




1. Comment on this Briefing to oneself : (by incorporating into your personal

multinational enterprise), engaged in R & D and manufacture of optical materials I am director of the Marketing Dept.//( My directly under(/reporting to )the latest collecting the feedbacks from our customers and filing reports in English to CEO(or at the corporate headquarters) to assist him in his decision-making process.

My my knowledge this line of

My experience convinces me that, what I have gained either in school and in work are far from helping me to cope with the changes in the business world. In particular, there are always so many new ideas and new concepts around us. I would be kicked out of competition if I did not keep learning. That’s why I choose to take MBA in this famous Wuhan University.




2. Comment on the Model of Briefing to Our MBA and University;



largest business school in China with a total faculty of more than 300. It addition to professors who teach us daily, we have great masters of all fields offer lectures for us on campus. In the curriculum of our MBA program, we have both compulsory(UK required ) and optional (UK. Selected ) courses. In addition, we are eligible to take any course in any school of this university. The MBA students’ upbeat values, scientific mode of thinking and developing professional business English.


I am very glad to be here for this interview.(It’s my honor to be here for this interview, It’s my honor to introduce myself here)

My Backgroud

I was born in a small village of Shan Dong Province on April 4th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.

In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.

The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.

I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.


After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect. So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle. I reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy. This revision saved the corporation approximately RMB thirty millions yuan. In order to raise the funding effectiveness, after one year’s hard work, I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects. This internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.


After I have worked in business area for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have practiced my professional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern business. I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize. My business career has so far benefited mostly the companies that I worked for, but a good business education in your university will probably become a new era for me.

Your university is well known for its excellence in China’s business education. I am sure that, with my extensive business experience, I can be a worthy student of yours. I am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities.

Reasons I take MBA in this university; (Wuhan University is one of the China’s “Top Ten” universities directly under the China’s Ministry of Education. As a comprehensive university with a history of more than 110 years, it has multi-disciplinary advantages in the nation, It is particularly strong in humanitarian studies. Since I was an engineering/science student, these are very constructive to my knowledge structure.)



I have many friends. Most of them are friends in need. I help them of course. So, to them, I am a friend indeed.




I’m thin. And I’m being politically correct. In fact, I’m skin and bones. The good thing is, everybody can see I’m not hiding any skeleton in the closet. My skeleton is right here with me. You can actually see it, can’t you?



I’m out of shape. I used to exercise. Yeah, I used to run. But I quit. I tried all kinds of diet, but I couldn’t even lose 2 pounds. The only thing I lost was money.



I’m a cat person. People say I have all the characteristics a cat has ---- changeable, selfish, lazy, sleep a lot. The only difference is that cats are cute no matter what, and I’m NOT!



I’m a people person. So much so I end up spending an hour on the phone even when it’s the wrong number.



I’m basically an optimist. I’d say the glass is half full. But I still want to know who drank the other half. So, I think I’m a “curious optimist.”



I’m a natural worrier. Even if I lived in Egypt, I’d save up for a rainy day. / I bring my own parachute every time I get on a plane. So you can understand I stayed up all night to wait to see you here.

我天生爱发愁。就算我住在埃及也会担心会不会下雨。/ 每次上飞机,我都自带降落伞。所以,你们可以理解我昨晚通宵没睡就等着见各位。


I’m a great persuader. I could sell a knockoff Windows 98 to Bill Gates. In other words, I would make a great leader.

我很善于说服别人。我能把盗版的windows98 卖给比尔盖茨。所以说,我可以成为一名优秀的领导者。


If my English sounds strange, just think of me as a Japanese. Then perfect everything will be, and comfortable you will feel with me.

如果觉得我的英语听起来怪怪的,不妨把握想象成是日本人。如此一来就完美喽,你也就会习惯我的英文喽。(日语习惯把补语放在后面,所以Everything will be perfect and you will be comfortable with me 就变成了上面这个语序。)

I’ve studied English for more than 10 years, but I still get confused from time to time. One day, my boss had a great suit on, so I said to him “you look great!” He said “get out” so I got out of the room.

我学英语已经十多年了,可是还是经常搞不清楚。有一次我上司穿了一件很好看的西服。我告诉他“你看上去好帅”,结果他说了句“get out”,然后我就乖乖地离开了。(Get out在俗语中有“你瞎说,少来!”的意思,这里面显然理解错误,才会离开屋子。)


I’m a workaholic. If you look up the work “workaholic” in Webster’s dictionary, you can find my picture right there under the word.



I’m a dreamer. But I do know that the best way to make a dream come true is to wake up. I’m working on it.









根据说明顺序及内容确定过渡词和恰当的句型结构。文字应客观、简洁、明了,不要追求华丽和加入太多个人观点。就以必修3 Module 1 Europe为例来说明:我们可以从(1)概况,(2)地理位置,(3)标志性建筑,(4)某个地方为什么而闻名,(5)评价几个方面入手,先进行阅读文章的分析,找出其写作的方法,具体的内容有:

1.Background.A beautiful city first should own excellen scenery,the rich culture atmosphere and some modern entertainment equipment.


Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China,it lies nex to Hong Kong.Shenzhen is very young and beautiful,too.


1)The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower the famous symbol of Paris.

2)One of Barcelona’s most famous landmarks is the church of the…which was designed by…


a.The city is also famous for its restaurant,cafes and theaters.

b.Athens,the capital of Greece,is known as the birthplace of western civilization.


1)one of the best/most important…是最重要的/最佳之一

2)speak/think highly of…高度评价

3)be famous/known as/be regarded as因…著名/被称为…












一、 专门人物介绍文写作注意点





As we all know,Liu Xiang is a famous player in our country. He was born in Shanghai,China on July 13,1983. In his childhood,he loved sports very much and was good at running and jumping. However,because of his general height,his parents once advised him to give up practising. Luckily,he stuck to his sports dream.

He trains hard and always believes in himself. In recent years,he has won great honor for our country. In 2003,he won a bronze at the world indoor track and field championships. In 2004,at the Athens Olympic Games,he won a gold medal. In 2005,he was awarded Laureus World Newcomer. In 2006,he broke the world record of 110m hurdles. On August 18,2008,Liu Xiang dropped out of the competition of the 110m hurdles of the 2008 Olympic Games becauseof the injuries in his feet. However,Liu Xiang didn’t give up his sports dream.

Such is Liu Xiang,a diligent and confident player. We have every reason to believe he will win more gold medals for our country.




开头简要介绍人物可使用概括性语言... is a famous ...;

人物介绍结束后可使用总结性语言Such is ...,a ... and ... player/writer;

介绍人物出生可用... was born in;

介绍人物年龄可使用... years old,at the age of ...,when ... was + number;

介绍人物获金牌可使用win a gold medal,win the first place;

介绍人物为祖国获得荣誉可用win great honor for his/her country。

本文参考答案中的Liu Xiang is a famous player in our country. He was born in .... In recent years,he has won great honor for our country. Such is Liu Xiang,a diligent and confident player. We have every reason to believe he will win more gold medals for our country.等句型为人物介绍文规律性用语,有很广阔的使用空间。


介绍人物成长足迹时应着重用好表示时间的过渡性词汇,如first/at first/in the beginning,then,at last/finally/in the end;

介绍人物众多业绩可用besides,what’s more,at the same time,in the meanwhile等过渡性词汇;

介绍人物努力工作后获取成功可用as a result,as a result of,therefore,so,thanks to等过渡性词汇。本文参考答案贴切使用了As we all know,However,Luckily等过渡性词汇,增加了文章的连贯性和逻辑性。

二、 记叙型人物介绍文写作注意点




One day a young PLA man was walking along a path. Suddenly he heard someone crying “Help! Help!” He quickly ran to see what was happening. On his arrival there,he saw three boys struggling in the river and they were in great danger. He jumped into the river without any hesitation and soon pulled two boys onto the bank. Just at this time,the third boy was washed away. The soldier jumped into the river again in spite of great danger. He managed to catch the boy and pulled him back. Finally,thanks to his timely help,the three boys were saved. He was very happy and was cheered as a hero.




因记叙型人物介绍文以时间发生的前后为顺序交待文意,因此写作时应用好表示时间的过渡性词汇,如one day/morning/afternoon/evening/night,suddenly,first,then,just at that time,finally/at last/in the end。强调人物经过努力达到的良好结果可用thanks to,as a result,as a result of等过渡性词汇。本文参考答案用One day,Suddenly,Just at this time,Finally等表示时间的过渡性词汇,使文章语句更通顺,行文更连贯,逻辑更严密。

三、 求职信中的人物介绍写作注意点



Dear Manager,

I have learned from the newspaper that your company wants to hire a few people to be English interpreters. I’m interested in this position very much,and want to apply for it. I think I have a few advantages. Now,I’d like to introduce something about myself to you. I’m Li Fang,a 28-year-old woman and I’m tall,slim and beautiful. Besides,I’m kind and polite to others and can get along well with others. Also,I’m good at expressing myself and I like to make friends with others. I graduated from the English department of Shandong University in 1999 and then I worked as an English teacher in a middle school for eight years. As a result,I have much work experience. If I’m accepted,I’ll work harder to make much progress. If you agree with me,please phone me. My telephone number is 0513-87654328.

Yours truly,

Li Fang


介绍人物外貌可用 ... is tall,slim and beautiful,... is tall and strong;

介绍人物健康状况可用 ... is healthy/in good health;

介绍人物业余爱好可用 ... likes/is fond of/enjoys ... in his/her spare/free time,... has many hobbies,such as ...,... and ...;

介绍人物热爱工作时可用 ...loves his/her work very much and works very hard;

介绍人物经验丰富可用 ...has much work experience;

介绍人物与人相处融洽可用 ...is kind/friendly to others ...,likes to make friends with others,... can get along/on well with others ...,is ready/willing to help others;

介绍人物严于律己可用 ...is strict with himself/herself,... is strict in his/her work;

介绍人物获奖状况可用 ... is often elected a model...,... has been elected a model ... many times;

介绍人物受尊敬情况可用 ...is deeply respected and loved by others,...all respect and love ...;

介绍人物变换工作地点可使用go to,come to,move to。

本文参考答案使用I’m tall,slim and beautiful. I’m kind and polite to others and can get along well with others. I like to make friends with others. I have much work experience.等求职信中人物介绍的规律性语言,提高了语言的规范度。


写求职信介绍人物背景信息时还应贴切使用过渡性词汇。介绍人物的不同优秀品质可用besides,what’s more,at the same time,in the meanwhile,also,too等表示并列关系的过渡性词汇。介绍人物简历时的过渡性词汇与专门人物介绍文中个人简历过渡性词汇相似。


Dear Mr. / Ms,

We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.

Yours faithfully





Last week our class had a discussion on whether it is OK to tell white lies. The students have different opinions.

Some think it is all right to tell white lies out of kindness. Besides, white lies can often help people get on well with each other. Sometimes, they may make one more confident.

However, some people take telling lies very seriously. They believe that white lies are lies after all. They do harm to friendship. What’s more, lies never go far.




Good morning/afternoon.It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.My name is xx.I am 20 years old,born in a little village in Southern Zhejiang.My parents are farmers,and I am the only child.Though not well-to-do,the family always be hopeful.My major is engineering technology.I will graduate in July,20xx.I have some hobbies like listening to music,swimming,and especially seeing western movies.In the passed two years,I have learned some practical skills and gained some major certificates.I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have passed CET4 in my efforts.I am looking forward to becoming a member of your company.Thankyou!


Hello everyone and good morning!I am very privileged to be given this platform by the professor and really happy to introduce myself.My name is XX, 19 years old, from XXX, which is a very beautiful place!I am very happy coming to XXX and able to study with you all for the next 4 years.We are all from every corner of the country, which is a kind of fate.I like reading, playing computer and also love the subject of maths.But unfortunately, we dont have this subject here.My ideal is to be a director and one day be able to make my own movies.Therefore I have chosen this major and I have every confidence that I shall do very well.I believe that all of you have chosen the same subject must share the same love with me.Hope we shall learn from each other in the coming 4 years.Help each other so that we all could hand in satisfactory results for our tomorrow.



1. 历史:“写作背景”曾经长期占领语文课堂

“写作背景”在语文教学中曾经很重要。在新中国成立后相当长的一段时间里, 课文的教学流程基本都是固定的:先是揭题, 接着介绍作者和写作背景, 最后才是文章解读。“写作背景”成为一个不可缺少的教学内容。长期以来, 语文课都存在“政治化”倾向, 而语文教育本身的特点常常被忽略, 真正属于语文的东西太少。“写作背景”之所以“走红”, 正是受当时政治大环境的影响。现在看来, 从“写作背景”入手来学习一篇文章, 很容易就将文本与政治、与时代链接起来, 且无需对文章再进行更深入细致的解读。在“政治第一”“思想挂帅”的时代, 这是紧跟时代, 体现教学“先进性”的一条捷径。然而这种将“写作背景”作用推向极致的做法, 对语文教育造成了很大的伤害。往小处说, 容易让学生忽视文本内容, 让他们不会解读文章;往大处说, 会让学生产生语文课就是思想品德课的错觉, 从而使他们缺少欣赏文学之美的能力。

2. 现状:误读新课程理念, 让“写作背景”失宠

语文新课程改革全面启动后, 特别强调语文是“工具性”与“人文性”的统一。而这让不少教师产生了误解, 以为从此不要文本的解读, 可以不要“思想性”了, 于是就自觉地将“思想性”与“工具性”和“人文性”对立起来。因为历史的教训让大家认为, 再像过去那样强调“思想性”, 语文课就缺少了语文味, 课堂就有被异化的危险;教学中还强调“思想性”, 就会与新课程理念格格不入, 成为观念落后的标志。于是与“思想性”息息相关的写作背景, 也就无可奈何地失宠了。

3. 态度:对不同文本的“写作背景”要区别对待

无论是把“写作背景”推上天, 还是把它踩入地, 这两种态度都走了极端, 都不可取。儒家文化中的“执两用中”的思维方式, 为我们提供了一种可取的路径。所谓“执两用中”, 是指做事要根据不同情况, 采取适宜的办法。具体运用到语文教学中, 就是要辩证地来看待和运用写作背景这项教学资源。有些文本具有最完整的自足性, 其写作背景与文本的关联度较低, 我们就可以将背景隐去, 毕竟背景并非走向文本阐释之门的唯一路径;有些文本, 不具有完全的独立性, 与背景的关联度较高, 我们就要适时适度地引入写作背景, 为文本的解读找寻一把匹配的钥匙。不同的文本就应该区别对待, 不能一概而论。“执两用中”是我们处理写作背景资源的正确导向。

4. 操作:学习传记类文本要特别强调“写作背景”

传记类文本与一般的文本相比, 具有更大的真实性。这种真实性是一种强大的力量。无论是激发学生学习的兴趣, 还是触动学生的心灵, 挖掘文本对于生命的关注问题都是应该的。因此, 对于这一类文本, 我们在备课时需要搜集相关的背景资料, 扩展文本的信息容量。在教学中要调用相关的背景材料来帮助学生理解文本, 唤醒语言的生命, 增强文本的真实性力量。例如, 我们引导学生阅读《淘气小浣熊》这本书, 学生在整体阅读后, 很容易了解故事的梗概——一个名叫斯特林·诺斯的小男孩, 孤苦伶仃, 没有妈妈, 爸爸也经常不在家。他不得不与宠物为伴。斯特林渐渐发现, 围绕在他周围的是这样一群活宝:古板的圣伯纳犬、各种猫、一家臭鼬和一只乌鸦。有一天, 他又在森林里发现了一只小浣熊———“小淘气”。于是他全新的生活开始了……故事的结尾是这样的:“小淘气”长大了, 已经不适合做宠物了, 于是, 它决定去寻找自己的生活。故事在结尾处留下很大的想象空间:“小淘气”的最终命运是怎样的?如果此时教师引入后续的背景材料, 更有利于释放这一传记文本的真实力量。教师可以告诉学生, 诺斯在世的时候, 人们最爱问的就是这个问题。尽管诺斯后来再也没有见到过“小淘气”, 但难能可贵的是他仍然坚持兑现了12岁时作出的承诺:不猎杀、不围捕任何鸟类和其他动物。人即文本, 文本即人, 作者言行一致、热爱动物的情怀, 更能感动读者。如果我们再告诉学生, 1992年, 斯特林·诺斯社团买下了诺斯儿时在威斯康星埃杰顿与“小淘气”共同住过的房子, 并成立了一家博物馆, 学生是不是更会对文本产生强烈的信任感呢?是不是会在心中升腾起某种与文本中的情境相遇的强烈期待呢?后续背景的导入, 能够让文本变得立体、丰满起来, 最大程度还原全部的真实, 让传统文本成为富有活力的真实学习情境。

除传记类文本需要调用写作背景之外, 对于那些和现在的学生生活有“隔阂”的文本, 也需要调用恰当的背景介绍。因为这样有助于让学生跨越时空, 将冰封的文本尽快地消融。
