



1.Though ____ of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.A.warning

B.to warn


D.warned 2.____ from this point of view, the question will be of great importance.A.Considering


C.Being considered

D.Consider 3.____ and ____, they ran out of the room.A.Being excited;happily




4.____ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.A.Buried


C.To bury

D.Being buried 5.If ____ green,the door might look more beautiful.A.paint



D.to paint 6.Eva,____ in Canada, lived and practiced law in America.A.was born

B.he was born

C.although born

D.being born 7.Everything ____, it wasn’t a bad holiday.A.considering


C.to consider

D.consider 8.____ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.A.To face

B.Having faced


D.Facing 9.____, the old man is living a happy life.A.Taking good care

B.Taken good care

C.Having taken good care

D.Taken good care of 10.We are certain that everything will go well as ____.A.to be planned


C.being planned

D.having been planned 11.——What’s wrong?

——I want to know why you didn’t do as ____.A.to be told



D.told to

12._____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t

seem big at all.A.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared 13.____ into use in April 2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.(2005年上海卷)A.Put B.Putting C.Having put D.Being put 14.No matter how frequently ____,the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world.(2006广东卷)A.performed


C.to be performed

D.being performed 15.He sat silently,____.A.eyes are closed

B.his eyes closing

C.eyes closed

D.eyes to close

Key:1.D B D A B

6.C B C D B

11.D D A A C



1.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see____ the next year.A.carry out


C.carried out

D.to carry out 2.Mrs.Brown was very disappointed to see the washing machine she had had___ went wrong again.A.it

B.it repaired


D.to be repaired 3.The result of the entrance exams was not made ___ to the public until last Thursday.A.knowing

B known

C.to know

D.to be known 4.He found them ____ at table___.A.sat;to play chess

B.sitting;to play chess

C.seated;playing chess

D.seat;play the chess 5.You can make yourself _______ pretty well if you keep on speaking the language.A.understand



D.to understand 6.---I can’t see the words on the blackboard.---Perhaps you need __________.A.to have your eyes examined

B.to examine your eye

C.to have examined your eyes

D.your eyes to be examined 7.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour.A.pay



D.to pay 8.As we joined the big crowd I got __ from my friend.A.separated




二.用所给单词的正确形式填空 What he had said made me _________

(surprise)2 My glasses are broken.I’ll have to get them ________.(repair)The doctor warned him _________ food after the operation.(not eat)4 I don’t want any bad words ____(say)about him behind his back.5 Please get the work ______(do)as soon as possible.6 I’ll have the materials ____(send)to you next Monday morning.7 She won’t have her long and beautiful hair ____(cut)short.8 You should make your voice _____(hear).9 I want you to keep me _________(inform)of how things are going with you.10 The price is fine with me.How would you like it _____(pay)?


1.They woke up, finding everything around changing.2.The gate remained locking and we had to wait outside.3.You’ll see many problems to be settled in this way.4.The murderer was brought in, with his hands being tied behind his back.四.高考链接

1.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_______ the next year.A.carry out

B.carrying out C.carried out

D.to carry out 2.Helen had to shout ______above the sound of the music.A.making herself hear

B.to make herself hear C.making herself heard

D.to make herself heard 3.Laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents_____.A.worried

B.to worry







3.not to eat 4.said 5.done







四.ADA 2.locked



现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语、修饰名词或代词。单个分词作定语时一般放在被修饰词之前, 分词短语作定语时一般放在被修饰词之后。我们通常根据分词与其修饰的词的关系确定用现在分词还是过去分词。当分词与中心名词或代词存在主动关系时, 选用现在分词;存在被动关系时, 则选用过去分词。

例.1.The sleeping boy is Tom.


分析:the boy与sleeping之间存在主动关系, 并且表示sleeping的动作正在进行。

2.There is nothing but a broken glass in the box.


分析:a glass与broken存在被动关系, 并且表示broken的动作已经完成。

3.fallen leaves落叶

分析:fall是不及物动词, 过去分词fallen在此只表完成, 不表被动。

4.the rising sun东升的旭日


5.The young sitting between my sister and my brother is my cousin Jim.


分析:the young与sitting之间存在主动关系, 并且表示sitting的动作正在进行。

6.The radio bought last week in this shop doesn’t work now.


分析:the radio与bought存在被动关系, 并且表示bought的动作已经完成。

7.This is the question given.这就是所给的问题。

分析:the question与given之间存在被动关系, 并且表示given的动作已经完成;注意:部分过去分词如given、left常作后置定语。例如:Hurry up, there’s only ten minutes left.快点, 只剩十分钟了。


现在分词作表语多表示主语具有的特征, 过去分词作表语多表示主语所处的状态。作表语的分词常常是些形容词化了的分词, 如:interesting/interested, surprising/surprisd, tiring/tired, moving/moved, astonishing/astonished, puzzling/puzzled, exciting/excited, worrying/worried, frightening/frightened, disappointing/disappointed, pleasing/pleased, boring/bored等。一般来说, 如果主语是表示人的名词或代词, 那么用过去分词作表语;主语是表示物的名词或代词, 那么用现在分词作表语。

例:1.The book is exciting.


分析:句子的主语the book是物, 所以用现在分词作表语;另外, “令人……兴奋”是书对人的影响, 表示书使人兴奋, 两者存在主动关系, 这也符合现在分词表主动的用法。

2.After an hour or so, we began to feel very frightened.

大概过了一个小时, 我们开始感到很恐惧。

分析:句子的主语we是人, 所以用过去分词作表语;另外, “感到恐惧”是主语we的状态, “我们”是“被惊吓”的, 两者存在被动关系, 这也符合过去分词表被动的用法。

特别说明: (1) 上述分词也可以作定语、状语和补语, 当它们要说明或修饰的对象是人时, 则选用过去分词;当它们要说明或修饰的对象是物时, 则选用现在分词。

例:1.This is an interesting book.这是一本有趣的书。 (定语)

2.Surprised, she could not say a word.她惊讶得说不出一句话。 (状语)

3.At first we liked the job, but then we found it tiring.开始我们很喜欢这个工作, 但后来我们发现它挺累人。 (补语)

(2) 当它们要说明的对象是expression (表情) 、eye (眼神) 、tear (眼泪) 、voice (声音) 等词时常选用过去分词。

例:Excited tears came down her face.她的脸上流下了激动的泪水。


分词 (短语) 作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、让步、方式、结果等。分词作状语的前提条件是分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致, 即句子的主语必须是分词动作的执行者或承受者。如果不一致就常使用状语从句或独立主格作状语。一般来说, 我们根据分词与句子主语的关系确定用现在分词还是过去分词作状语。当分词与句子的主语存在主动关系时, 我们选用现在分词;存在被动关系时, 则选用过去分词。

例:1.Given more time and more money, we can do the work better.

多给些时间和资金, 我们可以把工作做得更好。

分析:given的逻辑主语是we, 并且两者存在被动关系, 在此作条件状语, 相当于If we are given more time and more money.

2.The boy often gives a satisfactory answer to the teacher’s question, having thought just a minute.这男孩思考一会儿, 总能为老师提出的问题给出一个满意的答案。

分析:having thought的逻辑主语是the boy, 并且两者存在主动关系, 表示think的动作在gives之前完成, 在此作时间状语。

3. Worried, she couldn’t go to sleep.因为焦虑, 她无法入睡。

分析:worried在此作原因状语, 因为句子的主语she是人, 所以用worried而不用worrying.

4. Working so hard, he failed again.尽管如此努力, 他还是失败了。

分析:working的逻辑主语是he, 并且两者存在主动关系, 在此作让步状语。

5.A cow lying in the middle of the road, the driver had to stop the car.

一头牛躺在路中央, 司机不得不停车。

分析:此处用的是独立主格作原因状语, 因为lying的逻辑主语是a cow, 而句子的主语是the driver, 两者不一致。


分词可以在句中充当主语补足语或宾语补足语, 说明主语、宾语的状态或者特点。我们必须根据分词与主语或者宾语的关系确定用哪一类分词。当两者存在主动关系时, 选用现在分词;存在被动关系时, 则选用过去分词。

例:1.I’ll have my watch repaired.我想把我的手表修一下。

分析:repaired在此作宾语补足语, 与宾语my watch存在被动关系。

2.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.很抱歉, 让您就等了。

分析:waiting so long在此作宾语补足语, waiting与宾语you存在主动关系。

3.The boy was seen playing near the river three days ago.


分析:playing near the river在此作主语补足语, 与主语the boy存在主动关系。

4.He was seen beaten by three young men in the street.


分析:beaten by three young men在此作主语补足语, 与主语he存在被动关系。


有一部分分词在使用过程中未必遵循现在分词表主动、表进行, 过去分词表被动、表完成的规律, 我们通常将其当作习惯用法来记。

例:1.Dressed in red, the girl looks more beautiful.这女孩穿红衣服更漂亮。

2. We saw some old people seated under the tree.我们看见一些老年人坐在树底下。

3.Lost in thought, he almost ran into the tree in front of him.他沉思着, 差点撞在前面的树上了。

4. When he came back, he found his car missing.当他返回的时候, 发现车子不见了。

5.Generally speaking, newspapers follow the American way.一般来说, 报纸采用的是美国拼写法。

6. Judging from his accent, he is from the South.从口音判断, 他来自南方。




1.The organization of districts that meet the criteria suggested would make it possible to resolve the small-school problem in all except isolated and sparsely populated areas where such schools may have to be continued regardless of higher costs.


当我们看到The organization of districts that meet the criteria,知道这是个定语从句that meet the criteria修饰districts而不是修饰organization,因为这里用meet而不是meets。然后看到suggested,先假定它是谓语动词,则后边必然要有宾语出现,而且suggested的宾语往往是that从句。但是继续往后看到would make,这时我们既没有发现suggested的宾语,同时又找到了重要谓语线索would,所以,would make是一个谓语必定无疑。靠这两点,我们就很快推翻刚才的假定——认为suggested是谓语。此时,应该马上重新判断suggested的句法功能,应该立即判断出它不是充当主句谓语的过去式,而应该是过去分词后置修饰名词criteria。于是由that meet the criteria变成现在的that meet the criteria suggested,表示“满足所提出的要求”。

再继续往后看到all except isolated,以及populated,也许有读者会琢磨这里isolated和populated是过去式还是分词。其实,这个判断比较简单,关键是看到all以及介词except,因为不论是限定词all还是介词except,它们后边都需要带一个名词。于是看到all和except我们就期待名词的出现,直到后面出现areas,我们就知道这里基本结构是all except (isolated and sparsely populated) areas,那么中间的isolated and sparsely populated必然就是过去分词作定语,修饰areas。整个句子的结构如下图所示。





2. During the 1980s, revolutionary changes in the work lives of Americans, caused by technological advances which will permit greater productivity by fewer workers, will likely result in shortened work weeks, increased released time for workers, and increased pressure for early retirements.


这句第一个动词caused因为其后边有by,所以很容易判断它是分词,整个复杂的分词短语caused by ... by fewer workers修饰revolutionary changes(它还有另一个定语in the work lives of Americans),并且该分词短语隔开了主语和谓语,因此该句核心结构是:revolutionary changes... will likely result in...。在宾语中含有四个动词shortened, increased, released, increased,而这四个动词都不是谓语,而是作定语的分词。这从result in后边的并列宾语结构可以判断出来,这里有三个并列宾语:shortened work weeks,表示“工人每周的工作时间缩短了”;increased released time for workers,表示“闲暇时间增多了”;increased pressure for early retirements,表示“提前退休的压力加大了”。整个句子的结构如下图所示。





3.The teacher, for his part, frequently reduced to trying to explain the inexplicable, may take refuge in quoting proverbs to his colleagues such as, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”


这里reduced可能会被误认为是谓语动词,但看到后面的情态动词may就可以断定reduced应该是分词。若读者熟悉reduce的用法,就更轻而易举断定reduced是分词了。因为这里reduce... to...是一个固定搭配,表示“使……陷入不好的境地;落到……地步”,具有贬义。






1.This ____ a picture of a school, and that ____ a picture of a factory.2.These _____coats for men, and those _____ coats for women.3.It ____ sunny today, but it _____ rainy yesterday.I hope it ____ fine tomorrow.4.They ____ middle school students last year, but now they ____ college students.5.I _____ a student of English, and my sister _____ a student of history.6.I ______ very glad to see you.7.She _____ often late for school 8.On very cold winter days the lake _____ often covered with ice.9.Now some mummies _______ on show in some museums.10.The students _____ often busy with their homework.用have的适当形式填空

1.A man _____ a face and two hands, and a clock ____ a face and three hands.2.“They are free” means “ They _____ nothing to do.”

3.Uncle Wang _____ neither a radio nor a TV set before but now he _____ both a radio and a TV set.4.Before liberation, the working people _______ not enough to eat or wear, and many of them _____ no house to live in 5._____ you a car ? No, but I _____ one last year.用动词的适当形式填空 1.My brother usually _____(get up)at six o’clock.2.The earth ______(go)round the sun.3.The cat _____(catch)mice very well.4.My sister always ________(wash)clothes for me.5.We ______(read)English every morning.6.Kate _______(study)Chinese harder than Peter.7.They ______(do)their homework carefully every day.8.Mary and Rose ________(see)a film once a week.9.Japan _______(lie)to the east of China.10.When spring ______(come), the trees _______(turn)green.11.____ they _____(watch)TV every Saturday evening ? 12.My father _____(not have)his lunch in the factory.He always has it at home.13._____ it _____(take)you one hour to go to school every day ? 14.I ___________(not like)apples.15.We ________(not study)Russian.We study English.16.______John ______(sing)very well ? 17.______the baby ______(sing)very well ? 18.Her sister ________(not look)like her mother.选择填空

(D)1.The Smiths usually _____ lunch at home.A.haven’t B.hasn’t C.hadn’t D.don’t have(A)2.“ You _____ a class meeting today” said the teacher.A.don’t have B.didn’t have C.doesn’t have D.haven’t(C)3.How often _____ a football match ? A.had you B.have you C.do you have D.have you had(C)4.Martin often _____ his model plane on Saturday afternoon.A.fly B.flys C.flies D.is flying(B)5.The little always ____ his hands before he ____ anything.A.was…eat B.washes…eats C.washs…eats D.washes…eates(B)6.Father usually _____ newspapers after supper.A.read B.reads C.is reading D.has read(A)7.The Blacks often _____ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.A.go B.goes C.have gone D.are going(A)8.People _____ trees in spring every year.A.plant B.plants C.are planting D.have planted(B)9.Tom _______to buy some medicine for his cough.A.want B.wants C.has wanted D.is wanting(A)10.Mr Smith has been busy these days, He _____ tired and ______ a good rest.A.feels…needs B.has felt…has needed C.feels…will needs D.is feeling…is needing(B)11.When he was a child, Mother told Tom the earth _______round.A.was B.is C.are D.Were(A)12.From the magazine I learned there ____ no air or water on the moon.A.is B.are C.was D.were(B)13.The farmer told his children that crops _______without water.A.aren’t living B.can’t live C.isn’t living D.doesn’t live(B)14.Even a child knows that Sunday _____after Saturday.A.come B.comes C.is coming D.has come(A)15.I’ll return the book to Jack if I_______ him tomorrow.A.see B.will see C.am going to see D.saw(C)16.Mother will do some shopping if she _______free this Sunday.A.is going to be B.will be C.is D.was(D)17.Miss Green will go to the meeting if she _____ better this afternoon.A.feel B.will feel C.can feel D.feels(C)18.If I _____some tickets, I will give you one.A.has got B.will get C.get D.gets(B)19.Mike will come to play with us as soon as he _____ writing the composition.A.finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finishing(A)20.The students will wait here until their new teacher ______.A.comes B.will come C.have come D.is coming(D)20.I go to bed before she _____ “Good night” to her mother.A.say B.had said C.said D.says(A)21.When the meeting ____over , we will go to the dining-room.A.is B.was C.will be D.are(D)22.I ___ at that school ten years ago.A.study B.had studied C.have studied D.studied(D)22.The policeman ______ the thief but found nothing in his pocket.A.has searched B.will search C.is searching D.searched(C)23.The baby _____ at his mother as soon as he saw her.A.smiles B.smile C.smiled D.had smiled(C)24.What did you do last Sunday ? I _____ the piano at home.A.am playing B.have played C.played D.plaid(D)25.The young man got up very early that morning and _____ not to be late again.A.try B.tries C.tried D.tried(B)26.The car ______ and an old man with glasses came out.A.stops B.stopped C.stoped D.was stopping(C)27.The visitor _____that they would go to the Great Wall the next morning.A.hear B.hears C.heard D.heared(B)28.The policemen _____ the thief while he was sleeping.A.cought B.caught C.catched D.Catch 29.The teacher _____ a map on the blackboard before she gave the lesson.A.hanged B.hung C.hang D.hangs(D)30.Mike _____ out a knife and _____ the paper into pieces.A.bringed…cut B.braught…cutted C.brought…cuted D.brought…cut(A)31.Something ____ from the tree and ____ the boy hard.A.fell…hit B.felt…hitted C.fallen…hitted D.falled…hit(A)32.When ___ his car lost ? A.did Mr Smith find B.did Mr Smith found C.Mr Smith found D.were Mr Smith find(D)33.Mrs Black ____ anything at the shop that day.A.not bought

B.don’t buy C.doesn’t buy

D.didn’t buy(A)34.The old man ____ off until the bus started.A.did not get B.has not got C.will not get D.not got(D)35.The teacher ____ what Peter had told her.A.not understood B.understand not C.won’t understand D.didn’t understand(B)36.I ____ at home yesterday afternoon.A.did not be B.was not C.were not D.am not(A)37.Jenny ____ good at sports when she ____ a schoolgirl.A.wasn’t…was B.didn’t…was C.weren’t…is D.isn’t…was(A)38._____ Tom able to speak three languages when he ____ only ten years old? A.Was…was B.did…was C.does…is D.Is…was(A)39.Why ____ she late for school this morning ? A.was B.did C.were D.does(B)40.The people at the meeting _____ surprised at the news.A.are B.were C.is D.did(C)41.Because the parents _____ pleased with their sons homework, they asked him to do it again.A.not were B.did not C.weren’t D.was not(C)42.______ a good time yesterday evening ? A.Did John has B.Did John had C.Did John have D.Had John had(C)43.It rained so hard yesterday that we _____ a good time in the park.A.had not B.have not C.didn’t have D.don’t have(D)44.Betty looks tired, ______ a rest at noon ? A.Had she B.Had she had C.does she have D.did she have(A)45.The policemen ____ into the house as soon as they got out of the car.A.rushed B.rush C.to rush D.rushing(D)46.What ____ when you looked out of the window ? A.have you seen B.were you seeing C.do you see D.did you see(A)47.Peter ____ well as his mother asked him to get up.A.didn’t feel B.doesn’t feel C.hadn’t felt D.wouldn’t felt(D)48.Jack ____ the policemen as soon as he found the spy.A.has called B.had called C.calls D.Called






1.____ the house on fire, he dialed 119.A.To see B.Seeing C.Having seen D.Being seen

2.I fell down and broke three of my teeth.I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth ____.A.fix B.fixing C.fixed D.to fix 3.Were ___ to listen to her ____ voice.Its ___ to hear her sing.A.pleased;pleasing;pleasure B.pleased;pleasant;a pleasure C.pleasing;pleased;a pleasure D.pleasing;pleasant;pleasure 4.___a post office, I stopped____ some stamps.A.Passed, buying B.Passing, to buy C.Having passed, buy D.Pass, to buy 5.____with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.Comparing B.To compare C.Compared D.Having compared 6.Here are some new computer programs ____for home buildings.A.designing B.design C.designed D.to design 7.____a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.A.To save B.Saving C.Saved D.Having saved 8.The teacher came into the classroom ____by his students.A.following B.to be following C.followed D.having followed 9.With the money ___, he couldn’t buy any ticket.A.to lose B.losing C.lost D.has lost 10.There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself ____.A.being heard B.hearing C.heard D.hear 11.The result of the test was rather _____.A.disappointed B.disappointing C.being disappointed D.disappoint 12.I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English.A.use B.used C.using D.being used 13._____how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.A.Not to know B.Not knowing C.Knowing not D.Not known 14.Deeply __, I thanked her again and again.A.being moving B.moved C.moving D.to be moved

15.With winter _____on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.A.came B.comes C.come D.coming

16.____the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.A.Having shown B.Showing C.Has shown D.Having been shown 17.He went from door to door, ____waste papers and magazines.A.gathering B.gathered C.gather D.being gathered

18.The student corrected his paper carefully, ____the professor’s suggestions.A.follow B.following C.followed D.being followed 19.The ___price will save you one dollar for each dozen.A.reduce B.reducing C.reduced D.reduces

20.People ____in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.A.live B.to live C.lived D.living

21.The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn’t make his point ___.A.understand B.understanding C.to understand D.understood 22.The scientists were waiting to see the problem ______.A.settle B.settled C.to settle D.settling

23.The library’s study room is full of students _____for the exam.A.busily prepared B.busy preparing C.busily prepare D.are busily preparing 24.The ground is _____with ____ leaves.A.covering, falling B.covered, falling C.covered, fallen D.covering, fallen 25.Lessons ____easily were soon forgotten.A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learning

26.The wallet ____several days ago was found ____in the dustbin outside the building。A.stolen, hidden B.stealing, hiding C.stealing, hidden D.stolen, hiding

27.A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language, ______all about his own.A.to learn, to forget B.learning, to forget C.to learn, forgetting D.learning, forgetting

28.___different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.A.To produce B.Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced 29.The students in the university are all taking courses ___a degree.A.coming to B.going to C.leading to D.turning to

30.Many things _____impossible in the past are very common today.A.consider B.considering C.considered D.be considered 31.___many times, he still couldn’t understand.A.Having been told B.Having told C.He having been told D.Telling 32.The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____her two sons.A.to support B.supporting C.supported by D.having supported

过去分词和现在分词专项练习1 33.China is one of the largest countries in the world, _____9.6 million square kilometres.A.to cover B.covered C.covers D.covering

34.____and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A Surprising B.Surprised C.Being surprised D.To be surprising

35.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added 36.“Can you read?” Mary said ____to the notice.A.angrily pointing B.and point angrily C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing 37._____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room.A.Writing B.Having written C.Written D.Being written 38.Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ? A.fright B.frightening C.frightened D.frighten

39.Properly _____with numbers, the books can be easily found.A.marked B.mark C.to mark D.marking 40.The child sat in the dentist’s chair ____.A.tremble B.trembling C.trembled D.to trembled 41.At this moment the bell rang, _____the end of class.A.announce B.announcing C.announced D.to announce 42.He walked down the hills, ____softly to himself.A.sing B.singing C.sung D.to sing

43.I had to shout to make myself _____ above the noise.A.heard B.hearing C.hear D.to hear

44.The graduating students are busy ___material for their reports.A.collect B.to collect C.collected D.collecting

45.The cars ____in Beijing are as good as those ____in Shanghai.A.produce, produce B.produced, produced C.produced, producing D.producing, producing 46.When I came in, I saw Dr.Li _____a patient.A.examine B.examining C.to examine D.examined

47.____a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given

48.____a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.A.Having been given B.Having given C.Giving D.Being given

49.He wrote a letter to me _____that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.A.inform B.informing C.informed D.being informed

50.He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____about what’s going on in the world.A.inform B.informing C.informed D.being informed



1.She caught the student _______(cheat)in exams.2.When I got there, I found him _________(repair)farm tools.3.When I got there, I found the farm tools _______.(repair)4.Just then he heard someone _______(call)for help.5.He worked so hard that he got his pay ______.(raise)

6.The missing boys were last seen _______(play)near the river.7.___________(compare)with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.8.The workers had the machines _______(run)all night long to finish the work on time.9.People in the south have their houses ______(make)of bamboo.10._______(lose)in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.【试题答案】
