




作者 | 纸盆






听力考试特别要注意一些带有转折强调的语句,例如for example、all in all等等带有强调的词语,因为后面的内容有很大的可能就是该文章的主题或者某个问题的答案了,因为这是考试最喜欢用的套路了。




作者:Lovestudy 对话听力非常规性答题技巧




A)The air is polluted.B)The people there are terrible.C)It’s too windy.D)The beaches are dirty.Tape script :

W: The place I’ve heard about is Los Angeles.The climate is pretty good.Year-round swimming.How do you like it?

M: Well, the beaches are beautiful.But the people there are terribly annoyed by the dirty air.I mean, the combination of fog, smoke and automobile exhaust.There is not enough wind to blow it away.Q: What does the man think of Los Angeles?





A)He went to mountain climbing with us last year.B)He hasn’t traveled around the world yet.C)He’s always wanted to climb that mountain.D)He definitely does not want to go.Tape script :

W: Would you like to go mountain-climbing with us?

M: That is the last thing in the world I would ever do.Q: What does the man mean?





A)She has done half of it already.B)She agrees that it is very long.C)They have all the semester to do it.D)There’s nothing wrong with it.Tape script :

M: This is the longest assignment we’ve had all the semester.W: You’re telling me.We’ll be lucky if we can do half of it.Q: What does the woman say about the assignment?



请看例题 1:

A)The woman should wait to buy new clothes.B)The cold weather will probably continue.C)The weather will warm up soon.D)He already has a warm coat.Tape script :

W: If this weather holds, I’m going to have to buy a warmer coat.M: Sounds like a good idea.Spring is still a long way off, you know.Q: What does the man mean?



A)Most neighbors are as noisy as the woman’s

B)He’d like to know why the woman is angry.C)The woman is too polite to her neighbors.D)Talking to the neighbors courteously might be the best solution.Tape script :

W: I am going to tell that neighbor of mine to turn down that music once and for all.M: I see why you are angry.But I’ve always found that the polite way is the most effective.Q: What does the man mean?




A)She doesn’t feel that now is the right time.B)She wonders if they really need to do it.C)She’s writing her seminar presentation now.D)She’s suggesting that they talk immediately.Tape script :

M: Do we need to get together to plan our seminar?

W: Is there anything wrong with right now?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A)She wonders which one he means.B)She thinks that few people have applied for it.C)She asks if it is safe.D)She suggests that the man at least tries for it.Tape script :

M: I haven’t got a chance in the world of getting that job.W: What could be the harm if at least applying for it?

Q: What does the woman say about the job?




A)He wrote it last semester.B)He’ll finish it in a few minutes.C)He never does assignments early.D)He isn’t going to write it.Tape script :

W: Bill, have you finished the research paper for anthropology?

M: Not yet, I always seem to put things off until the last minute.Q: What did the man mean?



A)She doesn’t understand how Judy got her job.B)She’s surprised Judy is working in management.C)She thinks Judy never should have taken a computer course.D)She wonders how Judy does so many things.Tape script ::

M: Judy’s taking seventeen credits and working in the computer center, too.W: How she manages to handle all that!I’ll never understand.Q: What does the woman mean?




A)The man should buy a vacuum cleaner.B)The man’s parents are eager to see their son.C)The man’s parents should come at another time.D)The man’s apartment is dirty.Tape script :

M: My parents are coming to see our apartment this weekend.W: Looks as if I’d better lend you my vacuum cleaner then.Q: What does the woman imply?



A)She’s never been treated by Dr.Smith.B)She’s been sitting in the waiting room too long.C)Dr.Smith isn’t a good choice.D)She’d like to recommend a magazine to the man.Tape script :

M: I need to find a dermatologist.You’re familiar with Dr.Smith, do you recommend her?

W: Well, I’ve been seen by her a few times.And the best I can say for her is she has interesting magazines in her waiting room.Q: What does the woman imply?


八.答案中含有“some, someone., somebody, someone else, some time, something”



A)There aren’t many posters to choose from.B)She wants the man to see the poster she bought.C)They promised to meet her brother at the shop.D)They must buy something for her brother.Tape script :

M: I’ve had enough of the museum.Why don’t we skip the gift shop?

W: Look, we promised my brother a poster so we haven’t much choice.Q: What does the woman mean?



A)Go to a movie.B)Work in the library.C)Visit a museum D)Spend some time outdoors.Tape script :

M: it’s much too beautiful a day to waster indoors.W: You are right.Let’s make the most of it.Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?



请看例题 1:

A)The effects of the flood B)The heroic fight against a flood.C)The cause of the flood.D)Floods of the past twenty years.Tape script :

M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years.It has caused much damage and destruction.W: Look at the price of fruits and vegetables.No wonder they are expensive.Q: What are they talking about?


请看例题 2:

A)Families with cars.B)American’s heavy dependence on cars.C)Roads and highways.D)Traffic problems in America.Tape script :

W: You Americans are funny!It seems as if you were married to your cars.M: Yeah, I guess that’s true.The country is becoming one big highway.I was reading that there are about 4 million miles of roads and highways in the country now.Q: What are they talking about?



请看例题 1:

A)The library no longer had the book on reserve.B)The homework assignment wasn’t clear.C)The professor had chosen a mystery book for him instead.D)The library closed earlier than he’d expected.Tape script :

W: Were you able to use the book Dr.Brown put on reserve for our homework?

M: No, I wasn’t.It’s a mystery to me why the library closed early.Q: What does the man mean?


请看例题 2:

A)His teeth hurt him very much.B)He has no time for meals.C)He decided to take the course next semester instead.D)He finds the work harder than he expected.Tape script :

M: Everybody said this astronomy course would be so easy.W: But it hasn’t quite worked out that way, has it?

Q: What does the woman think about the course?

D)项含有“harder than he expected” 字样,因此是正确答案。




A)He went to the administration building to change a class.B)He had a ten o’clock meeting with an administrator.C)He went to his computer class instead of the administration building.D)He attended a morning session of the computer class.Tape script :

W: Didn’t I see you going into the administration building this afternoon?

M: I needed to switch my computer class to ten o’clock session.Q: What does the man mean?



A)Delivery of the parts has been delayed.B)She doesn’t know whether the parts have arrived.C)She will reorder the parts.D)The man should help carry the parts.Tape script :

M: Have the parts we need for the copier arrived yet?

W: I ordered them last week, but something’s holding them up.Q: What does the woman mean?





A)To run into each other.B)To get bargains.C)To avoid the crowds.D)To join the crowds.Tape script :

M: This is a pleasant surprise.It seems to me we ran into each other here last week, too.W: You and I must have the same idea.The only way to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they open at 9:00 o’clock sharp!



A)He thinks his boss is terrible.B)He thinks his boss is cunning.C)He thinks his boss is frank.D)He thinks his boss makes a lot of mistakes.Tape script :

W: What do you think of your new boss, John?

M: Well, he is full of praise when you do well.But when you make a mistake, you’d better watch out.Q: What’s John’s opinion of his boss?




A)They were both doing their own work.B)They waited for each other at different places.C)They went to the street corner at different times.D)The man went to the corner but the woman didn’t.Tape script :

W: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the corner.M: Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street.Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.Q: Why didn’t they meet that evening?

B)、C)为形近项,但C)项中的“the street corner”已出现在录音中,听到的不是答案,因而,B)项是正确答案。


A)Peter is going to fly to New York.B)Peter is going to fly to Iran next week.C)Peter went to Iran next week.D)Peter will stay in New York.Tape script :

W: I met Peter last week in New York.He doesn’t know when he is leaving the country.M: Oh, he knows now.he called me yesterday and said that he is leaving for Iran next week.Q: What news did the woman hear from the man?



目前, 浙江省高考英语听力考试所使用的是PETS二级听力试题。通过对浙江省参加高考的考生已经考过的前三次PETS二级听力真题进行分析, 笔者发现听力测试主要从以下几个方面进行考查。

1. 身份、职业及人物关系

此类试题常要求考生根据对话内容和情景来确定对话中人物的身份、职业以及人物之间的关系。判断时不仅要注意对话的内容和地点, 还要注意彼此的称呼和说话的语气, 如:mum, dad可能是父母与子女, 而dear, darling则可能是夫妻关系。这类题目的提问形式有:What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?Who is the man/woman?What’s the man’s job/occupation?常见的人物关系及职业有:teacher and student, doctor and patient, waiter/waitress/shop-assistant and customer, boss and secretary;engineer, manager, actor, scientist, professor, driver, policeman, housewife, bank clerk等。

例:2.Who are the two speakers? (例题保留试题原题号, 下同)



M:What’s the chemistry homework Mr Brown gave us today?

W:Just a minute, I’ll look it up in my notebook.

答案:B。 (2009年3月卷)

2. 地点与场合

此类试题基于各种场景对考生进行考查, 对话中一般不会直接告知说话人所在地点, 考生在听对话内容时要捕捉到能说明地点和场合的信息词, 并结合常识进行判断。常见的提问形式有:Where does this conversation probably take place?Where are the two speakers?Where is the woman/man now?Where are the two speakers talking?Where did it happen?

例:2.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At the air station.

B.At the travel agency.

C.At the hotel.


W:Johnson’s Travel.Can I help you?

M:I read about the special price for the plane ticket in the newspaper today.Would you please tell me more about it?

答案:B。 (2008年9月卷)

例:4.Where are the speakers?

A.In a bookstore.

B.On a bus.

C.At home.


M:Ah, Maggie.I want all these books here.

W:That might be a lot for your dad to buy at one time.

M:My dad gets me all the books I want.

W:Well, that’s very nice of him.

答案:A。 (2009年3月卷)

3. 时间和数字

时间和数字在日常生活中使用频繁, 且表达方式多样。考生要熟悉并掌握英语中关于时间的各种表达方式, 包括书写和读音, 例如日期的读法, 钟点时间的表达 (如9:45可读做nine forty-five, 也可读做a quarter to ten) 。数字涉及面很广, 常见的有电话号码、门牌号、金额、年份等。有些材料中可能同时出现几个数字, 需要作必要的运算才能得出正确的答案。常见的提问方式有:What time is it now?What time was it when...?What’s the date?What day is it?At what time...?How long...?When...?How many...?How much...?

例:4.When will they have a trip?

A.Next month.

B.This week.

C.This weekend.


W:You know, we really ought to go on that boat trip we talked about last month.Are you still interested?

M:Yes, what about this coming weekend?

答案:C。 (2008年9月卷)

例:8.When is their flight?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

例:10.How long will the speakers be away from home?

A.Two days.

B.Ten days.

C.Twelve days.


W:Mag, I’ve just got us tickets to Singapore.

M:This is just too exciting.So when do we setoff?

W:The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon.So we need to set off to the airport at 11:00 am.

M:Just let me write that down, so I don’t forget.So we leave at 11:00 am.Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct flight?

W:Well, there aren’t any direct flights.But, we are very lucky, with these tickets, we can stop off in Hong Kong.So, we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore.

M:You are great.I’ve always wondered to go there.So we stop off in Hong Kong, and just one more thing, when do we get back?

W:We’ll return home in ten days’time.

M:Wow, wonderful.I just can’t wait.

答案:B;B。 (2009年3月卷)

4. 原因与结果

该类试题属于难度较大题, 一般需要听完全部录音内容才能判断出具体的因果关系, 而且正确选项用的一般不是材料中的词汇和结构, 而是原句词汇的同义词 (组) 。常见的提问方式有:Why...?What’s the reason/cause...?What cause...?

例:10.Why does the woman turn down the man’s proposal?

A.Her mother needs her help.

B.She needs to have guitar lessons.

C.She doesn’t know.


M:Hi, Jane.Where are you going this summer holiday?

W:Nowhere.I’m staying at home to help my mother in the shop.What are you going to do for the holidays, Tom?

M:I’m not sure yet.But I’m thinking of going to the beach with my brothers.

W:That’ll be nice.How long are you going to stay there?

M:Couple of days I guess.See, would you like to come along with us?We can go swimming in the sea.

W:Thanks, but maybe next time.My mother really needs some help in the shop.Besides, I don’twant to miss my piano lessons.So have fun and see you in September.

M:Well, see you then.Enjoy your holidays!

答案:A。 (2008年9月卷)

例:3.Why is the woman having a hard time?

A.She has to feed the children.

B.Her children eat a lot of meat.

C.Food costs more than before.


W:I am having a hard time these days.

M:Why is that?

W:Well, the food prices are going up all the time and I have three children to feed.

答案:C。 (2009年9月卷)

5. 人物活动

该部分试题在整个听力测试中所占比重最大, 一般以人们的日常生活、学习、工作活动为主题, 如购物、旅游等。时态涉及过去、现在及将来等各种时态。常见的提问有:What is the man doing now?What did he do last night?What was she doing at that time on Friday?What will the woman do at the weekend?等。

例:3.What will they do next Friday?

A.They’ll pick all the tomatoes.

B.They’ll have a picnic.

C.They’ll water the tomatoes.


M:These tomatoes are huge.You must water them a lot.

W:Yes, I did.They ought to be right then after I pick by next Friday when we have a picnic.

答案:B。 (2008年9月卷)

例:3.What will the speakers do over the weekend?

A.Go camping.

B.Stay at home.

C.Climb mountains.


M:Did you listen to the weather report this morning, Helen?

W:Yes.It says we are going to have a wetweekend.We may get some very heavy rain in the mountain areas.

M:That means we can’t go camping, but we’ll have to stay in.

答案:B。 (2009年3月卷)

6. 推断与理解

该类试题要求考生在理解听力材料整体内容的基础上, 抓住关键词, 进行合理的推理, 领会对话中出现的如讽刺、幽默、委婉、暗示等效果, 推测语言背后所隐含的弦外之音。在推测时要注意说话者的语调和重音, 关注转折词but, however等后面的内容。这类题目的提问形式有:What does the man imply?What can we learn from the speaker?Whatdo we learn from the woman’s reply?

例:5.What kind of house do they need?

A.A new and interesting one.

B.A big but cheap one.

C.One with convenient traffic.


M:Finally, we’re going to look for a new home.

W:Yes, I’m so excited, but first we have to think about where it should be.It has to be convenient for us to get to work.

答案:C。 (2008年9月卷)

7. 观点、态度和建议

此类题目包括两块, 一是说话者的观点、态度, 一般需要在对话的具体内容中提炼, 而且有可能对话一方因受另一方的影响而最终改变了自己的观点。考生应注意题目问的一般都是说话者的观点, 而不是考生主观臆断出来的自己的观点。二是说话者所提的建议和意见。常用提问方式有:What’s the man’s attitude towards...?What does the woman think of...?How does the man feel about...?What does the woman suggest?What does the man mean?What’s their opinion of...?

例:12.How does the woman feel in the conversation?



M:Have you booked the table, Madam?

W:Yes.We’ve booked one for two.The nameis Morrison.

M:Oh, yes.We have the table for you near the group.This way, please.

W:Group?What group?Oh, the music group, Isuppose.I can’t stand the noisy places.Now, where’s the menu?

M:It’s on the wall, Madam, on the blackboard.

W:On the blackboard, indeed!I suppose you can’t afford proper menus.

M:I’m sorry, Madam.But that’s what we always do.

W:I’ve had such a busy afternoon in my office.If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.

答案:A。 (2009年3月卷)

例:2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Talk to her friend.

B.Be brave when in danger.

C.Borrow money from her friend.


W:Maureen owes me fifty dollars.I don’t know if she remembers.But I am afraid of reminding her because it might ruin our friendship.

M:Well, to get your money back, you might have to remind her, I am afraid.

答案:A。 (2009年9月卷)

8. 主旨大意

在听力测试中, 每段对话都是围绕一个具体的话题或情境展开, 但是部分试题中会出现与主题有关但又联系松散的信息, 考生可能会受部分词汇的干扰而远离对话的主题。这部分试题就是考查考生能否准确回忆对话的主题, 把握材料的主旨大意。常见的提问方式有:What are they talking about?What are they discussing?What is the main idea of the speech?What conclusion can we draw from theconversation?Which of the following is true?

例:1.What’s the woman speaker’s problem?

A.She can’t get through to Sanny.

B.She can’t contact her parents.

C.She doesn’t know who to talk to.


W:I’ve been trying to call Sanny for over an hour, but the line’s been busy.Who do you think she’s talking to?

W:Her parents or her boyfriend in Boston.

答案:A。 (2008年9月卷)


听力答题很讲究技巧, 考生想要发挥自己的正常水平, 取得好成绩, 应从听前、听中和听后三个阶段来加以注意。

1. 听前及时阅读题干和选项, 预测内容

充分利用试卷分发后到试音材料播放完之间的时间以及介绍每一节试题做法和播放每段对话或独白前的几秒钟, 及时、迅速地预读题干, 熟悉选项, 对所给的文字信息进行分析和整理, 并根据所给的语言信息, 预测对话或短文的语境、大意、人物身份等可能涉及的内容;仔细比较三个选项的异同, 特别注意各选项中重复出现的词汇, 从重复词汇入手, 预测听的内容, 确定听的关键信息。这样做就能在听的过程中做到有的放矢, 有所侧重, 也会使考生更自信、轻松, 从而提高答题准确率。

2. 听中快速捕捉信息, 善记笔记

听录音时, 考生的注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理解上, 重在听懂每句话的意思和内涵, 不要只停留在个别单词或单句上, 只有在整体理解的基础上才能快速准确地捕捉、筛选和甄别信息。尤其要注意对话者的谈话时间、地点、主题、人物关系等。听录音时, 仅凭大脑的短时记忆是不够的, 还要边听边在考题旁做笔记或自己熟悉的记号。笔记一般要记下关键词和重要的时间、地点、数字、起因、主要过程、最后结果等。听不清或听不懂时要马上放弃, 集中精力抓住后面的信息, 全身心投入到下一道题目中去。听短文独白时, 注意文章的首句和首段, 因为首句和首段常常是对短文内容的概括, 如主要内容、作者的观点等。

3. 听后上下文连贯联系, 果断作答






M: Isn’t that a new brand of typewriter you are working at?

W: Oh, Bill. This isn’t the first time you’re asked me about it.

Q: What does the woman imply?

很多考生并没有深入挖掘“This isn’t the first time...”这句话中流露出来的不耐烦,而是把注意力集中在“new brand of typewriter”上,绞尽脑汁想从女声的回答中判断出打字机到底是新的还是旧的,殊不知她的意思是“我不知告诉过你多少次了,我已经不想再说了!”所以,正确答案应该是“He is a forgetful person.”如果考生没有经过一段时间的训练,类似的题目是很难做对的。


W: You know, John, I’m getting quite worried about Maria.

M: Why? What happened, honey?

W: Well, I was speaking to her teacher, Mary, today after school. She told me that Maria often didn’t finish her homework and when she does...well...the standard is often pretty poor.

M: Maybe I’d better have a word with her then.

W: Yeah, I think so. I don’t like this little girl to be spoiled, you know.

M: It’s not my fault.

W: I didn’t mean that.

M: No, you didn’t.


Q: Who does the woman think is to blame?

A) FatherB) Mother

C) TeacherD) Maria





许多考生听完之后晕头转向,感觉好像是爸爸的错,但又不肯定。其实如果稍微注意一下最后一句的语调,答案就很明显了。爸爸在说最后一句话的时候用的是略轻但是挑高的语调,明显带有一丝讽刺的意味,内在的含义是“哼!你不是这个意思还能是什么意思?你就认为是我的错!”所以,这道题的正确答案应该是A,而不是D。和前文短对话例子一样,这两道题都是“What does the woman/man imply?”类型的题目,考查的关键点都在于语调和语言内涵。所以说,考试大纲对学生听力水平的要求是没有太大变化的。



第一步: 看



15.A. The woman knows how to deal with the police.

B. The woman had been fined many times before.

C. The woman had violated traffic regulations.

D. The woman is good at finding excuses.

解析:根据选项中出现的实词police、fine、traffic regulations等,考生可以确定这个短对话是与交通有关的场景,而历年有关交通场景的考题有个惯常思路,即“交通规则要遵守,超速红灯罚款收,机场汽车最常见,交通事故把伤受”。带着这样的场景预期和解题思路去听录音材料,考生自然就能做到有的放矢了。这道题考查的正是由于闯红灯而被处罚的话题场景,符合预期。


第二步: 猜


1. 关联原则


18.A. He is confident he will get the job.

B. His chance of getting the job is slim.

C. It isn’t easy to find a qualified sales manager.

D. The interview didn’t go as well as expected.


2. 逻辑原则


15.A. He understands the woman’s feeling.

B. He has gone through a similar experience.

C. The woman should have gone on the field trip.

D. The teacher is just following the regulation.







① 回答。在短对话部分,80%的出题点都集中在回答者的话中,因而,考生应更加关注对话中出现的回答,尤其是回答者话语中的第一个词或句子,这些地方往往是出题点。

② 转折提示。在听录音时,考生要特别注意转折词汇后面的内容,这些内容非常有可能成为出题点。常见的转折词是but、however等,表示委婉转折的词汇主要有in fact、actually、as a matter of fact等,对此考生要多加留意。

③ 建议。如果短对话中出现了提建议的内容,则建议的内容必考,考生对此应加以重视。表示建议的信息提示词包括advise、suggest、recommend等。此外,短对话中还会常出现委婉建议的表达,如“If I were you, …”“If I were in your shoes/position, …”“Do you mind …”等。

④ 言外之意。考生在听的过程中要注意体会回答者的言外之意,留意回答者的语气语调、使用的关键性“小词”以及录音上下文语境,从而选出正确答案。请看2010年6月英语四级考试听力题第17题听力材料原文和问题(短对话):

W: You’re taking a course with Professor Johnson. What’s your impression so far?

M: Well, many students could hardly stay awake in his class without first drinking a cup of coffee.

Q: What does the man imply?

解析:由这道题题干中出现的imply可知,该道题考查的是回答者的言外之意。在对话中,回答者使用了“could hardly stay awake”来表述自己对教授授课的印象,这里的考查点是“hardly”一词,该考查点属于常考的“否定之不见否定词”的“小词”系列。英语四、六级考试的听力部分常利用“小词”来出题,考查考生听言外之意的能力。在听的过程中,考生需要格外注意这样的“小词”,如hardly、barely、beyond、be far from、scarcely等。



① 首尾原则。一般来说,录音的开头和结尾都会是出题点,考生要集中精力听长对话或段子题文章的首尾句。

② 顺序原则。一般来说,长对话及段子题的出题顺序与行文是保持一致的。

③ 信号词原则。跟短对话一样,当录音中出现表示转折、因果、比较等关系的词汇时,考生要多加留意,这些词汇所在的句子很可能会是出题点。

④ 插入原则。长对话和文章有时会插入某人(学者专家或相关人士)的评论,或者插入一段内容说明某人做了某事等。这时,考生要仔细听辨这些人的点评或所做的事情,这些地方常常是考点所在。我们来看2010年12月英语六级考试听力部分Passage One里的一段原文:

Surrounded by an open ocean, it is also vulnerable. But Antarctic experts disagree strongly on just how unstable it is. Now new evidence reveals that all or most of the West Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years, a period when global temperatures probably will not be significantly higher than they are today.

解析:考生可以看到文中变色部分的句子既含有转折信号词,也涉及上文提到的“插入原则”。文章前面讲的是冰川融化和冰层的不稳定,此处插入的是南极洲研究专家的观点和意见。而第27题(What did scientists disagree on?)就是针对这句话提问的。







第五步: 选



在听力考试中,题与题之间的间隔时间约十五秒钟,考生不能把间隔时间全部用于做题。正确的方法是用一半时间快速作答,另一半时间读下一道题的选项。即使某道题不确定要选哪个选项,考生也千万不要一再纠结,否则会影响后面的作答。记住泰戈尔的一句经典诗句:“If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.”



