





( )1. A. Uu B. Qq C. Ww D. Vv

( )2. A. cap B. eraser C. Dale D. name

( )3. A. evening B. Ben C. desk D. Peter

( )4. A. book B. Dale C. good D. Ben

( )5. A. desk B. map C. pencil D. case


( )6. A. Good morning, Ben B. Good afternoon, Alice

C. Good evening, Dale D. Good night, Gina.

( )7. A. Hello B. Nice to meet you

C. Good morning D. Who are you?

( )8. A. I am James B. That’s a ball C. It’s an egg. D. This is an egg.

( )9. A. It’s my father B. It’s a bike C. It’s John. D. It’s his bike.

( )10. A. It’s black B. It’s a black

C. They are black

D. They are black chairs.


( )11. A. 5123456 B. 5553456 C. 5523456 D. 5223456

( )12. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s a notebook D. It’s my notebook.

( )13. A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn’t. C. He doesn’t like basketball

D. He likes basketball.

( )14. A. She has 13 volleyballs

B. She has 12 basketballs.

C. She has 25 balls

D. She has 14 basketballs.

( )15. A. $4 B. $5 C. $10 D. $9


1. Good morning, Miss Wang! Good morning. Nice to 16 you.

2. UVWXYZ, happy, happy we shall be when we 17 our ABC.

3. Kangkang is from 18 .

4. Please give this 19 to Maria in Class 2, Grade 1. I’m sorry. I don’t know her. What does she look 20 ?



( )21. Nice to meet you.

A. see B. be C. do D. have

( )22. What about your mouth?

A. And B. How C. What’s D. How about

( )23. Please look at this photo.

A. picture B. blouse C. hair D. jacket

( )24. Li Ming is from China.

A. come B. comes from C. Chinese D. comes

( )25. -Thank you.

-That’s OK.

A. Thanks B. No, thank you C. All right. D. You’re welcome.


( )26. My name ________ Wei Hua.

A. am B. is C. are D. a

( )27. -How do you do? -________.

A. I’m fine B. Fine, thank you C. How do you do? D. See you later.

( )28. -Are you Jack? -Yes, _______.

A. your are B. he is C. I am D. I’m

( )29. My friend _________ black hair.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

( )30. -Who’s this man in the picture?


A. He is forty B. He has a long nose.

C. He is from Japan. D. He is my teacher.

( )31. Look _______ the picture. My cap is blue.

A. at B. in C. on D. with

( )32. -______?

-They are flowers.

A. What’s this?

B. What’s that?

C. What are these?

D. Are they flowers?

( )33. What’s that? _______ a box.

A. That is B. it C. It’s D. That

( )34. Can you spell _________ name?

A. your B. you C. it D. me

( )35. That’s ______ bedroom.

A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily’s and Lucy’s

C. Lily and Lucy’s D. Lily’s and Lucy

( )36. Is your bike new _______ old?

A. in B. are C. and D. or

( )37. Is that ________ pear? No, it’s _________ orange.

A. an,a B. a,an C. a,a D. an,an

( )38. I’m in _______.

A. Class 4, Grade 1 B. class 4, grade 1

C. Grade 1, Class 4 D. grade 1, class 4

( )39. _______ are in Grade One.

A. I and Wei Fang B. Wei Fang, I and Li Lei

C. Wei Fang and I D. Li Lei and me.

( )40. Please _______ these books _________ your sister.

A. to, is B. give, to C. look, at D. do, with


A)完形填空 通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

There is (有) 41 nice girl in our class. She 42 in Row 5 (在5排). She is thirteen 43 . 44 is not tall and she is not short. She is a little fat (有点胖). She has a round 45 an apple. She 46 two big black eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is big, 47 her ears are small. Her hair is short 48 black. She likes red. She is often 49 red clothes. She likes little animals. She has a little black dog in 50 home.

( )41. A. an B. the C. a D. /

( )42. A. is B. are C. do D. does

( )43. A. year old B. years old

C. old D. years

( )44. A. He B. She C. he D. she

( )45. A. at B. of C. like D. on

( )46. A. have B. is C. has D. are

( )47. A. and B. so C. but D. or

( )48. A. and B. with C. but D. no

( )49. A. in B. at C. with D. on

( )50. A. she’s B. his C. her D. hers

B)阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,做每篇后面的题目,从四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。


I have a good friend. His name is Sam. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He is in my school, too. I’m in Class 1. But Sam in in Class 2. Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher. Mr Mao is Sam’s Chinese teacher. They are good teachers.

51. ______ is my good friend.

A. Mike B. Jim C. Tom D. Sam

52. -Is Sam an English boy?


A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t. C. Sam is an English boy.

D. Sam isn’t a Chinese boy.

53. -What class is Sam in? He is in _______.

A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three D. Class Four

54. Who is Sam’s Chinese teacher? -________.

A. Mr Wang B. I C. Mr Mao D. They

55. Mr Wang and Mr Mao are good _______.

A. boys B. girls C. men D. teachers


The man has a tall and big nose and big eyes. He is short and thin with yellow hair. He is wearing a blue coat, black trousers and red shoes. The police can not catch him. Please help them to find him.

56. The man’s nose is ________.

A. tall B. big C. small D. tall and big

57. -What color is the man’s hair?


A. Red B. Yellow C. Gray D. Black

58. -Are his trousers blue? -______.

A. Yes they are B. No, they aren’t C. I don’t know. D. No, it’s gray.

59. -Is the man good or bad?


A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. He’s good D. He’s bad.

60. Who wants to catch the man? -_______.

A. The police B. We C. He D. They



61. _____62. _____63. _____64. _____65. _____


66. Tom is ________(11岁)

67. I have three ______(小刀)

68. My ______(父母)are all teachers.

69. What’s the _______(男孩的)name?

70. He’s wearing a _______(双)of shoes.

C)句子翻译 根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。

71. 你怎么拼它?______ ______ you spell it?

72. 明天见。______ you ________.

73. 人人叫我迈克。________ calls _______ Mike.

74. 这件衣服看起来很好,但不适合我。

This coat __________ very nice, but it doesn’t _______ me.

75. 这是什么?是苹果。What’s this? ________ _______ apple.


76. Who’s this? This’s Li Ying. ________

77. She’s Japan. ________

78. She’s doctor.

79. She have a sister. ________

80. Her sister name’s Li Yu. ________


二、笔试部分(100分)Ⅳ、单项选择(15分)()16.--Where he ?---In Wuhan.A.do, live B.does, lives C.do, live D.does, live()17.--How can I the bank, please?---You can take bus No.10.A.get B.get to C.take D.take to()18.--Thank you very much for telling me the way.---.A.Don’t thank me B.No thanks C.You’re welcome D.You needn’t()19.--Why do you like pandas?--Because they’re cute.A.a kind of B.kinds of C.all kinds of D.kind of()20.My brother works very hard because he a university student.A.wants to do B.wants to be C.likes to do D.likes to be()21.I want to get a job a reporter.A.as B.such C.so D.with()22.--Shall we go shopping now?---Sorry, I can’t.I my shirts.A.wash B.washes C.washed D.am washing()23.--How is the weather in Tianjin?--It’s sunny.A.like B.look C./ D.likes()24.Stop and listen to me.A.to talk B.on talk C.talking D.to talking()25.Do you know the boy a funny hat and sunglasses? A.is B.has C.wears D.with()26.--for breakfast?--I want some bread, milk and two eggs.A.What do you like B.Which do you like C.What would you like D.What had you had()27.--What about your last weekend?--I a good time.A.had B.was have C.having D.have()28.He practices English every morning.A.speaks B.to speak C.speaking D.speak()29.I’d like soccer with my friends after school.A.to play B.playing C.play D.to playing()30.Music makes me relaxed.A.feeling B.to feel C.feel D.felt Ⅴ、完成下列句子(10分)31.课堂上禁止讲话。

in class.32.你认为我们的英语老师怎样? do you our English teacher? 33.上周末他们去哪度假了? you on vacation last weekend? 34.我想要些牛肉和西红柿。

I some beef and.35.你爸爸长什么样? does your father ? Ⅵ、句型转换(10分)36.My sister wants to be a nurse.(对划线部分提问)does your sister to ? 37.Her mother went to New York City last year.(同上)her mother last year? 38.He wrote a letter to Mary yesterday.(用now改写句子)He a letter to Mary now.39.What was the weather like in Nanjing last week?(改为同义句)the weather in Nanjing last week? 40.I enjoy playing the piano.(同上)I the piano.Ⅶ、完形填空(20)A Last Saturday, my parents and I 41 to summer camp.We went to the mountains, we 42 the foot of the mountains 43 bus.In the middle of the mountain there was a river.The water was very clean.There were some fish in the river.On the mountain there 44 flowers.They were very 45.At noon, many people got together.It was so 46.We 47 our meal on the mountain.The food was very 48.After eating, we went on our trip.At last, we got to the top of the mountain.We were all very 49.It was really 50.()41.A.go B.goes C.went D.are going()42.A.get to B.got to C.reached to D.got()43.A.on B.in C.with D.by()44.A.is B.are C.was D.were()45.A.angry B.ugly C.beautiful D.shy()46.A.crowded B.busy C.easy D.popular()47.A.did B.do C.made D.make()48.A.much B.delicious C.many D.cheap()49.A.happy B.excite C.interesting D.clever()50.A.boring B.relax C.successful D.interesting B John is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a 51 student when he was young.He was often late for 52 and didn’t like doing his homework.Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn’t understand(懂得)much, 53 he always thought he understood everything.One day the teacher 54 the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old,55 brother Bob was twenty.Jack is fifteen now and 56 is his brother Bob?” John said, “That’s easy.Bob is twice(两倍)as old as Jack, so he is thirty.” Another time, the 57 in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), 58 do we always see light(电光)before we 59 the sound?” “But, Miss,” said John quickly, “don’t you 60 our eyes are in front of our ears(耳朵)?”()51.A.good B.tall C.rich D.fat()52.A.sleep B.lunch C.class D.play()53.A.so B.and C.or D.but()54.A.sent B.asked C.told D.found()55.A.your B.my C.his D.her()56.A.how many B.how old C.what D.who()57.A.teacher B.farmer C.nurse D.policeman()58.A.what B.when C.where D.why()59.A.break B.make C.hear D.smell()60.A.read B.hope C.study D.know Ⅷ、阅读理解(30分)A John was a farmer.He liked to grow flowers(种花)in his garden when he is free(空闲).One Sunday morning after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging(开始挖)in his garden at eight.He dug(挖)and dug.Half an hour later he suddenly(突然地)found a coin(硬币)near his foot.He was very glad.He put it in his right pocket(口袋).A few minutes later, he found another one.He picked it up(捡起)and put it in the same pocket.The same thing happened(发生)for the third(第三次), the fourth and the fifth time … He was very glad and told his wife about it.She was very glad, too.She said, “A thief took away a lot of coins from a shop a few days ago.The police caught him but they didn’t find any coins.” Then John went on digging some more coins, but just when he began to dig, he felt something cold in his trousers(裤子).It ran down one of his legs.He put his hand down quickly – and the coin came into his hand.Now he knew there was a hole(洞)in his pocket.()61.There were some in John’s garden.A.flowers B.coins C.trees D.farmers()62.John found a coin in his garden.A.at 8:00 B.between 8:20 and 9:20 C.at 9:20 D.at 10:00()63.John told his wife that.A.the police caught the thief B.he found money in his garden C.someone took the coins of the shop D.he lost his money in his garden()64.There was a hole in.A.his coat B.his left pocket C.his right pocket D.his garden()65.John dug out in his garden.A.five coins B.many coins C.no coin D.only one coin B Dave was ten years old and was a very lazy boy.He had to go to school every day.He didn’t like school and didn’t want to do much work.His parents are doctors.They hoped that their son would become a doctor when he grew up.But one day Dave said to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a dustman(垃圾工人).” “A dustman?” his mother asked.She was very surprised(惊讶地).“That’s not a pleasant job.Why do you want to be a dustman?” “Because I only have to work one day a week,” Dave answered.“One day a week?” his mother asked.“What do you mean?” “Well,” Dave answered, “I know that dustman only come to our house and work on Wednesday, because I only see them on that day.”()66.Dave did not do much work at school because.A.he was lazy B.he didn’t like the teacher C.he was good at his lessons D.his parents would help him()67.Dave knew that.A.his parents wanted him to be a doctor B.his father was one of the best doctors C.his mother worked very hard D.his teachers were very good()68.Dave wanted to be a dustman because he thought.A.it was the easiest work B.it was the most interesting work C.it was much better than to be a doctor D.dustman didn’t have to work every day()69.Dave’s mother thought dustman’s job was.A.happy B.light C.not pleasant D.not busy()70.Which of the following is right? A.Dave was a student of a very big school.B.Dave’s parents worked in the same hospital.C.Dave was the only son of the family.D.Dave didn’t know how dustmen did their work.C American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday.There are two terms in a school.The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June.Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old.Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students study only four or five subjects each term.They usually go to the same class every day, and they have little homework for every class.After class they do many interesting things.After high school, many students go to college.They can go to a small one or a large one.Many college students work after class to get some money for their studies.()71.Most American children go to school when they are years old.A.four B.five C.six D.seven()72.High school students after class.A.do a lot of homework B.do many interesting things C.often sing songs D.do lots of reading()73.After high school, many students.A.begin to work B.stay at home C.go to college D.visit their friends()74.Many college students work after class because.A.they want to get some money for their studies B.they don’t have anything to do C.their parents ask them for money D.their teachers ask them to do so()75.From this passage, we know that in America a summer holiday begins in.A.January B.September C.February D.June Ⅸ、书面表达(15分)运用所学知识描述一位你熟悉的人物。文章不得少于60字。



“面向全体学生, 关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异”是2011版《义务教育英语课程标准》 (以下简称“新课标”) 提出的课程理念之一。初一英语教学在义务教育阶段中处于承上启下的关键地位, 尤其是新生入学后当月的教学对于初中后二年, 乃至高中和终身的发展都有着深远的影响。为此, 笔者围绕初一新生英语的个性化教学这一课题, 进行了多年的探索和实践, 在行动研究中积累了一些经验, 现作一总结反思, 以与同仁共勉。


个性化教学在教育科学研究中是一个永恒的主题, 但笔者认为, 其在初一新生的英语教学中具有特别重要的意义。


初一新生刚从小学走来, 中学的一切对他们来说都充满新鲜和好奇。不管他们在小学的学习情况如何, 面对新学期的新开端, 每个学生都充满自信, 每个家长都充满期待, 每个教师都充满希望。作为教学活动的组织者、引导者和参与者, 教师必须未雨绸缪, 对照新课标从入学开始就要通盘考虑, 只有抓好入学开门红, 把住新生第一关, 才能确保后续教学工作的顺利开展。


由于小学阶段的课程要求、教材内容、教学方式、学习环境等与中学有很大不同, 学生进入中学后都有一个适应过程。初一英语对学生综合语言运用能力的要求提高了, 新教材不再是单纯地以词汇、语法为主要脉络来组织教学, 而是根据语言交际的需要, 综合考虑学生人文素养和心智的发展。实行个性化教学能促使全体学生都尽快适应中学英语教学环境, 通过提优补差, 争取同步发展。

3.防微杜渐, 防差转差

由于小学英语学习的基础不同, 学生在面对篇幅多, 词汇容量大的初一英新教材时, 很容易造成两极分化。据笔者观察, 初一新生两极分化现象在入学后第一个月就会浅露端倪, 在期中时逐步明朗化, 若不加以重视和防范, 分化现象会越来越严重。因此, 要使每个学生学好英语, 喜欢英语, 教师必须一开始就重视防差转差工作, 把差生苗子消灭在萌芽状态。可见, 切实做好入学当月的英语入门引导工作十分关键。


新课标指出:“由于学生在年龄、性格、认知方式、生活环境等方面存在差异, 他们具有不同的学习需求和学习特点。只有最大限度地满足个体需求, 才有可能获得最大化的整体教学效益。”据此, 笔者在入学的第一个月, 尽力做好以下个性化的教学工作。

(一) 努力营建学好英语的氛围

笔者充分利用课内外的各种机会, 反复强调学英语的重要性, 使全体学生都有一种要学好英语的压力与动力。在教学过程中, 注重知识的趣味性和实践性, 注意根据不同学生的特长, 创设不同的语言环境, 引导学生参与各种活动课。如手工制作、庆贺活动, 小品表演, 作品展览、写作竞赛、演讲、智力竞赛, 知识接力赛等。让学生在乐中学、学中思、思中用, 给不同的学生创造展示自己的机会, 让所有学生体验到学英语的乐趣, 感受到所学知识的价值。同时向学生讲明, 初一英语是重起炉灶, 不管基础好坏, 只要认真学习, 每个人都能取得好成绩, 并向他们介绍以前学生学英语的成功事例, 增强他们学好英语的兴趣和信心。

(二) 进行学习习惯养成教育

很多新生受小学行为规范的影响, 上课都把手放在背后、只会听老师讲, 不会作笔记, 也不会主动参与教学互动。英语是一门交际性语言, 能听懂、开口说是关键。在课堂教学中笔者尽量用英语组织教学, 紧凑安排对话表演、小组讨论、适当的朗读背诵, 促使学生自主地听、说、读, 时间一长便养成了听、说、读、写的好习惯。另外, 备用英语纠错本、英语随笔本, 加强读写习惯的培养也很重要。

为使学生养成良好的阅读习惯, 一要辅导学生朗读英语单词与句子, 指导他们如何背诵, 有意培养学生的诵读能力。二要引导学生精读课文, 根据学生的不同水平进行梯级式的训练:有些题目能直接从原文中找到答案或进行判断;有些需要对原文进行分析、简单判断;有些需经深层推理, 找main idea或根据原文判断表达是否正确。此外, 泛读也必不可少, 要求学生在课外阅读生词率不超过3%的文章, 指导学生善用词典, 养成借助词典自主阅读的习惯。同时训练学生根据上下文推测词义, 学生有了阅读中处理单词的好习惯, 课外阅读难度就会降低, 阅读能力定会迅速提高。

(三) 做好对新生的调研, 及时采取个性化的应对策略

加长短板是取得最大化整体教学效益的基础。据此, 笔者在新生一入学就马上找机会向学生家长或小学任课教师了解情况, 并通过加强课内外观察, 经常找学生谈心, 和任课老师交流意见等方式, 对学生有个整体的了解, 并做好以下防差转差工作。

1. 掌握暂时差生心理, 建立良好师生感情

进入中学, 每个学生都渴望新的开端, 暂时差生也不例外。教师要坚信成绩差只是相对的, 暂时的, 每个学生都会进步, 都在成长。笔者对具体学生作具体分析:父母离异的学生, 因大多较内向, 自卑, 性格孤僻, 笔者就主动给他们母亲般的爱, 找他们谈心, 进行心理疏导, 并在生活上给予足够的关心;对有特点的学生, 就多发现他们身上的“闪光点”, 多表扬鼓励, 增强他们的上进心。有位暂时差生, 英语阅读较好, 笔者就多让他在课上朗读, 该生在周记中写道:“听到台下同学的掌声, 我知道我成功了, 看来我也行。”所以教师要相信每个孩子, 要多给他们成功的体验。

2. 理解、尊重、宽容, 善待暂时差生

英语教学成功与否, 不仅取决于学习者的智力因素, 还取决于他们情绪, 态度、动力等, 因此教师在任何时候都要控制自己的情绪, 不迁怒、不急躁, 切忌使用训斥, 侮辱人格和伤害自尊心的语言;切忌向家长及班主任告状。他们毕竟是十多岁的孩子, 教师一个宽容的微笑, 一句体贴的话语一个会意的眼神, 一个轻微的触摸都会产生巨大的鼓动力。

3. 借助集体的力量帮助暂时差生

初一英语教学从头开始, 即从音标入手, 进行规范教学。班级学外语的气氛浓, 外语成绩好, 这对暂时差生是一种很大的促动力, 在强烈的学习气氛感染下, 他们也会尽最大的努力。笔者还在班内发动接受能力强的同学组织拉帮教小组, 配合教师对一些接受能力弱、学习习惯差的学生进行帮助和督促。

4. 帮助暂时差生制订切实可行的目标

合适的学习目标能使学生获得学习的动力, 笔者在全面了解每位暂时差生后, 帮助他们制订了近期和学期学习目标, 并通过个别辅导, 指导他们采取有效的学习策略。随着学习的进程, 经常检查对照, 一旦发现有了进步, 就及时修正目标, 以激发他们持续进步的动力。

(四) 实施分层教学, 引导学生开好头

在“面向全体学生、因材施教、分类指导、各有目标、各有所得、力争整体同步发展”思想指导下, 根据每位学生的实际情况, 在教学的每个环节提出不同的要求。

1. 坚持听说领先, 读写紧随的原则

学习任何语言, 听都是第一位的。有了足够量听的信息输入才能有说的信息输出。教师的任务就是要通过信息输入, 使之内化为学生的一种能力。初中英语新教材很重视听说。听什么呢?一是听教师讲;二是听英语录音带;三是听同学说。教师在课上要努力营造交际氛围, 尽量用英语组织教学, 课前可安排值日生作英语值日报告, 让学生用英语自我介绍。说可从模仿开始, 先模仿教师, 模仿录音, 再进行师生互动、生生互动, 最终达到脱口而说, 自然流畅。

过了听说这一关, 读写相对就容易些, 学生打开书, 看到文字就会有一个似曾相识的感觉, 稍加训练, 就会琅琅上口, 再拼写几遍, 读写的目标基本达成, 学生基本能听懂教师的课堂用语、简单的日常用语、听懂与课文内容相当的录音, 还经常用英语打招呼、询问、对话。

2. 以活动为主线, 以交际为中心

学英语的根本目的是为了交际。用英语交流信息、交流思想, 或是口头的, 或是书面的。英语新课程教学不仅要教会学生语言知识和技能, 更要教会学生如何运用语言进行交际。少年儿童模仿能力强, 好动、善表现, 笔者抓住这一特点, 精心设计值日报告、角色表演、情景演讲、专题辩论等活动教学情景, 在激发学生学习英语兴趣的同时, 促进口头交际能力的培养, 真正让学生“动”起来, 让课堂“活”起来。

3. 勤于辅导, 精于指导

对一些学习习惯较差, 自觉性不高的暂时差生和入门较慢的学生, 笔者采用重点盯人战术, 进行重点帮助和个别辅导, 只要教师课上多一份耐心, 多给一次机会, 多一些鼓励, 课下多一些关心、点拨, 成绩一般都能跟上班级水平。对一些基础较好、热情高、潜力大的学生, 就让他们两两结对, 互帮互学, 在扎实、踏实上下功夫。对全体学生进行学习策略指导, 如在听、读中如何抓住关键词、主题句, 如何巧记单词等。只要学生学会了怎样学习, 就能形成良性循环, 取得事半功倍的教学效果。

4. 以旧引新, 重视前后知识的联系

在讲授单词时, 笔者采用以旧词解释新词, 以新词套用旧句型, 以新词造句重温旧词等方法, 做到词不离句, 活学活用, 达到温故知新的目的。也可根据同音、形同音不同等词的特点, 写出学过的词汇。为此, 可让学生准备一本词汇本, 每教一个词, 就要求他们写出与此单词发音相近或词形相似的单词, 看谁说得多, 写得快。这样不但及时复习巩固了知识, 促进了前后知识的贯通, 而且激发了学生的竞争心, 使全体学生都在原来的基础上取得长足的进步。

这些年来, 通过对初一新生实施个性化教学策略, 所教班级的优秀率、良好率、及格率一直名列前茅。





1. oceanA. pleasantB. pleasureC. pressureD. professor

2. existA. excellentB. example

C. expression D. explain

3. courageA. shoulderB. pronounce

C. southernD. anxious

4. thusA. arothmeticB. thread

C. mathematicsD. mouths

5. magazineA. seizeB. realC. medicine D. build


1. I’d appreciate ____ if you could lend me a hand with my homework.

A. soB. itC. thatD. you

2. Mary is a top student in the class. You cannot speak ____ highly of


A. veryB. wellC. muchD. too

3. ——Would you care for tea or coffee?

——Neither, ____. I’ve just had some tea.

A. thank youB. of course, please

C. yesD. no, please

4. His father ____ a soldier in World War Ⅱ, didn’t he?

A. wasB. would beC. must beD. used to be

5. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation ____ it got


A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. as

6. He is such a great scientist ____ all the people in the world show

respect for.

A. thatB. asC. soD. who

7. I hate ____ when someone calls me up in the middle of night.

A. oneB. thatC. itD. which

8. ____ either of your parents come to see you in the last two weeks?

A. HasB. HaveC. HadD. Will

9. You can’t imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times ____.

A. in weightB. by weightC. of weightD. their weight

10. Jane had a high fever. Tom felt ____ his duty to look after her.

A. thatB. itC. thisD. /

11. The kidnapper threatened ____ his only son if Tom didn’t manage to

send him one million dollars in a week.

A. to killB. killing

C. and killedD. to have killed

12. It was midnight ____ I finished ____ the book.

A. when, to readB. that, reading

C. at which, readingD. when, reading

13. We reached the seaside at 6, ____ the sun began to set.

A. whereB. whenC. tillD. from which

14. ——What’s wrong with the man?

——____ from school for nothing has made him mad.

A. His son is absentB. His son being absent

C. His son’s being absentD. His son’s being absence

15. The boy was caught ____ in the examination room and he was later

punished for doing so.

A. cheatB. cheatedC. cheatingD. to cheat


Mr. Gray travelled a lot on business. He sold machines of different kinds to farmers.

He had a big car, and usually __1__ driving it long distances, but he was quite satisfied to go by __2__ sometimes too, especially when the __3__ was bad.He was a little afraid of driving in rain or snow, and it was __4__ tiring to sit comfortably in a train and looked out of the window without being worried about how __5__ was going to get to the next place.

One of Mr. Gray’s problems was often __6__ to stay when he reached some small place in the country. He did not __7__ great comfort and wonderful food, but he found it annoying(使恼火) when he was given a cold room, and there was no hot water or food after a long and __8__ day.

Late __9__ winter evening, Mr. Gray arrived at a small railway station. The __10__ by train that day had not been at all interesting, and Mr. Gray was cold and tired and __11__. He was looking forward to a simple __12__ satisfying meal by a brightly burning fire. And then a hot bath and comfortable bed.

__13__ he was walking to the taxi rank, he said to a local man who was also __14__ there. “As this is my first visit to this __15__ of the country and I was in too much of a hurry to __16__ about hotels before I left home, I would very much like to know __17__ you have here.”

The local man answered, “We have __18__.”

“And which would you __19__ me to go to?” Mr. Gray asked him.

The local man thought for a while and then answered, “Well, it’s like this: Whichever one you go to, you’ll be __20__ you didn’t go to the other.”

1. A. consideredB. practisedC. imaginedD. enjoyed

2. A. trainB. carC. himselfD. plane

3. A. businessB. conditionC. roadD. weather

4. A. leastB. mostC. lessD. more

5. A. ifB. oneC. thatD. she

6. A. whereB. howC. whatD. when

7. A. knowB. needC. expectD. like

8. A. comfortableB. tiringC. niceD. special

9. A. thatB. oneC. theD. a

10. A. journeyB. experienceC. travelD. distance

11. A. unhappyB. sleepyC. angryD. hungry

12. A. butB. andC. orD. however

13. A. UntilB. AfterC. BeforeD. While

14. A. walkingB. looking onC. waitingD. visiting

15. A. townB. stationC. landD. part

16. A. talkB. thinkC. moveD. find out

17. A. whatB. which oneC. how manyD. how

18. A. threeB. oneC. noneD. two

19. A. wantB. allowC. adviseD. expect

20.A. sorryB. satisfiedC. amusedD. comfortable



A good teacher is many things to many people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded(要求) the most discipline(纪律) from their students.

I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remember very vividly (清晰地) a sign over her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, “Laboratory—in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized(强调), not the last seven.” In other words, I guess, labor for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

She prepared her work very carefully and demanded us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the homework load would be reduced, but it continued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had read them.

I think sometimes teachers who demand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit(有益于) the students.

1. Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?


A. A patient teacherB. An honest teacher



一、读出下列单词。(20分)mediumwinterbetween delicious thiefcurly silluniformdolphin taxisaiddecide weatherfoundvisit streetworlduncle vacationcamp

二、读出下列段落(10分)。My name is Bob.I live in Toronto, and Canada, and I want a pen pal in China.I think China is a very interesting country.I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November.I can speak English and a little French.I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah.They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.My favorite subject in school is P.E.It’s fun.But I don’t like math.It’s too difficult!

三、回答下列问题。(20分)1.Where do you come from? 2.What animal do you like? 3.Do you like pandas? Why? 4.What do you want to do? 5.What’s your job?

6.What are you doing now? 7.What does your mother like? 8.How was your last weekend? 9.What did you do yesterday? 10.Did you go to school last week? 测试教师:______口试成绩:_______



1.Go s_______ down this road, and you can

find the hospital.2.W_________ is the fourth day of a week.3.There are many books, newspapers and

m_________ in the library.4.I was l______ for class because I didn’t get

up early.5.There are many l______ on the street, because the fall is coming.二、按要求改写句子。(20分)1.就画线部提问).______ ______ your mother ______? 2.就画线部提问).How long______ you ______every day?

3.Let’s take a walk after dinner.(改同义句)

Let’s _____ ______ a walk after dinner.4.She works in a TV station.(改为否定句)She _______ ______ in a TV station.5.Julia’就画线部提问)

_______ ________ Julia’s birthday?


1.There _______ some bread on the table.A.isB.are C.have

2.I don’t know her, _____ I can’t tell you who she is.A.andB.so C.because 3.Listen!Who ______ in the next room?

A.singsB.is singing C.singing 4.---___ is the mutton?---About 18yuan.A.WhatB.How much C.How many 5._______.Where is the station?A.SorryB.HiC.Excuse me 6.My house is _______the garden.A.across in B.cross from C.across from7.Jim, ______ in bed.A.doesn’t read B.don’t read C.not read 8.---Did he go to sleep late?---_______.A.Yes, he didn’t B.Yes, he doesC.No, he didn’t

9.Thank you for_____ us such an interesting story.A.tellB.to tellC.telling10.Does your sister enjoy _______ music?A.listening toB.listeningC.to listen








A.夸奖谦虚机灵欣欣向荣 B.虚伪夸耀勾结当机立断 C.简朴刚强嘴脸斗志昂扬


A.意志坚强房屋牢固发扬作用发挥特长 B.认识深刻调查深厚发现问题发明创造 C.改正缺点改善生活服装整洁步伐整齐


A.B.喧闹渲染漩涡头晕目眩 C.D.5、下面句中空格处依次应填入的一组关联词语是(B)

他不认识鲁迅先生,从来没有过通过信,他确信鲁迅先生能够满足 一个共产党人临死之前的这个庄严的要求。

A.虽然„„但是„„也B.虽然„„也„„可是 C.即使„„也„„可是D.既然„„就„„但是


A.落寞希翼痛心疾首重峦叠障B.迁徙晶莹销声匿迹千姿百态 C.玲珑殉职虎视眈眈郑重其是D.琐屑狡黠龙盘虎踞通霄达旦












1盛气凌(líng)人逼迫○2随声附和(hè)应和,盲从 ○


4、对于“不耻下问”,《论语》中的说法是焉。而“旁观者清,当局者迷”在苏轼的《题西林壁》中对应的诗句是 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。(2分)















他荣获了“三好学生”的称号。7.填写歇后语: 爷爷家的书真多,真是孔夫子搬家——净是书啊!































2月22日 阴天 北风 不咳 3月8日 晴天 东南风 咳得厉害 4月19日 多云 南风 有点咳 4月22日 晴天 南风 有点咳 5月1日 晴天





我把自己的想法告诉了医生。他说“你爸爸得的是过敏性支气管炎。硫酸厂排出的有毒的二氧化碳气体,有人一闻它,咽喉就过敏,引起咳嗽。”我为替爸爸找到病因而高兴。△ 从此,只要刮东南风,我就把朝南的窗户关紧。这样,爸爸就不咳嗽了。但是,我多么希望治理好环境污染,就是开着窗户,爸爸也不会咳嗽呀!△






