xinde271 口译实践周 心得体会


xinde271 口译实践周 心得体会(精选2篇)

篇1:xinde271 口译实践周 心得体会

The Reflections of My Interpretation Practice Week

This is meaningful interpretation practice week.I learned a lot of knowledge about interpretation though the interpretation practice week during these days.At the first day, we saw the speech of Ma Yun which is very excellent.In his speech, he told his way to success.As we known, Mu Yun’s family isn’t abundant and he isn’t good at studying.But he insistent on his dream and he had spirit of never give up, so he achieved his dream finally.As what he said in his speech, he had already become the CEO of five companies.I supposed that why he can get succeed is he treated his employee very well and another reason is his oral English is excellent.His story encouraged me a lot and let me know the importance of maintaining English.On Wednesday, we saw the video of minister of foreign affairs Yang Jiechi who answer the question been asked by journalist and a match of interpretation.In Mr.Yang’s speech, the interpreter interpreted very affluently.And Mr.Yang is really smart when he answered the questions.Some foreigner journalists’ questions are very peak and Mr.Yang just answered though some skills to avoid their questions.I also have some thing want to say about the match of interpretation.To my surprise, they are also colleges, but they are so successful in the interpretation.And they are clam and sober when they interpreting.The contents are about policy, economic and so on.No matter what, those are far away from our daily life.Hence, the contestants’ stander is very well.Thereby, I am the senior in the school, so I do not have the opportunity to challenge like them, but I would like to try my best to make me wonderful, just like them.At the end of the practice, we do presentation to show what we have learned from classes.For our group, the topic is about Chinese culture.Usually, when we talk about the Chinese culture, we will recall a lot of Chinese traditional culture in naturally.It is true that traditional culture is a very important part of Chinese culture, but too many people pay their attention to it, and less people notice the modern culture.We decided to talk about the modern culture about post-70s, post-80s, and post-90s.The people who live in the 70s have a limited condition and they are avoiding from the culture revolution, they are more tradition than 80s and 90s.The generation of 70s is very luck, although they are poor and pity, but they are very happy.And they are satisfied in their life.The post 80s gets most of the attention from the public and the media.This generation grew up in the 90s and began to graduate and face society in the 2000’s.This period of time was the most crucial period of China’s reform and opening up as well as a transformational period for the country’s economy and society.All this has had a strong influence on this generation.The post 80s generation of young Chinese have a tendency of vocally voicing their opinions and don’t hesitate to speak their mind.At the last, when we talk about the 90 generations, it is easy for us to realize there is a popular cultural phenomenon, which is non-mainstream.It seems has already become a symbol words to describe the 90 generations or even the 00 generations.Now the so-called non-mainstream is not the true meaning of its origin but a special background of superficial phenomenon.After

we set up our mind to do these, we do the discussion among our group members, we were sure that is a kind of culture and we would like to use the form of “talk show” to introduce our contents.Huangcheng is the host of the talk show, Ma le、Wang Xiufang、Sun Qiantao are the distinguished guests and Fu Ranran、I are the interprecter.No matter what, we are trying our best do it.This is a fun and meaningful practice week, we learn too much things though it.Several days later, I will take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate school;I hope I can still have the passion like today.








首先对于“快”当中拆分的两小条而言,要求口译者不仅能够很好地进入状态,更要及时地将遇到的问题现场进行转化。笔者在某一次的翻译实践当中,来自英国的客人看到了一只喜鹊,就摆出了一副忧郁的表情说到“one for sorrowtwo for joy”,就文化的差异上来看,我国文化当中,喜鹊是幸运和好事的代表,然而在英国俗语和迷信当中,喜鹊的数量的不同有着不同的意思,这对于不了解英国俗语的中国听者来说,看到一只喜鹊却闷闷不乐、一脸忧郁,是令人费解的,因此笔者就迅速地解释这两方面的文化差异,令中方听者立刻明白了当中的含义,没有造成一定的误解。其次,对于“准”而言,首先译者需要攻破听力的难关,不能够仅仅局限于纯英音或者美音的限制,而是各个国家的各种英语发音都要相对地适应。在笔者的练习实践过程中,由于无法做到接触到来自各地的人进行英语交流,便大量观看网络剧或者电影,感受不同人种、不同国籍的人说英语时的感觉,并且在听的时候,尽量做到不打断他人讲话,以锻炼自己能够在很长的篇幅当中仍然抓到信息的重点。其次,译者应提高自己的语言修养,保证在理解他人说话的基础上很好地将语义表述完整,能用流利且优美的语言将内容进行转出,而不是在应该有正式文体的场合用白话翻译。最后,关于“顺”一字,倘若译者能够做到前两个方面,顺畅与否自然就是水到渠成的事情。


