














本文由长沙雅思培训http://1179.peixun360.com/ 整理发布





写作方面,要想上7分,就怕没思想,平时做阅读的时候遇到好的idea,或者好的语法表达,全都记下来,写作的时候,别用模板句去撑字数,千篇 一律的话,是不可能上7分的。大家不信可以看下作文纸考官那一栏,有一项叫Memorized,所以千万别信那些所谓帮你上7分的万能句,万一被考官发现某句话有背诵痕迹,是要扣分的。总之,要用思想去支撑字数,而不是模板句。大家可在小站站内搜索“考官范文”,学学什么叫言简意赅。



8月雅思写作预测题目:群教还是因材施教。Some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give special courses. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Putting students of different abilities together makes it possible for them to help and encourage each other, and even have cooperation, which can do justice to their respective potentials.

To separate students according to their scores, on one hand, inject a sense of superiority into the minds of those who stand out, and, on the other hand, make those who are ordinary feel self-?‐abased. It is known to all that pride makes people weak in front of frustration and inconfident students dare not to face various challenges when they grow up. It furthure causes a hostile and discriminating atmosphere which should not be allowed in the school by any means.


When the class is a blend of students who widely different on academic performance, it is highly unlikely that the teachers can successfully choose the difficulty which suits all students, and during this dilemma, it become hardly possible for them to ensure the teaching efficiency.

Pooling intelligent students can help improve the competition in the class, and in the most ideal case, teachers simply can let peer pressure play the role when classmates’ high marks become the impetus for more painstaking study.

Students’ under-?‐performance on one kind of subjects, e.g. math and physics does not mean that they are incompetent on other ones. Education is more a matter of finding out what students are good at but not of how to make them become excellent on subjects we believe they should do well, e.g. in the current modern society, even playing computer games can be one’s promising career. 教育应该泛还是专(兴趣爱好不同,没有必要逼迫)



Some people believe teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe they should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


208月雅思写作预测题目:科技加大贫富差距。Some people think technological development increases the gap between the rich and the poor, while others believe it has the opposite effects. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


IT industry is the most sought-?‐after (趋之若鹜的) area of business, therefore quite a few shareholders of IT companies become millionaires, billionaires and even zillionaires overnight, e.g. Bill Gates.

Modern technology has literally changed every corner of the world, and people’s lives basically revolve around it. Some people take advantage of it, amassing (积聚) wealth in a short period of time, e.g Mark Zuckerburg.

Technological tycoons and their shareholders monopolise social resource, e.g. opportunity for good education and well-?‐paying investment, leaving the disadvantaged untended.


Responding to the huge demand for technology, companies have to expand their scale, which created numerous well-?‐paid job opportunities for engineers, programmers, salespeople, etc. 空中飞行只能由富人享受, 而不是穷人 (高科技量产后就能降低价格,被大众接受)

The success of high-?‐tech enterprises is an inspiring role model to people, which encourages the appearance of thousands of millions of money-?‐making micro-?‐enterprises, e.g. the C2C shops on Taobao.

Governments can make use of technology to benefit their people, e.g. they can exploit the internet service to deliver schooling online to remote areas, and they can redistribute the tax collected from profitable high-?‐tech companies to impoverished people. 空中飞行只能


方式是火车 ,而火车的发明早于飞机 ,所以经济实力稍差的人会选择做火车 。但 对于一些主要由岛屿组成的国家,便宜的飞行就可以建设起来)


Technology does not trigger the exploding of wealth gap, as long as the society and the government make proper use of it.



Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. The ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

年8月雅思写作预测题目:学历史带来的价值多还是少。Some people think that the subjects and lesson contents for children should be decided by authorities, e.g. central government. Others think that teachers should decide these for students. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some people think that history is of little or no use to us. Others, however, argue that studying history gives many benefits. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Studying the past is a waste of time, money and energy, since things in the past were

out-?‐dated and therefore bear little relevance to the present-?‐day problems.

支持后者 所有人都应该读满18 年的书

A close look on the variation of history can shed light on (揭示) the overall trend of countries and the world at large, and is therefore a compass to us when considering our grave future decisions, e.g. the study of historical data reveals the law of economy, and assists people to make correct and appropriate investment plan. 大学教育是为了就业还 是其它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质,人际); 教育应该泛还是专

A sign of one’s maturity is to be able to think critically. This ensures people to judge and behave sensibly, as well as to keep an impartial attitude towards people and occurrences,

e.g. the truth about human nature is exposed in history, which offers us a rational perspective when confronted with complicated situations. 大学教育 是为了就业还是其 它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质,人际); 教育应该泛还是专


learning history is not the same as learning FROM it.



University should prepare students for employ or have other functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

所有人都应 该读满 18 年的书

Everybody should stay in school until 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people believe teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe they should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

32. 留学利弊

More and more students choose to go to another country for their higher education. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the benefits outweigh the problems associated with it?


Students can benefit from the academic yields and take adavantage of the art-?‐of-?‐the-?‐state facilities by entering famous oversea universities.

By encountering students from different cultures, students can acquire a wider range of horizon and become more open-?‐minded.

A degree from a prestigious university is beneficial for students to obtain a well-?‐paid job and a promising career after graduation.


It is predictably hard for foreign students, especially at the beginning, to get used to local life, e.g. food and customs. And phychologically, it is not only homesick, also the difficulty of getting involved in local society either because of language barrier or of cultural difference that can lead to serious depression and solitude.

Quite a few students lack the basic surviving skills, e.g. cooking, patching and even making beds. Also, due to the absence of parental supervision, young foreign students (under 18) may easily misbehave, e.g. skipping classes, drinking and even taking drugs. 寄宿学校的利弊(寄宿学校锻炼自理能力)

In many cases, oversea study can cost quite a fortune, which becomes an unbearable financial burden for parents.







1. 从应聘公司和职位的角度预测问题



①Why do you want this job?

②What interests you about this job?

③What can you bring to this position?

④What can you do for this company?

⑤Why should we hire you?

⑥Why are you the best person for the job?

⑦What can you contribute to this company?



I’ve been very careful about the companies where I have applied. When I saw the ad for this position, I knew I had found what I was looking for. I can bring to this job my four years of sales experience and knowledge of the industry, plus my ability to communicate and build customer relationships. That, along with my flexibility and organizational skills, makes me a perfect match for this position. I see some challenges ahead of me here, and that’s what I thrive on. I have what you need, and you have what I want.


①What do you know about this company?

②How much do you know about our products?

③What are your views on our product display?

2. 从应聘者能力、素质的角度预测问题




Can you tell me a little about your personality?


What are your strengths and weaknesses?


①What type of people do you work with most effectively?

②Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?


①How did you handle the last conflict at work?

②If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something,how would you handle it?

③Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about? How did you do it?


①How do you manage your time on a typical day?

②What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an example of how you handle it.

③How would you describe the pace at which you work?


How do you handle stress and pressure?


①What motivates you?

②What are you passionate about?


What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?


Tell me about a time when you had to plan and coordinate a project from start to finish.


①Tell me the most difficult problem you’ve ever solved.

②Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem.


①How do you evaluate success?

②What did you value the most about your previous job?


3. 从应聘者工作经历的角度预测问题



①Tell me a little bit about your present position and company. What exactly do you do now?

②What are the main duties and tasks in your current position?

③What were the main duties and tasks in your last position?

④Why are you leaving your current job?

⑤What major challenges and problems did you face in your current/previous job? How did you handle them?

⑥What was the biggest accomplishment in this position?

⑦What was the biggest failure in this position?

⑧What were the best aspects of your previous job?

⑨What were the worst aspects of your previous job?

⑩What is the most important accomplishment you have made in your career?

4. 从应聘者职业规划和薪资期望的角度预测问题




①How do you see yourself in five years’ time? I mean, what are your goals for the next five years?

②What do you see yourself doing in five years? How do you plan to achieve your goal?


①What are your salary expectations?

②What kind of salary are you looking for?

③What kind of salary do you have in mind?


5. 从应聘者专业技能的角度预测问题。





①How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?

②How would you describe a typical day for the person doing this job?

③What are the priorities in this job?

④What are the most challenging aspects of this job?

⑤Can you tell me about the person I will be reporting to?

⑥What are the prospects for growth and advancement?

⑦What type of employees are most successful at this company?

⑧How do you measure success on the job?

⑨What is the company’s management style?



1. 准备好相关材料


2. 准备好笔和纸


3. 寻找一个安静的环境

应聘者应当尽量确保自己有一个安静环境来参加电话面试,这样在面试过程中才不会因为环境嘈杂而心绪不宁。如果应聘者在公交车上突然接到了面试电话,在没有任何准备而且环境噪音很大的情况下,不妨先试探地问一下来电者是否可以给你几分钟的准备时间,然后再开始面试。应聘者可以使用以下表达:“I’m now on the bus. Would it be possible for you to call me back in three minutes? I would appreciate it very much.”如果在家里,你需要获得家人的理解和支持,确保你在面试的时候,他们不会打搅你或制造噪音。需要注意的是,应聘者尽可能不要推迟面试,更不要向主考官索取太长的准备时间,这样会给主考官留下不好的第一印象。


John, who was born without ears, needed to hire a new bank manager. He set up three interviews.

The first guy was great. He knew everything he needed to know and was very interesting. But at the end of the interview, John asked him, “Do you notice anything different about me?”

“Why, yes, I couldn’t help but notice that you have no ears,” he replied. John did not appreciate his candor (直率) and threw him out of the office.

The second interview was with a woman, who had been with a bank a long time. She was even better than the first guy. But he asked her the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?”

“Well,” she said, “you have no ears.” John again got upset and tossed her out.

The third and final interviewee was the best of the bunch. He was a young man who had recently earned his MBA. He was smart. He was handsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the first two put together. John was anxious, but went ahead and asked the young man, “Do you notice anything different about me?” And much to his surprise, the young man answered, “Yes. You wear contact lenses (隐形眼镜).” John was shocked and realized this was an incredibly observant person. “How in the world did you know that?” he asked.

The young man replied, “Well, it’s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears!”

Banta Singh goes for an interview and there the interviewer tells him:

Interviewer: Banta Singh, you have to say the opposite of all that I say. OK?

Banta Singh: OK.

Interviewer: Made in India.

Banta Singh: Destroyed in Pakistan.

Interviewer: Good. Keep it up.

Banta Singh: Bad. Put it down.

Interviewer: Maxi—mum.

Banta Singh: Mini Dad.

Interviewer: Enough! Take your seat.

Banta Singh: Insufficient! Don't take my seat.

Interviewer: Idiot! Take your seat.

Banta Singh: Clever! Don't take my seat.

Interviewer: I say you get out!

Banta Singh: You didn't say I come in!

Interviewer: I reject you!

Banta Singh: You appoint me!














The Phoenicians inhabited the region of modern Lebanon and Syria from about 3000 BC. They became the greatest traders of the pre-classical world, and were the first people to establish a large colonial network. Both of these activities were based on seafaring, an ability the Phoenicians developed from the example of their maritime predecessors, the Minoans of Crete.

如果你划了the greatest traders/ colonial network/ seafaring,恭喜你,几乎练就阅读神功了。此三点都是出题点。





Short-answer Questions 简短回答问题

(1) What are candidates required to do? 考试要求

This task type requires candidates to answer questions about details in the passage. Questions usually relate to factual information. Candidates must write their answers in words or numbers on the Answer Sheet.

(2) How many words are candidates asked to write? 字数要求

Often the instructions will state ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, but sometimes ‘ONE word’, or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. Numbers can be written using figures or words.

(3) Are candidates penalised for writing more than the stated number of words字数限制

Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct word(s).

(4) What about contractions or hyphenated words? 缩写和连字符号

Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

(5) What skills are tested in this task type? 测试技能

This task type tests candidates’ ability to locate and understand precise information in the passage.

(6) Are the questions in text order? 题目顺序

The questions are usually arranged so that the answers appear in order in the passage.

(7) What text type is this task type used with? 文章类型

It is most likely to be used with a passage that contains a lot of factual information and detail.










雅思阅读平均每题所耗时间 = 60(分钟)/ 40(题)= 1.5(分钟/题)

本题型一次出题的平均题量(根据剑4-6统计)= 5.2(题)

因此可推出本题型平均可用时间 = 5.2(题)1.5(分钟/题)= 7.8(分钟)= 468(秒)

估计确定所有题干定位关键词所耗时间 = 30(秒)

阅读文章的平均字数 = 1000(字)

若寻读两遍,则所需阅读字数 = 1000 = (字)

若寻读两遍,则所需达到的阅读速度 = 2000(字)/ (468秒 – 30秒)= 4.6(字/秒)= 276(字/分钟)

英语教学专家Christine Nuttall在其Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language(Heinemann )一书中对于英语母语正常阅读速度是这样描述的:An L1 speaker of English, of about average education and intelligence, reads at about 300 wpm. 因此对于L2 speaker of English来说,作为一种快速简略阅读的寻读速度达到276 wpm并非是一个很高的要求,通过一定量的练习是完全可以达到的。如果我们寻读的速度能够达到这一要求,那么就可以有足够的时间对原文寻读两遍,而这就意味着每次寻读我们只需记住和寻找2-3个题干的定位关键词,这样的记忆能力通过解题训练也是完全可以具备的。具体解题方法见以下步骤:


2.题干定位关键词的确定 + 所在段落的预测(限时30秒)




题目:Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success.Others argue that happiness depends on completely other factors.Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion.In recent years, the discussion of whether personal happiness is directly associated to economic success has become a controversial issue.Notions toward it differ widely from person to person.Some people believe that happiness is related to economic success because only money can make people’s life more enjoyable.When it comes to economic success, the majority of people believe that money means a luxurious life.To begin with, if someone owns great success on economic, that means he can spend more money on whatever he likes and spend more time on his hobbies.Emotionally, money can buy happiness at least to some extent.That is to say, you can buy things that you like in order to fulfill your needs and vanities and this makes you feel happier.You can also enjoy the best education and social welfare.Thirdly,economic success implies high social class and status, which can make people feel happy and respectable.(51ielts.com)

Opponents, however, hold the view that happiness does not depend on economic success but completely other factors.First of all, numerous studies show that happy individuals are successful acros阿s multiple life domains, including marriage, income, work performance and health.The happiness exists not only because economic success makes people happy, but also because positive affect

engenders happiness.What’s more, It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure, but some of them sill lead a happy life because they keep the happy spirit.Last but not least, money can not buy everything, such as friendship, true love and health.You can buy things corporeal, but you can never spend money to ask for more time.In the final analysis, both sides have sound foundations.However, if asked to make a choice, I will not hesitate to assent to the latter.I firmly believe that

happiness is not only related to economic success but also links to other factors which are much more significant.
