



























Weibo is one of the most important social media tools nowadays, thepopularization of Weibo brings a new kind of network marketing - Weibomarketing. Enterprises use Weibo platform can carry out a series ofmarketing activities, in order to raise visibility and expand brand impact.

Weibo marketing has gradually become one of the indispensablemarketing channels of many companies. However, as a new kind ofnetwork marketing, Weibo marketing has some significant differencefrom traditional marketing.

In addition, the influence factors of Weibomarketing effectiveness has not been precisely defined, and marketingeffectiveness is difficult to scientific assessment. Therefore, the majorityof firms develop the Weibo marketing are blind,

and Weibo marketing isstill at the exploratory stage. How much benefit Weibo marketing canbring for enterprises, which is the enterprise most concern. However, thescientific studies about the influence factors and evaluation of Weibomarketing effect are in a state of scarcity.

This paper takes the hotels Weibo as the research object, and deeplystudies the influence factors and evaluation of the Weibo marketingeffect:

On the basis of summarizing those existing research on Weibomarketing, it is assumed that the decision-makers from different hotelshold tiie same degree of attention on Weibo marketing. Then,

this paperexplores the influence factors of hotels Weibo marketing effect from theWeibo users perspective, analyzes the Weibo users behavior guided byAISAS mode ,

tiirough the questionnaire survey to build the hotel Weibomarketing effect model with statistical software such as Excel and SPSS19.0.

On this basis, this paper puts forward tiie Weibo marketing effectevaluation index hypothetical model, and then use AHP to build acomplete evaluation system ,

this system takes the hotels Weibomarketing comprehensive effect as the goal layer, influence effect,communication effect and transformation effect as the criterion layer,takes Weibo influence, brand influence ,

interaction effect, fans value,actual trading volume and customer satisfaction as the sub-criterion layer,and takes 14 indexes such as Weibo influence index, brand hot degreesand brand search as the index layer.

Finally, this evaluation index system is applied to Ningbo HowardJohnson Plaza Hotel and Ningbo Riviera Hotel. Through the observationand data collection of the hotels Weibo, measure the hotel Weibomarketing effect index with the comprehensive index method.

The resultsshow that these two hotels have little effect about Weibo marketing:

1. Both hotels did not make full use of Weibo to launch various marketingactivities, Weibo marketing is still at a low level, and Weibo marketingdid not make the hotel brand awareness has obvious improvement;

2.Those hotels are not ideal about the number of transmission, commentand praise by Weibo users. Among their fans, the ratio of certified fans islow, while the ratio of active fans proportion is relatively substantial,

andfew interactive activities are organized. So, how to attract a large numberof fans, and enhance the fans value is an urgent problem;

3. The actualtrading volume is not optimistic. Although there is a higher satisfaction,customers release very few consumption experiences by Weibo during theinvestigation period.

To some extent, both hotels reflect the problemsexisting in the hotel industry to carry out the Weibo marketing, thus, fortheir marketing situation, this article also brings up some suggestions andcountermeasures:

1. Accurate positioning, step by step;

2. Grasp thefrequency and the best time on releasing information;

3. Showpersonalized content;

4. Online and offline marketing activities arecombined together;

5. Increase effective fans, pay attention to interactwith fans.

KEYWORDS: Weibo marketing; Influencing factors; Effect evaluation;Indicator system
















a)表示研究目的,常用在摘要之首In order to……This paper describes…, …The purpose of this study is……

b)表示研究的对象与方法The [curative effect/sensitivity/function] of certain [drug/kit/organ….] was [observed/detected/studied…]

c)表示研究的结果:[The result showed/It proved/The authors found] that……

d)表示结论、观点或建议:The authors [suggest/conclude/consider] that…

2)尽量采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,少用关系代词 which , who 等引导的定语从句。由于摘要的时态多采用一般过去时,使用关系代词引导的定语从句不但会使句式变的复杂,而且容易造成时态混乱(因为定语和它所修饰的主语、宾语之间有时存在一定的“时间差”,而过去完成时、过去将来时等往往难以准确判定)。采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,在简化语句的同时,还可以减少时态判定的失误。


下面两篇摘要第一篇是摘自国外学者写的, 第二篇是摘自一名国内在校博士写的。通过对这两篇摘要进行对比分析研究, 让我们更加明确的了解英文摘要的写作规范。

1 (Written in original English) This paper describes a new“modified pulse arc evaporation process”which represents a combination of both d.c.And pulse cathodic arcs.The aim is to give a comparative overall view.The paper reports on measurements of spot movement on the target, arc voltage response and ion current under different electric conditions, such as current magnitude, current changing rate and pulse duration.There are possibilities to improve the target consumption;to reduce the upper stability limit;and to increase the spot velocity, the bias current density in the pulse phase and the plasma power.For optical measurements of spot movement a new high-speed video camera was used.

2 (Written by Chinese student in English) Every machining technique leads to distinguishing surface feature and precision characteristic.The non-traditional finish machining can improve the surface quality and precision of parts.The improvement of these can advance the performance and life of parts.The non-traditional machining has its superiority.

英文摘要大体上包括四个部分:研究目的、方法、结果、结论。研究目的主要说明作者写此文章的目的或主要解决的问题, 表明研究的范围和重要性;研究的方法主要是提出解决问题的方法以及主要工作过程;研究的结果则是作者在此研究过程最后得到的结果;结论是说明该研究结果的实际应用价值。

文章的研究目的必须在英文摘要中体现出来。从摘要1中“This paper describes a new“modified pulse arc evaporation process”which represents a combination of both d.c.And pulse cathodic arcs.The aim is to give a comparative overall view.”我们可以明显看到该文章的研究目的。鲜明的文章目的能够让读者一目了然的了解到这篇文章所要论述的内容, 但是在实际写作中, 有很多学者在整篇摘要里面都是一些一般性的论述, 说来说去, 最后让别人读了一半天, 也不知道这篇文章是要解决什么问题。第二篇摘要从前到后都是在陈述光整加工技术, 让人很迷惑, 不知道这篇文章重点是要论述那一方面的内容。一篇没有目的性的文章自然也就没有可读性。

研究的方法也应该在英文摘要中体现出来, 这一点是很多中国学者很容易忽视的。从上面两篇摘要对比就可以发现:第一篇中的“measures”就告诉了读者本文作者是要通过什么方法来解决所提出的问题;而在第二篇, 不但没有像“measure”, “method”等表达方法的词, 而且从根本上忽视了这一点。解决的方法应该是一篇文章的核心, 没有作者自己的解决思路的摘要, 从某种意义上说, 这是一篇很失败的文章摘要, 那么这篇文章也不可能是一篇好文章。

研究的结果作为摘要中一部分也是不可少的, 也是作者所采用的解决方法是否合理的一个重要依据。没有研究的结果, 就是你选择的方法再好, 也只是在纸上谈兵, 侃侃而论, 没有自己的立论点。在第一篇中, 我们可以从“There are possibilities to improve the target consumption;to reduce the upper stability limit;and to increase the spot velocity, the bias current density in the pulse phase and the plasma power.”中了解到作者可能得到的结果。而在第二篇中, 结果不是很明显。

研究的结论这一部分往往在研究的结果中体现出来, 所以在一部分你可以结合研究的结果做出自己的见解。有时候作者可以根据目前的实验结果为了对以后的进一步工作的开展给出自己的结论。

最后, 在语言表达上也是很重要的一个方面。很多中国学者自己也清楚, 一看人家外国学者写的英文摘要就是感觉很舒畅, 而且句式结构多样, 上下连接紧凑。但是一旦让自己写文章, 就开始感觉自己的写的不地道, 语句形式单一, 给人一种感觉就是在勉强的中文英文之间互译。从第二篇英文摘要上我们就有这种体会, 在摘要中几乎所有的语句采用主、谓、宾中国式英语结构, 句式千篇一律, 而且语句之间没有任何的连接, 互相独立。其实, 在英文摘要语言表达中, 只要你稍微留心注意许多国外优秀的英文摘要, 就可以很好的完成。比如在目的中你可以采用“The purpose of this paper is……”句型;在方法中可以采用“The method used in our study is know……”;在结论中我们可以采用“In conclusion, we state that……”, 这样下来既地道又相互连贯, 而且层次分明, 何乐而不为?

另外还需要注意一些的就是英语语法方面。比如在时态上, 英文摘要中习惯于一般现在时, 能够突出文章内容的即时性和客观性。但也有时候为了便于说明论题发展背景而用过去时或现在完成时。在人称上, 只能用第三人称, 不能用第一人、第二人称如我、我们等。还有在标点、大小写、缩写等方面也需要留心注意。

从上面对比分析, 我们可以看到, 只要我们认真领会写作规范, 注意英语的语言表达特点, 并积累一些常用的典型例句, 完成一篇好的英文摘要其实很简单的。

摘要:英文摘要是一篇好的学术文章不可缺少的部分, 也是SCI、ISTP和EI等索引工具收录的依据。因此, 我国学者和研究生应该掌握好英文摘要写作要点。本文通过对两篇分别来自英国和中国学者所写的英文摘要的对比分析研究, 得出结论:一篇成功的英文摘要关键在于有正确的指导思想和方法。如果在写作的时候做到目的明确, 结构合理, 语言表达流畅, 完成一篇质量比较高的英文摘要不是望尘莫及的。



[1]朱建祥.科技论文摘要翻译探讨[J].商丘师范学院学报, 2003, 8, 19 (4) .


Abstract:Whether the bank operates well depends on the public confidence, i.e. the bank credit worthiness. In-creasing bank capital adequacy and maintaining the stable bank income inflow, the steady support and guaranteed quality,etc. are the means to raise and maintain the bank credit worthiness. In our country the bank capital adequacy has not yetbeen up to the international standards; the credit asset quality is low; the profit is yearly decreased, and the state creditworthiness guarantee has become the key factor of prudently operating the state bank. Posterior to the accession to WTO,with the opening up of banking businesses, the role of the state credit worthiness guarantee has been weakening and itswithdrawal is faced with a series of difficulties.

Key Words: guaranteed state credit worthiness; state bank; capital fund; guaranteed deposit system




















扭转和拉伸形变都会导致SWNTs拉曼模振动频率的变化。研究发现:(1)扭转形变下,RBM变大,位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模振动频率发生较大的红移,而其他在1590 cm-1~1560

cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生轻微的蓝移,振动频率发生红移的G模的位移量,一般远远大于发生蓝移的G模的位移量;(2)拉伸形变下,RBM和G+(E2(g))模振动频率不变,而在1590 cm-1~

1560 cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生明显的红移。(3)不同Raman活性模对形变的敏感度不同,扭转形变下,RBM、位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模比其他G模更敏感,而在拉伸形变下,其他G模却具有更高的敏感度。这与形变导致的发生变化的C-C键是否与各模的原子位移模式相关联有关;(4)通过对SWNTs中形变量大小和Raman频率对形变变化率d/d地计算,发现RBM振动频率对扭转形变的变化率d(RBM)/dt,随SWNTs手性角的增大几乎线性增大。






AFM Manipulation, Deformation and Related Raman Spectroscopy of

Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Duan Xiaojie


The study on deformed carbon nanotubes(CNTs), including the study of their structure evolution and properties change under strain, is important not only for the application of CNTs in composite materials, strain sensors, nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical devices, but also for the development of related theory.In this thesis, we have developed controlled atomic force microscopy(AFM)manipulation techniques for single-wall carbon nanotubes(SWNTs)on surfaces.Using this controlled AFM manipulation, the buckling behavior of CNTs under bending, and resonance Raman spectroscopy of SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial strains, have been studied.The main results are listed as followings:

1.Controlled AFM manipulation techniques for SWNTs on surfaces have been developed By defining proper tip path, manipulation position on SWNT, and choosing optimal tip pressing distance, different kinds of deformation can be induced into SWNT.The deformation is stabilized by the interaction between SWNTs and substrate.To get controlled AFM manipulation, a new kind of nanofabrication---nano-welding has been invented based on the AFM oxidation of Si substrate.When the Si substrate with SWNT on top of it is oxidized by the AFM tip, the newly formed SiOx will grow around the tube, effectively fixing that site of SWNT onto the Si substrate.The existence of SWNT can enhance the oxidation of Si.With same oxidation condition, more SiOx can be produced with the presence of SWNT than the case where there is no SWNT.This is helpful for the fixing.The intensity of the welding can be modulated by changing the oxidation voltage and the tip moving speed.With higher voltage and slower tip moving, stronger welding can be obtained.From the thermal oxidation of SWNTs in air and the Raman characterization, it was found that this nano-welding has no obvious influence on the chemical structure of SWNTs.Together with this nano-welding, the magnitude and distribution of strain induced into SWNT by AFM manipulation can be well controlled.Both SWNT and Si can be oxidized when using stronger oxidation condition(much higher voltage and lower tip moving speed), thus the SWNT can be cut at well defined position.Combining this AFM cutting, nano-welding and manipulation, complex SWNT-based structures can be constructed, proved the function of AFM as a nano-toolbox.2.The buckling behavior of CNTs under bending has been studied

By choosing proper manipulation site on SWNT, the length of the fragment which is being manipulated, manipulation path, and optimal tip pressing distance, the angle can be well controlled when SWNT is bent by AFM manipulation.Based on this controlled bent of CNT by AFM manipulation, A CNT with a series of different bending angles has been obtained.The interaction between manipulated SWNT fragment and substrate is largely decreased after the manipulation.And the effective bending region is located at the fragment where Only vdW interaction exists between it and the substrate.It appears as the cross point between the fixed SWNT part and

manipulated SWNT part in the AFM image.Only vdW force exists between the effective bending region and substrate, and its length keeps constant when changing the bending angle.Through recording the height change at the effective bending region when changing the bending angle gradually, The structural evolution and buckling behavior has been investigated under the bending.Two distinct „abrupt‟ and „gradual‟ buckling modes have been revealed in different CNTs.For the „abrupt‟ buckling mode, the height of the bending „point‟ has a sudden increase, and an abrupt transition from the uniform bending to buckling happens.While the „gradual‟ mode corresponds to a gradual increase of the height at the bending „point‟, with a gradual transition from uniform bending to buckling.The „gradual‟ buckling results in a series of buckling intermediate formation.„Abrupt‟ buckling mode is mostly found for small diameter CNTs, while for large diameter CNTs, the „gradual‟ mode is more common.Through the estimation of the wall numbers and thickness of CNTs, it was found that the CNTs with „abrupt‟ buckling mode has smaller thickness diameter ratio than the CNTs with „gradual‟ buckling mode.The critical buckling angle decreases with the increase of CNT diameter for the „abrupt‟ buckling mode.The buckling behavior has also been investigated by molecular dynamics(MD)simulations.It was found:(1)for all the CNTs studied, the SWNTs have “abrupt” buckling mode, and double and three walled CNTs take “gradual” buckling modes;(2)the “gradual” buckling corresponded to the process that different tube walls of MWNTs buckled at different bending stages, and the buckling degree of individual tube walls gradually increased along with the bending strain increase.This is caused by the unsynchronization of the buckling for different walls caused by the multi-shell character, and the retarding of buckling by the inter-wall vdW force.The study on the formation of the two buckling modes found that the multi-shell structure of MWNTs accounts for the “gradual” buckling modes;(3)The MD studies also proved that the vdW interaction with substrate has no remarkable effect on CNTs buckling behavior.The study on the buckling mechanism suggests that except for the diameter, the wall number also determines the buckling behavior.This means for the mechanical properties of CNTs, a special “dual-size” effect may exists, that is, both the size and the thickness determine the CNTs mechanical behavior.By using controlled AFM manipulation, the work here observed the structural evolution and buckling formation almost in the whole bending process.The founding about the two buckling modes, not only provides support and reference for the relevant theoretical study, fills the gap between theory and experiment, but also is important for the application of CNTs in composite materials, nanoelectronics and NEMs, and strain sensors.3.The resonance Raman spectroscopy of individual SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial

strain has been investigated

The AFM manipulation can induce both torsional and uniaxial strains into the ultra-long straight SWNTs.Because the longer propagation distance of uniaxial strain than the torsional strain, only pure uniaxial strain exists at region far from the manipulation point.While at region close to the manipulation sites, both the two strains happen.The formation of torsional strain suggested the rolling of SWNT under the present AFM manipulation.Both uniaxial and torsional strain can change the Raman vibrational frequency.It was found that:

(1)the RBM and G-band spectra responded differently to the two types of strains.Under torsional strain, RBM frequency RBM was found to upshift and one of the modes assigned to E2 symmetry in the G+ band, which occurs at ~1600 cm-1(G+(E2(g))), downshifted significantly, whereas the rest G

modes located in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are slightly upshifted.The redshift of the(G+(E2(g)), ismuch larger that the buleshift of other G modes;(2)Under uniaxial strain, RBM and G+(E2(g))do not have noticeable response and the rest of the G modes in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are downshifted.(3)Different Raman modes have different sensitivity to both strains.RBM and G+(E2(g))is more sensitive to torsion than other G modes.Whereas under uniaxial strain, other G modes have larger sensitivity than RBM and G+(E2(g)).This is related to the correlation between the C-C bond change and the atom vibrational displacement of different modes;(4)The

calculation on the strain magnitude and frequency shift of Raman modes per strains d/d found that, under torsional strain, d(RBM)/dt nearly linearly increased along with the increase of the tube chirality angle.G-band was found to split into multiple sub-bands in some cases, presumably due to broken symmetry induced by torsion.This splitting is most likely found in zig-zag and armchair SWNTs.Both the uniaxial and torsional strains can change the intensity of resonant Raman peaks.This is originated from the influence of strains on electronic tranision energy Eii.From this change, the

modulation direction and magnitude of strains on the electronic transition energy of SWNTs can be calculated.The influence of strain on the resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs has drawn much attention recently.The work here firstly experimentally studied the torsional strain effect on resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs.And the study in the single SWNT scale by AFM manipulation can exclude the average effect originated from different diameter and chiraligy.This helps to reveal the intrinsic property of SWNts.The comparison of uniaxial and torsional strain for same SWNT, also benefit the understanding of the influence of different strains on SWNTs.4.The analysis and modulation of strain distribution along SWNTs axis, and the comparison

of related mechanical parameters of different SWNTs



Title(题目)、Author and working unit(作者及工作单位)、Abstract(摘要)、Keywords(关键词)、Introduction(引言)、Text(正文)、Conclusions(结果及结论)、Acknowledgements(致谢)和References(参考文献)等部分。


 摘要又称概要、内容提要。放在标题页的正文之前,用不同于正文的字体排版,以突出其显著位置。

 摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。

二、摘要的类型(Type of abstract)

 信息性摘要(报道性摘要、资料性摘要)(Information Abstracts)

A design of---was proposed for ;Our---model employed is  指示性摘要(说明性摘要、叙述型摘要)(Descriptive / Indicated Abstracts)

This article discusses---; It suggests;

Calculations were carried out---;The results of calculation show that。

 资料性摘要概括地阐述论文或报告中的主要结论,重点突出文中提及的新发现或有别于其他同类研究的结论。

结合型摘要(Informative Indicative Abstracts)

 此类摘要综合了说明性摘要和资料性摘要的特点

Abstract:(1)This paper discusses the effect of processing temperature on the room temperature resistivity and PTC characteristic of the PS matrix Sn-Pb alloy composite.(2)The results show that … and the low melting point of Sn-Pb alloy results in the excellent PTC characteristic.结构性摘要

 这类摘要先用断语归纳要点,再用句子加以简明扼要的说明。

 它便于作者模仿和套用,能规范具体地将内容表达出来,使审稿便捷,同时便于读者一目了然地了解论文所表达的各项内容和结论,用于计算机检索更是快捷高效。

 资料性摘要与说明性摘要相比,内容更详实,结构更完整,适用于课题报告、科研论文,也更多地被理工科类的大型摘要期刊采纳。





学士学位论文应使读者感到作者懂得科学的研究、分析方法,论文所述的目标明确、有价值; 硕士学位论文应使人感到有系统性、学术性、功底深厚;









大多数会议都要求提交“直接付印版”(camera-ready copy)式的摘要,要求摘要的格式一致。

“投稿要求”(Instructions to authors)中往往对字型、字号、页面四边空白的宽度、甚至用于编写论文的软件都有严格规定,打印时须留意。不管自己设计的格式、字型、字号等是否会更好,一定要遵守“投稿要求”中的规定。


 需要向上级或主管人员汇报,或希望得到批准,得到经费资助的项目通常都有这种摘要。



 对象——是论文研究、研制、调查等所涉及的具体的主题范围,体现论文的研究内容、要解决的主要问题,是问题的提出,研究方向的确立与目标的定位。

 方法——是论文对研究对象进行研究的过程中所运用的原理、理论、条件、材料、工艺、结构、手段、程序,是完成研究对象的必要手段。


 结果——是作者运用研究方法对研究对象进行实验、研究所得到的结果、效果、数据,被确定的关系等,是进行科研所得的成果。

 结论——是作者对结果的分析、研究、比较、评价、应用、提出的问题等,是结果的总结,显示研究结果的可靠性、实用性、创新性,体现论文研究的价值与学术水平,是决定论文被检索的窗口。

Study of an efficient simulation method

Object.To propose a simple and efficient simulation method.Design.Hash-RM algorithm is compared to the all-associative algorithm.Main results.The Hash-RM algorithm facilitates simulation by reducing the average search depth and using the right-match comparion.Conclusion.For instruction traces, the present algorithm is not making great progress.For data traces, the Hash-RM algorithm is much faster than the all-associative algorithm.Key words.Hash-RM algorithm, all-associative algorithm, simulation.(二)摘要的语言


(1)叙述研究方法和目的时,使用现在时态  例:This article sets out four of the main misconceptions, discusses why they have arisen, and why they can be so described. 译:本文对主要误解中的四种进行解释,探讨它们产生的原因以及为什么人们如此对它们进行描述。


  例:A method for stiffness calculation under vertical load is derived.译:推导出一种在垂直负载条件下计算硬度的方法。


 例:At the incident pump power of 22 W, the output power of 13.22 W was obtained, resulting in an optical conversion efficiency of 60.1%, while the slope efficiency was determined to be 64.8%. 译:当入射泵功率为22瓦时,可以获得13.22瓦的输出功率,从而达到60.1%的光学转换率;同时倾斜率达到64.8%。


       例:In doing this, the article attempts to define some important characteristics of communicative language teaching as it is practiced at present.译:借此,本文力图对当前使用的交际语言教学法的一些重要特征给出相关的定义。

2、句型和表达方法 回顾某领域已取得的研究结果或介绍相关知识 阐明论文写作和研究目的 阐述论文的论点和作者观点 介绍研究过程和研究范围 介绍计算、测量          阐明论证

说明试验过程 介绍应用、用途 展示研究结果 介绍结论 进行评述 推荐和建议

提出进一步研究的可能性 突出论文的重点


 例1:This paper reviews the method for dealing with…  译:这篇论文概述了处理……的方法。 例2:This article summarizes the theory on …  译:本文综述了关于……的理论。

 此类表达常用的动词有:present, summarize, review, outline等,用于资料性摘要的第一部分,文献回顾或背景介绍。


例1:The purpose of the study is to explore new methods … 译:此项研究的目的是探索……的新方法。

例2:The paper attempts to define … in terms of … 译:本文尝试从……角度来定义。

例3:The study is aimed at finding out the basic similarities between… 译:本研究旨在找出……与……之间的基本相似点。


例4:The main objective of the work is to justify … 译:此项研究的主要目的是论证……。例5:The primary goal of this research is … 译:这项研究的主要目标是……

例6:The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of … 译:我们调查的主要目的是获得……的一些知识。


例7:Based on recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of … 译:作者通过近期的研究,旨在总结出……的基本结构。

例8:The authors are now initiating some experimental investigations to establish… 译:作者正进行一些试验性研究以建立……



常用的名词有:purpose, aim, objective, goal;动词有:aim, attempt to, initiate, intend to, seek等,另外还可以用动词不定式充当句中的表语或者用目的状语来表达。


介绍研究结果可以使用动词result, cause, increase, lessen等,词组 as a result, result in, arrive at,或使用这些动词相应的名词。


