




Reference:to address the meeting on the topic of...


Reference:...provides us with an ideal arena where we will...



Reference:I wish to take this opportunity to discuss with you my throughts on the issue of world-wide environmental protection.


Reference:On the occasion of this evening of national celebration,...


Reference:all the guests



Reference:come to this party to celebrate our Spring Festival


Reference:all present here


Reference:most relaxing and delightful



Reference:The Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition.


Reference:I hope...


Statistics of the People’s Bank of China Shanghai Branch showed that, by the end of , the number of overseas financial institutions in Shanghai had reached 65, of which 54 were foreign banks. The total assets, savings deposits and loan balance of foreign banks in Shanghai account for more than half of the total of foreign banks in China. So far, 8 of the world’s top 50 banks have set up branches in Shanghai





① the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

② total asset


Applicants often have the suspicion that vacancies are taken up by friends and relatives and that advertisements are only put out for show②。 Many of them are tired of writing around③ and feel that if only they could obtain an interview with the right person their application would meet with success.








Passage 1 :

Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?

Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.

Passage 2 :

For many years the United States and other nations used gold and silver money. Paper money was used to stand for the holding of both silver and gold. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values didn’t change until after 1860 when mines in the west of the United States began to produce large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused its price to fall. No longer would fifteen ounces of silver buy one ounce of gold. In 1871, Germany declared that it would no longer support its paper money with silver. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly did the same.

Part B: Translate the following passages from Chinese into English ( two passages, each 25 points )

Passage 1 :


Passage 2 : 中华考试网



A new era is upon us. Call it what you will: the service economy, the information age, the knowledge society. It all translates to ① a fundamental change in the way we work. The percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen dramatically. Today the majority of jobs are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise.

More women are in the work force than ever before. There are more part- time jobs. More people are self-employed. Above all, the economic transformation is giving rise to② a radical~ new way of thinking about the nature of work itself. Long-held notions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between individuals and employers——all these are being challenged.








As history shows, harmony benefits all Asian countries while confrontation hurts all.


The rise of Asia has not come easily and unity remains the best wayto build a stronger Asia.


Today, Asia is a rising region in the global geopolitical landscape, and is also leading world economic growth.


2016 is the opening year of China’s 13th Five Year Plan. It is also the opening year of the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations.


In this increasingly multi-polar, globalized and digitized world, countries are more interdependent in their interests than ever before.


All in all, I am full of confidence in China’s development in 2016 and I am full of expectations for the China-UK business cooperation in the year ahead.


Asian countries loathe to see a repeat of war, turmoil and mutual hostility, and are eager to focus on development in a peaceful and stable environment.


Due to its diversity, Asia cannot copy the model of others in seeking regional integration.


Over the years, Asian cooperation frameworks have looked to,engaged with and learned from those in other regions.


While encouraged by fast progress, we should stay cool-headed at the difficulties and challenges.


As a Chinese saying goes, “Even with great success one shouldalways try to do better”.


Regional Cooperation is an important means to improve regional governance and fuel the rise of Asia.



I am interested in the oriental history and culture, particularly in the Chinese history and culture. I still remember till this day the remark of the late Chinese leader Mao Tse-tong, “It is the people, and the people alone, that is the motive force in the making of world history. ”

Chinese people are the people of diligence and intelligence; they are the creators of oriental civilization. Both my government and people believe that friendship and cooperation with China is an essential part of our future work.

From what I have already seen in my short time here, and from the discussions which I have held, it is clear to me that there are indeed good prospects for an all-round cooperation between the United Kingdom and China, including both governmental and civil cooperation.

If my current visit can help to advance the friendship which already exists between us, then that in itself will be a source of great satisfaction to me and a benefit to all of us.



泽 东Tse-tong,”这是人民,人民,这是使世界历史的动力。"





The causes of inequality are many and varied, and may be broadly grouped into three factors. The first is social condition or family background. In China, for example, someone born and bred in the city usually earns a higher income and enjoys better social services. The second is aptitude. The cleverer or stronger ones usually earn more and enjoy better conditions than the lesser endowed. The final one is ambition and diligence. All things being equal, someone who aims higher and works harder often earns more.


Both language and culture are learned by children without special organized programs of instruction, but motivation to learn is very high since language is the most effective means for a child to obtain what he or she wants. If the learning of a new language begins before lower adolescence, one is likely to be able to speak such a language with complete naturalness, but if learned after upper adolescence some hangover of a mother-tongue feature is very likely to persist. But not only do languages exhibit such learning patterns, but so do cultural traits, for example, shaking hands, kissing, and embracing.

Although many persons assume that languages exist in dictionaries and grammars, in fact they only exist in people’s heads. But this is equally true of cultural traits, which indicate clearly a person’s value system when crucial decisions need to be made before there is any time to think about alternatives, for example, diving into a flooding stream to rescue a drowning child.


① Both language and culture are learned by children without special organized programs of instruction, but motivation to learn is very high since language is the most effective means for a child to obtain (what he or she wants).

译文 1 :语言和文化学习,对儿童来说并不存在特定的程序和计划,但是由于语言是儿童得偿所愿最有效的方式,因而他们学语言的主观能动性是很高的。


考点: 转态译法:被主交换: are learned by children→ 儿童学习

意译: special organized programs of instruction→ 特定的程序和计划

具体译法:成语法: obtain what he or she wants→ 得偿所愿

换序译法: since 从句先译

② If the learning of a new language begins before lower adolescence, one is likely to be able to speak such a language with complete naturalness, but if learnedafter upper adolescence some hangover of a mother-tongue feature is very likely to persist.



考点: 转性译法: 名词 → 动词 learning→ 学习

动词 → 形容词 persist→ 根深蒂固 naturalness→ 流利

动词 → 副词 naturalness→ 轻松自如地

意译: before lower adolescence→ 少年时期;十来岁

after upper adolescence→ 到成年;十六、七岁

hangover→ 痕迹

adolescence 在英语中表示“青春期”,一般指成年以前从 13 到 15 岁的发育期。在翻译 before lower adolescence 时,不能简单处理成“青少年时期的早期”,既累赘,语义又晦涩。可以翻译成“少年时期”,因为“青少年时期的早期”即“少年时期”,也可根据 adolescence 的年龄范围处理成“十几岁”。当然 after upper adolescence 直译为“在青春期后”,即“十六、七岁”,此阶段离“成年”不远。

正反译法: if learned after upper adolescence→ 如果成年还没有学语言

转态译法:被主交换 but if learned after upper adolescence→ 如果成年还没有学语言

具体译法:成语法: persist→ 根深蒂固

③ But not only do languages exhibit such learning patterns, but so docultural traits, for example, shaking hands, kissing, and embracing.

译文 1 :不仅语言体现了这种学习方式,文化特性也是如此,诸如握手、接吻和拥抱。

译文 2 :不仅语言学习呈现这种模式,文化秉性,如握手、接吻和拥抱,也同样如此。

考点: 倒装句的翻译

④ Although many persons assume that languages exist in dictionaries and grammars, in fact they only exist in people’s heads.


考点: 具体译法:加字法: grammars→ 语法书

前者有“字典”, grammar 如翻译成“语法”,和“字典”并不是一个对等的实物,因为“语法”是一个抽象的东西,而“语法书”是一个具体的出版物,因此应选择后者的翻译。

⑤ But this is equally true of cultural traits, (which indicate clearly a person’s value system) when crucial decisions need to be made before there is any time to think about alternatives, for example, diving into a flooding stream to rescue a drowning child.

译文 1 :文化特性何尝不是如此?当人们不得不做出不加思索的关键决定,比如说跳进湍急的水流中救一个溺水儿童,那么他的文化特性就清晰地展现了他的价值体系。

译文 2 :文化秉性亦然。在没有时间考虑何取何舍而必须作出关键性决定时,如跳进湍急的水流中去救一个溺水的孩子,文化秉性会清楚的表现了一个人的价值体系。

考点: This is true of/in… 表示以上情况也适用于 of 后的宾语,翻译时可用“何尝不是如此”、“亦然”、“也是这样”等表达。如:

In Mac, you can enjoy the food in a comforting atmosphere with instant and professional service. This is also true in KFC.

在麦当劳就餐环境舒适,服务专业迅捷。肯德基何尝不是如此?考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

定语从句的翻译:重复法 →which…

换序译法: ⑴ But this is equally true of cultural traits, ⑸ which indicate clearly a person’s value system ⑶ when crucial decisions need to be made ⑵ before there is any time to think about alternatives, ⑷ for example, diving into a flooding stream to rescue a drowning child.

翻译顺序如上。这句句子是一句非常复杂的句子,表面上不难理解,但翻译的顺序很有讲究。除了第 ⑴ 句,后面有两句相连环的定语从句 ,which 是一句非限制性定语从句, when 是一句限制性定语从句,由于较长,不可能翻译成“清晰地展现了当 …… 的价值体系”。因此可以把 when 这句定语从句当成是一句时间状语从句去处理,单独断句。不料在 when 这句中又有 before 真正的时间状语从句,这时有两种翻译方法:一种是把它翻译成一般的时间状语从句,或是把它处理成较简单的表达,作定语去修饰 decisions ,两种方法都需要前置。翻译完后再紧跟第 ⑷ 句作为例子,趁热打铁。最后再回到上面处理第 ⑸ 句,不过由于当中隔离许多内容,读者对 which 所指代的 cultural traits 已经没有印象,需要在翻译时再次提起。

转态译法:被主交换: crucial decisions need to be made→ 人们不得不做出关键决定

意译: before there is any time to think about alternatives→ 不假思索的


1.伊拉克战争对人民的影响,十道判断题,这部分的数字比较多 或者可以说百分数比较多 尤其是个别语句还暗藏well less than half这样的杀手 对于49%这样的羔羊来讲是致命的

2.听力解析短对话:记得考点有在某年某人几岁了问他哪年生的,金融危机和扩招共同导致了大学生就业率低,neck to neck,so...that(一个男的很倒霉,最近丢了工作女友还欠债),这部分按说有一定难度 但好在每题之间的间隔时间比较长(10秒?)所以 这十分很便宜啊

3. 听力理解:


b.抑郁症:关于depression对它的正确认识,解决方式,文中的brownies代表什么,这篇文章可能来自于何处(newspaper, healthy book...)


4.填空题,就是关于关于中国经济,什么银行调整准备金率什么的;综述是关于北极熊濒临灭绝和环境的,这部分还比较简单。对于经常看一些政治经济社会材料的同学 这20分至少要拿15分吧?现在还能记得raised the forcasts, estimated, up to 8.4 percent, fiscal, monetary policy, director, optimistic等等

5.气候变化对北极熊等大型动物的影响,比如冰川融化啊什么的, (话说我当时还在想是polar birds 还是polar bears)... 北极熊在食物链中的重要性

应对措施 WWF US出台相关法律法规措施进行惩罚,措施得当 ,一些濒危生物已经从清单中清除了

summary先是说到物种(species),global warming,还有造成气候变暖的一些因素,例如gas, heating, driving cars, CO2。又说到冰川融化以后,没有鱼,动物没有食物,要靠体内储存的脂肪(stored fat)。对于polar bears, birds的生产造成影响。再是一些laws建立,对于hunt等做出限制。USA又出台了regulations,为了保护动物不灭绝。好像还有FUND建立。希望动物的population增长。

这里不得不说一下这个题型 说是你可以SCRIBBLE A FEW NOTES 但是那可一点都来不及啊 当然这只是个人观点 我采用的办法就是在发卷之后立刻阅读一下这里三篇课文的问题及答案 做到心中有数 这样在那位“英国人”朗读的时候就在同时答题了


1.关于四川菜的对话。。。。。 前几句还记得几个词:hot, chinatown, england, manchester, 100 chicken, is it true? 男的说,是的,不同地方有不同口味、特色,中国主要有四大菜系:鲁菜、淮南菜、川菜、粤菜。川菜口味重,以辣为主,每道菜都有辣椒。百菜百味。你要是能吃辣,就能品尝各种风味。女的说,她能吃辣。后面的不记得了

2.英译汉,地球熄灯一小时,也就是关于环境保护方面的,由澳大利亚开始,后来thousans of millions of people参加进来,越来越popular,是一个全世界的活动。东京、巴黎、纽约都参加了这个活动,为了保护我们共同的星球-地球。

那位大叔的口音啊。 啊。 心痛

3.汉译英,555555 中国汉字的,也就是有关文化方面的, 象形文字,555华丽丽的翻不出来啊













