中国概况 期末考试


中国概况 期末考试(共6篇)

篇1:中国概况 期末考试


1、Melting Pot :The USA is honorably called “Melting Pot”,a phrase commonly used to signify the mixture and assimilation of different races that have immigrated into the US.

2、Capital:Washington D.C

3、Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated there.

4、The White House is the official presidential residence.

5、The Big Apple:New York City is often called “The Big Apple”,which was termed by jazz musician to describe something that is the ultimate in size,excitement and achievement.

6、Committee of Correspondence----Sons of Liberty自由之子组织 An organization before the American Independence War.In 1772,at the suggestion of Samuel Adams,the Boston town meeting appointed a “Committee of Correspondence” to get in touch with people of other towns of the colonies about England’s treatment of the settlers.

7、the Declaration o independence<独立宣言> According to the development of the situation,the Second Continental Congress which was still in session decided to draw up a declaration of independence at the suggestion of Richard Herry Lee,a representative of Virginia.The document was drawn by a committee including Thomas Jefferson as head. On July 4th ,1776,the document was accepted by the Congress and since then July 4th has been observed as National Day of the United States.

8、Monroe Doctrine门罗主义 Not long after the war of 1812,some European colonies in South Africa began to revolt and many of them started independent republics,such as Chile,Peru,Mexico and Brazil.So some European countries formed a group called the Holy Alliance(神圣同盟)which seemed ready to help put down the South America revolutions.The United States thought it was unfavorable to her if the Holy Alliance extended its influence in South America.In 1823 President Monroe sent a message to Congress.This is known as “Monroe Doctrine”.The main points are :

① The European countries ought not to start any new colonies in North or South America.

② The European Countries ought not to interfere with the newly---established South American republics.

③ The United States ought not to interfere in the affairs of European countries .

This Monroe Doctrine stopped the Holy Alliance’s program ,and prevented the European countries from extending their influence in South American.However,it also revealed that the United States meant to control the whole of the Americas.The “Monroe Doctrine” marked a new beginning in American history and it was an important symbol of America expansionism.

9、The American Civil War

10、(1)Q:What was the situation before the Civil War?And why was the war inevitable?(lasted 4 years,1861~1865) A:

1)Three Great Tides.

①The first tide was the “Westward Movement”.Between 1815 and 1830 over 500,000 Europeans came into the United States.Theses immigrants,landless farmers,and jobless workers moved westward to the vast area of wilderness.

② The second tide was about the two economic systems in the North and the South.----Industrial and Plantation.(工业经济与种植园经济)This was the main cause of the conflict and also the main cause of the Civil War between the North and the South.

③ The third tide was the growth of the working class.The Western Movement,the two different economic systems of the North and the South and the upsurge of the worker’s movement formed the main aspects of the situation before the Civil War.

2)The Slavery Problem Shortly after the revolution the Northern states began to get rid of their slaves because slave labor wars not profitable. 1852---”Uncle Tom’s Cabin”came out,written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

3)The Political Conflicts

①the Republicans and the Democrats

篇2:中国概况 期末考试



Part One (40 points)

I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished

statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose

the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the

letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (40

points, 1 point for each)

1. On the island of Great Britain, there are _______.

A. four political divisions --- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

B. four political divisions --- England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland

C. three political divisions --- England, Scotland, and Wales

D. three political divisions --- England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC?

A. Emperor Claudius

B. Julius Caesar

C. King Alfred

D. King Ethelred

3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral?

A. Christopher Marlowe

B. T. S. Eliot

C. Ben Johnson

D. Thomas Becket

4. In England, the most famous of the Catholic conspiracies was _______.

A. the Cobham’s Plot

B. the Gunpowder Plot

C. the murder of Thomas Becket

D. the execution of Mary Queen of Scots

5. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of ________.

A. India

B. Australia

C. Canada

D. Newfoundland

6. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of


A. Karl Marx

B. Margaret Thatcher

C. John Maynard Keynes

D. Adam Smith

7. The Royal National Eisteddfod is a(n) _____ festival of poetry, music and other arts.

A. English

B. Scottish

C. Welsh

D. Irish

8. The British constitution is made up of the following except _______.

A. commonwealth law

B. conventions

C. common law

D. statute law

9. In Britain, capital punishment is the penalty of _______.

A. piracy

B. treason and murder

C. assassination

D. piracy and treason

10. _______ is more important than Christmas to Scots.

A. New Year’s Day

B. Whit Sunday

C. April Fool’s Day

D. Easter

11. The Hundred Years’ War with France was fought ________.

A. from 1327 to 1443

B. from 1337 to 1453

C. from 1347 to 1443

D. from 1357 to 1453

12. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver

Cromwell as _______.

A. Lord Protector

B. Lieutenant General

C. Commander of the New Modal Army

D. President

13. Ireland is divided into two political parts: _______.

A. Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland

B. Southern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

C. the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

D. Northern Ireland and Britain

14. Ireland has a bipolar political system with two major parties: _______.

A. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael

B. Sinn Fein and Fine Gael

C. Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein

D. Sinn Fein and IRA

15. _______ has been called the American Ruhr.

A. The Ohio River

B. The Mississippi

C. The Missouri

D. The Colorado

16. The Constitutional Convention in America was attended by _______.

A. all of the 13 states

B. all of the states except Maryland

C. all of the states except Rhode Island

D. all of the states, but later Rhode Island withdrew from the convention

17. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is the ______.

A. blacks

B. Hispanics

C. Asian-Americans


18. The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was ______.

A. to change the American economic system

B. to save the American democracy and the capitalist system

C. to weaken monopoly interests in America

D. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America

19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The Louisiana was taken from Britain as a result of the war of 1812.

B. The Louisiana Territory was ceded to the United States by France.

C. The Louisiana Territory was purchased from Spain.

D. The Louisiana Territory was purchased from France.

20. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Vietnam War?

A. The United States was weakened as a result of it.

B. American society had never been so divided since the Civil War.

C. Richard Nixon changed the strategy into “Vietnamization” of the war.

D. The cease-fire agreement was signed in 1975.

21. The following are the factors that have contributed to the development of the U.S.

economy EXCEPT _____.

A. the vast space and resources of the land

B. the ideals of freedom and economic opportunity

C. English as its national language

D. hard work by the people

22. America’s post-war policy toward the former Soviet Union was _______.

A. isolationism

B. containment

C. appeasement

D. neutrality

23. The second highest level of the federal judiciary in the U.S. is made up of ______.

A. the Supreme Court

B. the courts of special jurisdiction

C. the courts of appeal

D. the district courts

24. In the U.S., nearly all the ______ practice some form of open admission.

A. research universities

B. private colleges

C. public community colleges

D. specialized institutions

25. Among those American writers, ____ was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.

A. Walt Whitman

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. Mark Twain

D. Washington Irving

26. In order to remember George Washington, _______.

A. a memorial hall was built in his birthplace

B. a memorial hall was built in Washington D.C.

C. a tall white Washington Monument was built in the capital

D. an expensive car was named after him

27. The name “Canada” is believed to be derived from an Indian word “Kanata”, meaning


A. a settlement

B. a country

C. a meeting place

D. a colony

28. By ______, Upper Canada and Lower Canada were created.

A. Canada Act of 1791

B. Quebec Act of 1774

C. British North American Act

D. Act of Paris in 1763

29. ______ and _______ are two main federal parties in Canada.

A. The Liberal Party, the Social Credit Party

B. The Liberal Party, the Progressive Conservative Party

C. The New Democratic Party, the Social Credit Party

D. The New Democratic Party, the Progressive Conservative Party

30. Since 1971 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of ______, recognizing that

cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework is the essence of the Canadian identity.

A. assimilation

B. integration

C. multiculturalism

D. gender quality

31. The majority of French Canadians live in _______.

A. Quebec

B. Ontario

C. Newfoundland

D. Nova Scotia

32. The Parliament of Canada is made up of all the following EXCEPT _____.

A. the Crown

B. the Senate

C. the House of Commons

D. the National Assembly

33. The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because it has _____.

A. the most beautiful seascape in the world

B. the greatest number of islands in the world

C. the most diverse and complex marine life in the world

D. the longest coast in the world

34. The first major discoveries, made in _____ in the early 1850s, resulted in gold rushes in


A. Queensland

B. South Australia

C. Victoria and Tasmania

D. Victoria and New South Wales

35. It is assumed that the first Europeans who reached Australia’s shores were ______.

A. the Dutch

B. the English

C. the Germans

D. the Spanish and the Portuguese

36. Under the Whitlam government “God Save the Queen” was replaced by _____ as

Australia’s national anthem.

A. Waltzing Matilda

B. Click Go the Shears

C. Advance Australia Fair

D. My Country

37. With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world.

A. the third largest

B. the fourth largest

C. the fifth largest

D. the sixth largest

38. In Australia, the House of Representatives and the Senate have equal powers EXCEPT

that _____.

A. the House of Representatives cannot introduce money bills

B. the Senate cannot introduce money bills

C. the House of Representatives can pass laws

D. the Senate can pass laws

39. The capital of New Zealand is ________.

A. Nelson

B. Wellington

C. Melbourne

D. Dunedin

40. Which of the following about New Zealand is TRUE?

A. New Zealand is a republic.

B. New Zealand has three major political parties.

C. New Zealand has a bicameral parliament.

D. Queen Elizabeth II is represented in New Zealand by the Governor-General.

Part Two (60 points)

II. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in

the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each)

41. Why is Alfred known as “the father of the British navy”?



《中国概况教程》属于 “北大版留学生本科汉语教材·文化教程”系列, 肖立编著, 由北京大学出版社出版。主要介绍中国制度文化, 目的是帮助留学生全面、系统地了解中国的管理方式和文化特点。本文将从以下四方面分析 《中国概况教程》, 指出本书优劣及改进建议。


许多学者认为对外汉语教学的特点决定针对性是教材编写的首要原则, 赵贤州 ( 1998) 指出针对性来源于对教学对象全面、准确、科学的分析。编写任何种类的教材都有一个针对性的问题, 要考虑到学习者的水平、学习目的和时限等基本问题, 并据此来编排教学内容。《中国概况教程》对教学对象: 对外汉语本科教学的专用教材, 也可作为进修和自学参考。本书的教学对象规定的过于宽泛, 它没有说明学习本书的留学生应该达到SHK的哪个阶段或已经掌握了多少汉语词汇, 对留学生兴趣也没有做出说明。适用对象的描述和定位不明确, 教学对象缺乏针对性。


本书共有4单元, 分别是: 中国的自然和人文条件、中国政治、中国经济、中国社会。共20章, 65节, 186页。整体编排是 “单元———章———节”。整体结构编排是: 前言, 目录, 教材内容。每一章的开头有 “提要”简要总结本章的内容; 结尾有三四个 “思考题”以及 “参考资料”。每个单元相对独立, 章节之间有互相联系, 适合编制教学和进修计划, 也利于学生对课程作阶段性的总结。


教材内容是核心部分, 要求学生理解和掌握。教材内容的选取要按照教学大纲的要求, 也要遵循实用性和趣味性原则。下面就《中国概况教程》内容选择方面做详细比较。


由此表可以看出, 《中国概况教程》这本书专题选择的内容比较全面, 但是政治和经济部分最多, 其他各专题涉及的较少, 比例分布不均匀。本文认为教材的编排应该根据学生的兴趣来安排, 各个专题所占的比例应该相对平均, 这样学生学习时不会由于教材比例差别过大而影响学习效果。本教材是针对对外汉语本科生的, 而不是金融或政治专业的学生, 应该减少政治和经济方面的内容, 按四个单元所占比例看。

《中国概况教程》的四大单元分配较为平均, 安排较合理。其内容的优点: 一、专题包括自然人文、政治经济和社会, 内容丰富。二、每章前面有简要总结, 后面有思考题, 编排合理, 层次分明。每章又分几个小节, 环环相扣, 整体感强。

根据我班一些留学生的反馈, 本文认为 《中国概况教程》这本书难度较大。首先, 本教材内容更像中国中学生历史、政治教材, 知识量非常大。其次, 教材中有大量的年份、术语和数字, 仅中国人口一章的数据 ( 不包括表格中的数据) 就有110个。这不利于教师的教学, 是留学生的阅读障碍。最后, 我班部分留学生认为政治和经济这两单元太复杂, 词汇难度大, 对此不感兴趣。

本文认为该书应调查留学生对中国概况感兴趣的部分, 据此选择专题内容。根据大部分本科留学生的汉语水平, 确定内容的难易程度, 在术语, 数字方面作适量删减。


插图有狭义和广义之分, 广义的就包括表格、图表、照片等。插图的作用: 一、使教材内容丰富多彩, 有较强的吸引力; 二、有利于教师讲解, 对比。三、便于清楚地说明文章内容, 使教学内容更加直观, 也能吸引留学生兴趣, 易于理解, 强化记忆。文化教程系列的书图文结合, 可以起到更好的效果。 《中国概况教程》中的插图共97, 配上了大量图表和插图, 既增加了趣味性, 有易于理解, 而且表格以简单直观的方式传递了大量信息。

但是, 有的话题插图太多, 比如第十章中国经济概述插入了五个图片, 前两个分别是计划经济时期中国生产的旧解放牌卡车和新解放牌卡车, 第三张图片是中共十一届三中全会, 这张图片就无关紧要。第四和第五 个分别是 柱状图: 中国经济 总量的发 展和2001———2005年我国国内生产总值的趋势, 图上有复杂数据, 如109655亿元、9. 6% 等, 阅读难度比较大, 都反映了中国经济发展趋势, 所以没必要插入两个, 应该删除第二个表。


重庆出口加工区坐落在重庆经济技术开发区北部园区经开园内。规划面积2.8平方公里,位于210国道边,附近有210、212、319和主城环线4条高速公路以及轨道交通三号线经过,距市中心6公里,重庆江北国际机场9公里,龙头寺火车站1公里,寸滩深水港码头1公里。目前,加工区已建成 “七通一平”的市政基础设施、28000平方米的标准厂房、1000平方米的监管仓库和室外验货场。区内重点鼓励发展电子信息、生物医药、光机电、精密材料及新材料等产业。






















江苏昆山出口加工区位于国家级昆山经济技术开发区内, 规划面积2.86平方公里。昆山出口加工区东距上海市中心50公里,西邻苏州35公里,距上海虹桥国际机场45公里,距上海港货运码头60公里。京沪铁路、312国道、机场路在出口加工区旁侧穿越而过,交通运输便利快捷。到目前为止,已有75家加工制造企业落户区内,总投资13亿美元。产品主要有笔记本电脑、掌上电脑、数码相机、手机、液晶显示器等,其中IT产业的投资占总投资的80%。台湾十大笔记本电脑生产厂商有6家进驻区内,5家已建成投产。昆山出口加工区已成为全球IT产业重要生产基地。


篇5:中国概况 期末考试

Ⅰ、To fill in the blanks.(1×20=20)

At present, China’s international tourist arrivals are composed of(foreigner)and compatriots, out of which the former accounts for around 13% and the latter 87%.The an island country in the(northwest)of the Europe, to the south of the England,(the English channel)separates the Great Britain From(continental Europe/France).(Fuji)mountain is the highest mountain in Japan.(Jakarta)is the capital of Indonesia.South Korea’s two dominant religions are(Christianity)and(Buddhism).According to World Tourism Organization’s statistics, the world’s leading destinations mainly concentrate on(North Americas),(Europe)and east Asia and Pacific Ocean.Korea Lies adjacent to China and(Japan)in the east crossing the sea of Japan.UK is the short name of(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).The Russian government system is(a framework of a federal semi-presidential republic).The British Queen’s official residence is(Buckingham Palace)Thailand is the world’s largest(rice)producer and exporter.Australia is an independent nation,but it is still a member of(UK)Commonwealth.The Republic of Indonesia consists of five large islands and 13677 smaller islands, forming a nation between(Pacific Ocean)and Indian Ocean.Ⅱ、True or False.(15)

Judo is a Japanese kind of wresting and Japan’s national sport.F

Mount Alps is Russia’s and Europe’s highest point.×

The Kremlin is located in Moscow, and the Russian President,who resides in the Kremlin now.T

The a vast country with many races of immigrants, most of the American people are the offspring of Europeans and Asians, so it is reputed as a melting-pot.T

Russia is the largest country in area and the population in the world.×

Singapore’s climate is tropical, with no true distinct seasons, without natural fresh water rivers and lakes, the primary domestic source of water in Singapore is rainfall.T

Brown Bear is lucky animal for Russian people.T

The statue of liberty was given to American people by French as a gift in 1884.T

Ⅲ、To list according to the demands.(1×18=18)

to list 4 official languages in Singapore.English,Malay,Chinese,Tamil(泰米尔语).To list world’s 3 religions originated from Asia.Buddhism佛教,Shinto神道教,Taoism道教.To list 4 Great ancient countries of the World’s civilizations.China, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon and ancient India to list 3 main holidays in Russia.New Year,Russian Christmas,Deufender of the Fartherland to list the 3 souvenirs welcomed by Japanese visitors in China


Ⅳ、To answer the following questions briefly.(3×9=27)

1.What are the cornerstones基石 ofThailand culture?

Buddhism and Monarchy.2.To talk about the geographic location of Singapore and talk about the importance of its location on the economic development of Singapore.• Singapore is located at one of the crossroad of the world, Singapore’s strategic position has helped it grow into a major center for trade, communication , finance , transportation and tourism.3.For a long time, Japan had been China’s largest foreign tourist market since the 1980s, the number of Japanese travelers to China has increased steadily and rapidly.Why?

1.a close neighbor of China(location and similar culture)

2.Strong economic ties

3.China is regarded as one of the safest destinations in the world.4.Expanded air service between the two countriesTo talk about the chief feature of Japanese geography. Japanese archipelago(列岛)is its geological instability resulting in frequent volcanic activity and earthquakes.火山地震频繁

 Japanese archipelago is made up almost entirely of steep mountain districts with very few plains(20%).多山少平原

5.What souvenirs in China are welcomed by Japanese visitors? Four treasures of study(writing brush,ink,paper,ink-slab),Calligraphy work and Chinese paintings

Traditional Handicrafts

Ⅴ、Topics(in Chinese or in English as you like)(2×10=20)为什么说亚洲旅游区是中国主要的旅游客源市场?

What do you think is the best way of dividing China’s international tourist markets? Give a brief introduction to each market and explain the reason why it is defined as a key source market.According to WTO ,world tourism market could be divided into six regions, Europe, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, Africa and Middle East.全陪王伟带一印尼旅游团来北京旅游,时值猪年新春,于是王导给每位客人准备了一份用猪图案装饰的礼物送给每位






















































诗歌的主旨是展示诗人运用魏晋玄学“得意忘象”之说领悟“真意”的思维过程,富于理趣。然而,它不是枯燥乏味的哲理演绎。诗中写了悠然自得的情,也写了幽美淡远的景,在情景交融的境界中含蓄着万物各得其所、委运任化的哲理;这哲理又被诗人提炼、浓缩到“心远地自偏”、“此中有真意”等警句,给我们以理性的启示,整首诗的韵调也更显得隽秀深长。这首诗正刻画了诗的不同流俗的精神风貌。他不象一般隐士那样标榜超尘出世,而是“结庐在人境”;他置身“人境”,却能做到“无车马喧”,不染世俗之事。原因何在?诗人意味深长地说:“心远地自偏”。心静,境自静。无求名求利之心,即使身居闹市,也宛如在山。这深刻的道理被诗人平淡地说出,亲切感人。诗歌巧妙地运用了象征手法。“鸟倦飞而知还”,那只在晚照中翩然归来 的鸟和那个悠然见山的人,心神契合,仿佛都在这幽静的山林中找到了自已的。


《西厢记》中崔莺莺的人物形象分析 "崔莺莺是相国小姐,她深沉、含蓄,既有外在的凝重,又有内在的激情。封建家庭的教养,无法完全窒息她内心的青春情感。她不由自主的对张生一见倾心,月下隔墙吟诗,大胆地对张生吐露心声,陷入情网之中而不能自拔,饱尝着相思的痛苦。同时她也越来越不满于老夫人的约束,并迁怒于红娘的跟随。老夫人当众许婚,后来又出尔反尔,既赋于崔、张的婚事以外在的合理性,又赋于崔、张爱情以内在的合理性。正是这种内在和外在的合理性,成为莺莺敢于冲破老夫人的约束,决心对张君瑞以身相许的潜在动力。但是,冲破内在心理的樊笼毕竟比冲破外在人为的约束还在艰难,于是就有了莺莺的“闹简”和“赖简”,其中莺莺所表现的“假意儿”,不仅是为了试探红娘是否可靠,张生是否真心,更重要的是披露出崔莺莺战胜传统的教养、女性的禁忌所应有的反复和艰难。长亭送别时,莺莺既忧虑张生考试落第,婚事终成泡影,更担心张生考取后变心,另就高门,自己被弃置,承担着如此沉重的精神重压。








