



C: Good morning, dear delegates.Welcome to Zhejiang University Ningbo Institute of Technology Model United Nations Conference.Today’s topic in the conference is “how to reduce the abuse of science and technology”.I hope we could produce a good resolution of this topic.Let’s get ready and work hard.Before we get started, I would like to introduce our dais members;I am the chair of the committee.D: Good morning, I am the director of the committee.All documents including working papers, draft resolutions, and amendments will directly come to me.Any questions including rules, procedure and some conference information are welcome.C: Now, I officially declare our session begins.C: Now delegates, please raise your plat card, and answer present with your country name’s card.(e.g.Canada? Canada is present.)

R: With ** delegates present, this conference is in co-roll off.Two–thirds majority is **, Quorum-simple majority is **, and twenty percent of the number is**.Delegates who are late for this Roll-Call, please send Page to the dais to show your presence.Rapporteur will then ____ the simple majority to 2/3 majority, and 20% of the member.C: Thank you very much, Rapporteur.Our topic is “how to reduce the abuse of science and technology.”

C: All delegates who want to speak for the motion,(which is to discuss **)please raise your plat card.Thank you.Delegates who want to discuss ** first and give us your reasons, please raise your card.Thank you.C: A debate will be automatically closed after the * countries have addressed their body.Then all the delegates should vote for the motion and a simple majority is needed.Now delegate of *, you have 90 seconds.With a knock on the desk, you’ll have 30 seconds left.C: The debate is closed.Now we proceed to vote the previous motion raised by *.Countries who’re in favor of this motion, please raise your plat card.Those against, please raise your plat card.Dear delegates, it’s the procedure now.Every country has to vote.Now we’ll vote again.With * for the motion, and * against.This motion passes.Now we’ll first move to

discuss *.After the agenda is set, we will discuss *.Now we’ll set up the speakers’ list first for the Formal Debate.Delegates who want to speak, please raise your plat card.Every delegate will have 90 seconds to deliver your speech, with 30 seconds left I will remind you with a knock on the desk.The chair would like to ask if there are any points or motions on the floor.Now there’s a motion on the floor to +内容.This motion needs a simple majority to pass.Is there a second? Now we’ll see to vote.Now the time for each speaker is 60 seconds.Our next speaker is *.Now you’re recognized of 60 seconds.Please get ready.Delegate of *, you still have * seconds left.How would you like to yield your time? Now, delegate of **you have ** seconds and come to your time again.让渡给问题

C: I’d like to invite the question from the floor.Delegates who want to ask a question please raise your plat card.Now, * you can ask a question, and delegates of * have 20 seconds to answer it.Yield time to comment

Delegates who want to make a comment of the speech given by *, please raise your plat card now.Delegates of *, you have * seconds to give your comment

Thank you.Informal Debate

e.g.USA: a 5-minute moderate concurs to discuss *.Each delegate will have * seconds to address the body.(如果代表团没提到时间,主席要问清楚。)

C: Now there is a motion on the floor.Delegates of * motion for a * to discuss *.Each delegate will have *seconds.Is there a second? Or in favor? Or against? This motion passes.Now we’ll have a 5-min moderate concurs with 30 sec for each speaker to discuss.Any motion isout of order during the concurs, and there is no time yieldcan during the concurs.You’re recognized 30 sec to speak.Since the US initiated the motion, you have the priority.Are there any delegates wishing to make a speech?

You will have **mintues to discuss.Each delegate will have **mintues to address the value


Topic: The Reform of International Monetary System Sponsors: UK, France, Germany, Australia Signatories: China, Brazil

The Economic and Social Council, Due to a liquidity shortfall in the United States banking system, the financial crisis of 2007-2010 contributed to the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth, substantial financial commitments incurred by governments, and a significant decline in economic activity.Both market-based and regulatory solutions have been implemented or are under consideration, while significant risks remain for the world economy over the 2010–2011 periods.The members of ECOSOC committees have worked together with urgency and determination to translate their agreement into action.In April, 2009, a prudent statement delivered in London Summit comprises of such practices and plans as restoring growth and jobs, strengthening financial supervision and regulation and global financial institutions, ensuring a fair and sustainable recovery for all and so forth.At the meantime, IMF received an additional $850 billion of resources to support growth in emerging market and developing countries.The Seoul Summit in 2010, deepening the consensus of the London Summit, has emphasized the significance of considering development as a long-term topic in G20 and of international cooperation.In order to restore the economic growth and rebuild trust, however, we shall focus on the reform of international monetary system.Firstly, financial regulation and supervision are major concerns of the new monetary system;booming the economy, meanwhile, is the problem we now confronting with;and mulitiplorization of currency becomes the trend in international monetary system.This draft resolution aims at bettering international monetary system through three fundamental ways.To that end we claim the following points practical and crucial:

1, Strengthening the supervision and regulation of international monetary system;(a)Constructing a flexible monetary system;(i)Undertake macroeconomic policies to ensure ongoing recovery and sustainable growth and enhance the stability of financial markets, in particular moving toward more market-determined exchange rate systems, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying economic fundamentals, and refraining from competitive devaluation of currencies.Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates.These actions will help mitigate the risk of excessive volatility in capital flows facing some emerging countries;

(ii)Reform international financial institution.IMF shall better reflect the changes in the world economy through greater representation of dynamic emerging markets and developing countries.These comprehensive quota and governance reforms will enhance the IMF’s legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness, making it an even stronger institution for promoting global financial stability and growth.(iii)Add core elements of a new financial regulatory framework, including bank capital and liquidity standards, as well as measures to better regulate and effectively resolve systemically important financial institutions, complemented by more effective oversight and supervision.This new framework will ensure a more resilient financial system by reining in the past excesses of the financial sector and better serving the needs of our economies.(b)Strengthen global financial safety nets;(i)Strengthen global financial safety nets, which help countries cope with financial volatility by providing them with practical tools to overcome sudden reversals of international capital flows.(ii)Continue to monitor and assess ongoing implementation of the commitments made today and in the past in a transparent and objective way.We hold ourselves accountable.What we promise, we will deliver.(iii)Better reflect the perspective of emerging market economies in financial regulatory reforms;strengthen regulation and oversight of shadow banking;further work on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets;improve market integrity and efficiency;enhance consumer protection;pursue all outstanding governance reform issues at the IMF and World Bank;and build a more stable and resilient international monetary system, including by further strengthening global financial safety nets.We will also expand our MAP based on the indicative guidelines to be agreed.2.Booming the global economy;(a)Fighting protectionism and promoting trade and investment;(i)Keeping markets open and liberalizing trade and investment as a means to promote economic progress for all and narrow the development gap.These trade and investment liberalization measures will help the Framework objectives for strong, sustainable and balanced growth, and must be complemented by our unwavering commitment to resist protectionism in all its forms.(ii)Call on relevant international agencies to coordinate a collective multilateral response to support trade facilitation;and to support measures to increase the availability of trade finance in developing countries,(b)Creating more jobs;Improve the development of employable skills matched to employer and labor market needs in order to enhance the ability to attract investment, create decent jobs and increase productivity.We will support the development of internationally comparable skills indicators and the enhancement of national strategies for skills development.(c)Accelerating the development of the emerging market;Continuing the dynamic process aimed at enhancing the voice and representation of emerging market and developing countries, including the poorest, through a comprehensive review of the quota formula by January 2013 to better reflect the economic weights;and through completion of the next general review of quotas by January 2014.3.Establish a diversified international currency reserve system;(a)Consolidate the status of Euro.Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea can peg the currency with the euro and even join the euro in the future.(b)Study the creation of “regional monetary units” and have made an agreement to regard the creation of regional currency units as one of the long-term goals to promote regional integration.(i)Rationally design of the process of RMB exchange rate system reform, based on the Asia-Pacific region to achieve the internationalization of RMB.(ii)Promote the internationalization of the yen.(c)The Latin American can use ruble in the area.4.Underlines that further decisions will be required, should additional measures be necessary;


商务英文陈述, 英文为Business English Presentation。Presentation, 牛津释义为a meeting at which sth, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people, 意思是展示会或者发布会。商务英文陈述不同于一般演讲:一般演讲, 演讲者是主人, 听众是仆人;商务英文陈述, 是基于商务的发言, 演讲者是仆人, 听众是主人。苹果公司著名总裁乔布斯先生就是做商务英文陈述的高手。好的陈述, 是可以通过学习技巧训练而成的。

笔者所在应用外语系曾经组织过商务英文陈述形式的外贸商品发布会模拟实训及比赛, 活动以小组为单位, 学生设计商务项目, 然后进行商务陈述。这个活动的命题是:假设每个小组是创业公司, 台下听众是投资商, 小组成员合作进行商务英文陈述, 以获得创业资金。通过商务英文陈述, 可以培养同学们的语言能力, 创新能力, 动手能力以及团队合作能力等。


商务英文陈述的准备阶段, 是重要阶段。准备充分, 就等于成功了一半。学生应先进行项目设计, 例如什么公司、什么产品或服务等——项目不是目的, 是一种手段, 通过项目提高语言能力才是重点, 然而有意思的项目, 更能帮助陈述;然后学生组织语言, 进行陈述。

在商务英文陈述中, 语言要注意四个部分:1.介绍部分, 包括问候听众、自我介绍;2.提纲部分, 包括陈述目标、陈述大纲、时间长度等;3.主体部分, 包括项目要点 (what) 、项目亮点 (why) 、如何经营及盈利 (how) ;4.总结部分, 包括问答环节、结尾总结等。在主体部分中, 注意表达顺序, 例如可以使用Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally等副词, 让听众清晰理解。此外, 也要注意陈述中的非语言技巧:保持微笑, 与听众自然地进行眼神交流, 使用开放姿势等。

在陈述中, 要注意利用视觉辅助材料。例如, 产品实物、照片、图表、音频、视频等, 尤其要注意PPT幻灯片制作:PPT要简明扼要, 它是辅助, 不是负担;PPT背景、字体、图片等, 要合理搭配。


外贸商品发布会模拟实训及比赛之前, 笔者曾组织学生进行项目设计:寻找他们和听众都感兴趣的商务项目。例如, 有组同学设计婴儿服务中心, 取名BBQ, 项目主要针对夫妻工作忙碌的家庭, 提供照顾婴儿的服务公司;学生六人一组, 共同设计公司的标志、口号、选址、设施、产品等, 更有意思的是, 他们还编了一首广告歌曲。这个项目很有创意, 能够激发同学们学习英语的兴趣与动力。接着, 这组同学做好分工, 每人负责陈述的一小部分, 他们先把陈述语言写下来, 并不断修改, 务求每句英文都简单易懂、抑扬顿挫、掷地有声;然后根据语言制作PPT, 并准备产品实物等。之后, 他们对每个环节进行设计, 包括动作、服装等, 一遍一遍地进行彩排, 期望能够在规定时间 (15分钟) 之内完成商务英文陈述。

外贸商品发布会模拟实训及比赛时, 他们一起上台, 由组长逐个介绍组员, 他们与听众热情打招呼。接着, 组长介绍此次商务英文陈述分为四个部分:What, Why, How, Future Plan。组员甲开始陈述What部分:公司名称, 标志, 口号 (Growth, always in the details) , 客户 (2 month to 3-year-old babies) 。甲乙之间的过渡很自然, 甲介绍乙出场, 组员乙就接着陈述Why部分:为什么建造婴儿服务中心, 并引出他们的一站式服务 (One Stop Services) 以及公司选址的构想。乙介绍丙出场, 组员丙就开始陈述How部分:如何提供婴儿服务, 并展示婴儿房、沐浴房, 介绍婴儿按摩、婴儿游泳等服务。此间, 其他组员配合用玩具娃娃, 亲自示范如何为婴儿按摩等。为了展示细致服务, 组员丁现场演唱他们中文改编而成的英文广告歌曲, 现场气氛更加热烈。组员戊接着介绍How部分:中心的婴儿商店与父母教室, 更好地提供婴儿服务。然后, 组长陈述Future Plan部分:提出资金需求计划, 并点题 (Everything for the babies) 。同学们在陈述中, PPT制作精良、使用恰当, 现场互动较好。问答环节, 听众与组员一问一答, 小组还设计了提问听众环节, 答对有奖。最后, 全组一起向听众致谢。通过努力认真准备, 同学们的模拟实践取得了成功。


随着时代进步, 英语学习者应该更具备运用英语解决实际问题的能力。商务英文陈述的技巧和模拟实践, 对于学生提高语言能力, 拓展未来职业生涯很有帮助。它不仅仅是陈述, 而是有技巧地去沟通。英语教师在实际教学中, 应该大胆创新, 引导学生建立学习的自信, 增加他们的实践机会, 最终提高学生们解决实际问题的综合能力。


[1]Ros Jay, Antony Jay.Effective Presentation【M】.PearsonPrentice Hall, 2004

[2]Anne Laws.Presentations【M】.人民邮电出版社, 2002

[3]Jeremy Comfort.成功演讲【M】.复旦大学出版社, 2005




南京树人国际学校2012级16班 陈嘉本





直到那一个笑容,真诚的笑容。后来我才发现,美国人是如此的单纯热情,你对他笑,他便对你笑,然后就开始交谈,笑容真是最好的语言。回了她一个真心的微笑后,我们开始交谈,后来的后来,她帮了我们很多很多。帮我们出主意,帮我们修改不成熟的草案,和我们说着趣事,听我们讲中文笑着赞“so cool”!



作为为数不多的sponsor(发起人),我的议题是nuclear non-proliferation(防止核扩散),但却为一份landmine(地雷)的resolution paper(决议文件) 写了无数的working paper(工作文件)。我们与外国代表传递着意向条,自由辩论时贡献出了十几个有意义的solution(解决方案)。在联合国金色大厅的最终投票中,第一起草国宣读完草案后,草案以37票赞成通过,我们每一个人都心花怒放,因为这是我们三天的辛勤付出换来的成果!我们的决议案将保存在联合国档案馆,递交给联合国现任秘书长潘基文!这是莫大的荣耀与自豪!一种强烈的民族自豪感在我心里油然而生!


就像MMUN的宗旨说的一样:Inspiring youth,create a better world.让世界倾听我们的声音——我们需要MMUN,而世界需要United。


南京树人国际学校2012级1班 吴宇轩



我所在的委员会是UNICEF——联合国儿童基金会,分到的议题是Universal Primary Education(普及基础教育)和Reducing Child Mortality(降低儿童死亡率)。相比较UNDP(联合国开发计划署)、UNEP(联合国环境规划署)等委员会,UNICEF我们还是知道的,但对于要写的立场文件,却无从下手。在老师的指导下,我在网站上搜索了普及基础教育的有关内容。开始时,一篇几页的背景介绍中,不懂的生僻单词占去了大半,即使连蒙带猜,我也完全不知其所云。经过几个夜晚的努力奋斗后,我终于写出了自己的立场文件,对这个完全陌生的议题也有了基本的了解。

第一天会议讨论的就是我的议题。举牌加入Speaker’s List(发言名单)时,我并不清楚自己要到最前面的讲台上去演讲。当别的代表上台开始演讲时,我才意识到我即将也要站在台上阐述自己的立场文件内容,心中不免惊讶,但很快就找出立场文件,准备这次的演讲。当副主席报到Norway(挪威)时,我立刻紧张起来,下一个就是自己!站在台上,我什么都不想,只是读着刚才写下的内容,直到走下去时还在纠结一个似对非对的英文表达。但一个意外的惊喜——海地代表传来一张纸条,其中一句“Your speech was great”,无疑给了我信心,也让我在后面的流程中不再胆怯。




会议中,交流与合作则更是不可或缺的主题了。无论是Moderated Caucus(主持核心磋商)中各国代表依次阐述自己的观点并与别国代表进行辩论,还是Regular Caucus(常规磋商)时找寻与自己代表国观点一致的代表们去结盟,无处不体现着合作的重要性。






南京树人国际学校2012级1班 吴梦璐









登机的瞬间,最后一次回首顾盼纽约,在朋友的言语中化解的最初的惊慌、会场上的机智辩驳、交友晚会上欢声笑语里建立的真挚友谊、散会后无数次say good bye的恋恋不舍交织在一起,伴着渐渐模糊远去的纽约的璀璨灯光,永远地定格在我的脑海中,与我在模联之行中感悟到的点点滴滴共同成为一幅永恒的画面……




To: Emily

As no one in the office has been to Italy, it will be a good idea to visit it. We may stay in the Grand Palazzo Hotel and the telephone is 809.775.3333. Please contact them to get further information.



柳城中学 学生会







(1)简介:模拟联合国(Model United Nations),简称模联(MUN),是对联合国大会和其它多边机构的仿真学术模拟,是为青年人组织的公民教育活动。在活动中,青年学生们扮演不同国家或其它政治实体的外交代表,参与围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。代表们遵循议事规则,在会议主席团的主持下,通过演讲来阐述观点,为了“国家利益”辩论、磋商、游说。他们与友好的国家沟通协作,解决冲突;通过写作决议草案和投票表决来推进国际问题的解决。

















(一)比赛时间: 2017年秋学期






