




I. 填入适当的连词。

1. My brother is ill, ________ I have to stay at home.

2. The film must be very interesting, ________ many people are buying tickets in line.

3. My computer is new, ________ it is too expensive.

4. She felt hungry, ________ she didn’t have breakfast.

5. A customer came in, ________ I stopped my work.

6. He has a lot of money, ________ he spends little.

7. Come here early, ________ you can’t see him.

8. Take some medicine, ________ you will feel better.

9. There are a lot of stories about the UFOs, _______ no one knows whether they are true or not.

10. Put on your coat, ________ you will catch cold.

11. She got a ―C‖ in English test, ________ she had tried his best.

12. My little cousin can _________ read ________ write.

13. Please call me _______ you need my help.

14. _____you have a few more days’ rest, you’ll feel better.

15. _____ my father ______ my mother is a doctor. They are teachers.




19. I really don’t know ______ it is going to rain or not this afternoon. You may ______do it yourself ________ leave it to me. Hurry up, ______ you’ll miss the next bus. Li Ming was a brave boy, ______ he had one shortcoming.

20. It’s a fine day, ____ we have a wonderful time.

21. I don’t know _______ she can speak Russian or not.

22. We haven’t decided _____ and ______ we shall meet next time.

23. That’s ______ they didn’t pass the exam.

24. _______ you are right, _____ he is.

25. He ______ _____ read the book ______ _______ remembered what he read.













12.neither, nor



15.neither, nor


17.either, or








25.not only, but also


1. 虽然天已很晚了,但他仍在写作。

2. 人类没有水和空气就不能活。

3. 他把这件事告诉我前,没有人知道这件事。

4. 如你不赶紧,你就要开会迟到。

5. 他写字不如她仔细。

6. 我们不仅去了北京,也去了哈尔滨。

7. 他准是开玩笑,要不他是疯了。

8. 等他一到我们就去弄点咖啡。

9. 众所周知,金钱不会从树上长出来的。

10. 他什么时候到的,我们大家都不知道。


1. Though it was very late, he was still writing. / It was very late, but he was still


2. Men can’t live without air or water.

3. None knew it until he told me.

4. Unless you hurry, you’ll be late for the meeting.

5. He doesn’t write as careful as her.

6. We went to Beijing and as well as to Haerbin.

7. He must be making a joke or else he must be mad.

8. Well get some coffee as soon as he arrives.

9. Everybody knows that money doesn’t grow on trees.



第一, 题海战术苦学生。许多教师追求面面俱到地复习语法, 为了不放过任何一个知识点、考点而四处收集资料, 把一切与复习内容相关的习题全发给学生做, 使学生在庞杂的茫茫题海中苦苦挣扎、疲惫不堪。而且, 教师不依学情对习题进行精心梳理, 会导致学生在早已掌握的知识点上还要花很多时间重复做题, 而对于自己薄弱的环节则可能没有时间巩固复习。

第二, 劣质习题伤学生。商品质量有好坏之分, 习题质量也有优劣, 也就是教师们常说的题目出得好或不好。有些质量不高的复习资料试题陈旧, 根本不能凸显新课程新课标的理念、适应素质教育的新要求;有些甚至出现知识性的错误, 使学生误入歧途;还有的习题集为了凑足版面和页数, 随意添加一些超纲的内容, 不仅让学生越做越糊涂, 也严重挫伤他们的学习信心。

第三, 自编习题体现以生为本。没有一本复习资料是可以适合所有学生群体或个体的。有些习题集侧重基础知识而对好学生来说没有挑战和拔高;而有些习题集则题目偏难而使弱生的基础得不到巩固。只有教师在摸清学情的基础上自己编制的习题才能真正瞄准学生的薄弱点、易错点, 有的放矢, 使学生的复习活动具有更高效率和达到更好效果。

第四, 编制习题锻炼教师基本功。新课程背景下对教师的角色要求不再是把手里的课本教好就可以了, 而是应由传统的教书匠向集教学、科研于一身的综合业务能手转变。编制试题已经成为许多学校教师专业发展培训的必需和重要内容。照抄照搬资料上的现有习题只会使教学处于被动状态, 教师只有学会研究考试命题、培养试题编制能力, 才能使自身的基本专业素养得到充分锻炼和提高。

一、研究课标、考纲, 提高习题编制的科学性

教师编制习题首先要明确以什么为依据出题, 这个依据便是课程标准和考纲。因此教师必须认真阅读并研究《义务教育英语课程标准》和当地高中招生文化考试命题实施细则 (即中考考纲) , 这样才能使编制的习题具有科学性。凡是两者中未涉及到的就不作为命题点。同时可作为指导性材料的还有历年中考试卷:出现频率高的知识点往往就是教材的重点和主干知识, 它们也正是中考要考查的重点。教师准确把握中考命题的重点和规律才能使复习过程中的习题编制更具有效性。

二、突出语境, 提高习题材料的运用性

交际法语言教学提倡语法测试要设定恰当语境, 没有语境, 语言结构的交际功能就不能体现。对语言知识的考查应注重学生的语言运用能力, 毕竟人们都是在一定的语境中运用语言进行真实的理解与表达活动的。因此编制习题时应尽量避免纯粹、机械的语法题, 而是要根据语言的实际使用情形, 创设真实或接近真实语境的语言材料。例如:

_______of them has his own opinion. (C)

A.Both B.Some C.Each

这道题从谓语动词has的第三人称单数形式可以判断出答案选C, 但是句子的语意不明:“他们”是谁?究竟有多少人, 对于什么问题执自己的opinion?句子情境的细节不清, 只是生硬地在考查语法形式, 学生即使选对也不会学着运用。而下面这个例子就是语境设定比较好的:

—Which ofthe caps will you take?

—I’ll take______, one for my father, the other for my brother. (B)

A.Neither B.both C.all

三、丰富题型, 减小单一题型的局限性

许多语法习题都是以单项选择题的形式出现的, 但是单项选择题存在一定弊端, 即干扰项可能会形成不正确的语言输入, 给以后的教学带来不利影响。例如:

Martin’s sister is______than he. (B)

A.younger five years B.five years younger C.five younger years

在这样的题目中学生需要利用他们非常有限的语言知识进行识别, 从几个选项中确定适合题目要求的一项。有些学生会在干扰项与正确答案之间思考判断, 有些则会感到困惑, 这时干扰项就可能变成一种语言输入。然而初中学生对英语的认识尚处于积累的过程中, 需要大量正面的语言输入, 如果长时间重复做一个类型的题目对学生语言学习无益, 也会使学生丧失学习兴趣。因此在复习阶段教师不应为迎合中考题型而单一给学生操练语法单项选择题, 而应使用其他多种检测方法, 如动词填空、句型转换、改错题等。

四、收集语料, 提高题干语言的准确性

教师编写习题过程中的一个主要问题便是题干的编写。教师可以自己撰写题干语句, 也可以多渠道地收集地道、原汁原味的语言材料, 教材、英文报刊、原版英文图书等都是很好的语料来源。例如在复习介词through、across时, 笔者便选用了教材 (《新目标英语》) 中的两个典型句子:I’d like to trek______the jungle because I like exciting vacations.和Some students love to go on exciting trips.One student said she’d love to sail______the Pacific Ocean. (through;across) 又如笔者曾利用在英文报纸上看到的一篇关于NBA球员拜纳姆获得西部最佳球员的新闻, 将其中的动词挖出空格来给学生进行动词时态和语态的练习:Los Angeles Lakers’Andrew Bynum______ (enjoy) his best season on the team right now.On March 20, the 24-year-old_______ (name) Western Conference Player of the Week.He_______ (play) in 41 of 45 Lakers games. (答案:is enjoying;was named;has played) 这样的习题不仅语言真实、准确, 而且与学生的实际生活、爱好相贴近, 一定程度上也能提高学生答题的兴趣。

五、利用学生错题, 提高习题编制的针对性

练其所需, 释其所疑, 解其所难。在复习阶段, 为了使学生的时间利用得更有效, 教师就要有针对性地在练习中解决学生的易错点和疑难点, 而不要搞题海战术, 任何知识点都大量、反复地练习。教师应做一个有心人, 在平时的教学或作业批改过程中多收集学生的“错误素材”, 在编制习题时便可以有的放矢, 着力矫正学生们的常见错误。例如笔者在学生的写作中发现大多数人不会把动词作主语时变成ing形式, 于是便针对这一语言点编制习题让学生操练。

动词填空:_____loudly in public is impolite. (在公共场合大声讲话是不礼貌的。) (Talking)

______English movies helps me practice my listenin skills. (看英文影片帮我练习听力。) (Watching)

单项选择:______a boat to school must be a lot more fun than____a bus! (A)

A.Taking;taking B.Take;take C.Take;taking

句子转换:I eat a balanced diet and do sports every day.So I am in good health. (合成一句)

______a balanced diet and______sports every day keeps me in good health. (Eating;doing)

正所谓“教者有心, 学者得益”。在倡导教育要“以生为本”的新课程改革中, 教师要积极转变观念, 深入地研究教学、了解学生, 认真钻研有关语言测试的理论与实践知识, 逐步提高习题编制技术, 从而使习题作业更加科学、合理和有效, 对教学产生积极的反拔作用, 在提高教学效果的同时也促进教师自身专业水平的发展。


[1]欧阳芬.有效教学的基本功——新课程下中小学教师试卷编制、分析、讲评技能指导.北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司, 2008.

[2]人民教育出版社.义务教育课程标准实验教科书·英语 (新目标) .北京:人民教育出版社, 2007.

[3]温爱英.从学生答题情况看语法和词汇教学.中小学外语教学 (中学篇) , 2008 (2) .

[4]武尊民.英语测试的理论与实践.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.











_______of them has his own opinion.(C)

A. Both B. Some C.Each


—Which of the caps will you take?

—I’ll take______,one for my father,the other for my brother.(B)

A. Neither B.both C.all



Martin’s sister is______than he.(B)

A. younger five years B.five years younger C.five younger years



教师编写习题过程中的一个主要问题便是题干的编写。教师可以自己撰写题干语句,也可以多渠道地收集地道、原汁原味的语言材料,教材、英文报刊、原版英文图书等都是很好的语料来源。例如在复习介词through、across时,笔者便选用了教材(《新目标英语》)中的两个典型句子:I’d like to trek______the jungle because I like exciting vacations.和Some students love to go on exciting trips.One student said she’d love to sail ______the Pacific Ocean.(through;across)又如笔者曾利用在英文报纸上看到的一篇关于NBA球员拜纳姆获得西部最佳球员的新闻,将其中的动词挖出空格来给学生进行动词时态和语态的练习:Los Angeles Lakers’Andrew Bynum______(enjoy)his best season on the team right now.On March 20,the 24—year—old _______(name)Western Conference Player of the Week.He_______(play) in 41 of 45 Lakers games.(答案:is enjoying;was named;has played)这样的习题不仅语言真实、准确,而且与学生的实际生活、爱好相贴近,一定程度上也能提高学生答题的兴趣。



动词填空:_____loudly in public is impolite.(在公共场合大声讲话是不礼貌的。)(Talking)

______English movies helps me practice my listening skills.(看英文影片帮我练习听力。)(Watching)

单项选择:______a boat to school must be a lot more fun than____a bus!(A)

A. Taking;taking B.Take;take C.Take;taking

句子转换:I eat a balanced diet and do sports every day. So I am in good health.(合成一句)

______a balanced diet and______sports every day keeps me in good health.(Eating;doing)



[1] 欧阳芬.有效教学的基本功——新课程下中小学教师试卷编制、分析、讲评技能指导.北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司,2008.

[2] 人民教育出版社.义务教育课程标准实验教科书·英语(新目标).北京:人民教育出版社,2007.

[3] 温爱英.从学生答题情况看语法和词汇教学.中小学外语教学(中学篇),2008(2).

[4] 武尊民.英语测试的理论与实践.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.

[5] 周南南.结构——情景——交际模式下的初三英语自主复习.中小学外语教学(中学篇),2009(10).


A. not her being able to attend B. her not being able to attend

C. her being able not to attend D. her being notable to attend

2. I advised _____ , but he turned me a deaf ear.

A. him not to smoke again B. him to smoke not again

C. him to not smoke again D. not him to smoke again

3. Weighing five hundred pounds, _____.

A. the cupboard could not be moved.

B. she could not move the cupboard.

C. the cupboard was too heavy for one person to move.

D. the cupboard was unable to move.

4. Asked about the new play, ____.

A. his answer was confident B. he was confidently answered

C. he answered confidently D. his answers were confident

5. _____ black clouds covering the sky, he stopped his work and went home.

A. To see B. Having been seeing

C. Seeing D. having to see

6. _____ , the inhabitants fled.

A. The city taken B. The city having been taken

C. Having taken the city D. The city being taken

7. _____ , he works very late at nigh.

A. Having been choosing director B. Choosing director

C. Having chosen director D. Being chosen director

8. Does he have difficulty _____ English?

A. to speak B. speak

C. speaking D. spoke

9. In winter we go _____ on the hill.

A. skiing B. to ski

C. ski D. for ski

10. She _____ playing volley-ball very much.

A. has B. wants

C. lets D. enjoys

11. The reason _____ I can„t come is that I have to prepare for the coming exam.

A. for B. as

C. because D. why

12. She studied hard at school when she was young; _____ contributes to her success in her career.

A. that B. so that

C. so D. which

13. Sound waves travel in the air in much the same way _____ water waves spread on the water.

A. as B. that

C. where D. in which

14. I„ve got a bottle of beer, but I haven‟t got anything _____ I can open it with.

A. that B. what

C. where D. which

15. Writers can accurately describe objects ______ have never seen.

A. who B. if they C. they D. that

1. B 关于美国历史,这个教师讲了有三个小时长,这让Mary 感到非常讨厌。upset 难过的,不安的; bored 令(人)厌烦; disturbed 打扰,扰乱,弄乱; neglected 忽视,忽略。

2. D influenced (正面的)影响; effected (正面的) 影响; affected (坏的)影响;

3. A 每个男孩儿和女孩儿被警示不准去那个湖里游泳,因为这个湖被污染了。以every开头,谓语动词用单数。

4. C 她听到一阵可怕的声音,这让她心都提到噪子眼儿了。这是一个非限制性定语从句,定的是前面的一句话,这种情况下用which来引导。

5. D to do a favour for sb 或to do sb a favour 帮某人个忙; 句子中do this small favour for me 意思是: 帮我一个小忙。

6. D 这是一个头重脚轻的主语从句,wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日。

7. A 你一定是做了个恶梦了,用完成时态。

8. A 这道题考时态,考语序,However much the dictionary costs:不管这本词典花多少钱。

9. B 我并不在意她是否给我道歉;whether or not ”是否“,固定搭配用法。

10. B stick to 坚持;我弟弟的缺点之一就是什么事儿都不能坚持太久。

11. B cancel 取消,撤消; set off 出发,动身; postpone 延迟,推迟; delayed 延迟,耽误。

12. D 当时要不是他姐姐的帮助,我就不能完成那项工作。

13. A 选项A中的should省略,这句话是说:在开始一个新的项目之前,应考虑把重点放在将要实现的所有目标的必要性上。

14. C favourite 受欢迎的,这句话的意思是:百分之六十的观众选择她为最受欢迎的演员。


A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes

B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself

C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny

D. a lot of Tapes were bought by Jenny’s father

2. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears __ everything.

A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told

3. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are striving ____ their products more competitive.

A. to make B. making

C. to have made D. having made

4. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster ___ if a mirror was broken.

A. was sure of striking B. was sure of having struck

C. was sure of struck D. was sure to strike

5. He let me repeat his instruction ____ sure that I understand what was ___ after he went away.

A. to make; to be done B. making; doing

C. to make; to do D. making; to do

6. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars ___ road conditions need ____.

A. that; to be improved B. which; to be improved

C. where; improving D. when; improving

7. European football is played in 80 countries, _____ it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

8. The teacher asked us ___ so much noise.

A. don’t make B. not make

C. not making D. not to make

9. ---- How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

---- The key ___ the problem is to met the demand ____ by the customers.

A. to solving; making B. to solving; made

C. to solve; making D. to solve; made

10. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has role ___ making the earth a better place to live.

A. to have played B. to play

C. to be played D. to be playing

11. There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed B. following

C. to be followed D. being followed

12. The first textbooks ___ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written B. to be written

C. being written D. written

13. The next morning she found the man ___ in bed dead.

A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying

14. What’s the language ___ in Germany .

A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak

15. She’s upstairs ____ letters.

A. writes B. is writing C. write D. writing

16. Most of the artists ___ to the party were from South Africa .

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited

17. The computer center, ___ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open B. opening C. having open D. opened

18. The speaker raised her voice but still couldn’t make herself ______.

A. hear B. being hearing C. to hear D. heard

19. The salesman scolded the give caught ____ and let her off.

A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing

20. She set out soon after dark ____ home an hour later.

A. arriving B. to arrived C. having arrived D. and arrived

21. With trees, flowers and grass ____ everywhere, my native town had taken on a new look.

A. planting B. planted C. to plant D. to be planted

22. You will find the word “psychology” _____ under “P” in you dictionary.

A. have listed B list C. listed D. listing

23. In the past few years, we have had thousands of trees _____ around our school.

A. plant B. planted C. to plant D. being plant

24. Is this the recorder you want ____ ?

A. to have repaired B. to repair it

C. to have it repaired D. it repaired

25. She was glad to see her child well ____ care of.

A. take B. to be taken C. to know D. taking

26. The result of the entrance exams was not made _____ to the public until last Thursday.

A. knowing B. known C. to know D. to be known

27. He found them ____ at a table _____

A. sat; to play chess B. sitting; to play chess

C. seated; playing chess D. seat; play the chess

28. I can make you ____ what I say, but you can’t make yourself _____ to English.

A. understand; understand;

B. understand; understood

C. to understand; understand

D. understand; to be understood

29. The girl asked him not to leave the door ______.

A. to close B. closed C. to be closed D. closing

30. John have rushed our in a hurry, _____ the door _____.

A. leaving; unlocked B. leaving; unlocking

C. left; unlocked D. to leave; unlocking



A. the; the B. /; /

C. the; / D. /; the

2. As we know, ____ knowledge is a must in ____ international trade today.

A. a; / B. the; an

C. the; the D. /;the

3. She is ____ newcomer to ____ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

A. the; the B. the; /

C. a; / D. a; the

4. The boy led the blind man by ____ arm to cross ____ street.

A. an; the B. the; the

C. the ; a D. an; a

5. Sometimes ____ weak can defeat ____ strong.

A. /; / B. the; the

C. the; a D. /; the

6. He is ____ younger of the two brothers.

A. a B. the

C. / D. one

7. Land to ____ east of ____ Urals is call Asia.

A. the; the B. /; the

C. /; / D. the; /

8. Take these chairs away; they are standing in ____ way.

A. one B. a

C. the D. this

9. Do you know ____ French for “hen”?

A. a B. an

C. the D. /

10. I like watching ____ TV and listen to ____ radio.

A. the; the B. /; /

C. the; / D. /; the

11. He has tried twice but is asked to have ____ third try.

A. another B. a

C. one D. the

12. There is ____ “n” in the word “north”.

A. an B. a

C. the D. /

13. ____ summer morning, Tom got up early and went fishing.

A. A B. One

C. The D. /

14. ____writer and ____ poet is coming to give us a talk this afternoon.

A. A; a B. The; the

C. The; a D. The; /

15. Mr. Brown was elected ____ head of our company.

A. a B. the

C. / D. one

16. A bookseller is ____ man who sells books.

A. one B. the

C. a D. /

17. Jack enjoys ____ music while his brother likes to go to ____ cinema.

A. /; / B. the; the

C. the; / D. /; the

18. I usually have ____ lunch at home but yesterday I had ____ good lunch at that restaurant.

A. /; a B. the; /

C. the; a D. the; the

19. He sleeps during ____ day and works at ____ night.

A. /; the B. the; /

C. /; / D. the; /

20. ____ Jacksons have come, We can begin our party now.

A. A B. One



(一) 布鲁纳的发现教学法教学理论

西方当代认知心理学著名代表人物、美国著名的心理学家布鲁纳认为, 学习的实质是一个人把同类事物联系起来, 并把它们组成赋予一定意义的结构。他强调学习是一种积极的认知过程, 注重掌握学科的基本结构, 但不是现成的答案, 而是倡导知识的发现学习。布鲁纳所说的发现, 并不限于发现人类尚未发现的事物, 而是指让学生自己独立阅读思考, 去发现教材的结构、结论和规律的过程。

习题前置式的语法复习模式正是基于此理论提出的。习题前置式的语法复习模式将语法的应用和具体问题呈现于眼前, 便于学生独立地思考问题, 引导学生从问题中发现其共性, 唤起之前的知识记忆, 更加快速地找到自己的薄弱知识点, 加强对知识点的记忆和理解。

(二) 维果斯基的“最近发展区”理论

苏联著名心理学家维果斯基 (2010) 认为, 学生的发展有两种水平:一种是学生的现有水平, 指独立活动时所能达到的解决问题的水平;另一种是学生可能的发展水平, 也就是通过教学所获得的潜力。两者之间的差异就是最近发展区。教学应着眼于学生的最近发展区, 为学生提供带有难度的内容, 调动学生的积极性, 发挥其潜能, 超越其最近发展区, 进而达到下一发展阶段的水平, 然后在此基础上进行下一个发展区的发展。

维果斯基认为, 根据最近发展区的理论, 教学必须遵循因材施教的原则, 即教学必须从学生整体出发, 面向大多数学生, 使教学的深度为大多数学生经过努力后所能接受。要从学生的实际出发, 就必须考虑他们整体的现有水平和潜在水平, 正确处理教学中的难与易、快与慢、多与少的关系, 使教学内容和进度符合学生整体的最近发展区。

学生对于某一语法项目或功能的掌握情况, 在习题前置式的语法复习模式下, 教师可以做到一目了然。针对高三英语语法复习课, 教师在讲授过程中必然会结合考试说明的要求, 考试说明的要求与学生的掌握情况之间的差异能促使教师迅速而准确地寻找到学生整体和个体的最近发展区, 从而提升其授课的有效性, 避免了无效的“填鸭式”教学。

(三) 心理学理论

心理学理论认为, 学生有一定的观察能力, 他们能根据教学目标有计划、有选择地观察现象, 动手实践, 思考问题。高三学生已经形成了较强的独立思考能力、观察能力、实践能力和总结归纳能力。习题前置式的语法复习模式可以有效地调动学生的各种学习能力, 使其有机地运作。由问题引导进行独立思考, 通过细心的比对和观察发现问题;在题目的实践过程中查找问题, 总结归纳自己的知识点漏洞等。学生成为学习的主体参与者, 主动性会大大提升。


高三学生在进行英语语法复习时, 习题前置式的语法复习方式在某种程度上有助于提升语法复习的效率和效果, 改变原有的教师“一言堂”的做法, 融合发现式、探究式和合作式的学习方法, 突出学生的主体地位, 鼓励学生通过自己的努力解决问题, 增强学生的学习信心, 提高学生的英语学习能力。

采用习题前置式的语法复习模式, 关键在于明确知识点和学习目标, 并能设置代表性的习题。这就要求教师在采用本模式时认真贯彻教学的程序步骤, 并注重培养学生的归纳总结和质疑设问能力。在实际教学工作中, 习题前置式的语法复习模式可分为四个步骤。步骤一:目标展示, 任务驱动;步骤二:习题前置, 以“题”带“点”;步骤三:归纳总结, 体系构建;步骤四:巩固提升, 当堂补练。

下面以高三英语语法复习中的情态动词的用法为例, 阐述习题前置式语法复习模式的具体做法:

步骤一:目标展示, 任务驱动

通过对考试说明、近年高考题进行认真研读, 教师在所列条目之后, 列出命题趋势, 作为该部分复习内容的总体引领, 起到导向作用。

【考纲解读】掌握can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, ought to, need, dare等情态动词的基本用法。

【命题趋势】情态动词的考点主要集中在情态动词的基本意义及“情态动词+have done”结构的用法上。

步骤二:习题前置, 以“题”带“点”

根据考试说明中的要求, 教师精选、整合、组编好相关有代表性的习题, 并在课堂上对学生进行当堂检测;把复习内容的知识点、重点、难点、易错点以及问题的形式渗透在组编的前置习题中, 所挑选习题的质量是保证此种复习模式成功实施的前提和基础, 学生参与课堂检测是课堂教学有效性的有力保证。

【考点呈现】 (以考点一为例)


1.He could/was able to explain difficult problems in simple terms._________

2.What can I do for you?_________

3.The story can’t be true./What can he be doing now?_________

4.Jogging can be harmful to health.__________

5.We could have attended it.But we have a lot of work to do.__________

6.He couldn’t have gone to Beijing for I saw him a minute ago._________

7.You cannot be too careful./You cannot be careful enough.__________


考点三:must和have to的用法


考点五:should/ought to的用法


考点七:used to的用法 (可用作情态动词或实义动词)

考点八:need和dare (可用作情态动词或实义动词)

考点九:had better的用法

步骤三:归纳总结, 体系构建

在这个过程中, 教师成为课堂的引领者, 学生作为课堂的主人, 在教师的引领下讲思路、讲方法、讲答案, 最后进行归纳总结。通过对前置习题的反馈, 教师对学生的掌握情况已有所了解, 在教学过程中阐明重、难点, 所做的讲解应集中在学生解决不了的问题上。学生能自主解决的问题, 由学生自主完成, 充分发挥学生的主观能动性。

本堂课关于情态动词的语法讲解要点之一集中在“情态动词+have done”结构上, 而其中最容易被混淆的是could have done, should have done, might have done, would have done四种形式。这四种结构均可以表示虚拟, 即事情没有发生过;而could have done和might have done也可以表示事情做过了, 只不过其表示的可能性非常小;should have done也可以表示事情做过了, 译为“居然做了某件事”。

讲解要点之二集中在情态动词的典型用法上, 其中较难掌握的是shall的用法。shall与第一和第三人称连用时表示征求意见, 与第二和第三人称连用时表示警告、命令、威胁和要求, 与第三人称连用时表示法令条文的规定。

在讲解以上两个要点时, 教师如果只从理论上进行讲解, 学生依然难以牢固记忆, 但如果用例句进行讲解, 并参考上述考点中所列的语句, 学生则会更容易理解。而且, 当学生完成考点的比对后, 会更加明确自己的听课目的, 进而提升了听课效率。

步骤四:巩固提升, 当堂补练


2.Since nobody gave him and help or money, he_______have done research on his own.

3.Your eyes are so red.You______have slept well last night.

4.It is surprising that they_______the police the other day. (beat)

5.I______have passed the exam, but I was so careless.

6.We______have got the first prize, but we made a small mistake.

7.According to the judge, all the properties______be divided among the three sons.

8.If he continues doing so, he________get punished.

9.________they come in or just let them just wait outside?

10.It is stated that all the contestants_______wear uniforms during the course.


实施习题前置式复习的根本目的在于让教师充分了解学生学习中的问题和症结, 具体问题具体分析;在于提升课堂的教学效率, 向课堂要效率、向课堂要成绩, 当堂问题当堂解决, 减少学生的课后作业量;在于提升学生的课堂参与度, 把课堂还给学生, 把思维过程还给学生, 使学生成为自主的学习者;在于教学生学会学习, 学会发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题, 为其终身学习奠定基础。


