




1、度过一个愉快的假期have a good vacation2、新学期a new term3、种一些水果树 plant more fruit trees4、种花plant flowers5、好主意goodideas6、向…报告make a report to7、独自呆在家stay at home alone8、敲门 knock at the door9、进来come in10、再见到你see you again11、使我们的校园更漂亮make our campus more beautiful12、作报告make a report13、一只小山羊a little goat14、拜访你的妈妈 visit your mother15、在我上学的路上 on my way to school16、重阳节 the Double Ninth Day17、制作一些卡片 make some cards18、准备一张硬纸板 prepare a piece of cardboard19、试一试 have a try20、采蘑菇pick a mushroom21、钓鱼 go fishing22、和某人吃晚饭have dinner with sb23、一个老年人的节日 a festive for the old people24、为什么不呢why not25、写上我们的祝愿write our wishes on26、制作飞机模型make a model plane27、看说明read the instructions28、贴在一起stick … together29、开会have meeting30、担心、害怕 be afraid of31、把…系在…上 tie …to32、一张彩纸 a piece of colored paper33、按步骤follow the steps34、也许是,也许不是maybe yes, maybe no35、匆忙的做 hurry to do36、电子邮件地址e-mail address37、跳进… jump into38、一张电子贺卡an e-card39、登陆log in40、写…快…write…quickly41、笔友pen pal42、洗脸wash one’s face43、做顿饭cook a meal44、关灯turn off the light45、做作业do one’s homework46、打扫房间clean the room47、整理床铺 make the bed48、长时间之后after a long time49、选择一本书 choose a book50、电子词典electronic dictionary51、上周 last week52、砍倒 cutdown53、竹林 bamboo forests54、主食main food55、桉树 eucalyptus trees56、太糟了 too bad57、向某人说对不起say sorry to sb58、原谅某人forgive sb59、被…破坏 be destroyed by60、濒临灭绝的动物 endangered animals61、快给110打电话 call 110 quickly62、处于危险之中 in danger63、捂住口鼻 cover one’s nose and mouth64、湿毛巾 a wet towel65、扑灭火焰 put out the fire66、等待救援 wait for help67、跳出窗外jump out of the window68、躺下lie down69、选择恰当的方式 choose a proper way70、保持冷静 stay calm71、用…覆盖cover… with


Text A 13.keep our readers in mind 14.fit their tastes and interests: satisfy their tastes and interests 15.in particular 16.The idea of becoming sth had come to me off and on since…, but it was until …that the possibility took hold.17.sb be bored by sth 18.be associated with sth 19.English courses 20.sb hate sth to turn out/produce sth: 21.sth be agony for sb to do 22.sth be assigned to sb 23.anticipate sth: expect sth

cf: anticipation: expectation 24.tedious: dull, boring, monotonous 25.sb have a reputation among sb for sth 26.the inability to inspire 27.He was said to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date.= It was said that he was very formal, strict and very old-fashioned.28.excessively prim: too formal 29.wear primly severe eyeglasses: wear completely plain glasses 30.wavy: curly 31.He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts.32.have a primly pointed jaw 33.have a straight nose 34.have a prim manner of speaking 35.a comic antique: a funny curiosity 36.prepare for an unfruitful year with sb 37.tackle: handle: deal with;cope with;do with 38.distribute: hand out 39.offer sb a choice of topics 40.simple-minded

cf.absent-minded 41.on my vacation


vocational school 42.…did nothing until the night before the essay was due.43.lie on the sofa 44.face up to the unwelcome task 45.sth on which my eye stopped was…

46.sth produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images.47.vivid memories came flooding back of sth.48.be seated around the supper table 49.serve spaghetti for supper 50.a little known foreign dish in those days 51.None of sb have enough experience to be good at sth 52.All the good humor of sth reawoke in my mind.53.awake vi

Old memories awoke in him when he saw the picture.54.vt.The music awoke my imagination.55.recall the laughing arguments: remember the funny disagreements 56.have an argument about the socially respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth 57.put sth down 58.recapture and hold the moment 59.relive the pleasure of that evening 60.to write it as I wanted 61.violate the rules: act against the rules 62.formal ←→ informal 63.give it a failing grade 64.the night was half gone 65.There was no time left to do sth.66.compose an essay 67.There was no choice but to do sth 68.turn in = hand in 69.Two days passed before…

70.prepare myself for a command to report to sb immediately after school for discipline 71.lift sth from his desk 72.knock for the class’s attention 73.read you an essay 74.read my words out loud to the entire class 75.read aloud;read sth loudly 76.what’s more;more importantly;in addition;furthermore 77.listen attentively 78.laugh in contempt and ridicule 79.laugh with open-hearted enjoyment 80.hold back a small prim smile 81.pure delight at sth 82.this demonstration 83.have the power to make people laugh 84.at the eleventh hour 85.as it were: so to speak 86.discover a calling: discover a career 87.It was the happiest moment of my entire school career.88.put the final seal on my happiness: make my happiness complete 89.it’s of the very essence of sth 90.congratulations on sth to sb Vocabulary & Translation exe 91.be always in trouble with the police 92.be hurt in the car accident 93.lie screaming in agony 94.put his name down on the hospital waiting list 95.lead to the King’s fall from power 96.cry bitterly over the death of his pet dog 97.could hardly hold back my tears 98.distribute sth among the flood victims 99.support oneself by working off and on as a waitress 100.after much thought 101.sb come under attack from all sides

102.tackle the country’s severe social problems 103.be well beyond what was usual 104.A clear picture was formed in her mind of how she would look in twenty years’ time.105.have a clear image of sth 106.on an order from: on hearing an order from sb 107.open fire 108.give the command 109.remain in demand

cf.on demand 110.not … the faintest: not at all 111.A be based on B 112.without doubt: no doubt 113.A offer B A’s congratulations 114.write the song

compose the music 115.wear a severe black dress and plain black shoes 116.have got a severe pain in his chest 117.cry off and on in agony 118.his future wife: his would-be wife 119.race in her direction 120.be knocked down 121.the head of a family 122.take his wish as a command 123.break some traffic rule or other: violate some rule 124.some day or other 改天

(some n.(sg)or other 某…)125.violate the law 126.wear a seat belt 127.consider everything carefully and expect the worst 128.be good at;be bored with/by;be afraid of;be interested in;black tea 129.have a good command of collocation 130.be angry at doing sth 131.do my share of the housework 132.be hungry for success 133.spare no efforts to achieve success 134.be tired of 135.all the time;all the same;136.be patient with 137.forgetful

cf.unforgettable 138.be famous as 139.be clear about 140.A be opposite to B 141.be rich in energy but poor in vitamins and minerals 142.be completely different from 143.get paid 144.be dependent on/upon sth 145.have to struggle to hold back a smile 146.sth catch my eye

cf.eye-catching 147.remain vivid to me 148.have all the good-humored arguments about sth 149.take up writing 150.make a career of it 151.be fortunate enough to receive invitations to sth 152.a film-studio 153.take part in a crowd-scene 154.be given the opportunity to do 155.Bright lights were turned on.156.put on a heavy overcoat 157.pull a hat down over his eyes 158.walk along a winding path 159.(wind)whistle through the trees 160.tremble with cold 161.take a picture on an island 162.at the water’s edge 在水边


本单元的话题是“Women of Achievement” (取得成就的优秀女性) , 通过介绍几位不同国度、不同时代、不同职业、不同理想与追求、不同经历的杰出女性, 探讨女性对社会、对人类的价值和贡献, 展示女性的风采和她们在社会各个领域的成就。单元结构包括: Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending, L e a r n i n g a b o u t L a n g u a g e , U s i n g L a n g u a g e , Summing up, Learning Tip, Reading for Fun.

词汇的教学不应该只是意思的展示或用法的讲解, 更重要的是学会正确的使用。只有通过运用, 学生才能掌握所学到的词汇。本节课的整体思路, 就是通过各种有趣的活动, 不断地认识新词汇, 运用新词汇。笔者特别设计了几个小环节, 包括用生动形象的图片展示单词, 系统地、反复地学习单词, 最后的小作文写作设计等等。所有的设计都紧紧围绕着所学的词汇, 真正做到词不离句, 句不离段, 段不离篇。


教学内容分析:本人抽取的是本单元的黑体词汇, 词汇是构成语言的三大要素之一, 是语言的基本材料, 离开了词汇, 学生就无法正确地表达思想。黑体词汇是课程标准要求掌握的, 是教学重点。黑体词汇贯穿于整个单元的教学过程, 不理解和掌握这部分词汇, 就无法准确地理解本单元的两篇阅读话题, 所以黑体词汇的教学是一项艰巨的任务。使学生掌握科学的学习和记忆方法, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 使学生能精确地理解、灵活地运用词汇, 是提高本单元教学效率的必要前提。

学生情况分析:笔者所任教的班级在普通高中, 虽然是年级的重点班, 但是班里学生对基础知识的掌握普遍不扎实。主要表现为:学生词汇量不丰富, 不能准确地记住单词并灵活运用, 许多学生对学英语的热情很高, 但是不愿意下功夫花时间去记单词。本节课是词汇课, 大部分学生能够正确拼读单词, 但在词汇的运用和表达方面还需要有更大的提高。预期在学完本节课后, 学生不仅能正确的读准单词, 记住单词, 还能将单词正确地应用到具体的场景里。


具体的教学目标是:大部分学生能记住所有单词, 会在具体情景下运用这些单词和短语, 能力强一点的学生能运用这些词汇写小短文。教学指导:将知识直观呈现, 从易入手, 使学生容易理解, 容易掌握;通过看图片说词汇、头脑风暴等游戏方式激起学生学习的兴趣; 通过小组合作、竞赛的方式培养学生的自主学习能力、互助合作能力;通过设计梯度练习, 培养学生根据上下文猜词和理解词语的能力。这里可以用学过的单词替换文章中出现的新单词, 也可以为了引出新单词的讲解, 用本单元所学新单词去替换旧单词。同时注意该词在句中的用法, 让学生反复用所学词汇造句、模仿, 记住单词;让学生小组合作, 编句子写短文。这样一来, 学生既掌握了单词又学会了应用, 词汇的运用能力比过去有所提高, 一举两得。


教学重点:能够认读, 拼读, 逐渐掌握本单元的黑体词汇, 并能在特定的句型下, 准确地选择这些黑体词汇。

look down upon, come across, refer to, deliver, behave, observe, intend, argue…

教学难点:学生能准确而灵活地运用这些黑体词汇, 并用这些词汇写一篇小短文。


Step1: Leading-in. (2mins)

T: Show a famous beautiful woman’s picture andask who she is?

Ss: Answer the question; “She is a famousactress: Audrey Hepburn.”

T: Introduce Audrey Hepburn’ famous works, andlead in the class: “We are going to know other greatwomen in different fields in this unit. At first, let uslearn about new words.”

设计意图:通过奥黛丽赫本的图片导入课文, 激起学生学习本单元的兴趣。

Step 2: First impression on the new words. (10mins)

首先让学生给所学的词汇分类, 然后再进行以下活动 :

Classify the words into groups.

n: human being

n&v: campaign, shade, respect, crowd, support

v: behave, observe, argue, intend, deliver

phrases: move off, lead a ..life, refer to, lookdown upon/on, by chance, come across

Activity 1: Guess the meaning of each picture.

T : S h o w s t u d e n t s s o m e p i c t u r e s a n d a s kstudents what it is or what they are doing to lead tothe new words.

设计意图:通过图片引起学生兴趣, 直观形象地引出新单词:human being, crowd, shade, campaign, respect, argue, observe, 给学生留下深刻的印象。

Activity 2: Brainstorming. (系统记忆法)

Dialogue 1:

T: Can you express “respect” using another wordor phrase?

Ss: Look up to.

T: Good, and what is its opposite meaning?

S: Look down upon/on.

T: Well done, can you think of other phrases withthe verb “look”?

Ss: Look at, look for, look into, look through, lookout…

Dialogue 2:

T: I came across Zhang Xue in the street yesterday.That means that I met her unplanned. Do you knowthe meaning of “come across” in this sentence?

Ss: It means“偶然遇见”.

T: Great! You are very clever! Can you think ofmore phrases about “come”?

Ss: come out, come in, come up with, come into, come by…

设计意图:通过已知词汇“respect”, 引出其近义词“look up to”, 又引出新单词“look down upon”。这个动词, 让学生回忆起以前学过的所有关于这个动词的搭配, 既学了新短语, 又巩固了已经学过的短语, 扩充了词汇量。

Activity 3: Give the word correct meaningaccording to the sentences. (情境记忆法)


1. A. 投递, 运送B. 发表 ( 演讲等 ) C. 宣布, 助产, 接生

(1) The mailman delivers the mail twice a day inthis area. ( )

(2) She delivered a healthy baby. ( )

(3) She will deliver a speech about how to studyEnglish tomorrow. ( )

2. A. 参考, 参阅B. 把……称作C. 指…而言

(1) Complete the exercise without referring toyour notes. ( )

(2) When I said someone is stupid I wasn'treferring to you. ( )

(3) Don't refer to your sister as a silly cow. ( )

设计意图:让学生学会在具体的情境下灵活运用词汇, 注意一词多义。

Activity 4: Filling in the blanks. (6mins) (重复记忆法)

(1) 过着幸福的生活lead a ________ life

(2) 过着简朴的生活lead a ________ life

(3) 过着艰苦的生活lead a ________ life

(4) 过着凄惨的生活lead a ________ life

(5) 过着舒适的生活lead a ________ life

设计意图:不同的句子, 相同的短语。通过更改短语前的修辞, 不断地重复, 让学生掌握“lead a…life”这一短语的用法。

Activity 5: Replace the words or phrasesusing new words. (以旧带新法)

(1) The guard waved the f lag and the train got away.

(move off)

(2) It happened quite by accident.

(by chance)

(3) She is in favor of the president’s opinion.


设计意图:以旧带新, 通过近义词帮助学生学会新单词。既复习旧单词, 又掌握新单词及短语。

Step3: Listen to the tape. (5mins)

T: Play the tape and make students pay attentionto the pronunciation of these words.

Ss: Listen to the tape and follow it to read in awhisper.

Ss: Read for each other and correct the mistakesin pronunciation.

设计意图:学生对单词已经有了初步印象, 再放单词录音, 学生更印象深刻。让学生跟着录音读, 同伴互读, 从根本上纠正发音。掌握标准的发音是学习词汇的关键。

Step 4: Some usages of the key words:behave, observe, argue, intend. (8mins)

Group work: Make students look up the usage ofthe following words by referring to their dictionaries.Then ask a speaker of each group to explain a wordto other students. (Each group chose one word toexplain) , students have right to ask questions.

设计意图:学生自己讲解单词能够发挥学生的学习主动性和小组合作精神, 激发其学习兴趣, 让学生真正成为课堂的主人, 注意力更加集中。有不到位的地方, 老师再加以完善和补充。

Step 5: Have a competition. (5mins)

Activity 1: Filling in the blanks.

(1) They were observed _____ (enter) the bank, so someone dialed 110.

(2) We are always arguing _____ each other_____ money.

(3) The book is intende ____ advanced learners.

(4) No matter what you have achieved, you haveno reasons to look down ____ others in your fi led.

(6) The lecturer move ____ before the audiencecould raise any questions to him.

Activity 2: Translate the phrases in English.

(1) 我知道在学校如何 ( 守规矩 ) 。

I knows how to ______________ in school.

(2) 你可以 ( 在字典里查 ) 这个单词的意思。

You can ______________________ to find themeaning of this word.

(3) We show ______________________ ( 非常尊敬 ) our English teacher.

(4) You’re to ___________________ ( 把这些花送到 ) before 10.

(5) 我昨天偶然碰到了一个老朋友。

I _________________________ yesterday.

(6) 我出生的时候, 我的祖父过着穷困潦倒的生活。

When I was born, my grandpa ______________.

(7) In the old days, his father was not able to earn enough money to ______ ( 支撑 ) his family.

设计意图:竞赛的练习题由易到难, 逐步加深。采用小组竞赛的方式, 不仅能够调动学生的积极性, 活跃课堂气氛, 还能帮助学生重复记忆所学词汇, 印象更深刻。

Step6: Try to make a short story using thewords we learnt today. (at least 8 words shouldbe included) (10mins)

T: First make students in groups to write one ortwo even more sentences including the words welearnt in the class. Then try to connect the sentencesusing conjunctions.

设计意图:通过不断的翻译、写句子、写短文, 逐步帮助学生加深对所学单词的印象, 逐步培养学生遣词造句的能力, 培养学生在特定情境下运用词汇的能力, 展示学生作品, 培养学生的小组荣誉感和胜利的自豪感。




1. 小组词汇竞赛

2. 小组合作写出的小作文




1.look into the eyes of n=look sb in the eye

2.an adoring pet

3.The remark reveals a hope that...4.share enough in common in the way(they think and feel to understand one another)

5.explore the evidence: study the proofs

6.report on animals’ natural behavior

7.experience love for one another as humans do

Text A

8.write extensively/widely about sth and the controversy that surrounds it

9.a fierce/bitter/heated controversy over/about sthcf.controversial

10.intelligencecf.IQ: intelligence quotientintellectintellectual


12.to wonder at/about sthcf.wonder wh-从句


14.cf.expose暴露exploit 剥削explode爆炸

15.be designed to do/for sthcf.resign辞职assign布置,分派(assignment)

16.do their best thinking

17.better ways to explore sth than experiments

18.sth serve one’s own purposes



7.go ahead with his date 继续与他的约会对象约会

8.find ourselves caught up in the drama 发现我们自己沉浸在这戏剧中 9.wonder what we would do in his place 10....when faced with the changes(time brings)Text A 11.find yourself imagining what the person looks like 12.put a face to the hidden voice赋予这个隐秘的声音一张面孔 13.get sth wrong/right 14.a valentine story=a love story 15.a valentine: a lover, one’s boyfriend or girlfriend 16.find yourself imagining what the person looks like 17.find sb doing/adj./介短

18.straighten one’s hair/tie /clothes

19.make one’s way ①go with great difficulty ② go 20.know one’s heart

21.take a book off the shelf 22.absorb: ① take in ② be absorbed in=be lost in 23.to pencil notes in the margin 24.reflect: show

cf.reflect on: 仔细考虑

25.a thoughtful soul and insightful mind 多思善虑的心灵和富有洞察力的头脑 26.thoughtful: ①thinking deeply ② considerate 27.have insight into sth 28.flashback←→flash-forward(闪前)29.locate: ① find ② establish in a certain place 30.telephone directory电话号簿

31.correspond: exchange letters regularly

in correspondence with: adv.①与...一致;②有通信联系 32.be shipped overseas: be shipped to another country 33.Each(letter)was a seed falling on a fertile heart.(metaphor)34.She was like springtime.Her eyes were as blue as flowers.(simile)35.request a photograph 36.your feeling for me 37.have some reality 38.have some honest basis 39.matter: be important 40.be haunted by: be worried about

cf.a haunted house 41.take a chance=take a risk(on doing sth)42.sth disgust sb

sb be disgusted by/at sth=sb get sick of sth

disgust at/with sth 43.sb schedule sth = sb plan sth

be scheduled to do sth

be scheduled for sth

on schedule: on time

ahead of schedule←→behind schedule 44.wear a rose on my lapel 45.sb fill a special place in one’s life

sustain sb unfailingly: support sb constantly cf.sustainable development 47.slim: ① slender ② small The chances of doing sth are slim/large.48.One’s hair lies back in curls from one’s(delicate)ears.49.A small, provocative smile curved her lips.50.murmur: say/ask in a low voice

cf.murmur about sth: complain about sth in a low voice 51.uncontrollably: 情不自禁地 52.She is well past 40.53.She had her graying hair pinned up under a worn hat.54.She was more than a little(=very)overweight.55.Her thick-ankled feet were thrust into low-heeled shoes.Cf.high heels 56.be keen on/about sth: be interested in cf.be keen to do sth 57.my longing for sth

cf.sb long for sth

long to do sth 58.A companion B: A befriend B 59.uphold my spirit: warm my heart 60.Her pale face was sensible.61.Her eyes had a kindly glow.62.grip sth: take a very tight hold of sth 63.A book was to identify me to her.A rose was to identify her to me.64.I am grateful for the friendship.be grateful to sb for sth 65.square my shoulders 66.salute: give a salute to sb 67.hold out sth to sb 举起sth让sb看

68.I felt choked by the bitterness of my disappointment.失望的痛苦几乎使我哽咽。70.The woman’s face broadened into a smile.妇女的脸上绽开了笑容。71.go by: 1.=pass

If you say that time goes by, you mean that it passes.(时间)流逝 My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by.随着岁月的流逝,我的祖母变得越来越伤感和虚弱。As time goes by, …(随着时光飞逝)2.=pass by vi.Vt.走过(某处)

A squad car went by(us)at full speed.一辆巡逻车以全速驶过(我们的)身旁 72.beg sb to do 73.ask sb out to dinner 74.The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive: The way one reacts to unattractive people reveals one’s character.75.in response to =in answer to 76.Tell me whom you love, and I’ll tell you who you are: If you tell me whom you love, I will tell you what kind of person you are.Cf.A man is known by the company he keeps.(观友见其人)近朱者赤,近墨者黑。Vocabulary & Translation exe 77.P.S.: postscript 附言, 后记 78.provided/providing: if

Provided 倘若,在…条件下(比if要文雅,但不可用在虚拟语气的假设句,常与that连用)Provided(that)there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class.倘若没有反对的话,我将担任本班的代表。

Providing 倘若(常与that连用,但不可用在虚拟语气的假设句)I shall go providing(that)it doesn’t rain.79.former←→latter 80.a fertile plain 81.rough hands 82.a life of hard physical labor 83.sb be of slim build, with blue eyes 84.split the boards down the middle 85.(only the hope)(that…)sustain(the trapped miners)86.The glow of the setting sun reddened the stream.87.common knowledge=common sense 88.have a keen sense of smell 89.previous experience 90.sth be required for the job 91.A or B, whichever suits you best 92.the sickly smell of carpets 93.sth come to an end 94.a radio transmitter 95.A be(best)located at sw 96.sth completely hold one’s attention= sb be absorbed in sth 97.keep a firm hold of sth=grip sth 98.kidnapper v.kidnap 99.thrust sb into the car and drive off 100.thanks to: owing to=due to 101.broaden educational opportunities for sb 102.make one’s way in the world 103.dine at the restaurant 104.reserve a table=book a table 105.take a chance on its not being full 106.participate in the grand opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics 107.sth leave(spectators from China and overseas)mesmerized 108.sth reflect China’s rich history and cultural heritage/relics 109.(a fire)break out 110.lead the frightened children to safety 111.a washing machine

cf.a sewing machine 112.insist on doing sth=persist in doing sth 113.after such a devastating earthquake 114.be widely regarded as Australia’s greatest living poet 115.look lovingly at the sleeping child 116.sb be fast/half asleep 117.barely : hardly 118.respond to sb/sth 119.hide her disappointment at sth 120.attend the concert/meeting/wedding/funeral/conference/press conference 121.sb come first/second/third 122.attract high-tech companies to sw 123.sth hold(no)attraction for sb 124.wear severe/plain clothing 125.surprisingly enough 126.be attractively dressed 127.drop in v.顺便走访, 不预先通知的拜访 128.look older/younger than sb is 129.be named after 130.(car)roll south 向南驶去

131.The fields are green with newly planted rice.132.storm into sw 133.His face was black with anger.134.once more: once again 135.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth 136.the natural choice 137.in the first place: at the beginning 138.sb be right on time, just as we had scheduled.139.sb fit well with everything 140.in the flesh: adv.以肉体形式, 亲自 adv./adj.活生生的;实物/本人的He was in the flesh.他本人就在这儿。141.put sb to a test: test sb 142.change my mind 143.end up doing sth 144.after all(句末)“结果,终究”;(句首)毕竟, 究竟; 145.sth set sb apart 146.happen to learn: 碰巧得知 147.unpack one’s bag/luggage

148.I will be back before you have left.我会在你走之前回来。(表示未来完成的动作)

149.decide on sth cf.decide to do 150.approach to sth/sb

cf.approach sw/sb 151.ring up: make a phone call 152.ring one’s doorbell

153.see things [口]产生幻觉, 见神见鬼,眼花了 154.a hot bath and a change of clothes 155.bring any revelations 156.tear sth up 157.deliberately : on purpose 158.be accustomed to sth: be used to sth 159.dilemmas like this 160.reason out sth 理清头绪

161.in a decent length of time: within limited time 162.moodily: in a bad mood 163.a cheerful-looking restaurant 164.(not)hesitate to do sth 165.previous to: before 166.go off to university 167.give me a few words of wisdom 168.sth impress sb deeply 169.A be very grateful to B for sth 170.put forward sensible suggestion 171.sensible: reasonable: rational 172.grant sb a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure 173.It is very thoughtful of sb to do sth 174.give sp a thorough cleaning 175.from then on: since then Text B 176.come across a wallet in the street 177.make out: find out 178.return address 寄信人地址 179.clue to sth: hint to sth 180.other than: adv.不同于, 除了except 181.call in(adv.)v.召集, 召来, 来访 cf.call on sb/call at sw 182.in a nursing home n.疗养院 183.invite sb over(to sw)184.door guard: security man 185.exchange greetings 186.take sb up to sw 带sb去sw 187.silver-haired 188.look away for a moment in deep thought 189.sb be called away 190.sb be left alone 191.give him my regards 192.hesitate for a moment 193.take a deep breath 194.smile through her tears 含泪笑道 195.A match up to B 196.give me a lead: 提供给我一些线索 197.let this go for a while: 把这事儿搁一搁 198.press sb: 追问sb 199.for sure 200.smile with relief: 如释重负似地笑

201.The blood left his face as he suddenly grew pale.他脸色唰得一下子变得灰白 202.say softly 203.grab my hand 204.smile to himself: 暗自笑了起来

205.take the elevator down to the third floor 206.adjust her glasses 207.say a word 208.take her around the waist搂她的腰 209.hold him tight: 紧紧地拥抱他 210.hold hands 手握着手

211.catch up on 弥补, 得到„的消息 212.tie the knot: 永结同心get married 213.stand erect 站得笔直 214.keep secret 215.hope for the best 216.get a reward of $ 217.touch upon: 简单涉及






3.能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.






2、教学目标的确定和其作用: 同学应争取掌握:meat、chicken、fish. eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen单词。能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.

3、教学重点与难点:八个单词和句子This food is good.









2、组织教学:“ONE,TWO,TIE MY SHOE”歌曲的开头,活跃课堂气氛,调动起同学的兴趣。



本套教材为《普通高中课程标准试验教科书》, 旨在发展学生的自主学习能力和合作精神;在加强对学生综合语言运用能力培养的同时, 注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力, 以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。因此课程设计意在体现课程标准规定的课程性质和理念。

二、教学背景分析 教学内容分析:

本单元为Book 4第一单元Women of Achievement。第一课时:Warming-up为学生列出了六位杰出的女性, 让学生评论, 提出自己的观点。第二课时:A Student of African Wildlife是一节阅读课。介绍了杰出的女科学家Jane Goodall的伟大成就。使学生对本单元话题“Women of Achievement”有了进一步的了解, 同时给学生提供了大量相关话题的词汇和句型, 为这一节听说课提供了语言支持和补充。本节听说课正是对“Why are women not given the same chances in their careers as men?”相关话题的讨论和分析, 要求学生能用学到的语言及信息描述一位杰出女性。Listening部分先让学生通过听力材料了解女性在社会中遇到的不平等问题, 积累一定的词汇及表达方式。Speaking部分是输出, 让学生利用在听力中获得的信息来描述自己敬佩的一位杰出女性。本节课的内容对下一步的写作起到开阔思路, 储备语言的重要作用。


本节课的教授对象是处于高一下半学期的学生。通过前几节课的学习, 学生对杰出女性有了一定了解, 掌握了一些与话题相关的词汇, 为本节听说课奠定了语言基础。处在这一学习阶段的学生已经基本掌握了在听力训练过程中采集的信息, 提取的关键词以及归纳主旨的技能, 因此学生在这一部分不会有太大语言障碍。讨论环节对学生要求较高, 学生对于语言的组织, 口语的表达还处在积累阶段, 因此在这一部分可能会在如何用自己的话语描述一位杰出女性环节遇到困难。


1. 学生能够用所学词汇说出女性在社会中面临的问题。

2. 学生能够抓住所听语段中的关键词。

3. 学生能够理解所听篇章中话语之间的逻辑关系, 提取信息和观点, 进行正误判断。

4. 学生能够根据所听到内容写下关键信息, 补充缺失信息。

5. 学生能够运用话题词汇及听力材料中的信息与语言, 通过小组讨论的方式沟通信息, 并就熟悉的话题表达看法, 做一段口头对话。



本节课的教学重点在于对学生听说能力的培养。听力部分的重点在于学生能够抓住所听材料中的关键词, 关键信息, 并能理解语篇的大意, 补全信息。而speaking部分的教学重点在于使学生能够通过对导入部分相关话题的学习, 以及听力部分所输入词汇的把握, 组织自己的语言, 用所学知识来描述自己敬佩的女性。


Speaking部分要求学生用自己的语言描述一位自己敬仰的杰出女性, 这是本节课的难点所在。因此, 教师提供的语言支持非常重要。为解决学生将会遇到的困难, 本节课在导入部分通过小组活动引导学生讨论妇女在社会生活工作中面临的诸多不平等待遇。在听力材料中, 学生会听到关于“Why are women not given the samechances in their careers as men? ”的三个原因, 教师要及时帮助学生提炼听力中的相关话题及语言。在口语表达部分, 本节课设计话题导入:“杰出女性是如何对待事业上的不平等对待的?”“What do you think is neededin order to be a great woman?”为学生导入下一步对话中会用到的关键词语:Hard-working, perseverant, intelligent, determined, insistent, responsible, unselfi sh, willing to sacrifi ce, modest…在学生自己做对话前教师可引导学生从achievements, appearance, What is she like? others’comments这四个方面来谈论所要描述的杰出女性, 引导他们谈论身边熟悉的人, 自己的老师, 母亲等等。同时给出对话中可以用到的问题 :

● What does she look like?

● Why do you admire her?

● What did she do to impress you most?

● How would you describe her?

● Why did she choose to…?

● What are her strengths / weaknesses?

● Can you give an example to show…?


步骤1:话题导入 (10分钟)



1. What problems will girls have in the society?

2. Why are women not given the same chancesin their careers as men?

教师将学生分为若干6人小组讨论问题的答案, 并派代表来回答问题。

设计意图:引出话题及听力中可能听到的词汇和问题, 为本节的听说活动作语言铺垫。通过让学生思考并回答这些问题, 激活他们对之前所学相关话题的体会。

步骤2:泛听, 听独白找关键词, 判断正误 (5分钟)

学生听独白, 记下关键词。 (Teacher: You are goingto hear a personal opinion on why women are not giventhe same chances in their careers as men. NowListen to the tape and write down the key words youhear.) 学生听完后说出所听关键词。

□ What are the key words you hear? Tick it.

□ equal

□ little money

□ help family

□ devoted

□ marry

□ run company

□ fewer chances

□ look after children

听完后, 教师找学生回答划出的关键词。教师展示判断正误题, 以小组为单位进行抢答。要求学生指出错误表述并加以更正。学生存在理解困难无法一次获取信息时, 教师可重复播放录音帮助学生找出正确答案。

1. Girls often leave school earlier for familyreasons. T

2. When there is very little money, the schooloften prevents girls from training. F

3. When women have children, they have to stopwork. T

4. Men have more chances to get to the top oftheir career than women. T

5. Men can do whatever they like. F

设计意图:训练学生作听力笔记, 抓住关键词, 掌握正确信息。

步骤3:精听, 听独白写出3个原因并填空补全信息 (7分钟)

学生听前读句子, 预先填写出所知道的空缺词。教

师放录音, 学生写出3个原因, 并填写句子里的空缺词, 分小组核对所填答案。教师从不同组找学生读出答案, 并纠正。

1. Take notes on the three problems given in thelistening.

① They have more diffi culties getting an education.

② They have more diffi culties getting to the top oftheir chosen career.

③ They have to give up their careers for the childcareand running the house.

2. Listen to the tape and fi ll in the blank.

① This way of thinking prevents some girls from training for a career .

② Unless women are given the opportunity, they will never be able to show that they can run companies successfully.

③ These are women’s responsibilities while men do not have this problem. They can work long hours and go on business trips.

让学生小组讨论是否同意听力材料中的观点, 并说出理由。

设计意图:加强学生听取细节信息的能力, 引导学生注意把握重要信息, 学习相关句型, 为下一环节的口语表达做好准备。

步骤4:组织对话 (18分钟)

教师导入话题, 虽然女性面临诸多不公平待遇, 但很多杰出的女性取得了辉煌的成就。教师展示杰出女性图片, 让学生猜她们是谁。


1. What do you think is needed in order to be agreat woman?

( H a r d - w o r k i n g , p e r s e v e r a n t , i n t e l l i g e n t , determined, insistent, responsible, unselfi sh, willing tosacrifi ce, modest…)

2. Do you know any great women beside you?Choose one you admire and describe her.

教师给出学生关键词achievements, appearance, What is she like? others’comments和相关问题, 让学生小组讨论, 根据所给问题和关键词编对话。

● What does she look like?

● Why do you admire her?

● What did she do to impress you most?

● How would you describe her?

● Why did she choose to…?

● What are her strengths / weaknesses?

● Can you give an example to show…?

教师选出几组同学到讲台前表演对话, 在黑板上写出学生说出的好词好句, 并点评。

设计意图:学生通过这个活动能够掌握并灵活运用本节课所复习的词汇, 将听力材料中听取的信息转化为自已的知识, 并能用其描述人物, 表达观点。


根据今天所学, 写一篇100词左右的英语作文, 描述你所敬佩的一位伟大女性。




1. 学生能抓住所听语篇中的关键词。

2. 学生能够理解所听语篇的大意并能从中提取信息, 补全信息。

3. 学生能够用所学词汇句型描述自己敬佩的人物。


