeman told the students in the road.

A. not play B. to not play C. not to play.

( )12. What she did us surprised.

A. to make B. made C. making

( )13. ——Did Jack come to our party yesterday?

——No, he A. wasnt invited B. isnt invited C. didnt invite

( )14. You worry about him. He will get well soon.

A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt

( )15. Will you please drive A. quick B. faster C. more slowly

( )16. —— terrible weather it is?

—— It is said that it will get later.

A. What; bad B. What; worse C. What a; bad

( )17. Oh, Danny. Its raining outside. Youd better your raincoat.

A. put on B. wear C. in

( )18. Look at those blouses, theyre beautiful.

A. orange B. oranges C. orangely

( )19. —— How did Kate get so much money?

—— She it her best friend.

A. borrowed; from B. borrows; for C. borrow; to

( )20. Tom asked Michael the boy was.

A. what B. which C. who







3、新华社2月1日受权发布《中共中央、国务院关于加快推进创新持续增强农品供给保障能力的若干意见》,这是新世纪以来指导“三农”工作的中央一号文件。()A农业科技第八个B农业科技第九个 C农业科技第七个D农业科技第十个4、6月16日载人飞船发射,飞行乘组包括女航天员。6月24日在航天员精准操控下,会对接取得圆满成功,中国将成为掌握该技术的国家。()A刘洋、神舟九号、天宫一号、自动、第三个B刘洋、神舟九号、天宫一号、手控、第三个C刘洋、神舟八号、天宫一号、手控、第三个D刘洋、神舟八号、天宫一号、自动、第三个


A“蛟龙”号7000米第五个B“蛟龙”号6500米第五个 C“蛟龙”号6000米第三个D“蛟龙”号7000米第三个6、6月23日国务院批准,撤销海南省西沙群岛、南沙群岛、中沙群岛办事处,设立地级,管辖西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及其海域。市人民政府驻永兴岛。()A三沙市中沙B三沙市南沙 C三沙市西沙D三沙市 东沙 7、3月2日,中央精神文明建设指导委员会在北京召开深入开展学雷锋(今年是雷锋逝世50周年)活动座谈会。李长春强调,深入开展学雷锋活动,采取措施推动学习活动常态化。中央精神文明建设指导委员会3月2日作出决定,授予同志“当代雷锋”荣誉称号。()A 郭明义B吴菊萍C朱光亚D吴孟超8、3月28日,国务院常务会议审议并原则通过《校车安全管理条例(草案)。《4月10日起施行。根据条例,指用于接送接受义务教育的学生上下学,高中学生上下学不纳入校车服务范围,幼儿入园也以确保让幼儿“就近入园”和由家长接送为原则。()





信息技术革命④空间技术是一个国家科学技术发展水平的重要标志 A①②③B②③④C①③④D①②④



15、下列说法正确的是()①产生创新思维的重要前提是善于观察、见微知著②创新的前提是掌握知识③一切创新的源头是想象④创新的先导是求异思维 A①③B③④C①②D②③

16、“花在林则生,离枝则死;鸟在林则乐,离群则悲。”你的理解是()A集体是个人生存的依靠、成长的园地B集体的发展离不开每个成员的努力 C个人利益的实现会促进集体的发展D既要尊重集体利益又要维护个人利益 阅读下面图表,回答17—18题。我国与部分发达国家在创新指标上的比较


18、要解决图表中反映的问题,你的建议是()①大力实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略②大力实施素质教育,培养创新型人才③全面深化科技和教育体制改革④加强对青少年创新意识和创新能力的培养 A①B①②C②③④D①②③④


①集体是个人生存的依靠,是个人成长的园地 ②个人是组成集体的细胞,集体的发展离不开每个成员的努力 ③个人的生活、学习和工作都离不开集体 ④个人与集体不可分A②③④B①③④C①②④D①②③④



22、人与大自然的不和谐之音主要表现在()①自然物种在减少②自然景观遭到人为破坏③环境状况不容乐观④保护生物多样性A①②③④ B①③④C①②④D①②③








29、宪法的制定和修改程序比其他法律更为严格,因为()①宪法规定国家生活中最根本的问题②宪法具有最高的法律效力③宪法在我国法律体系中处于首要地位④宪法须由全国人大表决通过A①②B②③C③④D①③ 30、健全社会主义法制的中心环节是()A有法可依B有法必依C执法必严D违法必究




33、材料一:人字的结构是相互支撑。“爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。” 材料二:山东省泰安市一中学教师于元贞在农贸市场因抓窃贼而被歹徒刺断大腿股动脉,躺在血泊之中一个多小时无人救助,数百人围观,不仅不“拔刀相助”,反而为歹徒让路,让他从容逃去。



























()1.No one can help you all the time.You should be______control of your life.

A.for B.at C.on D.in

()2.There was something wrong with his car and he repaired it______himself.

A.on B.to C.by D.with

()3.The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service______guests.

A.for B.from C.on D.with

()4.We lost the game______everyone played well.

A.when B.because C.until D.although

()5.The rain beat_______her face as she walked through the wind and rain.

A.at B.against C.in D.from

()6.He is creative.He’s going to turn his car_____a playroom for the children.

A.with B.into C.in D.from

()7.Mr.Green is a kind man.He always tries his best to help______weak.

A.a B.the C.an D.不填

()8.The apartment my parents live in is about 360 square feet_______size.

A.for B.on C.in D.at

()9.When I got to my apartment,I saw my son running_____me happily.

A.around B.with C.toward D.about

()10.Liu Jing’s mother is very kind and she often speaks_______a kind way.

A.for B.by C.in D.of

()11.We have shirts in different colors______40 yuan each.

A.of B.with C.for D.at

()12.We regard Amy______one of the most successful fi lm actresses.

A.to B.with C.as D.of

()13.______have you lived in the countryside?

—Since fi ve years ago.

A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How much

()14.______we grow up,our parents get older.

A.Unless B.Although C.As D.While

()15.Her own twelve pictures sold very well,______to friends and family.

A.usually B.Mostly C.Hardly D.recently

()16.She hasn’t_____decided if she will come or not.Let’s wait for her answer.

A.already B.yet C.ever D.never

()17.During his second day Edward looked_____more tired than on his fi rst day.

A.even B.quite C.only D.pretty

()18.We have different opinions______the matter.

A.about B.of C.in D.at

()19.Stop_______—you’re giving me a headache!

A.shouting B.shout C.to shout D.shouted

()20.It’s_______—I’m sure I locked the front door just now but now it’s open.

A.strange B.Useful C.Simple D.crazy



A:Hi,Ken.You don’t look very good.(21)______

B:I have a cold.

A:Why don’t you go home?

B:I can’t.(22)______But I don’t feel well.

A:Talk to Carol.She will understand.


A:Feel better soon!

(In Carol‘s offi ce)

B:Hi,Carol.Can I ask for leave(请假)?

C:What’s wrong,Ken?(24)______

B:No.But I have a sore throat.

C:(25)______You can go home.

B:Thanks,Carol.But I’m sorry I can’t fi nish the work today.

C:Don’t worry about your work.Go home and get better!

A.Do you have a sore throat?

B.I have too much work to do.

C.Should I take some medicine?

D.You probably have a cold.

E.What’s the matter with you?

F.I will go to her offi ce now.

G.Do you have a fever?


A:Mark,I plan to volunteer to work in the old people’s home.Are you interested in it?

A:This Saturday.The weather will be fi ne.

(In the old people’s home)

A:Oh,the house is in a mess(杂乱不堪)!


A:You should clean out these old boxes fi rst.

B:OK.This cleaning job is so easy.What’s Rob’s job?

A:He is cleaning the whole living room.The lights,the floor...everything!


A:Yes.I will help him.

(In the living room)

A:Rob,how is your cleaning going?

C:Not very well.I still have a lot to do.

A:I can help you.(29)_______________________?

C:You just need to clean the fl oor.

A:OK.I can fi nish that quickly.

C:And one more thing!


C:Can you play some music?We can listen to music while we clean.




Do you know who played the role of Superman in the fi lm Superman?He was Christopher Reeve,a(n)31,and he was famous for his performance in the movie.

Like Superman,Christopher Reeve was afraid of nothing.He was good at fl ying planes,riding horses and many other activities.But32changed(改变)in 1995.When riding a horse,he fell and33himself badly.The doctors thought it was34for him to live long.Reeve even thought of35his life to end everything.36,when he thought of his family,he knew he couldn’t.From then on,he began to37for his life.

At the end of 1995,he left hospital.Soon after that,he felt he was ready to face the world again.He wanted to tell people no matter38problems they had,they shouldn’t give up.He began to make speeches,and they helped lots of people39body problems.

He also went back to work and made his first film,In the Gloaming.Although he lost control of his body,he still had his40and his dream.He was,and would always be Superman!

()31.A.expert B.actor C.reporter D.visitor

()32.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

()33.A.hurt B.lost C.turned D.sent

()34.A.available B.serious C.diffi cult D.useful

()35.A.looking up B.coming up C.making up D.giving up

()36.A.However B.Certainly C.Hardly D.Again

()37.A.look B.fi ght C.serve D.wait

()38.A.when B.which C.that D.what

()39.A.in B.for C.with D.of

()40.A.reason B.culture C.trouble D.spirit


Dear Deborah,

Thanks to you,we are able to have a comfortable“home”for our children to live and learn in this year.Last Monday,Michael and his sister,Janet,celebrated Michael’s 9th birthday41cake and cards in the nice place.There was a look of joy on their lovely42.

Thank you for your kind gift of$1,000 to Children’s Residential Services of Greater Boston.For the homeless children like Michael and Janet in our center,your kindness makes a43to them.

With your help,we’ll buy new computers for our children in a day or two.The children can’t44to use the computers to do their homework and talk with their friends!

The computers are part of our Excellence in Service Campaign that will make our“home”even45for Michael,Janet and their new friends.

We would love you to visit our“home”,46you can meet our children.We love to show you around our“home”,and the children enjoy47visitors.One or two might even show you48they can do with their new computers.

Janet Teebs,our development director(负责人),is always49to set up a visit for you,or to answer any question you may have.Please50her at 520-446-0912,or e-mail her at janetteebs@CRS.com.

Again,thank you for all you did for our children.You are a part of their lives too.


Malcolm Wexter

Executive Director

()41.A.for B.on C.about D.with

()42.A.eyes B.faces C.hearts D.mouths

()43.A.decision B.message C.difference D.problem

()44.A.wait B.try C.remember D.choose

()45.A.dirtier B.Noisier C.nicer D.bigger

()46.A.so B.unless C.until D.or

()47.A.organizing B.training C.meeting D.controlling

()48.A.what B.when C.how D.why

()49.A.busy B.upset C.welcome D.available

()50.A.hear B.call C.watch D.write



One cold Sunday,Mariko and her dad were walking to the store.

“I’m tired of winter,”said Mariko.

Dad waved(挥手)at their neighbor.“I know Mr.Hill hopes spring will come too.”

Mr.Hill was sitting and enjoying the sun in his garden(花园).He waved,and Mariko waved back.

“Mr.Hill loves his garden,”said Mariko.Mr.Hill had the most beautiful spring fl ower garden.It was full of daffodils(黄水仙).

Dad said,“Yes,he does.And because he is old,it is hard for him to go outside in winter.”

At the store,Mariko helped Dad choose milk,bread and carrots.

“You may choose something for yourself,Mariko,”said Dad.

At first Mariko thought apples would taste good.But then something else caught her eye,“Oh,Dad,look,daffodils!”

“Is that something you want?”asked Dad.

“Yes!”Mariko said happily.

Mariko couldn’t stop looking at her daffodils all the way home.But when she got to Mr.Hill’s house,she stopped,“Maybe I could...”

“Wait here,Dad,please,”she said.“I’ll be right back.”

Mariko ran to Mr.Hill and gave him the daffodils.

“What a wonderful winter surprise!”said Mr.Hill.“You have brought me spring!”


()51.What did Mariko and her father do on Sunday?

A.They did some shopping.B.They worked in the garden.

C.They visited their neighbors.D.They helped Mr.Hill pick fl owers.

()52.What did Mariko and her father NOT bring home?

A.Apples.B.Carrots C.Milk D.Bread

()53.Mariko chose daffodils probably because______.

A.they were colorful B.her mother liked them

C.her garden needed new fl owers D.the fl owers made her think of spring

()54.From the story,we know that Mariko______.

A.disliked shopping B.liked daffodils best

C.was popular with her neighbors D.was kind and thought of others

()55.What is the best title of the story?

A.A shopping day B.A winter surprise

C.Beautiful fl owers D.Spring and winter


“Mom,you won’t believe what Anna’s grandfather bought her for her birthday!”shouted Michelle.

“What?”asked Mom.

“A horse,”said Michelle.“Can I have one for my birthday?”

“No,Honey!I’m sorry but we don’t have enough money,”said Mom.

Michelle walked to her room.The phone rang(响起铃声),and Michelle answered.

“Will you get one for your birthday?”asked Anna.“We can ride them together.”

“No,”said Michelle.“Mom said we don’t have enough money.”

“Oh.Er...I have to feed Sir Charles.See you tomorrow,”said Anna.

“Maybe I can help Anna feed Sir Charles,”thought Michelle.She picked up the phone,but her mom was on the phone.

“That would be wonderful.I think she’ll enjoy the riding lessons,”said Mom.

Michelle even didn’t hear her mom walk in the room.

“Honey,I want to talk to you,”said Mom.

Michelle put the phone down.“I didn’t mean toeavesdrop.I was going to call Anna,”said Michelle.

“So you heard about the riding lessons?”asked Mom.

“Yes,”said Michelle.

“I don’t have enough money to buy a horse,but I thought you’d like to learn to ride it.Mrs.Mayberry gives lessons every Saturday.She said you and Anna could be in the same class.I know it’s not the same as having your own horse,but...”said Mom.

“It’s better,”said Michelle.

“Why?”asked Mom.

“Anna has to feed Sir Charles every day.It takes lots of time,”said Michelle.

“So you’re satisfi ed?”asked Mom.

“Of course.It’s the best birthday gift ever,”said Michelle.


()56.Michelle’s mom didn’t agree to buy her a horse because______.

A.she didn’t like horses

B.a horse needed too much money

C.Michelle didn’t have time to care for a horse

D.it was dangerous for Michelle to ride a horse

()57.Sir Charles was______.

A.a horse B.a dog C.Anna’s grandfather D.Michelle’s grandfather

()58.The underlined word“eavesdrop”in the passage means“_____”in Chinese.


()59.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Michelle didn’t like feeding horses.

B.Anna wanted Michelle to help her feed her horse.

C.Anna’s father bought her a horse for her birthday.

D.Michelle would learn to ride a horse from Mrs.Mayberry.

()60.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.A telephone call

B.Anna and Michelle

C.How to ride a horse

D.The best birthday gift


Dear Tommy,

I’m in Paris now!Mom,Sally and I came here to visit my uncle.We are having a wonderful time.Dad didn’t come because his company(公司)sent him to work in Japan last month.He will have to stay there until November.

For Sally and me,it’s our first time to come to France.We are so excited!Last week Mom went to different shows alone.She used to study in Paris,so she knows the city well.Sally and I visited many interesting places with Aunt Susan.Although we can’t speak French,it’s OK.Aunt Susan and Uncle Tyler can speak both French and English.

Yesterday afternoon,Mom,Sally and Aunt Susan stayed home cooking dinner.Uncle Tyler took me fi shing.We drove for an hour and fi nally arrived at his favorite lake.First,we walked around the lake looking for a good place to fi sh.Uncle Tyler said we should fi sh from the top of a large rock.

I was so interested in catching a fi sh that when I threw my fi shing line and hook(鱼钩)out,the rod(鱼竿)went with them!Uncle Tyler got my rod out of the lake.Then he said that next time,I should wait until he put bait(鱼饵)on the hook.

We fi shed for two hours and my uncle caught four fi sh.He is a fantastic fi sherman.The only thing I caught was a cold.I can’t wait to go again soon,so I can become a great fi sherman like him.




()61.Frank’s father went to Japan to______.

A.work B.study C.take a holiday D.visit his brother

()62.Who CANNOT speak French?

A.Susan and Tommy B.Sally and Susan.

C.Frank and Tommy D.Sally and Frank.

()63.Which word best describes Frank when he was fi shing?


()64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter?

A.Frank will stay in Paris with his family until November.

B.Frank got sick after he fi shed in the lake with his uncle.

C.Sally used to study in Paris and she visited many places there.

D.Sally spent an hour cooking dinner with her mother and aunt.

()65.What will Frank probably do if Tyler asks him to go fi shing next time?

A.Go with him.

B.Send him a newrod.

C.Say no to him.

D.Prepare some bait himself.


Hi!I’m Lilly.My family and I live in a big house.I’m 11 and I have a younger brother,Tom.He is 8.

My mom is a nurse,and she works in a hospital.She works a lot,and usually at night.She doesn’t have enough time to do the housework,so my dad often helps her and he likes it.My dad works in a bank.He arrives home at about 4 p.m.,so he can do a lot of things at home.

Every evening Dad cooks dinner.My brother and I help him.After dinner Dad does the dishes and I help him dry them.Then we take a shower and Dad reads us short stories.

In the morning,Mom makes breakfast.Tom and I make our beds.Then Dad takes us to school by car.

On Saturday,we clean the house.I clean the furniture(家具)and Dad sweeps the floor.Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants.Dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing(熨).He never does it.My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our clothes.

On Sunday,we wash the car together and Dad often takes us to play in the park and eat in our favorite restaurant.


()66.Lilly is four years older than Tom.

()67.Lilly’s mom never works at night.

()68.Lilly and her brother go to school by car.

()69.Lilly’s brother is so little that he can’t do any housework.

()70.Lilly’s father doesn’t like ironing,but he likes cleaning the windows.


On Thursday a new boy came into the classroom.He didn’t have any uniform on.Just trousers,a jacket and a shirt.Tom could see that the boy wasn’t quite comfortable.He had a plastic(塑料的)bag with exercise books,pens,pencils,rulers and erasers in it.The boy stood at the blackboard.Miss Fair talked to the boy,and then she said,“Boys and girls,this is Peter Rivers.He is your new classmate.Peter is your age.I hope you’ll get on well with each other.Peter will spend a lot of time together with you,and outdoors too.”Miss Fair asked Peter to sit next to Tom at the desk near the window.

The students had math after that and Tom could see that Peter was not bad at it.He counted(数数)well.It was not diffi cult for him at all.Then Miss Fair said,“It is half past twelve.It’s time to have lunch.”Peter joined Tom and went to wash his hands.Then the boys sat down on the fl oor and started to open their lunch bags.Tom opened his bag and put his hand in it.He took out an old brown apple,some old cheese and some bits of fi sh from dinner.“Oh,no!”cried Tom.“This is rubbish.I have the wrong bag.I took the rubbish bag and left my lunch bag at home.I have only rubbish for lunch today.”The other children laughed and laughed.Then Peter said,“I have two eggs.Why don’t you have one?I don’t need two.And would you like some bread?”Tom smiled,“Thanks.Now I’ll always look in my lunch bag before I bring it to school.”


()71.How many kinds of things did Peter have in his plastic bag?

A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six

()72.Which of the following is TRUE about Peter?

A.He wore a coat and a shirt to school.

B.He had lunch in the school dining hall.

C.He was disabled and couldn’t play outdoors.

D.He had no trouble counting in the math class.

()73.How did Tom feel when he saw what was in his lunch bag?

A.Bored B.Afraid C.Excited D.Upset

()74.What would Tom probably have for lunch?

A.Bread and an apple B.Cheese and an apple

C.Bread and an egg D.Cheese and an egg

()75.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Tom’s favorite teacher B.Tom’s new classmate

C.Tom’s math class D.Tom’s lunch


When a person is hurt or suddenly(突然)becomes ill,people give him immediate(立即的)care.We call it fi rst aid.(76)______Immediate action is necessary when someone loses lots of blood or when breathing stopped for a short time.

Everyone should know something about how to care for a person with a sudden illness.Even a small injury(损伤)can be very dangerous.(77)______

When first aiders face a sudden situation,they must be able to keep calm(镇静的)and organize other people to help.He or she must know how to control blood and take care of injuries.(78)______

In our country,hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people don’t have first aid information.(79)______We may face a sudden situation anywhere.One day somebody from our family may get hurt or suddenly become ill.(80)______


A.If more people know about fi rst aid,more lives could be saved.

B.If we don’t want to be helpless in such a situation,we have to know fi rst aid.

C.When there is a sudden situation,time is very important,so fi rst aid plays a very important role.

D.Knowing how to move the injured without causing(引起)more injuries is also very important.

E.And it may result in death,so everyone should know something about fi rst aid.



81.Leo has a t___.I advised him to see a dentist.

82.The bus stopped to let the p___ off.

83.People in the western countries often eat with k___ and forks.

84.The bag of rice weighs about 50 k___.

85.His daughter is a n___.Her job is to look after the sick.


86.We have to make a________(decide)about where to go on vacation

87.His________(foot)are too big.We don’t have the right size of shoes for him.

88.Parents should tell children the________(important)of doing the housework.

89.Flora has a________(stomach),so she doesn’t want to eat anything.

90.All of us are surprised at the________(die)of the man because he is too young.

91.It was a good________(feel)to be arriving home again.

92.Who’s the________(own)of this house?

93.Careful!There’s_________(break)glass on the fl oor.

94.I wanted to thank them for all their________(kind).

95.She explained(解释)the whole idea again,but I still didn’t_____(understand).


96.There was a(n)______(通知)on the board saying the class had been cancelled(取消).

97.One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on_____(轮子).

98.We should care for the________(有残疾的)people.

99.Lisa met with many________(困难)when traveling.

100.I was tired so my friend________(扛)my heavy bag for me.


一、1---5DCADB 6---10 BBCCC

11---15 CCBCB 16---20 BAAAA

二、21---25 EBFGD

26.When should we do that

27.What should I do fi rst

28.Does he need any help

29.What do I need to do

30.What’s it

三、31---35 BCACD 36---40 ABDCD

41---45 DBCAC 46---50 ACADB

四、51---55 AADDB 56---60 BACDD 61---65 ADBBA



1. I hear she’ll be back ____ a week.

A. afterB. inC. fromD. at

2. ——____ do you go to see your grandparents?

——Once a month.

A. How longB. How often C. How soonD. How much

3. Don’t speak aloud. You ____ keep quiet in the reading-room.

A. couldB. mayC. would D. should

4. If you want to be thinner, you have to eat ____ food and do

____ exercise.

A. little; manyB. much; fewC. fewer; moreD. less; more

5. We all went swimming ____ Jim, because he had to look after his

younger sister.

A. exceptB. besidesC. andD. or

6. ——I’m not feeling well, maybe I have a cold. What should I do?


A. Maybe you should see a dentist

B. Maybe you should have a good sleep

C. Maybe you should see a doctor

D. Maybe you should drink some coffee

7. If it ____ tomorrow, I won’t visit the West Lake.

A. don’t rainB. will rainC. rainsD. rain

8. ——____ will they play?

——They will play football.

A. What subjectB. What sportC. What foodD. What language

9. It’s not right ____ you ____ others’ homework.

A. to; to copyB. for; copyC. to; copyD. for; to copy

10. ——Could you please tell me ____?

——Tomorrow, I think.

A. when will he comeB. when he will come

C. when would he comeD. when he would come

11. ——Will there be less pollution?

——____. There will be more pollution.

A. Yes, there willB. No, there isn’t

C. Yes, there isD. No, there won’t

12. Her mother told her ____ in bed.

A. not readB. not to readC. don’t readD. to not read

13. Work hard, and your dream will ____ one day.

A. come trueB. come onC. come overD. come up

14. The students were reading when the teacher ____ into the classroom.

A. was comingB. cameC. comesD. coming

15. ——Why don’t you go and play soccer?


A. Yes, I thinkB. Yes, I can play

C. That’s a good ideaD. It’s good game

Ⅱ.完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,总共10分)


For many young people, __1__ a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to __2__ a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world __3__ you. Many athletes give money to schools and __4__, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.

__5__, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will __6__ you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life __7__.

If you play sports __8__ a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. __9__, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were __10__ before they became rich and famous.

1. A. becomesB. becomeC. becomingD. to become

2. A. to makeB. makingC. makeD. made

3.A. will knowB. knowC. to knowD. knew

4.A. charityB. charitysC. charitiesD. charityes

5.A. ThoughB. BecauseC. HoweverD. Still

6.A. seeB. watchC. lookD. look at

7.A. difficultB. to difficultC. most difficultD. easy

8.A. asB. inC. withD. for

9. A. In factB. In a factC. On factD. At fact

10. A. happyingB. happyerC. happierD. more happy




1. Which is the cheapest(便宜的) of all? ____.

A. HatB. T-shirtC. PantsD. Socks

2. How much are two pants? ____.

A. $14B. $20C. $21D. $22

3. You can buy ____ in Mason’s Clothes Store.

A. black pantsB. a blue sweaterC. a green hatD. red socks

4. If you want to buy a T-shirt, which color isn’t afford(提供)?____.

A. redB. yellowC. greenD. black

5. You like red and you only have $6. You can buy ____.

A. a sweaterB. a hatC. a T-shirtD. nothing


There are 45 students in our class. I have made a survey, 36 students say they like to exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. But girls think basketball is difficult for them; they’d like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend, Tony, is good at running. He runs fastest(最快) in our class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and four times a week in summer. So he’s pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. They eat both meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. What’s worse (更糟糕的) is that she doesn’t like to exercise, so she is very fat. She always says “I’m going to lose weight tomorrow.”

6. How often do most boys play basketball? ____.

A. Every dayB. Twice a dayC. Twice a weekD. Twice a month

7. Why do the girls dislike to play basketball? ____.

A. Because they have no time

B. Because they think it’s not easy

C. Because they don’t like to play with the boys

D. Because they don’t like to exercise

8. Who runs the fastest in the writer’s class? ____.

A. GrayB. SallyC. TonyD. We don’t know

9. How often does Gray swim in summer? ____.

A. Three times a monthB. Four times a week

C. Hardly everD. Every afternoon

10. Why is Sally so fat? ____.

A. Because she doesn’t like to exercise

B. Because she likes to eat junk food very much

C. Because she likes sleeping very much

D. Because she likes to eat junk food and doesn’t like to exercise


Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least (至少) one in every room. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.

11. In the future there will be ____.

A. much more fruitB. more people

C. less vegetablesD. less people

12. Every family will have at least a ____ in the future.

A. robotB. cowC. TV setD. computer

13. In the future people don’t have to ____.

A. work long hoursB. work fast

C. walk on footD. eat meat

14. Which of the following is NOT right? ____.

A. There will be more people in the world and they can live longer

than now

B. There will be more room for sheep and cows

C. People will eat more fruit than meat they eat today

D. Robots will do dangerous and hard work for people in the future

15. One big problem in the future is that ____.

A. many people don’t have to work

B. many people will not be able to find work

C. people have to work fast

D. all the work will be done by robots



1. What ____(发生) to you last night?

2. One day people will ____(飞) to the moon for vacations.

3. Can you ____(带来) some music CDs to the party?

4. There are all kinds of ____(花) in the garden.

5. I will ____(发送) an E-mail to my best friend tomorrow.

6. The girl felt a little ____(紧张的) at the meeting.

7. You could give him a ____(票) to a ball game.

8. There are two____(百) workers in the factory.

9. My father doesn’t know how to ____(使用) the computer.

10. They finish the homework by ____(他们自己).



A. Dress-making

B. Beauty Sights in France

C. Starting Your Stamp Collection

D. Sports

E. An Instruction to History

1. Her mother is a teacher. She enjoys dress-making for her family.

2. Her father has been interested in history and he also likes


3. Jack, her elder brother, is studying languages at university and will

spend nine months in France next year.

4. Sarah, her sixteen-year-old sister, loves watching sport programs

on television.

5. Dan, her younger brother, is twelve. He loves pop music. He also

collects stamps and has a large collection.

1. Mother ____ 2. Father ____ 3. Jack ____

4. Sarah ____5. Dan ____










2) 你其实是个很具实力的孩子,头脑聪明,人际关系良好,但在学习上不够勤快,有时也显得不能坚持,这正是导致你成绩暂时还不是很突出的一个重要原因,初三关键的一年即将到来,老师希望你进一步明确学习目标,确定努力方向,争取发挥你潜在的能力,以优异的成绩报答心情养育你的父母。

3) 顽皮机灵好动的你充满了阳光般的朝气与热情。用“少年不识愁滋味”来形容你再恰当不过了,有时学习不能坚持,学习成绩不太稳定,这不是你能力达不到,而是因为你未能把心思投入到学习中去,希望你明确学习目标,改变懒散现象,克服各种困难,争取一个优异成绩给父母交一份满意的答卷。

4) 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海,学习上没有捷径可走,必须脚踏实地,持之以恒,锲而不舍,才能学有所获,望你丢掉“懒惰”,奋起直追,用好假期恶补自己的弱势科目,以期来年能有一个高中作为这三年奋斗的归宿。

5) 你是一个懂事的姑娘,开朗活泼,如果能够做事快速点,少一些不必要的时间浪费,在学习上严格要求自己,相信一定会比现在有更好的表现。九年级的学习对你来说将显得更加重要,希望你改掉不足,勤勉拼搏,争取理想成绩。

6) 机灵的你充满了阳光般的朝气与热情。但用“少年不识愁滋味”来形容你再恰当不过了,真诚希望你抛开学习之外的“烦恼”, 摆脱贪玩之心,把握自己的青春好时光,明确学习目标,全身心地投入到学习,用知识武装头脑,成长为真正的男子汉!

7) 你是一个聪明,善于开动脑筋,富有进取心的女孩。以顽强的意志力和拼搏精神感染着每一个同学,期中考试的成绩说明了你的潜力,老师希望你继续努力争取保持住这种上升的势头,相信你还会有更大的进步。

8) 你性情温和,言语不多,但你待人诚恳、礼貌,在你不爱说话的外表下,藏着一颗勤奋,上进的心。能严格遵守纪律,与同学关系融洽。愿你能克服自己的弱点,更加深刻的认清奋斗目标,做到“不达目的不罢休”,相信初三的你定会给大家带来惊喜!

9) 你性情敦厚,诚实可信,行为举止文明,学习数学物理认真自信,面对生活上的困难,你能坚强面对,依旧努力不息,老师很感动看见你成长为真正的男子汉。愿你在初三的学习生活中一如既往,永不停息,让我们共同期待你初三的精彩!

10) 聪颖好学,积极思考、善于发问。性格开朗、热情大方。主动参与班级活动深得老师的喜欢。望今后能以更高的要求来加强自己各个方面的能力,学习还要更自觉和努力一些,才会有更强的实力迎接未来的挑战。

11) 你是一个很有修养的女孩,对待同学总是谦虚友爱,你遵守纪律、待人诚恳,办事认真,表里一致。在学习上,你似乎学得很苦很累,有时甚至在放弃。孩子,如果你能全力以赴,形成适合自己的学习方法,相信你的成绩会有很大突破,加油吧。

12) 这学期来你一直在努力,所以成绩不断进步。如果你能坚持进取,一定会更出色。老师希望你信守诺言,别泄气,别松劲,保持足够的信心,相信在新的学期里老师一定能够看到奇迹在你手中创造

13) 古人云:书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟,学习上岂有平坦的大道?不付出艰辛的代价怎能有辉煌的成就?你天资不错,但总寄希望于明天,“明天还有明天的事。”只有不畏艰险,持之以恒,才会离自己的梦想更进一步。现在开始也还为时不晚,行动吧孩子!,

14) 只要抱定理想,拿出行动,我相信一切都还来得及,后半期的你的缺表现好了很多,但如果想离自己的目标更近,就必须坚持付出,全心付出,让基础不太扎实的你在初三创造奇迹,老师愿与你并肩作战信心。

15) 在老师的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可爱的女孩,你的嗓音细嫩甜美,你的字迹潇洒漂亮,你天资不错,又有求知欲,有上进心,父母也对你寄予厚望,如果能勤奋学习,努力学习,不懈追求,希望的大门一定会向你敞开。

16) 你还记得“龟兔赛跑”故事吗?我们只要坚持不懈的努力同样能获得最终的成功,其实你很聪明,只要痛下决心,克服懒惰和为难情绪,为了心中那美丽的高中生活,不断努力,奋起直追,相信初三的你同样可以给我们大家一个精彩!

17) 你有礼貌,待人诚恳,后半学期你学习有一定进步,但你有时还是不能坚持,好孩子,你那么聪明,要是能丢掉“懒惰”,把更多的心思用在学习上,努力完善自我。努力吧,老师祝福你,也期待着你的迎头赶上!

18) 滴水穿石并非因为滴水的力量大,而是功夫深;成绩优良不是天资高,而是学习勤。你的成绩好坏,不是脑子问题,关键是你平时努力不够。你一定听过爱迪生的故事吧?他小时被认为是个笨孩子,可他从来不气馁,勤于动手动脑,靠自己的努力,终于成了一名伟大的发明家。老师相信,你只要努力,一定会成功!

19) 眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒,聪颖而不失沉稳,文静而又坚强,可老师也很纳闷为啥你的成绩总提不高?方法不当还是悄悄偷懒?三年级了,时不我待,奋起直追吧,为心中那美好的高中生活拼搏冲刺!

20) 其实你是一个聪明机灵的姑娘,如果你知道“居安思危人才会执着奋发,向往成功人才会激流勇进”的话,你定会在这个竞争激烈的社会不断付出,读书需要恒心、毅力和专注刻苦的精神,愿你不浪费你那颗聪明的头脑,用实际行动把成绩追上去,老师期待着。。。。

21) 你是个光说不做的姑娘,只知后悔而不知补救的是不可取的。哲人说过:“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。”相信你能体会其中的深刻道理! 学习如“逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松手退千寻。”别再浪费剩下的一年时间,快快奋起直追,迎头赶上。

22) . 你尊敬师长,坦率待人,科代表工作总认真负责,老师打心眼里感谢你。但在学习上你还缺乏竞争意识,有时安于现状,又时常寄希望于明天,对待学习粗枝大叶,聪明的姑娘,时不我待,只有抓住今天苦下工夫,细心学习,才能把握明天,为了心中那美丽的高中生活,早做准备,早行动,老师期待着…..

23) 你是一个聪明但不够勤奋,性子较“懒”的男孩。做事马虎随便,学习点顺其自然,要知道:自己的命运靠自己主宰,虽然贪玩不算什么坏事,可是过分贪玩却会让人难以进步。愿你早日改掉“临时抱佛脚”的错误心态,持之以恒,脚踏实地,向自己既定的目标奋进!

24) 你懂事有修养,文静有涵养,但也许是基础差还是学习方法欠佳,虽岁努力却效果不明显。如果今后能“静心加尽力”,相信 付出定会有收获,最后一年了,用坚定的信心面对初三的挑战,力争明年笑对高中学校的选择,老师相信你能行!

25) 你积极上进,是个听话懂事、善解人意、诚实质朴的好学生。劳动中,你积极肯干,不怕苦、不怕累。学习刻苦,积极思考,遇到不懂的能大胆向老师请教,认真完成作业。希望你能坚定信心,持之以恒,有迎难而上的勇气,不断改进学习方法,争取学习成绩有突破。

26) 居安思危人才会执着奋发,向往成功人才会不懈努力,我常看见一个安于现状,不思进取的你,作业马马虎虎,面面对众多从指尖流逝的时间,你没感觉可惜?初三了,振作起来,静精心学习,挑战自己,假期恶补物理,力争一优异的成绩迎接高中学校的挑选,加油!

27) 你是一位性情温和,言语不多,但待人诚恳、思想上进的姑娘,有明辨是非的能力。学习踏实努力,但老师希望你今后能大胆发言,加强能力训练,给自己多创造一些机会,老师相信,你将是一位更优秀的学生。

28) 执着、坚韧、勤奋、上进是你的优秀品质,在同学们心中,你是当之无愧的学习委员,课前三分钟总能听见你清脆的声音,你的付出也树立了你在班级的威望,你是老师的得力助手,我为你喝彩,愿你在新的学期里继续你的优点,克服不足,以更强的实力挑战中考。 努力过,奋斗过,虽无进步也让人欢喜。只是“逆水行舟,不进则退。”聪明的你之所以自我感觉不太良好,是因为你心态“太好”,无危机感。时不我待,既已认识到自己的不足,何不“痛改前非”,脚踏实地,不断积累,拼命追赶,为来年的中考打下坚实的基础?

29) 有时你让我看到不懈努力、执着追求;有时你又让我感觉阴晴圆缺,自我满足,真是让我欢喜让我忧,但我始终认为你是极具潜质的孩子,记住浮躁是学习的最大敌人,快快行动起来,在初中阶段的最后一年里,用实际行动克服懒惰,挑战初三,挑战自我!

30) 你一双明亮的大眼睛凝聚智慧与情感,你听话懂事、善解人意、诚实质朴、工作认真,令人信任,我们班一帮一无疑你们是落实最好的一组,,进取心减退是否因为自我感觉良好还是无危机感?学习无捷径,只有脚踏实地才会离成功更近一步,加油!

31) 你是一个很有个性的孩子,性格独立有思想,沉静之中带着几分坚强,淳朴之中透着踏实,你学习认真努力,即使遇到了挫折也毫不气馁,但在小组管理上时常苦恼,也许这正是对你的挑战,虽然烦心但不乏快乐与收获,如果能将整个小组调动并带动他们快乐学习、生活,不断进步,我想那时的你一定更能体会成功的喜悦,我始终对你充满信心。

32) 你是一个聪明机灵的男孩,只是学习成绩暂时还不能显现出你的实力,后半学期你的努力老师看在眼里喜在心上,读书需要恒心、毅力和专注刻苦的精神,相信在初中生活的最后一年里,你会快马加鞭,克服浮躁,保持上升的势头,我更期待辛勤的耕耘能换来你更强的实力挑战中考,加油!

33) 你是聪明活泼、善于开动脑筋的姑娘,学习认真努力,富有进取心,美中不足的是偶尔信心不足,要知道:强烈的进取心和优秀的成绩是走向成功的基石,诚实的态度和聪明的头脑是人生丰厚的财富,愿你珍惜它们,保持前半期不达目的不罢休的干劲冲刺初三,我看好你!

34) . 你恬静柔和富有才气;你刻苦勤奋富有进取心,无论做什么事情你都不折不扣地完成,力求尽善尽美。一直以来你总是孜孜不倦地认真学习,尽自己的努力把班长工作做好,老师为此很欣慰,也感谢你。即将进入初三,愿你保持学习的良好态势,挑战自己!无论现在还是将来,熊老师都会以你为荣!

35) 你是一个兴趣广泛的姑娘,乐于助人,关心同学,理解老师,踏实学习是你一贯的作风,老师很喜欢。虽然学习上感觉有些吃力,但我相信你可以提高做事效率,调整学习方法,保持良好心态,全力以赴迎接初三的挑战,老师为你加油,期待你的精彩!

36) 你热情活泼,品行端正,思想上进,与同学和睦相处,能积极参加学校和班级组织的各种社会实践与文体活动。如果你能明白读书需要恒心,毅力和专注刻苦的精神这个道理并拿出实际行动,你一定能把成绩追上去,因为没有人会怀疑你学习的能力。老师期待着。。

37) 曾经有过多少远大理想而信心百倍,曾经有过多少好成绩而让人羡慕不已,而今这一切都在悄悄的离你而去,前功尽弃我看不太值得。严重的偏科现象也会直接影响你的学业之路,聪明的你应该静心思考后做出新的选择了,别再如此堕落消沉,现在重振旗鼓,相信定会东山再起

38) 你是一个聪明机灵的男孩,只是课堂上自由散漫不够踏实,有时努力但也不能坚持,爱玩虽不是缺点,可是贪玩却会影响你的进步。希望你在学习上多下点功夫,我相信你定能取得好成绩,老师与父母期待着你的进步。

39) 不骄傲是你取得成功的途径。上课全神贯注,学习自觉是你最突出的优点。聪明的你对待学习态度端正,能够认真地完成学习任务。你踏实肯干,愿你在紧张学习之余锻炼自己的工作能力,做一个全面发展的优秀的中学生。

40) 诚实、开朗是你良好的一面;能积极参加劳动,努力为班级争取荣誉是你优秀的一面;但学习则是你薄弱的一面。老师知道你也很努力学习,其实你缺少的是竞争意识和好学习的方法,振作起来,调整自己的学习方法,让智慧发光,毕竟时光飞逝,时不待我。老师相信你会进步的。

41) 你有一付热心肠,关心集体,乐于助人,和同学们融洽相处,你思维敏捷,聪颖灵活,但在学习上常常边学边丢,望你在以后的学习生活中早日丢掉“贪玩”,全力以赴,争取更大的进步。

42) 你是一个诚实的男孩,热爱集体,能虚心接受老师的教育,你思想上积极要求进步,但又常常不能严格要求自己;希望学有所长,但又缺乏刻苦踏实的学习毅力,以致学习不太理想,愿你能持之以恒,做到不达目的不罢休,取得优异成绩

43) “知人者智,自知者明。”你是个知错就改的好孩子,老师由衷地为你高兴。经过一学期来的不懈努力,英语进步比较大,但如果语文科也能再上一个台阶,就更让老师欣慰了!老师相信你一定能再接再厉,充分发挥聪明才智,成为我们班的佼佼者。

44) 你为人诚实,与同学关系融洽。在学习上,你也有学好各科的愿望,但进步不大。你英语基础不好,学起来吃力,在假期里好好地补一下,超越自己,超越别人。相信“工夫不负有心人”,期待你的最后胜利!

45) 我心目中你是比较聪明、善于思考的男孩,你的思维敏捷,有时学习热情高涨,对学习充满信心,但有时又消极懒散,成绩起伏不定,常常“让我欢喜让我忧”, 愿你在初三的学习生活中执着、上进,直奔目标!期待你的精彩!

46) 善良的孩子最让人欣赏,恰好你就是;乐观的孩子最若惹人喜爱,恰好你也是;懂事的孩子最值得称赞,恰好还是你。课堂上,你总是专心致志,从你高举的手中,老师看到了你的自信。望你加强书写训练,写得一手好字,为自己添光彩,细心!努力!不断奋进!

47) 你朴实无华,思想健康,积极上进,你身处逆境,却永不退缩,我为你感到无比的高兴,希望你做生活的强者,不屈不挠、勇往直前,我会永远支持你、祝福你!前进的道路是坎坷的,愿你做一个无畏的勇士,采撷最美丽的花朵。


一 二 三 合计 四 五 六 合计







2、下列词语书写有误的一项是()(2分)A、熹微铁铉即物起兴顾名思意 B、譬喻馄饨悠然自在左邻右舍 C、寄名煨炖囊萤映雪兴高采烈 D、糯米过瘾随机应变两粒橄榄










(2)一对灰色的眼睛射出一道豹似的目光。(3)风!你咆哮吧!咆哮吧!(4)盲目增加耕地用水、盲目修建水库截水、盲目掘堤引水、盲目建泵站抽水。(5)那么,我们有什么理由和资格嘲笑古人,在大自然面前卖弄小聪明呢? A、比喻夸张拟人排比反问 B、反语比喻拟人反复设问 C、反语比喻反复排比反问 D、比喻夸张反复反复设问



C、李奶奶不慎跌了一跤,小刚对她说:“跌跤算什么,勇敢地爬起来就是了。” D、张老师退休了,在送别会上,班长王强致辞道:“„„张老师虽然离我们远去了,但她的形象永远留在我们心中„„”



(1)面对人生中成功的欢乐和失败的痛苦,我们应拥有,的心态。(用《岳阳楼记》的原句回答)(2)“满嘴荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都云作者痴,谁解其中味。”这是我国古典名著 《______________》的开卷诗。(3)孔子曰:“仁者爱人。”大风破屋,苦雨湿床,困境中的杜甫推己及人,以“安得广厦千万间,”(《茅屋为秋风所破歌》)表达了忧国忧民、兼爱天下的仁者心声;坚信“天生我才必有用”的李太白,虽被朝廷弃置,仍然以“,直挂云帆济沧海”表达自己一定会为国家效力,实现宏大的政治理想的时机;而主动辞官回乡的龚自珍,则以“落红不是无情物,”来抒发自己甘愿作出牺牲,也要培养一代新人的情怀。(4)_____________________,留取丹心照汗青。文天祥《过零丁洋》(5)无言独上西楼,月如钩。_______________________李煜《相见欢》(6)填庄浪历史名人:筑洛城美名远扬,抗金兵浩气长存。




(一)阅读下面的文字,回答9~12题。(12分)• 我国的太空植物









12.下列表述与原文意思相符的一项是()(3分)~ A.“中芝13”的产量与“航芝l号”以及其它芝麻的产量相比可增加l0%至20%。B.已培育成功的紫红色太空茄子和黑色太空茄子在烹饪时经翻炒就会变成绿色。C.食用菌种子经过太空之旅后,在培养性状和形态特征等方面都发生了变异。D.我国科研人员将利用航天技术和遗传技术为我们培育出更多的太空植物。




















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