













刚开始学滑雪时没有请教练,结果从山顶滑到山下,实际上是从山顶滚到山下。练了一个星期,终于学会了在坡上停止、滑行、再停止。这时候就发现自己会滑雪了。因为我知道只要我想停,一转身就能停下来。只要能停下来,就不会撞上树,撞上石头、撞上人,就不会被 。因此,只有知道如何停止的人,才知道如何高速前进。用汽车来比喻,宝马可以上200公里,奇瑞却只能上150公里,为什么?发动机不相上下,差距在刹车系统,奇瑞上200公里就刹不了车了!











































1 中英文姓名排序

尽管在中英文中, 人们都有名字, 但排序不尽相同, 中文的姓名由姓+辈分+名或姓+名构成, 当前在很多情况下, 中文中的辈分常常被忽略。比如:毛泽东, 毛是姓, 东是名, 泽是辈分。再比如:杨过, 杨是姓, 过是名, 辈分已被忽略。从中可以看出, 汉语中的代表家族的“姓”被置于代表个人称谓的“名”前, 说明中国人把家族, 集体的事及利益置于个人之事之利益之前。英文的姓名由名+中间名+姓构成, 英文中的中间名常常被忽略, 所以在英文中常见名+姓的构成形式。比如:William Fefferson Clinton, William代表个人称谓的“名”, Fefferson是中间名, Clinton是代表家族的姓, 英语在很多场合中, 中间名略去不写, 上述名字常常写为William Clinton。再比如:George Walker Bush略写为George Bush, George是名, Bush是姓。从上述英语的名字中, 可以看出在英语中“姓”被置于“名”之后, 说明西方把个人利益和事看得比集体, 家族之事和利益重要得多。同样是姓名, 为何中英文的“姓”和“名”排序会如此不一致, 中西方的教育价值取向对此问题又会作何阐释?


所谓教育价值取向, 是由于对同样的教育事实, 不同的人, 往往出于对教育实践的关注, 从这种经验事实能否满足他们需要与如何满足其需要的角度, 作出价值判断、价值评价与价值选择[3]。西方崇尚“个人本位”, 认为教育主要应彰显人的个性, 教育的最终目的是为了个人的发展, 与教育有关的方针政策, 教育教学方式与方法理应绕着“个人的发展”而进行。而我国目前尚处于社会主义初级阶段, 现有的物质财富和精神财富尚不能完全满足人们的需求, 也不足以保障个人的完全自由充分的发展, 把“社会本位”作为“社会主义”的代名词, 完全合理, 并认为我国的教育目的主要由社会决定, 培养的社会成员要符合社会所需, 对人的培养方式方案的设计应根据社会需要进行规划。总之与教育有关的方针政策和教育方式方法应围绕社会的需要而定, 个人发展要服从社会发展的需要。

正因上述两种不同的教育价值取向, 西方崇尚个人至上, 在“姓”“名”的排序上自然把体现个人特点的“名”放于首位, 把代表家族集体的“姓”置于后面, 以此表明自我个体利益应置于任何团体或集体利益之前。而我国讲究个人服从群体, 当个人利益与群体利益发生冲突时, 当选择牺牲个人利益以成就群体利益的教育价值取向, 因而汉语中的名字排序自然而然便有了表明家族团体的“姓”在前, 表明个人称谓的“名”在后的顺序了, 当然在“姓”“名”的排序上展示了我国教育价值取向上的社会本位。尽管存在种种不同的价值取向, 由于教育本身属于传递文化培养人的活动, “个人本位”与“社会本位”之争实际上是传递什么文化、培养什么人和怎样传递文化与怎样培养人之争。前者着眼于个人价值选择文化传递文化和培养人的方法;后者的抉择着眼于社会价值。而产生的抉择的困惑与分歧的原因, 皆在于迄今为止尚存在社会利益和个人利益的矛盾[4]“个人本位”与“社会本位”尽管存在以个人利益为主和以社会为主的冲突, 但并不是说“个人本位”就完全否认社会利益, 只是说以个人利益为主。“社会本位”也不完全否认个人利益, 而是说以社会利益为主。

当然, 社会同个人之间, 既有共同利益, 又有利益冲突, 问题在于是什么性质的社会, 社会利益同哪一部分成员利益一致, 同哪一部分社会成员利益冲突?“社会本位”论者强调社会利益与个人利益的一致性, 他们并不完全无视社会中人与人之间的利害冲突、社会利益和个人利益的冲突。在他们看来正是由于这种冲突, 才需要借助教育去消弭这种冲突。“个人本位”论者强调社会利益与个人利益的冲突。他们也不无视社会利益, 惟主张在发展个人的基础上促进社会进步[5]。

3整合中西方“姓”“名”排序上的教育价值取向, 寻其对教育的影响

中方以“姓”为先的教育价值取向, 表现在教育目的上便是主要培养社会发展所需之人, 个人的发展是以为社会发展为宗旨的。西方以“名”为先的教育价值取向, 表现在教育目的上便是主要关注学生的个人发展需要, 犹如南怀瑾老先生所说的, 西方是孩子的天堂, 中年人的博场, 老年人的坟场。细查中西方小学生守则要求, 我们便能知晓, 在教育上, 对孩子的培养更应关注孩子自身的发展。中方要培养爱国爱党爱民的未来公民, 但小学生守则中未告知学生如何从自身的日常行为中如何去做, 缺失对学生具体个人培养的要求。而学生民族情感, 集体主义精神的培养无疑需要具体个人发展的要求。西方注重尊重学生的人权, 告知什么该做, 什么不该做, 学生应有的权利是什么, 培养孩子的真实, 诚实的成长。但却没有涉及如何培养学生对民族情感的培养。因此, 中西方教育在人的培养方面各有缺陷却也各有优势。

1) 调整中方以“姓”为先的价值取向实现教育的回归与飞跃

鉴于上述“姓名”顺序的中西方教育价值观所述, 我们中国的教育的培养目标理应有所改变, 应在培养学生良好个性和日常良好品德的基础上渗入集体主义精神, 才能实现对学生真正集体主义、爱国主义教育, 犹如《弟子规》中所说“不力行, 但学文, 长浮华, 成何人”, 对于培养我们学生的良好个人, 我们不能完全参照国外的方式, 因为中国有自己的国情, 有自己的民族特点, 我们应在自我的民族特性上制定符合自己的教育目标。也就是仁义礼智信, 温良恭俭让, 使学生在日常的生活学习中真正明白如何做人, 做一个怎样的人才能符合人的要求。进而由个人品德的修养上升为为他人, 集体, 国家民族情感的培养。“温”是绝对的温和, 也就是平和, “良”是善良的、道德的。“恭”是恭敬的, 也就是严肃的。“俭”是不浪费, “让”是一切都是谦让友好的、理性的、把自己放在最后面[6]。要做到在日常生活中培养学生良好的个性和品德, 就得真正让学生在背诵《弟子规》《孝经》的基础上力行其中的每一句经文从而实现我国以“姓”为先的价值取向教育的回归与飞跃。

2) 调整西方以“名”为先的价值取向, 实现教育目的的升华

西方的以“名”为首的教育价值取向主要是受法国的自然主义教育家卢梭和美国最有声望的实用主义哲学家杜威的影响。卢梭说, “出自造物主之手的东西, 都是好的, 而一旦到了人的手里, 就都全变坏了”。杜威提出了新三中心, 即以儿童为中心、以经验为中心、以生活为中心。他们都提出应在教育的培养目标上要以学生的个性发展为中心, 社会的发展只是个体发展的辅助因素, 发展社会的目的也是为了个性的完全充分的发展。这种完全忽视社会发展的个人本位论有着极大的缺陷, 会让学生在学习过程中仅凭自己的需要与兴趣进行选择, 而且学生是发展中的人, 做事存在很大的感性因素, 三分钟热情是时常有的事。这样学生的学习便很难形成系统, 不利于他们习得系统的科学文化知识。鉴于此, 西方的个人本位论中加入一些强制因素, 比如在课程设置上开设上不再只是关注学生的个人兴趣和爱好, 而是设置一些必修课程。当然对学生的培养不只是学校的责任, 家庭和社会对其同样负有不可推卸的责任。尤其是家庭, 孩子性格和品德形成的关键期主要生活在家庭中, 因此, 家庭教育中除了给予孩子基本的生存技能而外, 更为重要的是给孩子灌输人是社会人, 离开了团体和社会的人不是发展完善的人, 进而在培养孩子独立的个性过程中让其养成跟人合作团结的精神, 让其养成关心关注团体和社会的精神, 从而养成关心热爱祖国的精神。想要让西方的孩子远离以自我为中心的个性, 就得在家庭教育中融入中国的古经精神, 也就是通过《孝经》的落实, 实现孩子对长辈和他人的尊重, 通过对《弟子规》的落实实现为团体和社会的和谐发展提供基石, 通过对《大学》的落实, 实现孩子从小我至大我的蜕变, 进而实现从西方的以“名”为核心的教育教育价值观即以自我为中心的价值观至以“姓名”为综合体的教育价值观的提升。

1 Introduction

You Tube, as a new approach to language learning, has raised a wide concern in recent years.Different views on You Tube are proposed by examining the characteristics and impacts of You Tube in English language learning and teaching practice.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction to You Tube

Due to the remarkable progress in information technology, the learning techniques and strategies are obviously changing.Many language learners prefer computer-aided techniques including video, blog, wiki and other powerful web tools.So, You Tube has become more and more popular through Internet sharing.It is defined as“enormously popular forms of web 2.0 new media”and a“learning community”where the video content is free and equal for every learner to discover, create or share (Duffy, P., 2007, p.5) .

Lange (2007) emphasizes the social significance of You Tube by saying that You Tube is mostly“a social networking website”which allows users to“maintain and strengthen group identities”through creating a personal page for uploading and several lists of linkages including friends, subscribers and favorite videos.

It’s known that the on-line video producing and sharing by users has been described as“video blogging”, and“video blogs”as“Vlogs”by millions of people.Vlogs like blogs serve as a source of on-line video and communication media for both individuals and the public (Nardi, 2004;Schiano, 2004) .

In terms of the popular usage of You Tube, some characteristics of You Tube are illustrated by componential analysis as follows:

lthe wide variety of video content including movies and TV clips and music video, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos;

lunregistered users can watch most videos on the site;registered users have the ability to upload an unlimited number of videos;

lFlag:ability to indicate a video that has inappropriate content;

lTags:keywords specified by the person who has uploaded the video;

lChannels:relating to groupings of content;

lSubscribe:registered users can subscribe to content needs for a particular users

lComments:often not monitored and can be provided by any registered usersabout an uploaded video;

lViews:the length of the video;

lRating:videos can be rated by registered users. (Duffy, P., 2007)

2.2 Benefits of video message in English language learning

As for the clear characteristics of You Tube, it is not difficult to imagine its advantages in language learning and teaching.As one of the social network tools, You Tube contributes to English language learning and teaching by a variety of visual materials for instructional purpose and self-learning through criticism and idea sharing.

Lori Langer de Ramirez (2010, p.5) represents the educational benefits of web 2.0 tools in language learning and recommend language learners to acquire not only a new language but also other important skills such as“learning and innovation skills”, “information, media and technology skills”and“life and career skills”.You Tube as a distinctive form of web 2.0 can provide language learners with materials from different aspects and generate different discussion on video message.To support the quality and contributions of virtual videos and You Tube for language learning, Kwan, R.and his colleagues (2008) analyzed the visual effectiveness and quality of tags of on-line videos.He proved that tags can easily lead to“a relevant collection of objects”and can help users to“organize content and obtain information about social network, as confirmed by their early results” (P.65) .

You Tube also features visual and auditory effects on the language learning and teaching in real circumstances.The visual and auditory items on You Tube contains photos, audio recordings, virtual videos and actions.Besides, Lori Langer de Ramirez (2010) states that the media tools including You Tube can help students“experiment and think critically about the phenomena they are ex-收稿日期:2016-06-15修回日期:2016-07-08

作者简介:汪斐 (1989—) , 女, 陕西商洛人, 助教, 英语语言学硕士, 主要研究方向为英语教学、二语习得。periencing first-hand in the real world by using controlled, hypothetical, or virtual environments”.

Ecologically speaking, You Tube has positive effects on students’brain and emotional intelligences.Berk, R.A. (2009, p.3) states that“video clips can be used to communicate with learners at a deeper level of understanding by touching their emotions”and summarize the potential inspiration for English language learning as“tap the core intelligence of verbal/linguistic, visual/spatial, musical/rhythmic, and emotional (interpersonal and interpersonal) ;engage both the left and right hemispheres;appeal to the reptilian, limbic and neocortex layers of the brain to intellectually;and manipulate students’brain waves to relax or alert them for learning when they are not sleeping in Delta or Theta Waveland”.

Above all, You Tube can be regarded as a personal learning landscape for acquiring language skills and create communication environments for expressing and exchanging individual learning experience.

3 Application and Challenges in Real Teaching and Learning Circumstances

Differing from the traditional learning tools, the advantages of You Tube have been obviously demonstrated.However, there are still some challenges that language learners have to face according to the real examples of You Tube using in English language learning experience.

The reliability and selecting criteria of video materials are the first challenge for English language learning.It’s known that the types of videos can be categories into action, romance, drama, commercials, music videos, etc.And the various types of videos may contain some inappropriate learning contents such as violence, sexuality, nudity and obscene language.Vergani, M.and Zuev, D. (2008) jointly did a qualitative analysis of political videos on YouTube and found that a lot of trial and errors are lying in many raw video materials (p.7-8) .Taking my learning experience for example, the multiple identities for online information on You Tube always troubled me because some contents are not authentic and even relevant for a specific language learning purpose but for entertainment or individual expression.

The distractions caused by You Tube using in the language learning process to also challenge language learners a lot.Sometimes, some videos on You Tube are too attractive that can distract and decrease language learning in the real situation.For example, films on You Tube will motivate language learners by visual and vocal effects While lead to more concentration on the magnificent artistic achievements than the language used.

The operation of You Tube technologies is an another difficulty in language learning.I have ever made a video named“A Short Flight”and uploaded it on You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l B395Wil O9U) for communicative purpose.The preparation and processing of this video indicate both comprehensive language skills like speaking and writing skills and the support of multimedia techniques including digital sound recorder, video production and editing software—Muvizu (http://www.muvizu.com/) and uploading and downloading techniques, etc.

4 Strategies and Assessment for Language Learning and Teaching

In spite of the challenges to incorporate You Tube into the learning experience, some strategies for English language learners are identified.

Mayer (2001) points out the five steps to activate learning in his cognitive theory“selecting relevant words for processing in verbal working memory;organizing selected words into a verbal mental model;organizing selected images into a visual mental model;integrating verbal and visual representations as well as prior knowledge” (P.54) .He also represents the findings of his research that“the contiguous presentation of verbal and visual material as in videos with integrated dialogue or narration is most effective for novices and visual learners”.

In response to the appropriate use of media for learning, Clark and Mayer (2002) provide some recommendation to improve language learning:“be aligned with expected learning or performance outcome;reduce cognitive load;exclude superficial text or graphics;and be appropriate for target learners’learning literacy.”

In terms of the selecting of videos for English language learning, Berk, R.A. (2009) suggest the choosing of the published sources and websites like You Tube, the identification of videos based on learning ability and level, and self-management of the video usage (P.8) .

Based on the learning experience through You Tube, the following lesson plan (See Sample 1) is designed as a student-orienteedd lleeaarrnniinngg aaiiddeedd bbyy vviirrttuuaall vviiddeeooss aanndd YYoouu TTuubbee..TTwwoo lleessssoonnss aarree supported by the carefully-selected materials and resources for

teaching plan, the teachers should pay attention to the observation aanndd mmaannaaggeemmeenntt ooff tthhee iinn--ccllaassss aaccttiivviittiieess, , aanndd hhooww ttoo eeffffeeccttiivveellyy uussee tteeaacchhiinngg mmaatteerriiaallss ttoo mmoottiivvaattee ssttuuddeennttss’’EEnngglliisshh llaanngguuaaggee lleeaarrnniinngg aanndd mmiinndd--ttoo--mmiinndd ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn..AAss ffoorr ssttuuddeennttss, , tthheeiirr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ooff iinn--ccllaassss oorr oouutt--ooff--ccllaassss aaccttiivviittiieess ccaann nnoott bbee jjuuddggeedd bbyy tteeaacchheerrss wwiitthh aa ssppeecciiffiicc ssccoorree bbeeccaauussee tthhiiss tteeaacchhiinngg pprroo--cceedduurree iiss ccoonntteexxtt--bbaasseedd ttoo eennccoouurraaggee aa vviiddeeoo--aaiiddeedd ccoommmmuunniiccaa--ttiioonn aanndd sseellff--lleeaarrnniinngg ooff tthhee EEnngglliisshh llaanngguuaaggee..

SSaammppllee 11 TTeeaacchhiinngg PPllaann::

Recommended Grade Level:Chinese undergraduate students

Time Required:two lessons (2 hours per lesson) OObbjjeeccttiivveess::

·Instruct Students into a general understanding of YouTube

·Motivate students to acquire comprehensive English langguuaaggee sskkiillllss aanndd ddeevveelloopp lliiffee lliikkee ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn bbyy uussiinngg YYoouu--TTuubbee aass aa lleeaarrnniinngg ccoommmmuunniittyy

·Help students to develop creative thinking and critical tthhiinnkkiinngg bbyy iinn--ccllaassss aaccttiivviittiieess..

·Encourage self-learning by using of You Tube in out-ofccllaassss lleeaarrnniinngg aaccttiivviittiieess

RReessoouurrcceess UUsseedd::

Kling, R., &Courtright, C. (2004) .Group behavior and learniinngg iinn eelleeccttrroonniicc ffoorruummss::AA ssoocciioo--tteecchhnniiccaall aapppprrooaacchh..IInn SS..AA..BBaarr--aabb, , RR..KKlliinngg, , &&JJ..HH..GGrraayy ( (EEddss..) ) , , DDeessiiggnniinngg ffoorr vviirrttuuaall ccoommmmuunnii--ttiieess iinn tthhee sseerrvviiccee ooff lleeaarrnniinngg ( (pp..9911--111199) ) ..CCaammbbrriiddggee::CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss..

Kling, R.&Gray, J.H. (Eds) .Designing for virtual communittiieess iinn tthhee sseerrvviiccee ooff lleeaarrnniinngg ( (pp..115544--117788) ) ..CCaammbbrriiddggee::CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss..

Lamy, M.N.&Hampel, R. (2007) .Online communication for llaanngguuaaggee lleeaarrnniinngg aanndd tteeaacchhiinngg..BBaassiinnggssttookkee, , EEnnggllaanndd::PPaallggrraavvee MMaaccmmiillllaann..

Materials Preparation for teaching&learning:

The collections of materials for in-class discussion are some wwrriitttteenn aarrttiicclleess aanndd sshhoorrtt vviiddeeooss ppeerrffoorrmmeedd oonn YYoouu TTuubbee aanndd TTEEDD aabboouutt vvaarriioouuss aassppeeccttss ooff vviiddeeoo uussee aanndd tthhee ssttrraatteeggiieess ttoo mmoottiivvaattee tthhee ccrriittiiccaall tthhiinnkkiinngg ooff ssttuuddeennttss..

Teaching Procedure:

The whole teaching process features the combination of inclass and out-of-class activities by using of You Tube.

1) Inefficient1) CarefullyEffectively

1) Little class arrangement



andCan not

andandand not verymanaged;creative and

management;connected to

out-of-management;effective to2) Fit incritical

2) Not fit instudents’

class2) Partially fitmotivateperfectlythinking and

with thelearning

activitiesin with thestudentswith theimprove their

teaching objectives

teachingteachingEnglish objectivesobjectivescompetence

FeedbacksCan notCan notPartiallyBasicallyFully

Fully achieve the learning objectives

onachieve thefulfill theachieve theachieve theachieve the performancteachinglearningteachinglearningteaching


5 Conclusion

Based on the whole theoretical and practical analysis of the impacts of You Tube in language teaching and learning, it can be concluded that You Tube, as a computer-assisted Language learning approach, plays an irreplaceable role in language study.Although some potential difficulties exist in the practice of English learning process, You Tube still represents its distinctive advantages for learning and teaching English including the motivation for verbal and non-verbal communication and the assistance in shaping critical thinking and grasping comprehensive English learning skills.Finally, the samples of teaching plan and strategies are proposed for a better understanding and appropriate using of You Tube in actual learning and teaching in the future.


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and methodological issues[M].Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Italy, 2008.

The Exploration of Intercultural Education in College


(Foreign Language Teaching Department, Nanchang Business College of Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330044, China)

Abstract:Intercultural education was paid more and more attention in college English teaching.However, the college English teaching is still stay in“language ability stage”.So, more and more people realize that“student need a kind of intercultural communication competence, so that, they can benefit from the education of language and culture”. (Byram&Morgan, 1994:62) .We must integrate language and culture in the foreign language classroom and optimize the atmosphere of English cultural cognition to improve the intercultural communication competence of students in college.

Key words:intercultural education;college;intercultural communication competence中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5039 (2016) 17-0221-02

1 Introduction

As an international language, English has the most important position.More and more people learn English as their second language.but we can’t learn it only as a language.It’s not enough to know how to write、how to say etc.These are just a kind of language ability.Nowadays, the earth becomes a village, and it is clear that people become more and more interested in international communication.More and more people desire to know how different people with different culture are on very good terms and how it is going;they also wonder that what is mean to them living in a different culture.The broad culture exchange is world’s trend, we can not avoid the blending.The world’s competition in nowadays and future is focus on the competition of education and at last reflect on the competition of talents.So it is important to know how to get the intercultural communication competence.And also, topics around cultural cognition have become increasing popular in discussions of foreign language teaching.Without understanding the culture, we can not communicate with its native speaker in an easy way.Cultural cognition refers to the integrity of knowledge and abilities within every individual.In other words, it is a kind of personal possession, which calls for personal dedication and long time accumulation.Such accumulation corresponds to the process of developing intercultural communication competence from the English cultural cognition of college students.The study shows that to live in target language culture and to have direct contact with native speakers is an effective way to improve the intercultural communication competence.However, the questions here are what kind of role the college should play in this process?And what are its functions?Optimizing the atmosphere of English cultural cognition which to enhance the college student’s intercultural communication competence.

2 Related Concepts

There is only one curriculum, no matter what the method of education:what is basic and universal in human experience and practice, the underlying structure of the culture.“Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication” (Hu Zhuanglin, Liu Runqing, Li Yanfu, 1988:3) And professor Deng Yanchang (1989) wrote in his book, General speaking, language is just one important part of culture.Taken broadly, language is the symbolic representation of a person, and it consists of cultural and historical background as well as their ways of living and thinking.Our society have many rules for language, these rules give conducts to communicate in a effective way.If you want to learn the heart of the people, you must learn the language.Cause language can help us know how to“think”in a particular culture.

What is culture?in 1952, Kroeber and Kluckhahn present a list of 164 different definition of culture.This is certainly a large amount of definitions.Intercultural often reflects data obtained from the interaction of at least two different cultural groups.In turn, these may (or may not) represent nations.Kroeber&Kluckhon (1952) offered a definition after being reviewed over 500 descriptions of culture as a concept.The definition as follow:

Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts;the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values;culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, and on the other as conditioning elements of further action (P181) .

As far as teaching is concerned, we’d better take this definition:Culture is the philosophy of life, the values, norms and rules, and actual behavior—as well as the material and immaterial products from these—which are taken over by man from the past generations, and which man wants to bring forward to the next generation—eventually in a different form—and which in one way or another separate individuals belonging to the culture from individuals belonging to other cultures.

3 Intercultural Communication Competence

3.1 Definition of intercultural communication

3.1.1 A definition of intercultural communication

Intercultural communication is not a new thing between human colony, and it is a kind of skill for survival.Culture is the key point for human beings to survive.Take caveman for example, we can imagine that they can not survive because they can not talk;therefore, they start to use symbol and create culture (play, art, tool, worldview, social organization) .

In a broad sense, a person from one country produce a mes-收稿日期:2016-07-13修回日期:2016-07-28

作者简介:王琴 (1983—) , 女, 江西南昌人, 单位:江西农业大学南昌商学院, 助教, 主要研究方向为英语语言习得、语言测试。sage for consumption by a person from another country, those two countries have different culture.During this process, intercultural communication happened.To be exact, intercultural communication is the communication between groups which cultural perception is clearly enough to change the communication even.Sometimes, the term cross-cultural communication is used when ranging to communication between people from different cultures.

“Intercultural communication”, the term was first used in Edward T.Hall’s book The Silent Language in 1959.Many specialists such as Brislin, Condon, and Toomey defined it as communication between different cultures.Few of them think that whenever the person to a communication act produce different experiential backgrounds that reveal a long term problem and accumulation of experiences, values and knowledge.We called it intercultural communication.

Classify intercultural communication as“a transactional, symbolic process involving the attribution of meaning between people from different cultures”? (pp.13-14) Hence intercultural communication is considered as the area of study verbal and nonverbal interactions of individuals with different patterns of historically derived behavior.

Intercultural communication is an interdisciplinary field of study.Its research spread all over social psychology, sociology, sociolinguilstics, communication, and of course cultural anthropology.

Nowadays, the intercultural specialists pay all their attention to the research on how misunderstandings can be abated when people communicate with others from different cultures.At the first beginning, the key to understand intercultural communication is context.We have two ways to use context in communication:high-context and low-context.Low-context communication is like a precise instrument;everything must be specified in the right place, or the instrument will not work.In a low-context culture like United Kingdom, federal states must express themselves as explicitly as possible for effective communication to occur.High-context context communication is like sibling species that were raised together.They understand each other and use shorted expression when they talk.If the strangers do not understand the low-context system used between the sibling species, then misunderstanding will appear.Know the ropes of cultural rules such as the way we are expected to greet others, the way we expected to dress, the way we are expected to answer questions, and the way we are expected to eat.All of those are important in enhance communication among nations from other cultures.For instance, if you greet a lady or a man from Western country:“how old are you”or“how much you earn for one month?”they might feel very uncomfortable because ask these questions could be too impolite to a person, which is considered as an invasion of privacy.But, in China, these are considered a normal greeting, and they don’t think it invade anyone’s privacy.

3.1.2 Forms of intercultural communication

Interracial communication、interethnic communication and intercultural communication are three main forms of intercultural communication.The first happens when the receiver and source exchange message, it will form different races.The second refers to the ethnicity always from their communities in a culture or country.And the last refer to the swapping the message between member of the mainstream culture.

3.1.3 Importance of intercultural communication.

Maybe you will suspect that intercultural communication is not new.But can you imagine that nomad, missionaries and warrior have encountered people different from themselves since the beginning of time.They must feel confused when they met and become hostile easily.Cultural knowledge often elicited the human propensity in ancient time and always responds malevolently to those differences.

Two thousand years ago, the Greek play Wright Aeschylus said:“everyone’s quick to blame the alien”。This is still a powerful elaboration today especially in social and political rhetoric.Nowadays, it’s not strange to hear that all of the social and economic problems in Western counties are caused by immigrants.

Although the persistence of this notion, today’s intercultural encounters differ from earlier groups.They are more plentiful and because of the connectivity of the world, more meaningful, we can now take a plane and fly anywhere in the world in few hours, and the global economy makes today’s contacts far more hollow than in any other period of the world’s history.For example, in just a single year, 1995to 1996, multinational companies boosted their international investment 60 present to a record$628 billion.The World Wide Web makes our life more vivid.In a word, the information age has given us the chance to expand our knowledge.And the new world order is coming.It’s time to convert enemies to friends if can do well with the intercultural communication.

3.2 Intercultural communication competence

Intercultural communication competence is also called crosscultural adjustment、cross-cultural adaptation、intercultural understanding、overseas success、personal growth/adjustment、cross-cultural effectiveness and satisfaction with overseas experience (Cuthrie&Zektick, 1967;Harris, 1975;Ruben&Kealey, 1979) .All of these have formed the notion of intercultural communication competence in recent twenty years.Generally, the communication competence is consists of appropriateness effectively and suitability.We can define the intercultural communication competence like this:in a concrete communicate context, the ability of the actor in communicate to get cognition from each cultural identity, talk the meaning of culture effectively and act out an action effectively.From the definition, a person of intercultural communication competence, know not only how to communicate with humans and environment effectively and suitably, but also how to achieve his communicate purpose by respect and approve the other’s multicultural identity.

4 Conclusions and Implications

All the above-mentioned give a direct effect on contemporary foreign languages teaching and learning.In the end, intercultural communication competence and cultural awareness will enter in the syllabus.An overwhelming storm of cultural education sweeps across the global.The college syllabus point out that:“There is close connection between culture and language, the knowledge of culture background promotes the applicant ability of language.Language is first a kind of“social practice”, not just a set of symbol, a kind of system.Language can not exist without culture, and culture restrict the form of language, also input its marrow to the continuously, then become the culture connotation of the language.

In the future, obviously, more research needs to be conducted about intercultural education.


[1]Samovar L A.Communication between Cultures[M].Third Edi-

tion.Shanghai:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press&Brooks/Cole/Thomson Learning Asia, 2000.

[2]Havery R.Cross-cultural Awareness.Towards International-

ism:Reading in Cross-cultural Communication Newbury House, 1979.

[3]Byram M.Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communica-

tive Competence[M].Clevedon:Multilingual Mat-ters Ltd.1997:31-35.

Communicative Language Teaching and Its Application in China’s Context

YANG Mei-ying1, ZHOU Xing-zuo2

(1.North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637100, China;2.Renmin University of China, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract:English learning as a language communication is considered as much more like an approach rather than a method in most cases.This paper focuses on the introduction of the situation of development of communicative language teaching approach abroad and at home.And extra attention has been paid to the current realities of teaching in underdeveloped area in China, with certain suggested strategies proposed along with.

Key words:Communicative language teaching;teaching methods;China’s context中图分类号:G424文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5039 (2016) 17-0223-03

1 A Brief Introduction of CLT

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) acquires its origin from the British language teaching tradition during late 1960s commonly termed as situational language teaching, and the only main British approach for EFL language teaching.

At the beginning of the1970s, in order to promote the teaching of usable communicative skills in L2 instruction, the communicative language teaching was formally introduced.Although it was seen by many as a counter-reaction to the audio-lingual method that dominated the 1960s, the main goal of CLT—to develop a functional communicative L2 competence in the learner—was actually similar to the primary audio-lingual objective.

However, CLT pursued the communicative agenda in a radically different manner:instead of the audio-lingual attempt of trying to build up an implicit L2 knowledge base through drilling and memorization, CLT methodology was centered around the learner’s participatory experience in meaningful L2 interaction in (often simulated) communicative situations, which underscored the significance of less structured and more creative language tasks.

There have been varied attempts to de fi ne the concept referred to by the term Communicative Language Teaching (or the acronym CLT) in the literature since it was posited in the 1970’s as a methodological alternative, and much discussion about what it consists of and whether or not any one is actually doing“it”.

According to Savignon (1983) , CLT means different things to the different people who practice it.Savignon and other language teachers began to look for an alternative to the audio-lingual method in the 1970s and gradually moved towards CLT after research (Savignon, 1972) showed that students who had some regular amount of CLT in addition to audio-lingual teaching learned better than students who had audio-lingual teaching only.The audio-lingual method posits that students learn from repetition and habit formation, but it includes very little, if any, chances for real communication.CLT has been a popular research area since the 1970s, but understanding is still limited among teachers (Sato and Kleinsasser, 1999) .

Brown (2007) gives his definition of CLT as“an approach to language teaching methodology that emphasizes authenticity, interaction, student-centered learning, task based activities, and communication for the real world, meaningful purposes”.

Savignon (2002) writes that“CLT refers to both processes and goals in classroom learning”and that the communicative competence is the central theoretical concept in the teaching process”.One of the main goals of CLT is to develop a stronger communicative competence among L2 learners.

However, the most well-known definition is that Communicative Language Teaching is an approach which emphasize on communicative competence in the process of foreign or second language teaching.Communicative language teaching can be understood in a more detailed way—as a set of principles about the goals of language teaching.For example, the principles as how learners learn a language, what would be the best classroom activities that could facilitate learning, and how to understand the roles of teacher and learners.

Today in the 21th century, following a strong enthusiasm for the ultimately discredited audio-lingual method, communicative language teaching has become a buzzword in discussions of the practice and the theory of second and foreign language teaching.

2 Related Researches on CLT Abroad and at Home

2.1 Related Researches on CLT abroad

Present understanding of CLT is influenced by linguistic theory and language learning curriculum design not only in Europe and also North America.During 1970s, in Europe, the increasing number of immigrants and guest workers leads to the increasing need for language communication for a better understanding of each other while included in the same social and linguistic context. (Firth, 1930;Halliday, 1978) With the goal of a better description of linguistic behavior, and based on theories of notional-functional concepts of language use, the Council of Europe draft a syllabus for learners who would like to study the language.Derived from functional linguistics which views language as meaning potential, the teaching follows the rules of functional linguistics and maintains the importance of context in understanding language.Functions of收稿日期:2016-06-05修回日期:2016-06-25

作者简介:杨梅樱 (1990—) , 女, 四川南充人, 川北医学院, 助教, 硕士, 主要研究方向为英语语言文学;周星佐 (1989—) , 女, 湖北武

汉人, 中国人民大学硕士, 主要研究方向为英语语言文学。language were listed mainly based on data got from learners’needs and goals in an instructional program.Thus the term communicative means to describe such programs which focuses on functionalnotional syllabus based on needs and goal assessment mentioned before.

Concurrent development in Europe shows more attention paid to the process of communicative classroom language learning.Just as in Germany, language teaching methodologists innovate and developed the teaching material for classroom students which is against a backdrop of social democratic concerns for individual empowerment (Candlin, 1978) .As to exercises of language teaching, they were designed within particular grammatical structures but it is used to exploit the variety of social meanings that each sentence contains.Teachers and learners are encouraged to follow their own learning path through principled selection of relevant exercises.

Meanwhile, in the United States, Hymes (1972) proposed the term“communicative competence”to represent the observance of sociolinguistic norms of appropriacy.Different from the idea of Firth and Halliday, Hymes considered speech communities and the integration of language, communication, and culture in a non-British linguistic tradition (see Halliday, 1978) .And, according to what was originally identified by Canale and Swain (1980) , communicative competence is comprised of four parts:sociocultural, strategic, discourse, and grammatical competence.

At the same time, in paradigm-challenging research on adult classroom second language acquisition, Savignon (1983, 2002) explains that all four of the competences are equally essential and must work together in order to build a stronger communicative competence.Building a strong strategic competence is important for L2learners.Savignon (2002) also suggests“the effective use of coping strategies (communication strategies) is important for communicative competence in all contexts and distinguishes highly effective communicators from those who are less so”.

Thus, CLT would be better understood when seen from a multidisciplinary perspective, which could be included as linguistics, psychology, philosophy, sociology, and educational research.What’s more, the focus of CLT would always be the elaboration and implementation of programs, and also methodologies that promote learners’language ability through their persistent participation in communicative events.

2.2 Communicative Language Teaching in China’s Context

As in many other countries, in China teaching English as a foreign language in primary and middle schools has changed dramatically in the last few decades, especially after the adoption of the China’s open-door policy.After the founding of People’s Republic of China, a variety of methods and approaches has been borrowed from western countries and used to teach in China, first with grammar-translation approach being officially phased out in the1950s and currently communicative approach leading the way in China

2.2.1 Reality of the language classes in Chinese schools

Even though CLT is universally accepted in China’s context, the practical use of this approach in language classes is still insufficient, especially in the underdeveloped area.

With the common knowledge that students need to have good models to learn from—and a great amount of exposure to–the language use in real life context, they need opportunities to acquire these models and get involved in meaningful communicative events.For their optimal development as an active participant in meaningful social interactions or social dialogs, the language learners need to have a supportive environment surrounding them.

However, as many Chinese secondary and high school teachers of English can attest, such an enabling condition is not always easy to create in our schools in the underdeveloped area.Many reasons can explain why this is so.One is teachers'degree of confidence in using the language before their own students.In a situation where a teacher fails to show confidence and enthusiasm in what s/he teaches it is difficult to encourage students to become otherwise.

A second reason might be the time constraint, which practically precludes the teachers to design an instructional session that requires learners to get involved in social communication in the classroom.Commonly packed with about thirty to forty students in one classroom, and coupled with a crowded curriculum, many teachers cannot afford to provide well-designed, meaningful exercises for students to use what is being learned on one-to-one basis.

Another reason could be the type and focus of the exam, based on which students'relative success in learning English is judged.As it is presently practiced, the nationally-administered test is commonly dominated by questions which are form-focused and presented in a multiple-choice format, which does not allow divergent thinking.This kind of test can be counterproductive because it sends a wrong message to students.In this case, it is very likely that the learners of English misconstrue the test as an encouragement to think that good grammar is the only thing to take care of if they want to develop themselves into communicatively competent individuals.

Other hindrances can be listed here:the absence of good, authentic learning materials, teachers'tendency to rely on non-communicatively engaging learning tasks (such as those grammarbased worksheets) , and the absence of visible social uses of the language outside the classroom confine.

All of this can stand in the way to the development of sense of relevance in learning English, which can, in turn, create further psycho-logical distance on the part of the learners.

2.2.2 Challenges in classroom practice

Given the reality that we have, to reiterate, the most serious challenge facing our English teachers is the absence of or insufficient amount of exposure to real-life English use, student engagement in real-life communicative activities and all kinds of environmental supports which according to research are contributive to the development of learners as a communicatively-competent user of the English language.These important but non-existent supports include communicatively-oriented exit exams, realistic behavioral models of how English is used to satisfy the needs for real-life communication and social interactions, and communication-based instructional materials.

As indicated earlier, the tests given to the students which are run nationally focus on knowledge of syntax and grammatical items, although many teachers and curriculum developers have realized that this practice is counterproductive to the attempt to develop students'communicative competence.This nationally mandated policy seems to be adopted because some decision-makers wrongly believe that communicatively-oriented testing instruments are difficult and expensive to develop.The absence of communicatively-designed testing instruments coupled with the fact that the English language is not used in our day-to-day social communication has made communication-based instructional materials lose their pedagogical values.

Consistent with this observation, many Chinese teachers of English have publicly admitted in seminars and this has also been supported by my personal observation in many different contexts that English is seldom used in the classroom as the teachers tend to use Chinese to carry out their English lessons in the classroom except, perhaps, when greeting students before the sessions get started and, then, when they get dismissed.In a situation such as this one, students are practically not given any good, functional English language uses to model from.It is, then, difficult to imagine how students in this learning environment would develop a good sense of purpose and direction in learning the language

3 Suggested Strategies to Promote Meaningful Language Learning

Some experts have argued that a language activity is mean-

ingful when learners see in what they are doing clear and reasonably good reasons why they do what they do (see, for instance, Smith, 1988) .To ensure"meaningfulness"then, teachers should, at the very least, make explicit the objectives they want their students to achieve as a result of their engagement in learning activities that they have devised.The clarity of the objective is also important to enable students to assess their relative success in learning from literacy activities they engage in.

Learning a language would also be greatly enhanced when the learners see in what they learn some sense of personal relevance.It is therefore important for teachers (and materials developers alike) to base the learning materials on some things dear to the learners because, according to Frank Smith (1994) , only when they consider the materials relevant will the students commit their optimal attention to learning.

4 Conclusion

In summary, CLT became a research topic in the 1970’s and continue to interest researchers still today.Based on the writing of researchers from around the world, it is fair to say that many agree that communication strategies are useful for students and worth being taught in the communicative language classroom.

In keeping with the notion of contexts of situation, CLT is properly seen as an approach or theory of intercultural communicative competence to be used in developing materials and methods appropriate to given context of learning.No less than the means and norms of communication they are designed to reflect, communicative teaching methods designed to enhance the interpretation, expression, and negotiation of meaning will continue to be explored and adapted.

Some realities have been listed above to present the readers with the very situation in China that not all areas are like developed cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai etc, which can provide their students with real-context environment under the teaching approach of CLT.Those underdeveloped areas still need directions and resources to guide the application of CLT.Even though there are some immature phenomena of CLT in several areas of China, it is still very promising to see the flourish of CLT all over China.

Communicative language teaching approach is strongly malleable, which have a deep potential to revolution.Therefore, it the CLT theories can be united-applied with China’s language teaching environment, students’learning styles, and the advantages of traditional methods, there is a definite boom to be seen in the future for communicative language teaching in China.


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Wesley Longman Inc, 2007.

[2]Chomsky N.Aspects of the Theory of Syntax[M]Cambridge,

Mass:MIT Press, 1965.

[3]Candlin C D.Teaching of English:Principles and an Exercise

Typology[M].Langenscheidt-Longman, London, 1978.

[4]Canale M, Swain M.Theoretical Bases of Communicative Ap-

proaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing[J].Applied Linguistics, 1980 (1) :1-47.

[5]Dong Y.Reading&Writing:Top Priority in China’s College

English Education[J].Foreign Language World, 2003 (1) :2-6.[6]Firth J R.Tongues of Men[M].Watts&Co.London, 1930.

[7]Halliday M A K.Language as Social Semiotic:The Social In-

terpretation of Language and Meaning[M].University Park Press, Baltimore, 1978.

[8]Hymes D H.On Communicative Competence[J].Sociolinguis-

tics, 1972:267-293.

[9]Savignon S.Communicative Competence:An Experiment in

Foreign Language Teaching[M].Centre for Curriculum Development, Philadelphia, 1972.

[10]Savignon S.Communicative Competence:Theory and Class-

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[11]Sato K, Kleinsassar R.Communicative Language Teaching

(CLT) :Practical Understandings[J].The Modern Language Journal, 1999 (83) :494-515.

[12]Smith F.Understanding Reading:A Psycholinguistic Analy-

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[14]Zhang Guo-jun.On the Ratinal Re-employment of Gram-

mar:Translation Method in College English Teaching[J].Foreign Language Reseach, 2009 (3) .

A New Look at an Old Issue:A Review on College Student Employment in the United States

Yi Xi Dan Zeng

(School of tourisim and foreign languages, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, China)

Abstract:With the high prevalence and intensity of working among undergraduate students in almost all of the institutions in the United States, it is important for higher education researchers, faculty and college administrators to better understand the needs and challenges of working students in trying to achieve college success.This paper analyzes the negative and positive effects of employment on college students and shed a light on the increasing number of students who are involving in part-time job in China.

Key words:employment;college student;effects

1 Introduction

of Education, 2008a) .


作者简介:益西旦增, 男, 藏族, 西藏日喀则白朗人, 西藏大学旅游与外语学院讲师, 美国堪萨斯大学教育学院硕士研究生, 主要研究

方向为藏汉英翻译。lead to students’higher level of stresses, forming a vicious circle that put students in a situation that is becoming increasingly unamiable (Pusser, 2010) .

That being said, a negative impact, however, is not the only thing that working generates.Its positive effects are also something that cannot be overlooked.

2.2 Positive effects of employment

Much of the literature on student employment has overwhelmingly focused on the negative effects of student employment, emphasizing mainly the resource depletion and conflict between work and school (e.g., Markel&Frone, 1998;Riggert et al., 2006) .However, recently, more researchers have found that student employment actually can be very beneficial to student success (Butler, 2007;Dundes&Marx, 2007;Mc Nall&Michel, 2011) .

With most literature overwhelmingly focusing on the assumption of resource scarcity, Butler (2007) stated that many researchers have overemphasized resource scarcity and overlooked the prospect of resource expansion through engaging in multiple roles.Contrary to the notion of resource scarcity, the notion of resource expansion believes that role-based resources are not finite and performance in multiple role domains has a positive impact on individuals (Butler, 2007) .In detail, work-family theorists like Greenhaus and Powell suggested that one role domain may generate resources such as skills and perspectives, psychological and physical resources, social capital, flexibility, and material resources, that can be beneficial to another domain (as cited in Butler, 2007) .Using this theory in student employment, working may provide resources that can facilitate the school role (Butler, 2007) .For example, many students suggested that they had gained time management skills, prioritizing skills and important interpersonal skills that could be used to improve their performance at school (Mc Nall&Michel, 2011;Mullendore, 2008;Tuttle, 2005) .

In terms of specific impacts of student employment, GPA is one major thing that comes to many people’s mind.Much of the previous research (Astin, 1993;Beeson&Wessel, 2002;Furr&Elling, 2000;Maryland Longitudinal Steering Committee, 1988; (Mullendore, 2008) has asserted that student employment has a negative impact on students’GPAs especially when they work more than20-30 hours per week off campus (Mullendore, 2008) .“Little doubt exists that working while in college is a threat to students’level of academic achievement”concluded by Riggert and his colleagues in their study of student employment (Riggert et al., 2006) .

Using data originated from the 2005 administration of NSSE, Moore and Rago (2010) also found that it was not necessarily true that students who were working more hours had lower GPAs, nor those who worked off campus, those who worked16-20 hours and those who worked more than 30 hours per week on campus reported lower GPAs.What he found true was, however, that students who worked moderate amounts (1-5 and 10-15) have slightly higher grades (Rago, 2010) .

Confidence, a key element to both academic performance and social skills, is also found to relate positively to work.Cheng and Alcantara have found that students’consideration of their jobs as coveted and that finding jobs a challenging jobs makes the working students feel more competitive and confident amongst their peers.They also considered themselves in a more advantageous position than their non-working peers because they had won the opportunities to“gain insight into job market, real world experiences, and inside track information on their selected professions” (Cheng&Alcantara, 2004) .

3 Conclusion

With the depressing global economy and the increasing tuition and fees of higher education, most of today’s undergraduate students are taking varied of jobs to pay tuition and fees or to buy discretionary goods and services such as electronic equipment and car insurance.With its becoming one of the most common activities among almost all kinds of undergraduate students from different social classes and ethnic groups, the literature on the nature of student employment and its impact on students’educational outcomes are inconsistent and even contradictory.Some research found, mainly with the support of the assumption of resource scarcity, that it generates work-school conflict and thus harmful to students and their college outcomes.Others, however, found that multiple roles not only do not harm performances in different domains, it actually helps produce various of resources that can result in work-school enrichment and thus beneficial to students’college outcomes.


[1]Billett S, Ovens C.Learning about work, working life and

post-school options:Guiding students'reflections on paid part-time work[J].Journal of Education and Work, 2007, 20 (2) :75-90.

[2]Broadbridge A, Swanson V.Earning and learning:How term-

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[3]Butler A B.Job characteristics and college performance and

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How to Promote Learner-Learner Scaffolding in ESL Classroom


(Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550003, China)

Abstract:The current study attempts to investigate learner-learner scaffolding in ESL classroom.Analyzing how learners providing scaffolding with each other, and presenting methods how to promote learner-learner scaffolding.In this paper, discourse analysis methodology utilized to carry out the research.In the study, the data collected from the transcripts of audio and video-recorded interaction during lessons in ESL classrooms at advanced level.The finding indicated that effective scaffolding among learners can promote their metacognition.It is hoped that the present study can serve to raise teachers’awareness of the importance of learner-learner scaffolding in English language teaching and learning.

Key words:learner-learner scaffolding;ESL classroom;classroom interaction中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5039 (2016) 17-0228-03

1 Introduction

The notion of scaffolding was proposed by David Wood, Jerry Bruner and Gail Ross in an article published in 1976, it is defined as the situations in which learners can perform beyond their own level of proficiency with the assistance of others.Typically, scaffolding in language classroom divides into two sections, teacherlearner scaffolding and learner-learner scaffolding.Just as its name implies, teacher-learner scaffolding highlights the teacher provides appropriate assistance to reduce cognitive loads of students and facilitate the learning process.Learner-learner scaffolding can deduce from this, which means in a special learning activity (e.g.pair work or group work) , individual learners directly interact with one another in order to co-construct knowledge, they ask for clarification, reformulate others’utterances to check comprehension, during the process, what one says or knows influences the others (Granott, 2010) .

Much work on classroom scaffolding has been devoted to teacher-learner.This article attempts to bring insights into learnerlearner scaffolding in ESL classroom.It is generally assumed that pair or group activities are of utmost importance in language classroom.An interesting phenomenon is found from learner’s perspective, that is students’performances are different in collaborative tasks, some students are active, if they encounter difficulties they do not hesitate to request assistance, on the contrary, some may perform relatively passively, they infrequently participate in pair or group work, and rarely initiate conversation or ask for help even they have already distracted and withdrawn from classroom interactions.Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to analyze how learners provide scaffolding with each other, and to present methods how to promote learner-learner scaffolding.

2 Investigating Methodology

The article is going to utilize discourse analysis methodology to address the specific issue.In the macro perspective, the notion of‘discourse analysis’can be defined as, using specific linguistic markers to sign and explain the language fragments in order to make a clear comprehension (Fine, 1988) .From the micro view, ‘discourse analysis’is more tangible, which focuses on actual language use, for example, observing the conversation between learners, analyzing the audio or video transcripts of the conversations (Riggenbach, 1999) .The data utilized in this paper comes from audio and video-taped English classroom transcripts.

3 Context

This study is going to examine the effects of learner-learner scaffolding among adult language learners, also called advanced language learners, who have several years language learning background.They may be more motivated in language classroom, because they hold a clearer understanding of why they are learning and what they want to get out of it (Harmer, 2001) .This special feature of adult learners can have a profound influence on the study of learner-learner scaffolding, because they may more willingly want to help others and more hopefully want to get help from others, not only that, they may know how to provide scaffolding for each other.It is valuable to mention that our attention will focus on ESL classroom.Class size ranges from 20 to 25 students.And it is a monolingual classroom, learners represent diverse cultural backgrounds, such as Chinese, South Korean, American, Iraqi and so on, but all of them speak English in the class.

4 Analysis

Teacher-learner scaffolding is naturally limited by‘classroom complexity’, that is teachers work with classrooms full of learners, teachers can assist the whole class, but it’s difficult to provide scaffolding to individuals (Davis and Miyake, 2004) .According to this, the following study puts emphasis on the learnerlearner side, reveals the primary importance of learner-learner scaffolding in ESL classroom, and introduces the methods how to promote learner-learner scaffolding.

Learner-learner scaffolding:

In the following example, it presents a free classroom atmo-收稿日期:2016-07-08修回日期:2016-07-28

作者简介:周玥 (1989—) , 硕士研究生, 单位:贵州民族大学国际交流与合作处, 主要研究方向为应用语言学与对外英语教学。sphere, students work in a small group to discuss topics, which are associated with their own daily lives, they interact with each other with no teacher involvement.

01 S1:do you bring his photo with you

02 S3:eh...yeah but we have only a few photos because we get together (.) only one year or so=

03 S2:=and your work was very busy so you have no time to play with him[<S3>Yeah]

04 S1:but I suppose that you must (.) leave some enough money to (.) live with your boyfriend and in this way you can (.) improve the (.) eh (3 sec unintelligible) how do you say=

05 S4:=relationship=

06 S1:=relationship yes[<S4>and know each other]=

(The extract is taken from Walsh, S. (2011) Exploring Classroom Discourse:language in action.London:Routledge.)

As this example demonstrated, S1 and S2’s co-construction showed in this interaction.In line 04, S2 completed S1’s utterance by providing precise example, they jointly formulated a full statement.According to Thornbury (2001) , he has contended that the scaffolded interaction between learners can offer an excellent opportunity to convey subtleties of meaning.In line 08, S2 might seek more details by asking‘it’s it’s on the mountain (.) it’s a mountain or something (.) something?’Then followed by S1’s affirmative repetition (e.g.‘mmm mountain’) .Apart from this, S1 might want to extend the volume of information by asking a direct question, ‘What’s this mountain’, showed in line 15, and later assisted by S3, who gave a detailed explanation.Furthermore, in line 23, it could be posited that S6’s repetition was more likely to ask for further explanation, which could be deduced from Duff (2000) ’s assertion, he has held that repetition is utilized not only for confirmation, but also to seek further comments (Hall and Verplaetse, 2000) .Our hypothesis was verified in the latter communication.In the last part of the dialogue, in line 25, S6 might maintain the conversation by extending S2’s contribution (e.g.‘What’s what kind of beer er it’s a name of beer?’) , here S6 provided guidance to S2to ensure the continuity of the interaction.The purpose was liable to keep S6 himself or herself in the conversation and keep the conversational flow.In this example, we found that learners’knowledge developed through they scaffolded one another.The example clarified how, the individual’s input served for collective information construction, and how to use scaffolding techniques to maintain conversation.

The aim of analyzing these video transcripts is to reveal the primary importance of learner-learner scaffolding in ESL classroom.These examples have served to illustrate that providing explicit scaffolding among learners has a profound impact on learners’engagement.In the broader sense, cooperative learning is thought to have a considerable influence on the development of linguistic and communicative competence (Richards and Lockhart, 1999) .Kayi-Aydar (2013) has also supported the view that the scaffolded interaction among learners has gained prominence in English learning since it is of utmost importance in second language development.

Under these conditions, there is incentive to develop the most efficient methods to promote learner-learner scaffolding.Numerous approaches are being devised, we shall now describe each type in more details.

5 Modifications

5.1 Information gap activities

When we view how to promote learner-learner scaffolding in ESL classroom, namely, how to encourage learners to actively participate in peers discussion, the notion of information gap can be taken into consideration.The definition of information gap implies that in collaborative activities, each member holds the segment of the information, in order to achieve full understanding, they need to share their individual information with each other (Celce-Murcia and Hilles, 1988) .When learners are put in such a situation, they may be forced to find their own inventive ways of expressing meaning.More importantly, in this process, all the learners can act as both experts and novices, they can cooperatively solve linguistic problems, exchange information, simultaneously, to achieve a level of performance which beyond their individual ability (Ohta, 2001) .

5.2 Student teams’structural patterns

A considerable amount of research has been stressed that the Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) technique is another frequently cited strategy for improving cooperative learning.Traditionally, this approach has consisted of four sections, teaching, team study, individual quizzes and team recognition.We turn to describe in details, in the first part, teacher presents and introduces lesson materials, the purpose here is to make students familiar with the target linguistic information.Then learners are divided into groups to complete the tasks, in this process, students are required to cooperate with each other in order to achieve a consensus and positive interdependence, these common knowledge can be useful in the following section, after that, learners accomplish some quizzes individually, last but not least, students are required to work together again to check answers and gain co-construction, the last section may be crucially related to facilitate participation (Ghaith, 2001) .

In recent times, the primary focus has been on the‘team study’and‘team recognition’.In other words, in order to promote scaffolding among learners, how to effectively group students is valued more highly in collaborative learning.In light of this, it is advisable that learners can be divided into groups according to their academic ability level, and each group involves students of different proficiency, the objective of this kind of arrangement is to create opportunity for learners to assist each other, that is to say, highly competent students can be treated as tutor, who may offer scaffolded assistance to others in a cooperative way.

6 Evaluating Possible Effects

From reviewing the video transcripts, it is undoubted about the usefulness of learner-learner scaffolding in ESL classroom.Directly asking for help may have the pragmatic function of seeking clarification, questioners can be assisted by others and engage in the conversation again.The technique of extending others’contributions may be examined as an appropriate scaffolding strategy, it serves to maintain the conversation and keep the interlocutors themselves in the interaction.Therefore, scaffolding among learners is considered as an important strategy in communication, in which learners can achieve the joint construction of meaning and become more proficient.

In fact, effective scaffolding among learners has a widespread impact on both teaching and learning.Teachers can efficiently achieve pedagogic goals.Meanwhile, learners can consciously manage their learning patterns and styles.Sharma and Hannafin (2005) have pointed out scaffolded interaction can promote metacognition of learners.A high level of metacognition is viewed as the most prominent factor for learners to set goals and manage learning (Yildiz-Feyzioglu et al., 2013) .

7 Conclusion

In the article, we have introduced the definition of scaffolding in the preliminary section, then elicited the major concern in this paper, which focused on scaffolded interaction among learners.This article has depended on discourse analysis methodology to present how learners provide scaffolding with each other, and to indicate the effectiveness of scaffolding in peers discussion.Furthermore, because realized the importance of cooperative learning in language classroom, we have introduced a range of methods to promote learner-learner scaffolding, for instance, extensively use information gap activities, which is indeed beneficial to facilitate collaboration among learners.Moreover, we have also highlighted the necessity of student teams’structural patterns, the benefits of grouping students according to their academic level and proficiency.Consequently, in review of the entire process, we have hypothesized the possible results and assessed the impacts of learnerlearner scaffolding on teaching and learning, especially on learners, that is effective scaffolding among learners can promote their metacognition.

It is worth noting that the paper has only analyzed two types of scaffolding, seeking clarification and extending others’contributions, further analysis would be needed to investigate.Besides, the modified methods listed in this paper are limited, more suggestions would be needed to perfect it.Despite such limitations, we believe that our paper serves to raise awareness of the importance of learner-learner scaffolding in ESL classroom.


[1]Celce-Murcia M, Hilles S.Techniques and Resources in

Teaching Grammar[M].New York, NY, USA:Oxford University Press, 1988.

[2]Davis E A, Miyake N.Explorations of Scaffolding in Complex

Classroom Systems[J].Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2004, 13 (3) :265-272.

摘要:姓名由“姓”和“名”构成, 也称名字, 无论是中国人还是外国人都有姓名, 姓名是人类区分个体, 给每个个体给定的特定名称符号。尽管人们都有姓名, 但在姓名的排序上却不尽相同。尤其是人们熟知的中文姓名和英文姓名更在排序上诠释了不同教育价值观引致的文化表现形式的异同。该文力图在中西方不同教育价值观的基础上探讨中英文不同姓名排序, 找寻缘何不同教育价值观会导致不同文化表现形式, 并探寻基于中国国情的教育价值观下的教育目的对学生的影响及基于西方文化背景下教育目的对学生的影响, 一方面教育应培养学生的自性精神, 学生应做回自己, 并活出“自知之明”, 另一方面教育也应培养学生齐国齐家的胸怀, 实现自性之上的社会化, 即父慈子孝兄友弟恭之上的社会化。



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[2]陈桂生.教育原理[M].华东师范大学出版社, 2000 (3) .

[3]孙培青.中国教育史[M].华东师范大学2000 (9) .

[4]南怀瑾.论语别裁[M].复旦大学出版社1990 (4) .

[5]王道俊, 王汉澜.教育学[M].人民教育出版社, 2003 (4) .

















































如果说中华的全盛时期,是枝繁叶茂的春天;敌国惨无人道的侵略,是植物衰老的秋天;那么我们现在,无疑是接受寒冰的击打,越挫越勇的冬天!既然冬天已经来临,那么春天还 会远吗?





生活不是为了工作,而工作是为了更好的生活。虽然职业生涯不是总是让人快乐,但人 生苦短,每个人都要享受工作给我们带来的愉快体验。走过了、努力过了、哪怕得到的是一 场梦,但却知道了下一步该往哪里走。早一分钟或者多努力一分钟离梦的出口更近一些,努 力、前进……前面不会永远都是灰色的雾,会那么有一天看到灿烂的阳光。

我总是希望通过自己的努力去改变自己的生活,让自己过自己喜欢的生活。我一直在努 力可是,现在才懂得简直太难了或许是自己要求太高,总是眼高手低。把生活想的太完美,把事情预想的太顺利。也许每天努力把工作做好保持一个良好的心情比那些虚幻的梦想更为 重要,那么梦想总是在你生命的前方与你保持一定的距离。在你走进一步的时候,它同样后 退了一步,总是和你保持着那段距离,那段距离永远存在,无论你如何努力无论你想尽一切 办法,那段距离始终存在。因为这段距离,总是高兴不起来。生活有时候不需要想太多,也 许简单一点会更好简单就快乐。我于是不再抬头看我那遥不可及的梦想,告诉自己学会向前 看也许,前面会有我意想不到的风景,不一样的风景会有不一样的心情。让自己有个好心情 也许更重要。

给自己设定目标,规划人生心中有了梦想,坚持不懈。只要向一个方向前进,哪怕前面 是刀山火海也不退缩,因为他知道不前进命运就会无情的抹杀他。计划,不是靠一张嘴说出 来的,而是靠千方百计的想法,千锤万炼的尝试制成的一张图。相信持续的付出总有回报,心中有不灭的信念,成功就从这刻开始。

理想就像一座人生灯塔,照亮了我的人生帮我拔开了人生的迷雾,引导着我的前进。所 有的事都会有一个结局。所有的答案却未必都如最初所愿,重要的是在最终答案到来之前,你是否耐得住性子守得稳初心,等得到转角的光明,随时、随性、随缘、随喜、随遇而安。
