



Period5 Grammar and Usage

Teaching Objectives:

1.Use unreal conditionals of the present, past or future time.

2. Improve students’ ability of using unreal conditionals

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

Look at the two sentences

1.If it were Sunday, I would go hiking.2. If I were a bird, I could fly.

Think about the questions

1,If it were Sunday, what would you do?2.Is it real that it is Sunday today?

3.Is it possible for you to be a bird?

Step2 Presentation


1) 概念


2) 在条件句中的应用


e.g. If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it .


If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.



条件从句 从 句 主 句

与现在事实相反 动词的过去式(be的过去式一般用were) would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形

与过去事实相反 had + 过去分词 would/ should/ could/ might + have + 过去分词

与将来事实相反 1.动词过去式

2.should + 动词原形

3.were to + 动词原形 would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形



If I were you , I would go at once.

e.g. 要是我哥在这儿,一切都没问题了。

If my brother were here, everything would be all right.



e.g. If he _______ time, he ________________________ with you.


e.g. If I ________ you, I _________________________ him the truth.



e.g. If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would/could/might have met the famous singer.


e.g. If I had had the money last week, I should /would/could/might have bought a car.




e.g. If she ____________ five minutes earlier, she ______________the early bus.


e.g. If you _________here, he____________________ you yesterday.


e.g. If it were sunny tomorrow, I would come to see you.


If it should rain, the crops would be saved.


If it were to snow this evening, they would not go out .




在书面语中,如果虚拟条件句中有were, had或should,可以把if省略,而把这几个词放到主语之前,构成主谓倒装。

Were I you (If I were you ), I would not do it


Should he come(If he should come),tell him to ring me up.


( 2 )用介词短语代替条件状语从句

Without air (If there were no air), there would be no living things.


But for your help(If it hadn’t been for your help)I couldn’t have done it.


Step3. Practice

Do the exercises on Page 40 and 41.

Step4. More practice

Ex1. Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in their proper forms.

1.You didn’t let me drive. If we ____________(drive) in turn, you ________________(not get) so tired.

2.__________it ________(not be) for your help, I couldn’t have made any progress.

3.--Has Mr. Smith recovered now?

--Yes. Who____________(think) that such a serious illness could be cured?

4.____________it _____________(rain) tomorrow, the match would be called off.

5.Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party. They said that it _____________________(organized) better.

6.Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if ____________________(get) a job, she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often.

7. Much labour would have been saved if electronic computer _________________(invent) before.

8.-------Well done, Jack!

-----Thanks. But given more time, I________________(do) it better.

Ex2. Choose the right answer.

1. Everything if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.

A. will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed

C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed

2. The business is risky. But , we would be rich.

A. should we succeed B. we should succeed

C. might we succeed D. would we succeed

3. What would have happened, ________, as far as the river bank?

A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther

C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther

4. I _____ you some money, but I hadn’t any on me then.

A. would lend B. would have lent C. could lend D. may have lent

5. ______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Was he leaving B. if he leaves

C. Were he to leave D. if he is leaving

6. Supposing this ship ,do you think there would be enough life jackets for all the passengers?

A. were to sink B. has sunk C. was sinking D. sunk

7. I don’t think he’ll attend the party, and ______ he attend it, what would he wear?

A. were B. had C. did D. should

8. -- My boss often made me work day and night.

-- If I _____ you, I ______ the job.

A. am, will give up B. had been, would have given up

C. were, would give up D. had been, would give up

9. -- You can ask your brother for help.

-- He isn’t at home. If he _____, I ______.

A. were, would B. is, would C. is, will D. were, will

10. -- Are you thinking about going to Dalian for the vacation?

-- No, but if I ________ time, I _________ very glad to go there.

A. have, will be B. had had, would have been

C. had, would be D. had had, would be

11. --Sally finally got here from Chicago.

-- If she_______ earlier, we ______ her to the party then.

A. came, would take B. had come, would have taken

C. comes, will take D. had come, would take

12. If you _______ George, would you please tell him to ring me?

A. saw B. were to see C. had seen D. see

Keys: 1. had driven, wouldn’t have got 2. had, not been 3. would have thought

4. Were, to rain / Should, rain 5. could / might have been organized 6. were to get/should get/got 7.had been invented 8.could/would/might have done

Keys: 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.B 12. D







三、教学目标:①掌握if引导的虚拟条件句的一般形式(与现在、过去、将来 事实相反的情况)

②掌握虚拟语气中if引导的错综时间条件句 ③掌握if省略句的构成



Eg: If I were you, I would take an umbrella.从例句得出相应的语法结构:



Eg: If I had got there earlier, I should/would have met her.从例句得出相应的语法结构: 从句:If+主语+had+done 主句:主语+should/would/might/could+have done



②If+主语+were to+动词原形


主句:主语+should/would/might/could+动词原形 Eg: If he should come here tomorrow, I would talk to him.If she were to be here next Monday, I would tell her about the matter.If you were there next month, we would play basketball with you.知识点四:



Eg:If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now.If they had informed us, we would come here now.②,if省略句

在虚拟条件状语从句中可省略if,把were, had, should提到句首,变为倒装句式。

Eg: If he should come here tomorrow, I would talk to him.变为:Should he come here tomorrow, I would talk to him.If she were to be here next Monday, I would tell her about the matter.变为:were she to be here next Monday, I would tell her about the matter.If you were there next month, we would play basketball with you.变为:Were you there next month, we would play basketball with you.If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now.Practice:习题讲练

1, If he should not ____ tomorrow, we should put off the meeting.A.has come

B.have come

C.had come

D.come 2, If they were to ____ the research next Tuesday, I would come with them.A.did


C.have done

D.had done 3, If she worked hard next month, we would improve her salary.A.works

B.have worked


D.had worked 4, If you had listened to my advice before, you ____ better now.A.are


C.would be

D.would have been 5, Should he not ____ tomorrow, we should put off the meeting.A.has come

B.have come

C.had come

D.come 6, Were they to ____ the research next Tuesday, I would come with them.B.did


C.have done

D.had done 7, Had you listened to my advice before, you ____ better now.A.are


C.would be


语法教学中存在一种普遍的现象:教师在课堂上花费了大量时间反复讲解语法规则, 学生机械地操练语法练习, 往往是教师讲得天花乱坠, 学生听得昏昏欲睡、做得头昏脑胀, 所以学生普遍觉得语法课最枯燥无味, 语法内容不易理解和记忆。这种单调呆板、没有生机的教学, 学生不动脑、不思考, 学习索然无味, 久而久之学生失去了学习英语的兴趣和信心。

语法教学首先要创设生动形象的语境, 让学生有兴趣, 想学, 乐学, 教师首先要设法使学生对学习英语保持兴趣, 激发他们的学习动机, 这样他们才会付出努力, 进而取得进步和成功, 从而激发学生学习的内驱力。其次, 让设计的活动有效服务于教学目的。此外, 语法教学不能停留在结构的教学上, 既要重视结构的正确性, 又要重视语用的适合性。以下是笔者结合自己的教学案例浅析如何创设情境, 引导学生掌握语法结构, 内化语言规则。


本节课的教学内容是《牛津高中英语》Module 6 Unit 3中的Grammar and Usage部分。该部分主要讲解的是Unreal conditionals.

1. 导入

T:What would you do if it were the first day of winter holiday?

S1:I would have a sleep.

S2:I would play computer games.

S3:I would watch TV.

以学生感兴趣的话题导入, 吸引其注意力, 调动了学生参与课堂的积极性, 课堂气氛变得轻松、活跃。

紧接着教师给出几个由if引导的句子, 学生判断哪些属于真实条件句, 哪些属于非真实条件句, 然后由他们自己总结出什么是非真实条件句。

The situations are not real or are imaginary.We call them unreal conditionals. (非真实条件句:所描述的情况是不真实的或想象的)

在此环节中, 教师利用贴近学生实际生活的例子创设情景, 自然引出if引导的虚拟语气, 通过比较引导学生思考、分析、进而总结出非真实条件句的含义。

2. 语法规则呈现

本部分由学生课前进行了预习, 因此课上由学生来完成下列表格并作简单讲解、分析。

3. 情境操练

Huchinson&Waters认为, 语言学习必须通过大脑的观察、组织对信息的存储。为了把学到的东西转化为自己的, 需要通过自己亲自去做, 只有在做的过程中才能得到新的经验。通过创设不同的情景, 采用不同形式的训练方法, 让学生不断地进行交际性操练, 大量的自由对话、话题探讨等操练不仅使学生掌握语言的形式和意义, 而且对语言运用更加熟练, 让学生逐渐掌握语言的功能, 真正达到活用语法知识的目的。

(1) Brainstorm———make sentences (present) (造句——对现在的虚拟)

在头脑风暴这一环节, 教师先给出一例, 然后由学生创设与现在事实相反的语境, 运用虚拟语气造句。学生争先恐后, 气氛活跃。

(2) Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs and correct the mistakes. (past) (填空及改错———对过去的虚拟)

(3) Sentence salon (future) (句子接龙———对将来的虚拟)

在这一环节, 学生既要理解前面同学所设语境, 而且要能迅速打开自己的思维, 创设一个合理的语境, 同时还要注意语法结构的正确性, 对他们而言, 这个活动既有趣又富有挑战性, 学生的表现非常精彩。

(4) Use unreal conditionals to describe some pictures (用虚拟语气描述图片)

对各种时态虚拟的针对性练习之后, 教师给出几幅学生熟悉且感兴趣的卡通图片 (如喜洋洋与灰太狼, 加菲猫, 海绵宝宝等) , 学生以小组为单位, 选其中一幅图, 运用虚拟语气将图片内容演绎出来, 可以是对话, 也可以是表演。这一环节充分调动了学生的积极性, 发挥了学生的想象力, 他们自设情境, 准确合理地运用虚拟语气, 将图片内容演绎的淋漓尽致。


语法的教学不能为语法而教语法。语法教学应成为培养学生听、说、读、写等语言技能和英语交际能力的重要手段。语法能力的培养和交际能力的培养不是对立和相互排斥的, 语法能力是提高交际能力的有效途径和保证, 交际能力又是语法能力的最终目的。把语法知识与语言情境有机地结合起来, 尤其是课堂真实情境要从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发, 活动内容和方式要尽量真实, 语法知识就会真切可感而不再抽象空泛。只有创设出合理、易操作且贴近学生生活的语言情境, 我们的学生才能感受到语法学习的快乐。

摘要:高中英语语法教学中存在着高耗低效的现象缺乏生机的课堂让学生语法学习索然无味。本文通过教学案例if虚拟语气, 分析如何进行情境设计并辅以多种练习形式, 充分调动学生学习积极性, 激发兴趣, 转化其为内在动力。











虚拟语气具有其特殊性,即所说内容不是事实或者不可能发生的情况,只是一种愿望、建议或者与事实相反的假设。在备课过程中,笔者考虑到高三复习时间长,任务重,学生极易疲劳,缺乏兴趣,所以以英文歌曲If I were a Boy为情景链,承载所要学习的语法内容,讲练结合,进行情景交融的教学活动。课前发放学案(学案附后),并要求学生自主复习总结虚拟语气的语法要点,独立完成相关习题。


Step 1 Leading in

课前5分钟开始播放Beyonce的歌曲If I were a boy,让学生利用课间休息时间欣赏。


T: Do you like the song?What’s the title of the song?

S: Yes. Its title is If I were a boy.

T: Yes, you got it. According to the title, what does the song suggest?

S: I am not a boy but a girl.

T: Well done. So the song must be about some wishes. Would you like to listen to it again?

S: Yes.

T: OK,listen to the song and fill in the missing words.

歌曲播放结束,同时学生完成填空。老师用PPT在大屏幕上展示完整歌词,进行讲解,边讲边让学生画出歌曲中包含虚拟语气的歌词,并概括出句型:(1)If + 主语+ did sth, 主语+ would/should/might + do sth.(2)主语+ wish + 主语+ did sth./were sth.


Step 2 Presentation










Step 3 Practice

T: Have you finished the exercises?

S: Yes.

T: Now, I’d like to read the answers. You check them by yourself. Have you got all the answers right?

S: No.

T: Then you work in groups of four, talk about the wrong answers. I hope you can teach each other and learn from each other.


Step 4 Writing

T: Now we have reviewed the grammar rules of Subjunctive Mood. we’ve also learnt the three steps to judge. Do you still remember the song If I were a boy?You please write your own song If I were a boy/girl.





(作者单位 宁夏回族自治区六盘山高级中学)


Teaching content:Subjunctive mood Teaching aims: Target Language: a.the usage of Subjunctive mood b.Key patterns If I„ I wish...as if...If only...My suggestion / advice / proposal is that...I suggest...Ability goals Help students learn the Subjunctive Mood.Enable students to use the sentence patterns correctly.Learning ability goals By practice making sentences using the Subjunctive Mood, students will be able to use it in daily communication.Main points: Help the students make a summary of all kinds of the sentences structures in which the Subjunctive Mood can be used.Difficulties: Help the students use the correct verb-form to show the Subjunctive Mood in different sentence structures.Teaching aids: Multimedia, the blackboard, Subjunctive Mood PPT Teaching methods: Discussing, explaining, summary and practicing, Teaching procedures: Step1: Greeting and lead-in Activity I: greeting 教师活动:Greet the whole class warmly 学生活动:Greet the teacher as usual activity Ⅱ: Lead-in 教师活动:用幻灯片展示一个情景,让学生进行角色扮演


If you won one million, what would you do? 同学们扮演外国学生,回答说:I would go to study in America./ I would buy a big house./ I would build up a school...设计意图:轻松幽默地吸引学生的注意力,让学生参与进来,激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step II:Summary of the Subjunctive Mood



教师:1)If I won one million, I would do some good deeds.2)If I were a millionaire, I would help the poor 3)If I had won one million, I would have done some good deeds.4)If I won one million one day, I would help the poor Meaning: Sentence 1 and 2: 与现在事实相反 Sentence 3 : 与过去事实相反 Sentence 4: 与将来事实相反


从句谓语动词 主句谓语动词

与现在事实相反 过去式(be动词用were)Would/could/might/ should+ do 与过去事实相反 Had done Would/could/might/ should+ have done 与将来事实相反 ①过去式 Would/could/might/ should +do ②Were to do ③ Should do


Step III: 归纳虚拟语气其它句式

教师活动1:设计三个情景,让学生说出用到虚拟语气各种句式,归纳用法 教学设计意图:通过设计以下四个情景,让学生自己总结出虚拟语气的结构和用法。情景一:假如面临考试,你有什么愿望?使用句型I wish...情景二:假如你很努力但考试不及格,你很沮丧,就想If I...,If only...情景三:作为朋友,你给他一些建议:My suggestion / advice / proposal is that„ I suggest„

情景四: 这个建议听起来好像...It sounds as if...教师活动2: 针对每个句型配三至五道题,检验学生是否真的掌握了虚拟语气句式。


only if:(要是——就好了)对现在·将来虚拟:过去式 对过去虚拟:过去完成时 as if 从句用虚拟语气


(1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。(2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。(3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原型 Suggest 在虚拟语气中的用法: 一想要(desire)二宁愿(prefer)三命令(order.command)四建议(advise, suggest, propose)五要求(demand, require, request, desire, insist)无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。

注:suggest意为“建议”才用虚拟语气,意为“暗示”则不用虚拟语气。例句:His face suggests that he looks worried.他的表情暗含着他很担心。这个句子本身是事实,因此它就没有用到虚拟语气 Suggestion等词在虚拟语气中的用法:

当某些表示建议、请求、命令等主观意向的名词作主语时,其后的表语从句或同位语从句需用虚拟语气,其表达形式为should +动词原形或直接用动词原形。这类名词常见的有:

demand(要求), desire(请求),requirement(要求)advice(劝告), recommendation(建议),suggestion(建议)order(命令)proposal(计划), recommendation等。例:

We are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off.我们都赞成你提出的将讨论延期的建议。

The suggestion that the mayor present the prizes was accepted by everyone.由市长颁发奖金的建议被每个人接受。

⑴、The advice is that we(should 可省略,下同)leave at once.⑵、(名词advice,should + leave)(表示加以劝告)⑶、(2)、I make a proposal that we(should)hold a meeting next week.⑷、(proposal, should + hold)(表示做出计划)Step Ⅳ:Practice




教学设计意图:特殊句型的用法不容易掌握,选择有针对性的例题,让学生在 练习中加深记忆。Step Ⅴ:Homework





I wish......as if...If I...If only...My suggestion / advice / proposal is that...I suggest...教学评价



I.Clause Elements(10 points)

Read the sentences and analyse the clause elements in each of them.Use the letters S,V,O,C and A to represent the various elements:







The first sentence is an example.David Livingstone | lived | in Africa | for more than ten years.S




II.Blank Filling(20 points)Fill in the blank with the verb given in the parentheses.III.Multiple Choice(20 points)There are twenty incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer in the numbered squares below.IV.Blank Filling(10 points)Fill in the blanks in the following short passage, using appropriate articles or other determiners.V.Error Correction(10 points)This is a composition written by a 13-year-old student.Correct the grammatical errors in the following composition.Write the corrected version below.VI.Translation(20 points)A.Translate the following sentences into English.(2 points each)

B.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(3 points each)
