










根据新的课程标准, 考虑到词汇的重要性,结合本人对词汇教学方法的实践积累,进行设计的一堂词汇课。该课对词汇进行了针对性的整理与补充,改变注重传授知识的倾向,采用“策略型”教学模式,进行了一次实验和探索。










针对新教材的词汇特点是数量大,涉及面广,词义变化多的特点,许多高中学生面临挑战和考验。心理学研究表明,经过归类的知识要比零散的 知识记得牢固。因此,将生词与熟词以各种方式捆绑记忆,同时综合运用多种记忆法,将词汇以链式或发散式的形式联系,而非一盘散沙。这样,既可以系统整理要记忆已经学会的词汇,又可以使其以有效的方式扩展词汇量。


七、教学手段 多媒体辅助教学


Step I Lead—in

Divide the class into three groups to compete to name the vocabulary that the teacher speak out.[设计说明]:一开始以比赛的形式活跃课堂气氛,激发学习词汇兴趣和积极性;进入下步学习创造好的心理准备。

Step II pre—teaching

1.Listen to the tape and let the students read the vocabulary.2.Have a show

give the students a chance to show themselves.And give some prizes.[设计说明]: 让学生接触最标准,最地道的发音,给学生留下好的第一语感,引导其正确发音的形成.同时,让学生在体验、实践、参与中体会词汇学习的乐趣。

Step III While-teaching

skill1: Picture-show [设计说明]:以图片的形式介绍一些只需要理解意义的词汇,一方面增加课堂的趣味性,另一方面,让学生对词汇产生直观的印象,加深对词汇的理解和学习。

skill2: Word formation

Knowing how prefixes and suffixes work can help increase your vocabulary 1.Give examples to show the way word—forming.2.Help to make the students familiar with the skill by the explanation [设计说明]:以学生熟悉的词汇引出高中阶段使用频率很高的词汇学习和积累法--词缀法,包括通过前后缀的变化,改变词性和词义;让学生在讲解中感受其变化和使用,目的在于培养起词缀法学习意识,帮助学生更好地扩展词汇量,减少记忆压力。

Skill 3: Comparison

1.List some similar words for the students to observe and find out the meaning.2.Put the words in use.[设计说明]:以学生的观察为主,让其发现词汇的规律,帮助学生学会思考,给予其主动学习的方向。

Skill 4:Discover-summarize-practice 1.list some sentences to summarize the usage of the important vocabulary.2.give the students various exercises to practise.[设计说明]:本着词汇重点化,要点化和实践化的原则,展示给学生第一手资料,让其在学中练,练中学的模式加深其印象,达到词汇运用的目的。


Review 1.word-spelling 2.word-game.[设计说明]:围绕所学词汇,进行复习,让学生有所消化和吸收,并呼应开始以游戏结束词汇教学,让学生保持学习词汇的积极性,并能激起学生继续学习词汇的兴趣

Step V Homework

Some exercise about the vocabulary in the unit.[设计说明]:一定量的词汇练习是强化学生学习的必要手段,而且必须予以坚持和形式的变化。




Lose/ keep one’s balance out of balance 失去平衡

adj balanced a balanced diet

2. bear -- bore --- borne 忍受 + n/ doing bear pain

Bore 出生 All men are born equal.

3. bend vt bend a bow 弯弓

Bend one’s mind to work 专心工作

Vi bend to sb/ sb’s will 屈服于某人的意志

4. be on good terms with sb 与某人关系好 Be on bad terms with sb .

terms 关系, 友谊, 地位

They are on familiar terms with each other. 他们彼此很熟悉。

Keep on good terms with sb. 同某人保持友好关系

5. besides adv 此外 I’m too tired to go, besides, it is too late.

Prep 除--- 之外 He didn’t agree with you except some details.

6. bring back 拿回来 bring back to life. 恢复生机

bring about 带来, 造成 bring about great changes.

What brought about his illness?

bring down 使倒下,使下降,打倒,击落

bring down the price /an enemy plane

I’m sure that the medicine will bring your fever down.

bring forth 产生 Weed through the old to bring forth the new. 推沉出新

bring forward 提出, 提议 Bring forward a new design.

bring in 提出, 引进, 获利,收获

bring out 使显现, 阐明, 出版, 生产

Bring out the meaning of a passage. 阐明一段文字的意义

bring up 教育, 培养, 养育, 提出(议题等)

7. bother n 麻烦, 困难

Vt 打扰, 麻烦, 使烦恼, 使难受

I’m busy, don’t _____ me.

A. borrow B. bother C. brother D. brook

vi. 担心,焦急, 费心

Don’t bother about answering this = Don’t bother to answer this.



1.call on sb = drop in on sb = visit sb = pay a visit to sb

Call on sb to do sth 号召某人----

Call at sp = drop in at sp =visit sp

Call for 需要, 要求, 去接某人,去取某物

Call in 请来,叫来

Call off 取消, 停止

Call up = ring up 打电话给--- 使回忆起--- The scene called up my childhood.

Call away 叫走

Call back 叫回去, 回电话

Call in 来访。 Call in ,or ring us up. 你可以亲自来,也可以打电话来。

As there was a power cat in the hospital , the surgeon had to _____the operation. A. call for B. call on C. call up D. call off

2. Celebration n 庆祝, 庆典。

V. celebrate 通常指对节日, 生日, 胜利, 结婚的纪念

They are ______ their grandmother’s seventieth birthday.

A. greeting B. joining C. congratulating D. celebrating

greet 表示致敬, 问候等; join 参加,加入

congratulate 祝贺,对象常指人 congratulate sb on sth 因--祝贺某人。

3。 Central a 中央的,中心的

The prime Minister is the central figure in the government.


n centre/center 中心, 中央(多和the 连用)

The city is the commercial ________ of the whole country.

A. middle B. center

center 可用来比喻某一方面占据重要位置 常用 at the center of

middle 通常指事物两端之间的位置, 常用词组为in the middle of

4. cheerful 愉快的, 高兴的

He is ________ in his mind.

A. cheerful B .merry C. glad 他心情愉快。

cheerful 多指人天性乐观, 在任何情况下都保持欣然的态度

merry 多指在节日或其他热闹场所表现出来的快乐情绪

Glad 暂时的喜悦

v. cheer 振奋, 欢呼,喝彩 cheer up. 高兴起来

5. climate

I would rather live in France because of the _______.

A. weather B. climate

climate 指某地区的长时间的天气特征,特别是气温,降雨,刮风等总的气候情况

weather 指某地区短时间内的特殊气候变化,如晴,雨,雪, 暖

6. certain

1) 一种, 一个,指单数 a Mr Smith = some Mr Smith

2) 某一些 certain students =/ some students

3) 确定, 有把握

Be certain of sth 对―――有把握

Be certain to do sth 一定要干某事

Sb be certain that / it is certain that

7. charge get / be / become charged

Vt. 1). 使充电,充满 charge the battery

be charged with = be filled with The bottle is charged with water.

2). 要价,收费 charge sb money for ---- 因―― 而收某人的钱。

He charged me 10 yuan for the book.

3). 控告某人 charge sb with sth The police charged him with driving after drinking.

4). 攻击。 The enemy charged us 3 times.

n. 1)费用 free of charge 免费 hotel charges 旅馆费

2) 管,看管 in charge of /take charge of 负责

in the charge of 由―― 负责

8. coast on the coast 在海岸 There are many ships resting on the coast.

Off the coast 在海上 There are a number of islands off the coast.

9. comfort

n 1) 安慰,舒适,安逸 (不可数) She finds much comfort in her son.

2) 给予安慰的人/物,使人舒适的事 (可数)

The hotel has many comforts.

A cup of hot milk is a comfort in the cols winter night.

3) in comfort We live in comfort.

Vt I tried to comfort him, but I could say nothing.

Adj comfortable The seat is comfortable to sit in.

adv comfortably.

10. conclusion 结论make/ reach / arrive at/ come to / draw a conclusion 下结论

11. condition

1) cn 条件,状况 in /under a good /bad condition(S)

2) conditions 情形,境况

3) 表示身体的健康状况 (不可数)

in condition 身体健康 out of condition 身体不好。

in the state of 处于某种状态

4) on condition that = if 如果, 在―――的条件下,条件是――

I will lend the book to you on condition that you don’t lend it to others.

12. continue Vt / vi continue to do sth = doing sth =go on with =go on doing =keep on doing

继续做同一件事, go on to do 继续做另一件事。

13. conflict n / vi 矛盾,冲突, 有分歧

In conflict 有矛盾,不一致 in conflict with sb 和――有矛盾/分歧

14.contact n 接触,联系

be in contact with 和―― 接触,有联系be out of contact with sb 脱离接触,失去联系

have contact with sb 和―― 有联系 lose contact with 和――失去联系

15. crazy a

1) be crazy for sth He is crazy for football.

2) be crazy about doing sth 疯狂干―― He is crazy about drinking .

16. cut off 切掉,切断, 突然中止

Cut down 砍倒(树) 削减 cut down on price /smoking

Cut in 插嘴, 突然插入

Cut into 把―― 切成―― , 侵犯利益


1. date back(to )回溯至----

注意: date back to / date from 没有被动语态。多用于一般现在式。

date n 约会 Mary has a date with her secretary.

2. debt n债务 in debt 欠债 out of debt 不欠债

In debt to sb= in sb’s debt 欠某人的债 pay off the debt 还清债务

3.depend on 依靠,信赖, 取决于

1) depend on sb /sth 相信/依靠某人 The price depends on the quality.

depend on sb to do sth 相信某人做某事 We can depend on itto solve the problem.

2)It all depends = That depends on it 看情况而定, 不一定

3)depend on / insist on / ask for / see to it that----

We depend on it that he will come.

4. die down 变弱,平息,消失 (强调结果)

die away (声音,光) 渐渐消失,风渐渐平息 (强调过程)

die out 灭绝,消失

5. direction n 方向,指导

a poor sense of direction 方向感差

in ---- direction = in the direction of --- 朝着―――的方向

in all directions = in every direction 朝四面八方

under the direction of 在―― 的指导下。

follow the direction 听从指导

6.Divide 分,划分,分开

divide between/among /with sb 在--- 之间分

divide sth into 把---分成 divide the apple into halves/ in two/in half

divide 把整体分为几部分

separate 把连在一起的或相邻的分割开

The world is divided into 7 continents.

The Tai wan strait separates Taiwan from Fu jian provience.

7. doubt 怀疑,疑惑 adj doubtful 不相信的,可疑的

n no doubt 无疑地,很可能 beyond a doubt 毫无疑问

Vt 怀疑,不信 I don’t doubt that he’ll come.

Vi 怀疑 + of/about He doubt about everything / He doubt of her success.

Doubt 后宾语从句中关联词的使用

1) 肯定句时, 名词从句用whether/if , when ,what 等连接

I doubt whether he’ll come.

2) 疑问句否定句时, 名词从句用that 连接。

Does any one doubt that it is so? 它原如此,有人怀疑吗?

I don’t doubt that he will come.

Are you _______of success?

A. dreadful B. doubtful C. historical D. miserable

8. dress up 盛装, 打扮, 装饰

1)Dress vt dress sb /oneself 给--- 穿衣服

2)Be dressed in + 衣服,颜色 Dressed in red, he is difficult to recognize.

3) dress up in 穿---来打扮 People here like dressing up in ancient clothes..

4) dress up as 打扮成---的样子 The old man dressed up as Santa clause.

5) dress up for He is dressing up for his birthday party.


1. educate vt /vi 教育,培养, 训练

1).educate sb in sth 教育某人 在---方面

Parents should educate children in how to spent money.

2).educate sb to do 教育某人做某事

The teacher educates his students to behave well in class.

3) educate oneself 自学

4)adj educated 受教育的,有教养的

2.endless adj 无穷的,无限的

She is a woman with _____ patience.

A. ending B. endless C. enormous D. large

ending 结局,结尾 enormous 巨大的,庞大的,多指超过限度

large 大的,侧重面积,范围, 容量

2. energy 能量,精力 (不可数) He has much energy.

1)adj energetic 精力旺盛的,有精力的

2) full of energy 精力充沛 burn up energy 燃烧能量

How much energy do you think you will burp up in the relay race?

Heat is a form of _______. A power B. force C. energy

Power 指电力,功率, 权力等

Force 指自然力和人力,也指暴力等影响力

3.Exist vi 存在,生存

There exists a kind of power that can make you win.

N existence

People do not now believe in the _____ of ghosts.

A. birth B . evidence C .existence D. occurrence

4. explain n explanation 解释说明

Explain to sb sth (suggest / express/ announce/ say/metion)

Explain oneself = give reasons

Is there any _____ for his conduct?

A. expression B. explanation C. experiment


1. faith 信仰,信赖,诺言,信念

have faith in sb/sth 信任某人,某物

have faith that ----

lose one’s faith 失去信心

adj faithful 忠诚的 be faithful to sb 对某人忠诚

2. fame 名声,名望 rise to fame=come to fame 成功,成名

be famous / well-known for nice scenery/ as a writer / to all of us

As is known to us ,------- = It is known that ----

3. fever 发烧

have /catch a fever/ cold / stomachache/ headache/toothache

4. fasten 栓紧, 抓紧, 使固定

1) fasten---- to --- Fasten the horse to the tree.

2) fasten one’s eyes on 盯着某人看

5. firm adj 动作稳定而有力的,牢固的

Stand firm 坚定立场 , 坚定不屈

We firmly believe in your leading.

5. fit vt fit sb vi fit to do sth 适合做某事

adj keep /stay fit 保持健康

be fit for sth/sb

6. Focus n (兴趣,活动等)中心,焦点

She always wants to be the focus of attention.

In focus 焦点对准 out of focus 焦点没对准

Focus one’s attention on sth = fix one’s eyes on sth

All eyes were fixed/focused on him.

7. Fortunately adv 反义 unfortunately

Fortunate adj 幸运的 , 多指由于某种有利的境遇,使人得到未曾预料到的成功或好的机遇。


He made a ____ decision when he went into adertising.

n fortune 运气, 命运,钱财,财产

Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door. 机会人人有,来了莫放手

Make a fortune 发财


1. gain vt 获得,增加gain/get/win the first prize

gain /earn/make one’s living

n 收获,增加 No pains, o gains.不劳无获

A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑长一智

2. Generation 代

From generation to generation /from generation to another

3. gift 礼物,赠品;天赋,才能。

The album of paintings in this museum is a __from an old professor.

A. gift B.present C.talent



Gobang:五子棋 Go to ! 去你的的意思。 Gift做“天赋”讲时,与talent意思相近。

4.graduate {vt. 毕业。主语一般为学校。

{vi. 毕业 graduate from

{n. 大学毕业生

The university graduated 400 students this summer.


5.guide n. 导游,向导,指南,指导

Vt. 引导,指导。带领。

It was the government that guided the country through the difficulties ahead.


guidance n. 指导。

under the guidance of 在…

6. get through


She got through the examination.

The message got through to us at last.这消息终于送到了我们这儿

Get through with one’s work 完成某人的工作

2) 完成

How long did it take you to get through the letter?

We should get through the work ahead of the deadline.

3)get through on the phone. 接通电话

4)度过时间 ,花钱

We got through a fortune while we were on holiday.我们度假花了一大笔钱。

Go through 仔细检查,全面考虑,研究;经历

Go through the items one by one. 逐条研究

Go through two stages. 经历两个阶段。


1. handkerchief (pl) ---handkerchieves-handkerchiefs

2. heat

1) n 热, 热量,热烈,压力a heat of five hundred degrees

2) vt heat --- to 把---加热到-- Heat the water to 100, it will boil.

3) n heating 供暖设备

4) adj. heated 热烈的 a heated discussion.

3. hold up 举起, 拿起,举出

1)hold back 阻止 No one can hold back the wheel of history.

Hold sb back from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

2)hold down 压制,镇压。

3)hold in 约束,抑制。 Hold oneself in 抑制自己的感情

4)hold on 电话不挂上

The speaker hold on for a full hour. 演讲得人讲了整整一小时

5)hold on to 抓住---不放; 坚持

In spite of various difficulities, he held on to the dream of returning to his homeland. 尽管困难重重,他始终没有 放弃回到家乡的梦想

6)hold off 不接近,拖延

We hope the rain will hold off till evening.


7)hold out 伸出,坚持,不屈服

Hold out till victory. 坚持到胜利

4. honour

1) 荣誉,尊敬, 名誉(不可数)


He is an honor of this school.

It is an honor for me to be invited to the party.

3) in honor of 纪念某人/向某人表示敬意

do sb honor= do honor to sb. 向某人表示敬意

4)。 Vt honor sb 向某人致敬

In order to honor him, I gave him some flowers.

5) sb be honored to do sth 很荣幸的做某事

I am honored to introduce Mr Smith.


1. imagination n . 想象, beyond the imagination超乎想象

想象力 have a strong/poor imagination

V imagine + n/pron/doing / 名词性从句

I can’t imagine going there without anybody else.

Adj imaginary 虚构的 imaginative 富有想象力的

2.Injury n 伤害,受伤处

receive/suffer an injury 受伤

do an injury to sb= do harm to 伤害某人

adj injured the injured

4. in order 按顺序,整齐 (反义) out of order

order vt 1) order sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

2).ordered that ----(should ) do

He ordered that he should return next day. (虚拟)

His orders were to return next day., (虚拟)

3) order sth to be done 要求---被做

n 1). Place an order with sb for sth 和某人订购---

2)order from 从----订购

3) obey/break the order 服从/违背

5. inspire vt 鼓励,鼓舞,激发 ,启示

inspire sb sth 鼓励某人

inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

His life of childhood inspired this novel.

What he said inspired me to cry.

adj inspiring 令人鼓舞的

Inspired 深受鼓舞的

His inspiring speech made us inspired.

6. intend vt 打算,将要

1). Intend sb to do sth Will you intend to stay long in London?

2) Intend to have done sth=had intended to do 本打算做而没做

I intended to have called on you, But I had an unexpected visitor.

3). Intend that + should do 倾向于---

We intended that the plan should carry out at once.

4). Sth be intended for 为---准备,专供---

These flowers were intended for your mother’s day.


1.keep up with 追赶,追上。

catch up with 赶上并超过

keep up 保持,使-不低落 keep up with the spirits.

come up with 提出


1. Lean 倚靠,倾斜

lean to/ towards 倾向于某种观点

He leaned to the view that we started of at once.

lean over 俯身在---上

lean on the table 靠着桌子

lean against the wall. 倚墙

2. Location 地方,位置

locate vt 使---坐落于-位于---

Their new house ___ by the river.他们的新房坐落于河边

A.lies in B. location C. is located D .is lied

be located = lie

3.lovely 好看的,可爱的,令人愉快的(口语)

a lovely child / a lovely landscape 明媚的景色

have a lovely afternoon. 过一个愉快的下午

live 活的,有生命的 (与dead 相对)特指动物。

lively 活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,生动的

The article gave a lively description on South American life.


living 活着的

alive 活着的,现场直播的

4. Light vt light a candle

Vi The wood is hard to light.

Adj lighted a lighted candle.

light up 照亮,容光焕发,放光


1. major

1). 主要的 ,大部分

The major part/ aspect/ person

2). Vi 主修 major in English.

3)专业 I am an English major./ My major is English.

N majority the majority of ---

Compared with the majority, you are lucky.

2. mainly = mostly 主要的,大部分的

Many Europeans are mainly English settlers here.

3. make a good choice

make a fire / make friends with sb/ make noise / make war/ make sure /

make a face /make a face at sb / make fun of

4. make up

1) 组成 5 girls and 6 boys made up the football team.

2) 编造He made up a frightening story to frighten us.

3) = dress up 打扮, 装扮,化装

4) Make up for 弥补 We should make up for the waste time.

5. make use of 利用

They don’t realize the use we made of the information.


They don’t realize the information we made use of.

6. mild 指生来情绪温和

gentle 指态度使人感到和蔼可亲,意思较mild 强

He could not say no to so many requests because he is a mild person.


7. Manage 设法,经营,对付

1). manage =run=operate They managed money well.

2) manage to do =succeed in doing 成功地做了某事

He tried to persuade me to give in, but he didn’t manage to .

3) 与can ,be able to ,could 连用,设法对付,设法办成

In spite of there is much trouble, they could manage to finish the work on time.

4) n manager 经理,经营者 management 管理,经营

8. Method with this method / in this way/ by this means

9. minority 少数的 the minority of

be in the/a minority 少数派


1. occur

1). Happen ,take place, come about ,occur

It occurred to me .

2). 出现,呈现= appear

The plants occurred only in Africa.

3). 浮现 A good idea occurred to me.

4). It happened /occurred to sb that 某人突然想起,突然发现---

It occurred to me that we could ask our neighbors to help us

2. operate

1).vt. 管理,经营操作

They operated a small company in the south of England.

It is easy to operate the machine.

2). Vi 运转,起作用

The medicine operates quickly.

3). Operate on/upon 动手术

The doctor operated on the injured man.

The injured man was operated on by the doctor.

3. opinion (不可数)

1). in one’s opinion = in one’s view

2). have a good/bad /worse opinion of sb.


1. pace 一步,速度,步调 He stands five paces behind me.

At the pace of three miles an hour 以每小时三英里的速度

At a slow/fast speed 走得快/慢

I f we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life ,we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.

2. part vi/vt 使分开/分离

Vi part from sb 与某人分开/分离/分手

N 部分;角色,作用; 零件

We are parts of society.

Women are playing an important part in socialist construction.妇女在社会主义建设中起着非常重要的作用。

Part with 放弃,出让 I suggested him to part with the house.

3. pay off 还清债务

pay for 为某物/某人付钱; 付钱买---; 为-付出代价

pay back 偿还,回报

pay up 全部付清,按时还清

One day, you will _____ this foolish behavior.

A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off

4. Pick up 拾起,捡起;开车接某人

Pick out 挑出,辨别出

Pick on sb 挑剔某人

Pick off 摘下

At 7:30, I’ll drive over to ____ you ___ . Please get ready at that time.

A. pick, on B. pick; out C. pick ; up D. pick; off

The signal for help was ______ by another ship which happened to be at hand.


1. balance vt/vi/n balance one’s diet

Lose/ keep one’s balance out of balance 失去平衡

adj balanced a balanced diet

2. bear -- bore --- borne 忍受 + n/ doing bear pain

Bore 出生 All men are born equal.

3. bend vt bend a bow 弯弓

Bend one’s mind to work 专心工作

Vi bend to sb/ sb’s will 屈服于某人的意志

4. be on good terms with sb 与某人关系好 Be on bad terms with sb .

terms 关系, 友谊, 地位

They are on familiar terms with each other. 他们彼此很熟悉。

Keep on good terms with sb. 同某人保持友好关系

5. besides adv 此外 I’m too tired to go, besides, it is too late.

Prep 除--- 之外 He didn’t agree with you except some details.

6. bring back 拿回来 bring back to life. 恢复生机

bring about 带来, 造成 bring about great changes.

What brought about his illness?

bring down 使倒下,使下降,打倒,击落

bring down the price /an enemy plane

I’m sure that the medicine will bring your fever down.

bring forth 产生 Weed through the old to bring forth the new. 推沉出新

bring forward 提出, 提议 Bring forward a new design.

bring in 提出, 引进, 获利,收获

bring out 使显现, 阐明, 出版, 生产

Bring out the meaning of a passage. 阐明一段文字的意义

bring up 教育, 培养, 养育, 提出(议题等)

7. bother n 麻烦, 困难

Vt 打扰, 麻烦, 使烦恼, 使难受

I’m busy, don’t _____ me.

A. borrow B. bother C. brother D. brook

vi. 担心,焦急, 费心

Don’t bother about answering this = Don’t bother to answer this.



1.call on sb = drop in on sb = visit sb = pay a visit to sb

Call on sb to do sth 号召某人----

Call at sp = drop in at sp =visit sp

Call for 需要, 要求, 去接某人,去取某物

Call in 请来,叫来

Call off 取消, 停止

Call up = ring up 打电话给--- 使回忆起--- The scene called up my childhood.

Call away 叫走

Call back 叫回去, 回电话

Call in 来访。 Call in ,or ring us up. 你可以亲自来,也可以打电话来。

As there was a power cat in the hospital , the surgeon had to _____the operation. A. call for B. call on C. call up D. call off

2. Celebration n 庆祝, 庆典。

V. celebrate 通常指对节日, 生日, 胜利, 结婚的纪念

They are ______ their grandmother’s seventieth birthday.

A. greeting B. joining C. congratulating D. celebrating

greet 表示致敬, 问候等; join 参加,加入

congratulate 祝贺,对象常指人 congratulate sb on sth 因--祝贺某人。

3。 Central a 中央的,中心的

The prime Minister is the central figure in the government.


n centre/center 中心, 中央(多和the 连用)

The city is the commercial ________ of the whole country.

A. middle B. center

center 可用来比喻某一方面占据重要位置 常用 at the center of

middle 通常指事物两端之间的位置, 常用词组为in the middle of

4. cheerful 愉快的, 高兴的

He is ________ in his mind.

A. cheerful B .merry C. glad 他心情愉快。

cheerful 多指人天性乐观, 在任何情况下都保持欣然的态度

merry 多指在节日或其他热闹场所表现出来的快乐情绪

Glad 暂时的喜悦

v. cheer 振奋, 欢呼,喝彩 cheer up. 高兴起来

5. climate

I would rather live in France because of the _______.

A. weather B. climate

climate 指某地区的长时间的天气特征,特别是气温,降雨,刮风等总的气候情况

weather 指某地区短时间内的特殊气候变化,如晴,雨,雪, 暖

6. certain

1) 一种, 一个,指单数 a Mr Smith = some Mr Smith

2) 某一些 certain students =/ some students

3) 确定, 有把握

Be certain of sth 对―――有把握

Be certain to do sth 一定要干某事

Sb be certain that / it is certain that

7. charge get / be / become charged

Vt. 1). 使充电,充满 charge the battery

be charged with = be filled with The bottle is charged with water.

2). 要价,收费 charge sb money for ---- 因―― 而收某人的钱。

He charged me 10 yuan for the book.

3). 控告某人 charge sb with sth The police charged him with driving after drinking.

4). 攻击。 The enemy charged us 3 times.

n. 1)费用 free of charge 免费 hotel charges 旅馆费

2) 管,看管 in charge of /take charge of 负责

in the charge of 由―― 负责

8. coast on the coast 在海岸 There are many ships resting on the coast.

Off the coast 在海上 There are a number of islands off the coast.

9. comfort

n 1) 安慰,舒适,安逸 (不可数) She finds much comfort in her son.

2) 给予安慰的人/物,使人舒适的事 (可数)

The hotel has many comforts.

A cup of hot milk is a comfort in the cols winter night.

3) in comfort We live in comfort.

Vt I tried to comfort him, but I could say nothing.

Adj comfortable The seat is comfortable to sit in.

adv comfortably.

10. conclusion 结论make/ reach / arrive at/ come to / draw a conclusion 下结论

11. condition

1) cn 条件,状况 in /under a good /bad condition(S)

2) conditions 情形,境况

3) 表示身体的健康状况 (不可数)

in condition 身体健康 out of condition 身体不好。

in the state of 处于某种状态

4) on condition that = if 如果, 在―――的条件下,条件是――

I will lend the book to you on condition that you don’t lend it to others.

12. continue Vt / vi continue to do sth = doing sth =go on with =go on doing =keep on doing

继续做同一件事, go on to do 继续做另一件事。

13. conflict n / vi 矛盾,冲突, 有分歧

In conflict 有矛盾,不一致 in conflict with sb 和――有矛盾/分歧

14.contact n 接触,联系

be in contact with 和―― 接触,有联系be out of contact with sb 脱离接触,失去联系

have contact with sb 和―― 有联系 lose contact with 和――失去联系

15. crazy a

1) be crazy for sth He is crazy for football.

2) be crazy about doing sth 疯狂干―― He is crazy about drinking .

16. cut off 切掉,切断, 突然中止

Cut down 砍倒(树) 削减 cut down on price /smoking

Cut in 插嘴, 突然插入

Cut into 把―― 切成―― , 侵犯利益


1. date back(to )回溯至----

注意: date back to / date from 没有被动语态。多用于一般现在式。

date n 约会 Mary has a date with her secretary.

2. debt n债务 in debt 欠债 out of debt 不欠债

In debt to sb= in sb’s debt 欠某人的债 pay off the debt 还清债务

3.depend on 依靠,信赖, 取决于

1) depend on sb /sth 相信/依靠某人 The price depends on the quality.

depend on sb to do sth 相信某人做某事 We can depend on itto solve the problem.

2)It all depends = That depends on it 看情况而定, 不一定

3)depend on / insist on / ask for / see to it that----

We depend on it that he will come.

4. die down 变弱,平息,消失 (强调结果)

die away (声音,光) 渐渐消失,风渐渐平息 (强调过程)

die out 灭绝,消失

5. direction n 方向,指导

a poor sense of direction 方向感差

in ---- direction = in the direction of --- 朝着―――的方向

in all directions = in every direction 朝四面八方

under the direction of 在―― 的指导下。

follow the direction 听从指导

6.Divide 分,划分,分开

divide between/among /with sb 在--- 之间分

divide sth into 把---分成 divide the apple into halves/ in two/in half

divide 把整体分为几部分

separate 把连在一起的或相邻的分割开

The world is divided into 7 continents.

The Tai wan strait separates Taiwan from Fu jian provience.

7. doubt 怀疑,疑惑 adj doubtful 不相信的,可疑的

n no doubt 无疑地,很可能 beyond a doubt 毫无疑问

Vt 怀疑,不信 I don’t doubt that he’ll come.

Vi 怀疑 + of/about He doubt about everything / He doubt of her success.

Doubt 后宾语从句中关联词的使用

1) 肯定句时, 名词从句用whether/if , when ,what 等连接

I doubt whether he’ll come.

2) 疑问句否定句时, 名词从句用that 连接。

Does any one doubt that it is so? 它原如此,有人怀疑吗?

I don’t doubt that he will come.

Are you _______of success?

A. dreadful B. doubtful C. historical D. miserable

8. dress up 盛装, 打扮, 装饰

1)Dress vt dress sb /oneself 给--- 穿衣服

2)Be dressed in + 衣服,颜色 Dressed in red, he is difficult to recognize.

3) dress up in 穿---来打扮 People here like dressing up in ancient clothes..

4) dress up as 打扮成---的样子 The old man dressed up as Santa clause.

5) dress up for He is dressing up for his birthday party.


1. educate vt /vi 教育,培养, 训练

1).educate sb in sth 教育某人 在---方面

Parents should educate children in how to spent money.

2).educate sb to do 教育某人做某事

The teacher educates his students to behave well in class.

3) educate oneself 自学

4)adj educated 受教育的,有教养的

2.endless adj 无穷的,无限的

She is a woman with _____ patience.

A. ending B. endless C. enormous D. large

ending 结局,结尾 enormous 巨大的,庞大的,多指超过限度

large 大的,侧重面积,范围, 容量

2. energy 能量,精力 (不可数) He has much energy.

1)adj energetic 精力旺盛的,有精力的

2) full of energy 精力充沛 burn up energy 燃烧能量

How much energy do you think you will burp up in the relay race?

Heat is a form of _______. A power B. force C. energy

Power 指电力,功率, 权力等

Force 指自然力和人力,也指暴力等影响力

3.Exist vi 存在,生存

There exists a kind of power that can make you win.

N existence

People do not now believe in the _____ of ghosts.

A. birth B . evidence C .existence D. occurrence

4. explain n explanation 解释说明

Explain to sb sth (suggest / express/ announce/ say/metion)

Explain oneself = give reasons

Is there any _____ for his conduct?

A. expression B. explanation C. experiment


1. faith 信仰,信赖,诺言,信念

have faith in sb/sth 信任某人,某物

have faith that ----

lose one’s faith 失去信心

adj faithful 忠诚的 be faithful to sb 对某人忠诚

2. fame 名声,名望 rise to fame=come to fame 成功,成名

be famous / well-known for nice scenery/ as a writer / to all of us

As is known to us ,------- = It is known that ----

3. fever 发烧

have /catch a fever/ cold / stomachache/ headache/toothache

4. fasten 栓紧, 抓紧, 使固定

1) fasten---- to --- Fasten the horse to the tree.

2) fasten one’s eyes on 盯着某人看

5. firm adj 动作稳定而有力的,牢固的

Stand firm 坚定立场 , 坚定不屈

We firmly believe in your leading.

5. fit vt fit sb vi fit to do sth 适合做某事

adj keep /stay fit 保持健康

be fit for sth/sb

6. Focus n (兴趣,活动等)中心,焦点

She always wants to be the focus of attention.

In focus 焦点对准 out of focus 焦点没对准

Focus one’s attention on sth = fix one’s eyes on sth

All eyes were fixed/focused on him.

7. Fortunately adv 反义 unfortunately

Fortunate adj 幸运的 , 多指由于某种有利的境遇,使人得到未曾预料到的成功或好的机遇。


He made a ____ decision when he went into adertising.

n fortune 运气, 命运,钱财,财产

Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door. 机会人人有,来了莫放手

Make a fortune 发财


1. gain vt 获得,增加gain/get/win the first prize

gain /earn/make one’s living

n 收获,增加 No pains, o gains.不劳无获

A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑长一智

2. Generation 代

From generation to generation /from generation to another

3. gift 礼物,赠品;天赋,才能。

The album of paintings in this museum is a __from an old professor.

A. gift B.present C.talent



Gobang:五子棋 Go to ! 去你的的意思。 Gift做“天赋”讲时,与talent意思相近。

4.graduate {vt. 毕业。主语一般为学校。

{vi. 毕业 graduate from

{n. 大学毕业生

The university graduated 400 students this summer.


5.guide n. 导游,向导,指南,指导

Vt. 引导,指导。带领。

It was the government that guided the country through the difficulties ahead.


guidance n. 指导。

under the guidance of 在…

6. get through


She got through the examination.

The message got through to us at last.这消息终于送到了我们这儿

Get through with one’s work 完成某人的工作

2) 完成

How long did it take you to get through the letter?

We should get through the work ahead of the deadline.

3)get through on the phone. 接通电话

4)度过时间 ,花钱

We got through a fortune while we were on holiday.我们度假花了一大笔钱。

Go through 仔细检查,全面考虑,研究;经历

Go through the items one by one. 逐条研究

Go through two stages. 经历两个阶段。


1. handkerchief (pl) ---handkerchieves-handkerchiefs

2. heat

1) n 热, 热量,热烈,压力a heat of five hundred degrees

2) vt heat --- to 把---加热到-- Heat the water to 100, it will boil.

3) n heating 供暖设备

4) adj. heated 热烈的 a heated discussion.

3. hold up 举起, 拿起,举出

1)hold back 阻止 No one can hold back the wheel of history.

Hold sb back from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

2)hold down 压制,镇压。

3)hold in 约束,抑制。 Hold oneself in 抑制自己的感情

4)hold on 电话不挂上

The speaker hold on for a full hour. 演讲得人讲了整整一小时

5)hold on to 抓住---不放; 坚持

In spite of various difficulities, he held on to the dream of returning to his homeland. 尽管困难重重,他始终没有 放弃回到家乡的梦想

6)hold off 不接近,拖延

We hope the rain will hold off till evening.


7)hold out 伸出,坚持,不屈服

Hold out till victory. 坚持到胜利

4. honour

1) 荣誉,尊敬, 名誉(不可数)


He is an honor of this school.

It is an honor for me to be invited to the party.

3) in honor of 纪念某人/向某人表示敬意

do sb honor= do honor to sb. 向某人表示敬意

4)。 Vt honor sb 向某人致敬

In order to honor him, I gave him some flowers.

5) sb be honored to do sth 很荣幸的做某事

I am honored to introduce Mr Smith.


1. imagination n . 想象, beyond the imagination超乎想象

想象力 have a strong/poor imagination

V imagine + n/pron/doing / 名词性从句

I can’t imagine going there without anybody else.

Adj imaginary 虚构的 imaginative 富有想象力的

2.Injury n 伤害,受伤处

receive/suffer an injury 受伤

do an injury to sb= do harm to 伤害某人

adj injured the injured

4. in order 按顺序,整齐 (反义) out of order

order vt 1) order sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

2).ordered that ----(should ) do

He ordered that he should return next day. (虚拟)

His orders were to return next day., (虚拟)

3) order sth to be done 要求---被做

n 1). Place an order with sb for sth 和某人订购---

2)order from 从----订购

3) obey/break the order 服从/违背

5. inspire vt 鼓励,鼓舞,激发 ,启示

inspire sb sth 鼓励某人

inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

His life of childhood inspired this novel.

What he said inspired me to cry.

adj inspiring 令人鼓舞的

Inspired 深受鼓舞的

His inspiring speech made us inspired.

6. intend vt 打算,将要

1). Intend sb to do sth Will you intend to stay long in London?

2) Intend to have done sth=had intended to do 本打算做而没做

I intended to have called on you, But I had an unexpected visitor.

3). Intend that + should do 倾向于---

We intended that the plan should carry out at once.

4). Sth be intended for 为---准备,专供---

These flowers were intended for your mother’s day.


1.keep up with 追赶,追上。

catch up with 赶上并超过

keep up 保持,使-不低落 keep up with the spirits.

come up with 提出


1. Lean 倚靠,倾斜

lean to/ towards 倾向于某种观点

He leaned to the view that we started of at once.

lean over 俯身在---上

lean on the table 靠着桌子

lean against the wall. 倚墙

2. Location 地方,位置

locate vt 使---坐落于-位于---

Their new house ___ by the river.他们的新房坐落于河边

A.lies in B. location C. is located D .is lied

be located = lie

3.lovely 好看的,可爱的,令人愉快的(口语)

a lovely child / a lovely landscape 明媚的景色

have a lovely afternoon. 过一个愉快的下午

live 活的,有生命的 (与dead 相对)特指动物。

lively 活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,生动的

The article gave a lively description on South American life.


living 活着的

alive 活着的,现场直播的

4. Light vt light a candle

Vi The wood is hard to light.

Adj lighted a lighted candle.

light up 照亮,容光焕发,放光


1. major

1). 主要的 ,大部分

The major part/ aspect/ person

2). Vi 主修 major in English.

3)专业 I am an English major./ My major is English.

N majority the majority of ---

Compared with the majority, you are lucky.

2. mainly = mostly 主要的,大部分的

Many Europeans are mainly English settlers here.

3. make a good choice

make a fire / make friends with sb/ make noise / make war/ make sure /

make a face /make a face at sb / make fun of

4. make up

1) 组成 5 girls and 6 boys made up the football team.

2) 编造He made up a frightening story to frighten us.

3) = dress up 打扮, 装扮,化装

4) Make up for 弥补 We should make up for the waste time.

5. make use of 利用

They don’t realize the use we made of the information.


They don’t realize the information we made use of.

6. mild 指生来情绪温和

gentle 指态度使人感到和蔼可亲,意思较mild 强

He could not say no to so many requests because he is a mild person.


7. Manage 设法,经营,对付

1). manage =run=operate They managed money well.

2) manage to do =succeed in doing 成功地做了某事

He tried to persuade me to give in, but he didn’t manage to .

3) 与can ,be able to ,could 连用,设法对付,设法办成

In spite of there is much trouble, they could manage to finish the work on time.

4) n manager 经理,经营者 management 管理,经营

8. Method with this method / in this way/ by this means

9. minority 少数的 the minority of

be in the/a minority 少数派


1. occur

1). Happen ,take place, come about ,occur

It occurred to me .

2). 出现,呈现= appear

The plants occurred only in Africa.

3). 浮现 A good idea occurred to me.

4). It happened /occurred to sb that 某人突然想起,突然发现---

It occurred to me that we could ask our neighbors to help us

2. operate

1).vt. 管理,经营操作

They operated a small company in the south of England.

It is easy to operate the machine.

2). Vi 运转,起作用

The medicine operates quickly.

3). Operate on/upon 动手术

The doctor operated on the injured man.

The injured man was operated on by the doctor.

3. opinion (不可数)

1). in one’s opinion = in one’s view

2). have a good/bad /worse opinion of sb.


1. pace 一步,速度,步调 He stands five paces behind me.

At the pace of three miles an hour 以每小时三英里的速度

At a slow/fast speed 走得快/慢

I f we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life ,we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.

2. part vi/vt 使分开/分离

Vi part from sb 与某人分开/分离/分手

N 部分;角色,作用; 零件

We are parts of society.

Women are playing an important part in socialist construction.妇女在社会主义建设中起着非常重要的作用。

Part with 放弃,出让 I suggested him to part with the house.

3. pay off 还清债务

pay for 为某物/某人付钱; 付钱买---; 为-付出代价

pay back 偿还,回报

pay up 全部付清,按时还清

One day, you will _____ this foolish behavior.

A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off

4. Pick up 拾起,捡起;开车接某人

Pick out 挑出,辨别出

Pick on sb 挑剔某人

Pick off 摘下

At 7:30, I’ll drive over to ____ you ___ . Please get ready at that time.

A. pick, on B. pick; out C. pick ; up D. pick; off

The signal for help was ______ by another ship which happened to be at hand.


1. balance vt/vi/n balance one’s diet

Lose/ keep one’s balance out of balance 失去平衡

adj balanced a balanced diet

2. bear -- bore --- borne 忍受 + n/ doing bear pain

Bore 出生 All men are born equal.

3. bend vt bend a bow 弯弓

Bend one’s mind to work 专心工作

Vi bend to sb/ sb’s will 屈服于某人的意志

4. be on good terms with sb 与某人关系好 Be on bad terms with sb .

terms 关系, 友谊, 地位

They are on familiar terms with each other. 他们彼此很熟悉。

Keep on good terms with sb. 同某人保持友好关系

5. besides adv 此外 I’m too tired to go, besides, it is too late.

Prep 除--- 之外 He didn’t agree with you except some details.

6. bring back 拿回来 bring back to life. 恢复生机

bring about 带来, 造成 bring about great changes.

What brought about his illness?

bring down 使倒下,使下降,打倒,击落

bring down the price /an enemy plane

I’m sure that the medicine will bring your fever down.

bring forth 产生 Weed through the old to bring forth the new. 推沉出新

bring forward 提出, 提议 Bring forward a new design.

bring in 提出, 引进, 获利,收获

bring out 使显现, 阐明, 出版, 生产

Bring out the meaning of a passage. 阐明一段文字的意义

bring up 教育, 培养, 养育, 提出(议题等)

7. bother n 麻烦, 困难

Vt 打扰, 麻烦, 使烦恼, 使难受

I’m busy, don’t _____ me.

A. borrow B. bother C. brother D. brook

vi. 担心,焦急, 费心

Don’t bother about answering this = Don’t bother to answer this.



1.call on sb = drop in on sb = visit sb = pay a visit to sb

Call on sb to do sth 号召某人----

Call at sp = drop in at sp =visit sp

Call for 需要, 要求, 去接某人,去取某物

Call in 请来,叫来

Call off 取消, 停止

Call up = ring up 打电话给--- 使回忆起--- The scene called up my childhood.

Call away 叫走

Call back 叫回去, 回电话

Call in 来访。 Call in ,or ring us up. 你可以亲自来,也可以打电话来。

As there was a power cat in the hospital , the surgeon had to _____the operation. A. call for B. call on C. call up D. call off

2. Celebration n 庆祝, 庆典。

V. celebrate 通常指对节日, 生日, 胜利, 结婚的纪念

They are ______ their grandmother’s seventieth birthday.

A. greeting B. joining C. congratulating D. celebrating

greet 表示致敬, 问候等; join 参加,加入

congratulate 祝贺,对象常指人 congratulate sb on sth 因--祝贺某人。

3。 Central a 中央的,中心的

The prime Minister is the central figure in the government.


n centre/center 中心, 中央(多和the 连用)

The city is the commercial ________ of the whole country.

A. middle B. center

center 可用来比喻某一方面占据重要位置 常用 at the center of

middle 通常指事物两端之间的位置, 常用词组为in the middle of

4. cheerful 愉快的, 高兴的

He is ________ in his mind.

A. cheerful B .merry C. glad 他心情愉快。

cheerful 多指人天性乐观, 在任何情况下都保持欣然的态度

merry 多指在节日或其他热闹场所表现出来的快乐情绪

Glad 暂时的喜悦

v. cheer 振奋, 欢呼,喝彩 cheer up. 高兴起来

5. climate

I would rather live in France because of the _______.

A. weather B. climate

climate 指某地区的长时间的天气特征,特别是气温,降雨,刮风等总的气候情况

weather 指某地区短时间内的特殊气候变化,如晴,雨,雪, 暖

6. certain

1) 一种, 一个,指单数 a Mr Smith = some Mr Smith

2) 某一些 certain students =/ some students

3) 确定, 有把握

Be certain of sth 对―――有把握

Be certain to do sth 一定要干某事

Sb be certain that / it is certain that

7. charge get / be / become charged

Vt. 1). 使充电,充满 charge the battery

be charged with = be filled with The bottle is charged with water.

2). 要价,收费 charge sb money for ---- 因―― 而收某人的钱。

He charged me 10 yuan for the book.

3). 控告某人 charge sb with sth The police charged him with driving after drinking.

4). 攻击。 The enemy charged us 3 times.

n. 1)费用 free of charge 免费 hotel charges 旅馆费

2) 管,看管 in charge of /take charge of 负责

in the charge of 由―― 负责

8. coast on the coast 在海岸 There are many ships resting on the coast.

Off the coast 在海上 There are a number of islands off the coast.

9. comfort

n 1) 安慰,舒适,安逸 (不可数) She finds much comfort in her son.

2) 给予安慰的人/物,使人舒适的事 (可数)

The hotel has many comforts.

A cup of hot milk is a comfort in the cols winter night.

3) in comfort We live in comfort.

Vt I tried to comfort him, but I could say nothing.

Adj comfortable The seat is comfortable to sit in.

adv comfortably.

10. conclusion 结论make/ reach / arrive at/ come to / draw a conclusion 下结论

11. condition

1) cn 条件,状况 in /under a good /bad condition(S)

2) conditions 情形,境况

3) 表示身体的健康状况 (不可数)

in condition 身体健康 out of condition 身体不好。

in the state of 处于某种状态

4) on condition that = if 如果, 在―――的条件下,条件是――

I will lend the book to you on condition that you don’t lend it to others.

12. continue Vt / vi continue to do sth = doing sth =go on with =go on doing =keep on doing

继续做同一件事, go on to do 继续做另一件事。

13. conflict n / vi 矛盾,冲突, 有分歧

In conflict 有矛盾,不一致 in conflict with sb 和――有矛盾/分歧

14.contact n 接触,联系

be in contact with 和―― 接触,有联系be out of contact with sb 脱离接触,失去联系

have contact with sb 和―― 有联系 lose contact with 和――失去联系

15. crazy a

1) be crazy for sth He is crazy for football.

2) be crazy about doing sth 疯狂干―― He is crazy about drinking .

16. cut off 切掉,切断, 突然中止

Cut down 砍倒(树) 削减 cut down on price /smoking

Cut in 插嘴, 突然插入

Cut into 把―― 切成―― , 侵犯利益


1. date back(to )回溯至----

注意: date back to / date from 没有被动语态。多用于一般现在式。

date n 约会 Mary has a date with her secretary.

2. debt n债务 in debt 欠债 out of debt 不欠债

In debt to sb= in sb’s debt 欠某人的债 pay off the debt 还清债务

3.depend on 依靠,信赖, 取决于

1) depend on sb /sth 相信/依靠某人 The price depends on the quality.

depend on sb to do sth 相信某人做某事 We can depend on itto solve the problem.

2)It all depends = That depends on it 看情况而定, 不一定

3)depend on / insist on / ask for / see to it that----

We depend on it that he will come.

4. die down 变弱,平息,消失 (强调结果)

die away (声音,光) 渐渐消失,风渐渐平息 (强调过程)

die out 灭绝,消失

5. direction n 方向,指导

a poor sense of direction 方向感差

in ---- direction = in the direction of --- 朝着―――的方向

in all directions = in every direction 朝四面八方

under the direction of 在―― 的指导下。

follow the direction 听从指导

6.Divide 分,划分,分开

divide between/among /with sb 在--- 之间分

divide sth into 把---分成 divide the apple into halves/ in two/in half

divide 把整体分为几部分

separate 把连在一起的或相邻的分割开

The world is divided into 7 continents.

The Tai wan strait separates Taiwan from Fu jian provience.

7. doubt 怀疑,疑惑 adj doubtful 不相信的,可疑的

n no doubt 无疑地,很可能 beyond a doubt 毫无疑问

Vt 怀疑,不信 I don’t doubt that he’ll come.

Vi 怀疑 + of/about He doubt about everything / He doubt of her success.

Doubt 后宾语从句中关联词的使用

1) 肯定句时, 名词从句用whether/if , when ,what 等连接

I doubt whether he’ll come.

2) 疑问句否定句时, 名词从句用that 连接。

Does any one doubt that it is so? 它原如此,有人怀疑吗?

I don’t doubt that he will come.

Are you _______of success?

A. dreadful B. doubtful C. historical D. miserable

8. dress up 盛装, 打扮, 装饰

1)Dress vt dress sb /oneself 给--- 穿衣服

2)Be dressed in + 衣服,颜色 Dressed in red, he is difficult to recognize.

3) dress up in 穿---来打扮 People here like dressing up in ancient clothes..

4) dress up as 打扮成---的样子 The old man dressed up as Santa clause.

5) dress up for He is dressing up for his birthday party.


1. educate vt /vi 教育,培养, 训练

1).educate sb in sth 教育某人 在---方面

Parents should educate children in how to spent money.

2).educate sb to do 教育某人做某事

The teacher educates his students to behave well in class.

3) educate oneself 自学

4)adj educated 受教育的,有教养的

2.endless adj 无穷的,无限的

She is a woman with _____ patience.

A. ending B. endless C. enormous D. large

ending 结局,结尾 enormous 巨大的,庞大的,多指超过限度

large 大的,侧重面积,范围, 容量

2. energy 能量,精力 (不可数) He has much energy.

1)adj energetic 精力旺盛的,有精力的

2) full of energy 精力充沛 burn up energy 燃烧能量

How much energy do you think you will burp up in the relay race?

Heat is a form of _______. A power B. force C. energy

Power 指电力,功率, 权力等

Force 指自然力和人力,也指暴力等影响力

3.Exist vi 存在,生存

There exists a kind of power that can make you win.

N existence

People do not now believe in the _____ of ghosts.

A. birth B . evidence C .existence D. occurrence

4. explain n explanation 解释说明

Explain to sb sth (suggest / express/ announce/ say/metion)

Explain oneself = give reasons

Is there any _____ for his conduct?

A. expression B. explanation C. experiment


1. faith 信仰,信赖,诺言,信念

have faith in sb/sth 信任某人,某物

have faith that ----

lose one’s faith 失去信心

adj faithful 忠诚的 be faithful to sb 对某人忠诚

2. fame 名声,名望 rise to fame=come to fame 成功,成名

be famous / well-known for nice scenery/ as a writer / to all of us

As is known to us ,------- = It is known that ----

3. fever 发烧

have /catch a fever/ cold / stomachache/ headache/toothache

4. fasten 栓紧, 抓紧, 使固定

1) fasten---- to --- Fasten the horse to the tree.

2) fasten one’s eyes on 盯着某人看

5. firm adj 动作稳定而有力的,牢固的

Stand firm 坚定立场 , 坚定不屈

We firmly believe in your leading.

5. fit vt fit sb vi fit to do sth 适合做某事

adj keep /stay fit 保持健康

be fit for sth/sb

6. Focus n (兴趣,活动等)中心,焦点

She always wants to be the focus of attention.

In focus 焦点对准 out of focus 焦点没对准

Focus one’s attention on sth = fix one’s eyes on sth

All eyes were fixed/focused on him.

7. Fortunately adv 反义 unfortunately

Fortunate adj 幸运的 , 多指由于某种有利的境遇,使人得到未曾预料到的成功或好的机遇。


He made a ____ decision when he went into adertising.

n fortune 运气, 命运,钱财,财产

Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door. 机会人人有,来了莫放手

Make a fortune 发财


1. gain vt 获得,增加gain/get/win the first prize

gain /earn/make one’s living

n 收获,增加 No pains, o gains.不劳无获

A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑长一智

2. Generation 代

From generation to generation /from generation to another

3. gift 礼物,赠品;天赋,才能。

The album of paintings in this museum is a __from an old professor.

A. gift B.present C.talent



Gobang:五子棋 Go to ! 去你的的意思。 Gift做“天赋”讲时,与talent意思相近。

4.graduate {vt. 毕业。主语一般为学校。

{vi. 毕业 graduate from

{n. 大学毕业生

The university graduated 400 students this summer.


5.guide n. 导游,向导,指南,指导

Vt. 引导,指导。带领。

It was the government that guided the country through the difficulties ahead.


guidance n. 指导。

under the guidance of 在…

6. get through


She got through the examination.

The message got through to us at last.这消息终于送到了我们这儿

Get through with one’s work 完成某人的工作

2) 完成

How long did it take you to get through the letter?

We should get through the work ahead of the deadline.

3)get through on the phone. 接通电话

4)度过时间 ,花钱

We got through a fortune while we were on holiday.我们度假花了一大笔钱。

Go through 仔细检查,全面考虑,研究;经历

Go through the items one by one. 逐条研究

Go through two stages. 经历两个阶段。


1. handkerchief (pl) ---handkerchieves-handkerchiefs

2. heat

1) n 热, 热量,热烈,压力a heat of five hundred degrees

2) vt heat --- to 把---加热到-- Heat the water to 100, it will boil.

3) n heating 供暖设备

4) adj. heated 热烈的 a heated discussion.

3. hold up 举起, 拿起,举出

1)hold back 阻止 No one can hold back the wheel of history.

Hold sb back from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

2)hold down 压制,镇压。

3)hold in 约束,抑制。 Hold oneself in 抑制自己的感情

4)hold on 电话不挂上

The speaker hold on for a full hour. 演讲得人讲了整整一小时

5)hold on to 抓住---不放; 坚持

In spite of various difficulities, he held on to the dream of returning to his homeland. 尽管困难重重,他始终没有 放弃回到家乡的梦想

6)hold off 不接近,拖延

We hope the rain will hold off till evening.


7)hold out 伸出,坚持,不屈服

Hold out till victory. 坚持到胜利

4. honour

1) 荣誉,尊敬, 名誉(不可数)


He is an honor of this school.

It is an honor for me to be invited to the party.

3) in honor of 纪念某人/向某人表示敬意

do sb honor= do honor to sb. 向某人表示敬意

4)。 Vt honor sb 向某人致敬

In order to honor him, I gave him some flowers.

5) sb be honored to do sth 很荣幸的做某事

I am honored to introduce Mr Smith.


1. imagination n . 想象, beyond the imagination超乎想象

想象力 have a strong/poor imagination

V imagine + n/pron/doing / 名词性从句

I can’t imagine going there without anybody else.

Adj imaginary 虚构的 imaginative 富有想象力的

2.Injury n 伤害,受伤处

receive/suffer an injury 受伤

do an injury to sb= do harm to 伤害某人

adj injured the injured

4. in order 按顺序,整齐 (反义) out of order

order vt 1) order sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

2).ordered that ----(should ) do

He ordered that he should return next day. (虚拟)

His orders were to return next day., (虚拟)

3) order sth to be done 要求---被做

n 1). Place an order with sb for sth 和某人订购---

2)order from 从----订购

3) obey/break the order 服从/违背

5. inspire vt 鼓励,鼓舞,激发 ,启示

inspire sb sth 鼓励某人

inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

His life of childhood inspired this novel.

What he said inspired me to cry.

adj inspiring 令人鼓舞的

Inspired 深受鼓舞的

His inspiring speech made us inspired.

6. intend vt 打算,将要

1). Intend sb to do sth Will you intend to stay long in London?

2) Intend to have done sth=had intended to do 本打算做而没做

I intended to have called on you, But I had an unexpected visitor.

3). Intend that + should do 倾向于---

We intended that the plan should carry out at once.

4). Sth be intended for 为---准备,专供---

These flowers were intended for your mother’s day.


1.keep up with 追赶,追上。

catch up with 赶上并超过

keep up 保持,使-不低落 keep up with the spirits.

come up with 提出


1. Lean 倚靠,倾斜

lean to/ towards 倾向于某种观点

He leaned to the view that we started of at once.

lean over 俯身在---上

lean on the table 靠着桌子

lean against the wall. 倚墙

2. Location 地方,位置

locate vt 使---坐落于-位于---

Their new house ___ by the river.他们的新房坐落于河边

A.lies in B. location C. is located D .is lied

be located = lie

3.lovely 好看的,可爱的,令人愉快的(口语)

a lovely child / a lovely landscape 明媚的景色

have a lovely afternoon. 过一个愉快的下午

live 活的,有生命的 (与dead 相对)特指动物。

lively 活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,生动的

The article gave a lively description on South American life.


living 活着的

alive 活着的,现场直播的

4. Light vt light a candle

Vi The wood is hard to light.

Adj lighted a lighted candle.

light up 照亮,容光焕发,放光


1. major

1). 主要的 ,大部分

The major part/ aspect/ person

2). Vi 主修 major in English.

3)专业 I am an English major./ My major is English.

N majority the majority of ---

Compared with the majority, you are lucky.

2. mainly = mostly 主要的,大部分的

Many Europeans are mainly English settlers here.

3. make a good choice

make a fire / make friends with sb/ make noise / make war/ make sure /

make a face /make a face at sb / make fun of

4. make up

1) 组成 5 girls and 6 boys made up the football team.

2) 编造He made up a frightening story to frighten us.

3) = dress up 打扮, 装扮,化装

4) Make up for 弥补 We should make up for the waste time.

5. make use of 利用

They don’t realize the use we made of the information.


They don’t realize the information we made use of.

6. mild 指生来情绪温和

gentle 指态度使人感到和蔼可亲,意思较mild 强

He could not say no to so many requests because he is a mild person.


7. Manage 设法,经营,对付

1). manage =run=operate They managed money well.

2) manage to do =succeed in doing 成功地做了某事

He tried to persuade me to give in, but he didn’t manage to .

3) 与can ,be able to ,could 连用,设法对付,设法办成

In spite of there is much trouble, they could manage to finish the work on time.

4) n manager 经理,经营者 management 管理,经营

8. Method with this method / in this way/ by this means

9. minority 少数的 the minority of

be in the/a minority 少数派


1. occur

1). Happen ,take place, come about ,occur

It occurred to me .

2). 出现,呈现= appear

The plants occurred only in Africa.

3). 浮现 A good idea occurred to me.

4). It happened /occurred to sb that 某人突然想起,突然发现---

It occurred to me that we could ask our neighbors to help us

2. operate

1).vt. 管理,经营操作

They operated a small company in the south of England.

It is easy to operate the machine.

2). Vi 运转,起作用

The medicine operates quickly.

3). Operate on/upon 动手术

The doctor operated on the injured man.

The injured man was operated on by the doctor.

3. opinion (不可数)

1). in one’s opinion = in one’s view

2). have a good/bad /worse opinion of sb.


1. pace 一步,速度,步调 He stands five paces behind me.

At the pace of three miles an hour 以每小时三英里的速度

At a slow/fast speed 走得快/慢

I f we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life ,we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.

2. part vi/vt 使分开/分离

Vi part from sb 与某人分开/分离/分手

N 部分;角色,作用; 零件

We are parts of society.

Women are playing an important part in socialist construction.妇女在社会主义建设中起着非常重要的作用。

Part with 放弃,出让 I suggested him to part with the house.

3. pay off 还清债务

pay for 为某物/某人付钱; 付钱买---; 为-付出代价

pay back 偿还,回报

pay up 全部付清,按时还清

One day, you will _____ this foolish behavior.

A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off

4. Pick up 拾起,捡起;开车接某人

Pick out 挑出,辨别出

Pick on sb 挑剔某人

Pick off 摘下

At 7:30, I’ll drive over to ____ you ___ . Please get ready at that time.

A. pick, on B. pick; out C. pick ; up D. pick; off









1、在授课过程中注意渗透英语构词法中最基本的三种类型:派生(Derivation),合成(Compounding)和转化(Conversion)。记单词是让很多人头疼的事情,不过单词与单词之间其实是有联系的。这就是我们要说的———构词法。英语的构词法主要包括:转化词、派生词、合成词、混成词、截短词、缩略词等,其中前三种最为重要。在高一课时如此紧张的情形下,如果经常大篇幅、孤立地开展一些有关英语构词法的课堂是不可取的、不科学的,也是学生不爱听的。怎么办?唯有将之渗透到平时的课堂教学中去。比如,在教完高中英语北师大版模块一的第一单元lifestyle后,可以在老师的引导下对这一单元的词汇进行归类,渗透英语构词法的认识与运用。例如高中英语北师大版Unit1 lifestyle词汇中“lifestyle”是合成词,由“life”“生活”和“style”“方式,样式”构成,意为“生活方式”。在句子“He won all his family’s support”中“support”是名词,在句子“Don’t worry,all your friends and your family will always support you.”中“support”是动词,实现了词性的转化。“sickness”是一个派生词,由词根“sick”“生病的”(形容词)加名词后缀“ness”构成名词“生病”。按照这样的方法,我指令学生对北师大版高一英语必修一第一单元的一些词汇进行归类。例如:合成词questionnaire,paperwork,midnight,forecast,mini-skirt,转化词volunteer,challenge,graduate,support,design,nearby,circle,expert派生词peaceful,relaxing,stressful,avertisement,classical,formal等。学生基本能够分析正确。这样的课堂渗透教学,活学活用,大受学生的欢迎。


再通过举例子的方法引导学生熟悉词在各种场合使用。有时可以通过完成句子的方式让学生体会、运用构词法记忆词汇。例如Our class(班级,名词)is a big class,everyone has different taste on music,some likes folk music,some likes country music,some likes pop music,but I like classical(古典的,形容词)music.在此例中,通过在名词class后加上ical派生出形容词classical,学生充分体会到名词class(主语,在句首,位于形容词性物主代词后)与形容词classical(定语,位于名词前,起到修饰名词classical的作用)的用法。再拿success(成功)为例:

1.Wang Fei and Na Ying’s concert in 1998 was a great success.(n.(位于形容词后作表语)

2.Liu Dehua is a successful actor.(adj.)(位于名词前作定语修饰名词actor)

3.Liu Xiang worked hard and finally he succeeded.(v.)(在句中做谓语,位于主语后)

4.The workers finished building the bridge successfully.(adv.)(位于动词后修饰动词finish)

适当利用词性变化记忆词汇可以有效拓宽词汇的同时,融入词的用法,更好地正确说英语、用英语,上好英语词性变化课,可以帮助学生顺利完成高考的完形填空题、语法填空题以及可以更好地保障学生写作时用词的准确。例如:The tree was so high that the Death was____to climbed up the tree to pick the pears.A.unwilling B.willing C.willingly D.unwillingly答案选择A.从句子结构“so…that…”和单词“high”我们可知道“死神不愿意爬上高高的树摘梨子。”根据构词法,动词后加了“ing”可变为形容词或名词,以“ly”结尾一般是副词(除了一些特殊词,如friendly,daily,weekly等),在形容词或副词前加上前缀“un”表示否定。“be”动词后一般跟形容词。词根“will”表示“意愿”之意。所以本题“be unwilling to”构成短语“不愿意干某事”,与题意相符。




另外,我以教材为依托,引导学生通过阅后分析句子或词汇来拓展英语词汇。例如北师大高一英语必修一Unit2 Lesson1 National Hero这一篇有关杨利伟乘神五上太空的文章,其中有一句这样的话:“At 6:23a.m.on October 16th,Yang Liwei landed in Inner Mongolia safely.”在高一教辅书《随堂创新训练》同步练习中的一篇阅读再次出现“land”这一单词。“Scientists also say that men can begin to live in cities under the sea,when there is not enough space on the land.”在教学了构词法后,我指导学生分析这两个句子,看看“land”的词性和意思是否一样。学生指出:第一句中的"“land”是动词“着陆,登陆”之意;第二句的“land”是名词“陆地”之意。我进一步提示学生可以通过阅读来积累短语等,例如“on the land”,“land in some place”。在这一过程中,学生运用了构词法中的转化法记忆单词并有效拓展了短语。我赞扬了学生并鼓励他们在以后的英语学习中做个有心人,多观察、多分析、多归纳、多积累,就会习得更多的英语词汇。


语言环境对外语学习起着重要作用,所以教师应很好地运用课堂教学这个语言环境坚持听说领先,直观情景,让学生有多听、多说、多读和多运用语言的机会。在上完一课书或者一个单元后,教师可要求学生用学过的词汇编写小故事。如果学生刚开始做不到,老师可以根据单元的词汇用中文编一个小故事,让学生翻译,这样也可达到使用、巩固英语词汇的目的。例如在教完北师大模块一Unit1 Lesson one后,我设计了一个小故事让学生翻译。故事内容如下:杨利伟是我们的民族英雄。为了完成国家交给他的任务,他刻苦训练。每天闹铃一响,他就从床上跳起来,花几分钟洗漱、换衣后,就赶往训练场。他往往是第一个到达训练场的人。他每天至少要训练8小时,从没有时间看看电视。可是他从不抱怨。当记者问及他是否适应这样的生活时,他笑着回答:“我喜欢忙碌的生活,当然如果没有家人的支持,我是无法享受我的工作的。”在这个小故事中,学生要用到本课的重点词汇“workaholic,alarm clockgo off,wake up,jump out of,get changed,the first person to…,spend(time)on/in doing something,switch on,complain about,lifestyle,be busy doing something,couldn’t do something without someone.”等。这样一些小故事肯定比做一道道的翻译题有趣得多。半个学期的坚持后,学生基本上能够自编自译小故事了。有的优秀生甚至可以直接运用词汇编写英语小故事在班上表演了。







关键词:困境 衔接 孤立 语境 运用




初中的教材相对于高中的教材来说,比较浅显,句型和篇章结构要求较低,词汇量要求达到五级,要求掌握的词汇量为使用1000个左右的单词,200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配,只要求理解词汇的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义;而高中对学生词汇的要求大大提高,要求达到七级标准,要求学会使用2400-2500个单词和300-400个习惯用语或固定搭配。除词汇量变大之外,还要求对词汇的词性,词义变化以及日常生活中出现的新词汇都要求理解,掌握。面对新课标对学生掌握的词汇难度的大幅度提高,学生往往不知所措,理不清头绪,对高中英语学习产生畏惧感。 在练习中,学生纷纷反映难度较大的听力和阅读,其中词汇就是一大原因。对此,作为衔接初,高中英语教学的高一老师必须要根据词汇学习的规律找到衔接点。


















1. 找到症结所在,激发学生学习的信心、兴趣



2. 在语篇中学习词汇,在语境中培养语感,在运用中记住词汇






1.《高一词汇衔接教学的有效性初探 》 李春艳

2.《 词汇教学存在的问题与策略的探讨》 王太兵


主备: 阚德琴

1. be used to

(1). be used to do sth. 被用来做某事.

This computer is used to do the accounts. 这台电脑用来算帐.

(2). be/ get used to (doing ) sth习惯于(做)某事.

You will soon get/ become used to the life here. 不久你就会习惯这里的生活的

我习惯于早起. I am used to getting up early.

(3). used to do sth 过去常常做某事.

我过去通常骑自行车上学. I used to go to school by bike.

(小试). 1. Plastics can C many kinds of things

A. used to make B. be used to making

C. be used to make D. used to making

2. Although the stick is used to D us from dangers in the forest, I am not used to___ it.

A. protect; use B. protecting; using C. protecting; use D. protect; using

3. When he was a boy, he A in this river.

A. used to swim B. used to swimming C. was used to swim D. used to be swimming

2. persuasive adj有说服力的, 令人信服的

persuade vt 说服; 劝服 persuasion n说服; 劝服

persuade sb to do (into doing sth) 说服某人做某事

persuade sb not to do (out of doing) sth 说服某人停止做某事, 劝阻

她终于说服了她儿子去上大学. She finally persuaded her son to go to college.

He persuaded me out of the idea of dropping the experiment.


(注意) persuade 表示 “已劝服”, 强调动作的结果; 如果表示劝说某人做某事, 未必获得

成功, 则应说advise sb to do sth 或try to persuade sb to do sth.


3. lie vi 撒谎 n 谎言, 谎话

Facts never lie. 事实从不骗人.

Lies cannot cover up facts 谎言掩盖不了事实.

lie -------- lied --------- lied ---------lying 说谎

lie -------- lay ---------- lain -------- lying 躺着

lay --------laid --------- laid -------- laying 放, 置, 产卵, 下蛋

The girl D on the ground _________ to me that she had ______ the book on the shelf.

A. lying; lay; laid B. lay; lied; lain C. lie; lied; lay D. lying; lied; laid

4. lead vt 过(某种生活); 领导; 引导

Who is going to lead the expedition? 率领

The servant led the guests upstairs. 带领

The dog is leading a blind man across the street. 带路, 牵引

What led you to believe the story? 致使, 使得

We are leading a full life. 过(某种生活 )

(联想) lead /led/ n 铅; (铅笔中的)铅心

leader n 领导者

leading adj 第一位的; 主要的; 最重要的

(拓展) lead a …life 相当于 live/ have a … life 过着……的生活

lead to 通向; 导致 (to是介词)

lead sb to do sth 导致某人做某事.

5. intended adj (为…而) 打算的/ 设计的

be intended to do sth 打算被用来………(被动)

intend sb/ sth to do sth 打算使某人做某事 (主动)

intend to do sth 想做某事, 打算做某事

be intended for 为…而打算/ 设计的

He intends to study abroad next year. 他打算明年到国外学习

He intends his son to manage the company. 他打算让儿子经营公司.

This dictionary is intended for children. 这本字典是给小孩用的

6. recommend vt 推荐

(1) 推荐; 推举; 介绍

I recommended him for a post 我给他介绍了个工作

Recommend sb as a good cook 推荐某人说他是个好厨师

Can you recommend a good dictionary to me? 你能向我介绍一本好的词典吗?

(2) 劝告; 建议

I recommend that you inquire about the job. 我建议你打听一下这项工作

The doctor recommended the patient to take his advice. 医生劝病人接受他的忠告.

7. up to (1) 多达 (2) 直到, 不多于 (3) 正在忙于某事 (4) 由…来决定 (5) 可与某事物相

比较 (6) 能胜任

Count up to twenty 数到20

Up to now she has been weeping 知道现在她还在哭

What is he up to? 他在做什么?

-------- Where shall we go to spend the weekend?

-------- It’s up to you . 由你决定

up to one’s usual standard 达到某人平时的水平

He is not up to the part of Othello 他不能胜任奥赛罗的角色

(归纳) up to now 直到现在(与现在完成时连用)

It’s up to do sb to do sth 做某事是某人的责任

Sb be up to (doing ) sth (1) 某人能胜任(做)某事 (2) 正在干, 从事着 (尤指坏事)

1.His younger brother is not A to him.

A. similar B. alike C. like D. equal

2. He persuaded me B lending him all my savings.

A. of B. into C. to D. out

3. The band has gone on tour to C their new album.

A. rise B. encourage C. promote D. support

4. The goals B he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

A. after which B. for which C. with which D. at which

5. He is connected C the Smiths by marriage.

A. to B. by C. with D. from

6. Does Robert say anything that D you especially?

A. agrees with B. applies for C. attracts to D. appeals to

7. Don’t make yourself D a tiresome man

A. to be B. be C. as D. /

8. They are A a happy __________.

A. living; life B. making; live C. having; live D. spending; life

9. Mr. liu said “My pay B 3 times this year”.

A. was raised B. has been raised C. has risen D. was being raised

10. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows C

A. it what to do with B. what to do it with

C. what to do with it D. to do what with it

11. The right words at just the right time could totally make someone’s life D

A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed

12. A new cinema D here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built

13. Both the concerts will be broadcast A in a minute.

A. live B. alive C. living D. lively

14. When D help, one often says “ Thank you ” or “It’s kind of you ”

A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered

15. You need a B rest, for you look so tired.

A. completed B. complete C. completing D. completely

16. Public A of the problem will make the government take it seriously.

A. awareness B. existence C. evidence D. offer

17. She says I ignored her, but I didn’t B



Rare(ad.)----rarely fog(a.)----foggy truth(a.)---true

Firmly(a.)--- firm freeze(a.)---freezing distance(a.)---distant

Darkness(a.)---dark change(a.)---changeable deadly(n.)--- death

Deeply(n.)---depth treatment(v.)---treat volunteer(v.)---volunteer

Deserted(v.)--- desert stressed(v./ n.)--- stress; stress data(单数)----datum

Sweat(形似词)---sweet drown(形似词)---drawn reduce(反义词)---increase

Accept(反义词)---refuse latter(反义词)---former impossible(反义词)---possible

Fear(反义词)---fearlessness likely(反义词)---unlikely unpleasant(反义词)---pleasant

Nowhere(反义词)----everywhere sniff(近义词)---smell observe(近义词)---watch

Method (近义词)---way tip(近义词)---advice chance(近义词)---possibility

Rough(反义词)---smooth ignore(近义词组)---pay no attention to

Beat(过去式,过去分词)----beat; beaten stick(过去式,过去分词)----stuck; stuck

Fly(过去式,过去分词)--- flew; flown tap(过去式,过去分词)--- tapped, tapped

Panic(过去式,过去分词,现在分词)---panicked; panicked; panicking


Watch out for …留心... make achievements取得成就 glance at扫视

Step out into …走出去到... hold one’s nose捏住鼻子 in sight看得到

Stare(up) at (抬头)凝视 after midnight午夜之后 wish for 盼望

Make a decision做出出决定 be lost in the fog在雾中迷路 set off出发

Reach out 伸出(手) bang into 不小心撞到 breathe in 吸入

Pay back 报答,偿还 feel frightened感到害怕 work out 制定

Turn to 变成 by underground乘地铁 go hungry挨饿

By sight根据外表或形象 make progress取得进步 manage to do 设法做

Lose sight of看不见 be related to 和... in the distance 在远处

Make the most of 充分利用 set sail for ... get close to 靠近

Take the pain忍受疼痛 the sixth sense第六感 make sense 有意义

Compared to 与。。。相比较 ring out发出响亮的声音 can’t afford买不起

As long as possible尽可能长地 warm sb. Up使某人暖和起来

Express one’s thanks to sb. 向某人致谢 follow one’s advice听从某人的建议

In a scientific study在一个科学研究中 have something to do with 与。。。有关

Have high blood pressure 有高血压 be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住

Can’t help doing禁不住作某事 in everyday life在日常生活中

Hold sb still使某人一动不动 lose one’s sense of taste失去味觉

Over a long distance越过很长的一段距离 be likely to do 很有可能做

Take one’s usual bus home乘某人常坐的车回家

Contact sb. Through the newspaper 通过报纸和某人联系



Simplify(a.)---simple eventually(a.)----eventual standard(a.)-standard

Record (n.)---record create(n.)---creation contribute(n.)---contribution

Racial(n.)---race combine(n.)---combination direction(v.)----direct

Promise(n.)---promise confusing(v.)---confuse development(v.)---develop

Ending(v.)---end drawing(v.)---draw pronunciation(v.)---pronounce

Action(v.)-act pure(n.)---purity replace(n.)---replacement

Ox(复数)---oxen process(形似词)---progress disagree(反义词)---agree

Upper(反义词)---lower servant(反义词)---master modern(反义词)---ancient

depend(近义词)-rely indicate(近义词) ---suggest

Originally(a./n)---original; origin differ(a./n.)---different; difference


Stand for 代表 all over the world 全世界 be made up of 由…组成

Pick up拿起,捡起 differ from不同于 consist of 由…构成

Lift up 拿起,举起 back and forth来回 take control of 控制

Result in 结果导致 a waste of time浪费时间 work as 担当;担任

As a whole 总体上 mainland China中国大陆 upper class people上层人士

Mother tongue 母语 looke into one’s eyes直视某人 a pair of words一对词

Lose face丢脸 in addition 另外 throw away丢掉

Right away立刻 in a word 总之 sort out安排,拣选,分类

Instead of 代替,而不是 set a standard确立标准 look forward to 期望

Take action采取行动 what if倘使。。。将会怎样 care about 关心,担心

Look up查找,向上看 Chinese character中国汉字 at one time一度,曾经

Agree with 同意,适应 turn into使变成 solve a problem解决问题

Body language 肢体语言 sign language 手语up and down 上上下下

Official language官方语言get one’s attention吸引某人的注意

Have an impact on对。。。造成冲击 stop sb. Doing sth.阻止某人做某事

Inform sb. About sth通知某人做某事 replace….with用…来替代

Have a word with sb.和某人说句话 take…into consideration 考虑到…

Depend on 视…而定 mix … with… 把…与…混和

Contribute to有助于,是…的成因之一 disagree about sth在某事上有分歧

Simplified Chinese character简体汉字 develop from…into 由…发展为

In the 1950s在20世纪50年代 exchange information交换信息

Get along with进展,相处 undergo huge changes经历巨大的变化

牛津高中英语模块三Unit 3重点词汇与短语


burial(v. ) ---- bury wealthy(n.)--- wealth commercial(n.)--- commerce

erupt(n.)--- eruption cultural(n.)--- culture similarity(a.)--- similar

destroy(a.)--- destructive(n.)---destruction director(a.)-direct( 反义词)---indirect

poetry(诗人)--- poet unfortunately(反义词)--- fortunately

memorial(v.)---memorize(n.)--- memory

remains(v.)-remain remains意为遗迹时常用复数

ruin(动词词义;名词词义)--- 毁坏,废墟(常用复数形式)



Be in use 在使用中 set sail for 去航去 by the time 到…时候

As early as 早在 in the future将来 take over 接管,接任,控制

Lead to 导致 in memory of 纪念 in return for 作为……的回报

Burial chamber墓室 lost civilization失落的文明 carry out实施,执行,进行

No more不再 be off to 出发去 too…to 太…而不能

Pour out 涌出,倾泻 go to a lecture去听演讲 more than 多于, 不仅仅

Be buried alive被活埋 be covered with被…覆盖

Neither … nor 既不…也不 not only …but also不但…而且

On board在船上,飞机上或火车上 in good condition处于良好的状态

Prevent sb. from sth/ doing sth 阻止某人做某事 declare war against 向…宣传
