



Lesson Plan

Unit 1 Week 1(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: cent/centi;claim/clam;firm Procedure: 1.Reading skills :(35 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main Idea B.to learn Stems: cent/centi;claim/clam;firm 2.Details of the text(55 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.When they read in English, many students read word by word.They say that it helps to improve their comprehension.Do you agree? b.Some people like to listen to music or eat snacks while reading.Do you have these habits? Are such activities good for reading? B.Text-learning

C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


Text II Reading Tastes and Habits

Unit 2 Week 2(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: pos(e);tract Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Reading Tastes and Habits

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main Idea

B.to learn Stems: pos(e);tract 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Music is quite popular with students.What do you usually look for when you listen to music? b.Young people today know great deal about pop music and pop singer, but relatively they know less about classical music, Chinese or Western.How do you account for this? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


Text II Listening to Music of Reading Course Book by Wang Shouren

Unit 3 Week 3(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: duce, duct;ject;mit, miss;pel Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Listening to Music 2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main Idea B.to learn Stems: duce, duct;ject;mit, miss;pel 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Do you think the kind of disagreement between two generations in both texts about career choice is universal? What is the situation between your parents and you on this issue? b.Is there a generation gap in china? If there is one, what are the causes? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


Text II Bricklayer’s Boy

Unit 4 Week 4(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: vid/vis;tain/tent Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Bricklayer’s Boy

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main Idea

B.to learn Stems: vid/vis;tain/tent 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Discuss the climate and weather conditions of your hometown.b.How does climate influence people’s way of life? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


A.Text II Type of Climate

Unit 5 Week 5(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Finding the Main Idea & Stems: press;cede, ceed;sist Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Type of Climate

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Finding the Main Idea B.to learn Stems: press;cede, ceed;sist 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Why do people work, apart from earning a loving? b.What do you think are the qualifications a successful man must have in today’s society? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


Text II Who Makes It to the Top

Unit 6 Week 6(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: migr;port;scend;volv, volu Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Who Makes It to the Top of Reading Course Book by Wang Shouren 2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details B.to learn Stems: migr;port;scend;volv, volu 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.What are the causes of racial discrimination? b.How much do you know about the roles played by African-American in American society? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


Text II The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in Literature

Unit 7 Week 7(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: migr;port;scend;volv, volu Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II The First Black Woman Receiving Nobel Prize in Literature 2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details B.to learn Stems: migr;port;scend;volv, volu 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Greek mythology has a lasting fascination for both children and adults.Could you explain why? b.Greek mythology reveals some truth about human nature and social life.Do you agree? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B


Text II The Return of Odysseus

Unit 8 Week 8(2 periods)Lesson Goals:

To attain knowledge of reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: terr;scrib/scrip Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II The Return of Odysseus

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details B.to learn & Stems: terr;scrib/scrip 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Why is it important to have a positive attitude towards life? b.Do you think you are an optimist or a pessimist? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B

4.HMW Text II Dare Mighty Things

Unit 9 Week 9(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: sol/sul;ser pet/peat Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Dare Mighty Things

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details B.to learn & Stems: sol/sul;ser pet/peat 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Have you ever learnt anything about first-aid before? b.Do you think it is important and necessary for everyone to acquaint himself with first-aid rules and procedures in society so advanced in medicine? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B

4.HMW Text II How to Deal with Common Emergencies

Unit 10 Week 10(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details & Stems: aster;brief;fus Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II How to Deal with Common Emergencies

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)

A.to learn the reading skill: Recognizing the pattern of details B.to learn Stems: aster;brief;fus 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Do you agree that the couple in text I had a happy life? b.In what way does a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony resemble of differ from a Western wedding ceremony? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B

4.HMW Text II Wedding Customs in the West

Unit 11 Week 11(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stem: clos;cor Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Wedding Customs in the West 2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: clos;cor 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Have you ever had experiences similar to those described in Text I? b.Can you think of ways other than those described in Text II to enhance creativity? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B

4.HMW Text II How to Get a Great Idea

Unit 12 Week 12(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: dic;frag Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II How to Get a Great Idea

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: dic;frag 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Where are you going for your summer vacation this year? b.Imagine that you are guide for tourist group.What problems do you think you might encounter as a guide for the tourist group? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B

4.HMW Text II Tourism

Unit 13 Week 13(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: broad;cap/ceiv/cup Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): A.Text II Tourism 2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: broad;cap/ceiv/cup 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.How do you prepare for your examinations? b.Have there been any cases of notorious cheating at your college? If so, do you think these incidents are representative of the moral academic atmosphere? If not, do you suspect that there is cheating going on but that nobody is doing anything about it? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B 4.HMW Text II Cheating: Alive and Flourishing

Unit 14 Week 14(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: cred;dens;fend Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Cheating: Alive and Flourishing 2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: cred;dens;fend 3.Details of the text(50 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.What is the social purpose of the copyright system? b.What are the differences between copyrights and patent rights? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B G.Text II general psychology: the Study of Behavior 4.HMW Text II Patents

Unit 15 Week 15(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: rupt;pend Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Patents

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: rupt;pend 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Have you ever been present in a court trial or seen one on TV or in movies? Share your knowledge with your classmates.b.Is cybercrime becoming a increasingly serious problem in our society? Are there any effective ways of combating it B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B 4.HMW Text II Courts

Unit 16 Week 16(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: spec/spic;spir Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Courts

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: spec/spic;spir 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.What were the major causes of World War II?

b.What were the attitudes of France, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union toward the aggressive actions of Germany, Italy and Japan? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B 4.HMW Text II How Did World War II Start

Unit 17 Week 17(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: sens/sent;stru/struct Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II How Did World War II Start

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining B.to learn Stems: sens/sent;stru/struct 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Discuss the caused for housing shortage.b.in your opinion, what special adjustments, if any, are necessary when different generations of a family live together? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B 4.HMW Text II Mobile Homes

Unit 18 Week 18(2 periods)Lesson Goals: To attain knowledge of the reading skill: Outlining & Stems: cycle;ped;pod;gram, graph;chron Procedure: 1.Homework checking(15 minutes): Text II Mobile Homes

2.Reading skills learning(30 minutes)A.to learn the reading skill: Outlining

B.to learn Stems: cycle;ped;pod;gram, graph;chron 3.Details of the text(45 minutes): A.Warm-up questions a.Have you ever watched a play?

b.What do you think are the main differences between tragedy and comedy? Which one do you prefer? Why? B.Text-learning C.Reading comprehension D.Vocabulary building E.Cloze F.Fast reading: Section B

G.Text II A Question of Ethics
































王守仁对众将说:“反贼朱宸濠诡计多端, 且蓄谋已久, 决不可轻视。反贼如果出长江顺流东下, 南京陪都就危险了。现在朝廷大军猝然无防, 一时难以部署周密, 若能用计让反贼晚十几天进入长江, 南京可保无虞。”

王守仁派人到各府县假传命令:“都督许泰带领边兵, 都督刘晖、桂勇带领京兵, 各四万, 水陆并进;南赣王守仁、湖广秦金、两广杨旦各率所部合十六万, 直捣南昌, 沿途各衙门如有怠慢供应, 以军法论处。”

王守仁犹嫌不足, 又写蜡书送给朱宸濠的伪相李士实、刘养正, 让他们归降。王守仁故意将这些消息泄露, 让朱宸濠知晓。这些假消息果然震住了朱宸濠, 令其不敢冒进。李士实、刘养正劝他速去南京即位, 这更让朱宸濠生疑。如此按兵不动, 直到十多天过后, 并未见朝廷兵至, 朱宸濠才发觉中了王守仁的计策, 可先机已失。

王守仁历经血战, 将朱宸濠生擒活捉, 立下大功。然而, 深受正德皇帝宠信的江彬, 恨王守仁夺走了自己表现的机会, 更嫉妒他的功绩, 便欲陷害他。江彬的心腹说:“王守仁为国擒贼, 举国欢庆, 这是人所共见的功劳, 不可以此攻击他。要置他于死地, 只有旁敲侧击, 陷他与贼同党, 互为勾结, 这才是上上之策。不然, 皇上不仅不会相信, 反而会怪罪你。”

王守仁找来心腹将领商量说:“朝中奸小不能容我, 我自辩无门。此事若无解决之道, 我就危险了。”

众心腹面面相觑, 其中一人道:“朝中奸恶狠毒至此, 必不是泛泛之辈, 大人须想个万全之计, 切不可草率。”

王守仁苦思良久, 得一妙计。当日深夜, 他求见总督军门太监张永。见面后, 王守仁先称赞张永贤能无比, 后话锋一转, 诉苦道:“我得此无意之功, 不想招来多方嫉妒。大人你公正严明, 可要为我作个见证啊。”

张永也羡慕王守仁的功劳, 便漫不经心地说:“大人功劳盖世, 自有人眼红, 你又何必在意?”

王守仁诚惶诚恐地道:“这岂是我的功劳, 这全是大人你的功绩啊。”

他见张永一愣, 又解释说:“倘无大人大军作援, 军威震慑, 哪有朱宸濠速败之理?我只是侥幸罢了, 其实大人才是真正的功臣。”张永大喜。

王守仁将朱宸濠交给张永, 重新面奏皇帝说:“捉拿反贼朱宸濠, 功劳全在总督军门张永。他指挥有方, 谋略不凡, 其志过人, 方能为朝廷立此功勋。”

张永亦是正德皇帝身边的红人, 江彬得闻是他建的功, 这才无言。

张永回朝后, 极力为王守仁美言, 正德皇帝免除了对王守仁的处罚。















































[9]颦蹙(pín cù):皱着眉头、额头。形容忧闷不乐。罔人:欺骗他人。王阳明《答顾东桥书》:“盖欺天罔人,无耻之大者,君子之所不道。”乃:却;竟然。谀:奉承;恭维。














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泛读课 英文名著04-09



