




一.Be 动词的用法:

1.Be动词包括:am ,is , are.2.Be动词的含义为“是”或“在”。3.Be动词的使用口诀:

Be动词真伟大,生出am is are, 我用am,你用are,is连接他,她,它。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。

4.肯定和否定句 I am(not)from London.He is(not)a teacher.She is(not)in the dining room.Her eyes are(not)small.5.一般疑问句 Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are.No, you aren’t.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Are they American? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.快乐练兵场

1.What ____ your name?

My name _____ Tom.2.What ____ his name?

His name __Kevin.3.What ____ your mom’s name?

Her name ____ Lula.4.This _____ Jim, my teacher.That____my sister.5.How _____ you?

I ____ fine.6.How _____ he?

He ____ OK.7.How _____ Nancy?

She ____ fine, too.8.Where ____ you from?

I ____ from Beijing.9.Where ____ he from?

He ____ from Canada.10.Where ____ they from?

They ____ from England.11.Where ____ your mom from?

She ____ from Shishi.12.Where ____ his teacher from?

He ____ from

Japan.13.Where ____ Lucy and Lily from? They ____ from Cuba.14.How old ____ you?

I ____ twelve years old.15.How old ____ he?

He ____ eleven years old.16.How old ____ she?

She ____ thirteen years old.17.How old ____ they?

They ____ fourteen years old.18.How old ____ Kate and Tom? They ____ fifteen years old.19.What class ____ you in?

I ____ in ClassThree, Grade Seven.20.What class ____ LiMing in?He _____ in Class Four, Grade Eight.21.What grade ____ Sally in?

She _____ in Grade Nine.22.Who ____ that ?

That ____ Nancy.23.What ____ this in English?

It _____ an apple.24.What ____ that in English?

It _____ a map.25._____ you


Yes, I ____.26._____ he LiMing?

No, he isn’t.He _____ LiHua.27._____ she Jane ?

Yes, she _____.28._____ this a ruler?

Yes, it _____./ No, it isn’t.29._____ that an orange?

No, it isn’t.It _____ a toy.30._____ they teachers?

Yes, they ______.把下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句并作肯定或否定回答。1.This is the reading room.否定句:______________________一般疑问句: ____________________________ 2.She’s Miss Lynn.否定句:______________________一般疑问句: ____________________________ 3.I am in Grade 3.否定句:______________________一般疑问句: ____________________________ 4.We are teachers.否定句:______________________一般疑问句: ____________________________ 5.These are pears.否定句:______________________一般疑问句: _______________________二.be动词的过去式

1.am和is在一般过去时中变为was.(was not=wasn’t)2.are在一般过去时中变为were.(were not=weren’t)快乐练兵场

1.My CD walkman ________(be)in the study this morning.But now it ______(be)not there.I can’t find it.Can you help me? 2.——Where ______(be)your diary a moment ago? I can’t find it.——Oh, it ________(be)in my bedroom.I showed it to my parents.4.Miss Li ________(be)not in the school a moment ago.But now she _______(be)in the school.5.Tom ________(be)not in the classroom now.But he ______(be)there a moment ago.6.My father ________(be)in the supermarket a moment ago.Now he _______(be)at school.7.Mr Green _______(be)not in the office a moment ago.He______(be)in the music room.He was having a Music lesson.8.Jim ________(be)at home now.But just now he ______(be)not at home.He_____(be)in the supermarket.9.He _____(be)a student 2 years ago, now he ________(be)a worker.10.The books _________(be)in the classroom this morning.But now they ________(be)not there now.11.My father’s and mother’s mobile phones _______(be)on the desk this morning.12.The diaries ________(be)not there this morning.But now they ______(be)there.13.Yesterday(昨天)Jim’s parents _____(be)in Wuxi, Tom’s parents _____(be)in Shanghai.What about Lucy’s parents? Where _____(be)they? 14.____(be)your father at home this morning? No, he _____(be)not.15.____(be)your parents students in 2002? Yes, they _______(be)



I ______ a girl.My name _______ Mary.I ______ in Class 2, Grade 7.I ______ 12 years old.Here ______ my family photo.Look!These ______ my parents and those _______ my grandparents.This boy ______ my brother.He ________ 15 years old now.That ______ my cat, Mimi.It ______ very lovely.二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的Be动词。(注意Be动词的时态)1.I ________from Australia.2.She _______ a student.3.Jane and Tom _________my friends.4.My parents _______very busy every day.5._______ there a Chinese school in New York? 6.There _____ some glasses on it.7.There ________many monkeys in the mountain.8.There_________ a beautiful garden in our school.9.I _______ at school just now.10.He ________ at the camp 11.We ________ students

12.They ________ on the farm

13.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old 14.There ________ an apple on the plate

15.There ________ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.16.The mobile phone _______ on the sofa every.day 17.There _________some water in the glass.18.There __________ some bread on the table.19.Where ________ your friends

20.How old __________ you.21.Which dog ________ yours? 22.Ten and two ________ twelve.练习:

一、用am, is, are 填空 1)I _____ a student.2)You ____ a doctor.3)____she from Jinan?

4)_____you American? 5)He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1.6)It_____ a car.7)They ____ cars

.8)____ your mother in China? 9)_____your friends in New York? 10)What ____her name?

11)These _____ buses.12)Those _____oranges.13)Where _____ her mother? 14)How old _____your teacher?

15)What class _____ you in? 1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.2.The girl______ Jack’s sister.3.The dog _______ tall and fat.4.The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.5.______ your brother in the classroom?

6.Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.7.How _______ your father?

8.Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9.Whose dress ______ this? 10.Whose socks ______ they? 11.That ______ my red skirt.12.Who ______ I?


1. You ____ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.

A. neednt have washedB. shouldnt have washed

C. must not have washedD. can not have washed

2. Johns score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.

A. should study B. should have studied

C. must have studiedD. must have to study

3. The room is in a terrible mess; it ____ cleaned. (CET-4, 1996,6.)

A. cant have beenB. shouldnt have been

C. mustnt have been D. wouldnt have been

4. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They ____ from South America on rafts.

A. must have sailedB. can sail

C. might have sailedD. should have sailed

5. Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She ____ in her classroom.

A. should have beenB. must have been

C. must beD. should be

6. Bob said he was going to join our club but he didnt. He ____ his mind.

A. cant have changedB. wouldnt have changed

C. must have changedD. shouldnt have changed

7. You ____ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.

A. neednt goB. had better not go

C. should not goD. neednt have gone

8. We ____ the letter yesterday, but it didnt arrive.

A. must receiveB. ought to receive

C. must have receivedD. ought to have received

9. With all the work on hand, he ____ to the cinema last night.

A. mustnt goB. shouldnt have gone

C. could not goD. couldnt have gone

10. Eve was late for class again. She ____ earlier.

A. should get upB. must get up

C. need to get upD. should have got up

11. I am feeling sick. I ____ so much chocolate.

A. neednt have eaten B. couldnt have eaten

C. mustnt have eaten D. shouldnt have eaten

12. I didnt send out my application form last week, but I ____.

A. had B. would doC. should haveD. might have to

13. Walking alone in the deserted village, John was scared. He thought he ____ Tom to go with him.

A. might have askedB. should asked

C. must have asked D. should have asked

14. When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I ____ there earlier.

A. ought to getB. ought to have got

C. must have gotD. must get

15. The road was muddy. It ____ last night.

A. must rainedB. must have rained

C. must be rainedD. could have rained

16. She can speak quite fluent English. She ____.

A. must been in the U.S.A. for some time

B. must have been in the U.S.A. for some time

C. should have been in the U.S.A. for some time

D. may be in the U.S.A. for some time

17. You should bear in mind that he is not so strong as he ____.

A. was used to beB. used to be

C. was used toD. use to

18. ——We didnt see him at the exhibition yesterday.

——He ____ it.

A. mustnt visitB. cant have visited

C. should have gone to seeD. may see

19. Mary ____ my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.

A. should have received B. has received

C. couldnt have receivedD. ought to have received

20. I ____ you a valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money.

A. would have liked to giveB. liked to give

C. have liked to giveD. would like to give

21. ——Where ____ my umbrella?

——Somebody ____ it away by mistake.

A. is, must have takenB. is, must take

C. have been, must takeD. is, takes

22. What ____ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?

A. will you supposeB. you suppose

C. do you supposeD. you would suppose

23. Two eyes ____ see more than one.

A. canB. mayC. willD. should

24. ____ you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater suc-cesses.

A. WouldB. WillC. MayD. Should

25. We ought to help each other in our work, ____?

A. oughtnt weB. should weC. shouldnt weD. ought to we

26. Tom ____ better than to ask Dick for help.

A. shall knowB. shouldnt know

C. has knownD. should have known

27. You ____ your tooth pulled out before it rot completely.

A. had better gotB. had to get better

C. had better to getD. had better get

28. When we got to the cinema, the film hasnt started yet, so we ____.

A. neednt hurryB. didnt need hurry

C. neednt to hurryD. neednt have hurried

29. It was really very dangerous; you ____ him seriously.

A. might have injuredB. could injure

C. should have injuredD. must injure

30. As he had heart attack, he was told that he ____ continue the work.

A. needn't B. may not C. mustn'tD. can't

31. An Englishman who ____ not speak Italian was once traveling in


A. mustB. couldC. may D. might

32. I ____ like to make a suggestion.

A. could B. would C. must D. might

33. I know things are hard with you, but you ____ try to get over the difficulties.

A. can B. may C. must D. ought

34. I can't find the recorder in the room. It ____ by somebody.

A. may have been taken away B. may leave

C. may take away D. must have taken away

35. He ____ the 9:20 train because he didn't leave home till 9:25.

A. can reach B. could catch

C. may not catch D. couldn't have caught





I ______ a girl.My name _______ Mary.I ______ in Class 2, Grade 7.I ______ 12 years old.Here ______ my family photo.Look!These ______ my parents and those _______ my grandparents.This boy ______ my brother.He ________ 15 years old now.That ______ my cat, Mimi.It ______ very lovely.二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的Be动词。(注意Be动词的时态)1.I ________from Australia.2.She _______ a student.3.Jane and Tom _________my friends.4.My parents _______very busy every day.5._______ there a Chinese school in New York? 6.There _____ some glasses on it.7.There ________many monkeys in the mountain.8.There_________ a beautiful garden in our school.9.I _______ at school just now.10.He ________ at the camp last week.11.We ________ students two years ago.12.They ________ on the farm a moment ago.13.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year.14.There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.15.There ________ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.16.The mobile phone _______ on the sofa yesterday evening.17.There _________some water in the glass.18.There __________ some bread on the table.19.Where ________ your friends yesterday? 20.How old __________ you last year? 21.Which dog ________ yours? 22.Ten and two ________ twelve.、三.用am, is, are 填空 1)I _____ a student.2)You ____ a doctor.3)____she from Jinan?

4)_____you American? 5)He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1.6)It_____ a car.7)They ____ cars

.8)____ your mother in China? 9)_____your friends in New York? 10)What ____her name?

11)These _____ buses.12)Those _____oranges.13)Where _____ her mother? 14)How old _____your teacher? 15)What class _____ you in? 四.

1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.2.The girl______ Jack’s sister.3.The dog _______ tall and fat.4.The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.5.______ your brother in the classroom?

6.Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.7.How _______ your father? 8.Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9.Whose dress ______ this? 10.Whose socks ______ they? 11.That ______ my red skirt.12.Who ______ I?


五年级Be 动词练习题

一、填上恰当的be动词 1.I ________ from Australia 2.She _______ a student.3.Jane and Tom _________ my friends 4.My parents _______ very busy every day.5.I ______ an English teacher now 6.Where _________ you from? 7.The light _________ green.8.My name is _________ Li Dong.I _________ twelve 9.._________ they your new friends?.10..I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not
