高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome


高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome(通用4篇)

篇1:高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome

高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome

Period One Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

To deepen Ss’ understanding of friendship

To practice Ss’ oral English by getting them involved in the discussion of friends and friendship

To learn the way to describe the characteristics of a true friend

Teaching procedures:


1. Listen to the song called Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长)

2. Show students some pictures about friends

3. Brainstorming questions:

1) Have you enjoyed the song? Can someone name the song ?

2) Can you guess the relationship between the ones in the pictures?

3) Do you have any good friends? How many are they?

4) Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with others? Why?

5) Do you know the concept of “friendship”? Try to explain.

6) In your opinion, what does a real friendship consist of ?

Ⅱ. Picture talking:

Talk about the pictures and proverbs with your partner. Try to discuss the following questions:

Picture 1,

1) Where are the two girls?

2) What are they doing ?

3) How long they spend speaking to each other?

4) Do you think they enjoy each other’s company?

5) What do you think ‘Friends are thieves of time.’ mean?

Picture 2,

1) What do you use a mirror for?

2) What are the two girls doing?

3) Do you think the girl on the right is a good friend? Why?

4) Do you have a good friend? Does he/she often give you advice?

5) What do you think the proverb ‘The best mirror is an old friend’ mean?

Picture 3,

1) What is the taller boy doing ?

2) Why does he do so?

3) Do you think it possible for a person to buy friendship?

4) In your opinion, what is the base of a good friendship?

Picture 4,

1) Do you think friends should be the same age and share the same hobbies and interests?

2) What does the proverb ‘True friends have hearts that beat as one.’

Ⅲ. Story-telling

Tell a story happened between you and your best friend.

Ⅳ. Discussion

1) What a true friend should be like?

A friend is someone who

---you respect and who respects you

---shares your happiness and sorrow

---is trustworthy

---is honest, loving

---is devoted and loyal to you

---is selfless

2) Try to think of more proverbs related to friendship.

For example,

A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

A man who has friends must show himself friendly.


Ⅴ. Extending

More proverbs about friendship

Ⅵ. Conclusion

What else can be our friends besides human beings?

There are many answers to this question. e. g. a dog, a cat, a dictionary, a computer, a toy car, a mobile phone, a TV set…

As long as we have love

Ⅷ. Homework

Smile to your friends. Finish the passage in Part B. on page 95 in Workbook..Preview the reading part.

篇2:高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome

(Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper word to complete the proverbs)

1)A friend in __________ is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。

2)A friend is a second ________. 朋友乃第二个自我。

3) A faithful friend is hard to _______. 知音难觅。

4) A friend is easier ______ than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。

5) A good friend is my nearest _________. 好友即至亲。

6) The best __________ is a friend’s eye. 朋友的眼睛是最好的镜子。

7) A friend without ___________ will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。

8) The most precious of all possessions is a _________ and loyal friend.


9) Real friendship is more ____________ than money. 纯真的友谊比金钱更有价值。

10) The vital elements of true friendship are the sharing of ideals, mutual ________, mutual help.


II. Word study

develop v. (1) 使成长,发展,壮大(grow bigger/stronger)

(2)开发、研制 (new idea/product)

(3) 加强、增强(become better) (4) 冲印(photographs)

adj. developed developing

n. development with the development of economy/science and technology…

Complete the following sentences with proper forms of “develop”:

1) To her delight, her child is _________________ normally.

2) I had the film __________________yesterday afternoon.

3) The place has rapidly ________________ from a small fishing community/village into a tourist attraction.

4) The company is ________________ a new kind of software.

5) China is still among the ________________ countries.

6) The aim must always be to create a sustainable peace, just as we aim to achieve sustainable ___________________.

III. Words and expressions:

get on with sb/sth get along with sb/sth

Translate the following sentences:

1) How are you getting on/along with your new job?

2) We get on/along well with all our neighbours.

3) I just can’t get on/along without a secretary.

4) Be quiet and get/go on with your work.

Module 5 Unit 1 Word Power

I. 根据英文解释写出相对应的形容词:

1. ______________ willing to give freely

2. ______________ determined not to change your opinion or attitude

3. ______________ shy and nervous; not brave

4. ______________ having moods that change quickly and often

5. ______________ willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas

6. ______________ often angry; in an angry mood

7. ______________ that can be trusted to do sth well; that you can rely on

8. ______________ unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible

II. 用上题中的单词填空:

1. He was too ________________ to admit that he was wrong.

2. It’s difficult to predict her reaction because she is so ____________.

3. “May I come in?” she asked in a ____________ voice.

4. Some students who fail the exams are not stupid but just ___________.

5. He wished his parents were more _______________ on political issues.

6. Although he was poor, he was quite _______________ to his needy friends.

7. No one wants to make friends with a person who is ________________.

8. We are looking for someone who is _____________ and hard-working.

III. 翻译以下句子:

1. 我和我的室友相处融洽,因为他是如此地随和。

2. 昨晚我们熬夜,谈了许多事情。(请用现在分词doing翻译此句)

3. 我原以为李祥十分害羞,因为他话不多。

4. 即使他有着严肃的个性,他还是很幽默的。

5. 我毫不怀疑他会成功。

6. 你能想到多少描述个性的形容词吗?(come up with)

Keys (only for reference)

M5U1 Welcome

I. 1) need 2) self 3) find 4) lost 5) relation/relative

6) mirror 7) faults 8) wise 9) valuable 10) trust

II. 1) developing 2) developed 3) developed

4) developing 5) developing 6) development


1) 你的新工作进展如何?

2) 我们和所有的邻居相处融洽。

3) 没有秘书我简直寸步难行。

4) 安静下来, 继续干你的事。

M5U1 Word Power

I. 1. generous 2. stubborn 3. timid 4. moody

5. open-minded 6. bad-tempered 7. reliable 8. lazy

II. 1. stubborn 2. moody 3. timid 4. lazy

5. open-minded 6. generous 7. bad-tempered 8. reliable

III. 1. I get along/on well with my roommate because he is so easy-going.

2. We stayed up last night, talking about many things.

3. I thought Li Xiang was very shy, because he didn’t say much.

4. He is very humorous even though he has a serious personality.

5. I have no doubt (that) he will succeed.

篇3:高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome








篇4:高二M5UNIT1 教案 Welcome

1. beyond our imagination, beyond one’s control/ description /ability beyond any praise

2. take part in a debate

3. the perfect copy, two copies of the magazine

4. cause much debate and shock people around the world

5. on (the) one hand, on the other hand

6. point one’s mistakes out

7. be used to save human lives

8. interfere in/with nature/one’s concentration

9. in this/that way; by this/that means

10. be on the way to producing a real-life monster, be on the way to school/success

11. die at a much younger age than normal, normal temperature, return to normal

12. in general, generally speaking

13. be praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough

14. consider cloning human beings; be considered to have done sth; be considered to be the best

15. research cloning, do research into cloning

16. concentrate on sth/doing; cure diseased like cancer

17. with the intention of destroying them

18. show no respect for human life

19. cause a lot of anxiety

20. be desperate to have a child of one’s own

21. be desperate for a job

22. adopt one’s advice, adopt a child

23. be genetically related to sb

24. push ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby,deliver a letter, deliver a speech

25. focus their efforts on cloning animals

26. be used in medical research

27. succeed in doing sth; be totally immoral

28. deal with the consequences, as a consequence of=as a result of

29. end up replacing us one day end up in failure

30. a product for sale/ on sale

31. use up Earth’s resources

32. be/feel sorry for

33. be delighted to have a mother

34. comment on your article, make comments on

35. scientific advances mentioned in your article

36. be in complete agreement with =agree with sth completely; after all

37. challenge questions of morality for centuries, turn challenges into opportunities

38. on a personal note; personally speaking

39. die of heart failure死于心脏病

40. as a whole作为整体

41. What he said made no sense. 他说的话没意义,make sense of what he said理解他说的话

42. upon further readings 在进一步阅读之后

43. read an article with great concern 十分关注的读文章

44. go against nature违背自然, be against违背,反对

45. be responsible for the possible negative consequences

46. experiment with human life

47. put strict laws in place to protect nature制定严格的法律来保护自然, put everything in place使一切井井有条

48. take away his license取消执照

Word-power to Grammar in U3

1. be against= be opposed to; be for=be in favor of

2. on the opposite side of the street

3. cut down trees; be cut off from the outside; take a short cut

4. show disrespect for nature,

5. destroy the environment; have the environment destroyed

6. fight a hopeless battle against sth

7. work hard to achieve scientific breakthroughs

8. advance/promote technology促进科技

9. be left the way they are

10. compare your body to your school life把身体比作学校生活

11. control oneself bring sth under control; have sth controlled

12. be similar to sth

13. breathe fresh air, take a deep breath, hold one’s breath

14. lead/live a happy life

15. store information储存信息

16. remove waste from the blood, remove him from his position开除

17. lie trapped under the building

18. find out the truth in the field of science

19. a challenging profession, a professional football player

20. do/perform/conduct an experiment

21. my next door neighbor, live next door to me

22. try to figure out sth

23. the other day

24. get bored easily

25. come back from work下班回来

26. do a job, do/take a part-time job

27. match A with B

28. be bored with, be tired of厌倦

29. behave in the same way, behave well/oneself

30. be cautious and use good judgement

31. in my judgement; pass judgement on

32. make decisions

33. have no alternative/choice but to wait

34. have two alternatives/ two alternative ways to solve the problem

35. The book cost me 10 yuan. His careless driving cost him his life. He got promoted at the cost of others.以他人为代价获得升职 Cut down/Cut back on the cost of production

36. apologize for the mistake on my part. 我的错误 on my part=of my own

37. On my part, his plan made no sense.就我而言

38. The boy was more frightened than hurt.与其说他受伤了,不如说他被吓坏了 The coat is more blue than green.

39. encourage sb to do鼓励某人做--, inspire sb to do鼓舞某人做--- His hometown inspired his novel.给与灵感

40. burn out(元气)大伤, (精力)耗尽 You’ll burn yourself out if you work so hard.

He is burned out after decades of hard work.

Unit 3Task & Project

1. correct spelling mistakes更正拼写错误

2. make changes to the information修改信息

3. take turns to do sth轮流做某事

4. complain to sb about sth向某人投诉某事

5. follow in their footsteps效仿某人

6. conduct /do/make/carry out a survey 进行调查

7. the majority of people,大多数人 in the majority占大多是

8. advocate this type of scientific research提倡这种科学研究

9. to conclude/in conclusion最后,总之

10. urge you to seek the opinions of the people敦促你征求大家的意见 urge that sb (should) do

11. seek fortune淘金/ a job/opportunities寻求良机/advice from sb 征求意见

12. common practice 常做的事;贯常做法

13. donate money to the poor 向穷人捐钱

14. teach sb a lesson 教训某人 learn a lesson from sth从中吸取教训

15. be resistant to sth抵制,对---- 有抵抗力 resist doing sth 抵制做….

16. be harmful to animals, be bad for;对…有害 be good for, be of benefit to, be beneficial to 对…有利

17. a mistake on your part 你那方的错误

18. so far迄今为止

19. be limited to doing 局限于做…

20. increase production profits增加生产利润, profit from从中得利, make profits获利

21. ensure safety 确保安全

22. limit the speed to 100km per hour

23. prove the theory证实理论, the theory proves to be true.理论原来是正确的

24. seriously affect our study 严重影响我们的学习

25. endlessly overdevelop Earth’s resources 无穷尽地过度开发地球资源

26. construct a dam,建筑水坝 under construction在建设中,constructive advice 建设性建议

27. the planet we live on 我们生活的星球

28. stop economic development in favor of nature 为了保护自然停止发展经济

29. from my point of view, 在我看来 =in my opinion=for/on my part=as far as I am concerned

30. meet our needs/requirements满足需求/要求, make ends meet 量入为出

31. look around 环顾四周;全面思考

32. be concerned about saving nature rather than destroying it 关注保护而不是破坏自然

33. spell disaster for human beings 给人类招致灾难

34. have a /no relationship with 与…有/无关

35. developed/developing countries 发达/发展中国家

36. after decades of destroying nature 在毁坏自然数十年后

37. enjoy healthy and productive lives 享受健康而富庶的生活

38. a question of humans winning and nature losing 一个人类获胜自然失败的问题

39. it turned out that 结果是… turn out as planned 结果和计划一样
