



Passions are stoked, and the assault on truth begins. The necessary predicate for discrediting your opposition and for creating supporters. It usually starts with attacks on the press and journalists. And then it moves to universities and students and professors.

Since truth is the real enemy, and whoever pursuit it must be declared the enemy. Evidence of nation after nation making this distressing turn is now all around us. We must be careful not to underestimate the negative consequences to our own values caused by this pervasive form of censorship and suppression.

Given the ever-increasing integration of peoples of the world. Through the powerful forces of economic activity, communication, and movements across borders, we depend on professors, students, and ideas flowing freely through our community of institutions. We may therefore sometimes look at these acts of intolerance abroad as matters of here foreign consequence, but they almost also have much more direct and immediate consequences for our own values.

The most recent case that vividly makes this point is the hideous torture and murder of Khashoggi. A Saudi national and unsparing critic of that regime. A violation of international law and human rights, yes, it certainly appears so. But it was potentially a violation of American law, and the interests protected by those laws for Khashoggi was a communist with the Washington post and a legal resident of the United States. With two children of his four who are U.S. citizens. As such he was protected by the first amendment for the things he said and for which he was killed. This is a crime under American laws against torture and violation of civil rights, for which there is extraterritorial jurisdiction to pursue prosecution. Though it is deplorable that no action has been taken in this country to bring this killer to justice and to vindicate U.S. interests. A precedent that should concern us all.

Of course, there is no shortage of attacks on truth and on truth seekers right here at home. The undermining of honest discourse has occurred so far not through official acts of censorship, but more indirectly, if not very subtlety, the means of suppression.


The free press is labeled the enemy of the people, the irrefutable science underlining our understanding of climate change is portrayed as a fabrication propagated for political agenda, and universities are increasingly cast as incubator of intolerance, and enemies of free expression, a sensationalist charge disproved by consistent presence on university campuses including Columbia of controversial speakers from both the left and the right. Some might argue that these verbal attacks on the press and universities as well on all. The other daily falsehoods that accompany them are harmless, only a superficial attack without lasting consequences. For us, however, in the university, where truth is everything, we cannot accept that characterization. It cuts to our core.

So what are to do? Fortunately, there is an experience to guide us in our response and nowhere is that experience more resonant than at Columbia. Precisely 100 years ago in 1919 during the chaotic and repressive post-world war I era. I referenced earlier, a moment of a civil peril laid bare a fight between imagination and ignorance. The fight was fierce and provoked two distinct responses, each of them worthy of special note, celebration, and emulation today.

First, the United States Supreme Court took three cases, including that involving presidential hopeful Eugene Debbs and began interpreting the words Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. It took the court and the nation another 50 years to get it right, with the special help of the civil rights and the women’s movement, but finally, we did… finally, we did and when it all came together, the United States had created the greatest shield for freedom of the thought and of expression of any nation history.


学生视野所及, 不光是知名品牌如《读者》《青年文摘》, 还有《直觉》《智慧与思维》, 甚至《读品》《共同关注》《幸福悦读》;不光是志鸿优化设计丛书《智慧背囊》《时文选粹》, 还有《今文芳园》系列———心香花束、智慧眼睛、心灵氧吧、生命刺梅、妙语人生;不光是中文报刊杂志如《作文周刊》《中学作文指导》, 还有中英文的《双语作文》也被用在了语文课堂上;还有出自学生“摘抄本”“剪贴本”的……真是聚沙成塔、集腋成裘, 积学以储宝!

由此看出, “五分钟”的背后是学生对精品经典的鉴别, 是对时代脉搏的把握。孔令凯有段点评:“教学要结合生活现实。一本时尚杂志, 一首流行歌曲, 一部火爆电影, 一本畅销书, 这些都可纳入语文教学, 这才是学生感兴趣的。以学生感兴趣的话题为载体, 传授语文知识, 培养语文素养, 会取得事半功倍的效果。”确实如此, 每次讲完, 学生都会报以热烈的掌声, 脸上露出近乎夸张的表情, 那份受用真让人羡慕。正是青年人的竞争心理使得“说”这块短板越来越长。

其实, 现在社会竞争激烈, 很多优秀人才因不能把自己的优势表达出来而被用人单位冷落, 如陈景润就是一个典型例子。所以说, 要想从根本上扭转学生走入社会后不被淘汰的状况, 就应从学生时期紧抓说话能力的培养。毕竟, 语文能力包括听、说、读、写、忆等很多方面。“五分钟阅读演讲”正好可以弥补这一漏洞。


有学校提出“课堂教学应坚持1/3原则”, 即一节课45分钟, 1/3的时间教师讲授, 1/3的时间学生练习, 1/3的时间教师引导学生反思总结。这不失为一剂良药。那么在学生练习的1/3时间内应该做些什么呢?显然不能光做题, 还得练练嘴皮子。这就需要时间, 提供实战锻炼的舞台, 充分利用“五分钟阅读演讲”来获取课堂效果的提高。


不知道大家注意没有, 全国各地高考试卷都没有考查说话能力。每年各个学校都有数场各种主题的演讲赛、辩论赛, 每场比赛都会有一些选手脱颖而出。值得注意的是, 这些学生并不一定是学习成绩最好的, 但当他们进入社会后, 却多数会成为各自单位的中坚力量而更快地融入社会之中。


现在的家长动不动就给孩子报特长班, 如电子琴、钢琴、小提琴、舞蹈、武术、跆拳道、美术、绘画等, 生怕孩子输在起跑线上, 只想着“艺不压身”, 殊不知各种补习培训会把孩子压在起跑线上。当然, 有口才好的学生跟父母争论、交流、沟通, 能选择出真正适合自己、自己真正喜爱的去练习, 收到了很好的效果。


长期以来, 有相当比例的学生根本没有时间去看课外书, 让他 (她) 说说对某本书、某个人物发表点意见看法, 支支吾吾半天也说不出个子丑寅卯来。有的倒是能说出花来, 但都是电视、网络上篡改过的戏说, 根本没有一点可取之处。所以说, 通过“五分钟阅读演讲”, 让学生主动由易到难地突破自己, 找回自信, 逐步提升自己, 为将来打下了坚实的口才基础。相信大家都看过《演讲与口才》这本杂志, 它之所以销量大, 就是因为需要它的人多。这从另一个方面说明阅读、演讲是现代人一种非常重要的生存能力。


话说有一天,我的热水器坏了,我只好一边省钱,一边洗英国澡(English bath)。所谓的English bath,最早可以追溯到维多利亚时代,它有两种洗法,第一种是每周六的晚饭后,用火炉烧一大锅水,倒入一个锡做的浴缸里,全家人按老幼尊卑的次序跳进去洗,比如狗一般是最后一个跳进去的;第二种,我在描写北大荒生活的伤痕小说里见识过,即烧一壶开水,倒在脸盆里,然后拿着一只瓜瓢,一小勺一小勺地往重要部位上浇。这种洗法,若是遇上林黛玉那样的尤物,应该也能洗得很豪华,但遇到像我这样在南方的井水边长大的,满满一墙的壁虎都被浇死了,我则还跟骆驼干似的站在那里。

尽管如此,我还是按照第二种方式,洗了整整一个月的English bath,直到预算终于达到3位数时,才底气十足地拿起了电话。

接电话的是一个印度人,对不起,我绝对没有仇视印度人的意思,如果有的话,我就不会一而再再而三地请他们上门来为我赈灾,而是奋笔疾书,写一本《我和印度人之间不得不说的故事》了。“一小时120英镑,不能再低了。” “会不会像我的电脑那样,修了2个月还没有修好?” “你放心,绝对不会超过两个小时!”一笔口头交易就这样达成了。



朋友们在听了我的哭诉之后,告诉我,这家伙叫“cowboy”。 我说cowboy不是牛仔的意思吗?他们说那是在美国,在英国cowboy的意思是“上帝派来上梁拆瓦的。” 下次记得要请“good man”(好人),好人在行事之前,会先上门做风险评估,看是否值得修,值得修的话会谈好预算,之后签约、画押;而且好人都有毕业证书、有营业执照、有固定据点、有网站、有热线电话、有售后服务、有一张像汤姆·汉克斯那样的脸(嗯嗯,这个我该相信吗?)……

总之,English bath和cowboy都是我在5分钟内学会的英语。


Unsurprisingly then, history provides countless illustrations of these ideas colliding with people in government who felt threatened by the current of their time and chose to be hostile to the imagination and enamored of their own power and belief.

At the end of the first world war, western civilization had lost its way and the political and economic divisions were unraveling the status quo. Fears of Russia and the spread of communism and socialism along with growing unrest among labor give rise to fear and panic among those who wished to preserve the world as it was.

All these forces of instability, in turn, escalated into repression, censorship and the scapegoating of marginal populations, of radicals, dissenters, nonconformance, foreigner and immigrants. The leader of the American socialist party Eugene Debs was imprisoned for delivering a speech.

Today, a century later, a new threat to our core values has emerged, around the world and in this country. The rise of authoritarianism often in the guys of democratically elected despots has become the defining feature of modern life. The tactics, unfortunately, are age-old and time tests.




















问题如:a number of sth.与the number of sth.有什么区别?句子翻译如:许多粉丝在机场等着科比,大约有两千个。提问句式多样,有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句,甚至还有反义疑问句。一个问题若干种问法。记得有学生对8A Unit 2的Reading进行提问,一组问:“When does Millie go to the Reading Club?”另一组问:“How often does Millie go to the Reading Club?”两组的提问各有千秋,回答就各有侧重。为了课上提出有价值的问题,各个小组讨论设计问题甚至演练,同时要接住其余小组的问题,唯有课后加强巩固,吃透篇章和知识点。组间的挑战竞争白热化,这样课上学习与课后巩固的连接水到渠成,大部分学生的语言表达能力、组织能力都得到了有效的提高。“我问你答”不是书面作业,学生没有负担感,反而觉得是一种挑战,胜似书面作业。


例如,8A Unit 1Friends第一课时,我安排了与friends有关的话题。一位女学生大方地走上讲台:“Today I will tell you a story of two good friends.After listening,please answer my questions...”值日生讲得声情并茂,学生们听得聚精会神,力求全面把握材料,用时约一分钟。接着,值日生提问:“Who were traveling together?...”学生们简单地记录问题,用时半分钟。接下来,带着问题再听一遍,从细节上把握材料,速记答案;在对文章基本把握的基础上,组织答案核对,并且评价值日生的表现,先肯定,再指出错误或提出建议,用时约两分钟。值日生通过“Were they really good friends?What qualities should a friend have?”引导全班同学讨论,在讨论总结的基础上,自然而然地过渡到新授:“Today,let’s talk about friends.”整个过程大约五分钟,通过熟悉的材料导入新课,水到渠成。


1. 激发并保持学生的兴趣


2. 培养学生的思维能力


3. 培养学生的健康人格





篇9:课前五分钟 英语在口中




1课前的Free Talk。

学生有了听、说英语的兴趣,自然会产生一种表达的欲望,为此,我每堂课坚持课前五分钟的Free Talk,来加强英语课的语言气氛,内容可模仿所学课文的会话,还可以根据学生的日常生活有步骤得补充一些问候、问路、请求帮助、表达个人喜好方面的日常会话。在对话中学生出现错误是难免的,我就及时进行指导,给予学生充分的肯定和鼓励,树立他们用英语对话的信心,这样就为每位同学提供了实践的机会,提高了口头表达能力。






为了能让自己在讲台上表现出色点,学生开动脑筋,组织讨论、探究,力求完美。平时注意收集资料、多看英语报纸杂志、收看电视等。有的同学能仿照电视上的风格、形式,有的同学还主动向老师请教。例如:在老师教完数字后,有一小组准备做一个数字接龙游戏,有的同学提出“向前接龙”如说:“ten”,你必须说:“nine”,还有的同学提出奇数或偶数接龙等。还有一小组模仿电视上抢答加分比赛,运用What is plus?nis,句型组织本组成员“抢答比赛”这些点燃了学生的创造性思维的火花,从而发展了学生的创造能力。培养学生的创新精神。


What I learned from this experience was that, the road we end up taking can be different from our first plans. If we all realize our initial dreams, this world will be full of supermen and princesses. As I grew up, I often hear people say, life is all about making compromise. Your dream may die. You have to come terms with your life.

Well, my mother doesn’t see it that way. She is a kindergarten teacher, but she has a gift in painting. I often said to her, “if you had applied for an art school, you would definitely have made a great painter.” She said, “Yes, I would. But you were born!” “But it’s ok,” she continued, “I love kids. I can see their cuteness and innocence every day. Besides, they love me as well. Plus, I have a son who is about to see Rui Chenggang face to face. My colleagues are going to be so jealous of me. I am happy with who I am and I love my job.”

Sometimes when we are stuck in a rut, we may stop and wonder if life could be better had we taken the other road, and we may regret having lost so much for our stupid decisions. But on the threshold of adulthood, I would rather view my life in a positive light. I believe there is no absolute losing. Even though we seem to have made a compromise with each choice, even though we seem to have wasted a lot of effort with each failure, we are gaining something every step of the way.

Had I not given up my dream to be an architect, I wouldn’t have found my love for English, and I wouldn’t have met my friends, who, in order to boost my confidence before the speech contest, gathered in my dormitory and held a pep rally. I wouldn’t have met my professors who have always been patient with me, even when I couldn’t come up with a satisfying speech for 2 weeks.

And had I not spent the last 2 weeks painfully preparing for the speech contest, I wouldn’t have had a chance to think about this world, to ponder on life and to form a better understanding of myself.

For all my blessings, I owe my life an attitude of gratitude. From time to time I would picture myself working in my own studio, designing a beautiful villa. But I will not regret it, because I’m happy with who I am, and I love what I have.

So ladies and gentlemen, don’t be so obsessed with the other road in your life. The path you chose may not be ideal, but that’s not the end of the world. Fill your heart with gratitude. Break up with your regrets, and fall in love with your dream. Through all the hardships and difficulties, you’ll find that you’ve garnered more than you’ve sacrificed.


I asked this question to my young students when teaching English this winter. What were their answers?

“I would watch television!” the first answer. “I would play with the computer!” the second one. “I would play with computer TOO.” The girl finished her sentence perfectly with a serious smile. Indeed how cute and innocent that smile was, but how seriously my heart was hurt. I was too frightened to listen to more answers like that.

Ten years ago, at their age, I had a different answer: I would spend the last day of my life gazing at the face of my dear grandmother until I inscribed every detail of it onto my mind.

When grandmother was getting old and weak, my family bought her a telephone so I could save time and the trouble of traveling to her home by making phone calls instead. Later we bought her a television so she could watch modern dramas by herself. Then grandma must have been, we assumed, very contented and happy.

But I never really knew how grandma felt. She silently passed away without a word one night. When I heard about her death, a chilling pain pierced my empty heart. The pain grew even sharper as I tried to remember in detail exactly how grandma looked and I failed completely! How could I remember? I had not visited her for ages—it seemed like a century! My memories of her dissolved into thin air and leaked away like water.

Even though I have a telephone, can she hear me now?

Even though I might be on television, can she see me now?

Even though I have modern telecommunications, can she still communicate with me now?

With all these “tele”s, I was powerless.

Don’t people just love the word of “tele”, which means far away. Indeed this is how modern technology has changed our world. But please don’t forget this other word with “tele”: telepathy: which refers to human beings’ inborn ability to connect to our loved ones. Our minds are supposed to read each other’s minds; our hearts are supposed to feel each other’s hearts — and fulfill these without any forms of tool!

But the moment I desperately struggled to remember grandmother’s face, the telepathy between her and me had shut down forever. With the help of modern technology, I killed our telepathy.

This shall never happen again! The “tele”s are great inventions. But “telepathy” gives them the warmth of a human face. Let’s harness the power of television to excite our kids to develop their telepathy with nature… so that they can read the secret language of flowers. Let’s make the telephone lines provoke us to preserve our telepathy with each other, so we can connect in a warm and feeling way. Let technology keep our “telepathy” ALIVE! We need to wake up and make this happen.

I told my grandma’s story to those young kids that day. They got very quiet. They asked me for a second chance to answer the question. They had come to a new understanding – that very moment they had made to me and to our future together, a dear promise.
