


阅读理解中的词义猜测 篇1

代词 (it, they, them, one等) 在文章中的指代作用

阅读理解中常常考查代词的用法, 考生应利用代词的承前指代作用, 把着眼点放在该代词之前的信息上, 认真分析。

例1.NMET2005全国卷C) 篇

Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story.And if they started again, Chen holds little hopes of catching the criminal.“We have more important things to do, ”he said.

仔细观察信息Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped……;if they started again, ……很容易发现句中“they”指代的是前边的信息Demands for money

52.The underlined word“they”in the last paragraph refers to______ (D)

A.Criminals B.geons

C.the stolen car D.demands for money


The President has started using look-alikes during some public appearances.Dave is offered to“serve his country”by becoming one.However, things go wrong.The President becomes ill and Dave ends up acting as the president forever.

从信息the president has started using look-alikes以及Dave is offered to“serve his country”by becoming one.可以看出句中one指代a look-alike.

62.The underlined word“one”in the 2nd paragraph refers to____ (D)

A.the president B.the director

C.an actor D.a look-alike

解题指导:阅读理解中的代词it, they, them, one等有承前指代作用, 抓住代词前的相关信息是解题的关键。


对于阅读理解中的词义猜测, 考生应注重该词语后的信息, 并结合文章的大意主旨进行预测。

例1.What is really said is that the young try to imitate their heroes, they like to wear the same clothes and follow their lifestyle.If the heroes of today for the Americans are limited only to rock stars, athletes, and actors, the future does not look too bright.

仔细观察imitate their heroes之后的信息they like to wear the same clothes and follow their lifestyle.imitate在此为copy“模仿”.

解题指导:考生应充分利用划线词后的定语从句和同位语 (从句) 进行推测, 因为它们分别对前边的词有补充和说明作用。

例2.Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind.

插入语that is (to say) 之后的信息是对前边内容的进一步解释, 从she can’t make up her mind可以看出indecisive为“优柔寡断”之意。

解题指导:插入语that is, i.e., namely, or (或者) in other words, I mean, for example, such as破折号“——”冒号 (:) 等往往是对前边的内容进行解释和说明。

例3.With the development of modern industry, many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily life are creating a number of waste products, while upset the environment balance.利用关联词while (at the same time as) 与creating对应, upset是break之意。

例4.Mary was chattering with others while Elizer remained quiet all the time.通过while表示“对比”之意, quiet的反义词chatter为“喋喋不休”之意。 (对比法)

解题指导:利用关联词and, while, but, however, moreover, nevertheless, because, so, 表示顺承, 对比, 转折, 因果, 让步等关系, 考生结合文章大意进行逻辑推理。

例5.NMET2000阅读理解 (C) 篇

One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information.Quite the reverse, Business, politics, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information.从quite the reverse之前的信息perfect information与其之后的信息imperfect information, 并结合构词知识可以推测quite the reverse为“相反”之意。

61, Which of the following can be used in place of“Quite the reverse”?

A.Quite right B.True enough C.Most unlikely D.Just the opposite.


例6.As the disease has developed to advanced stage, the cancer is inoperable.

Inoperable为生词, 前缀“in”表否定, 后缀able表示“可……的”中间词干operate意为“手术”, 可知inoperable为“不可手术的”。

解题指导:在阅读文章过程中, 考生可以利用所学的构词法通过词的合成, 转化, 特别是由前、后缀派生出来的词等, 结合文章主旨, 大胆预测。如:misunderstand, disagree inconvenient impolite……;enlarge (扩大) endanger redesign等等。


高考阅读理解中划线的短语和句子往往是旨在考查考生的推理判断能力, 考生应当着眼于全文。


While men have long spent their time fishing and playing golf, women have sometimes seemed to become unnoticed asthey age.But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人) , and the same people who refused their parents’way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old.

从文章中the same people who refused their parents’way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old可以得出the baby boomers是一群试图过着与她们的父母不同的新生活的人。

45.From the text, we know that the“baby boomers”are a group of people who_________. (D)

A.have gradually become more noticeable

B.are worried about getting old too quickly

C.are enjoying a good life with plenty of money to spend.

D.tried living a different life from their parents when they were young.

阅读理解中的词义猜测 篇2


作 者:陈和秋  作者单位:四川省古蔺县中学校,四川,古蔺,646500 刊 名:读写算(教育教学研究) 英文刊名:DUYUXIE 年,卷(期):2010 “”(7) 分类号: 关键词: 

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高考英语阅读理解中的词义猜测方法 篇3

〔中图分类号〕 G633.41〔文献标识码〕 C

〔文章编号〕 1004—0463(2007)08(A)—0041—01

1. 根据文中的解释或定义猜测生词的含义

以生词的解释或定义为线索猜测词义是进行快速阅读最常见的一种办法。如果在文章中出现比较生僻的词时,文中又能找出类似to be defined as,to be called,that is to say,to mean,to refer to,to be known as等对生词作出解释的语境线索,就可以领悟出该词的意思。如:

Pantomime refersto ashort play in which no words arespoken.

此例中refers to 具有解释功能,再加上in which引导的定语从句提供的信息,pantomime的意思就很清楚了,意为“哑剧”。

2. 根据生活常识或经验猜测生词的含义


Most of the flowers are beginning to wither because of the cold and dry weather.


3. 根据同义词或近义词猜测生词的含义

通常情况下作者为了更清楚地表达自己的意思,往往用一个同义词或近义词解释另一个比较难的词,这些同义或近义词为学生推断词义提供了明显的线索。or,like,as…as,the same as,similarly等都可作为引出同义词的标志性词语。如:

Mr Smith loves to talk,and his wife is similarly loquacious.

很显然由similarly这个语境线索,可推测出loquacious意为love to talk.

4. 根据反义词或转折关系来猜测生词的含义

有时作者会用一些反义词来揭示事物的不同点,这些反义词无疑为学生猜测词义提供了非常好的线索。常见的提供反义线索的词有:but,yet,however,whereas,while,although,in spite of,despite,instead of,on the other hand, on the contrary, rather than, unlike等。如:

Unlike the United States,where many different nationalities make up the population,Japan’s population is quite homogeneous.

此句中unlike为反义线索,表明different nationalities和homogeneous形成反义,因而猜测出homogeneous意为“单一的”。

5. 根据举例、列举来猜测生词的含义

作者为了讲清楚一抽象概念,通常会在下文中举一个例子,使抽象的东西变得具体一些,这时候下文的这个例子自然就成了学生理解生词的线索。作者举例和列举时常用for example,for instance,such as,like,include等词语。如:

You can borrow these periodicals from the library,like Nature,News Society,News Week.


6. 根据标点符号的信息功能来猜测生词的含义


The nurse is on the night shift——from midnight to 7:00 pm.


7. 根据定语从句提供的信息来猜测词义


He began to shave his whiskers,which had grown thick on both cheeks.


8. 根据因果关系来猜测生词的含义

因果关系是猜测词义的又一有效途径,因为一定的原因会导致一定的结果。作者往往会把一些词或句子置于一种因果关系之中,为读者猜测词义提供了很好的线索。常见的表示因果关系的词有since,as,because,for,so,therefore,result in,result from,for this reason,as a result,so…that,such…that,due to,owing to等。

All his attempts to unlock the door were futile because he was using the wrong key.


9. 根据构词法知识来猜测生词的含义


As we all know,when a scientist misuses his wisdom,he will do great harm to man and society.

在英语阅读中如何猜测词义 篇4


常用词有for example, for instance, such as, like, namely, including等词语。

例一:Scientists hope to use tiny chemical sensors on the fish to find sources of potentially hazardous substances in the water, such as underwater pipeline leaks (泄露) .

通过文中后面举的例子underwater pipeline leaks可以猜测出是潜在的“危险”物质。


常见转折或对比的词:but, yet, however, whereas, while, although, in spite of, despite, instead of, on the other hand, rather than, unlike等。表示因果关系的词:since, as, because, for, so, therefore, result in, result from, for this reason, as a result, so…that, such…that, due to, owing to等。

例二:I think the summer league will be good for him and his team, whichever team drafts (选秀) him.I was not in the summer league the year Rockets drafted me, which resulted in an arduous start.A strong B tough C lucky D successfully.

“夏季联赛对他有好处, 在修斯顿火箭队选秀我那年, 我就没有参加夏季联赛, ”根据与前文“好处”对比解释猜测出“导致一个 (B) 艰难或不好的开端”。

例三:Even in the best conditions, no activity can be risk-free。But most hazards are preventable.



例四:He was a prestidigitator who amused the children by pulling rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.

此句中who引导的定语从句对生词作出了详细的解释, 根据解释可知prestidigitator是“变戏法的人”。


例五:Happiness is very elusive.It can change from time to time.You may be happy now but feel sorrow later.We have ups and downs, no one can be sure what happens in the future.And when it happens, all your happiness will disappear.

根据下文描述“幸福不断在变化, 你可能现在幸福, 但以后感觉痛苦…”判断elusive为“多变的” (difficult to describe) .


用来表示定义或释义的提示语有:mean, refer to, be described as, be known as, be called, that is, or, in other words等。

例六:The enemy soldiers surrendered, that is, threw their weapons and walked out with their hands above their heads.插入语that is后面就是对surrendered的释义:扔出武器, 双手举过头顶走出来。由此可知, surrender是“投降”之意。



例七:Every August on the island of Heimaey, off the southern coast of Iceland, young people often take a walk along the streets throughout the night.Why?The children of Heimaey are going to save young puffins--small black-white seabirds.

通过破折号后面的内容small black-white seabirds对puffins的解释, 可猜出是一种海鸟。


例八:I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media。They ac-tually feed off each other.根据日常生活的常识和相关的前文的介绍可猜出媒体之间互相“依赖”。


例九:Baker concludes that people do not have the a-bility to sense when they're being stared at.If people doubt the outcome of his two experiments, said Baker, “I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves.”

通过词组come out的意思“露出、出现”以及语境, 可猜测其意思为“结果”。

初中英语阅读理解中猜测词义的方法 篇5




1.It is careless of you to do that work.

2. Uncle Wang didn’t go bed till midnight.

我们所学的词有不少由两个词合并而成的,了解到一些构词方面的知识后,也有助于记忆单词,如:book +shop/ bookshop, note +book/ notebook, out +side/outside, in +side/ inside, shop+ keeper/ shopkeeper, walk +man/walkman, how +ever/however等都是通过合成词变化而来的。我们从课本中发现不少单词可以通过派生法来记忆,如:usual+ ly/ usually, walk +ing/ walking, swim +er(-ing)/ swimmer(swimming)等。例1由care-careful-carefully的构词法,我们知道其意思,而-less是表示其反义的后缀词,推断careless是“粗心、不小心”;例2由已学过mid-autumn(中秋),可知midnight的意思是“半夜”,整个句子表示“他直到半夜才睡觉”。



1. They export a lot of fruit, such as apples, oranges, lemons and so on.

2. What is a vacuum? It’s an empty place without any air.


3. Ventilation, as you know, is a system or way of providing fresh air. It plays a very important part in the field of engineering.


4. If you are able to work twelve hours a day without a rest, and if you can do physical exercise for hours with getting tired, then you are indefatigable.



有时一些词语比较熟悉,可在实际情况中,也不是按正常的解释进行理解。如come on是动词短语,在口语中,它只是用于祈使句,意为“来”“加油”“快点”“得啦”等。如果它用在书面语中,再用此类意思来翻译就行不通。如:

1. It came on to rain. 天开始下雨了。

2. You go first. I’ll come on at once. 你先走,我马上跟着来。

3. I hope his plans are coming on well. 我希望他的计划进展顺利。

由此可见,come on在书面语中有不同的含义。在碰到一词多义的情况下,要结合实际判断其在句子中出现的含义。

英语教学中猜测词义阅读技巧培养 篇6

所谓的猜测词义是指在阅读过程中从对语篇的信息、逻辑、背景知识及语言结构等综合理解出发去猜测或推测某一生词、难词、关键词的词义, 它是一种非常有用的阅读技巧。是提高阅读速度的最重要手段之一。获得这种阅读技巧之后, 学生在阅读过程中就能很快通过上下文提供的线索或生词本身的结构特点推断出词义来。可以大大减少花在查字典上的时间, 从而提高阅读速度和阅读能力。


要想用猜测词义的方法来提高英语阅读能力和技巧, 我们可从以下多种方法下意识地进行阅读。


例如:But sometimes, no rain falls for a long, long time.Then there is a dry period, or drought.从drought所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨, 于是便有一段干旱的时期, 即drought, 由此可见drought意思为“久旱”, “旱灾”。而a dry period和drought是同义语。这种同义或释义关系常由is, or, that is, in other words, be called或破折号等来表示。如在be called等判断词出现的判断句中可根据已知部分猜测生词的含义。有时我们还可根据定语从句或同位语对其修饰的先行词的词义做出推测。


通过因果关系猜词, 首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系, 然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词 (如because, as, since, for, so, thus, as a result, of course, therefore等等) 表示前因后果。例如:You shouldn't have blamed him for that, for i wasn't his fault.通过for引出的句子所表示的原因 (那不是他的错) , 可猜出blame的词义是“责备”。because, since与as是连结原因状语从句的.从属连词。so是连结表示结果的并列句的连词。so that与such that中的that是连结结果状语从句的短语。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中通过因果关系依据已知部分就能猜出生词的词义。请观察以下的句子:1.She wanted the hair dresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long.2The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow.作者在叙述原因的过程中, 必然会把词或句子置于一种因果关系的逻辑之中, 这无疑为读者推断生词词义提供了很好的线索。作者通常会用一些信号词表示句子之间的因果关系, 这些信号词有since, as, because, for, so, thus, consequently, therefore, hence, due to, result from, as a result, for this reason, accordingly, so that, so...that, such...that


通过自身的生活经验及生活常识, 再根据上下文能读懂的部分可以正确猜出词义。下面文字中斜体单词的词义你能猜出来吗? (1) .Birds fly with their wings and they pick up their food and then eat them with their beaks and they use their claws for tearing, seizing, pulling or holding objects. (2) .Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. (3) .Children are always boasting.They say things like“My Dad's car is bigger than your Dad's, ”“My Mom is smarter than yours.”“My family has more money than yours.”The word“boasting”means__B___A.骄傲B.吹牛C.顽皮D.幼稚 (4) .Many plants and animals are going extinct.Mammoths, which are related (有关联的) with Asia elephants, are now extinct.There are no mammoths in the world today. (1) A mammoth is a kind of_C___.A.plant B.bird C.animal D.tree (2) The word extinct means_C_A.出现B.危险C.灭绝


描述即作者为帮助读者更深更感性地了解某人或某物而对该人或该物作出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写。例如:Thepenguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole.It is fat and walks in a funny way.Although it can not fly, it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.从例句的描述中可以得知pen-guin是一种生活在南极的鸟类。后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性。


(1) Some people like to walk quickly home after work, but I prefer to stroll home and look at the store windows along the way. (溜达)

(2) She is usually prompt for all her classes, but today she arrives quite late. (准时的)

(3) The door is so low that I hit my head on the lintel. (门梁)


例如:Bananas, oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas.假如pineapples和coconuts是生词, 可以从这两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大致的意思。从句中不难看出pineapples, coconuts和bananas, oranges是同类关系, 同属fruit类, 因此它们是两样水果, 准确地说, 是菠萝和椰子。


同等关系指的是一个词一组词或短语在句中作同一成分且词义都属于同一范畴。明显的标志是这样的词组或短语中间常常用并列连词and或or来连接。例如1.At forty-two, he was in his prime and always full of energy.2.Are people born intelligent or stupid从年龄42岁以及与prime具有同等关系的full of energy可以猜出prime的意思是盛年时期。从选择连词or还是以及与intelligent处于同等位置的stupid愚蠢的可以猜测intelligent是聪明的意思。


通过同义词猜词, 一是要看由and或or连接的同义词词组, 如happy and gay, 即使我们不认识gay这个词, 也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词, 如Man has known something about the planets-Venus, Mars, and Jupiter with the help of spaceships.此句中的Venus (金星) 、Mars (火星) 、Jupiter (木星) 均为生词, 但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于“行星”这一义域。通过反义词猜词, 一是看表转折关系的连词或副词, 如but, while, however等;二是看与not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语, 如:He is so homely, not at all as handsome as his brother.根据not at all...handsome我们不难推测出homely的意思, 即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。


如You can take any of the periodicals-The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in Schools or English Learning.从后面列举的例子可以猜出periodical是期刊杂志的意思。

1 0、根据构词法知识猜测词义

根据学过的构词法知识, 知道词根和前、后缀的意义就可猜出由它们组成的新词词义。如The colors of Hawaii in summer are unforgettable.根据构词法和已熟悉的词forget我们可以知道unforgettable就是令人难忘的意思。在阅读文章时, 总会遇上一些新词汇, 有时很难根据上下文来推断其词意, 而它们对文章的理解又有着举足轻重的作用, 此时, 如掌握了一些常用的词根、前缀、后缀等语法知识, 如前缀un-表反义词, 如happy、unhappy, fair、unfair, important、unimportant等;后缀-ment表名词, 如develop、development, state、statement, argue、ar gument等;后缀-er、-or或-ist表同源名词;如calculate、calculator, visit、visitor, law、lawyer, wait、waiter, sci-ence、scientist, art、artist等, 这些问题便不难解决了。

1 1、根据信号词猜测词义

作者也经常使用一些重述信号词, 这些信号词有in other words, that is to say, or that is。表示列举关系的信号词有like, for example, for instance, such as, especially, include, consist of, specially等。常用来表示对应关系和提供相反信息的信号词有, but, yet, however, while, whereas, otherwise, in spite of, despite, even though, although, thought, unlike, unstead (of) , rather than, nevertheless, on the other hand, still, by contrast, on the contrary, in the end, compared to等。



1.The word“…”means___in Chinese.

2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to____?

3.The word“…”could best be replaced by______.

4.In Para2, the underlined word/sentence“…”means/ refers to_____.


通过语境猜测词义。通过文章主题和上下文的逻辑关系, 来推测出生词或句子的含义。要求词不离句, 句不离篇。从对两种事物或现象进行对比的描述中, 推断出词义来。

2. 根据定义猜测词义。

定义的形式通常有:用一个句子或段落给生词定义, 使用破折号、冒号后面的内容或引号、括号中的内容对生词加以解释或定义。

3. 通过经验及生活常识猜测词义。在阅读文章的基础上利用自己对日常生活的理解和判断来完成对单词的猜测。

例如:The famous fat and lazy cat Garfield is coming to China.In the“Garfield The Movie”, Garfield acts with real actors.He will make you laugh with clever and funny words.Sometimes he’s not friendly to his ower John Arbuckle.One day, John brings Odie, a dog, into his home.Odie is cute.He gets all John’s love.This turns Garfield’s world upside down.Garfield wants the dog out of the house and his life.One night, he kicks Odie out of the house.But later Garfield finds a TV star caught Odie!The man wants to use the dog in his shows.Garfield feels sorry for Odie.He thinks he’s wrong.He wants to make up for it.So Garfield gets off his favorite chair to try to save his friend.

What does“make up”mean in this passage?

A.看笑话B.弥补C.哭泣D.询问答案是B。这是通过整篇语境来猜测词义。由题意可知:Garfield对Odie的到来感到很讨厌, 于是在一个晚上Garfield把Odie踢出了房间, 可后来Garfield认识到了自己的错误, 由“Garfield feels sorry for Odie.He thinks he’s wrong.”可以看出。由最后一句话中的“try to save his friend”可以看出:他这样做的目的是为了弥补自己的错误。所以本题应该选B。

初中的阅读一般生词比较少 (所以单词是基础) , 只有个别的生词, 所以心态要好。当遇到生词时也不要紧张, 可以根据上下文和文章的意思来猜这个词的意思。做阅读之前可以先读题, 找出题目的关键词。再读文章。当读到有题目中的关键词时, 可以用铅笔画下来 (做完后可以擦掉) , 这对答题很有帮助, 可以很快找到原文。一般初中的阅读理解5道题中有4道题会在原文中找到根据, 这也是你需要勾画的地方, 便于检查。另外还有1道是选文章的题目或者推断, 这需要对原文的意思有大体的了解, 再来选择答案, 可以用排除法。

另外如果每天有多余的时间, 建议你可以做一篇阅读理解, 逐渐就会找到做题的感觉, 做起题也会更轻松。还有可准备小本子, 课后阅读遇到的新词汇, 注意积累并复习, 做成卡片。课前5分钟复习, 抢答、5个单词5个短语, 成功感, 积少成多。图片、多媒体课件用英语进行故事发展预测, 借助图片读懂故事和小短文-。培养学生默读习惯、成组意群视读、略读习惯寻读习惯 (时间、地点、人物、事件) 、猜词习惯。阅读限时习惯。快又准小组加分, 阅读评价。配以彩图、磁带。注意读的互动训练。利用各种资源, 唤起学生阅读兴趣, 训练阅读技能, 提高阅读速度。

摘要:初中英语阅读策略包括猜测词义、分析、判断、推理、归纳总结、预测等内容。阅读理解考项中总有一些题测试考生据上下文和构词法猜出生词词义或旧词具有新意的能力。例如The underlined word "family" in the second paragraph means______.A.home B.children C.wife and husband D.wife and children" family"是我们很熟悉的词了, 意为家庭, 但以这个意思理解"family"的话我们就无法选择答案了。如果我们结合上下文The baker with his wife and family was able to getout through a window in the roof.就很容易看出family其实指children (子女) 所以答案为B。并不是碰到生词就查字典而是根据语境去猜测生词。读英语文章时应养成这样的习惯和能力。



[1]叶丽珍.英语阅读猜词技巧与训练[M], 华中科技大学出版社, 2001.


阅读理解中的词义猜测 篇7

词义理解, 在不少教师看来, 只要让学生对照单词表的中文翻译直接记住就是了, 可事实上, 这种做法合理吗?暂不论大量的单词放在一块儿学生识记有困难, 而且还会导致只知其一, 不知其二的片面理解。如教材中“blue”一词将它的中文意思表示为“蓝色的”, 而英文本身的词义是非常多样化的, 其实还有“忧郁的, 沮丧的”意思, 例如, “There’s no earthly reason for me to feel so blue.” (我完全没有理由感到如此低落。) 因此, 对学生来说没有真正的感悟往往会产生歧义。

在英语阅读中学生往往会遇到“拦路虎”——生词, 这无疑会影响学生对句子及文章的理解, 那该怎么处理这种情况呢?很多学生会拿出词典一一查实, 这不但降低了阅读速度, 很多阅读任务在规定的时间内无法完成, 在考试中体现得尤为明显。而行之有效的方法之一就是猜!猜词性、词义, 猜生词在句子中的意义及作用。这种理解是即时性的、而且和文本紧密联系, 有理解的过程, 不易忘记。《义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) 》语言技能五级目标中明确指出学生“能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。”可见猜测词义是一项阅读技能中的基本要求, 也是近年来中考阅读理解中的常见题型。

培养学生在英语阅读中的词义猜测能力, 不仅能训练学生在考试中的领悟力、应变力, 还能提升阅读速度, 扩大阅读量, 有效培养学生的语感。那如何才能灵活自如地指导学生运用猜词能力, 并猜得合理, 猜得准确呢?下面笔者将从几个方面展开探讨:

1.联系并拓展教材, 在扩大词汇量中打下理解基础

对于初中学生来说, 掌握3300个词汇是一个起点, 在这个基础上, 学生能阅读一般难度的文章。如果没有词汇的原始积累, 学生将很难顺利展开有意义且快速的阅读, 也就不大可能在阅读中猜测生词的词义。因此, 老师应该在平时的教学中, 有意识地引领学生利用课外的时间, 尽量阅读一些与课程内容相关的富有思想性和趣味性的内容, 达到提高学生的阅读训练、拓宽学生的阅读渠道的目的。例如, 学习了人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 7《How do you make a banana milk shake?》后, 老师可以设计这样的题目:既然大家了解了“舌尖上的美味”的制作过程, 我们来阅读一篇有关“舌尖上的浪费”的文章, 大家就会懂得现在所提倡的“光盘行动”——Foodwaste, which has become a global issue, serves as a mirror that reflects various culturaland societal issues in different countries... (食物浪费已成为一个全球性问题, 像一面镜子一样折射出各国不同的文化与社会问题……) 在阅读中, 如果遇到生词, 可以先猜测词义, 做完题目后, 将遇到的生词查词典核实一遍, 记录在自己的笔记本上, 积累词汇。学生对这种“中西美食文化+时事”的趣味性题材会给予很大的关注与热情。话题新鲜, 题材具有时代感, 学生的阅读兴趣会明显提高。学生能在阅读中培养语感, 累积词汇, 从而为猜词奠定扎实的基础。

2.联系语言环境, 在理解与比较中提升能力

上下文是指一个词或词所在的句子或这个句子前后的其他句子或所在段落, 甚至整篇文章。一个词有很多意思, 如果不能将词放在上下文构成的语言环境中, 是很难准确地推测出文章所叙述的内容、作者的观点和写作意图的。中考中依托语境, 进行上下文猜测词义的题型主要有:The underlined word“...”in Paragraph...refers to________.In Paragraph..., the underlined word“...”can be best translated into________.The underlined word“...”in the passage means“________”.What does the underlined word“...”most probably mean?The underlined word“...”in the passage means“________”in Chinese.The under-lined word“ours”in Paragraph 3 refers to________.

例如:On Monday I tried to teach herhow to call 911, but she couldn’t do it.


A.911.B.Calling 911.C.Walking.


解析:根据上文“I tried to teach her how to call 911...”可知是指打911电话。如果只是孤立地看单词是什么意思, 是很难得出正确答案的。答案为B。

因此, 老师应指导学生在平时的阅读训练中, 一定要将词放在具体的语言背景中、它所处的具体的句子或段落中去理解体会真正的意思。或者假设词义, 将其置于句子中, 联系上下文检查是否能读通, 能否表达出作者的写作意图, 来判读猜词是否正确。

此外, 在阅读时, 老师提示学生注意一些信号词, 例如表对比和转折的标志词however、but、yet、despite、rather than、even though、unlike、on the other hand、instead等;表解释说明的词such as、for example、like、namel、and、for instance、especially、include、consist of;表因果关系的词as a result (of) 、because (of) 、thus、so、due to、result in/from、now that、accordingly、consequently、hence、in that、now that、on account of、thanks to、therefore等。如果能有效地巧用这些信号词, 推断出正确含义是非常容易的。

3.联系构词法, 在举一反三中掌握规律

在猜词过程中, 利用构词法, 通过观察、分析单词的前缀、后缀及构成, 也能判断出词性、词义。这对帮助学生阅读文章, 扩大词汇量是很有帮助的。前缀表方向, 后缀表词义。在阅读中应教会学生运用前缀、后缀、合成、转化构词法来猜测词义。

首先, 要求学生掌握一些常见的词缀及含义:

前缀:pro-表示“往前”;pre-表示“在前, 领先”;per-表示“每个, 都”;re-表示“往回, 再次”;in-表示“往里”;up表示“往上”;un-表示“相反的”...



例如:expect和reason这两个词是五级词汇中要求掌握的词, 而在阅读中碰到“unexpected和unreasonable”该如何猜词义呢?

Such is life that we all have high expecta-tions but the consequences are sometimes unex-pected. (生活就是如此, 期望越高, 往往失望也在所难免。)

解析:unexpected由词根expect (期望;指望) +前缀un (表相反的) +后缀ed (形容词后缀) 构成, 可推知其意为“不是所期望的”即“意外的, 想不到的, 失望的”。

This is an unreasonable decision. (这是一个不合理的决定。)

解析:unreasonable由词根reason (理由;动机) +前缀un (表相反的) +后缀able (形容词后缀) 构成, 可推知其意为“不合理由的”。在阅读中碰到合成词, 可以将其拆分, 这样有利于理解词义。例如snowfall由snow (雪) 和fall (下) 组成, 因此, snowfall的意思为“下雪”;horse-riding由horse (马) 和riding (骑) 组成, 因此, horse-riding的意思为“骑马”等。

4.联系生活常识, 在推断中挖掘阅读信心

语言是记录生活的载体, 因此阅读材料与生活是息息相关, 密不可分的。学生所学习的各科是相互交融, 相辅相成的。在日常的阅读中碰到生词, 如果不能利用上下文及构词法猜测词义时, 可以引领学生积极调动日常生活常识, 作出推理、判断, 揣摩作者的真正意图, 这样也能帮助猜测生词的准确含义。

例如:His driver’s license was suspended due to his serious over-speed records. (他严重的多次超速记录使得他被吊销了驾照。)

解析:通过“due to his serious over-speed records (严重的多次超速记录) ”导致了“His driver’s license”被停止使用, 但有的学生理解为驾照被没收, 联系生活经验可知, 没收还没用, 必须在管理中心取消档案, 所以dismissed即“吊销”的意思。

阅读理解中的词义猜测 篇8


培养学生的阅读能力在大学英语教学中有举足轻重的作用。同时, 由于目前学生仍然要参加大学英语四、六级考试, 而考试中对学生阅读理解能力的测试占有很大的比重, 因此, 必须培养学生掌握正确的阅读技能和策略以提高其独立阅读的能力。这就要求大学英语阅读教学一定要建立在策略教学基础之上。近年来对大学英语阅读策略的实用性和操作性研究备受重视。在诸多策略中, 就词义猜测、句意理解题的解题攻略更为根本。词义猜测、句意理解题是指针对文章中的某个单词、短语或句子, 就含义设问的试题。本文通过实例谈一谈这类题目的解题攻略。

1 命题形式

1.1 从猜测的对象看, 主要有对单词、短语和句子的猜测


1) The underlined word“assertiveness”in the last paragraph probably means___.

2) The underlined words“leisure industry”in paragraph 3refer to___.

3) The underlined part in paragraph 2 most probably means that games can___.

1.2 从猜测的内容看, 主要有对含义的猜测和对指代的猜测。如:

含义猜测:The underlined word“outlawed”in paragraph 2means___.

指代猜测:The underlined word“rainbow”in the last paragraph refers to___.

2 解题攻略与实例分析

阅读材料是由一个一个的单词构成的, 每个单词都是有机整体的一部分, 因此做这类题目时一定要根据上下文所提供的特定语境来推测判断词义。

2.1 针对性的解释

针对性解释是作者为了更好地表达思想, 在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或高深的词汇等所做的通俗化的解释。这些解释提供的信息明确具体, 所使用的语言通俗易懂。利用好解释, 词义的猜测就较容易。

1) 根据定义或解释猜测词义。如:

However, what do we do with the time we have saved?certainly not relax, or so it seems。We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing, or even just one thing at a time.Perhaps the days are ling gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.

简析:文中the days的指代可以通过分析该句结构得知。when引导定语从句修饰the days。所以要弄清the days指的是什么, 只需看when引导的定语从句即可。所以the days是指simple life in the past。

2) 根据具体实例猜测词义。如:

With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen, decided to become a writer.Here too, reading became useful.Every writer stars off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it.He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees of disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world.He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other people's writing can one discover what works, what doesn't and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has.

简析:文中voice的意思可以根据该词前后的语境得知。“Every writer starts off...”句是一个具体的实例来说明one's own choice的, 通过分析该实例可知voice的意思是a way of writing。

2.2 内在逻辑关系

1) 根据对比关系猜测词义。如:

When something goes wrong, it can be very satisfying to say, “Well, it's so-and-so's fault.”It is probably not your fault, but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are loser.You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation.However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation.This is the winner's key to success.

简析:这个段落中remedy的意思的确定取决于是否注意到文中however这个词。因为however表示转折或前后对比, 所以依据however前部分中出现的a bad situation, 可以推断动词remedy是使…变好, 即改善 (improve) 的意思。

2) 根据因果关系猜测词义。如:

I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train.I did not particularly relish the long journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread.I looked about the train.There was not one familiar face.I sighed and sat down to read my Economy.

简析:文中relish的意思可以从该词前后半句描述获得。 (因为) 我不relish长途旅行, 我买了些杂志反复看。所以relish的意思一定是enjoy。

3) 根据同义、近义、并列、替代、说明等关系猜测词义。如:

Large chunks of ice and snow melt very slowly.Once they begin to thaw, several weeks of warm weather may be required before they are totally dissolved.

简析:文中thaw和dissolved的意思可以从第一句中mel得到, 因为主语“大块的冰和雪”在第二句中用they指代, 可见第二句是进一步说明melt。所以thaw和dissolved都是melt的意思。

3 结束语

从以上实例看, 根据上下文猜测词义是一项重要的阅读技能。另外, 在做具体的阅读理解题时, 要根据实际情况灵活运用、综合运用解题技巧也同样重要。只有这样才能提高解题的准确度。


[1]程晓堂, 郑敏.英语学习策略[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002:25-28.

英语词义猜测妙方有几多 篇9

1. 利用文章的上下文来猜测词义

生词不是孤立的、封闭的。有些生词的意义可通过具体的语言环境, 上下文提供的信息来判断, 甚至它们所在的句子、段落都会提供很多的暗示和线索。例如:The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.句中有lintel这个生词, 句意为“门很低, 以致我的头撞在……”由此可联想到“头”是撞在“横梁”上了。

2. 利用同义词、近义词、反义词猜测词义

在生词所处的上下文中, 有时会出现一些与之同义或近义的词语, 这时可从熟悉的词语中推测出生词含义。例如:Mr White loves to talk and his wife is similarly loquacious.其中, loquacious是个生词, 但根据similarly一词可推断出loquacious与love to talk表述的意思一致, 即“多嘴的, 爱说话的”。对比是描述、说明事物常用的方法, 根据对比关系可从已知推出未知。例如:This box is full of books, but that one is empty, it's so light.“full”意为“满的”。两个box对比, 可推断出empty即为“空的”。

3. 根据常识及经验猜测词义

例如:Water freezes at zero degree centigrade.我们都知道“水在零摄氏度结冰。”由此不难推断出centigrade意为“摄氏度”。无论是构词法提示, 还是上下文及信号词等方面的提示, 它们都是来自于语言本身的提示。但在实际阅读中读者有时还要运用非语言知识提示来提高自己的分析能力, 力图去理解阅读中的生词, 以明确把握作者的意图。再如:Awakening suddenly from sound sleep and being pushed quickly into a blinding 1ight, we blink our eyes and our first movements are uncertain.如果某人突然从沉睡中被惊醒, 且马上被推置于刺眼的强光之中, 那么人的眼睛会怎样?很显然人们都会眨眼睛, 而blink正是此义。

4. 利用定义猜测词义

有些文章, 特别是科技文章, 通常会给一些关键词下定义, 我们可以利用这些定义来猜测这些词的意思。例如:People have found that he is a pedant, he can't do anything but read.通过例子“他除了读书什么事也不会做”可以猜测出pedant的意思是“书呆子”。

5. 利用词义重复变化猜测词义

为了强调某个观点或把某件事叙述得更加明白, 作者有时会运用不同的词句来表达同一概念, 这时可以利用这些重复和表达形式来猜测词义。例如:Mr Brown was a nomad, an incurable wanderer who could never stay in one place.此句的后一部分实际上是对前一部分的重复表述, 通过上部分可以猜出nomad和wanderer的意思相同, 即“流浪者”。

6. 运用构词法知识猜测词义

词根是英语词汇最基本的组成部分, 表示词的基本意义, 前缀和后缀具有很强的构词能力。一般说来, 前缀表示词的意义, 后缀表示词的词性。平时常见的有:加前缀un-/in-/dis-, 一般表示“不, 非”, happy—unhappy等;加后缀-er/-or, 表示“人, 动作者”, travel—traveler;invent—inventer;加后缀-ly常构成副词;加后缀-y-ful/-able/-en/-ous/常构成形容词, health—healthy, care—careful等。

7. 根据语境和逻辑关系猜测词义

某些单词的词义并非很直观, 但在推理判断时要注意所给的信息, 语境常出现在短语、从句或一句话中。例如:Nancy is very smart, she is always the firs to answer the teacher's questions.由信息句中的“always the first to answer”可以判断“smart”即“聪明的”。

阅读理解中的词义猜测 篇10


在不少文章中,特别是科技文章,某些生词的词义会在下文中得到解释或说明。这些解释有时以定义、定语从句、同位语形式出现;有时用破折号、冒号等符号引出;还有时用that is,or,that is to say,in other words 等词语引出。


1. A carpenter is a person, who makes and repairs the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood.


2. Mary is indecisive, that is, she can not make up her mind.

indecisive一词我们可能没有学过,但作者用“she can not make up her mind”对它进行了解释,我们就不难猜出其有“优柔寡断”之意了。

3. The new edifice, a thirty-five-storey building, was finished last month.

其中edifice可能是生词,但它的同位语a thirty-five-storey building告诉我们它的词义是“一幢35层建筑物”——大厦。


好的作者经常把一些因果关系设在句中,以求读者能更好地理解其阐述的观点。而这些因果关系常常借助关联词,如:because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等表示出来。


1. The flowers in the vase withered because they had no water.


2. You shouldnt have blamed him for that,for it wasnt his fault.





Bob is the last boy to turn to for help. In fact he is as cunning as a fox.





1. This spill might be shocking; but it was hardly unforeseeable.


2. Jack is an intelligent, dependable boy.



为了说明或证实,不少文章中经常会举例,所列举的这些例子往往给读者提供了猜测生词词义的重要线索。常用的词语有:for example, for instance, such as, like, take ... as an example 等词语。


1. My cousin likes reading periodicals, such as Readers Digest, Information Week, Network Computing, the New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, etc.


2. You should buy some books of reference, such as dictionaries and hand books.endprint

我们可从所举例子dictionaries和hand books中,猜到reference是“参考”的意思。


一个句子中可能含有这样一个词,它与生词具有相反的意义,作者使用时常用on the other hand,however,although,yet,but,unlike,while,not等转折语提醒读者,表明作者要使用一个与生词具有相反意义的词语。


1. If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”.


2. Unlike her poverty-stricken parents, Helen was very rich after she became a world famous film star.


3. Wang Jun is always punctual for everything, but for some reason he was late for an important meeting last week.

我们根据but后面的内容he was late,可以知道划线生词punctual的意思与其相反,那么punctual的意思就是“准时的、守时的”。

4. A soldier must have armaments, just as a writer must have pens.





1. If Jack thinks he can invite me out, he is all wet. I dont like to be with him.

根据I dont like to be with him. 我们能感受到说话人的语气,“既然我不愿意和Jack在一起,那么,Jack要邀请我出去是不可能的,如果真是那样的话,他就大错而特错了。”根据上下文,不难推断出划线词语all wet是“大错特错”的意思。

2. In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of city to a dump. Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs and other places.





1. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.

根据生活常识,早上上班时和傍晚下班时交通拥挤的时段我们称为交通高峰期,而划线短语rush hour的意思就是“交通高峰时刻”。

2. Awakening suddenly from sound sleep and being pushed quickly into a blinking 1ight,we blink our eyes and our first movements are uncertain.


3. The heat of sun warms some ocean water. The surface of the water evaporates, forming a cloud of warm, wet air that moves upward.endprint





The proprietor or the owner of the sheep is a boy.





Bananas, oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas.





I will tell you the secret if you promise not to divulge it.





The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly, it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.






on blue days(在忧郁的日子里);

Jack arrived out of the blue(杰克出乎意料地来了).
