



塑 丝 毽 子




3、培养学生在制作活动中的质量意识、安全意识、环境意识以及团结合作意识。教学重难点: 打结

教学准备: 塑料绳、铁垫圈、剪刀、梳子(每组准备多种颜色的绳子和4个垫圈)教学过程:




2.学们会踢毽子吗?你们喜欢踢毽子吗? 不仅仅你们喜欢踢毽子,就连古时候的孩子也酷爱踢毽子。瞧!他们玩得是那么愉悦。(出示课件)





1.观察这个毽子,看看毽子分为几部分?(毽底 毽身)(出示课件)


这些材料是怎么组合的呢?塑料绳是怎样套在铁片上的呢?请大家把书打开到24页,结合书上的步骤,说说怎样制作塑丝毽子。(生汇报,师点课件)思 考:在制作的过程中认为哪个环节比较难?




7.大家的毽子有的是用1个垫圈,有的用2个垫圈„„ 到底用几个垫圈的最好踢呢?谁来试一下。(3个尝试)
















【教学时间】 两课时



同学们,听──(多媒体 课件播放“百鸟争鸣”声)你们听到了什么? 你们都喜欢鸟吗?都喜欢哪些鸟?为什么?



1.教师让学生自由朗读课文,读准生字词字音,遇到不懂的可以查字典。2.在学生读的期间,教师板书容易写错的生字词和容易读错的生字词。⑴读音:有“赤、衬、衫”(翘舌音)、“秆、衬、衫、泛、翁”(前四个为前鼻音,最后一个为后鼻音)。“苇秆”不要读成“wéi gān”,应该读“wěi gǎn”。















(1)全班齐读第一自然段。谁来说说翠鸟各部分的羽毛是什么颜色?(头上的羽毛是橄榄色和翠绿色;背上的羽毛是浅绿色;腹部的羽毛是赤褐色。板书: 头:橄榄色、翠绿色; 背:浅绿色; 腹:赤褐色)







(7)指名学生读第一自然段的第六句话,想一想这句话主要介绍了什么?(翠鸟的眼睛怎样?嘴巴又怎样?翠鸟的眼睛透亮灵活,嘴巴又尖又长。板书: 眼睛:透亮灵活; 嘴巴:又尖又长)







(4)齐读第二句“它一动不动,注视着泛着的水面,等待着小鱼游到水面上来”读后提问:为什么翠鸟能一动不动地注视?(它有一双红色的小爪子紧紧地抓抓住苇感杆。)(5)翠鸟那么专心、那么机智,它是怎样捕鱼的呢?请同学们齐读第三自然段,用“尽管还.....,还是....”句式造句。(造句。如:“尽管老鼠机灵,还是难于逃脱小猫锐利的眼睛。”)(6)想想翠鸟是怎样捕鱼的呢?出示填空练习。请同桌讨论:括号中应填什么词语?这些词语说明了什么? 翠鸟()苇杆,()飞过去,()小鱼,()水面往远处飞走了。

























第1章 商务书信写作

 Time Allotment Introduction(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 第1节 商务书信的结构和格式 Structure结构:

1、The Heading 信头

2、The Inside Address 封内地址

3、The Salutation 称呼

4、The Subject Heading or Caption 事由

5、The Opening Sentences 开头语

6、The Body of the Letter 信的正文

7、The Closing Sentences 结束语

8、The Complimentary Close 结尾礼词

9、The Signature 签名

10、The Enclosure 附件

11、Postscripts 再启 Layout格式:

1、Indended Style 缩行式

2、Block Style 齐头式/平头式

3、Modified Block Style 改良的齐头式/平头式

4、Semi-block Style with Indended Paragraphs 混合式

Section Two Superscription 第2节 角标

Section Three Dissimilarities in Letter Writing 第3节 英美书信的不同写法

Supplyment 补充 :Some Useful Sentences on Opening Sentences and 头语和结束语常用例句。

 Main Points Section One The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter 第1节 商务书信的结构和格式 Structure 结构

1.The Heading 信头

2.The Inside Address 封内地址 3.The Salutation 称呼

Closing Sentences.开1 4.The Subject Heading or Caption 事由 5.The Opening Sentences 开头语 6.The Body of the Letter 信的正文 7.The Closing Sentences 结束语 8.The Complimentary Close 结尾礼词 9.The Signature 签名 10.The Enclosure 附件 11.Postscripts 再启 Layout 格式

1.Indended Style 缩行式

2.Block Style 齐头式/平头式

3.Modified Block Style 改良的齐头式/平头式

4.emi-block Style with Indended Paragraphs 混合式 Section Three Dissimilarities in Letter Writing 第3节 英美书信的不同写法


2.称呼用法,英式一般用Dear Sirs,后用逗号。美式则用Gentlemen:后用冒号。

3.结尾语的用法,英式和美式的习惯各不相同,在美式中Sincerely yours,只限用于商业书信。英式则不然,商业书信或亲友间来往书信中都可用。


5.信封写法的不同点:收信人的姓名、地址,英式多用缩行式,美式则用平头式。另外,发信人的姓名、地址,英式写在左下角,美式写在左上角。航空信的空邮字样“AIRMAIL”“VIA AIR MAIL,”“BY AIR MAIL,”英式写在信封的左上角,美式则写在贴邮票的下方。

 Supplements 常见问题1-1 打日期要注意下列各点: 1.年份应完全写出,不能用(00)来代表(2000)。


3.月份名称可用缩写,如Aug.代替August;Oct.代替October;但May,June,July本身很短,不 再减缩了。


注意:月份和日期之间不要用标点点开,年份之前,必须用逗号点开。日期可用1,2,3,4,或 用1st,2nd,3rd,4th.但各国各地习惯不同,不可一概而论。

常见问题1-2 说明:在公司名称的前面加c/o(care of),意思是由其转交,说明本信是一封私人信要由 本人拆封,总收发不要拆。有时候外国商人来我国访问未到达以前,无一定信址,信件常由邀 请公司转交,千万不要误拆,以免误会。

常见问题1-3 如果函件要抄送其他有关单位,同时使对方也知道已抄送其他单位可在信件最后的左下角注明“CC to xxx”或“CC xxx”。CC是carbon copy二字的缩写。


1st,2nd 缩行式(Indented Style): 封内地址和其需要分行的地方的后一行,都比前一行缩进二格或三格;信的正文,每一段的开始一行都缩进若干格(一般与称呼末一字母取齐)。

平头式(Block Style):凡是用打字机打上去的每一行字,包括(完全或绝对平头式)日 期、封内地址、事由和结尾礼词,都是从左边的空白边缘打起。

改良平头式(Modified Block Style):这种格式,除日期,结尾礼词和签名部分外,其他部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘看齐。

混合式(Semi-block Style with Indented Paragraphs):封内地址及其他需要分行的部分,采用平头式,而第一段开始行采用缩行式。两种格式的混合采用所以称之为混合式。

 Afterclass Exercise Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out a letter: 请将以下商业书信的组成部分按其正确格式


1)Sender†s name: China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation.Shanghai Branch 2)Sender†s address:128 Huchiu Road, Shanghai, China  3)Sender†s cable address:INDUSTRY SHANGHAI 4)Sender†s telex address:33054 INDUS CN 5)Date:March 23,20.6)Receiver†s name:H.G.Wilkinson Company, Limited 7)Receiver†s address:245 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria 8)Salutation used: Dear Sirs, 9)Subjectmatter: Sewing Machines 10)The Message:  We thank you for your letter of March 16 enquiring for the captioned goods.The enclosed booklet contains details of all our Sewing Machines and will enable you to make a suitable selection. 11)Complimentary close: Yours faithfully,Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations

第2章 建立业务关系

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 5 Sample Letters 5封样信

Supplyment 补充 : Some Useful Sentences on Establishing Business Relations.建立业务关系的常用例句。

 Main Points 常见词汇 2-2 owe vt. a.该把„„归功于,认为是靠„„的力量(后接介词to) He owes his success to chance. 他认为自己的成功在于机遇。 We owe your name and address to„  承蒙„„告知你公司的名称和地址。

 b.欠(债等),该向„„支付

 owe sb a large sum=owe a large sum to sb  欠某人一大笔钱

 IOU= I Owe You 欠条

 write out/issue IOU 打欠条

常见词汇 2-3 market  1)n.市场,销路

 auction market   拍卖市场  bond market    债券市场  corner the market   囤积居奇  exchange market   外汇市场  financial market   金融市场  hit the market  (口)投入市场  money market   金融市场  futures market   期货市场

 niche market   利基市场,泥区市场  secondhand market  旧货市场  securities market   证券市场  service market   劳务市场  a.in the market for 要买  We are in the market for wool. 我们要买羊毛。

 b.come to(into)the market上市

 We will contact you as soon as the new crop comes to the market. 一俟当年收成上市,我们定将和你方联系。 c.find a market 找销路

 We are trying to find a market for this article. 我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。

 We regret we cannot find any market for this article. 我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。  d.good(poor, no)market 畅销(滞销,无销路) There is a good(a poor, no)market for these articles. 这些商品畅销(滞销,无销路)

 e.in the market要买或要卖

 Please cable us as soon as you are in the market. 一俟你方要买(卖)时,请电告。  2)v.销售,推销

We will try to market this product at our end if you allow us a 5% commission.如你方给佣金5%,我方愿在我地设法推销这一商品。

 常见词汇 2-4 trade  1)n.贸易,行业

 In recent days, there has been a slow down in our trade with you. 最近我方和你方的贸易有所减少。 2)v.从事贸易,做生意,经营

(和某人做贸易后接介词with;经营某项商品后接介词in)  We do not trade with them. 我们不和他们进行贸易。

 They trade mainly in cotton piece goods. 他们主要经营棉布业。

 trade relations=trading relations=business relations  有关trade的常见短语

 barter trade     易货贸易  barriers to trade   贸易壁垒  bilateral trade    双边贸易  compensation trade    补偿贸易  frontier trade     边境贸易  improvement trade    加工贸易  multilateral trade    多边贸易

 transit trade     转口贸易,过境贸易  trade friction     贸易摩擦  trade gap     贸易失衡

 trade practice     贸易惯例,贸易习惯  trade procurator   商务代理人  trade representative  商务代表

trade terms     贸易条件

常见词汇 2-5 sale n. 1)出售, 卖

 We confirm the sale to you of 500 metric tons Yellow Soybeans. 兹确认向你方出售500公吨黄大豆。 2)销货,交易,销路

 Bicycles command a ready sale in the US market.自行车在美国市场得到畅销。

Is there any sale for this article? 这一商品有销路吗? Large sales are reported to have been made.据说大笔交易已经做成。 3)(存货的)减价出售,拍卖

clearance sale   清仓拍卖

summer sale    夏季大拍卖

white sale   (床单、棉织物这些商品)降价出售

sales a.   售货的,销货的,有关售货的Sales Confirmation   销售确认书

Sales Contract  销售合同

sales department   营业部

sales account    销售账

sales allowance   销货折让

sales promotion   推销活动

sales laws    销售法

sales tax    销售税

salesman(saleswoman)  营业员

sales manager    营业主任

常见词汇 2-6 in your district 在你地区

 in your place  on your side 在你地区或在你处

 at your end

常见词汇 2-7 get in touch with 与„„联系

 When we are again in a position to supply, we shall not fail to get in touch with you.当我们能再供应时,一定与你方联系。

 As this item is handled by our Shanghai Office, please get in touch with them directly.由于此项商品是上海公司经营,请与他们直接联系。

常见词汇 2-8 touch.v. 1)达到

 It is generally felt that the price has touched bottom(peach). 一般认为价格已达到最低(高)点。 2)涉及  In your letter of March 5, you did not touch the point at issue. 你方3月5日的信未涉及问题的要点。 3)停靠

 This steamer touches at Marsoilles. 该船在马赛停靠。


 This development touched off an alternation of working plan. 这一发展引起了工作计划的改变。

常见词汇 2-9 item n.项目,条款,(商品的)品种,款项

We are working on the other items and will cable you as soon as possible.其他项目正在进行,将尽早电告。

There are several items of commission not yet paid.有几笔佣金,尚未付清。

This is the bestselling item in this line.这是这类商品中最畅销的品种。

Item Two of the agency agreement should be altered as„


常见词汇 2-10 case 的有关短语: 

1)in case  a.如果,假若

 Please tell us in case you are interested in this article.  你方如对此商品感兴趣,请告知我方。

 b.以备(万一),以防(万一) We would suggest your placing an order at present in case the new crop may fail.建议你们现在订购,以防新货歉收。 2)in any case 无论如何

 In any case we are unable to effect shipment in this month. 这个月我们无论如何无法发运。 3)in case of 假若,如果,万一

 In case of offer, please quote your best price. 如能报盘,请开最低价。

 4)in no case 决不

 Your may be assured that in no case will the L/C be delayed. 你方可放心,信用证决不会迟开。 5)in the case of 就„„而言,至于

 In the case of payment terms, we are unable to accept D/P at 60 day’s sight.我方无法接受远期60天的付款交单。 6)in this case 假使这样,既然这样

 In this case, we will not fail to cable you an offer. 如果这样,定去电给你报盘。

 7)such being the case 情况既然如此

 Such being the case, we regret being unable to make you an offer at present.抱歉我们目前无法报盘。


 常见词汇 2-11 to be only too glad to„

 too前若有only, all, but, ready修饰时,结构表示肯定,相当于to be very glad to„, to be much glad to„, to be very much pleased to„, to be more than pleased to„ 十分乐于做某事„„

 请注意:若“too”前面没有only时,就有反义的含义。

 I would be only too glad to go with you. 我很乐于与你同行。

 We would be only too glad to make offers on RMB basis. 我们十分乐于以人民币为基础向你方报盘。

 Your letter of credit arrives here too late for us to ship your order before the end of this month. 你们的信用证到的太迟我们不能在本月底以前装运你方定货。

 Supplements: 1.words 单词

interest, inquiry, line, enclose, appreciate expressions 商业用语

state-operated corporation 国营公司

state-designated second grade enterprise 国家指定二级企业

collective-owned enterprise 集体企业

individual-owned enterprise 私营企业

merchandising enterprise 商业企业

township/rural enterprise 乡镇企业

barter trade 易货贸易

compensation trade 补偿贸易

frontier trade 边境贸易

transit trade 转口贸易,过境贸易

trade friction 贸易摩擦

trade gap 贸易失衡

classified catalogue 分类目录

 descriptive catalogue 带有说明的目录

illustrated catalogue 有插图的目录

catalogue of industrial products 工业产品目录

for your examination 供你方参考, 供你方查阅

financial position 财务状况

cash position 现金头寸

easy position 头寸宽裕

to cover position 轧平头寸

Sales Confirmation 销售确认书

Sales Contract 销售合同

in your district 在你地区,在你处

phrases 短语

in case, in any case, in case of, in no case, in this case, such being the case 2.discriminations辨析 industrial与industrious begin, start与commence appreciable与appreciative 3.grammar points 语法点 当if条件句中有助动词should, had或were时,则可以省去if,而将should, had, were置于句首,从而构成倒装虚拟句,意义不变。

look forward to, recommend, We very much regret that„, to be only too glad to„ too„

4.Wide selection of writing多种写作选择

We are trading company involved in import and export business.我们是一家经营进出口业务的贸易公司。

We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counseller’s Office of the „Embassy„


Through the courtesy of „ in „, we notice that you are interested in doing business with us.承蒙在„„的推荐,我们得知你方有意和我们做生意。

The Foreign Department of the Bank of China here has recommended your corporation as being interested in establishing business relations with„


Your communication of the 28th May addressed to our sister corporation in „ has been passed on to us for attention and reply.你5月28日的信已转交给在„„的我姊妹公司处理并给予你方答复。

常见词汇 2-1 inquiry 1)n.调查,询问,询盘,要货。

通常用make inquiries表示询问,很少用单数,(指具体商品时,通常用介词for。指一般情况通常用介词about)。


名词enquiry是动词 enquire的派生词。

We will make inquiries about the business possibilities of this new product of yours.我们将调查一下你方这种新产品的销售可能性。

We will make inquiries at(of)the shipping company regarding the reason for the delay of the vessel.我们将向轮船公司询问此轮迟误的原因。

We thank you for your enquiry for carpets.我们谢谢你对地毯的询盘。

There are large enquiries for iron wire from the Mid-east countries. 中东国家拟购大量铁丝。

 At the moment there are only small enquiries for this class of goods.目前对这种货物仅有小数量的询盘。

 2)v.询问,询价,要货

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 30 enquiring for alarm clocks. 你方5月30日询购闹钟的来信收到。

 Afterclass Exercise

Write a letter to a foreign company for establishing business relations covering the following contents:请依下列内容致信一外企以与之建立业务关系:

1.the source of your information 2.your intention 3.your business scope 4.the reference as to your firm†s financial standing 5.your expectation

Chapter Three Enquiries

第3章 询 盘

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 7 Sample Letters 7封样信

Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Enquiries.询盘常用例句

Terms Used in Making Enquiries 询盘专业术语

 Main Points: 1.根据2000年国际贸易术语解释通则,所有的术语分为4个基本不同的类型。



1)交货前付款(Payment before delivery)2)交货时付款(Payment as delivery)3)交货后付款(Payment after delivery)


 1)汇款 Transfer/Remittance   Mail Transfer M/T   信汇

Telegraphic Transfer T/T  电汇

Banker†s Demand Draft D/D  票汇

2)托收 Collection Documents against Payment D/P 付款交单

Documents against Acceptance D/A 承兑交单  3)信用证 Letter of Credit L/C Irrevocable Letter of Credit  不可撤销的信用证

Confirmed Letter of Credit  保兑信用证

Transferable Letter of Credit  可转让信用证

Sight Letter of Credit   即期信用证

Usance(Term, Time)Letter of Credit 远期信用证

Anticipatory Credit   预支信用证

Revolving Letter of Credit  循环信用证 Documentary Letter of Credit  跟单信用证

Clean Credit    光票信用证



range, price, sample, order, quality, custom, require Expressions商业用语

actual price  实际价格

advanced price  上涨了的价格

average price 平均价格 securities dealer  证券商

dealership  additional quantity  average quantity  considerable quantity corresponding quantity as per sample  counter sample  equal to sample  full range of sample accept an order  article made to order  bank money order state credit 

state loan 

state of business  average quality  bad quality 

below the average quality freight tariff  green barriers to trade  non tariff barrier(s) currency regulations  detailed regulation  economic regulation agent an litern  agent middleman  agent service 

actual(physical)delivery forward delivery  near delivery 

prompt cash  prompt delivery  prompt payment marine surveyor survey report  Phrases 短语

经销权,代理权 追加数量



 相应的数量 按照样品

反样,对等货样 和样品相同

全套样品 接受订单 定制品

银行汇票 国家信用 公债

经济情况平均质量 劣质量

 一般水平以下的质量 运费费率表

绿色贸易壁垒 非关税壁垒

外汇条例 细则

经济调整 诉讼代理人

代理中间人 代理业务  实际交货 远期(运货)近期(交)货




海事鉴定人 鉴定报告 11

 

 at a discount, place one†s order, place an order with sb., invite one†s attention to„, in good time, Please be(rest)assured of„, for your information, at„request(at the request of...)4.Discriminations 辨析

examine, inspect, scrutinize, audit与check order与indent gbuy与purchase select, elect, pick与choose mill, factory, plant与works 5.Grammar Points 语法点

suggest,demand, expect, require “介词+which”结构的定语从句

6.Wide selection of writing多种写作选择

Many reports have been received from our selling agents in Hong Kong,„

 已收到许多来自香港的销售代理人的报告„„

 have received=be in receipt of 以下几种表达方式,意义相同,在日常信中常常遇见。 We are in receipt of your letter„

 We acknowledge receipt of your letter„  We acknowledge your letter„

 We have for acknowledgement your letter„  We have received your letter„

 We have the pleasure of acknowledging receipt of your letter„

 Supplements 1.根据2000年国际贸易术语解释通则,所有的术语分为4个基本不同的类型。



1)交货前付款(Payment before delivery)2)交货时付款(Payment as delivery)3)交货后付款(Payment after delivery) 支付方式:

 1)汇款 Transfer/Remittance   Mail Transfer M/T   信汇

Telegraphic Transfer T/T  电汇

Banker†s Demand Draft D/D  票汇

2)托收 Collection Documents against Payment D/P 付款交单

Documents against Acceptance D/A 承兑交单  3)信用证 Letter of Credit L/C Irrevocable Letter of Credit  不可撤销的信用证

Confirmed Letter of Credit  保兑信用证

Transferable Letter of Credit  可转让信用证

Sight Letter of Credit   即期信用证

Usance(Term, Time)Letter of Credit 远期信用证 Anticipatory Credit   预支信用证

Revolving Letter of Credit  循环信用证

Documentary Letter of Credit  跟单信用证

Clean Credit    光票信用证



range, price, sample, order, quality, custom, require Expressions商业用语

actual price  实际价格

advanced price  上涨了的价格

average price securities dealer  dealership  additional quantity average quantity considerable quantity corresponding quantity as per sample counter sample equal to sample  full range of sample accept an order  article made to order bank money order state credit  state loan 

state of business average quality bad quality 

below the average quality freight tariff  green barriers to trade non tariff barrier(s) currency regulations  detailed regulation economic regulation agent an litern agent middleman agent service  actual(physical)delivery forward delivery  near delivery  prompt cash prompt delivery  prompt payment marine surveyor

平均价格 证券商 经销权,代理权




 相应的数量


反样,对等货样 和样品相同

全套样品 接受订单


银行汇票 国家信用 公债


平均质量 劣质量

 一般水平以下的质量 运费费率表

绿色贸易壁垒 非关税壁垒


细则  经济调整


代理中间人 代理业务  实际交货





海事鉴定人 

    

  survey report  鉴定报告

Phrases 短语

at a discount, place one†s order, place an order with sb., invite one†s attention to„, in good time, Please be(rest)assured of„, for your information, at„request(at the request of...)4.Discriminations 辨析

examine, inspect, scrutinize, audit与check order与indent gbuy与purchase select, elect, pick与choose mill, factory, plant与works 5.Grammar Points 语法点

suggest,demand, expect, require “介词+which”结构的定语从句

6.Wide selection of writing多种写作选择

Many reports have been received from our selling agents in Hong Kong,„

 已收到许多来自香港的销售代理人的报告„„

 have received=be in receipt of 以下几种表达方式,意义相同,在日常信中常常遇见。 We are in receipt of your letter„

 We acknowledge receipt of your letter„  We acknowledge your letter„

 We have for acknowledgement your letter„  We have received your letter„

 We have the pleasure of acknowledging receipt of your letter„

 Afterclass Exercise:

Draw a letter of a general enquiry asking for all the information you need.Chapter Four Offers 第4章 报 盘

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 5 Sample Letters 5封样信

Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Offers.报盘常用例句

Terms Used in Making Offers 报盘专业术语

 Main Points: 1.Words 单词

offer, effect, subject, draw, stock, invoice, follow Expressions商业用语 to accept offer 接受报盘 to confirm offer 确认报盘 to decline offer 拒绝报盘 cargo receipt(陆运)货运收据

deposit receipt 存(款)单、存款凭证、存放凭证

Phrases 短语

In reply, subject to„,result in, result from, to have/take pleasure in doing(to do)sth.to have/take the pleasure of doing(to do)sth., come into effect, in sb’s favour, in stock, out of stock, on hand, in hand, by hand, with regard to, 2.Discriminations辨析

offer与quote regrettable与regretful 3.Grammar Points 语法点

imperative adj.必须的(比necessary语气为重,后面通常接that引起的从句,从句要用虚拟语气,should往往省去。)

常见词汇4-1 offer 1)n.报盘

(包括货名、数量、规格、价格、船期、有效期等,通常和介词for, of或on连用)Please make us an offer CIF London for(on)20 metric tons groundnuts.请给我们一个20公吨花生伦敦到岸价格的报盘。The offer is firm(valid, good, open, for effective, enforce)for two weeks.此报盘两周内有效。

A Japanese seller has made us an offer at £120 per ton.一日本卖主向我报价每公吨120英镑。

We are working on your offer of 200 kilos green tea.你方200公斤绿茶的报盘,我们正在执行。


If you can offer, please telex us.你方如能报盘,请电传通知我们。

At present, we cannot offer more than 1000 short tons.目前,我们的报盘不能多于1000短吨。

firm offer 实盘


We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 p.m.our time,Wednesday, 3rd, Oct..兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。We offer you firm subject to reply here by 10 a.m., Tuesday our time.兹报实盘,以我方时间星期二上午10时以前复到为准。

We offer you firm subject to your reply here within one week from today.兹报实盘,以自本日起一周之内你方复到为准。

non-firm offer 虚盘

发盘人没有肯定的订立合同的意旨,例如反映在发盘内容不明确(Not clear),或者主要条件不完备(Not complete),或者不是最后的(Not final),这种发盘对发盘人无约束力(Without engagement)。

We are ready to sell A„


We offer A,Shipment July, CIF London sterling 500 per metric ton.我方报盘A商品,七月份装船,每公吨CIF伦敦500英镑。We offer„subject to our final confirmation.我方报盘„„(各项交易条件)„„以我方最后确认有效。We make you an offer subject to the goods being unsold.我方向你方报盘,以未售出为准。

We submit you this offer subject to prior sale.我方向你方报盘,以先售为条件。

We offer you subject to change without notice.我方向你方报盘,此报盘如有变化不另行通知。

与offer连用的动词有:send, give, make, cable, telex, forward等。


to accept offer 接受报盘 to confirm offer 确认报盘 to decline offer 拒绝报盘 to entertain offer 考虑报盘 to extend offer 延长报盘 to withdraw(cancel)offer 撤回报盘 to renew offer 恢复报盘

to reinstate offer 恢复报盘(恢复过期较久如十天前的报盘时)combined offer 搭配报盘 lump offer 综合报盘,复合报盘 package offer 一揽子报盘 辨析:offer与quote offer如上所述,是报盘,应包括价格在内的各种交易条件,而quote意为“报价”,只涉及价格。The new crop is quoted on the Cotton Exchange at £30 per ton.棉花交易所中新货报价为每吨30英镑。

In case of offer, please quote us your lowest price in US dollars.报盘时,请以美元开最低价。

常见词汇4-2 European Main Ports(EMP欧洲)主要口岸按照航运公会统一规定,EMP包括

意大利 Genoa 热那亚

法国 Marseilles 马赛

比利时 Antewerp 安特卫普

荷兰 Rotterdam 鹿特丹

英国 London 伦敦

德国 Hamburge 汉堡

丹麦 Copenhagen 哥本哈根

常见词汇4-3 receipt.n.1)收到,接到

We are in receipt of your letter of June 5.你方6月5日来函收到。

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of June 5.你方6月5日来函收到,谢谢。

The goods will be sent upon receipt of your remittance.收到你方汇款后即发货。

We are in receipt of your letter of August 2 offering us 50 metric tons of the captioned goods at RMB ¥2250 per metric ton on the usual terms. 我们收悉你8月2日函,向我方供应50公吨标题货物,惯常条款,每公吨2250元人民币。

 2)收据,收条

cargo receipt(陆运)货运收据

deposit receipt 存(款)单、存款凭证、存放凭证 freight receipt 运费收据

mate†s receipt 大副收据、收货单 parcel post receipt 邮包收据


This month’s receipts are estimated to be in the region of £20 000.本月进款估计在2万英镑上下。

 Supplements 常见词汇4-4 Terms Used in Making Offers 市场报盘常用语 market area 市场区域

market condition 市场状况

market fluctuation 市场波动

market information 市场情报

market price 市场价格 market report 市场报告

market research 市场研究

market risk 市场风险

market survey 市场调查

domestic market 国内市场

foreign market 国外市场

forward market 期货市场

futures market 期货市场

overseas market 国外市场

money market 货币市场

product market 产品市场

spot market 即期市场

stock market 股票市场

market glut 市场饱和

market quotation 市场价格

market structure 市场结构

market shortfall 市场供应不足

market transaction 市场交易

marketing blitz 营销战

market value 市(场)价(格),市值

put sth on the market 把„„投放到市场

take market sharing 抢占市场份额

open up new market 开拓新市场

active 活跃的advancing 旺盛的animated 有生气的bearish 下跌的brisk 兴旺的bullish 兴旺的declining 衰退的depressed 不景气的dull 退缓的,呆滞的easy 轻松的excited 紧张的feverish 波动的firm 稳定的flat平稳的inactive 不活跃的overstocked 存货过多的quiet平静的

panicky 惊慌的,恐慌的sluggish 滞缓的steady 稳定的weak 疲软的

 Afterclass Exercise: Write a letter to the buyers, stating that you have plenty of the goods they need and you can offer them.Chapter Five Counter-Offers

第5章 还 盘

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 5 Sample Letters 5封样信

Supplyment 补充: Some Useful Sentences on Counter-Offers.还盘常用例句

 Main Points: 常见词汇 5-1 worth


The Sales Contract was worth around $250 000.这份销售合同约值25万美元。

b.值得„„的,有„„的价值的(后面可直接接名词或动名词)We don’t agree with you that it is a mere trifle not worth bothering about.你方认为那只是一件小事不值得担心,我们不同意。

We should say that this new product of ours is well worth your effort to promote.我们认为我们的新产品很值得你方努力推销。

The order is too small to be worth the expense of opening an L/C for.这笔订货太小,不值得花钱开信用证。


The actual worth of this parcel is well over $100 000.这些货的实际价值大大超过10万元。b.值一定金额的数量

 Last year we shipped to you £800 000’s worth of chemicals.去年我们给你方装运了价值80万英镑的化工商品。

辨析:worthless, valueless与priceless worthless 无价值的,无用的

valueless 无价值的,没用的,无效果的 priceless 无价的,极其贵重的

This contract is now worthless.这份合同现在毫无价值了。The necklace is valueless.这条项链不值钱。

Control of the sea was a priceless asset to the union.对联邦来说,对海的控制权是极宝贵的财富。

常见词汇5-2 account 1)n.账目,账款,账户

We keep an account with the Bank of China in Beijing.我们在北京中国银行开有账户。

a.for account of 为„„,代„„,受„„委托

We hereby issue an irrevocable L/C in your favour for account of China Trading Co., Shanghai.兹受上海中国贸易行的委托,开给你方不可撤销的信用证一份。

b.(to be)for sb’s account, for the account of sb.由某人负担

The arbitration fees shall be for the account of the losing party.仲裁费用须由败诉一方负担。

c.on account of 由于,因为

On account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transhipment in your L/C.因为没有直达船,在你的信用证中请注明准许转船。

On account of difference in taste, your designs do not suit this market.由于趣味不同,你的设计款式不适于此间市场。

d.to take„into account 考虑,重视

You should take into account not only the price but also the quality.你应予以考虑的不仅是价格,而且还有质量。

e.on one†s own account 为自己的利益,自行负责

We buy this commodity for a friend of ours, not on our own account.此商品是我们代朋友买的而非为自己。

f.not on any account 无论如何不

Not on any account shall the safe be opened without my express orders.没有我明确的指示,无论如何不能打开保险箱。


auditing of account 查账

capital account 资本账户

common account 共同账户

keeping current account 流水账的登记

running account 流水账

sales for account 赊账

accountancy 会计职业

accountancy firm 会计机构

accountancy law 会计法

accountancy section 会计科,核算科

accountancy service 会计业务

accountant 会计师,会计员

certified public accountant 注册会计师

chartered accountant(英)注册会计师

general accountant 总会计师 accounting 会计学,会计,核算

accounting period 会计年度,会计结算期

economic accounting 经济核算

managerial accounting 管理会计学

management accounting 管理会计

2)v.与 for 连用


It is impossible for us to account for the delay.我们无法解释耽误的原因。


Oil exports account for 30% of the total export bill.石油出口额占出口总账单的30%。

 Supplements

1.Words 单词

worth, account Expressions商业用语 come to business 成交 close a bargain put the deal through give one’s hands on bargain auditing of account 查账 capital account 资本账户 common account 共同账户

Phrases 短语

at one†s earliest convenience, in view of, see one†s way(clear)to do sth.(doing sth), for account of, on the account of, to make an exception of 2.Discriminations辨析

worthless, valueless与priceless cope with与deal with 3.Grammar Points 语法点

much as是复合从属连词,引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然很„„”。此外,inasmuch as, insomuch as, in as much as, in so much as(分开写比较文诌诌的,不常用)均是复合从属连词,引导原因状语从句,表示“因为、由于、既然„„”。

 Afterclass Exercise:

Suppose you are intend to buy 500-1000 reams of A4 poster paper.Before you place an order, you’d like to see some samples and know something about price, earliest delivery date and terms of payment.You are requested to write :

(A)a letter of enquiry(B)a letter of offer according to the given situation

Chapter Six Conclusion of Business

第6章 成 交

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 6 Sample Letter 6封样信

Sample Sales or Purchase Contracts 4个销售或购买合同样本

Supplyment 补充: Some Useful Sentences on Conclusion of Business.成交的常用例句。

 Main Points: 常见词汇 6-1 mark 1)v.加标志,标志,记下,记录

Goods are to be marked with our initials in a diamond(circle, triangle, etc).货物应标上我方缩写名称,外加菱形(圆形,三角形等)。

Please mark the case as per the drawing given.箱上请照所给的图样加标志。

Unless you advise to the contrary, we will mark the package the same as before.除非你方另有通知,我们仍将在货包上刷以前的标志。

This transaction, though small in amount, marks the beginning of our formal business relationship.这笔交易金额虽小,却标志着我们双方正式业务关系的开始。

Mark down the number of packages that are discharged into the lighter.记下卸入驳船的件数。


Please telegraph marks and destination.请电告唛头式样及目的港。

post mark 邮戳

price mark 价格标签

shipping mark 装运标记,装船唛头

trade mark 商标

Your last shipment was somewhat below the mark.你方上次发货有点儿低于标准。The quality is up to the mark.质量合乎标准。

常见词汇 6-2 note 1)n.a.注意

Please take note of the above.请对以上加以注意。

We have taken careful note of your shipping instructions.我们对你的装船要求已予以密切注意。

The matter is worthy of note.此事值得注意。

b.票据,单据,纸币,通知(单)account note 账单

bank note 钞票,纸币,银行券

booking note 订舱单

consignment note 铁路运单

counterfeit banknote 假钞票

credit note 贷方通知单

debit note 借方通知单

delivery note 提货单

postal note 邮汇单

protest note 拒付通知

short-term note 短期票据

transfer note 汇票

treasury note 国库券


Please note down all the details.请记下全部细节。

You may have noted that the market has dropped.你方可能已注意到行市已下跌。

We have received your letter of July 8, contents of which have been duly noted.你方7月8日来信已收到,内情尽悉。

Our products are noted for their attractive colours.我们的产品,以其鲜艳动人的颜色闻名于世。

In his speech he first noted the importance of the policy.他在讲话中首先提到这项政策的重要性。

常见词汇 6-3 ply n.(木的)层,(布的)厚度;(绳或纱的)股

two plies of cloth 二层布

two-ply wood


three-ply knitting wool 三股毛线

辨析:coat/coating, deck, layer, storey, tier与veil coat/coating 由油漆或颜色等形成的涂层。此外也常用来表示与涂层厚薄相似的灰尘等。deck 任何类似甲板的地方(如公共汽车的层面)layer 地质学术语,通常指岩层或地层,又多指数层中的“一层”。

storey 计算建筑物高度的“层”和具体的居住“层”。

tier 通常指“阶梯式的层”或“两层之间有一定空间的层”,同时也指“社会的阶层”。

veil 主要含义是妇女用的“遮面纱”,面纱轻而薄有随风拂动的特点,因而人们常用

veil 比喻云雾之薄层。


a new coat of paint 一层新油漆

a coat of dust 一层灰

floating coat 中层漆

two coats of whitewash 两层白灰

the top deck of a double-decker bus 两层公共汽车的顶层

a layer of clay 一层泥土

a layer of jam 一层果酱

a layer of snow 一层雪

That is a building of six storeys.That is a six-storied building.那是一幅六层高楼。

tiers of terraced fields 层层梯田

two tiers of arches 二层牌楼

the lowest tier of society 社会最低层

a veil of cloud 一层薄云

a veil of mist 一层薄雾

 Supplements: 1.Words 单词

allow, cover,mark Expressions商业用语

bridge the gap 弥合差距 bridge over the gap close the gap post mark 邮戳

price mark 价格标签

shipping mark 装运标记,装船唛头 trade mark 商标

Phrases 短语

as a result of, with a view to, in conformity with, in conformity to 2.Discriminations 辨析

coat/coating, deck, layer, storey, tier与veil 3.Grammar Points 语法点


 Afterclass Exercise:

Translate the letter into English: 接到你公司9月5日印花细布定单,非常高兴,并欢迎你公司成为我公司的客户之一。

现确认按你方来信列明价格供应印花细布,并已安排下周由“公主号”轮装出。深信你公司 收到货物后,定会感到完全满意。


Chapter Seven Terms of Payment

第7章 支付条件

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 8 Sample Letters 8封样信

Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Terms of Payment.支付条件常用例句。

Terms used in Making Payment 支付的专用术语

countries’ currency units 128个国家的货币单位

 Main Points: 常见词汇 7-1 invoice


commercial invoice 商业发票

customs invoice 海关发票

provisional invoice


consular invoice


official invoice


proforma invoice


常见词汇7-2 1.pay 1)vi.付款,值得,合算

pay in advance 预付

pay in cash 付现金

pay by check 支票付款

pay in instalments 分期付款

pay on delivery 货到付款

It does not pay to buy in small quantities.小量购买不合算。2)vt.付(款项,费用等);给予(注意等);进行等

We trust you will pay our draft on presentation.我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。

If this change is effected, we will have to pay rather heavy expenses.如果做这项改变,我们将不得不付出相当大的费用。

2.payment n.(不可数)支付;(可数)支付的款

terms of payment 或 payment terms 付款条件

payment on deferred terms 迟期付款

monthly payments of RMB ¥30 000每月付款人民币30 000元,付某种费用的款,如发票,费用,佣金等,常用in payment of,如:

We enclose a cheque for US$2000.37 in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.兹附去2000.37美元支票一张,付截至目前所欠你方的全部佣金。

付某种具体实物的款,如商品,广告,样品等,常用in payment for,如:

We have received your cheque for DM9800.00 in payment for the carpets ordered as per your letter of May 5th.兹收到你方支票一张,计9800.00德国马克,以付你方5月5日函所订购的地毯货款。

常见词汇 7-3 30 days L/C见票后30天议付的信用证

(a)Letter of Credit信用证是可数的普通名词,有单复数之分,复数为Letters of Credit 信用证常用大写缩写an L/C Ls/C 即期信用证是letter of credit available by draft at sight, letter of credit payable against draft at sight, letter of credit available by sight draft, letter of credit payable against sight draft.商业书信中常简称sight L/C.远期(或迟期)信用证是usance L/C或time L/C或term L/C.


L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight;(usance/time/term)L/C at 30 days after sight;(usance/time/term)L/C at 30 days;30 days(usance/time/term)L/C


confirmed L/C


irrevocable L/C


transferable and divisible L/C 可转让与可分割信用证

documantary L/C


revolving L/C


back to back L/C


reciprocal L/C


 Supplements:

1.Words 单词

accommodate, due, pay,tax Expressions商业用语

Cash against Documents 凭单证付款 Cash against Delivery 货到付款

Cash against Shipping Documents 凭单付款 amount in figure 小写金额 amount in words 大写金额 commercial invoice 商业发票 customs invoice 海关发票 provisional invoice 临时发票 consular invoice 领事发票

open account terms O/A terms 赊账方式 pay in cash 付现金 pay by check 支票付款 pay in installments 分期付款 pay on delivery 货到付款 come to an agreement 达成协议 reach an agreement 达成协议 brokerage house 经纪行 clearing house 票据交换所 tax avoidance 避税 tax abatement 减税 tax dodger 偷税人

Phrases 短语

figure out, by all means, by means of, 2.Discriminations 辨析

in the course of与in course of 3.Grammar Points 语法点

a number of„后接名词复数,用复数谓语动词,强调数量

与此用法相同的还有: an average of„ a total of„

a great many„

而the number of„,the average of„,the total of„后接名词复数,用单数动词,强调整体。

 Afterclass Exercise:

1.You’ve received a request to be a reference fro Spence—Crane Company, and you’re required to provide some information about their creditworthiness and reputation.However, your experience with them has been unsatisfactory just because they are not prompt in payment.So, you have to write an unfavorable reply to request for their credit information.2.A foreign buyer whom you do not want to loss has regularly paid his accounts promptly by banker’s draft, but payment of his last account is now eight weeks overdue.You wrote to him a month ago, but received no reply.Send him a second letter.Chapter Eight Establishment of L/C and Amendment 第8章 开立信用证和修改信用证

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 6 Sample Letters 6封样信

Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Establishment of L/C and Amendment 开立和修改信用证常用例句。

 Main Points: 常见词汇8-1 1.pack 1)n.小包、小箱、小盒,包装量

a six-pack of beer


a pack of canned goods


We will make you an offer when the new pack is available.有新货罐头时定给你方报盘。


The goods are to be packed in iron drums.货物须以铁桶包装。

The shirts will be packed each in a polyethlene bag, five dozen to a cardboard case.每件衬衫装一塑料袋,五打装一硬纸板箱。

2.package n.(中、小型的)包裹,包,捆;包装(用料)When the shipment arrived, the packages were all intact, but many of them were found short of weight.货到时,包装完整无损,但其中有很多包被发现短重。

3.packaging n.(包装方面的)装潢,(效率高的、美观的)包装法,打包

packaging designing


packaging industry


You are outdistanced in the packing and packaging of the material.货物的包装和装潢方面你方大大落后。

4.packing n.包装;打包;包装法

export packing


improper/faulty/poor/insufficient packing 包装不良

inner packing


outer packing


packing charges/expenses


packing list


seaworthy packing


常见词汇8-2 authority n.权力(后接动词不定式或介词for);当局(复数)有关authority的常见短语

competent authorities


customs authorities


exchange control authorities 外汇管制当局

government authorities


licensing authorities


money authorities


port authorities


Are we to understand that we have authority to do the best possible? 我们是否可以理解我们有权酌情处理? Please give us authority to settle the matter as we see fit.请给我们以相机处理此事的权力。

He has the authority of his home office for immediate(on the stop)decision.他的国内公司授权给他可以立即(当场)决定。

The buyer has already applied to the authorities concerned for import licence.买方已向有关当局申请进口许可证。

 Supplements: 1.Words 单词

establish, prescribe, amend, acceptance, deliver, refund Expressions商业用语

export packing 出口包装

improper/faulty/poor/insufficient packing 包装不良 inner packing 内包装

 customs authorities 海关当局

exchange control authorities 外汇管制当局

Phrases 短语

few and far between, more often than not, call for, call on, abide by, 2.Discriminations 辨析

pack, packing, package 与 packaging annul, cancel, revoke, rescind 与 withdraw 3.Grammar Points 语法点 prescribe  Afterclass Exercise:

Write a reply to the above letter with the following particulars: 1.由于我们的粗枝大叶(oversight),开立的信用证有错误,很抱歉。



Chapter Nine Packing, Shipping Marks and Shipment 第9章 包装、运输标志和装运

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 8 Sample Letters 8封样信

Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Packing, Shipping Marks and Shipment.包装、运输标志和装运的常用例句

Terms Used in Shipping 运输专用术语

Lists of International Ports 国际港口列表

 Main Points: 常见词汇9-1 susceptible adj.易受影响的,敏感的

辨析:liable, susceptible, subject与prone 这组词均含有人或事物在性质上、情势上处于某极易发生的状态之意。

liable 指人们遇到或可能遇到的事情是由于服从权势或因其生活状况,屈服于某种无法控制的力量而引起后果。

susceptible 更强调人或事物的本质、特性、素质或性格。所有这些可以使事物失去抵 抗力或容易遭受某种痛苦。

subject 由于某种原因(如生活状况、社会、经济或政治地位、性情特点)趋向于必须遭受、忍受或经历某事情。

prone 通常指人,很少指物,表示在不同程度上受到某事物的倾向性的制约,这种倾向性当情况顺利时必定会产生。

Prospective buyers are liable to judge the quality of goods by appearance.有可能成为买主的人易于从外观判断货物质量。

The goods you packed in wooden cases are susceptible to damage by moisture. 装在木箱中的这批货很容易被潮气损坏。

Perishable goods are subject to damage in transit. 易腐烂的货物在运输途中容易损坏。One is more prone to make mistakes when one is tired. 当人们疲劳的时候做事就比较容易出毛病。

常见问题 9-2 有关唛头的常用语和短语

ABC in a diamond 菱形内ABC triangle 三角形

circle 圆形

rectangle 长方形

hexagon 正六角形

cross 十字形

downward triangle 倒三角形

star 星形

square 正方形

heart 心形

oval 椭圆形

three diamond 三菱形

this side(end)up 此面向上

Handle with care 小心轻放

With care 小心搬运

No hook(Use no hook)请勿用钩

Keep cool(keep in cool place)放置冷处

Keep dry 保持干燥

Keep away from boiler 远离锅炉

Store away from boiler 远离锅炉

Inflammable 易燃货物

Fragile 当心破碎

Fusible 易熔

Explosives 易爆货物

Glass with care 小心玻璃

Poison 小心有毒,有毒

Open here 从此开启

Sling here 此处吊索

To be kept upright 竖立安放

Keep away from heat 隔离热气

Perishable 易坏货物

Guard against damp(wet)勿使受潮

No smoking 严禁烟火

Keep flat(stow level)注意平放

Not to be thrown down 不可抛掷

常见术语9-3 Terms Used in Shipping 运输中的常用术语

Airway Bill of Lading 空运提单

ballast 压舱货

berthage 泊位费

bulk cargo 散装货

cargo plan(stowage plan)积载图

dangerous cargo 危险货

general cargo 杂货

light cargo 轻泡货

live cargo 鲜货

reefer cargo 冷冻货

return cargo 回运货

through cargo 直达货、联运货

transit cargo 过境货、转载货

charges 费用

shifting charges 移泊费

pilotage 引水费

lighterage 驳船费

surcharges 附加费

tally charges 理货费

waiting charges 待时费

towage 拖船费

trimming charges平舱费

stevedorage 船内装卸费

dead freight 空船费


out of packet expenses 零星杂费

partial shipment 分批装运

loading capacity 装载量

notice of readiness 备装通知

dunnage 衬木

EMP(European main ports)欧洲基本港

ETA(estimated time of arrival)预抵期

FIO(free in and out)船方不负责装卸费

FI(Free in)船方管卸不管装

FO(Free out)船方管装不管卸

Berth terms 船方管装管卸

Liner terms 船方管装管卸

Gross Terms 船方管装管卸

forwarding instructions 装运说明

freighter 货船

general cargo vessel 杂货船

ice-free port 不冻港

indemnity 罚金

itinerary map 航线图

laydays 停泊期

lighter 驳船

tanker 油轮

passenger ship 客船

pilot 领航员

seamen’s club 海员俱乐部

seasonal port 季节港

tug 拖船

tonnage dues 吨税

 Supplements: 1.Words 单词

compensation, sail, oblige, respectively Expressions商业用语

in sound condition

状况良好 in perfect condition in a damaged condition 损坏状态 in a mouldy condition 受潮状态

shipping company 轮船公司,船务公司

shipping instructions 装运须知 shipping advice

装运通知 ante—dated B/L


advanced B/L


Charter Party B/L


clean on board B/L

清洁已装船提单 container service 集装箱业务 unloading charges 卸货费,卸车费 unloading point


Phrases 短语

be liable for, be liable to, 2.Discriminations 辨析

liable, susceptible, subject 与 prone shipping instructions 与 shipping advice oblige, force 与 compel

 Afterclass Exercise:

1.Write to a firm of shipping agents asking them to arrange for consignment to be collected from your factory and make all arrangements for transportation on Dares Slaam.Include imaginary particulars as to nature of consignment, names and addresses of consignors and consignee, and say who will take delivery of the consignment upon arrival.2.As secretary of Harding & Co.of Hull, write to Scandinavian Liners Ltd.for details of their sailings to Norway and Sweden and for quotations of their rates for manufactured woolen goods.33

Chapter Ten Insurance 第10章 保险

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 6 Sample Letters 6封样信

Supplyment 补充: Some Useful Sentences on Insurance 保险的常用例句

Terms Used in Insurance 保险专用术语

 Main Points: 1)insurance n.保险

 部分常用词组

insurance agent  保险代理人 insurance amount 保(险)额 insurance certificate 保险凭证 insurance claim  保险索赔 insurance company  保险公司 insurance cover保险 insurance coverage 保险范围 insurance endorsement=insurance rider 保险批单 insurance policy 保(险)单 insurance premium  保(险)费

insurance declaration  保险声明书,保险通知书 air transportation insurance 航空运输保险

marine insurance 水险,海上保险,海运险 ocean marine cargo insurance 海洋运输货物保险 overland insurance 陆运保险 overland transportation insurance  陆上运输保险

parcel post insurance  邮包保险

to arrange insurance 投保,洽办保险 to cover insurance 投保,洽办保险 to effect insurance  投保,洽办保险 to provide insurance  投保,洽办保险 to take out insurance  投保,洽办保险 


表示所保的货物,后接on,如insurance on the 100 tons of wool;表示投保的险别,后接against,如insurance against all risks;表示保额,后接for,如insurance for 110% of the invoice value;表示保险费或保险费率,后接at,如insurance at a slightly higher premium, insurance at the rate of 5‟;表示向某保险公司投保,后接with,如insurance with the People’s Insurance Company of China. We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 110% of the invoice value against all risks. 我们已将100公吨羊毛按发票金额的110%投保一切险。

2)insure v.保险,投保

通常用作及物动词,宾语一般为所保的货物,如: Please insure the goods against all risks and war risk. 请将此货投保一切险及战争险。


The insurance company here insures this risk with 5% franchise. 此间保险公司保此种险有5%的免赔限度。

 有时也用作不及物动词,如: Please insure against breakage.请投保破碎险。


insured amount(=insurance amount)保(险)额  insured cargo或insured goods 投保的货物

insured还可作名词用,前面加定冠词,即the insured,作“被保险人”解。In international trade, by transportation insurance we mean that the insured, who is usually the importer or the exporter, covers insurance on one or several lots of goods against certain risks for a certain insured amount with the insurer, i.e.the insurance company, at an agreed premium.常见术语10-2 Terms Used in Insurance 保险中的常用术语

Aflatoxin Risk 黄曲霉素险

All Risks  综合险(一切险)

Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破碎险

Clash & Breakage Risks 碰损、破碎险

Failure to Deliver Risk  交货不到险

F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average) 平安险

Fresh and/or Rain Water  淡水雨淋险

Damage Risks Hook Damage Risk 钩损险

Import Duty Risk 进口关税险

Intermixture & Contamination 混杂、玷污险

Risks Leakage Risk 渗漏险

On Deck Risk 舱面险

Rejection Risk 拒收险

Rust Risk  锈损险

Shortage Risk  短量险

S.R.C.C.(Strikes, Riots & Civil Commotions) 罢工、暴动及民变险 Survey at Jetty Risk  码头检验险

Survey at Customs  海关检验险

Sweating & Heating Risks  受潮受热险

Taint of Odour Risk  串味险

T.L.O.(Total Loss Only) 全损险

T.P.N.D.)Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷盗及提货不着险 W.A.(With Average)=W.P.A.(With Particular Average) 水渍险

War Risk  战争险

perils of the sea  海上风险

extraneous risks   外来风险

total loss  全损

actual total loss  实际全损

constructive total loss  推定全损

absolute total loss  绝对全损

general average  共同海损

particular average  单独海损

combined certificate  联合凭证

contingency insurance  卖方利益险

China Insurance Clause 中国保险条款

Institute Cargo Clause 协会货物条款

 Supplements: 1.Words 单词

insure, cover, delete, endorse Expressions商业用语 insurance agent 保险代理人 insurance amount 保(险)额

insurance certificate 保险凭证 insurance claim 保险索赔 insurance policy 保(险)单

interest rebate 利息回扣

insurance rebate 保险回扣

endorsement in blank 无记名背书 endorsement in full 记名式背书

Phrases 短语

take out, in the event of, a matter of fact, 2.Discriminations 辨析 certify, attest, witness与vouch 3.Grammar Points 语法点

一些特殊的引导条件状语从句的连词 n/upon condition that„ , according as„, assuming that„,expecting, given that„, if only„

4.Wide Selection of Writing 多种写作选择

insure the goods against Risks for 110% of invoice value with the insurance company...就某货向某保险公司按发票金额的110%投保某险别„

to effect insurance on goods against Risks for 110% of invoice value with the insurer.....就某货向某保险公司按发票金额的110%投保某险别„

„insure the good against Risks for invoice value plus 10%.按发票金额的110%投保某险别„ Please insure F.P.A.or W.P.A.保平安险或水渍险

Please insure against All Risks 保一切险

 Afterclass Exercise:

Translate the following letter into English: 关于第号XXX 3 000 桶铁钉的售货合约,兹通知你方,我们已由伦敦中国银行开立了第XXX号保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,计金额XXX英镑,有效期至5月15日为止。


Chapter Eleven


第11章 代理

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 5 Sample Letters 5封样信Sole Agency Agreement 1 Sole Distributorship Agreement Supplyment补充:Some Useful Sentences on Agency 代理的常用例句

 Main Points: 常见词汇 11-1 agent 1)n.代理人

We owe your name to ABC Company, through whom we have learned that you are seeking an agent here.承ABC公司告知你公司名称,通过他们我们获悉你们正在此地物色一家代理。

If you would appoint us as your agent, we could give you a reasonable guarantee to sell US$ 100 000 a month, because yours is a line we can handle well.假如你们委任我们为你方代理,我们保证每月销售十万美元,因为你方所经营的商品是我们最善于经营的。

The exporter may employ an agent living in the buyer’s country to push the sales of his products.进口商可以雇佣居住在买方国家的一位代理人,以推销其产品。

2)agency n.代理

从本义讲,agent 是a person authorized expressly or impliedly to transact business for another, called the Principal,即:明示或默认受权为委托方进行业务的人;agency是business, place of business of an agent,即:代理人的业务,代理人办理业务的地点,也就是:代理业务,代理处。

agency agreement 代理协议

agency commission 代理佣金

sole agency(or: exclusive agency)独家代理


The company has agencies in all parts of Africa.该公司在非洲各地均有代理。

Your application for sole agency for a period of one year is now under our careful consideration.我们正在仔细考虑你们担任我们独家代理为期一年的申请。

The volume of business done does not warrant entrusting you with exclusive agency at present.已达成的营业额还不足以使我们目前委托你方为独家代理。

常见句式 11-2 Should you not be able to accept it, perhaps you could recommend some other reliable and well-established firms whom you might approach.前几章中已见过此类句式。在此介绍一下非真实条件从句。非真实条件从句,顾名思义,是用来描述说话人想象的、非真实的情景的,这些情景通常是不可能发生的,与客观实际相反的,或发生可能性极小,只表示说话者的一种主观愿望、假想和建议等等。非真实条件从句表示对现在、过去、将来的事实进行虚拟时,主句和if从句中的谓语动词形式如下:

表示虚拟的时间 if从句谓语形式 主句谓语形式

现在: did or were would(should, might, could)+ do 过去: had done or had would(should, might, could)+ have done(been)将来: were to(should)would(should, might, could)+ do 即虚拟语气的三种基本形式:


If I had enough money, I would run a company of my own.如果我有钱,我要开一间自己的公司。


She would have come if she hadn’t been so busy.要不是忙,她就来了。


If I should win the lottery, I would buy a car.如果我能赢抽彩,我将买一辆车。


对现在虚拟 if+过去时,I would(should, might, could)do„

对过去虚拟 if+过去完成时,I would(should, might, could)have done„

对将来虚拟 if+should/were to do, I would(should, might, could)do„

常见词汇 11-3 postpone v.延缓

辨析:defer, postpone, intermit, suspend与stay 这组词均含有造成行动、活动或进程的推迟之意。


postpone 表示有意拖延,一般指拖延到某一确切时间。

intermit 指暂时中止,通常作为调节的措施。尤其暗示间歇之后再开始的含义。

suspend 通常因为上下文中明确表达或未明确表达的原因(如个人愿望或法律约束)而暂时停止或使暂时不起作用。

stay 表示正在进行着的事情因中间受到阻碍,可能使其完全停止,但更经常指间歇、搁置或放慢速度。


I shall defer replying till I hear from him.我将等接到他的信息后再行答复。

Ship’s departure for 18 hours was deferred by the captain because of tornado.由于飓风,船长已推迟了十八个小时启航。

In our opinion, we had better postpone the decision until a more appropriate time.在我们看来,最好等到一个较适当的时候再做决定。

We have to postpone offering for a few days.我们不得不推迟几天报盘。

to intermit one’s efforts 暂停努力

Shall I suspend final decision until I have further evidence? 在我未得到进一步的证据之前是否暂不做出最后结论? The court has decided to stay the proceeding.法庭已决定暂缓进行这个诉讼程序

常见词汇 11-4 indemnify 辨析compensate, indemnify与reimburse compensate(1)有时不指按法律规定偿付债款,也不指无偿服务,而强调付钱回报,这里钱被看做是所付出的服务、风险或花费时间的等值物。(2)用于上述意义时,该词不意味着对他人负有义务或进行付钱,而常指进行平衡,如以好抵坏,以得补失这种平衡。


reimburse 指付还自己为赢利而花的钱或付还别人(如代理人或律师)为自己做事而花的钱。


You have to compensate us for the short shipment of 600 kilos.你方须为短装600公斤给予赔偿。

In order to compensate your purchases, we are allowed by our government to buy your handicrafts as much as 40% of the total value of your purchases.为了补偿你方购货,我国政府允许我公司购买高达你方购货总值百分之四十的手工艺品。

Our users insist that you have to compensate for the inferior quality.我方用户坚持认为,你方须为质次给予赔偿。

He promised to indemnify me for my losses.他答应赔偿我的损失。

We will indemnify you for any expenses you may incur on our behalf.我方会补偿你方为我方所花的一切费用。

The applicant for the credit shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the banks against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages.凡由外国法律和习惯加于银行的一切义务和责任,应由开证申请人承担,他并应对银行负补偿之责。

We must reimburse him the costs of the journey.我们必须把旅费偿还给他。

 Supplements:

1.Words 单词

appoint, agency, agent Expressions商业用语

promising market 有销路的市场 lose one’s market 失去买卖机会 agency agreement 代理协议 agency commission 代理佣金 for sale 待售 on sale 上市,出售 arbitration clause 仲裁条款 voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁 bankruptcy law 破产法 bankruptcy proceedings 破产程序 consolidation by lease 租赁合并 consolidation by merger 吸收合并

Phrases 短语

act as 2.Discriminations 辨析

defer, postpone, intermit, suspend与stay agency与 agent compensate, indemnify与reimburse consolidation与merger agreement与contract 3.Grammar Points 语法点


对现在虚拟 if+过去时,I would(should, might, could)do„

对过去虚拟 if+过去完成时,I would(should, might, could)have done„

对将来虚拟 if+should/were to do, I would(should, might, could)do„

一些否定短语如:in no way, in no case, at no time, by no means, in no sense, on no account ,under no circumstances 都可译为“绝不”。这些否定短语常放在句首,但句子要倒装。

4.Wide Selection of Writing 多种写作选择 This is to inform you that„ 兹通知你方„„


This is to acknowledge„ 兹收到„„

This is to advise that„ 兹通知„„ This is to announce that„ 兹宣布„„

 Afterclass Exercise:

Translate the following letter into English: 我们仔细研究了你方9月10日函,现愿与你方进一步商谈你方要求在苏格兰建立代处的建议。你方为詹姆士·内尔公司工作的情况,我们不了解,但鉴于你方在苏格兰的贸易关系,我们认为你方在该地发展我们的业务是可以大有作为的。


Chapter Twelve

Complaints and Claims

第12章 投诉和索赔

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: 7 Sample Letters 7封样信

Supplyment补充:Some Useful Sentences on Complaints and Claims 投诉和索 赔的常用例句。Terms Used in Making Complaints 投诉的常用术语

 Main Points: 常见词汇 12-1 claim 1)vt.a.索赔,索汇,索款;要求(应得)权利

Only the holder of the B/L may claim to be the owner of the shipment.只有提单持有人才能要求取得货物的所有权。

Our customer claims 8p reduction per 1b on the 85 bales of Goathair shipped by M/V “Star”.对由“星”号轮运来的85包山羊毛,我方客户要求每镑减价8便士。

We have to claim from you £400 on this shipment for inferior quality.对这批发货由于质次我方不得不向你方索赔400英镑。


The firm claims to be well placed for promoting the sales of your product.对于推销你公司产品,该公司声称处于有利地位。


Buyers have claimed on us for short shipment.买主已因短装向我方(提出)索赔。

Our users have claimed upon us for inferior quality.42



to lodge/file/enter/register/make/raise/put in a claim against/with sb on a certain shipment for a certain reason for amount of money„


Buyers have lodged a claim on this shipment for RMB¥1500 for(on account of)short weight.由于分量短少,买主对此批货索赔人民币1500元。

We have already raised a claim against the insurance company for $310 for damage in transit.因运输中受损,我们已向保险公司提出要求赔偿310美元。

Our claim on your L/C No.84 has not been paid.我们对你的第84号信用证收汇没有得到支付。

常见词汇 12-2 responsible adj.辨析:responsible, answerable与accountable 这三个词意义极相近,均表示可以指望用某物来满足某人或使其得到补偿。

responsible 表示通过履行职责或义务,完成任务、获得信任或行使职权,而对给予 这些权力、义务或信任的人或机构负责。

answerable 表示某人因某事而对他人负有责任,此人出于道德或法律责任感,或由于为 他人接受这样一种责任,而承受对违法或失职行为的惩罚。常指在法庭面前受罚。

accountable 也表示因某事对某人负责,或因某事而获得信任,也肯定说明这种信任是如 何获得的。

to hold sb responsible for sth.要某人负责某事。

to be responsible to sb for sth.向某人对某事负责。

During vanning(devanning)of containers, this Company is responsible for tally those containerized cargoes which the vessel is responsible for delivery/taking delivery of.对于船方负责对集装箱内货物进行交接的,在装(拆)箱时,本公司负责对箱内货物进行理货。

He is answerable to me for his conduct.他对于他的行为该向我负责。

I shall be answerable for what he does.我将对他做的一切负责。

You are accountable to me for this money.这钱怎么用的,你应对我说明。

If anything happens to the boy, I will hold you accountable for it.如果这个男孩出什么事的话,我将让你承担一切责任。

We must hold you responsible for all consequences arising therefrom.由此发生的一切后果我们必须要你方负责。

Buyers(Sellers)must be held responsible.必须由买方(卖方)负责。

We are not responsible for the delay.迟误的责任不在我方。

常见词汇 12-3


在科技语言中,“度”字是一个使用率很高的表示各种计量单位的字。按中文的习惯,“度”既可以表示电表、水表或温度计上的刻度,又能表示眼镜片深浅的屈光度或地理位置的经纬度,等等。然而,在英语里却找不出一个适用于各种场合下的通用字。翻译时,必须视不同的意境使用不同的英语对应字。如:(1)译为 degree degree是普通用字,作“度”字的对应字使用时,多指温度以及几何学中弧和角的计算单位等。

The first well had a deviation of 1.7 degrees from the vertical.第一口井的斜度是1.7度。

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees centigrade.水的沸点是摄氏100度。

A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees.直角是角度为90度的角。

(2)译为 temperature 或 reading temperature和reading 是两个在表意上截然不同的字,尽管都与“温度”有关。前者指的是气温的总称,而后者指的是温度的具体计量单位(unit of measurement for temperature)。当中文中的“度”字指的是某天的气温时,便与temperature形成特定条件下的对应关系,reading多指仪器上的量度。

What’s the temperature today? 今天气温多少度? Is there any difference between the day and the night readings? 白天的度数和夜间的度数有什么差别吗?(3)译为 strength strength作“度”字的对应字使用时,多指眼镜片的深浅程度或酒、茶、咖啡、颜色等的浓度。

What’s the strength of the lenses of your glasses? 您的眼镜多少度? The foreign guests are interested in the strength of the black tea.外国客人们对这种红茶的浓度感兴趣。

(4)译为 parallel parallel的原义是(纬线),因而只能与表明地理方位纬度的“度”字形成对应词。

Beijing is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.北京靠近北纬40度。

This city is ten miles above the 38th parallel of the north.这座城市位于北纬38度线以北十英里。

(5)译为per cent 或 point 当“度”字在具体中文句中表示的是含某物质的百分比时,常译为per cent(或percent)。point表示的“度”,常指体温的度数。

This spirit contains 55 per cent alcohol.这种酒55度。

His temperature has gone up 3 points.他的体温升高了三度。

 Supplements: 1.Words 单词

claim, sustain, bear Expressions商业用语

Survey Report on Quality 品质鉴定证明书 Survey Report of Weight 重量鉴定证明书

Phrases 短语

attribute to, due to, do with, have no choice but, be meant for 2.Discriminations 辨析

responsible, answerable与accountable “度”的常见英译法

3.Grammar Points 语法点

表示原因状语从句considering, since, seeing(that),now(that), given(that)4.Wide Selection of Writing 多种写作选择

lodge/file/raise/enter/make/put in/register a claim against sb/ with insurance company on shipment for reason for $. Afterclass Exercise:

Write to your suppliers explaining that in a delivery of metal wastepaper bins twenty-seven were either slightly dented or badly scratched and that you have had to sell them at a price considerably below the recommended retail selling price.Submit a claim for the difference between the recommended retail price and the price at which the damaged bins were actually sold.45

Chapter Thirteen Invitation for Bids and Bid

第13章 招标和投标

 Time Allotment: Last Chapter and Homework Review(15 mins)Outline(10 mins)Main Points(45 mins)Supplements(15 mins)Afterclass Exercise(5 mins)

 Outline: Section One Invitation for Bids 第1节 招标 Section Two Bid 第2节 投标

Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Invitation for Bids and Bid 招标和投标的常用例句。

 Main Points: 常见词汇 13-1 loan 1)n.用作可数名词,表示贷款;用作不可数名词,表示借的动作。The rest can be obtained through bank loans.其余的可通过银行贷款解决。

He said he had applied for fresh loan to save them from bankruptcy.他说,为了免于破产,他已经再借了一笔债。有关loan的常用短语:

day-to-day loan         日拆 demand loan          活期放款 industrial loan         工业放款

long-term loan         长期放款,长期贷款 non-interest bearing/interest-free loan 无息贷款 secured loan          抵押放款 domestic loan          内债

government/public loan       公债 loan作名词时与之搭配的动词有:

want(想要),solicit(请求),negotiate(洽商),raise(筹集),float(招募),arrange(安排),conclude(达成),contract(约定),give/make/provide/grant(给予),have/get/obtain/receive(得到),secure(担保),under-write(承保贷款风险),repay/pay off/liquidate(清还),renew(按原来条件展期)。

2)v.在美国英语中作及物动词,表示借给,并可带双宾语;在英国英语中,表示借给的 动词要用lend:

The house had been loaned to the Yales by its owner, who used it during summers. 房子的主人只有夏天才在这里住,现在把它借给耶尔家暂用。

 辨析:loan,facility, advance与credit这组词均指贷款



 credit强调“信用”两字,多用于商人间的出口信贷、买方信贷、卖方信贷;credit与 facility连用,则指银行的信用贷款(credit facility)。例句:

The bank also extends export credit insurance facilities to cover risks undertaken by US exporters.银行扩大出口信贷保险业务,给美国出口商承担风险保险。The bank advanced me £2000. 银行借给我二千英镑。

A revolving credit of $125m has been signed between the World Bank and Turkey’s Agricultural Bank. 世界银行与土耳其农业银行签订了一亿二千五百万美元的循环信贷(协议)。

常见词汇 13-2 bid 1)vt.(买方)出价,递盘;(卖方)要价,索价;(拍卖时或商品交易所中)叫价,喊价 We do not think buyers will bid a higher price. 我们认为买主不会出更高的价格。

Last week we bid RMB ¥XX per ton for Green Tea.Now we can do a little better.上星期我们对绿茶递价每吨人民币××元。现在我们可以出得稍多一些。They have bid us $ 1.8 lower than you do.他们向我方要价比你方低1.8美元。

 One minute before the auctioneer struck his hammer, a Chinese firm bid $ 35 for your product. 拍卖人击槌前一分钟,一家中国公司对你方产品出价35美元。

 2)vi.(买方)出价,递盘;(卖方)要价,索价;(拍卖时或商品交易所中)喊价,叫价;投标(以求承包一项工程或供应货物) We hope you will bid for this article if you have interest in it. 你方若对此货有兴趣,望出盘。

 We are sorry to say that you are bidding higher than Japanese manufacturers. 抱歉,你方要价比日本厂商还高。

 Is nobody else going to bid?  再没有别人出价了吗?  There were two firms bidding against each other on the new project. 有两家公司竞相投标以求承建这项新工程。

 The firm decided to bid on the pipeline. 该公司决定投标以求承建这项管道工程。

 3)n.(买方的)出价、递盘;(卖方的)要价,索价;(拍卖时或商品交易所中)喊价,叫价;(承包工程的)投标。

 We will try to get a bid from the buyers. 我们将试图从买方获得一个递价。 Will no one make a higher bid?  再没有人出价更高了吗? 有关bid 的常用短语

 bid bond        投标保证金  bid deadline      投标截止日期 bid documents      投标文件

bid guarantee      投标担保,承包担保 award of bid      决标 call for bids      要求开标

closed bid       寄密封信或拍卖,投标或拍卖 invitation to bid    招标

invite bid      招标,征求承包 lose a bid      未中标,承包落选

open bid        公开投标,开标,开启承包书 public bid       不限范围邀请参加的投标 sealed bid       密封投标,密封出价 submit bid       投标,提出承包书 win a bid       中标,得标,承包中选

acceptance of the bid   中标,得标

bid(投标)作名词常与entertain, get, invite, make, open, reject, send in, submit, put in, withdraw, write等动词搭配。

 注意:商业英语中用作“投标,递价,出价”解的动词bid的过去式和过去分词均用bid,不用bade和bidden。


invitation to bid=invitation to tender   招标 invitation for bid=invitation for tender   招标 to invited bid=to invite tender      招标 to call for bid=to call for tender     招标 

常见术语 13-3 “费用”或“费”的常见英译法

1)译为fee或charge 这是“费用”或“费”的两个最常用的英语等值对应字。

fee主要指服务性费用。这种服务既能以体力方式提供,又能以向他人提出具有专业性质的建议或忠告等形式提供(payment for service or professional advice)。如,律师、医生、私人教师等所收之费用以及

入场费、入会费、挂号费等等均译为fee。charge除了可指服务性费用外,间或也指对货物或具体实物的收费(for goods)。


tuition(schooling)fee       学费

admission fee          入会费 doctor’s fee          医生的诊费 retaining fee(solicitors fee)    律师费 remittance fee          汇费 processing fee  加工费 charges for water and electricity  水电费 service charge  手续费 selling charge(commission)销售费用 extra charge(surcharge)  附加费 storage charges(fee)  保管费 stowage charges  (航运)depreciation charge   折旧费 advertising charges  广告费 loading charges  装货费 transport charges   运输费  例句:

You learn through failures—they’re like tuition fees. 通过失败你也可以学到东西—这也可以说是交学费吧。For this service, the bank asks for a small fee. 为这一服务项目,银行只收一点手续费。

2)expenses(expenditure)或 cost expenses和cost作“费用”的对应字使用时,多指“为某一特定需求而付出的消费性支出”expenses和cost为通用字,使用率极高,而expenditure为书面语体字,少用。有关expenses的常用短语

living expenses(the cost of living) 生活费

administrative expenses   办公费 printing expenses   印刷费 board expenses    伙食费 hospitalization expenses  住院费 funeral expenses   丧葬费 entertainment expenses   招待费 military expenditures   军费 current expenditure   经费

maintenance cost(expenses) 保养费(或维修费)production cost   生产费用 circulation costs   流通费用 cost of wear and fear  损耗费 financial expense   财务费用 depreciation expense(charge)  折旧费用 distribution expenses   推销费用 clerical cost    办公费用

。49 organization costs(expenses)  开办费 advertising expenses   广告费


All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country. 旅费由东道国负担。

With rising costs, it is difficult for him to make both ends meet. 由于生活费用的不断上升,他很难使收支平衡。

I have kept track of the expenditures incurred on the trip. 对于旅途中的花费我一直作着记录。

3)dues 或 tax dues作“费用”,“费”的对应字使用时,特指社会团体或组织的成员按本组织的有关规 定定期缴纳的组织费用。在美国这种费用又可用tax表示。

trade-union dues  工会会费

membership dues   会费(美国用tax)party member dues   党费  例句:

The matter of raising the dues was brought up at the meeting. 增加会费的问题在会上提了出来。

4)fare 和 freight 这两个字作“费用”的对应字使用时,均用于特定场合:fare指车(船)费;freight指运 费。

bus fares   公共汽车费 taxi    计程车费 boat fares    船费 freight   运费 back freight   退货运费 Freight paid   运费付讫 Freight to be collected  运费待收  例句:

A uniform fare of ten dollars for any distance. 不论远近车费一律拾元。

5)译为fund(s)funds作“费用”的对应字使用时,通常指“按事先拟好的计划为特定目的定期付出的专款”,相当于中文“经费”所表达的意思。 有关fund(s)常用短语

welfare funds   福利费 funds for buying books  图书购置费 funds for scientific research 科研费 relief fund   救济费










4、过程与方法 让学生通过春游活动方案的设计,组织讨论“春天我们玩什么”,让学生参加放风筝等春天里的活动,指导学生用最喜欢的方式表达自己和春天一起玩的快乐;让学生在做各种不同的风车中,探讨“风车为什么会转”、“怎样才能转得快”等问题,指导学生发现问题、解决问题,尝试用多种方法进行简单的探究活动。










莫愁湖——海棠花 玄武湖——樱花 古林公园——牡丹
































2、风筝真好玩,可惜只能在室外放。有没有室内室外都能玩,适合在春天玩,制作又简单的小玩具呢? 说它是辆车,可它不是车,风儿一吹来,脑袋转圈圈。(出示一个已经做好的纸风车)“动手又动脑,才能有创造”,小朋友们,让我们一起来做小风车!















