






international private law



civil and commercial legal relations with(involving)foreign elements

= international civil and commercial legal relations



conflict rules

= rule of application of law

= choice of law rules

= rule of private international law






substantive rules


Rule of law











Statues of limitation



conflict of laws


多数英美学者认为,法律冲突只是法官头脑中矛盾的反映,这个矛盾就是法官应该选择哪一个法域的法律。简而言之,法律冲突就是法律选择上的矛盾。所以,英美学者常常把法律冲突问题称为法律选择问题(choice of law)




inter-regional conflict of laws




personal supremacy



territorial supremacy



uniform substantive rules



The Hague Conference of Private International law


autonomie de la volonté

= L’autonomie de la volonté

= autonomy of will



autonomy of will






lex cause

= applicable law



lex personalis




lex patriae



lex domicilii



lex rei sitae

= lex loci situs

= lex situs



lex loci actus



locus regit actum



lex loci contractus



lex loci solutionis



lex loci delicti



lex loci celebration



lex voluntatis



lex fori




law of the flag



law of the place of the most significant relationship



habitual residence





= object of connection

= classification of issue

= operative facts






point of contact

= connecting factor

= connecting ground








formula of attribution



unilateral conflict rules



bilateral conflict rules

= all-side conflict rules



double rules for regulating the conflict of laws



choice rules for regulating the conflict of laws





preliminary question

= incidental problem




principal question



jurisdiction-selecting rules






Presumptions of fact



Presumptions of law



Characterization = qualification = classification = identification



Movable property



Immovable property



Personal property v.Real property

不知道是啥 她她那个文档里有 但我没找到




Remission = renvoi au premier degré



Transmission = renvoi au second degré



Indirect remission



Double renvoi = foreign court theory



Evasion of law = fraude a la loi = fraudulent creation of points of contact



The reservation of public order



Substantial contact


The ascertainment of foreign law = proof of foreign law












Habitual resident



Legal person



Public body


State immunity



Immunity from jurisdiction = immunity ratione personae



Immunity from execution/immunity ratione materiae



The doctrine of absolute immunity



The doctrine of relative or restrictive immunity



Immunity of state property



National treatment



Most-favoured-nation treatment = MFN



Preferential treatment



Non-discriminate treatment



Capacity for right


Allgemeine Rechtsfähigkeit



Besondere Rechtsfähigkeit



Declaration of absence



Declaration of death



Right in rem



Lex loci rei sitae = lex situs = Lex rei sitae




















Trust property



The doctrine of the most significant relationship



The most real connection



Contracting states







Production sharing contract


The service contract


The law of the place of the tort



The place of acting



The place of injury



The law of the forum



A mixture of the lex fori and the lex loci delicti = Rule of double actionability



Unjust enrichment



Negotiorum gestio = voluntary agency



Quasi-contractual obligation



True successor



International jurisdiction = competence generale = competence internationale



Local jurisdiction = competence speciale = competence interne



Competence generale directe



Competence generale indirecte





EX WORKS EXW(insert named place of delivery)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.It is suitable for domestic trade, while FCA is usually more appropriate for international trade.“Ex Works” means that the seller delivers when it places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller‟s premises or at another named place(i.e., works, factory, warehouse, etc.).The seller does not need to load the goods on any collecting vehicle, nor does it need to clear the goods for export, where such clearance is applicable.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the named place of delivery, as the costs and risks to that point are for the account of the seller.The buyer bears all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the agreed point, if any, at the named place of delivery.EXW represents the minimum obligation for the seller.The rule should be used with care as: a)The seller has no obligation to the buyer to load the goods, even though in practice the seller may be in a better position to do so.If the seller does load the goods, it does so at the buyer‟s risk and expense.In cases where the seller is in a better position to load the goods, FCA, which obliges the seller to do so at its own risk and expense, is usually more appropriate.b)A buyer who buys from a seller on an EXW basis for export needs to be aware that the seller has an obligation to provide only such assistance as the buyer may require to effect that export: the seller is not bound to organize the export clearance.Buyers are therefore well advised not to use EXW if they cannot directly or indirectly obtain export clearance.c)The buyer has limited obligations to provide to the seller any information regarding the export of the goods.However, the seller may need this information for, e.g., taxation or reporting purposes.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, assistance in obtaining any export licence, or other official authorization necessary for the export of the goods.Where applicable, the seller must provide, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any information in the possession of the seller that is required for the security clearance of the goods.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods by placing them at the disposal of the buyer at the agreed point, if any, at the named place of delivery, not loaded on any collecting vehicle.If no specific point has been agreed within the named place of delivery, and if there are several points available, the seller may select the point that best suits its purpose.The seller must deliver the goods on the agreed date or within the agreed period.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export and import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the export of the goods.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when A4 and A7 have been complied with.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4 with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must give the buyer any notice needed to enable the buyer to take delivery of the goods.A8 Delivery document The seller has no obligation to the buyer.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, then the buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must: a)pay all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4;b)pay any additional costs incurred by failing either to take delivery of the goods when they have been placed at its disposal or to give appropriate notice in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;c)pay, where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges, as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon export;and d)reimburse all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing assistance as envisaged in A2.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time within an agreed period and/or the point of taking delivery within the named place, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must provide the seller with appropriate evidence of having taken delivery.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, and counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the export and/or import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, including inspection mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.Free Carrier FCA(insert named place of delivery)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.“Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the seller‟s premises or another named place.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the named place of delivery, as the risk passes to the buyer at that point.If the parties intend to deliver the goods at the seller‟s premises, they should identify the address of those premises as the named place of delivery.If, on the other hand, the parties intend the goods to be delivered at another place, they must identify a different specific place of delivery.FCA requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of carriage.However, if requested by the buyer or if it is commercial practice and the buyer does not give an instruction to the contrary in due time, the seller may contract for carriage on usual terms at the buyer‟s risk and expense.In either case, the seller may decline to make the contract of carriage and, if it does, shall promptly notify the buyer.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the agreed point, if any, at the named place on the agreed date or within the agreed period.Delivery is completed: a)If the named place is the seller‟s premises, when the goods have been loaded on the means of transport provided by the buyer.b)In any other case, when the goods are placed at the disposal of the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer on the seller‟s means of transport ready for unloading.If no specific point has been notified by the buyer under B7 d)within the named place of delivery, and if there are several points available, the seller may select the point that best suits its purpose.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer must contract at its own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named place of delivery, except when the contract of carriage is made by the seller as provided for in A3 a).b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.Unless the buyer notifies the seller otherwise, the seller may deliver the goods for carriage in such a manner as the quantity and/or nature of the goods may require.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;and b)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes, and other charges payable upon export.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If a)the buyer fails in accordance with B7 to notify the nomination of a carrier or another person as envisaged in A4 or to give notice;or b)the carrier or person nominated by the buyer as envisaged in A4 fails to take the goods into its charge, then, the buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods:(i)from the agreed date, or in the absence of an agreed date,(ii)from the date notified by the seller under A7 within the agreed period;or, if no such date has been notified,(iii)from the expiry date of any agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes, and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 b);b)any additional costs incurred, either because:(i)the buyer fails to nominate a carrier or another person as envisaged in A4, or(ii)the carrier or person nominated by the buyer as envisaged in A4 fails to take the goods into its charge, or(iii)the buyer has failed to give appropriate notice in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;and c)where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must, at the buyer‟s risk and expense, give the buyer sufficient notice either that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4 or that the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer has failed to take the goods within the time agreed.A8 Delivery document The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with the usual proof that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4.The seller must provide assistance to the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, in obtaining a transport document.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request,risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must notify the seller of a)the name of the carrier or another person nominated as envisaged in A4 within sufficient time as to enable the seller to deliver the goods in accordance with that article;b)where necessary, the selected time within the period agreed for delivery when the carrier or person nominated will take the goods;c)the mode of transport to be used by the person nominated;and d)the point of taking delivery within the named place.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the proof of delivery provided as envisaged in A8.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.CARRIAGE PAID TO CPT(insert named place of destination)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.“Carriage Paid To” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller at an agreed place(if any such place is agreed between the parties)and that the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination.When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination.This rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places.The parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible in the contract both the place of delivery, where the risk passes to the buyer, and the named place of destination to which the seller must contract for the carriage.If several carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination and the parties do not agree on a specific point of delivery, the default position is that risk passes when the goods have been delivered to the first carrier at a point entirely of the seller‟s choosing and over which the buyer has no control.Should the parties wish the risk to pass at a later stage(e.g., at an ocean port or airport), they need to specify this in their contract of sale.The parties are also well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller.The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely.If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the named place of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.CPT requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods, and for their transport through any country prior to delivery.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller must contract or procure a contract for the carriage of the goods from the agreed point of delivery, if any, at the place of delivery to the named place of destination or, if agreed, any point at that place.The contract of carriage must be made on usual terms at the seller‟s expense and provide for carriage by the usual route and in a customary manner.If a specific point is not agreed or is not determined by practice, the seller may select the point of delivery and the point at the named place of destination that best suit its purpose.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods by handing them over to the carrier contracted in accordance with A3 on the agreed date or within the agreed period.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with the necessary information for obtaining insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4 and receive them from the carrier at the named place of destination.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;b)the freight and all other costs resulting from A3 a), including the costs of loading the goods and any charges for unloading at the place of destination that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;and c)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export, and the costs for their transport through any country that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must notify the buyer that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4.The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take the goods.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, it must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must, subject to the provisions of A3 a), pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes, and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 c);b)all costs and charges relating to the goods while in transit until their arrival at the agreed place of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;c)unloading costs, unless such costs were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;d)any additional costs incurred if the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for dispatch, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;and e)where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges, as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country, unless included within the cost of the contract of carriage.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time for dispatching the goods and/or the named place of destination or the point of receiving the goods within that place, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.If customary or at the buyer‟s request, the seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with the usual transport document[s] for the transport contracted in accordance with A3.This transport document must cover the contract goods and be dated within the period agreed for shipment.If agreed or customary, the document must also enable the buyer to claim the goods from the carrier at the named place of destination and enable the buyer to sell the goods in transit by the transfer of the document to a subsequent buyer or by notification to the carrier.When such a transport document is issued in negotiable form and in several originals, a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information,including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the transport document provided as envisaged in A8 if it is in conformity with the contract.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information,including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO CIP(insert named place of destination)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.“Carriage and Insurance Paid to” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller at an agreed place(if any such place is agreed between the parties)and that the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination.The seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer‟s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.The buyer should note that under CIP the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover.Should the buyer wish to have more insurance protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own extra insurance arrangements.When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination.This rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places.The parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible in the contract both the place of delivery, where the risk passes to the buyer, and the named place of destination to which the seller must contract for carriage.If several carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination and the parties do not agree on a specific point of delivery, the default position is that risk passes when the goods have been delivered to the first carrier at a point entirely of the seller‟s choosing and over which the buyer has no control.Should the parties wish the risk to pass at a later stage(e.g., at an ocean port or an airport), they need to specify this in their contract of sale.The parties are also well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller.The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely.If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the named place of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.CIP requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods and for their transport through any country prior to delivery.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS

B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other Formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller must contract or procure a contract for the carriage of the goods from the agreed point of delivery, if any, at the place of delivery to the named place of destination or, if agreed, any point at that place.The contract of carriage must be made on usual terms at the seller‟s expense and provide for carriage by the usual route and in a customary manner.If a specific point is not agreed or is not determined by practice, the seller may select the point of delivery and the point at the named place of destination that best suit its purpose.b)Contract of insurance The seller must obtain at its own expense cargo insurance complying at least with the minimum cover as provided by Clauses(C)of the Institute Cargo Clauses(LMA/IUA)or any similar clauses.The insurance shall be contracted with underwriters or an insurance company of good repute and entitle the buyer, or any other person having an insurable interest in the goods, to claim directly from the insurer.When required by the buyer, the seller shall, subject to the buyer providing any necessary information requested by the seller, provide at the buyer‟s expense any additional cover, if procurable, such as cover as provided by Clauses(A)or(B)of the Institute Cargo Clauses(LMA/IUA)or any similar clauses, and/or cover complying with the Institute War Clauses and/or Institute Strikes Clauses(LMA/IUA)or any similar clauses.The insurance shall cover, at a minimum, the price provided in the contract plus 10%(i.e., 110%)and shall be in the currency of the contract.The insurance shall cover the goods from the point of delivery set out in A and A5 to at least the named place of destination.The seller must provide the buyer with the insurance policy or other evidence of insurance cover.Moreover, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs to procure any additional insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods by handing them over to the carrier contracted in accordance with A3 on the agreed date or within the agreed period.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with any information necessary for the seller to procure any additional insurance requested by the buyer as envisaged in A3 b).B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4 and receive them from the carrier at the named place of destination.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;b)the freight and all other costs resulting from A3 a), including the costs of loading the goods and any charges for unloading at the place of destination that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;c)the costs of insurance resulting from A3 b);and d)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export, and the costs for their transport through any country that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must notify the buyer that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4.The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take the goods.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, it must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must, subject to the provisions of A3 a), pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 d);b)all costs and charges relating to the goods while in transit until their arrival at the agreed place of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;c)unloading costs, unless such costs were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;d)any additional costs incurred if it fails to give notice in accordance with B7, from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for dispatch, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;e)where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country, unless included within the cost of the contract of carriage;and f)the costs of any additional insurance procured at the buyer‟s request under A3 and B3.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time for dispatching the goods and/or the named place of destination or the point of receiving the goods within that place, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.A8 Delivery document If customary or at the buyer‟s request, the seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with the usual transport document[s] for the transport contracted in accordance with A3.This transport document must cover the contract goods and be dated within the period agreed for shipment.If agreed or customary, the document must also enable the buyer to claim the goods from the carrier at the named place of destination and enable the buyer to sell the goods in transit by the transfer of the document to a subsequent buyer or by notification to the carrier.When such a transport document is issued in negotiable form and in several originals, a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4 as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the transport document provided as envisaged in A8 if it is in conformity with the contract.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.DAT DELIVERED AT TERMINAL DAT(insert named terminal at port or place of destination)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.“Delivered at Terminal” means that the seller delivers when the goods, once unloaded from the arriving means of transport, are placed at the disposal of the buyer at a named terminal at the named port or place of destination.“Terminal” includes any place, whether covered or not, such as a quay, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal.The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to and unloading them at the terminal at the named port or place of destination.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the terminal and, if possible, a specific point within the terminal at the agreed port or place of destination, as the risks to that point are for the account of the seller.The seller is advised to procure a contract of carriage that matches this choice precisely.Moreover, if the parties intend the seller to bear the risks and costs involved in transporting and handling the goods from the terminal to another place, then the DAP or DDP rules should be used.DAT requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence and other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods and for their transport through any country prior to delivery.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller must contract at its own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named terminal at the agreed port or place of destination.If a specific terminal is not agreed or is not determined by practice, the seller may select the terminal at the agreed port or place of destination that best suits its purpose.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must unload the goods from the arriving means of transport and must then deliver them by placing them at the disposal of the buyer at the named terminal referred to in A3 a)at the port or place of destination on the agreed date or within the agreed period.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the buyer must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with the necessary information for obtaining insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4 with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)in addition to costs resulting from A3 a), all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;and b)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export and the costs for their transport through any country, prior to delivery in accordance with A4.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take delivery of the goods.A8 Delivery document The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with a document enabling the buyer to take delivery of the goods as envisaged in A4/B4.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If a)the buyer fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with B2, then it bears all resulting risks of loss of or damage to the goods;or b)the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, then it bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4;b)any additional costs incurred by the seller if the buyer fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with B2, or to give notice in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;and c)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon import of the goods.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time within an agreed period and/or the point of taking delivery at the named terminal, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the delivery document provided as envisaged in A8.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information,including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.DELIVERED AT PLACE DAP(insert named place of destination)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.“Delivered at Place” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination.The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, as the risks to that point are for the account of the seller.The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely.If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the place of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.DAP requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.If the parties wish the seller to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty and carry out any import customs formalities, the DDP term should be used.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence and other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods and for their transport through any country prior to delivery.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller must contract at its own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named place of destination or to the agreed point, if any, at the named place of destination.If a specific point is not agreed or is not determined by practice, the seller may select the point at the named place of destination that best suits its purpose.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods by placing them at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the agreed point, if any, at the named place of destination on the agreed date or within the agreed period.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the buyer must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with the necessary information for obtaining insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)in addition to costs resulting from A3 a), all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;b)any charges for unloading at the place of destination that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;and c)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export and the costs for their transport through any country, prior to delivery in accordance with A4.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take delivery of the goods.A8 Delivery document The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with a document enabling the buyer to take delivery of the goods as envisaged in A4/B4.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If a)the buyer fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with B2, then it bears all resulting risks of loss of or damage to the goods;or b)the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, then it bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4;b)all costs of unloading necessary to take delivery of the goods from the arriving means of transport at the named place of destination, unless such costs were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;c)any additional costs incurred by the seller if the buyer fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with B2 or to give notice in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;and d)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon import of the goods.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time within an agreed period and/or the point of taking delivery within the named place of destination, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the delivery document provided as envisaged in A8.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.DELIVERED DUTY PAID DDP(insert named place of destination)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed.“Delivered Duty Paid” means that the seller delivers the goods when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer, cleared for import on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination.The seller bears all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods to the place of destination and has an obligation to clear the goods not only for export but also for import, to pay any duty for both export and import and to carry out all customs formalities.DDP represents the maximum obligation for the seller.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the agreed place of destination, as the costs and risks to that point are for the account of the seller.The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely.If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the place of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.The parties are well advised not to use DDP if the seller is unable directly or indirectly to obtain import clearance.If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of import clearance, the DAP rule should be used.Any VAT or other taxes payable upon import are for the seller‟s account unless expressly agreed otherwise in the sales contract.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export and import licence and other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods, for their transport through any country and for their import.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller must contract at its own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named place of destination or to the agreed point, if any, at the named place of destination.If a specific point is not agreed or is not determined by practice, the seller may select the point at the named place of destination that best suits its purpose.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods by placing them at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the agreed point, if any, at the named place of destination on the agreed date or within the agreed period.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the buyer must provide assistance to the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, in obtaining any import licence or other official authorization for the import of the goods.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with the necessary information for obtaining insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)in addition to costs resulting from A3 a), all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;b)any charges for unloading at the place of destination that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;and c)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export and import as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export and import of the goods, and the costs for their transport through any country prior to delivery in accordance with A4.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take delivery of the goods.A8 Delivery document The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with a document enabling the buyer to take delivery of the goods as envisaged in A4/B4.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If a)the buyer fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with B2, then it bears all resulting risks of loss of or damage to the goods;or b)the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, then it bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4;b)all costs of unloading necessary to take delivery of the goods from the arriving means of transport at the named place of destination, unless such costs were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;and c)any additional costs incurred if it fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with B2 or to give notice in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time within an agreed period and/or the point of taking delivery within the named place of destination, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the proof of delivery provided as envisaged in A8.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export or of import.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the transport of the goods to the final destination, where applicable, from the named place of destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer has no obligation to the seller to pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export or of import.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport, export and import of the goods and for their transport through any country.RULES FOR SEA AND IINLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORT FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP FAS(insert named port of shipment)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule is to be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.“Free Alongside Ship” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel(e.g., on a quay or a barge)nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment.The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are alongside the ship, and the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards.The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the loading point at the named port of shipment, as the costs and risks to that point are for the account of the seller and these costs and associated handling charges may vary according to the practice of the port.The seller is required either to deliver the goods alongside the ship or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment.The reference to “procure” here caters for multiple sales down a chain(„string sales‟), particularly common in the commodity trades.Where the goods are in containers, it is typical for the seller to hand the goods over to the carrier at a terminal and not alongside the vessel.In such situations, the FAS rule would be inappropriate, and the FCA rule should be used.FAS requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of carriage.However, if requested by the buyer or if it is commercial practice and the buyer does not give an instruction to the contrary in due time, the seller may contract for carriage on usual terms at the buyer‟s risk and expense.In either case, the seller may decline to make the contract of carriage and, if it does, shall promptly notify the buyer.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods either by placing them alongside the ship nominated by the buyer at the loading point, if any, indicated by the buyer at the named port of shipment or by procuring the goods so delivered.In either case, the seller must deliver the goods on the agreed date or within the agreed period and in the manner customary at the port.If no specific loading point has been indicated by the buyer, the seller may select the point within the named port of shipment that best suits its purpose.If the parties have agreed that delivery should take place within a period, the buyer has the option to choose the date within that period.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary..B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer must contract, at its own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named port of shipment, except where the contract of carriage is made by the seller as provided for in A3 a).b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4 with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;and b)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must, at the buyer‟s risk and expense, give the buyer sufficient notice either that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4 or that the vessel has failed to take the goods within the time agreed.the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If a)the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7;or b)the vessel nominated by the buyer fails to arrive on time, or fails to take the goods or closes for cargo earlier than the time notified in accordance with B7;then the buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties, taxes, and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 b);b)any additional costs incurred, either because:(i)the buyer has failed to give appropriate notice in accordance with B7, or(ii)the vessel nominated by the buyer fails to arrive on time, is unable to take the goods, or closes for cargo earlier than the time notified in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;and c)where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges, as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name, loading point and, where necessary, the selected delivery time within the agreed period.A8 Delivery document The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with the usual proof that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4.Unless such proof is a transport document, the seller must provide assistance to the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, in obtaining a transport document.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the proof of delivery provided as envisaged in A8.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.FOB FREE ON BOARD FOB(insert named port of shipment)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule is to be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.“Free on Board” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment or procures the goods already so delivered.The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel, and the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards.The seller is required either to deliver the goods on board the vessel or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment.The reference to “procure” here caters for multiple sales down a chain(„string sales‟), particularly common in the commodity trades.FOB may not be appropriate where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal.In such situations, the FCA rule should be used.FOB requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of carriage.However, if requested by the buyer or if it is commercial practice and the buyer does not give an instruction to the contrary in due time, the seller may contract for carriage on usual terms at the buyer‟s risk and expense.In either case, the seller may decline to make the contract of carriage and, if it does, shall promptly notify the buyer.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods either by placing them on board the vessel nominated by the buyer at the loading point, if any, indicated by the buyer at the named port of shipment or by procuring the goods so delivered.In either case, the seller must deliver the goods on the agreed date or within the agreed period and in the manner customary at the port.If no specific loading point has been indicated by the buyer, the seller may select the point within the named port of shipment that best suits its purpose.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer must contract, at its own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named port of shipment, except where the contract of carriage is made by the seller as provided for in A3 a).b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4 with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;and b)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If a)the buyer fails to notify the nomination of a vessel in accordance with B7;or b)the vessel nominated by the buyer fails to arrive on time to enable the seller to comply with A4, is unable to take the goods, or closes for cargo earlier than the time notified in accordance with B7;then, the buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods:(i)from the agreed date, or in the absence of an agreed date,(ii)from the date notified by the seller under A7 within the agreed period, or, if no such date has been notified,(iii)from the expiry date of any agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 b);b)any additional costs incurred, either because:(i)the buyer has failed to give appropriate notice in accordance with B7, or(ii)the vessel nominated by the buyer fails to arrive on time, is unable to take the goods, or closes for cargo earlier than the time notified in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods;and c)where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges, as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must, at the buyer‟s risk and expense, give the buyer sufficient notice either that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4 or that the vessel has failed to take the goods within the time agreed.A8 Delivery document The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller‟s expense, with the usual proof that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4.Unless such proof is a transport document, the seller must provide assistance to the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, in obtaining a transport document.A9 Checking –packaging –marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations(such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting)that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export.The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged.The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded.Packaging is to be marked appropriately.A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination.The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name, loading point and, where necessary, the selected delivery time within the agreed period.B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the proof of delivery provided as envisaged in A8.B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller‟s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.COST AND FREIGHT CFR(insert named port of destination)Incoterms 2010 GUIDANCE NOTE This rule is to be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.“Cost and Freight” means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures the goods already so delivered.The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel.The seller must contract for and pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier in the manner specified in the chosen rule and not when the goods reach the place of destination.This rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places.While the contract will always specify a destination port, it might not specify the port of shipment, which is where risk passes to the buyer.If the shipment port is of particular interest to the buyer, the parties are well advised to identify it as precisely as possible in the contract.The parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point at the agreed port of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller.The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely.If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the specified point at the port of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.The seller is required either to deliver the goods on board the vessel or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment to the destination.In addition, the seller is required either to make a contract of carriage or to procure such a contract.The reference to “procure” here caters for multiple sales down a chain(„string sales‟), particularly common in the commodity trades.CFR may not be appropriate where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal.In such circumstances, the CPT rule should be used.CFR requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.A THE SELLER‟ OBLIGATIONS A1 General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract.Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The seller must contract or procure a contract for the carriage of the goods from the agreed point of delivery, if any, at the place of delivery to the named port of destination or, if agreed, any point at that port.The contract of carriage must be made on usual terms at the seller‟s expense and provide for carriage by the usual route in a vessel of the type normally used for the transport of the type of goods sold.b)Contract of insurance The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance.However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer‟s request, risk, and expense(if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods either by placing them on board the vessel or by procuring the goods so delivered.In either case, the seller must deliver the goods on the agreed date or within the agreed period and in the manner customary at the port.B THE BUYER‟ OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale.Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a)Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage.b)Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance.However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with the necessary information for obtaining insurance.B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4 and receive them from the carrier at the named port of destination.A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5.A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a)all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6;b)the freight and all other costs resulting from A3 a), including the costs of loading the goods on board and any charges for unloading at the agreed port of discharge that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;and c)where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export, and the costs for their transport through any country that were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage.A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take the goods.B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.If the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, then it bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for shipment, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must, subject to the provisions of A3 a), pay a)all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties, taxes, and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 c);b)all costs and charges relating to the goods while in transit until their arrival at the port of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;c)unloading costs including lighterage and wharfage charges, unless such costs and charges were for the seller‟s account under the contract of carriage;


文中将这些短语表达分八类列出, 并附加一些简短的分析说明和必要的英中翻译。当然, 该文只限于为英语教学 (或自学) 提供一手资料, 至于这些短语中of前后两部分的逻辑关系 (及英中翻译) 等深层次问题, 有兴趣的读者可参见文献[3-6]等自行学习研究;另外, 有关英文报纸的阅读技巧问题, 可参见文献[7-8]等。最后还需要说明几点:1) 所列短语表达均保持原貌, 未加改动, 只是经过挑选/比较/归类便于叙述而已;2) 在例句中, 这些短语改为斜体以与句子的其它部分相区别;3) 短语后面括弧内为作者给出的参考译文或注解。

1 关于描述某地状况的表达

1.1 城市 (city)

这类表达的最简单形式是"the city of"后跟城市名, 如the city of Toronto (多伦多市) 。有些时候, 只见地名而无"the city of"字样, 可能是认为该城市人人皆知, 无须指明。

常见的情况是, 词city前有多个限定词, 以详细描述该市的地理位置, 特点及所属国家/州等, 如:

1) the southern city of Volgograd (南方城市Volgograd) ,

2) the ancient city of Pompeii (古城Pompeii) ,

3) the Italian city of Perugia (意大利城市Perugia) ,

4) the northern Syrian city of Aleppo (叙利亚北方城市Aleppo) ,

5) the snowbound Siberian city of Kransoyarsk (为雪所困的西伯利亚城市Kransoyarsk) ,

6) Russia's southern city of Volgograd (俄罗斯南方城市Volgograd;该形式不加定冠词the) ,

7) the flight's destination city of Constantine (该航班的目的地城市Constantine) .

这种情况下, 词city起着承接的作用, 这可能是它不能被省略的第二个原因。另外, 比较可以看出, 多个限定词一起出现会有个排列次序问题。

1.2 其它

表示地方行政单位的其它词, 如:province (省) , state (州) , town (城镇) , village (村庄) , 也有与city相同的用法。具体例子如: (1) the western province of Anber, (2) the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, (3) the volatile northwestern town of Bannu, 和 (4) the village of Plaster Rock。

表示地方行政单位以外的一些其它词也可有类似用法。具体例子如: (1) the Swiss resort of Davos, (2) the commercial hub of Shanghai, (3) Ukraine's Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, (4) the Ukrainian region of Crimea, 和 (5) the French Atlantic port of SaintNazaire。

2 关于某种婚姻关系及其持续时间的表达

四个有代表性的短语是: (1) his wife of 43 years (同他结婚43年的妻子) , (2) her husband of eight days (同她结婚8天的丈夫) , (3) his partner of 15 years (与他同居15年的伴侣) , 和 (4) her boyfriend of 13 years。可以看出, 介词of之前为在双方婚姻关系中某一方所扮演的角色, 其后为这种关系的持续时间。

3 关于某 (些) 人的居住地或所属机构的表达


1) Edward Kular, 84, of Toronto (多伦多84岁居民Edward Kular) , (2) fourth-seeded Li Na of China (4号种子中国的李娜) , (3) the young people of Africa (非洲的青年人) , (4) residents of the area north of Dupont and south of Eglinton (Dupont大街以北与Eglinton大街以南所夹区域的居民) , (5) residents of that home (那间屋子的居民) , (6) a resident of 15 Windsor Rd. (Windsor路15号的一位居民) ; (7) Det.Mark Benallick of the sex crimes unit (性犯罪部的警探Mark Benallick) , (8) Trish Krale of the airport authority (机场当局的Trish Krale) .

这类意思的表达, 几乎未见有使用介词at, in或from的。

4 关于年龄的表达


1) at the age of+数字:Dr.Henry died at the age of 90.

2) the age of+数字+years old:He said she was somewhere between the age of 50 and 53 years old.

3) 数字+years of age:Are you a healthy male or female 18years of age or older?

值得一提的是, 还时常见到另外两种不含of的简单表达形式。它们既不含of也没有定冠词the, 只使用aged (有时后跟years) 和at age引出年龄。例如: (1) British actress Kate O'Mara died in England on Sunday aged 74, (2) Children aged 6-12 years are needed for a research study, (3) She died last month at age 29。

5 关于某种类型文化 (culture) 的表达

见到的有: (1) a culture of fear, (2) a culture of abuse, (3) a culture of rape, 和 (4) the pot culture of California。

这类短语的英中翻译会存在因翻译不当而难以理解问题。曾在多伦多的某中文网站上看到一篇题为“安省负债累累:公务员高管高薪惹怒百姓”的报道。文中有这样一句话:“该报告又形容TDSB存在“恐惧的文化”, 以致职员都害怕公开发表意见。”, 其中“恐惧的文化”一词有点费解。该中文报道的依据是加拿大安省审计长发表的2013年度审计报告;报告中指出TDSB (多伦多教育局) 存在culture of fear问题。Metro News Toronto的一篇相关报道中有一句话是这样写的:“The audit also raises the issue of a'culture of fear'about speaking up when problems arise”。看完这篇英文报道全文后我才明白, 原来在TDSB内长期存在一种不正之风, 即每当遇到问题时大家都害怕公开发表意见。再简单一点说, 该报告所揭示的一个问题就是TDSB内存在fear。因此, 中译该短语时, 若将“恐惧的文化”中的“的”字省去 (甚至在整文中译的情况下连“文化”也一起省去) , 则既可免去中文理解上的困难, 又无偏离原文本意之嫌。总之, 这个例子从另一角度反映了深入学习研究of的用法及其相应翻译技巧的必要性。

6 关于某活动/事件及其持续时间的表达

这类表达中的时间名词放在介词of之前, 突出了某活动/事件的持续时间或指明其时间段。这些表达可用作句子的主语, 宾语和介词宾语。几个含有这类表达的有代表性的句子如下:

1) Months of looting, raping and killing since has brought reprisals by Christian militias.

2) 15 days of solitary confinement causes significant harm to people.

3) My days of writing about women in their 20s and 30s are over.

4) The delays have forced her to miss the first days of classes at Lakehead University.

5) After weeks or months of agonizing over which university program to pursue, you're faced with yet another formidable decision—where to apply.

6) Teens living on the street might be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home.

7) Residents of the Indian capital woke on Wednesday to a third day of thick gray smog.

7 关于降雨/雪量及风速的表达

关于降雨/雪的量, 常见的是数字放在of之前, 如450 mm of rain, 60 to 91 cm of snow;而未见有放在其后的。关于风速, 常见的是数字放在of之后, 如winds of up to 225 km/h;有见数字在前但省去of的, 如90 km/h winds。

8 与十个感兴趣的词有关的表达

这十个感兴趣的词分别是business, challenge, day, fortune, idea, issue, job, policy, practice和problem。这些词均在of之前, 词前亦可附加一些限定词。下面是含有相应短语的例句。

1) business:The business of recycling plastics in Ontario is a valuable endeavour involving non-governmental organizations.

2) challenge:It is one of the challenges of being a police office.

3) day: (a) The annual day of celebrating cannabis culture has ramped up into mainstream political activism. (b) Cyber Monday has become the biggest online shopping day of the year.

4) fortune:He will deeply be missed by everyone who had the good fortune of knowing him.

5) idea:Mayor Rob Ford isn't high on the idea of getting into the marijuana legalization debate any time soon.

6) issue:The parties are willing to discuss issues of access to needy people, the liberation of prisoners and local ceasefires.

7) job: (a) They didn't do a very good job of keeping the graves up. (b) He flew to Australia to interview for the job of wildlife caretaker.

8) policy: (a) Israel decided on Sunday to end a decades-old policy of issuing gas masks to the public. (b) He talked about the austerity policy of his government.

9) practice:The Conservative government's practice of not allowing aid dollars to go towards those organizations has sparked heated criticism.

(10) problem:The growing problem of childhood obesity has been compounded by the increasing technologies.

以上八个部分列出的这些短语及例句, 均取自当地英文报纸, 应该都是反映当今社会风情的地道的英文表达。因此, 对一般英文水平的中国人来说, 它们是不可多得的学习资料。发表这些学习资料的目的只有一个, 就是期望通过学习和借鉴这些表达, 改进我们的英语说/写技能, 流利地讲出地道的英语, 不太费力地写出地道的英文文章。需要指出的是, 由于这些短语及例句均出自报纸上的新闻报道, 从英语语言学的角度看, 它们也可能会存在写作不规范与用词不恰当 (badly worded) 问题, 但这不属于本文的讨论范围。

摘要:分八个部分给出一些由英语介词of构成的名词性短语, 并附加简短的分析说明和必要的英中翻译。这些短语表达均是从加拿大多伦多当地的两份英文日报 (24 Hours Toronto和Metro News Toronto) 上的新闻报道中搜集来的一手资料。这些表达及其中of的用法对某些学英文的人来说可能是陌生的;因此, 熟悉这些无疑会帮助他们更多地掌握地道英文。



[1]24 Hours Toronto[EB/OL].http://eedition.toronto.24hrs.ca/epa-per/viewer.aspx.

[2]Metro News Toronto[EB/OL].http://metronews.ca/news/toron-to/.

[3]魏志中.浅释英语介词of的用法[J].辽宁工学院学报:社会科学版, 2001, 3 (1) :70-74.

[4]许雪妹.英语介词of的几种用法和翻译[J].北京第二外国语学院学报, 1996, (5) :36-41.

[5]樊军.英语介词OF语义多义性及其翻译[J].宜宾学院学报, 2007 (5) :117-120.

[6]吴国权.试析介词of的意义及用法[J].郑州牧业工程高等专科学校学报, 1998, 18 (1) :48-52.

[7]王丽菲.关于英语阅读中阅读技巧的研究[J].海外英语, 2012 (24) :122-123.






the Midas touch点石成金的本领

中国的神话故事里,仙人用手指头一点,石头就能变金子,这种“点石成金”的本领西方也有。迈达斯(Midas)是希腊神话里的国王,酒神狄奥尼索斯(Dionysus)赐予他点金术,凡是他手碰到的东西都能变成黄金:食物变黄金,饮料变黄金,连他自己的女儿也变成了黄金雕塑。这种“迈达斯之触”(the Midas touch)指的就是能轻而易举赚大钱,日进斗金的本领。

Pandora's box潘多拉的盒子,祸患之源

为了报复普罗米修斯(Prometheus)盗火给人类,天神宙斯(zeus)下令造了第一个女人潘多拉(Pandora),把她送到凡间。潘多拉带了一个盒子下凡,盒子里装满了各种灾难和祸患,她难忍好奇,把盒子打开,所有不好的东西都跑了出来,只有希望(hope)留了下来。是故,潘多拉的盒子(Pandora's box)就是祸患之源,打开潘多拉的盒子(open the Pandora's box)就指引起种种祸患。

Achilles' heel阿喀琉斯之踵,罩门,致命弱点


Pyrrhic Victory皮洛士式的胜利,付出惨痛代价所获得的胜利,惨胜

胜利不总是风风光光的,有时候虽然胜利了,自己却也付出了惨痛的代价,得到的只是个只有面子却没有里子的惨胜。古希腊伊庇鲁斯(Epirus)国的国王皮洛士(Pyrrhus)是个著名的将军和政治家,他率兵打败罗马军队,可是自己却也伤亡惨重,付出了极大的代价,英文词组Pyrrhic victory(皮洛士式的胜利)指的就是这种得不偿失的惨胜。





newsreel 新闻片


non-camera film 非摄影电影


nonfiction film 非剧情片


nontheatrical film 非戏院电影


off camera 画外


off register 震动效果


off scene 画外音


pan 横摇镜头


pantheon directors 殿堂导演

指那些技法成熟,并具有特殊现实透视力与宽阔人生视野的杰出导演。 paramount pictures corporation 拉蒙电影公司


persuasive documentary 游说式纪录片


pg-rated movie 辅导级影片


pirated print 海盗版


pixilation 实体动画


playback 配乐拍摄


pressbook 宣传资料


process cinematography 放映合成


prodution 制作


props 道具

为properties的缩写,泛指场景中任何装饰、布置用的可移动物件。 rating 分级制


英国的分级是由“英国电影检查委员会”(british board of film censors)制订,分为:u级(普通级)、a级(需有家长指导)、aa级(十四岁以下青少年观众禁止入场)、x级(十八岁以下青少年观众禁止入场)。

reader 读稿员


realism,realistic film 写实主义,写实主义电影


realist cinema 写实主义电影


recordist 录音指导


rhythmic montage 节奏蒙太奇


rushes 毛片


scene 场,场景


science-fiction film 科幻片

电影类型的一种,其特色的情节包含了科学奇想。乔治里叶的《月球之旅》是电影史上最早的一部科幻片。 screwball comedy 神经喜剧


screwball comedy 脱线喜剧


script 电影剧本


setting 场景


shadow play 皮影戏


shooting script 分镜剧本


shot 镜头 摄影机单一一次的开机,也指开机所拍摄下来的那段影片。

slate 场记板


soap opera 肥皂剧

滥情的广播连续剧或电视连续剧。 sound boom 麦克风杆


sound effects 音效


sound track 声带


special effects 特殊效果


spectacle 大场面电影

具备华丽之美术而设计、史诗主题和雄伟场面等特色之电影。如:《宾汉》(1962)、《星际大战》(1977)、《窈窕淑女》(1964)、《大地震》(1975)。 splice 接合


squib 枪击效果


stand in 定位替身在安排布景、设定摄影机位置、测光、调整灯光等繁琐过程中,暂时代替明星站在表演位置上的人。

star system 明星制度


still 定格

电影镜头运用的技巧手法之一。其表为银幕上映出的活动影像骤然停止成为静止画面(呆照)。 stills 剧照


straight man 搭档谐星


structural film,perceptual film 结构电影,知觉电影


studio film 片厂电影


stuntman 特技演员

被雇用来替代电影演员表演需要特别体能、体力的技术动作或危险动作的人。 subjective time 主观时间


subtitles 翻译字幕


sun gun 太阳灯


surrealist film 超现实主义电影


suspense film 悬疑片


tail 尾片白片


talent scout 星探


teaser 片头,


thriller 惊悚片


timing 动作时机


titles 字幕

附加在影片上的种种文字,如影片的片名、演职员表、唱词、译文、对白、说明词以有人物介绍、地名和年代等。 trailer 预告片


travelogue 观光影片


treatment 故事剧本


underground cinema 地下电影


universal 环球电影公司


upstage 后表演区


venice film festival 威尼斯影展

世界上的第一个国际影展,开始于1932年,所设奖项为 金狮奖。

voice over 旁白


walk on 龙套演员


walk-through 试戏


war film 战争片


warner brothers 华纳电影公司



weepie 感伤剧


western 西部片


whodunit 擒凶片


archetype 原型


archive 电影资料馆


atmosphere 气氛

一部电影的主导气氛或情调,能使观众透过电影的动作或背景产生联想,引起心理反应。造成气氛的要素有很多,包括场地、布景、灯光、节奏、摄影机运动和背景音乐等。 audio 声音


auteur theory 作者论


block-booking 卖片花

指好莱坞制片公司在开始投资和发展自己院线时,所采用的一种影片发行和租映的方式。放映商为了要购买某家制片公司的影片,就必须连带买下这家公司该年计划完成的其它影片,即使许多影片都未试映过。 b/w,black-and-white film 黑白片


censorship 电检制度




chambara film 武士片


cinecitta 电影城


cinemascope 新艺综合体


cineorama 圆景电影

最早的多银幕放映系统,是用100公尺长的白色帏幕作成圆形银幕。曾在1900年的巴黎世界博览会上展示,但警方认为这种放映系统易引起火灾,因此,圆景电影展览馆只放映了三次电影,就被警方关闭。 cahiers du cinema 电影笔记


camera-stylo 摄影机钢笔论


cinerama 新艺拉玛体


continuity sheet




contrast 明暗对比,反差


co-production 跨国制作


copyright 版权


cosmetician 化妆师

为电影角色(人和动物)化妆的人。工作范围从一般的美容化妆,到人物脸部或肢体的特殊效果。随着电影工业的发展,一般化妆和特殊造型化妆的区别越来越大,而特殊造型化妆也因功用的不同,分工越来越细。 counterpoint 音画对位


crane shot 升降镜头

摄影机在升降机上做上下运动所拍摄的画面,是一种从多个视点表现场景的方法。其变化有垂直升降、弧形升降、斜向升降或不规则升降。升降镜头在速度和节奏方面运用适当,可以创造性的表达一场戏的情调。 credit 演职员表


criticism 电影批评

对电影的诠译及评价,通常指较祥尽和较有深度的影评,与“film review”有别。

dadaism 达达主义


deep-focus cinematography 深焦摄影


dveloping 显影


dialogue 对白

在电影中所有说出的台词都叫对白,亦称“台词”。 dialogue director 对白指导

在排练和拍摄阶段,指导演员表达台词及动作的人。 direct sound 直接声音


distribution 发行


documentary 纪录片


dolly 移动车

一种可以架摄影机以便拍摄移动镜头的台车。 dolly shot 推拉镜头


effect 特殊效果

依其制作方式的不同,可以分成两种,一种是实际在摄影机前进行的特殊效果,另一种是特殊摄影效果(special photographic effect),指以光学处理或摄影技巧,直接在底片上完成的效果。像飓风、火灾、爆炸之类的灾难事件或激烈动作,和模型镜头的拍摄等,都属于特殊效果。史丹利库柏力克的《太空漫游》(1968)是特殊效果极佳的典范。 8mm film 8毫米电影


episode film 分段式影片


establishing shot 定场镜头


ethnographic 种族志电影,人类学电影


exhibition 上映


exhibitor 放映商


experimental film 实验电影


exploitation 促销手段


exposure 曝光


exterior 外景


extra 临时演员


extreme close-up 大特写


extreme long shot 大远景


eye-level shot平角度镜头,水平镜头

一种视平线离地约四至六尺高的位置所拍摄出来的镜头。这种镜头由于符合一般人身高状态下的视觉习惯,在电影拍摄过程中常被采用。 fade in/fade out 淡入、淡出


fast motion 快动作


festival 影展

将众多影片集中一起举办竞赛,或作电影交易的一种电影活动。影展不仅是一种有利可图的商业活动,也是一种重要的文化活动。西欧的威尼斯、坎城、柏林、东欧的莫斯科、卡洛维华利,亚洲的东京等都是当前世界上的主要影展。 film

1。电影胶片 制作影片用的感光材料总称。

2。电影 一般影片的通称,与“movie”和“cinema”同义。

filmography 电影作品年表


filmology 电影学


film speed 底片感光度


film theory 电影理论


filter 滤色镜


final cut 精剪

指影片的最后一道剪接,完成后的版本,即代表电影上映时的版本。 first run 首轮放映

指影片在选定的戏院作头一轮放映.习惯上放映首轮影片的戏院,称为“首轮戏院”(first run theater)。

fish-eye lens 鱼眼镜头


focal length 焦距

从无限远处来的平行光束通过镜头,在底片上结成最清晰的焦点时,从底片到镜头中心的长度,就是这个镜头的焦距。焦距的长度通常以毫米或寸来表示。焦距被设定的镜头,称为定焦镜头,具可变焦距的镜头,通常称为伸缩镜头。 footage 影片尺数


foreign version 外国版


formula film 公式化影片


free cinema 英国自由电影


freeze-frame 停格

一种电影效果,指在一组画格上重复某一影像,制造出凝止的动作,使得影像持续有如一张静照。这种技法常用在一部影片的结尾,让最后一个镜头更具有冲击力,如《四百击》(1959)。 full shot 全景

被摄体占满整个银幕的镜头。若被摄体是一个人,则他或她的身体会全部容纳在镜头中。有时可与远景镜头(long shot)互通。

hammer films 汉默电影公司(台)


hand-held camera 手持摄影机


hollywood ten 好莱坞十君子

一群好莱坞的电影工作者,在1947年的秋天,被票传到“众议院非美活动调查委员会”(house committee on un-american activities)前,接受“共产主义份子在好莱坞电影工业渗透的程度”之调查。其中最受人注目的十位电影工作者被尊称为“好莱坞十君子”。他们因宪法权利而拒绝表白政治立场,因此被控蔑视美国国会,被列入好莱坞黑名单,同时遭到解雇。

imaginary line 轴线


impressionism 印象主义


improvisation 即兴表演

指在一部电影的拍摄过程中,演员不先靠剧本而自然流露出的动作和对白表演。演出时,表演人员忽然冒出不在剧本的上对白,叫做“即兴台词”(ad lib)。

insert shot 插入镜头


intercuting 间隔剪接


iterior 内景


iris 光圈


iris in/iris out 圈入、圈出


irony 反讽


jam 搅片


juxtaposition 并列


key grip 场务领班


key light 主光


keys 原画


keystone 启斯东电影公司


kinetograph 爱迪生电影机

第一部实用的电影摄影机,使用的是乔治伊士曼于1888年取得专利的一种赛璐璐片基底片。这种摄影机最大的缺点,在其庞大的体积。许多早期简单的影片,都摄制于爱迪生实验室被称为“黑囚车”(the black maria)的摄影棚内。

last-minute rescue 最后关头救援


layout 动画美术设计指动画影片中人物和背景的造型设计,也指负责这个工作的人。

left bank group 左岸派


lens 镜头


lighting 打光


loading 装片


log 工作日志

在制作一部影片的过程中,每天对各项细节和活动的记录。 logo 公司标记


long shot 远景


long take 长镜头


macguffin 麦加芬母题


magazine 片盒


magic lantern 魔术灯


magnetic sound track 磁性声带


matte 遮片


medium shot 中景

在视界与视觉角度方面介于特写镜头与远景镜头之间的一种镜头。以中景来表现一个人物,最典型的视觉范围是从该人物的膝盖以上来拍摄。 metaphor 隐喻


method acting 方法演技



method actor 方法演技演员普遍用以指曾经学习前苏联戏剧家康士坦丁史丹尼斯拉夫斯基写实主义表现方法的演员。如马龙白兰度、詹姆斯狄恩、卡尔马登等。

mise-en-scene 场面调度


mixing 混音


mogul 电影大亨


monitor 监看器


moscow film festival 莫斯科影展


motif 母题


motion picture 电影


moviola 摩维拉剪接机


mural 大景片


narrator 叙述者


national board of review 美国电影评议会


national film board 加拿大电影局


new german cinema 德国新电影

1960年代初出现在西德的一次旨在振兴德国电影的运动,源于1962年的奥伯豪森第八届西德短片电影节。当时有二十六位青年电影导演、编剧和演员联名发表了一篇《奥伯豪森宣言》,宣称要“与传统电影决裂,要运用新的电影语言”并“从阵规陋习、商业伙伴和某些利益集团的羁绊中解脱出来”,以创立德国新电影。初期的德国新电影在国内不受欢迎,很快就陷入了经济危机。 1975年,运动第二次出现高潮,电视台开始资助青年导演拍片,并出现了雷纳温纳法斯宾达、温纳荷索和文温德斯这些艺术上富有特色的导演。他们的影片,如法斯宾达的《恐惧吞噬心灵》(1973),温德斯的《爱丽比漫游记》(1973),和雪朗道夫的《锡鼓》(1979)等片。从1979年以来,运动的声势更加壮大,实际上已成为西德电影的主流,德国新电影在人们心中已成为一个流派的标志,代表所有新崛起的、有各自的艺术特色的西德表青年导演的电影作品。 new wave 法国新浪潮电影


nickelodeon 五分钱戏院


original screenplay 原著剧本


out of sync 音画错位


outline 故事大纲


overexposure 曝光过度


ovwr-the-shoulder shot 过肩镜头;


panavision 潘娜维馨体


parallax 视差


parody 嘲仿


pathe 百代电影公司


performer 正式演员


pickups 补拍镜头


playback 配乐拍摄

歌舞片常用的一种拍摄方式。在拍摄之前先把音乐或歌曲录好,拍摄时再现场播放,让演员就着乐声同步做唱作的表演。 point of view 观点


political film 政治电影


preview 试片

一部影片公演前,基于影片交易、新闻发布、或宣传等目的,而举行的放映活动。还有一种为试探观众反应而进行的试片。又称sneak preview。

printing 印片


producer 制片;


production manager 执行制片


production value 制作水准用以指称一部影片布景、服装、摄影、灯光和声音品质的一种商业概念。

projection 放映


progaganda 宣传片


publicist 公关


publicity still 宣传照片


puppet animation 木偶动画


quota 配额制度


remake film 重拍影片


rko 雷电华电影公司


rough cut 粗剪


running time 片长


scenery 布景 指在摄影棚内或拍摄现场由人工布置和搭建的景物。

score 配乐


screen 银幕


screen test 试镜


second unit 第二工作组


semiology 电影符号学


sensurround 临场音响


sequel 续集影片


serial 续集电影


seres film 影集用相同的人物,演出型态风格相近的故事之电影,每一集的长度通常都与剧情长片相当。如今,影集已变成电视节目的一种标准型态。

sexploitation 性剥削电影


shooting ratio 拍摄比例


shorts 短片


slapstick comedy 闹剧

取法粗鲁、带攻击性动作之喜剧,以不造成伤害的暴力行为为其重点。英文的典故来自一副由两块木头组成的拍板。最早出现闹剧的是卢米埃的《水浇园丁》(1895)。 sleeper 连珠电影


slow motion 慢动作


soft focus 柔焦


source music 现场音乐


split-screen process 分割画面


spotlignt 聚光灯


star 电影明星


steadicam 摄影机稳定器

一种轻便的电影摄影机机座,可以手提。它在1970年代逐渐为人普遍使用。在《洛基》(1976)的练拳场面中,摄影机稳定器充分发挥了它的妙用。 stock footage 资料片


story board 画面分镜剧本


story editor 编审



1.制片厂 制作影片的复杂生产机构。如好莱坞的大制片厂。


subjective shot 主观镜头


subplot 次要情节


super-8 超8毫米电影


sync 音画同步为synchronization与synchronism的缩写,指电影画面和声音保持一致的对应状态。

synopsis 故事梗概


take 镜次


technicolor 特艺彩色


text 本文


theme song 主题曲

代表影片主题的歌曲,或因风行而被认为对一影片具有代表性的电影插曲。如《银河》(moon river)则是《第凡内早餐》(1961)的主题曲。

third cinema 第三电影


three-dimensional film 立体电影


tie-in 电影附加产品与一部电影相关连的各种商品,最常见的情况是同时出版改编的小说或原声带专辑唱片。例如《蝙蝠侠》(1989)的附加产品多达一百多种。

todd-ao 陶德宽银幕


tracks 移动车轨道


transition 转场


20th century-fox 二十世纪福斯电影公司


typecasting 类型选角


united artists 联美公司


viewfinder 观景窗


vistavision 维士宽银幕


wide screen 宽银幕电影


wipe 划接


writer 编剧

编剧在整个电影的制作过程中所扮演的角色,主要是为一部电影提供故事剧本或电影剧本。亦称“screen writer”。

x-rated movie x级影片;成人电影;春宫片


zoetrope(wheel of life) 生命回转盘


zoom shot 伸缩镜头

篇6:思念的名词英文 英文怎么说


They have been missing for a long time now.


Three sailors are missing, believed drowned.

上一篇:瑞安市科协积极参与四边三化 共建美丽瑞安下一篇:幼儿园检查工作报告