




My Day

I have a happy and busy day.I get up early every morning.I wash my face and have my breakfast.I go to school on foot at about 7:00 a.m.Classes begin at 7:20.we have seven classes every day.There are four classes in the morning and we have three in the afternoon.I usually have lunch at home.After lunch, I usually have a short break.Classes begin at about 2:00 in the afternoon.School is over at about 5:00 p.m.I have outdoor activities every afternoon.I do my homework at home and then I watch TV for a little while.I go to bed at about 9:30 p.m.What do you think of my day.Can you tell me something about yours?

My Classmate’s Day

My classmate Jim has a happy and busy day.He gets up early every morning.He washes his face and has his breakfast.He goes to school on foot at about 7:00 a.m.Classes begin at 7:20.He has seven classes every day.There are four classes in the morning and he has three in the afternoon.He usually has lunch at home.After lunch, he usually has a short break.Classes begin at about 2:00 in the afternoon.School is over at about 5:00 p.m.He has outdoor activities every afternoon.He does his homework at home and then he watches TV for a little while.He goes to bed at about 9:30 p.m.What do you think of jim’s day.Can you tell me something about your friend’s?

第 1 页(共 1 页)


Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room?




明德中学 “三生”理念 ( 生命教育、生活教育和生态教育) 是在新一轮课程改革背景下引进的。其主旨是减负增效, 打造高效课堂。“中小学生命教育的理论和实践研究”首席专家肖川教授认为:“生命教育”作为教育的价值追求, 作为真正人道的教育, 其目的是帮助学生更好的理解生命的意义, 确立生命尊严的意识, 高扬生命的价值, 使他们能拥有一个美好的人生。1生活教育即从生活中学习, 教育在生活中进行。生态教育是指教育中的教师、学生、教学内容以及教学资源等各因素应该像自然界的生态系统一样, 相互联系、相互依存、相互作用, 最终实现人与人、人与自然以及人与社会的全面和谐、可持续发展的教育。

所谓英语 “三生课堂”, 是指让英语课堂 “生命化、生活化和生态化”。“三生课堂”要求老师关注学生个体的 “生命、生活、生态”, 创设优质高效课堂。要打造英语 “三生课堂”教师应明确学生才是学习的主体, 把课堂还给学生, 让学生自主学习、自主探究、自主发展、让教学结果自然生成, 从而提高课堂效率。下面笔者以 《人教版新目标七年级英语下册》为例, 分析如何有效实现英语 “三生课堂”。

1. 让学生自主, 打造生命化课堂

英语 “三生课堂”以学生终身发展、全面发展为本, 为学生的终身发展和幸福奠基。这就要求我们教师尊重每一个学生, 把自主性还给学生, 让每一朵花都能绽放。要营造出富有生命力的英语课堂氛围, 教师在设置教学环节时要难度适宜, 跳一跳就能够得着的目标才是适合学生的, 否则将大大挫伤学生的积极性, 让课堂沉闷无聊。以记英语单词为例, 很多学生畏难不愿记单词, 为此笔者将每单元单词按10个一组分配, 每天记10个, 大大降低了难度, 第二天课前笔者将花5分钟时间以学习小组为单位口头抽查单词记忆情况。每个学生抽查一个单词, 全对的小组可以加分。因为第一天回家抄写并默写了这10个单词, 第二天他们通常都很有信心来回答单词。学生们总是抢着预约第二天的单词抽查名单。再比如默写单词, 笔者先前一次默写一个单元, 学生得满分者甚少, 后来笔者把一个单元分两次默写, 全对者比先前多了, 学生也更喜欢默单词了。所以教师在设置任务时要充分考虑学生的水平, 布置难度适宜的练习, 这样效果或许更好。

2. 教育从生活中来, 到生活中去, 使学习生活化

陶行知先生说, “生活即教育, 在生活里找教育, 为生活而教育”, 这要求我们备课时不是从教材、教参出发, 而是从学生的生活实际出发, 课堂以生活为本。在讲授Unit 8 Is there a post office near here时, 笔者就先搜集了部分学生家庭附近的建筑物, 在课堂活动 “ A guessing game”中, 选择一些学生上讲台来, 其他学生猜测 “Is there a/an…near your home?”, 因为这些建筑物来自学生身边, 所以学生们积极性很高, 他们想知道自己同学家附近有些什么建筑物, 而那些上台的学生也很希望与大家分享自己家旁边有何种建筑物。再比如在讲授Unit 9 What does he look like? 时, 笔者预先搜集了学生家长的一些照片并设置了一个孩子用英语描述自己父母的长相的环节, 再出其不意地放出孩子们父母的照片, 家长的参与让孩子对本堂课印象十分深刻。当笔者问孩子们: “Do you love your mother / father?” 和 “I think your mother is the most beautiful woman /your father is the most handsome man” 时, 孩子们都给予了肯定回答。这样的环节取材于孩子们的生活, 同时还渗透着浓浓的亲情教育。

3. 小组合作, 人人参与, 教师巧设问题, 打造生态化的课堂

英语 “三生课堂”强调小组合作, 共同参与。生态化英语课堂强调把教学各要素看成一个教学的生态系统, 以实现教师和学生共同和谐发展。教师着眼于学生整体, 让学生小组合作探究问题, 自然生成。以Unit 4 Don’t eat in class为例, 这个单元重点是谈论规则, 笔者设置了一个环节, 小组合作为本班制定班规, 同时选出最酷班规。孩子们分组合作, 讨论热烈。最后纷纷要求展示自己小组制定的班规。再比如英语写作, 传统写作模式中老师把题目给定, 对题目做点简单分析, 让学生独立完成, 结果是一些学生总觉得无话可写。笔者的做法是对于一些难度较大的作文, 采取合作学习模式, 大家集思广益, 共同探讨完成作文。在这种模式下, 平时不爱写作文的学生在其他同学的带领下纷纷提出自己的观点或看法, 每个小组成员都会或多或少地贡献自己的力量。以小组合作形式写出文章, 再以小组合作的方式互相批改作文, 最后老师总结。随着合作机会的增多, 学生们的互帮互助意识增强了, 团队感也增强了。写作变得有趣味性了。要打造生态化课堂, 作为课堂组织者, 引领者的老师也要善于设置问题。

“三生”英语课堂要求老师以培养学生将来的生存能力为目标更加用心地去备课, 让自己的课堂符合基本的认知规律和教学规律, 不能破坏学生自然的生长过程, 让每一朵花都自然地开放。




[3]汪小红, 刘忠政.论中学英语课堂教学的生态化[J]贵州师范学院学报2014 (11)



中图分类号:G634 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2016)03-0000-01


《新目标英语》(人教版七年级下册) 教材分析《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,加上复习单元2 个,文化背景知识和学习策略等部分补充材料。总的来说,这个长度对于一个学期的教学是合适的,与之前的教材相比, 省去了期中和期末的复习单元总结。在目录中,每一个单元中包括了题目、主题、功能、结构、目的语、单词、复习点这几部分。附录包括课文知识点、磁带录音 语音知识、语法、词汇与表达、单词index、名字列表、不规则动词变化表。每一单元都只有3页,分为A部分和B部分,各部分占一页要介绍基础性的语言知识,例如单词、句型、语法,而 B部分主要进行巩固和运用。在这两部分中,都比较好地结合了听、说、读、写四种能力的训练,但 A部分更注重听和说,B部分注重读和写。在 B部分结束之后,就会有一个简单的自我检测,这部分一方面是对学生学习的检测或总结,另外一方面则是带有一点拔高性质的要求。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。




(二) 实用性强。

每一个单元的主题都取材于学生的学习生活,与他们的认知水平、年龄、生活经历,习惯都有密切的联系, 例如: Unit 1:Can you play the guitar? Unit 3: How do you get to school? Unit 6:I am watching TV. Unit 11: How was your school trip? 等。这些话题来自生活,所以对于学生来说,他们都懂,也有话说,也可以在实际生活中用到,所以说实用性很强。










4、此书采用任务型语言教学,以学生为主体,且每一单元设计有4-5个pair/group work,学生每一堂课都有充分的练习时间,以此来强化新单词以及新的语法结构。同时,通过多样化的活动提升学生其他方面的能力,如反应能力,记忆能力,分辨能力,组织能力等。笔者所实习的育才中学在组织课堂教学方面做得非常好,教师不仅基本功扎实,教学方法好,而且注重提升学生的思想。如教unit 3 动物这一单元,就注重深入要爱护动物,和动物做朋友,在unit 4职业这一方面,则强调应注重男女平等,并不是所有nurse都是女性,也并非所有警察都为男性等等。这一方面,值得我们借鉴与学习。



My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I dont like Maths,its not easy at all.

I am not good at it.

I am good at Music,so I like it, too.


Zhang Jing is my good friend. She studies in Qingdao.

Her home is about three kilometers from school. She usually rides her bike to school and it takes her about twenty minutes .But when it rains, she goes to school by taxi. It takes her only five minutes . Her father and mother both work in a hospital. It’s eight kilometers from their home. They take a car to work . It takes them about ten minutes.


If I can work for you, I can work hard and try to write much English news.










下面以一节县级研讨课(教学内容为仁爱版英语教材七年级下册Unit 6Topic 3Section C“Keeping Safe on the Street”)为例,简述“学·导·用”课堂教学模式的具体应用。本课的学习目标是学习并运用新单词和词组,了解常见的交通规则、如何遵守交通规则和懂得珍爱生命。

1. 课前






①独立朗读Section C 1a课文并标好行数,用红笔在课文中圈出新单词并在其正下方写上汉语意思。




2. 课中

首先是激趣导入。教师在课堂中先播放交通事故视频,吸引学生的注意力,给学生以视觉冲击,然后让学生小组讨论为什么会发生事故,我们应该怎么做。他们会得出结论:We should obey the traffic rules.接着,教师向全班出示学习目标,让学生上课一开始就明确学习目标,有学习方向。这样做能够激发学生的学习动机,调动学生学习的积极性,促进学生在后面的各个环节里主动地围绕目标去探索。之后教师与学生一起边谈论图片边呈现有关新单词,即在语境中教学单词。教完单词后让学生多读几遍单词,对单词音形义同时接触。T:Can you pronounce all the new words?Now sit face to face and pronounce the words according to the pronunciation.If you can’t,please turn to your team.然后进行小组合作共学。在这个环节,主要是针对还不会读的单词进行对学群学。所有学生必须起立,按照A→D、B→C这样的对学形式进行学习。教师巡视。学完后的小组同学坐下。随后教师任意抽查若干小组展示,读错的单词让其他组帮忙纠正。然后再次进行全班合作共学。在这一环节,教师借助图片教学,全体学生积极参与。

紧接着教师将话题转回到原先设计的教学内容上。T:Boys and girls,the words we learnt just now are all about traffic.To keep safe,what should we do?What shouldn’t we do?Please discuss the things we should do or we shouldn’t do in groups,then write down your results of your discussion on your exercise books.这一环节既抓住了根本,又充分调动了学生的参与热情。再教学P48的3、4就很顺畅。再次通过小组合作共学,学生很快地学会了祈使句的肯定及否定形式,也为阅读课文Keeping Safe on the Street做好了铺垫。然后请若干小组上台展示讨论结果,其他组同学提出问题,教师适时点拨启发,其他组同学及时评价。


最后,让学生完成本课最后一项任务,即小组根据图片讨论P47的2中短语的意思:a ticket for speeding,a ticket for drunk-driving,a ticket for parking in the wrong place,a ticket for making a wrong turn.组内讨论之后,让全班学生群策群力快速讨论出最好的翻译。结果学生将以上短语翻译成:超速罚单、酒驾罚单、乱停乱放罚单、随意拐弯罚单。这次合作共学不仅使学生充分展示自己的才华,又不偏离任务的中心,而且学生还在无意识中把a ticket for的用法掌握了。课堂上最后10分钟让学生消化本节课内容,先在本组内每人就“How to keep safe on the street”进行发言,然后当堂在作业本上写下来。

3. 课后

在下课的最后一分钟,教师给学生下一课Unit 6Topic 3Section D的前置学习单。





②复习Section A和Section B中问路的几种情况。






【点拨】 be from ...意为“来自……”,相当于come from;be from中的be要根据主语来选用am, is, are,变疑问句直接把be提至句首,变否定句直接在be后面加not。例如:Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友来自哪儿?

2. What language does she speak? 她讲什么语言?

【点拨】 就某种语言提问,要用what language。

3. I can speak English and a little French. 我会讲英语,还能讲一点法语。

【点拨】 a little是一个固定短语,意为“一点儿;少量”,含有肯定意思,一般用来修饰不可数名词;而little则含有否定意思,意为“几乎没有”。例如:I have a little milk. 我有一点牛奶。

I can speak little Japanese. 我几乎不会讲日语。

4. The pay phone is across from the library. 公用电话在图书馆的对面。

【点拨】 across from意为“在……的对面”,相当于on the other side of。例如:Is your house across from the post office? 你家在邮局的对面吗?

5. The pay phone is next to the library.公用电话紧挨着图书馆。

【点拨】 next to意为“紧靠……的旁边;贴近;接近”。

6. The library is between the restaurant and the supermarket. 图书馆位于饭店与超市之间。

【点拨】 介词between的意思是“介于……之间”,between可与and连用,表示“在……与……之间 ”。

7. —Where is the park? 公园在哪儿?—Its on the Center Street. 在中心街。

【点拨】 询问地点时,要用where。

8. There is a big supermarket. 有一个大的超市。

【点拨】 There be ... 句型表示“某处有某人/物”,be用is还是用are,要与其后面的第一个词的单、复数形式为准。例如:There are 19 girls in our class. 我们班里有19名女生。

9. Isnt he cute? 难道他不可爱吗?

【点拨】 否定的一般疑问句翻译成汉语,意为“难道……不……吗?”,多用来表示提出请求或表示说话人的看法或惊异的情绪。在回答否定疑问句时,要注意应根据实际情况回答。如果答案是肯定的,就用“Yes, +肯定结构”;如果答案是否定的,就用“No, +否定结构”;但Yes通常译为“不”,No通常译为“是的”。例如:

—Cant you go with me? 难道你不能和我一起去吗?—Yes, I can. 不,我能去。

10. ... but at night he gets up and eats leaves. ……但是在夜里它起来吃树叶。

【点拨】 leaf是单数形式,其复数形式是leaves。

11. —What does she do? 她是干什么的?

—Shes a doctor. 她是一位医生。

【点拨】 询问某人的职业时,可用“What is / are ...?”,也可用“What does / do ... do?” 或“Whats ones job?”句型来询问。回答时,一般要用表示职业的名词来回答,即:“主语+be+表语(表示职业的名词)”。例如:

—What does your father do? (= What is your father? / Whats your fathers job?) 你父亲是干什么工作的?

—He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。

12. I wear a white uniform. 我穿着一件白色的制服。

【点拨】 wear与put on都有“穿”的意思,但wear是强调“穿”的状态,put on强调“穿”的动作。例如:Its cold outside. Put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的大衣。

13. ... then we have a job for you as a waiter. ……那么我们就有一份适合你做的服务员的工作。

【点拨】 as是介词,意思是“作为……”。例如:He works in the TV station as a reporter. 他在电视台当记者。

14. —What are you doing? 你在做什么?—Im watching TV. 我在看电视。

【点拨】 现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,由“be(am, is, are) +动词现在分词(v+ing)”构成。常与副词now连用。当句子中有了Look, Listen等词时,也要用现在进行时。例如:They are reading English now. 他们现在正在读英语。Listen! Whos singing? 听!谁在唱歌?

15. How is the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?

【点拨】 询问“天气怎么样?”,可用“Whats the weather like?”,也可用“How is the weather?”。例如:Whats the weather like there?=How is the weather there? 那儿的天气怎么样?

16. Thank you for joining CCTVs Around The World show. 谢谢你参加中央电视台《环球世界》的节目。

【点拨】 Thank you/Thanks for (doing) sth.意为“因(做了)某事而感谢你”。Thank you/Thanks for…意为“因……而感谢”,介词for后面可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

17. But everyone is having a good time. 但是每个人都玩得很高兴。

【点拨】 have a good time意为“玩得高兴;过得愉快”。例如:They had a good time in the park yesterday. 他们昨天在公园里玩得很高兴。


()1. I got an e-mail this morning. Its ________ my best friend John. (2008浙江嘉兴)

A. inB. on C. at D. from

()2. Theres ________ milk at home. We have to buy some this afternoon. (2008山西省)

A. a littleB. littleC. a few

()3. —Excuse me, young man. Where is the park, please?

—Its across ________ the supermarket. (2008浙江湖州)

A. inB. onC. fromD. at

()4. There ________ a lot of rain in this area in August every year. (2008河北省 )

A. isB. wasC.areD. were

()5. —Excuse me. ________ is the park?

—Its next to the supermarket. (2008内蒙古呼伦贝尔)

A. WhatB. When C. WhereD. Which

()6. —Isnt he a pilot?

—________. He is a reporter from CCTV.(2007湖北随州)

A. No, he isntB. Yes, he isC. No, he is D. Yes, he isnt

()7. —________?

—Im a policeman.(2008四川泸州)

A. What do you doB. What do you want to do C. What are you doing

()8. —Nancy, dont always ________ that old jacket. It looks terrible.

—But I think its cool, Mom. (2008重庆市)

A. wear B. dressC. put onD. take off

()9. ________ a teacher, John thinks that his main duty is to help the students to become better learners. (2008山西省)

A. As B. ByC. About

()10. Look! Janes grandmother ________ with some aged people in the park. (2008上海市)

A. dances B. danced C. is dancingD. was dancing

()11. —We are going go to have a barbecue in Nanshan Park tomorrow.

—__________ (2008江苏镇江)

A. Have a good time!B. Congratulations!C. Thats true!D. Thats right!

()12. —Thank you very much __________ helping me.

—Not at all. (2008四川巴中)

A. forB. ofC. to

13. 请按各小题的要求转换句型,每个空格只准填一个单词。(2007广东茂名)

Most people in France have learned English. (就划线部分提问)

__________ __________ have most people in France _________?

14. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。(2008内蒙古乌兰察布市)


Is your classroom __________ __________ the library?

15. 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。(2008江苏宿迁)

—Would you please put this box ___________(在……之间) the desk and the wall?

—No problem.

16. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(2008甘肃兰州)

There are a lot of _________(leaf) on the tree when spring comes.

17. —Hows the weather in Bazhong today? (同义句转换)


Its Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park.

Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them. Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat. He is dishing.

Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too.



早 晨6:00起床












My School Day

I get up at six o’clock. I read English for half an hour. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the morning. After the four classes, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often have three lessons and we usually have sports from four thirty to five thirty. After supper, I read newspapers or go out for a walk, then I do my homework for about one and a half hours. At half past nine, I go to bed.

2.今天是星期天,布朗一家(the Browns)都在家。根据下面插图,写一篇50-60个词的短文。



Mrs. Brown                            Mr. Brown

Jim and his friend, Mike               Sue and her friend, Ann


The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is making cakes. Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading a book. Jim and his friend, Mike, are in the garden. They are playing soccer. Sue and her friend, Ann, are in Sue’s bedroom. They are watching TV. All of them are very happy.

3.假设你是Mary, 根据下面中文提示写一篇不少于60个词的短文,介绍自己的学校、班级和学习情况。


在仁和(Renhe)中学学习,两幢教学楼(classroom building),两个大操场,教室很大;





My name is Mary. I’m a student in Renhe Middle School. There are two classroom buildings and two big playgrounds in my school. Our classroom is very big.We have twenty-one boys and twenty girls in our class. I have many subjects, such as Chinese, math, English, music, art and so on. I like English very much, because it’s very easy and interesting. I often do sports with my classmates after class. My favorite sport is football. I think it’s good for my health.




Liu Ming lost his bag on the playground on Tuesday. It’s blue. There are some books and a pencil-box in it. Please call 010-65002883. Thanks a lot.

5.假如你是王海,请以My School Life为题写一篇60个词左右的短文。

提示词语:interesting, morning classes, subject, math, ball games, outdoor activities



My School Life

My name is Wang Hai. I’m a happy boy. Let me tell you something about my school life. My morning classes begin at 8:00. We have many subjects, such as math, English, Chinese, biology and so on. Of all the subjects, I like math best. I think it’s very easy and interesting. After school we often do outdoor activities. I like playing ball games. And I can also do some other things, like drawing and swimming. My school life is very interesting. I like it very much.

6.在教育局组织的“手拉手”活动中,来自乡村小学校的Li Tianpeng对于他所看到的城市学校很有感触,于是他写了一篇作文向他的同班同学做了介绍。假设你就是Li Tianpeng,根据下面的提示,以Their School为题,写一篇作文。以there be句式为主,60词左右。

提示 :?学校很大很漂亮,有许多树和花,像花园一样;




Their School

Their school is big and beautiful. It’s like a big garden. There are five teaching buildings in the school. In front of the teaching buildings, there are lots of trees and flowers. On the second floor there is a big reading room, two computer rooms and three science labs. The students love playing computers. The reading room opens from Monday to Friday. Many students read books in it. They learn a lot from those books. They all like their school very much.



Some people like living in the cities. Some people enjoy living in the countryside. I like living in the cities. There are different kinds of shops in the cities. You can buy many things. When you go out, you can take a bus, a subway or a taxi. The schools in the cities are better than those in the countryside. Although(虽然) the cities are often noisy and the living cost is high, I like living in the cities.


提示词:Number 9 bus, not far from, sea(大海)


Dear Kathy,

Welcome to my hometown. Now I am happy to tell you the way to my house. After you get off(下车)the train at the station, you can take the Number 9 bus to Yingbin Road. My home is near the bus stop. Or you can take a taxi. By the way, it’s not very far from my home to the sea. So we can walk there every day. The sea is very beautiful. I hope you will have a great time here.



9.根据右边的图片,写一篇短文。注意用上there be句型,不少于5个句子。


Look at the picture. There is a river in the picture. Four boys are boating in the river. There are three trees near the river. A girl is flying a kite. Three boys are playing football. They are having a good time.







Lin Tao and Wang Jun are neighbors. They live in the same building, and they are on the same floor-the second floor. They’re good friends. Today is Sunday. They don’t go to school. They go to the zoo. It’s about ten kilometers from their building to the zoo, so they go to the zoo by bus. They’re very happy to see so many animals. They have a good time today!


提示词语:Children’s Hospital, all the same, policewoman, go across, turn right





M:Excuse me, is there a Children’s Hospital near here?

W:Sorry, I don’t know. You need to ask the policewoman there.

M:Thank you all the same.

M:Excuse me, how can I get to the Children’s Hospital?

P:Go along this road. Turn right at the third turning. Go across the bridge and walk on. Turn right at the second traffic lights. You can see a bookstore. The hospital is next to the bookstore. You can’t miss it.

M:Thank you very much.

P:You’re welcome.


10月15日是第十三届国际盲人日(the International Blind’s Day),也是我的邻居王叔叔的生日,他也是一个盲人。那天,CCTV热情地欢迎了他。他们为他举办了生日聚会,并送给他五个福娃。饭后,他们去了奥运村。他度过了快乐的一天。


盲人:blind man  奥运村:Olympic Village  热情欢迎某人:give sb. a warm welcome


It is the thirteenth International Blind’s Day on October 15th. It’s my neighbor Uncle Wang’s birthday, too. He is a blind man. On the day, CCTV gives him a warm welcome. They have a party for him and give him five “Fu Wa” as his birthday present. After a big dinner, they go to the Olympic Village. He has a happy day!


Lucy 和Lily是双胞胎(twins), 她们现在11岁了。5岁时,Lucy会骑自行车、打网球(play tennis)、写字,但Lily不会。Lily会游泳、滑冰、读故事书(story books)。现在她们都学会了跳迪斯科、芭蕾。她们是一对好姐妹。


Lucy and Lily are twins. They are eleven years old now. When Lucy was five, she could ride a bike, play tennis, and write. But Lily couldn’t. Lily could swim, skate, and read story books. Now they can dance to disco and perform ballet. They are good twin sisters.


提示:今天你参加了Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,大家一口气把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。


It is Lucy’s birthday today. I came to her birthday party. We brought her many presents. Lucy liked them very much. There was a big birthday cake with thirteen candles on it at the party. We all sat around it. After Lucy made a silent wish, we blew the candles out in one breath. At the party, I performed kung fu. Ellen danced to disco. Susan sang an English song. We had a wonderful time!



Dear father, this Sunday is your birthday. I want to say “Happy birthday to you! My dear father.” You always work so hard for our family. But I never say “Thanks.” to you. Today, I will tell you, “Thanks for your hard work, for giving us so much. I will study hard at school. I will try my best to become a good son/daughter.”

15.七年级二班的学生将在班里举行(hold) 一次英语沙龙(English Salon)。学生们唱歌、跳舞、表演英语短剧 (English play) 等。课后,学生们感到非常高兴。请以English Salon为话题,写一篇60-80词的短文。

提示词:special, sing, dance, put on an English play, have a good time


Today is May 2nd. In the afternoon, all the students are very happy, because our class will hold a special class-English Salon.

The class begins at 4:20. All the students sit on their seats. Our English teacher comes into the classroom with a smile on her face and says, “Let’s begin our English Salon.”

First, our teacher sings an English song Yesterday Once More. And then every team acts their programs. We put on an English play “Borrowing a Pan”。 My friends Li Lei acts as the farmer and Wei Hua acts as the woman. They speak English very well and act very funnily. Among all of the programs, ours is the best.

We have a good time. All the students hope to have the special class again.



广州是一个国际大都市(an international city),气候温暖,从春到冬都有很多鲜花和水果,因此有人称它为 “花城”。广州有许多名胜(places of interest),例如:白云山(the Baiyun Mountain), 越秀公园(the Yuexiu Park), 中山纪念堂(Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall)。


Dear Robin,

I’m glad to get a letter from you! Now, I will tell you something about Guangzhou. Guangzhou is a big and international city. The weather is always good and warm. The wind is wet. There are many flowers and fruits from spring to winter. So many people call Guangzhou “Flower City”。 There are some places of interest, for example, the Baiyun Mountain, the Yuexiu Park and Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall and so on. Welcome to Guangzhou!


Li Hua




提示词:fly to, weather, fine, Tian’anmen Square(天安门广场), by bus, take photos, lose one’s way, help …


Last weekend, I flew to Beijing with Zhang Ming. The weather was fine. We stayed there for two days. On the first day, we went to Tian’anmen Square, then visited some places of interest. We had a good time. The next day we went to the Great Wall by bus. We took some photos. There were many people there and a little boy lost his way. We helped him to find his mother. We had a happy day!




Dear Julia,

I’m very glad to hear from you. I had a good time yesterday. It was the Spring Festival. In the morning I went shopping in the supermarket with my family. We did some cleaning in the afternoon and made our house more beautiful. We made dumplings together and had a big dinner in the evening. We stayed up until midnight to welcome the Spring Festival. We had a nice time.

Best wishes to you!


Li Hua



Dear     , Happy New Year to you! I’m happy/glad to get your card. Thank you for your gift /present. I like it very much. You are very special to me!  See you soon. From


How was your trip?Wonderful.

How did you go to Guilin?By train.

How long did you stay there?For five days.

What did you see there?Green hills, clear water, strange caves(岩洞)。

What did you do?Go boating in Lijiang River.

What did you eat?Guilin rice noodles.


I had a wonderful trip to Guilin.
