























A. a; aB. an; theC. an; aD. the; a

2. I’m interested in a one-bed room. Do you have any ____?

A. convenientB. availableC. possibleD. personal

3. The city fire department promises that they will ____ to the 119 call within minutes.

A. requireB. answerC. respondD. reply

4. One can ____ a lot of their language by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. do upB. set upC. pick upD. put up

5. I was stopped by two policemen on the way. ____, I missed my train.A. What’s moreB. In addition

C. On the other handD. As a result

6. ——Why so serious, Tom?

——Nothing, I am just thinking about the problem ____ tomorrow.

A. discussedB. be discussed

C. to be discussedD. being discussed

7. The medical team ____ 30 doctors and 40 nurses.

A. is consisting ofB. makes up

C. consists ofD. is consistent of

8. ——Someone has just taken the books away. Who ____ it be? It looks like Helen.

——It ____ be her. She went to Beijing this morning and I saw her off at the airport.

A. must; mustB. might; can’tC. can; mustn’tD. can; can’t

9. The two books, ____ the one the famous writer wrote, ____ not worth reading.

A. including; isB. as well as; are

C. included; areD. in addition to; is

10. Yao Ming’s returning to motherland was an exciting moment, ____ all of us will remember.

A. thatB. oneC. itD. what

11. Mother made a suggestion that the house ____ tomorrow.

A. will be paintedB. be painted

C. was to be paintedD. painted

12. ____ harder, you will find it difficult to learn.

A. WorkB. To workC. WorkedD. Working

13. You must face the reality and know the environment ____.

A. that you getB. where you have

C. you are inD. when you stay

14. ____ with his slippers on when he heard the terrible noise.

A. Out did the policeman rushB. Rushed the policeman out

C. Out rushed the policemanD. Out the policeman rushed

15. We won’t give up fighting with terrorists, ____ we should give our lives.

A. even ifB. sinceC. whetherD. until


I was walking toward the railway station. I had bought a __1__ ticket to Atlanta, Ga, because I knew that if I didn’t find help there, I __2__ myself. I was just 40 years old, __3__ I had reached the end.

For 17 years old, beginning in 1983, I’d been using almost mind altering drug then known to man. Now my highs __4__ only a few seconds, then I would be trapped __5__, with an irresistible urge for nothing. I finally knew that I could no longer live with drugs—and I couldn’t live __6__ them.

In less than three months, I __7__ nearly 25 pounds; I __8__, cheated and stole to get it. I lasted one month in college, dropped out and was in __9__. I had several car accidents. My family life was completely __10__. I decided to give up my __11__, even wrote my will. I was ready to kill __12__ when things got __13__.

__14__ the time came when I could no longer get high. I knew I __15__. I no longer cared about my job __16__ anything else. I had no expectations that this treatment would __17__. I went to see a doctor because I had no choice.

After a year’s treatment, I recovered and got married. Today our lives are __18__. I tell the story with the hope that it will help others __19__ drug abuse in time to save themselves or their __20__ ones.

1. A. one-wayB. return-tripC. two-wayD. train

2. A. will killB. would have killed

C. would killD. would murder

3. A. asB. butC. whileD. so

4. A. was lastedB. was keptC. went onD. lasted

5. A. sometimesB. now and thenC. againD. once in while

6. A. throughB. byC. withD. without

7. A. gotB. lostC. put onD. remained

8. A. lainB. laidC. layD. lied

9. A. homeB. bus companyC. hospitalD. society

10. A. excitedB. disorganizedC. happyD. terrible

11. A. wishB. lifeC. chanceD. schooling

12. A. myselfB. my parentsC. anyoneD. herself

13. A. worseB. badC. unbearableD. strange

14. A. WonderfullyB. PainfullyC. FinallyD. Surprisingly

15. A. had to dieB. was dying

C. would be livingD. was alive

16. A. besidesB. andC. butD. or

17. A. workB. actC. goD. run

18. A. dullB. fullC. emptyD. interested

19. A. knowB. realizeC. recognizeD. notice

20. A. lovedB. specialC. lovingD. Ordinary



The Fourth”21st Century Cup”National English Speaking Competition is to be held in Shanghai.

Organizers: China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network.

Co-ordinater: China University English Speaking Association(CUESA).

Co-sponsors(联办单位): English Speaking Union(ESU), Lotus Software(China) Co. Ltd., Times Publishing Group of Singapore, Hilton Shanghai, Pearson Education, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

Date: March 26 (Friday), 1999.

Place: Hilton Shanghai.

Competition Format(形式): Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic, followed by a three-minute off-hand speech and a three-minute question and answer period with the judges.

Prepared speech period: six minutes.

Q & A period: three minutes.

Speech topic: People and Nature: In search of harmony(和谐) in a new age+your personal opinion. (Topics for the off-hand speech will be given on the day of competition.)

Prizes: Besides books and certificates(证书), the top two winners will be offered scholarships(奖学金) to travel to the annual international English-speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May, 1999. The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group. The fifth through 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes. All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press. The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one-year membership to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL).

1. The main purpose of this passage is ____.

A. to invite you to take part in the competition

B. to tell you some information of the competition

C. to help to improve your spoken English

D. to show you how to win the competition

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition? ____.

A. Where and when it will take place

B. Its program

C. What each winner will be offered

D. The number of its competitors

3. Suppose you get the sixth place, you’ll ____.

A. travel to London for free

B. become a one-year member of IATEFL

C. get some money, some books and a certificate

D. get a chance to study in Singapore

4. An”off-hand speech”is ____.

A. a speech not longer than three minutes

B. a speech without preparation

C. a speech with a piece of paper in hand

D. a speech which is well prepared


Any mistake made in the printing of stamp raises its value(价值) to stamp collectors. A mistake on a two-penny(便士, 英国辅币) stamp has made it worth million and a half times its face value.

Do you think it impossible? Well, it is true. And this is how it happened.

The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the former British colony(前英殖民地) of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847, an order(订货单) for stamps was sent to London. Mauritius was about to become the fourth country in the world to put out stamps.

Before the order was filled and the stamps arrived from England, a big dance was planned by the Commander-in-chief of all the armed forces on the island. The dance would be held in his house and letters of invitation would be sent to all the important people in Mauritius. Stamps were badly needed to post the letters. Therefore, an islander, who was a good printer, was told to copy the pattern of the stamps. He carelessly put the words”Post Office”instead of”Post Paid”, two words seen on stamps at that time, on the several hundred that he printed.

Today, there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left—fourteen One-penny Reds and twelve Two-penny Blues. Because there are so few Two-penny Blues and because of their age, collectors have paid as much as $16,800 for one of them.

5. The mistake on a two-penny stamp has made ____.

A. a lot of trouble for the post office

B. Mauritius the fourth country to put out stamps

C. it worth half a million times its face value

D. it worth as much as sixteen thousand and eight hundred dollars

6. In 1847 most countries of the world were ____.

A. not yet using stampsB. printing stamps in Mauritius

C. printing their own stampsD. collecting valuable stamps

7. The mistake on the island-printed stamps was in the ____.

A. priceB. colour

C. spelling of wordsD. wrong use of words

8.”Post Paid”means ____.

A. the same as”Post Office”

B. the Post Office is the place to buy stamps

C. money has been paid for the stamp

D. the letter must be posted


Clive was climbing an old tree on Butter Hill. His father and Mr. Drew were deeply absorbed in a conversation not far away, which Clive could overhear.

“…North Dakota, capital Bismarch,”said Clive’s father.”Yes, and of South Dakota, it’s Pierre. Delaware next, capital Dover, with a population of only 5,000…”

Clive listened, checking with names. When they got stuck on Indiana, he came down the tree and went across to them.

“Let me see now,”Mr. Drew was saying,”Indiana, Indiana…the capital must be Fort Wayne.”

“No,”said the other.”That’s the easiest of all to remember.”

Both the men laughed.”He is right, you know,”Mr. Drew said. Clive’s father agreed,”Yes, yes. Indiana, Indianapolis. Now Kansas…”

Clive, who was thirteen, then, was not very clever at school. But at that moment, he felt rather proud of himself.

Looking back now, after many years, Clive remembers some of the ways he learned geography. One thing he remembers clearly is the”test”that took place every other week. The teacher used to pin up a big map on the board—China perhaps, or the United States, Australia or Europe…. The map would have everything on it, except the names. The teacher, pointing with a long, wooden stick, began.

“Ready? Fifty questions. Number 1— write the name of this river. Number 2— the name of this State. 3— its capital, here. 4— the name of this bay…”

Clive has quite forgotten whether he enjoyed learning geography or not. He didn’t consider the rights or wrongs. Though he has never studied geography since he left school, he has never forgotten it. He is glad about the way he learned. The work might have been dull, unexciting; but if so, the dullness has given him a lifetime of interest, understanding and pleasure.

9. The passage shows that the two men ____.

A. gave Clive a regular text in geography

B. were themselves interested in geography

C. disliked some ways of teaching

D. discouraged Clive’s feeling of pride

10. Indianapolis is the easiest of all to remember because ____.

A. it is the capital of the state

B. it is larger than the other cities in the state

C. Clive has learnt it so well

D. it repeats the name of the state

11. The maps were suitable for the purpose because ____.

A. they didn’t give any names

B. they showed everything the students has learnt

C. they made the test interesting

D. they made it easy to remember things

12. Which of the following is TRUE? ____.

A. Clive’s geography was poor

B. Clive’s geography teacher didn’t teach well

C. Clive’s teacher taught geography well

D. Clive was proud of his cleverness

13. Now that he is grown up, Clive thinks that ____.

A. learning about places is not all that important

B. his geography lessons must have been enjoyable

C. he is lucky to have been taught in that way

D. unless the work is interesting he won’t remember it


I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good mother.

I no longer consider myself the center of the university. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.

So here is what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house.

Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember love is not leisure, it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.

It is so easy to waste lives, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live.

I learned to live many years ago. Something really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all: I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned.

By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.

14. The best title of the passage probably is ____.

A. Love Your FriendsB. Love a Real Life

C. Don’t Waste TimeD. Be a Good Mother and Wife

15. How did the author form her view of life? ____.

A. By working and social experience

B. By learning from her friends

C. Through an unfortunate experience

D. From her children and her husband

16. The underlined sentence”It is so easy to exist instead of to live”in the fifth paragraph probably has the same meaning as ____.

A. it is so easy to keep alive but not to live a real life

B. it is very hard to live a real life

C. it is so easy to make a living

D. it is more difficult to exist than to live a happy life

17. What’s the author’s attitude toward work? ____.

A. Do it well to serve others

B. To earn enough money to make life better

C. Try your best to get higher position and pay

D. Don’t let it affect your real life

18. It can be inferred from the passage that ____.

A. the author is a success in personal life

B. the author didn’t try her best to work well

C. the author spent all her time caring for her children

D. the author likes traveling very much



Digging for History

Life during the Zhou Dynasty (1066~221B.C.) is about to become more exposed to us. An excavation(挖掘) team started work at the site of the Duke Zhou Temple in Qishan County, Shanxi Province last week.

The large tomb is quite likely to belong to the family of Duke Zhou, a noble at that time. It might be the most important archaeological discovery since 1949. The archaeologist said that the excavation might change people’s understanding of the history of the Zhou Dynasty.


































































就在这时,瑶瑶已经爬到终点,我沮丧地不想再爬了,再加上害怕,我像泄了气的皮球瘫坐在石阶上。她见此情景,便向挥手大声喊道:“佳怡,没关系的,放松心情,不用紧张,坚持到底,你也是赢家,加油!”我望了望周围的亲戚朋友,他们都鼓励着我,瑶瑶也向我投来鼓励的目光,好像在说:“不用怕,照我刚才说的去做,我相信你一定能成功!”我慢吞吞地走到台阶旁,只跨了两边又吓得缩了回去。可一抬头,我发现瑶瑶的眼神里仍然对我充满了信心,可我的脚像灌了铅似的就是不听使唤。她走下来,来到我的身边,一边扶我一边对我说:“凡事不能半途而废,不能遇到一点小小的挫折就退缩,要像海伦。 凯勒一样充满自信,迎难而上。”我听了连连点头。

